Bananas - composition, beneficial properties and harm. Benefits of bananas Benefits of bananas for the body

Many inhabitants of our planet fell in love with the delicious pulp of bananas, but not everyone knows that they are berries, as they grow in grass that reaches a height of several meters.

Few people know that bananas contain a whole multivitamin complex with miners and other beneficial compounds that help fight serious diseases.

However, with excessive consumption of this fruit, disturbances in the work of some metabolic processes may occur, which causes irreparable harm to human health.

Almost all varieties that are found on modern shelves are bred artificially. All of them fall into two categories:

  1. Dessert varieties with a sweet taste and pleasant aroma;
  2. "Platano" - not suitable for food without heat and steam treatment. Such bananas have a hard peel of green or red color, and the flesh is unsweetened and tart in taste.

The disadvantage of artificially bred varieties of bananas is their instability to adverse environmental conditions. First, they are unable to reproduce themselves.

Currently, the most popular dessert varieties of bananas are Cavendish and Valerie. In India, "Mysore" and "Rajapuri" are gaining popularity.

Useful properties and vitamin composition of bananas

Fruit contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, one banana contains up to 50 grams. In addition, it has a lot of ascorbic acid, biotin and vitamin E, as well as choline, which is responsible for improving memory.

Almost all of them can be distinguished:

  • thiamine,
  • riboflavin,
  • a nicotinic acid,
  • vitamins B 5 and B 6,
  • folic acid, necessary for cell growth and the synthesis of protein compounds;
  • B 3 helps to process "bad" cholesterol into "good", which prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • vitamin B 6 - pyridoxine, promotes the production of the most important hormones and is involved in the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. 100 grams of banana contains about 20% of the daily dosage.

In addition to vitamins, bananas contain high concentrations of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

Thus, bananas help fight cardiovascular diseases and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Fruits also contain a lot of manganese, boron and silicon, nails and healthy skin color.

Among carbohydrates, the leading position is occupied by starch, which in one fruit is about 6 grams, and sucrose - about 3 grams.

In this regard, bananas have a high calorie content - about 90 kilocalories, so they are often used in mono-diets.

Vitamin C, together with B vitamins, protect the body from external adverse conditions, increase immunity and increase resistance to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Medicinal properties of bananas for various diseases

In its composition, the fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements, nutrients that support human body and regulate metabolic and metabolic processes.

  1. The effect of banana pulp on the digestive system.

First of all, the fibrous structure of a banana cleanses the intestines from harmful substances and accumulated slag formations.

In addition, it restores intestinal motility and relaxes smooth muscles, which helps to cope with hemorrhoids and inflammatory diseases small intestine.

  1. Influence on the work of the liver and restoration of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in the body.
  2. Bananas strengthen the human immune system, help resist bacteria, viruses and other infections.
  3. The fruit has an impact on concentration, increased efficiency and improved perception of information.
  4. As a result of the production of serotonin, vitamin B 6 improves general state improves mood and boosts energy for the whole day.
  5. Bananas promote rapid muscle building, so they are necessary for athletes with regular sports.
  6. Potassium and magnesium in the composition of the fruit prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and prevent the development of myocardial infarction.

In addition, bananas reduce arterial pressure therefore necessary for hypertensive patients.

  1. Scientists have proven the effect of bananas on human sleep.

They have a hypnotic effect due to tryptophan, which regulates circadian rhythms.

  1. Pyridoxine maintains a constant level of glucose in human blood, thereby preventing the development of type II diabetes.

Benefits for men, women and children

For males, the benefits of a banana are invaluable, especially if men expose themselves to heavy physical activities.

According to scientists, a healthy man needs to eat 2-3 bananas daily to replenish the body's levels of potassium and magnesium.

In addition, this fruit is directly related to the restoration of reproductive function, that is, it restores and increases male potency. This happens due to active action tryptophan, which also has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Bananas around the world are considered strong aphrodisiacs that increase attraction and sexual desire.

For women, regular consumption of this fruit is necessary to cheer up and replenish the body with all the nutrients. This is especially true for expectant mothers who are expecting a baby.

During pregnancy, bananas help to cope with toxicosis in the first few weeks, and also relieve fatigue and tension in the abdominal muscles, reducing the tone of the uterus with the threat of interruption.

In addition, many expectant mothers have problems with digestion and constipation. Bananas, due to their fibrous structure, help to cope with this problem in a short time.

Currently, many inhabitants of our planet suffer from iron deficiency anemia - bananas contribute to the rapid in the body and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Fruits are also indispensable for children different ages. Due to the fact that bananas grow without fertilizers, do not require additional care, they are absolutely safe for the child's body.

Due to the pleasant sweet taste, many children enjoy eating this fruit both during illness and instead of a snack.

Peel Benefits

Not many people know that not only the pulp of the fruit, but also its peel has useful properties.

