Rubs from the inside after the prosthesis. How to relieve inflammation of the gums under the prosthesis? Mitigation of the period of adaptation to the prosthesis

Treatment of gum rubbed with a prosthesis

Every patient sooner or later has a problem with the teeth, which leads to the loss of one, several and even all teeth. In this case, in order to prevent the loss of normal chewing function, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the future, a person with partial and complete secondary adentia turns to an orthopedic dentist to install an artificial prosthesis.

Orthopedists offer patients a large number of structures. These are single crowns, and bridges, and removable dentures. Removable dentures can be partial or complete. It all depends on the specific clinical situation. After the installation of an orthopedic structure, especially when it comes to a removable prosthesis, an unpleasant consequence may occur when the prosthesis rubs the gums, which ends with the appearance of an ulcerative surface. In this clinical situation, you need to know how to treat the gum rubbed with a prosthesis.

What should be done when there is pain in the gums after the installation of the prosthesis?

First of all, when pain occurs, you cannot correct the situation yourself. You need to go to the dentist the next day for correction. Before you go to an appointment, you need to put on a prosthesis for about 1-2 hours and even try to eat in it. This will allow the doctor to immediately see the rubbed area and remove the burrs on the prosthesis that cause this defect.

Removable dentures can be made from the following materials:

  1. acrylic plastic.
  2. Nylon plastic.
  3. Combined: plastic + metal. Such a prosthesis is called a clasp.

The least chafing occurs in the manufacture of nylon prostheses, because. This material is very light, soft and flexible. Such designs completely repeat the prosthetic bed, which eliminates the appearance of ulcers.

Some patients, after installing the prosthesis, do not go to the dentist, believing that the pain is normal. That after some period of time the prosthesis will rub in and the pain will pass, however, this is a delusion. While a person will suffer in anticipation of this moment, serious ulcers will appear on the gums, which are not only covered with plaque, but also bleed. In this case, be sure to contact a specialist, only he will tell and show how to treat the gum rubbed with a prosthesis.

In this clinical situation, the dentist first corrects the prosthesis. After that, the doctor recommends not wearing a prosthesis for a day, but actively rinsing the mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs of calendula, oak bark, chamomile, sage and yarrow.

In order for the sores to heal faster, you can treat them with medicinal oils based on sea buckthorn or rose hips. Collagen plates for the gingival margin "Farmadont" also have rapid clinical effectiveness. These plates contain medicinal plants, enzymatic agents and collagen. They have regenerative and analgesic properties.

However, most often dentists answer the question: “The denture rubbed the gum, how to treat it?” answer as follows. For treatment, you need to use the means local action: Solcoseryl, Kamestad and Holisad. These drugs allow you to quickly and effectively cure ulcerative surfaces under the prosthesis.

Related video: Corns on the gums from the prosthesis

How can chafed gums under dentures be treated?

Removable structures have become an excellent solution for people who have lost most of their dentition. But almost everyone has the following question: how to treat and what to do if the prosthesis rubs the gum?

There can be several reasons, as well as options for correction, it all depends on the specific situation. The most important thing that orthopedic doctors insist on is not to adjust the prosthesis on your own and not to remove it at night during the adaptation period. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse.

Any professional who makes a design can make a mistake. And the process of creating prostheses is not perfectly accurate. And literally a millimeter of deviation can provoke problems in adaptation.

The structure itself, even properly made, consists of a harder material than soft tissues with which it is in contact. Therefore, a certain period of addiction and natural rubbing should be.

From the initial imposition on the gums, the so-called prosthetic bed or field is formed. This is the part of the soft tissues that will now be in direct contact with the structure. They must get used to a certain effect, and the foreign object itself will take its place in oral cavity.

If the denture rubs the gum too hard or for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. There can be various reasons for this and they can be eliminated:

  • Insufficient hygienic care leads to food residues getting stuck under the structure, which creates chafing.
  • If the prosthesis was worn for too long and only after a few years it began to bother, it means that it has become unusable. In this case, you need to change it to a new one.
  • Allergy to the material happens due to the presence of metals. Usually it is nickel, cobalt, copper or chromium. They can cause serious allergic reaction therefore, it is necessary to remove the structure from the oral cavity as soon as possible. After an accurate diagnosis, it is desirable to use materials that do not cause allergies.
  • Incorrect installation or errors in creation. Even small defect able to make a wound on the mucosa. If there are inaccuracies in the design, the doctor will easily correct them.
  • The occurrence of candidiasis can cause inflammation of the soft tissues, their hypersensitivity, which leads to further chafing. The structure should be removed and the underlying problem treated.
  • The same goes for gingivitis. It can arise from different reasons, but itself will become the cause of wounds in places of contact with a foreign body.
  • If a removable denture was installed on pulpless abutment teeth, then the appearance of caries will lead to inflammation of the gums, which will lead to chafing. Without a nerve, it is impossible to feel the signs of dental disease in time until caries reaches the soft tissues. You can only notice this when a flux is formed.
  • Improper fixation of the structure also leads to rubbing. The doctor sets it up in a certain way and teaches the patient how to take it off and put it on. Other uses may cause problems.
  • If the prosthesis is loosely fixed on the gums and periodically slips, shifts, then naturally it begins to rub. Sometimes the person himself tries to put her in her place with the tongue, which is ineffective. For convenience, it is better to use a special adhesive for fixing removable structures.

