Polyuria in pregnancy. Polyuria - what is it? General concept of the disorder

Polyuria is an increase in the amount of urine excreted per day. Daily rate excretion of urine by the body - a liter or one and a half. With polyuria - two, three liters. The disease is often accompanied by frequent urges to cope with small needs. Polyuria is very often mistaken for the usual frequent urination. The only difference is that with a truly rapid process, a small part of the content is allocated each time Bladder. With polyuria, every trip to the toilet is accompanied by copious urine output.

This disorder is characterized by a decrease in the specific gravity of urine. This is especially noted with concomitant polyuria - the specific gravity of urine increases (compared to urine healthy person). The disease is both a complication of kidney disease and possible symptom indicating problems with this organ or neuroendocrine apparatus. Many people who have this disease accept it as the norm, and do not even try to fight it.


Causes of manifestation given state are usually kidney disease. But these are not the only etiological factors that can provoke the progression of the disease. Diseases that cause polyuria include:

  • chronic;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • various disorders of the nervous system;
  • cancerous tumors, in particular in the pelvic area;
  • prostate diseases;
  • diabetes;

In addition, pregnancy becomes another reason for the increase in the volume of urine emitted. During this period of a woman's life, an increased amount of urine produced is due to hormonal disorders, as well as the fact that the fetus exerts strong pressure on the bladder.

But not only internal processes can cause the formation of a manifestation of such a process. An increase in the volume of urine emitted is provoked by a person's intake of:

All of the above reasons become prerequisites for the appearance of nocturnal polyuria, which in medicine is called nocturia. In five percent of cases of detection of the disease, the cause of its formation was a genetic predisposition.


According to the degree of course, polyuria can be:

  • temporary - provoked by infectious processes in the body or pregnancy;
  • permanent - arising against the background of pathological disorders of the kidneys.

According to the factors of origin, the disease is:

  • pathological - as a complication after illness. This type includes nocturnal polyuria. Confirmation of the presence of this particular disease is going to the toilet at night (twice or more times). Polyuria is considered pathological in diabetes mellitus;
  • physiological - associated with the use of drugs that increase urine production.


The only symptom of polyuria is an increase in the amount of urine produced by the body per day. The volume of urine excreted in the presence of polyuria can exceed two liters, with a complicated course or pregnancy - three. In the case when the disease appears due to diabetes, the number of liters of urine emitted per day can reach ten.

The secondary symptoms of polyuria that a person feels are actually signs of painful or infectious processes occurring in his body (against which polyuria arose). Depending on which disease caused the increase in daily urine volumes, additional symptoms characteristic of this particular pathological process will also appear.


A person who is not related to medicine cannot independently diagnose polyuria. Because it is quite difficult to distinguish the signs of this disease from the usual frequent urges for small needs. It is also worth noting that polyuria is not always characterized only by frequent trips to the toilet.

The main diagnostic method is the collection of the entire amount of urine excreted per day, and its further study in a clinical setting. This study aimed at measuring:

  • displacement of secretions;
  • specific gravity.

Next, you need to identify true reason the appearance of the disease. For this, the patient is subjected to forced dehydration, which lasts from four to eighteen hours. After that, the patient is given an injection that contains antidiuretic hormone. Then again take a few urine tests. Then there is a comparison of the obtained liquids - before the introduction of the drug and after. In this case, the water balance of the blood plasma is assessed. After comparing urine and plasma tests, the main cause of polyuria is determined.


First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease that provoked the appearance of polyuria. During the treatment of a concomitant disease, losses by the body can be detected:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorides.

To restore the normal concentration of these substances in the human body, they resort to drawing up an individual diet plan, and also calculate the rate of fluid intake.

Every third person faces kidney disease. Not all pathologies are independent diseases, some are a sign of other diseases, malfunctions in the body.

Polyuria is one of them. It is necessary to understand what polyuria is and how it differs from other kidney pathologies.

The essence of pathology

Polyuria is a pathology of the urinary system, accompanied by an increased volume of urine excreted per day.

The normal volume of urine in a healthy person is 1.5 liters. With polyuria, it is increased to 2.5, and in severe cases - up to 3 liters.

This is not an independent disease, but a consequence of other disorders in the body. Do not confuse polyuria with frequent urination, in which the volume of urine per day does not exceed the norm. Pathology code according to ICD-10 R35.