  • Fresh skin from a ripe banana is usually applied as a compress to painful areas of the body: cracked heels, as well as burns, cuts and severe bruises.

To do this, put the peel inside to the skin and attached to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

With regular long-term use, banana peels can cure warts.

  • Some folk healers for migraines and severe headaches put the skin of the fruit on the forehead and occipital region to relieve painful symptoms.
  • If you make an alcohol tincture on banana skins, you can rub it on sore joints, such a solution will also relieve pain in tired and tense muscles.

Application in cosmetology

  • In cosmetology, an infusion of banana peel on water is used.
  • To increase immunity and increase the protective reserves of the body, some doctors prescribe Bolotov's kvass daily, the main component of which is banana peel.

The result of the fermentation of the skin of the fruit is the formation of substances that can fight the formation malignant tumors.

To prepare it, it is necessary to dissolve one incomplete glass of sugar, 3 cups of ground banana peel in a three-liter glass jar and add a couple of teaspoons of sour cream or cream to the mixture.

After that, it is necessary to tie the neck of the jar with a gauze bandage folded in several layers and leave to infuse for about a couple of weeks. Ready kvass is recommended to be consumed daily in half a glass before meals.

In addition to the peel, green fodder bananas are beneficial, which are recommended to be boiled or fried beforehand.

Like dessert varieties, these fruits are rich in potassium, so they are useful for cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. Green fruits are able to retain calcium in the body, therefore, they help strengthen bones and the muscular system.

Possible contraindications

Despite the enormous benefits that these fruits bring, in some cases it is recommended to limit their use or completely stop:

  • It is advisable for overweight people to limit their consumption of bananas to one per day, as they are a high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich food.
  • People with high acidity of the stomach are not recommended to eat them, as they are slowly digested and retain digestive juices.
  • After a heart attack or stroke, as well as with varicose veins, bananas are contraindicated.

This is due to the fact that they increase the viscosity of the blood.

  • Children's age up to 6 months.

In infants of the first six months of life, the intestines are not yet fully formed and cannot fully digest complex carbohydrate foods.

To avoid problems with the intestines and allergies, it is recommended to introduce the fruit gradually, starting with one teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the dosage.

Therefore, when eating bananas, one should adhere to the basic rule: “Everything is good in moderation”, then this fruit will only benefit, without harming the human body.

Useful recipes of traditional medicine

Bananas are now used everywhere, not just in exotic countries. They are boiled, fried, dried and eaten fresh.

  • Even in ancient times, banana jelly was used in Brazil to treat severe coughs in children from an early age.

It has an expectorant effect, and also relieves pain, making it easier to breathe and swallow. The main action of the Brazilian mixture, as they call this medicine, it turns out on the bronchi, they expand, and sputum easily comes out of the lungs.

To prepare a healthy cocktail, you will need one ripe banana, a tablespoon of granulated sugar and boiling water. First you need to turn the banana into a pulp in a blender, after which you need to pour the mixture with sugar and pour boiling water. After that, mix the resulting jelly well and strain through a sieve. It must be consumed within a few days in a warm form.

  • For those people who are trying to get rid of excess weight, nutritionists prescribe diets based on kefir with a banana.

At the same time, you can eat three bananas a day, washed down with three glasses of kefir.

However, mixing them is considered a more useful option, resulting in a tasty and satisfying yogurt, rich in nutrients that give vigor for the whole day.

In addition, cottage cheese acquires a more delicate and pleasant taste, and losing weight becomes a useful and enjoyable experience.

  • To boost immunity, many drink an energy cocktail with a banana.

To prepare it, you need freshly squeezed orange and carrot juices, the pulp of one banana, honey and a little lemon juice. All ingredients are mixed in a blender and consumed throughout the day before meals.

This drink has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also increases the vitality of the body.

Selecting and storing bananas

So that during transportation the fruits do not overripe, do not wrinkle and retain a beautiful aesthetic appearance, they are plucked unripe. Therefore, in stores you can find greenish fruits.

The most ripe and delicious are bananas located in the middle of the brush, having a bright color (it can be yellow or red depending on the variety) and a rounded shape without dents or blackening.

On ripe bananas, GOST allows the presence of green natural veins that do not affect the taste and aroma of the fruit.

Selected bananas cannot be stored in the refrigerator and in a plastic bag. To keep them for several days, it is enough to put them in a dark, cool place.

Another feature of storing ripe bananas is that they are stored much longer in a brush, so you should not separate them from each other when buying in a store.

Benefits of dried bananas

There is no excess moisture in dried fruits, while bananas lose their volume, but retain their useful and healing properties.

In order to dry ripe fruits at home, they must first be peeled and cut into thin slices. After that, parchment paper is laid out on a baking sheet and banana slices are laid out one by one on it. The oven should maintain the optimum temperature for drying - about 40-50 ° C for 5-6 hours until they are completely dry.