How to treat chafing from a prosthesis?

In order for the chafing to go away, there are two ways out: eliminate the very cause and relieve inflammation of the soft tissues. But if you do not do the first, then the second will give a short-lived effect. Therefore, it is important to approach the process comprehensively:

  1. Correct the prosthesis itself if problems occur due to its tuberosity. This happens quite often, and the doctor can perform the necessary manipulations in just 10-15 minutes. Sometimes it is necessary to make such a correction several times, because when the structure is displaced, fit problems may appear in other places. What is very important - do not perform such manipulations on your own.
  2. If the problem arose due to the lack of proper care, then you should definitely start taking the necessary cleansing steps after each meal. In the meantime, to relieve inflammation, it is enough to rinse the oral cavity with decoctions of herbs. It can be chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, yarrow, etc. Lotions with herbal infusions help well.
  3. Healing oils are able to get rid of small wounds and soothe the mucous membranes. For these purposes, choose sea buckthorn or wild rose. Apply tampons with a few drops of oil for 15-20 minutes three times a day. It is advisable not to use prostheses during gum treatment.
  4. There are special collagen plates and pads for wearing removable structures. They are placed between the gum and the prosthesis and are a kind of buffer that protects the sensitive mucosa from damage. Due to their composition, such plates can additionally treat the gums and disinfect the surface.
  5. There are gels and creams that help treat the mucosa and get used to the prostheses. These can be healing ointments or agents in any other form convenient for the patient.
  6. When they appear, it is better to additionally consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the origin and danger of formations.
  7. Among folk remedies honey works well. It is able to quickly heal wounds, relieve inflammation and even slightly anesthetize. Enough to apply bee product a little on the mucous membrane before going to bed and do not wash off the surface, allowing it to dissolve naturally.

Some patients do not want to endure the first period of adaptation to the prosthesis, and take it off at night to rest, or even put it on only when they need to eat or talk. At the same time, no doctor will help the patient's mucous membrane to get used to the design. Thus, a vicious circle occurs, in which a person will constantly suffer from the presence of a foreign object in the mouth and the gum will not be able to get used to it.

When will the denture need to be filed?

A very common cause of rubbing is the imperfect shape of the structure itself. This is normal and fairly easy to fix. The doctor will notice this at your visit and address the underlying cause.

  • Even a millimeter of discrepancy can create a noticeable defect.
  • When filing at the point of contact, the problem will be eliminated, but the load will be redistributed and such a defect will occur elsewhere. Sometimes you need to visit the doctor several times before the design is fully adjusted to the shape of the gum.
  • Too often filing is not done, but only really in serious cases. Because from periodic correction it will become unusable. This also applies to attempts at home manipulations - the prosthesis is easy to break or bring to such a state when you have to make a new one.

If the dentist made a clearly poor-quality prosthesis and approaches the situation lightly, then it is better to change the doctor. The quality of the design and the health of the patient's oral cavity largely depend on the qualifications of the specialist.

Video: calluses on the gums from a denture.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid problems with getting used to a removable structure. But you can try to facilitate this process and reduce the risk of serious injuries. To do this, doctors advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • After each meal, it is advisable to remove the structure and clean it with an additional brush, especially in places of contact with the mucous membrane. After all, any small grain can create a wound over time.
  • If it is not possible to clean the prosthesis if necessary, then at least rinse it under running water.
  • At the first sign of rubbing, you can immediately make herbal infusions and rinse your mouth with them.
  • In addition to herbs, there are special products sold in pharmacies that help heal wounds and relieve inflammation of the mucosa.
  • Contact your doctor in time to know exactly what to do - adjust the prosthesis, change it, or just endure and get used to it.
  • When chewing, try to evenly distribute the load on the jaw and on both sides.
  • It is also important not to remove the structure in the first weeks of adaptation at night, so that the tissues get used to it faster.

Only if such rules are observed, you can count on the fact that the prosthesis will take root faster and cause the least number of problems.

What to do when the denture rubs the gum

People who do not have a large number of crowns in the oral cavity resort to removable dentures or implants. Since a removable denture is cheaper, its use is the best option. But one of the most common problems when using removable dentures is rubbing of the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. To removable dentures not rubbed in dentistry used methods of adjustment. You can finally get rid of chafing only by identifying the cause of the inconvenience.

The denture rubs the gum

Why do dentures rub on gums?

Removable design is a prosthesis made according to individual casts using modern dental materials. But the prosthesis cannot be attributed to ultra-precise structures. Despite the fact that the cast is performed using a silicone or alginate mass from the patient's jaw, it has certain errors. In the process of creation, a certain modeling takes place with the help of burs for the individual characteristics of the patient's jaw, but it is impossible to foresee the entire relief of the jaw apparatus.