The process of urine formation begins with its entry into the glomeruli of the kidneys, where filtration occurs. Then the primary urine gives the body all the necessary components and water, and the secondary urine is excreted. If the process of water absorption is disturbed, its volume increases, polyuria begins.

Subdivided for temporary and permanent. Temporary - this is a sign of a disease of organs that are not related to the excretory system (hypertensive crisis). The constant is characterized by diseases of the kidneys or endocrine glands.

What are the reasons?

The causes of pathology are divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological - these are external provoking factors, upon elimination of which, the symptoms disappear.

For example, drinking large amounts of fluids, taking medications, being in the cold, eating glucose-containing foods.

To pathological reasons include various serious diseases:

In children, in addition to inflammatory diseases kidneys and bladder, the cause may be undeveloped neuroendocrine regulation of urine formation, which is temporary. Persistent polyuria in children it is a manifestation of other serious pathologies:

  • Diabetes.
  • Mental illness, neuroses.
  • Conn's syndrome ().
  • Fanconi disease (gene mutation).

There is a nocturnal nature of polyuria - nocturia. In this case, most of the urine is excreted at night. This is usually a sign of diabetes.

An increase in urine volume is common during pregnancy in the third semester and is regarded as physiological polyuria However, the presence of serious illnesses, needs to be controlled.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The main symptom of the disease is increased urine production - more than 2 liters per day. Urine has a low density, as the kidneys cannot cope with the increased volume, retain toxins and lose their ability to concentrate.

In diabetes mellitus, the volume of urine can reach 10 liters, and the density does not decrease due to the increased amount of glucose. The remaining signs are pain, cramps - a manifestation of the inflammatory process.

With prolonged polyuria, there are signs dehydration:

  • decrease in blood pressure,
  • weakness and dizziness,
  • dry mouth
  • cracks in the skin and tongue,
  • arrhythmia.

Diagnostic Measures

For disease differentiation from others, for example, cystitis, use the method of measuring the daily excretion of urine and comparing it with the volume of fluid consumed (), as well as determining the specific gravity of urine.

After that, you need to identify the root cause.

The patient is subjected to forced dehydration for a period of 6-18 hours with the help of antidiuretic hormone (dehydration test). Then they take a urine test again and compare the resulting fluids, and also compare the water balance of urine and blood.

Mandatory is biochemical analysis blood, and a coagulation test, a study of the specific gravity of urine. If it is increased and the density of urine is high, then we are talking about diabetes. In kidney disease, the density of urine is low.

For detection of diseases of the kidneys and bladder appoint:

  • Ultrasound that detects tumors and structural changes.
  • - examination of the bladder from the inside.
  • CT, MRI of the kidneys and bladder. Determines the presence of tumors, size, localization.
  • Contrast urography - X-ray using a contrast agent.

For diagnosing diseases endocrine system carry out:

After the diagnosis is made and the root cause is clarified, treatment begins.

Treatment and prevention

Therapy of the disease in women, men and children is prescribed depending on the causes that caused it. Physiological polyuria corrected by the elimination of provoking factors:

  1. Reduce fluid intake.
  2. Stop taking medications.
  3. Reduce consumption of glucose-containing foods.

Treatment pathological expressed in the treatment of the underlying disease:

  1. In diabetes, blood sugar levels are normalized.
  2. When inhibit the work of immunity.
  3. For the treatment of inflammatory diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis), antibiotic therapy is used.
  4. Diseases thyroid gland corrected by hormonal therapy.
  5. In severe cases, hemodialysis is prescribed to relieve intoxication.
  6. Tumors and urolithiasis disease involve surgery.

In the case of prolonged polyuria occurs dehydration requiring urgent action. The body loses potassium, calcium, sodium. In this regard, measures are being taken to restore the losses. If the patient's condition is severe, then solutions of these substances are administered intravenously.

With a mild course, a diet is prescribed:

After some time, the patient's condition stabilizes.

Treatment of polyuria folk remedies is being questioned. It can be applied in complex treatment and under the supervision of a specialist. Diuretics (anise seeds), anti-inflammatory herbs (plantain) are usually prescribed, it all depends on the cause of the pathology.