A little trick in this case is to keep the oven door ajar so that fresh air enters, thereby providing natural ventilation.

Banana fruits have a number of useful properties, they can cure and prevent the development of many diseases. serious illnesses and boost your mood for the whole day. However, with excessive uncontrolled consumption of fruits, they can cause serious harm to human health.

Helpful Hints

The well-known fruit banana- is one of the most ancient that people began to cultivate.

It is believed that humans originally ate bananas. along with the fish as a diet.

How many calories are in a banana?

banana calories is 70-100 kcal per 100 g.

This treat contains three types of natural sugar: sucrose, fructose, and glucose in combination with fibres. Banana provides an instant, sustained and significant energy boost.

Research proves that only two bananas provide energy, which is enough for a one-time intense sports training.

But energy is not the only thing bananas help us with. They can also help overcome or prevent many disease, which makes bananas a must to add to our daily diet.

Can nursing mothers eat bananas?

Pediatricians recommend eat bananas for breastfeeding mothers. This fruit rarely causes a negative reaction in infants and has special useful properties, which will be discussed next.

Benefits of Bananas

So what are the benefits of bananas? For you, we have prepared a list of useful properties of bananas, compiled taking into account the results of recent research.

Treat depression

In a survey among people suffering from depression, it was determined that many felt much better after eating bananas. And all for the simple reason that bananas contain tryptophan - type of protein that the body converts into serotonin - the so-called "pleasure hormone".

See also: Banana is the head of everything, or why this plant will become the main food in the world

Serotonin has relaxing properties and improves mood.

Relieve PMS pain

Forget pills - eat bananas that contain a lot of vitamin B6, which regulates the level of glucose directly in the blood, which in turn makes it easier for women to endure critical days.

Treat anemia

Due to the high content gland bananas stimulate the production hemoglobin in the blood, which helps with anemia.

Normalize blood pressure

The tropical fruit very rich potassium moreover, it contains little salt, which makes it perfect medicine to normalize blood pressure.

Improve brain activity

During the experiment, it turned out that 200 students of one of the English schools helped me pass my exams this year bananas, which they ate for breakfast and lunch. Bananas have been proven to be high in potassium improve memory and attention.

Treat constipation

One of the most quick ways hangover cure is banana-milk-honey cocktail. This drink helps normalization of the stomach and reduces blood sugar level.

Treat heartburn

Bananas have a natural antacid effect, so if you suffer from heartburn, we recommend that you try eating a banana for quick pain relief.

Helps prevent morning sickness

Eating bananas between meals, a person thereby saves the level blood sugar and avoid morning sickness.

Reduce irritation from mosquito bites

If you don't have insect repellent on hand, try rubbing the inside of the banana skin on the affected area. Many people find that this procedure helps reduce swelling and irritation.

Treat nervousness

bananas are rich vitamins, helping to calm the nervous system.

Help to lose excess weight

Based on research conducted at the Institute of Psychology in Austria, it was concluded that problems with blood pressure lead to obesity. In a study of 5,000 hospital patients, the researchers found that the majority of obese patients had high blood pressure.

In the final report this study the following conclusion was drawn: in order to avoid excessive food cravings and lose weight, we must control our blood sugar levels. For this it is enough snack foods high in carbohydrates (eg. bananas) every two hours, then it will be maintained normal level blood pressure.


What minerals are in a banana. What useful properties does it have and what are the contraindications.

Bananas are amazing fruits, the miraculous properties of which have been proven by people hundreds of years ago. At the present stage, this product is considered one of the main fodder crops, which is slightly inferior to wheat in terms of nutritional value and benefits. What are the benefits of bananas and what effect do they have on the body of men and women? What are the characteristics of the composition of the product?


The beneficial properties of a banana are due to the rich composition - the supply of dozens of vitamins and trace elements to the body. In addition, the fruit contains twice the carbohydrates and four times the protein of the well-known apples. Two bananas a day are enough to cover the body's need for potassium. Also in its pulp there are elements such as norepinephrine and dopamine, which are involved in many life processes.

So, 100 grams of the product contains 90 kcal, what is 4-5% off daily allowance , as well as:

  • 23 g carbohydrates- 18-20% of the norm;
  • 1.1 g proteins- 2% of the required dose;
  • 0.3 g fat- 1% of the norm;
  • 0% cholesterol;
  • 2.6 g dietary fiber- 7-8% of the norm.

The amazing properties of a banana are due to the presence of a large number of vitamins in the composition:

  • AT 3 - 0.7 mg;
  • AT 5 - 0.33 mg;
  • AT 6 - 0.37 mg;
  • IN 2 - 0.07 mg;
  • IN 1 - 0.03 mg;
  • FROM - 8.8 mg;
  • BUT - 64 IU and others.