The material from which a removable prosthesis is made is much rougher and harder than the natural tissues in the patient's mouth. That is why the denture rubs during operation.

There are several reasons why the denture rubs the gums, and wounds appear on its surface:

  1. Initial installation of a removable prosthesis. During the period of adaptation of the jaw to the new design, the formation of a prosthetic bed occurs. The prosthetic bed is located between the prosthesis plate and the mucosa. Unpleasant sensations from using a prosthesis can last up to 3 months. And on the surface of the gums, scuffs and creases are formed, which indicates the adaptation of the body to a new design.
  2. When used incorrectly. If the doctor did not sufficiently explain to the patient the procedure for installing the structure, then the prosthesis can injure the gums during improper wear and rub them.
  3. After several years of use. In the process of using the structure, rubbing is formed in places of rarefaction and shrinkage of bone tissues. Mucous membranes and bone tissues become thinner, and voids form between the device and tissues. While eating, food particles get under the prosthesis, which additionally injures the tissues.

If the prosthesis rubs the gum after a long period of operation, then it is necessary to take it for correction. And if discomfort remains after the correction, then prosthetics will have to be performed according to new casts.

Sore gums under the crown

How to heal gums after rubbing with dentures

If you experience discomfort associated with the use of a removable prosthesis, you should seek help from a specialist. If the patient has not previously used the prosthesis and the device rubbed for the first time, then the design is corrected within two weeks. The newly designed dentures must be worn around the clock and not removed at night. Mucous and hard tissues get used to the device much faster and the orthopedic design will stop rubbing.

If, when wearing the structure during the period of habituation, strong pain, it can be removed for a while. At the moment when the structure is not in use, it is dipped in a disinfectant solution. In order for the gums to adapt to the new state, it is necessary to wear the prosthesis for at least 5 hours a day. But even if the device has stopped rubbing with such intensity as before, a visit to the orthopedist cannot be postponed. The orthopedist will help to grind the bumps and make it easier to wear.

Farmadont plates are often used to eliminate inflammation and heal small wounds in the oral cavity when using prostheses. Formadont is applied three times a day to those areas where treatment is required. The product contains enzymatic substances and natural collagen, as well as healing wound healing herbs. Formadont accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation and reduces pain.

Farmadont - self-absorbable gum plates

In addition to the use of formadont, dental gels and creams help well. Which must be smeared on those places where the device has rubbed the most. But if you apply gels to the entire surface of the gums, it will help relieve inflammation of the entire jaw. Gel Holisal effectively heals minor wounds and abrasions from the use of orthopedic structures. And Solcoseryl ointment relieves inflammation. Well proven in the treatment of small sores in the mouth, the drug Tantum Verde. The drug Kamestad is also widely used, it has an effect similar to Cholisal, but it costs a little less.

Treatment at home

Not all people suffering from chafing of dentures know what to do if a visit to a specialist is not possible in the near future. In this case, it is worth using the advice of traditional medicine.

Alternative methods can eliminate inflammation in the mouth only for a while, it will not be possible to completely remove it. But if applied folk methods to combat scuffs, together with dental treatment, then pathology can be defeated.

It is best to use the following methods to combat chafing under the denture.

  • Rinse with decoctions of healing anti-inflammatory herbs. Chamomile will help to partially relieve inflammation and soothe damaged gums. And sage will improve tissue trophism and healing will go faster. You can use mumiyo solution as a disinfectant for the oral cavity.
  • Tinctures with anti-inflammatory effect help well. They are used as a solution for rinsing the mouth or as lotions. The most effective of the tinctures is eucalyptus tincture, eucalyptus is able to relieve pain in the gums and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Many patients confirm that the use of vegetable oils for gum disease helps to eliminate negative symptoms. So, sea buckthorn oil, rich in various antioxidants, relieves inflammation with chafing and helps heal ulcers faster. Rosehip oil also has astringent properties, which additionally has a wound healing effect. Therefore, it is also used for bleeding gums and to restore a favorable microclimate in the oral cavity.
  • Aloe leaves are used not only for the preparation of various rinses for teeth and gums on alcohol, but are also used as an independent remedy. For therapeutic effect you need to take a leaf of aloe, cut it in half, and smear the gums with the pulp of aloe using a cotton pad. Aloe will help relieve inflammation and heal small wounds.

Honey and propolis - a folk remedy

Many people know about healing properties honey, but not everyone knows exactly how to treat inflammation in the mouth with honey. After all, most often bee bread or propolis is used as a remedy. Honey is used as compresses on the affected areas of the skin. Due to the large amount of antioxidants and antimicrobial components, it easily heals small sores and wounds.