People with serious chronic diseases kidneys and endocrine system must be carried out preventive actions to prevent the occurrence of the disease:

  • Adjust the diet.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Monitor daily fluid intake and excretion.
  • Take medications prescribed by a doctor to treat existing pathologies.
  • Regularly undergo a medical examination, take tests.

The increase in urine output cannot be ignored. This can be a symptom of serious malfunctions in the body and lead to serious consequences.

For example, loss of 20% body fluid is critical and leads to death. As a result of dehydration, the blood thickens, moves more slowly through the vessels and occurs oxygen starvation, as a result of a lack of oxygen in the brain, a person falls into a coma. If you suspect polyuria, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Learn the first symptoms of dehydration with polyuria from the video clip:

Any violations of well-being can alert. If some incomprehensible symptom occurs suddenly, for no apparent reason, and seems abnormal, it is better not to hesitate and seek medical help. After all, even a change in the amount of urine excreted can indicate the occurrence of serious health problems. Moreover, such a change can occur in the direction of decrease, which is classified by doctors as oligonuria, and in the direction of increase - with polyuria. Let's clarify what polyuria is, consider its causes, symptoms and treatment.

So, with polyuria, the formation and further excretion of a significant amount of urine occurs. With a similar pathology, the patient has light urine, and sometimes completely colorless. It contains too much sugar, because this is how it is excreted from the body. However, do not confuse polyuria with frequent urination (pollaktiuria), in which urine is excreted in minimal portions.

Causes of polyuria

There are a number of physiological factors that can contribute to the development of polyuria. So, for example, with a decrease in the reabsorption functions of the kidneys, the body ceases to absorb water in the right amount. In addition, polyuria can be explained by many somatic ailments. internal organs, for example, primary hyperparathyroidism, hyperaldosteronism, diabetes and various kidney ailments.

In certain cases, polyuria is associated with a violation of the full activity of the collecting ducts of the kidneys, as well as the renal tubules. A similar condition can be observed with interstitial cystitis, prostate adenoma and nephrolithiasis.

Violation of urination in the form of polyuria can be either permanent or temporary. Permanent pathology occurs with ailments of the kidneys, as well as the endocrine glands. In some cases, polyuria develops against the background of uncontrolled therapy of various diseases using diuretic drugs.

As for the temporary form of such a violation, in most cases it is a symptom of the underlying ailment, for example, a diencephalic crisis, paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertensive crisis etc.

It is worth noting that in some cases, polyuria is an absolutely natural symptom. So it can develop due to the consumption of a significant amount of liquid in a short period of time, for example, kvass, beer, soda, etc.

Polyuria - symptoms

So, the main symptom of polyuria is the release of a significant amount of urine. Frequent urge to urinate can disturb the patient even at night, forcing him to wake up. But at the same time, the amount of urine excreted per day depends on the cause of polyuria. Especially significant volumes of urination are observed in diabetes and slightly less in diabetes insipidus. In some cases, with this condition, the patient excretes up to ten liters of urine per day. Against the background of increased diuresis, the density of urine noticeably decreases, which is explained by the impaired concentration ability of the kidneys, and the body's attempts to correct it by increasing the total volume of urine excreted.
It should be noted that with physiological polyuria, the concentration abilities of the kidneys remain normal.

Polyuria - treatment

Therapy of polyuria directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. When the underlying disease is corrected, a natural decrease in the volume of urine excreted occurs. In some cases, patients with such a problem are prescribed thiazide diuretics. Such drugs can inhibit sodium reabsorption within the ascending limb of the loop of Henle, which prevents maximum urine dilution. In addition, thiazides quite effectively reduce the amount of sodium contained in the body, which is accompanied by a decrease in extracellular fluid volume and a parallel increase in the reabsorption of water and salt inside the proximal tubules.

As a result, patients with diabetes insipidus have increased osmolarity of urine. There is a decrease in the severity of polyuria by almost half, which depends on the consumption of sodium. At the same time, thiazides rarely provoke the appearance of side effects, although in some situations they can contribute to the development of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).

In the event that the examination showed the presence of polyuria, it is necessary to ensure the replacement of electrolytes lost in the urine, the main of which are calcium, sodium, potassium and chlorides. With moderate losses, such a correction is possible only with the help of changes in the diet.