In addition, in the pulp of the fruit essential minerals are present, among which:

  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • manganese and others.

General properties

The body happily accepts a product that is so satisfying and healthy. At the same time, the fruit has a multilateral effect, affecting dozens of organs and systems. How is a banana useful for the body? It is worth highlighting the following features:

  • Providing the body with sufficient energy. Potassium, fiber and sugar, which are contained in the fruit, are considered the main energy providers. Scientists have proven that two pieces are enough to get an energy boost for the next hour and a half. This quality is relevant for athletes who need to cover glucose deficiency after leaving the gym.
  • Relieve muscle pain and cramps. Potassium and magnesium, which enter the body along with the pulp, play the role of defenders against severe spasms. With their help, the muscles relax, the risks of cramps are eliminated.
  • Normalizes blood pressure. Thanks to potassium and sodium, pressure is maintained at right level. The beneficial properties of a banana for the body are also due to the fact that the product helps to normalize the water-salt balance, which reduces the risk of a heart attack.
  • Optimization of the level of acidity in the stomach. The pulp of the fruit has a special texture that has a positive effect on the walls of the digestive tract and reduces the production of acid. The product also contains protease inhibitors, which are considered main reason occurrence of stomach ulcers. This is why bananas are recommended for the prevention of high acidity, heartburn and even ulcers.
  • Stool normalization. Many are interested in whether a banana is useful in matters of bowel function and elimination of stool problems. Practice shows that "yes". The fruit contains pectins and fiber, as well as a number of other bioactive elements (dopamine, serotonin and others) that help the intestines and relieve constipation. Useful reception of fruit pulp in the form of small pieces and children.

  • Help with diarrhea. This quality follows from what was discussed above. Banana is almost the only representative of fruit crops that is allowed to be included in the diet for diarrhea. It's no secret that diarrhea leads to a loss of potassium, and subsequently to dehydration, arrhythmias, malfunctions. heart rate and so on. The product compensates for the deficiency of this element and compensates for the lack of electrolytes. In addition, due to the special structure, there is no irritation of the intestinal walls.
  • Elimination of unnecessary fluid from the body. The fruit has a diuretic effect, which eliminates the formation of kidney stones and helps in cleaning the body of toxic substances.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora. People who care about the work of the digestive tract are well aware of the beneficial properties of bananas. The polysaccharides contained in the product ensure the stable growth of important bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which eliminates the risk of indigestion. In addition, digestive enzymes are produced, the deficiency is replenished fatty acids improves the absorption of the intestinal wall. As a result, the pH level in the intestines normalizes, the absorption of calcium and vitamins improves.
  • Provision of cosmetic effect. Women know perfectly well what bananas are good for. They actively use the pulp of the fruit to create masks. After just a few procedures, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin: moisturize it, tighten it, make it more elastic and smooth.
  • Bringing the sexual life back to normal. Product in question - source useful substances that help in the production of the most important sex hormones, as well as in increasing male libido. Also in the composition of the pulp there are substances that regulate the secretion of serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of euphoria.
  • Sleep improvement. Here the main active element is tryptophan. This acid has a calming effect due to its conversion to serotonin.
  • Protection from depression. It has already been proven that the consumption of the product is a chance to avoid nervous disorders. Here, again, serotonin, which improves mood, has healing properties. Magnesium, which relieves spasms of muscle fibers, and B6, which normalizes sleep, are also considered active elements.
  • Reducing the risk of eye disease. The fruits of the tree contain retinol, a vitamin that ensures eye health and visual acuity.
  • Providing a preventive effect in the fight against cancer. Considering the question of what is useful in bananas, it is worth considering the ability of the product to protect the body from malignant tumors, primarily from the development of kidney cancer.
  • Eliminates hangover. Many people know that the combination of banana pulp with some fruits and berries helps the body get rid of a hangover.

Destroying myths about the benefits and harms of bananas

Despite the positive fame of this fruit, the results of recent studies have been very controversial. Wherein some positive qualities were refuted product and even proved its harm to some organs and systems. The following is worth knowing here:

  • It is believed that taking a banana provides the body with tryptophan. It really is. The problem is that after the intake of the substance, it does not participate in the synthesis of the hormone of happiness, but is simply excreted from the body.
  • The amino acid present in the fruit tyramine), which provokes a number of problems - an increase in blood pressure, hypertonicity of muscle fibers, overexcitation of the central nervous system, and so on. In some cases, the amount of tyramine is critical. If you eat more than five bananas a day, then the risk of overdose is high. Evidence of the presence of a dangerous element is the darkening of the peel.
  • Contains xenobiotics- elements that negatively affect the hormonal background.
  • When considering the question of how bananas are useful for the body, the diuretic property of the product was touched upon. The downside is that excessive removal of water from the body leads to an increase in blood density and the risk of blood clots.
  • The feeling of satiety is a short-term effect. But eating fruit is still better than “choking” hunger with cookies.
  • The fruit contains different kinds sugars that start fermentation processes in the stomach. Consequently, increased risk of bloating. That is why it is not recommended to take the product on an empty stomach before the main meal. Best time- 60-90 minutes after the meal.
  • The high calorie content of the fruit scares people who are on a diet. When considering whether bananas are healthy, overweight people should consider this risk. In addition, when on a diet, one banana is enough to cover 35-40 percent of the daily carbohydrate intake.
  • Banana is a "foreign" fruit, to which the body of people living in our region gets used more difficult.
  • An unripe product contains starch that is not digested by the stomach.