Prevention of chafing

Most people who have their dentures rubbed do not realize that this process is unnatural. And they don't know what to do to prevent chafing. But there are a few simple rules to help avoid discomfort:

  • It is necessary to install and make a prosthesis only by an experienced orthodontist who has a large number of positive feedback and satisfied customers. Otherwise, the money invested in orthopedic structures will be wasted. And the discomfort from prostheses will become a constant companion of life.
  • After installing the orthopedic structure, the patient will have to forever forget about eating hard and sticky foods. Solid food will have to be finely chopped. Otherwise, there is a high risk of breaking a fragile orthopedic structure.
  • Although modern prostheses do not need constant soaking in a hygienic solution, they need no less care. Every day they need to be treated with soapy water or specialized tablets for prostheses. If you do not perform daily hygiene of the device, then the plate may form favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Such an environment will entail additional injury to the gums.
  • If the prosthesis is made taking into account all the anatomical features of the patient's oral cavity, then specialized fixators should be used. They help to securely stick the structure to the gums and avoid chafing.
  • Every year, atrophic changes occur in the gums, so the prosthesis must be relined regularly. The relining process is the filling of voids in the places of shrinkage of the gums with new plastic. If such a correction is not performed annually, then the prosthesis wears out quickly and becomes unusable. Another plus of relining is the low cost, in contrast to the manufacture of a new prosthesis.
  • If a chip or crack has formed in the prosthesis during wearing, it is necessary to use the help of an orthodontist, self-repair of the device will lead to its complete failure.

The presence of an orthopedic structure in the mouth obliges the patient to visit the dentist several times a year, even if no discomfort occurs.

Prosthetics is a complex dental operation in which foreign elements are installed in place of the extracted teeth - prostheses made of different materials. Any surgical intervention entails possible consequences in the form of complications, the appearance of which, first of all, is affected by the condition of the patient's oral cavity, as well as following the doctor's recommendations after the installation of prostheses. Such consequences include inflammation of the gums under the prosthesis.

The main causes of inflammation

For efficient and quick treatment inflammation of the gums, it is necessary to understand the main causes of such a reaction. If the prostheses were installed relatively recently, then the gums can become inflamed during adaptation, when the body is just starting to get used to the foreign body. In this case, there will be no treatment as such, soothing or preventive measures must be taken. During this period, it is necessary to follow all the advice and recommendations of the doctor on, so that addiction will become faster and more comfortable.

Consider the most common causes of the inflammatory process under the dental structure:

  • allergy to some materials used in the manufacture of prostheses;
  • unbalanced diet. The diet lacks useful trace elements and vitamins;
  • non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, as a result of which the likelihood of such an ailment as periodontitis increases;
  • an incorrectly made denture or some mistakes were made during its installation. In this case, the design will affect the patient's gums with metal parts, which will lead to irritation.

The dentist begins to treat inflammation of the gums, based on the cause of this phenomenon. Only by finding out the root cause, you can get the best result. Some procedures can be performed by the doctor in his office, while other treatment measures can be performed by the patient on his own without any help.

Characteristic symptoms

When an inflammatory process appears on the gums, the patient, as a rule, notices certain symptoms, according to the description of which the dentist finds out which methods are best suited to eliminate discomfort.

The clinical picture of gum inflammation looks something like this:

  • gum tissue increases in volume;
  • the appearance of bad breath;
  • pain when chewing, which can be aggravated by biting into solid food;
  • even slight touches to the surface of the gums can lead to bleeding;
  • swelling of the damaged gums;
  • development of hyperemia of the periodontal tissues.

Important! Inflammation of the gums can be felt more strongly when it is subjected to mechanical stress or when a periodontal process occurs. Symptoms of inflammation may vary depending on the mechanism of development of pathology. From this, the features of the treatment process will depend.

Possible Complications

Other diseases that are more serious can also lead to gum disease. Redness and, as a result, swelling of the gums under the prosthesis indicates the presence of serious disorders in the inner layers of the patient's jaw. For example, damage to the tissues near the denture, which, if not treated correctly or not in time, will certainly lead to rejection of the implant. If the inflammatory process has passed to healthy teeth, then in this case they will need to be removed.

Methods of treatment

To facilitate the process of getting used to the newly installed dentures, it is necessary to carry out some procedures for the care of the structure. This should be communicated to the patient by the physician after the insertion procedure is completed. But in rare cases, care alone will not be enough, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process, the range of actions should be expanded.

These methods include:

  • the use of painkillers;
  • treatment of the surface of the gums with special dental creams and balms;
  • rinsing the mouth with infusions medicinal herbs or antiseptic solutions.

In most cases, when the installation of dentures was performed by a qualified specialist, using only high-quality materials to create the construction, such methods should be enough. Otherwise, if the gums do not stop inflaming and hurting, the doctor may prescribe additional therapeutic measures.

Pharmacy preparations

These tools are very easy to use. Regular use of special solutions and infusions for rinsing the mouth will relieve inflammation and eliminate all unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, pain). In addition, the surface of the mucous membrane is disinfected, as a result of which all pathogens and bacteria will be destroyed.

On a note! Before using this or that drug, be sure to read the instructions, because some products must first be diluted in water, while others are already sold ready for use.