However, if the polyuria is particularly intense and/or persists for a long time, special treatment for electrolyte replacement may be necessary. Lost fluids are administered urgently, taking into account the volume of circulating blood, as well as the condition of cardio-vascular system. If such a correction is not carried out in time, the likelihood of developing hypovolemia increases, in this case, the volume of circulating blood decreases sharply below the norm due to dehydration.

Thus, with an increase in the volume of urine released for no apparent reason, it is better to consult a doctor and go through necessary examinations. This will help prevent the development of serious complications.

Polyuria is a disorder in which there is an increase in the daily volume of urine excreted. A similar deviation in the functioning of the genitourinary system is typical for both adults and children. Treatment tactics are often conservative.

Polyuria is a rather specific disease in which the volume of urine excreted per day increases by about two or three times. In this case, such an ailment should be distinguished from the usual frequent urination caused by a large amount of liquid drunk.

In the vast majority of cases, kidney pathologies are the fundamental factors, however, clinicians identify a large number of other sources, which also lie in the course of a particular disease. In adults and in children, the causes of the disease will be the same.

The symptomatology of such a syndrome is difficult to ignore, since it is expressed in private urge to urinate. Some patients note the presence of pain and other discomfort in the groin area.

Diagnosis is based on laboratory research, but instrumental examinations may be needed to identify some etiological factors.

Since such a disease can be one of the manifestations of another pathology, treatment is often aimed at eliminating the source, against which the daily volume of urine returns to normal.

In some cases, excessive urination can be a completely normal condition caused by drinking a lot of fluids or taking medications specifically designed to increase urine production.

However, the progression of a completely different pathology is often a predisposing factor in the appearance of such a disease. Thus, among the provocateurs of the disease, it is worth highlighting:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • the course of pyelonephritis;
  • history of sarcoidosis;
  • the formation of oncological neoplasms in the pelvic area;
  • heart failure;
  • a wide range of disorders of the nervous system;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation or other damage to the prostate;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • inflammatory process with localization in the bladder;
  • diverticulitis and myeloma;
  • cystic neoplasm of the kidney, which can be single or multiple;
  • Barter's syndrome;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • secondary form of amyloid nephrosis.

In women, the reasons may be pregnancy - on the one hand, such a sign is one of the manifestations that a female representative is preparing to become a mother, and on the other hand, polyuria may indicate an asymptomatic course of pyelonephritis. In any case, consultation with a clinician is necessary.

However, not only the course of internal processes in the body can cause an increased urge to urinate. An increase in the daily volume of such a human biological fluid can also be triggered by:

  1. taking diuretic drugs prescribed by the attending physician to eliminate completely different kidney pathologies.
  2. ingestion of a large number of drinks, in particular carbonated ones.

The above factors most often lead to the development of polyuria at night, which in the medical field is a separate disease, which is called nocturia. Extremely rarely, in about 5% of cases, the causes of copious excretion of urine lie in a genetic predisposition.


Currently, several forms of such a pathology are known. Depending on the nature of the course, polyuria is divided into:

  • temporary - it is considered as such if it was provoked by the presence in the human body of one or another infectious process or the period of bearing a child;
  • permanent - this means that the disease was formed by a pathological dysfunction of the kidneys.

According to etiological factors, polyuria syndrome is:

  1. pathological - in such cases, the disease is a complication of a particular disease. This variety should include nocturnal polyuria and frequent urge to urinate in diabetes mellitus.
  2. physiological - associated with the use of diuretics prescribed by the attending physician or of one's own free will, which is strictly prohibited.


the only clinical manifestation polyuria in women and men is an increase in the amount of urine excreted by the body throughout the day.

Normal daily volumes of urine can vary from one to one and a half liters. However, in the presence of such a disease, they can increase three times. With a severe course of the disease in one day human body produces up to ten liters of urine.

  • frequent urge to visit the toilet room - a distinctive feature is that they will never be false or scarce, as is the case, for example, with cystitis;
  • decrease in urine density - this can only be determined by the clinician during diagnostic measures. This condition is due to the fact that the kidneys lose their ability to concentrate to a small extent, and this occurs against the background of the retention of toxins. The only exception are patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus - only their urine density will be excessively high. This is due to the content of a large amount of glucose, which prevents urine from losing density;

Others characteristic features does not have polyuria. However, it should be noted that there are secondary symptoms polyuria that the patient may experience, such as pain and burning when urinating. In fact, they are symptoms of those diseases or infections, against the background of which there was a copious excretion of urine.