Useful properties of a banana and contraindications should be known to every person. And if we have dealt with the first question, then the second point should be considered separately. So, Fruit contraindications include:

  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • With gastrointestinal disorders that are associated with high acidity.
  • With varicose veins (the reason is an increase in blood viscosity with a banana).

Benefits for the whole family - women, children and men

Summarizing the above, it is worth dividing beneficial features banana for different categories of people:

  1. What are the benefits of bananas for women? Studies have shown that such fruits have a multifaceted effect on the female body:
    • They help to tidy up the condition of the skin on the face and body, as well as improve hair. This is facilitated by masks based on banana pulp.
    • They stimulate the synthesis of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for the sufficient separation of milk during lactation, as well as for the normalization of labor.
    • Ease PMS.
    • Reduce blood loss during menstruation.
  2. What is banana good for women during pregnancy? It has been proven that taking the fruit in question during the period of bearing a child provides the following effects:
    • Reduces manifestations of toxicosis and eliminates constipation, diarrhea, nausea.
    • Covers the deficit beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. At the same time, the supply is enough for the mother and the child.
    • Saturates the stomach, but does not cause allergies, which is important for the expectant mother.
  3. Banana - what is useful for men? Regular intake of fruit is also important for males. The following effects have already been proven:
    • The production of oxytocin, a hormone that improves sperm quality, erections, and feelings of attachment to children.
    • Potassium deficiency coverage is a chance to overcome hangovers, nicotine addiction and eliminate the risk of blood clots in the brain.
    • Saturation of the body with useful carbohydrates, which is important after physical exertion.
  4. Banana is good for kids too. And here it is worth noting a number of points:
    • The pulp of the fruit is often introduced into the diet of a child at the age of 8-10 months in the absence of contraindications or deviations. At the same time, it is forbidden to introduce the product as the first complementary food.
    • The calorie content of a banana is high, so it is worth limiting the intake of the product to children who are prone to overweight.
    • For children from one year old, the pulp of the fruit helps with the onset of symptoms of bronchitis.

What is the skin for?

Few people know, but banana peel can also be beneficial. It is used to solve many issues:

  • Fertilizers for domestic plants, due to the high content of phosphorus and potassium in the composition.
  • As a means for cleaning the surface of plant leaves. For these purposes, the inner side is excellent.
  • As a restorer for damaged surfaces of CDs and DVDs.
  • As a teaspoon cleaner. Here it is enough to prepare a special paste from the peel (made using a blender).

Finally, some interesting facts:

  • In nature, there are red bananas. In some countries, even black and "golden" fruits grow.
  • The world record for eating bananas is 81 in an hour.
  • In Japan, fabrics and tackle are made from the products in question (albeit from technical grades).

Not many people know that bananas are classified as berries. They grow on a tall shrub whose leaves fit snugly together. Traditionally, bananas can be categorized as a fruit, but this is partly wrong. Fruits are often mashed and eaten in their original form, removing the peel. Bananas are famous for their rich chemical composition, so many are interested in the benefits and harms of the fruit. Today we will look at the main aspects in more detail.

Chemical composition

  1. Bananas are considered extremely nutritious and energy-rich fruits. Ripe pulp includes natural saccharides, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, pectin, starch, esters, macro- and microelements, vitamins of various groups.
  2. Sugar comes in the form of glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Dietary fibers in combination with organic acids and vitamins make fruits indispensable in the field of baby feeding.
  3. Especially valuable substances that a banana is rich in are magnesium and potassium. They are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle, brain, activity vascular system. Daily consumption of 2 bananas will make up for the lack of missing elements.
  4. In addition to the above components, a banana contains a small proportion of fats, beta-carotene, malic acid, and choline. If we talk about vitamins, group B, ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin K, PP are considered the most valuable.
  5. Of the trace elements, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, selenium can be distinguished. The amino acids found in bananas support all vital body functions.


The energy value and directly the calorie content depends on the ripeness of the bananas. Green type fruits include only 88 kcal. Mature bananas have a calorie content of 119-121 Kcal. If you eat overripe fruits, you will saturate the body with 178 kcal.