Most pharmaceutical preparations have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, due to which the healing of the affected gums occurs much faster. These drugs include special rinses, ointments, creams, and infusions. Below are the most effective drugs.

Table. Popular pharmaceutical products for rinsing.

Name of the drugDescriptionApplication
Thanks to tea tree oil, which is part of this rinse, the patient will notice positive changes after the first few procedures. The tool activates the process of strengthening the gums, as a result of which the condition of the oral cavity improves significantly. As a result, bleeding and inflammation of the gums disappear, the interdental spaces become cleaner, and the amount of plaque is reduced.The drug is sold with a special cap for the liquid. Fill it up, then rinse your mouth for 20-30 seconds. It is recommended to use after each meal, as well as after brushing your teeth.
An effective naturopathic preparation that is intended exclusively for external use. The tool has decongestant, analgesic, deodorant and antipruritic properties, due to which it is used to treat various diseases. infectious diseases. It is often used as an addition to other drugs, simultaneously enhancing their effect. Available in the form of drops.Mix 200 ml of warm water with 10 drops of the drug, then rinse your mouth once a day for 1-1.5 weeks.
Effective gel used in dentistry for treatment inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. Within just a few minutes after applying the gel, the patient feels relief. The duration of the effect is 1-2 hours.Gently apply the gel on the affected surface of the gums and rub with your fingers. Repeat the procedure no more than 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 1 week.
An excellent antiseptic for external use. Available in the form of a clear solution, which is able to create foam even with slight agitation. You can purchase this drug in the following volumes: 500, 100 and 50 ml.Used to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
A popular drug with antimicrobial properties. In most cases, it is chosen because of the excellent combination of price and quality. Available in the form of a yellow solution.Rinse your mouth twice a day until the symptoms of inflammation disappear completely.
An excellent anti-inflammatory cream with anesthetic as well as analgesic properties. Its regular use allows you to relieve burning and itching.Apply the product to the affected area and gently rub it into the gums. Before using the cream, the oral cavity must be cleaned of food debris. The drug is used 2 times a day.
Used to eliminate various pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, therefore it is widely used not only in dental, but also in ENT practice.To eliminate inflammatory processes, the remedy must be taken 3 times a day, approximately 15-20 minutes after each meal. The duration of the treatment course is until complete recovery.

In addition to solutions and various creams, special toothpastes are also successfully used in dentistry. They help to cope with inflammation or bleeding of the gums. Thanks to anti-inflammatory components and extracts medicinal plants, which are part of such pastes, healing occurs quickly enough. In addition, they are available without a prescription.

Doctors recommend using toothpastes such as Mexidol dent phyto, President, Lakalut or Parodontax. You can also use pastes that contain tea tree oil. The only caveat is that the maximum course of using therapeutic toothpaste should not exceed 4 weeks. After this period is over, it is advisable to take a short break (brush your teeth with regular toothpaste).

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional methods of treating gum inflammation, people also prefer proven folk remedies. Of course, you will not be able to achieve the optimal effect by using only folk remedies, but with their help you can enhance the effect of the use of pharmaceutical preparations.

Consider the most common recipes for folk remedies used for gum disease:

Prevention measures

To minimize the likelihood of gum disease, it is necessary not to forget about prevention, which includes caring for the oral cavity and installed dentures. As a rule, doctors recommend performing the same procedures.

If none of the actions performed help to eliminate gum inflammation, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor. He will find the best way solving the problem that has arisen. Timely contact with a specialist will avoid unpleasant consequences.

Video - How to quickly relieve inflammation of the gums

People who do not have a large number of crowns in the oral cavity resort to removable dentures or implants. Since a removable denture is cheaper, its use is the best option. But one of the most common problems when using removable dentures is rubbing of the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Correction methods are used to prevent removable dentures from chafing in dentistry. You can finally get rid of chafing only by identifying the cause of the inconvenience.

The denture rubs the gum

Why do dentures rub on gums?

Removable design is a prosthesis made according to individual casts using modern dental materials. But the prosthesis cannot be attributed to ultra-precise structures. Despite the fact that the cast is performed using a silicone or alginate mass from the patient's jaw, it has certain errors. In the process of creation, a certain modeling takes place with the help of burs for the individual characteristics of the patient's jaw, but it is impossible to foresee the entire relief of the jaw apparatus.

The material from which a removable prosthesis is made is much rougher and harder than the natural tissues in the patient's mouth. That is why the denture rubs during operation.

There are several reasons why the denture rubs the gums, and wounds appear on its surface:

  1. Initial installation of a removable prosthesis. During the period of adaptation of the jaw to the new design, the formation of a prosthetic bed occurs. The prosthetic bed is located between the prosthesis plate and the mucosa. Unpleasant sensations from using the prosthesis can last up to 3 months. And on the surface of the gums, scuffs and creases are formed, which indicates the adaptation of the body to a new design.
  2. When used incorrectly. If the doctor did not sufficiently explain to the patient the procedure for installing the structure, then the prosthesis can injure the gums during improper wear and rub them.
  3. After several years of use. In the process of using the structure, rubbing is formed in places of rarefaction and shrinkage of bone tissues. Mucous membranes and bone tissues become thinner, and voids form between the device and tissues. While eating, food particles get under the prosthesis, which additionally injures the tissues.