Depending on which pathological process has become the source of the increase in daily urine volumes, additional symptoms will be present.


Despite the fact that such a pathology does not have a large number of symptoms, establishing the correct diagnosis is a problem. Before carrying out specific diagnostic measures, the clinician needs to conduct an initial diagnosis, which will include:

  1. studying the medical history and collecting an anamnesis of life, both of the patient and his immediate relatives - this will help to identify the most characteristic etiological factor. However, special tests are needed to find out what actually served as the source of the pathology.
  2. a thorough physical examination, which will help to identify the symptoms manifested in diseases that cause polyuria.
  3. a detailed survey of the patient is necessary to determine the first time of appearance and intensity of expression, both the main and possible additional symptoms.

The following laboratory tests have the greatest diagnostic value:

  • Zimnitsky test - the need for such a procedure is to differentiate polyuria with frequent urination, accompanied by small portions of the excreted fluid. To do this, the patient collects all the urine excreted per day. After that, experts calculate not only its volume, but also the quantity and specific gravity. Such parameters are taken into account for each portion of urine;
  • fluid deprivation test - for its implementation, the patient is forcibly deprived of fluid, which causes the body to become dehydrated. It can last from four to eighteen hours. After the required period has elapsed, the patient is injected with a solution that contains antidiuretic hormone. After that, several urine tests are taken again. Then clinicians compare the indicators both before and after the administration of the drug - while taking into account the water balance of the blood plasma.

Comparison of all tests will make it possible to determine the true cause of the appearance of polyuria, depending on which the patient can be referred for consultations to other specialists and prescribe additional instrumental and laboratory diagnostic tests.

Only after that an individual scheme is selected on how to get rid of polyuria for a particular patient.


Therapy of such an ailment, first of all, is aimed at eliminating the disease that provoked its appearance. After the diagnosis, the doctor can identify the lack of certain substances in the body, including:

  1. potassium and calcium.
  2. sodium and chlorides.

To restore them normal level it is necessary to draw up an individual diet and the amount of fluid consumed.

In severe cases of the disease and severe dehydration, they turn to the introduction of special substances into the vein.

Additional treatments for polyuria are:

  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • performing exercise therapy designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and bladder, in particular, often resort to Kegel exercise;
  • use of alternative medicine prescriptions;

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out with the help of:

  1. anise.
  2. plantain.
  3. oats or millet.
  4. immortelle.
  5. nettles.
  6. motherwort.
  7. Hypericum.
  8. dill.
  9. burdock.

It is worth noting that such a treatment option must be previously agreed with the attending physician.

Prevention and prognosis

Preventive measures that prevent the development of such a disease are aimed at observing the following general recommendations:

  • eat right and balanced;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • take diuretics only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • observe a plentiful drinking regime - normally you need to drink at least two liters per day;
  • timely identify and eliminate pathologies that provoked the occurrence of polyuria;
  • regularly, several times a year, complete preventive examination in a medical institution;

The outcome of polyuria will directly depend on the etiological factor. However, in the vast majority of cases, a complete recovery is observed - this can be achieved by timely seeking qualified help.

Kidney disease, inflammation, affecting the kidneys and urinary tract, should be detected in time for subsequent treatment.

If signs of kidney damage are observed, it is necessary to urgently contact urologist.

Otherwise, the inflammation may turn into chronic form with exacerbations, which slowly but surely, if left untreated, can lead to serious disorders in the kidneys: anuria, nocturia or polyuria.

Briefly about the disease

Polyuria- a deviation in the work of the urinary system, manifested in the excess of urine formation per day twice.

Polyuria is temporary and permanent.

Temporary accompanies tachycardia, as well as hypertensive crisis.

Constant form is detected in disorders of the endocrine glands and kidneys.

Increased urine volume combined high in blood calcium may point to myeloma and sarcoidosis.

Increasing the amount of urine up to 10 liters may contribute to the development of diabetes of various forms.

What are the causes of the disease?

The causes of polyuria are divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological reasons are a solid amount of fluid drunk or diuretic products eaten, as well as consumption medicines causing frequent urination.