Bananas are not a diet type food. However, they are often included in the daily menu of people who follow the figure. This feature is achieved due to the nutritional value of products and their large chemical composition.

  1. Beautiful ladies love bananas not only for their taste, but also for their ability to prolong youth. Often, tightening face and hair masks are prepared from fruits. The composition normalizes the water balance and smoothes wrinkles. Means are able to prevent the shock from falling out and make it lush.
  2. Women's doctors advise pregnant girls and ladies who are on the diet to use bananas. breastfeeding. The composition stimulates the production of oxytocin. The hormone is responsible for the quality and quantity breast milk, and also forms nervous system fetus.
  3. Also, pregnant girls may not be afraid for a lack of vitamins if bananas are eaten throughout the bearing of the child. It is especially useful to use fruits on early dates to cope with nausea during toxicosis and improve digestion. Banana is a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include it in the diet without worrying about the health of the baby.
  4. In addition to the above qualities, a banana relieves muscle cramps and lower back pain in PMS and menstruation itself. The fruit makes up for the lack of hemoglobin, which is washed out with the blood on critical days.
  5. The general valuable qualities of fruits are the ability to raise "morale" and mood. Thanks to this, ladies who regularly experience stress will be able to survive negative situations without consequences for the psyche. Being on a diet, girls may not be afraid of the onset of uncontrolled hunger, a banana will satisfy it.

Benefits of Bananas for Men

  1. Ripe yellow fruits can also benefit the strong half of humanity. Regular intake of bananas improves the quality of sperm, increasing their “burning”. As a result, it is easier for a couple to conceive a child.
  2. Tryptophan, which is part of the composition, supports the work of the male genital organs, increases potency and attraction to women.
  3. Men who play sports should eat at least 3 bananas a day to maintain physical activity. You will also be able to recover quickly after a workout.
  4. Fruits help build muscle mass when combined with isolated protein and amino acids (used separately).
  5. The strong half of the population is more susceptible to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of yellow fruits eliminates this possibility, reducing the formation of blood clots, the occurrence of heart attack and stroke.

  1. Ladies in position often face disruptions in work digestive system. Pregnant girls suffer from constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, you need to eat bananas in combination with other fruits.
  2. Many pregnant women experience severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting, apathy, and a deterioration in mood. Banana will invigorate and relieve vomiting.
  3. Expectant mother and baby need the intake of all nutrients. Banana will make up for the lack of missing elements, forming the bone tissue of the fetus and supporting the nervous system of a woman.
  4. It's no secret that all pregnant girls suffer from swelling of the limbs. This is due to poor removal of salts and the accumulation of water in internal organs. Yellow fruits normalize fluid balance, relieving limbs from stagnation.

Benefits of bananas for weight loss

  1. The chemical composition of the banana is completely balanced. Due to this, when it is used, the body ceases to experience a shortage of valuable elements. If you constantly go on strict diets, you start to feel tired. This is due to the lack of sugar, which is just found in a banana.
  2. To maintain all vital organs, it is necessary to organize the intake of amino acids, vitamins and dietary fiber into the body. Fiber fights constipation and helps to remove slagging. It sucks out poisons and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Weight loss is achieved by accelerating all metabolic processes and, as a result, the breakdown of fatty plaques. In addition, a banana quickly satisfies the raging hunger and maintains saturation for a long time.
  4. Banana is known to be a high-calorie food. However, this aspect is completely covered by the beneficial qualities of the fetus. If you need to eat 300-400 grams to saturate with other fruits, then in the case of a banana, 150 grams is enough.
  5. Any diet should be combined with physical activity, the correct mode of work and rest. With regular exercise, the body quickly consumes calories, as a result, a person begins to feel exhausted. Banana gives strength and promotes muscle building.

  1. Green bananas are vegetable varieties. They are also equated with fruits of the “mini” type, which are brought from abroad. Experts believe that fruits of this type have not yet formed their own chemical composition fully. However, this aspect does not prevent the products from being useful.
  2. So, green bananas affect blood pressure. They bring it back to normal, so the fruits can be eaten by hypo- and hypertensive patients. The product compensates for the lack of potassium, which is a serious prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. It is known that such a valuable element as calcium is washed out with urine. Bananas prevent the loss of beneficial enzymes, strengthening bones and muscle tissue. Fruits prevent any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, form the skeleton of children.
  4. Not many people know that bananas can be eaten with the peel. This will help tone your motor skills. intestinal tract, as well as to provide significant assistance in the treatment peptic ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea and general dehydration.