If the prosthesis rubs the gum after a long period of operation, then it is necessary to take it for correction. And if discomfort remains after the correction, then prosthetics will have to be performed according to new casts.

Sore gums under the crown

How to heal gums after rubbing with dentures

If you experience discomfort associated with the use of a removable prosthesis, you should seek help from a specialist. If the patient has not previously used the prosthesis and the device rubbed for the first time, then the design is corrected within two weeks. The newly designed dentures must be worn around the clock and not removed at night. Mucous and hard tissues will get used to the device much faster and the orthopedic design will stop rubbing.

If, when wearing the structure during the adjustment period, strong pain occurs, it can be removed for a while. At the moment when the structure is not in use, it is dipped in a disinfectant solution. In order for the gums to adapt to the new state, it is necessary to wear the prosthesis for at least 5 hours a day. But even if the device has stopped rubbing with such intensity as before, a visit to the orthopedist cannot be postponed. The orthopedist will help to grind the bumps and make it easier to wear.

Farmadont plates are often used to eliminate inflammation and heal small wounds in the oral cavity when using prostheses. Formadont is applied three times a day to those areas where treatment is required. The product contains enzymatic substances and natural collagen, as well as healing wound healing herbs. Formadont accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation and reduces pain.

Farmadont - self-absorbable gum plates

In addition to the use of formadont, dental gels and creams help well. Which must be smeared on those places where the device has rubbed the most. But if you apply gels to the entire surface of the gums, it will help relieve inflammation of the entire jaw. Gel Holisal effectively heals minor wounds and abrasions from the use of orthopedic structures. And Solcoseryl ointment relieves inflammation. Well proven in the treatment of small sores in the mouth, the drug Tantum Verde. The drug Kamestad is also widely used, it has an effect similar to Cholisal, but it costs a little less.

Treatment at home

Not all people suffering from chafing of dentures know what to do if a visit to a specialist is not possible in the near future. In this case, it is worth using the advice of traditional medicine.

Alternative methods can eliminate inflammation in the mouth only for a while, it will not be possible to completely remove it. But if you use folk methods to combat scuffs, together with dental treatment, then you can defeat the pathology.

It is best to use the following methods to combat chafing under the denture.

  • Rinse with decoctions of healing anti-inflammatory herbs. Chamomile will help to partially relieve inflammation and soothe damaged gums. And sage will improve tissue trophism and healing will go faster. You can use mumiyo solution as a disinfectant for the oral cavity.
  • Tinctures with anti-inflammatory effect help well. They are used as a solution for rinsing the mouth or as lotions. The most effective of the tinctures is eucalyptus tincture, eucalyptus is able to relieve pain in the gums and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Many patients confirm that the use of vegetable oils for gum disease helps to eliminate negative symptoms. So, sea buckthorn oil, rich in various antioxidants, relieves inflammation with chafing and helps heal ulcers faster. Rosehip oil also has astringent properties, which additionally has a wound healing effect. Therefore, it is also used for bleeding gums and to restore a favorable microclimate in the oral cavity.
  • Aloe leaves are used not only for the preparation of various rinses for teeth and gums on alcohol, but are also used as an independent remedy. For a therapeutic effect, you need to take an aloe leaf, cut it in half, and smear the gums with aloe pulp using a cotton pad. Aloe will help relieve inflammation and heal small wounds.

Honey and propolis - a folk remedy

Many people know about the healing properties of honey, but not everyone knows exactly how to treat inflammation in the mouth with honey. After all, most often bee bread or propolis is used as a remedy. Honey is used as compresses on the affected areas of the skin. Due to the large amount of antioxidants and antimicrobial components, it easily heals small sores and wounds.

Prevention of chafing

Most people who have their dentures rubbed do not realize that this process is unnatural. And they don't know what to do to prevent chafing. But there are a few simple rules to help avoid discomfort:

  • It is necessary to install and manufacture a prosthesis only by an experienced orthodontist, who has a large number of positive reviews and satisfied customers. Otherwise, the money invested in orthopedic structures will be wasted. And the discomfort from prostheses will become a constant companion of life.
  • After installing the orthopedic structure, the patient will have to forever forget about eating hard and sticky foods. Solid food will have to be finely chopped. Otherwise, there is a high risk of breaking a fragile orthopedic structure.
  • Although modern prostheses do not need constant soaking in a hygienic solution, they need no less care. Every day they need to be treated with soapy water or specialized tablets for prostheses. If you do not perform daily hygiene of the device, then favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms may form on the plate. Such an environment will entail additional injury to the gums.
  • If the prosthesis is made taking into account all the anatomical features of the patient's oral cavity, then specialized fixators should be used. They help to securely stick the structure to the gums and avoid chafing.
  • Every year, atrophic changes occur in the gums, so the prosthesis must be relined regularly. The relining process is the filling of voids in the places of shrinkage of the gums with new plastic. If such a correction is not performed annually, then the prosthesis wears out quickly and becomes unusable. Another plus of relining is the low cost, in contrast to the manufacture of a new prosthesis.
  • If a chip or crack has formed in the prosthesis during wearing, it is necessary to use the help of an orthodontist, self-repair of the device will lead to its complete failure.