Pathological causes are diseases that cause persistent polyuria.

These include:

  • Multiple kidney cysts;
  • chronic insufficiency;
  • Barter's disease;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • Pelvic formations;
  • Bladder inflammation;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • bladder cancer;
  • Diseases of the prostate;
  • diverticulitis;
  • Stones in the kidneys.

The reason for the increase in the daily volume of urine can also be diabetes.

symptomatic nighttime urination- manifestation of diseases of individual organs. Frequent violations that are causes of nocturnal polyuria in women and men, are:

By what symptoms can the disease be identified?

The main symptom of polyuria is increased urine output. over 2 liters. With different disorders, diuresis can vary significantly, the number of urination may increase, or maybe not.

In some patients with severe damage to the functions of the tubules, the daily amount of urine increases to 10 liters, while significant changes occur in the body. loss of minerals and water.

With increased excretion, urine has a reduced density, which is caused by the retention of toxins due to changes in the concentration ability of the kidneys and a corresponding increase in urine volume to compensate.

But patients with diabetes do not fall under this rule: their urine is of high density, which is due to the glucose content.

The disorder no longer has any manifestations, and patients suffer from signs of the underlying disease leading to polyuria.

should be distinguished signs of polyuria from cystitis- frequent urination and dull pain in the lower back. With cystitis, false urges are disturbing, a small amount of urine is released.

Urging with polyuria is also frequent, but the volume of urine significantly exceeds the daily rate in the norm.

How to treat the disease?

Treatment of polyuria as an independent disorder is not carried out. It is assumed that the volume of excreted urine should normalize after the restoration of kidney function.

In the vast majority of cases, this approach is justified, because the volume of urine in almost all patients decreases to normal in the course of treatment of the leading disease.

Patients who do not have such dependence are recommended additional examination to determine previously undiagnosed disorders of the urinary system.

In this case, a thorough study of the medical history is necessary in order to understand the cause of polyuria and determine the treatment.

With a known cause of polyuria, first of all, carry out treatment of the underlying disease. With moderate losses of electrolytes, they are replenished through nutrition.

However seriously ill people required special treatment taking into account the loss of electrolytes in the blood. In this case, the amount of fluid lost is administered urgently, taking into account the amount of circulating blood and the state of the heart and blood vessels.

To reduce polyuria in patients with diabetes insipidus use thiazide diuretics, which affect the processes in the renal tubules and prevent the dilution of urine.

Properly selected diuretics help reduce polyuria by 50%. These drugs are well tolerated by patients and do not cause any special side effects, with the exception of occasionally occurring hypoglycemia.

First of all, the patient needs to control the amount of fluid absorbed.

From the menu follows delete products, irritating urinary organs:

  • Alcohol;
  • Spices;
  • Chocolate;
  • Drinks with non-natural dyes.

Treatment of polyuria with folk remedies

Help with bladder and kidney problems anise fruit. For this, 1 tsp. Pour the fruits with a glass of boiling water, stand for 20 minutes, filter. Drink the infusion 20 minutes before meals, 1/4 cup four times a day for 30 days.

Decoction, infusion, juice plantain also used to normalize the functions of the selection system. Infusion of plantain seeds: 25 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, shaken for a long time, then filtered. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

If you see that the daily volume of urine has increased for no reason, be sure to go to an appointment with a urologist.

Features of the course of polyuria in children

The disorder in children is quite rare. Causes increased excretion of urine in a baby can become:

  • Consumption of a large volume of liquid;
  • Childish habit of frequenting the restroom;
  • Psychical deviations;
  • Conn's syndrome;
  • Diabetes;
  • Tony-Debre-Fanconi syndrome;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and heart.

Also, such a violation in children can provoke the usual habit of going to the bathroom at night and drinking plenty of water.

In order for the treatment of the disorder to work, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. The main course of drugs is aimed at neutralizing the cause of the disease, and the auxiliary one supports the body and restores its water-salt balance.

Polyuria is a violation of the urinary system, manifested in an increase in the daily production of urine. In order for the treatment of the disorder to work, it is necessary to determine and treat the cause of its occurrence.

Video: Problems with urination in men

What can urinary incontinence in men indicate? You will find out the answer to this question by watching the video below.