The benefits and harms of dried bananas

  1. In the process of heat treatment, fresh bananas release saccharides, and also contribute to an increase in their amount. Therefore, dried bananas have a high calorie content, but at the same time they retain 98% of valuable substances.
  2. For 100 gr. product accounts for 345 kcal. Many people do not risk including dried fruit in their diet, but in vain. It is enough to eat 1 handful of the composition per day to saturate the body with potassium, manganese, magnesium and calcium.
  3. Due to the high calorie content and high accumulation of sugar, dried fruits are contraindicated for people with obesity of any type, as well as for diabetics. However, bananas can be treated to children instead of chocolate to cheer up and improve performance.
  4. Dried bananas are good for people with exhausted hair, exfoliating nails, gray skin tone. The fruits restore the natural pigmentation of the epidermis, fight female and male alopecia, whiten the nail plate (useful for smokers).
  5. The hypoallergenic composition has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. Dried bananas treat constipation, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic type, weakened immunity. A large accumulation of ascorbic acid helps to resist viruses during the spread of SARS.

  1. Bananas have certain contraindications for consumption. So, they can not be eaten with thrombophlebitis, increased blood viscosity, diabetes, obesity, signs of ischemia.
  2. Bananas rarely cause allergies, but still you should not abuse them. In addition, high calorie content can harm the figure, try to eat no more than 2 fruits per day (women), 3 fruits (men).
  3. There is too much starch in unripe bananas, so they must be eaten strictly in doses. The element is difficult to digest, rotting in the digestive tract.
  4. Green bananas can cause constipation (rare cases), bloating, and excess gas. In order not to harm your health, try not to eat unripe fruits more than 1 piece per day.
  5. The harm of bananas lies in their pretreatment before transportation. Bananas are treated with pesticides, among which the most common are E230-232. Phenolic compounds keep fruits fresh long time, but at the same time they can cause the development of cancer. Before eating, bananas should be thoroughly washed with soda.
  6. Fruits should not be introduced into the diet of children under 1 year old. Doctors say that the younger generation may develop bloating, diarrhea, general disorder chair. An overseas fruit can provoke the development of allergies in a still fragile body. The accumulation of vitamin K often causes anemia and jaundice in a child.

The value of bananas is due to a wide list of elements that make up the fruit. Bananas include vitamins of different groups, amino acids, antioxidants. In view of this, it is useful to eat overseas fruits for men, women and children after 1 year. Valuable qualities depend on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, consider the important aspects of dried and green bananas.

Video: the incredible truth about bananas

We all know and eat the once exotic banana fruit. If in our Soviet childhood bananas were indispensable attributes of cartoon monkeys, then since bananas appeared on the shelves of our stores, they have become a favorite treat for children and adults. By the way, we already wrote something about its features and reviews - so the site editors love this fruit. Moreover, in addition to a pleasant and delicate taste, this fruit is also very useful. Although, as with any other product, there are certain contraindications in its use. So, bananas: benefits and harms! Let's try to figure it out.

Useful properties of bananas

So, bananas are useful primarily because they contain many vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Despite the fact that they have a sweet rather than sour taste, their pulp contains a lot of vitamin C, which is an excellent natural vitamin that gives the body protection against various colds and infections. In addition, vitamin C helps to strengthen cell walls, as well as the walls of blood vessels. Those who consume a lot of vitamin C always remain beautiful and young (at least until they grow old). If we continue talking about vitamins, then the benefits of bananas are obvious here. You can throw a rather impressive list of vitamins contained in this fruit:

  • Vitamin A, or rather its special form - carotene. Normal eye function, skin elasticity, strong hair and nails are simple things that everyone needs. Carotene is very important for the health of pregnant women. In addition, it is carotene that is involved in the protection of the mucous membranes of the body, prevents cardiovascular disease and the formation of cancer cells.
  • B1, or, as it is also called, thiamine. It is actively involved in the absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, it takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, as well as maintaining the condition of the skin. By the way, thiamine is also found in other products: for example, in,.
  • B2, which plays an important role in wound healing, is useful for vision. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for the effective functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • B3, or the so-called vitamin PP - the work of the nervous system and brain. Therefore, bananas are recommended for those who are engaged in mental work. They are able to improve memory and restore concentration.
  • B6, or pyridoxine, which also has a positive effect on the nervous system and brain, and also takes part in the production process gastric juice. It has a diuretic property, because bananas can be used for swelling of the legs and other parts of the body. Useful for children and the elderly - increases resistance to disease. Thanks to this vitamin, bananas act as a sedative. In addition, vitamin B6 stimulates the appearance of serotonin in the brain. But the latter is responsible for joy and pleasure. Eat bananas every day and your nervousness and irritability will become less noticeable.
  • B9, or folic acid. But about folic acid and its areas of application on our website there is a separate very interesting article -.
  • Vitamin E - and it is responsible for maintaining our skin in perfect condition. It makes it supple and smooth. In addition, it has a good effect on the mood, as well as the well-being of a person.