The presence of an orthopedic structure in the mouth obliges the patient to visit the dentist several times a year, even if no discomfort occurs.

The problem of missing one or more teeth can be solved with dentures. Even with a high level of development of dentistry, complete or partial loss of teeth is not so rare.

The service of dental prosthetics is still relevant. Moreover, implantation is necessary not only for reasons of aesthetics.

The absence of several teeth adversely affects the health of the entire oral cavity. In the area of ​​the formed defect, the bone tissue decreases in volume. As a result, the load on the entire chewing apparatus of a person increases.

Depending on the type, prostheses are divided into fixed, conditionally removable and removable structures. The latter are used in the complete absence of teeth. They effectively restore the lost functions of the jaw system.

In turn, removable dentures are divided into complete, with the restoration of the chewing apparatus, and partial, when several teeth are recreated.

The selection of an artificial jaw system is carried out by an orthopedic dentist. Depending on which defect of the oral cavity needs to be eliminated, the type of prosthesis is selected.

The process of dental prosthetics is divided into several stages:

  • clinical examination of the patient;
  • preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics;
  • making casts of the upper and lower jaws;
  • trial installation and adjustment;
  • wax modeling of the jaw bed;
  • wax removal and dentures;
  • checking occlusion and aesthetics;
  • fabrication of a complete prosthesis.

After an examination with a mandatory x-ray of the oral cavity, the doctor treats the remaining teeth in order to eliminate the foci of infection.

If necessary, completely destroyed teeth are removed, gum treatment is prescribed.

After making the final version of the prosthesis in the laboratory, the patient tries on the false teeth. Properly selected designs should not cause inconvenience.

Varieties and cost

Modern dentures are made from high quality materials. During operation, they do not change shape and do not lose elasticity. The following materials are used for manufacturing:

  • acrylic plastic;
  • clasp;
  • nylon.

When choosing a certain type of prosthetics, the financial capabilities and wishes of the patient are necessarily taken into account.

With proper use, a long service life of false teeth is observed, regardless of the material of manufacture.

Some removable structures require additional adjustment, which is revealed after the first days of operation.


Such a prosthesis is firmly fixed on the gum due to the discharged space between the artificial tooth and the oral mucosa.

The average life of an acrylic system is 4 years. The reason for the wide popularity of acrylic prostheses is the affordable cost, which on average ranges from 8 to 15 thousand rubles.


Clasp prostheses consist of a metal frame (clasp), which is characterized by potential comfort. They are fixed on the gums with special latches (clasps) or micro-locks (attachments).

Small branches of the metal frame are called clasps. The false jaws with clasp fixation are simple and reliable in operation.

They have only one drawback - metal latches are noticeable when smiling.

Clasp systems with micro-locks are a more progressive type of prosthetics. They are securely fixed on the crowns of the surviving teeth. Metal fasteners are located in such a way that they are completely invisible from the side.

The cost of clasp jaws with clasps is 25 - 30 thousand rubles, the cost of locking prostheses is about 40 thousand rubles.


Removable dentures made of elastic nylon are easy to use. This prosthesis is indicated for the complete or partial absence of teeth.

Their main advantage is high aesthetic qualities and affordable cost.

Nylon prostheses reliably imitate the living tissue of the teeth. The main disadvantage is not quite comfortable operation, which is due to the uneven distribution of the load during chewing.

In the process of wearing, an artificial structure can sag, and therefore it needs regular correction. Price complete denture is 25 thousand rubles.

Physiological addiction

The process of habituation is complicated physiological characteristics organism. The immune system perceives the installed prosthesis as foreign body.

Even an initially perfectly fitted orthodontic construction causes a sensation of a foreign object in the mouth.

Practice shows that addiction lasts about a month. The process of rejection of a foreign object is accompanied by the following physiological symptoms:

  • bouts of nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • dulling of taste sensations;
  • pain in the gums;
  • articulation disorder.

After the process of adaptation to dentures is completed, the patient ceases to feel their presence in the mouth.

The timing of addiction depends on the size of the dentures, the material, the quality of the work of the dentist and individual features the patient's body.

In order to partially neutralize unpleasant symptoms during the adaptation period, some recommendations should be followed.

You will learn how to live fully with removable dentures from the video.

Pain in the gums

Even lightweight dentures cause pain at first. Unpleasant sensations intensify during meals.

In some cases, the process of addiction is complicated by inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In this case, a correction is needed.

After completion of the correction, the habituation process resumes. A well-fitting prosthesis will definitely cause pain.