If we talk about trace elements, then bananas contain a lot of potassium, which is useful for the muscles, heart and brain of a person. For those who consume bananas, the feeling of fatigue is much less manifested, the volume of excessive fluid in the body decreases. After all, this element contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body and is responsible for the balance of water-salt metabolism. The human body needs at least one gram of potassium per day. Its optimal dose for adults is 3-4 grams. Children also need potassium, which should be 15-30 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. With an insufficient amount of potassium, dystrophy can form even with a protein-rich diet. In 100 grams of banana pulp, there are up to 375 milligrams of potassium, which is more than in any other product. Therefore, it is with bananas that it is easiest to replenish the necessary reserves of the body in this microelement.

In addition to potassium, fruits contain a sufficient amount of magnesium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on bones. With, of course, not to compare, but still ...

Continuing the conversation about how bananas are useful, it is also worth noting their fibrous structure. Thanks to this, they are suitable even for patients with chronic problems of the digestive tract. Moreover, unlike other fruits, they can be consumed even during times of exacerbation of diseases.

Bananas allow you to quickly restore strength when physical activity. Therefore, they can be used for a snack on a long journey - the peel allows them to be eaten even with dirty hands. Note that these fruits contain a large dose of natural sugar, which can quickly enter the human bloodstream. But sugar is always a source of energy. Therefore, many athletes before the competition, as well as at the end of them, eat a couple of bananas.

As you can see, a banana, whose beneficial properties are difficult to overestimate, is simply a wonderful source of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Also known medicinal properties banana peel, which is an excellent remedy for helminths (worms).

Banana Contraindications

As mentioned above, a banana, like any product, has its own contraindications. Fruit lovers should always remember about them so as not to harm their own body.

So, bananas are digested for a very long time. Therefore, when eating bananas before meals, bloating is likely, as well as various discomfort. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat these fruits on an empty stomach, as well as drink water or drinks after them. By the way, there is a recommendation from nutritionists that after any meal you should not immediately drink water (you can read about this in ours).

Bananas can also cause some harm to those who have experienced a heart attack or stroke, and in addition to people suffering from varicose veins veins or thrombophlebitis. The fact is that these fruits thicken the blood and increase its degree of viscosity. Therefore, the likelihood of thrombosis of arteries and veins increases significantly.

Some people are allergic to bananas. This is especially true for small children. After all, their body is not yet accustomed to various exotic fruits. It is best to give bananas to children at the age of three. Nursing mothers should also not eat a lot of bananas. After all, in addition to allergies, a baby can develop hemolytic anemia or kernicterus.

because of a large number sugar can not eat bananas for those who are sick diabetes. If you eat these fruits with milk, then it is quite possible to cause an upset stomach.

If bananas are green, they should not be bought and eaten at all - they contain insoluble starch. And our body cannot process it. Therefore, after eating such a delicacy in the stomach, excessive gas formation, fermentation, bloating can be observed.

Bananas that have been subjected to special chemical treatment are also harmful - in order for them to be well preserved, elements E231, E230 and E232 are used. They are nothing but phenol, which is a poison pure water. But in small doses, it does not carry a mortal danger, but provokes the development of cancer. Phenol is applied to the surface of fruits in order to protect them from spoilage. Therefore, when purchasing these fruits in our stores, you need to wash them thoroughly under running water.

banana calories

It should be noted that bananas are a high-calorie product. How many calories are in a banana depends on the size of the particular fruit. But on average, it ranges from seventy to one hundred kilocalories. Interestingly, not yet ripened fruits contain more calories - up to 110 kcal. But in green form they are extremely bitter, because they have a huge amount of tannin.

By the way, if you bought green bananas, don't despair (it's just bananas, no reason to despair at all, believe me...). They can be made to ripen at home. It is enough to put in a dark but warm place. After all, it is in similar ways that they ripen in warehouses after delivery from the places of cultivation. The fact is that bananas are brought to us exactly green, since it is impossible to bring them ripe to such long distances. When ripe, bananas turn yellow. At the same time, the starch in them turns into sugar, and the fruits lose their bitterness and become sweet.

Dried bananas contain even more kilocalories - up to three hundred. It is for this reason that bananas are very comfort food for a snack. Two bananas are enough for an adult to replenish the lost energy for an hour and a half of substantial physical activity.

The high calorie content of a banana explains certain restrictions in their use for overweight people. If, nevertheless, you love bananas very much, then it is better to contact a nutritionist who will correct the diet by including some bananas. Interestingly, some nutritionists formulate a diet in a special way to include bananas. The fact is that these fruits have another feature - they remove excess fluid from the human body. Because, as we said before, there are even special ones.


As you can see, bananas can bring some benefits and some harm. But in any case, useful properties dominate. After all, fruits are very rich in useful trace elements and vitamins. The main thing is to choose them correctly, and also take into account some rules when using. Well, as with any food, do not allow excessive consumption of bananas in food. In any case, this can lead to Negative consequences and the reaction of our body.