This is due to the fact that the gums are used to the absence of a tooth. The appearance of the prosthesis is perceived as an additional burden.

It is better to grind the meat into minced meat, stew the cabbage until fully cooked. In order not to accidentally injure the gums and cheeks, food should be chewed slowly. You can return to your usual diet in a month.

Tip: With constant pain in the gums, a light massage will help. With cleanly washed hands, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oral cavity around the prosthesis is massaged in a circular motion within 2 - 3 minutes.

Dull taste

According to statistics, about 40% of patients complain of a change in taste after dentures. The problem is temporary. Usually the sensation of taste is restored after two weeks.

Slow chewing will help to feel the taste of the dish during the adaptation process. You should carefully chew each piece of food with relish.

articulation disorder

Modern dentures fully replace lost teeth and should not cause problems with articulation. Intensive pronunciation of words will help restore diction.

The pronunciation of tongue twisters helps to restore speech functions well. Words should be pronounced clearly, avoiding fast pronunciation of phrases.

Attacks of nausea and dizziness

An increased gag reflex occurs as a natural reaction of the body to a foreign body. To relieve an attack of nausea, it is enough to make several deep entries through the nose.

Peppermint tablets and lozenges will help to cope with prolonged urge to vomit.

If nausea is accompanied by dizziness, you should consult a doctor. You may need additional correction of the prosthesis.

Increased salivation

Abundant salivation is also a natural reaction of the body to a foreign object. Salivation increases because the body perceives removable structures installed in the oral cavity as food.

When the brain sends an appropriate signal, the processes in the oral cavity increase, which contribute to the thorough digestion of the food mass. To reduce salivation, rinsing the mouth with a weak salt solution will help.

Tip: during the adaptation period, it is useful to moisten the removable jaw with water before placing it in the oral cavity.

Instead of water, you can use a special fixing agent, which is sold in a pharmacy.

How to speed up the adaptation process?

To avoid injury to the gums, you should carefully rehearse the process of installing dentures. It is recommended to practice in front of a mirror for a few minutes.

The process of addiction will be less painful if the prostheses are removed at night.

Every day before going to bed they need to be subjected to hygienic cleaning. Plaque and tartar can form on false teeth. To prolong the service life, it is recommended to clean them daily with a soft brush.

For overnight storage, place them in an individual container.

During the day, new prostheses squeeze the gums, in connection with this, wounds and micro-inflammations appear in the oral cavity.

In order for the adaptation process to go quickly, painlessly and without problems, it is necessary to fully care for the oral cavity.

Regularly before going to bed after removing the dentures, it is recommended to rinse the gums with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage. Regular rinsing will help relieve the symptoms of inflammation.

If, after a month, artificial teeth, as before, cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the artificial design is not suitable for reasons of individual intolerance.

You will learn about indications and wearing removable dentures from the video.

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For people who do not have a large number of units in the dentition, removable dentures are the best option. Thanks to modern removable plates, it becomes possible to restore the integrity of the dentition and the function of chewing. But one of the most common problems during the use of such structures is rubbing of the gums or oral mucosa. How long is the adjustment of removable dentures, why they rub and how to get rid of it, you should understand in more detail.

By itself, the prosthesis is not ultra-precise. The stages of its manufacture involve taking an impression, casting, modeling, and the manufacture itself, final processing. And it is not easy to take into account the small tubercles or depressions that are an integral part of the relief of the jaw apparatus. And the material itself, from which the plate is made, is often much harder than the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, even if the manufacture is accurate, and the skill of the specialist is high, it will not be possible to prevent the inconvenience related to rubbing the gums under the prosthesis at any stage of its operation.

by the most common causes the fact that inflammation and rubbing begins under the denture are:

  1. Period after initial installation. During it, the formation of the so-called "prosthetic bed" takes place, it is located on the mucosal area that is in contact with the plate. Discomfort can last from one to three months. At the same time, bumps or scuffs may appear, this is due to the adaptation of the body to a new adaptation.
  2. Improper donning, as a result of which the prosthesis injures and rubs the gums.
  3. After 5 years of operation. In this case, chafing appears as a result of atrophy and shrinkage of the bone tissues of the jaw apparatus, together with the mucous layer covering it. During the entire period of operation, the solid part of the basis of the prosthesis is unchanged, and this provokes violations in the correspondence of the jaw and the plate, and unnecessary cavities are formed. Particularly acute are painful sensations during a meal, when the device does not fit snugly against the gum, moves, causing pain, causing inflammation under the prosthesis.

According to many dentists, if pain occurs due to rubbing after a long period of use, only correction will not be enough. false teeth. In this case, a complete replacement of the structure is recommended.

How to get rid of chafing

To get rid of rubbing, it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist. If the structure has just been made and has begun to rub, a correction will be needed within two weeks. After the dentures are installed, it is recommended not to remove them at night for two weeks. So the addiction will pass faster.

If during addiction the pain is too intense, you can remove it for a certain time, lowering it into a disinfectant solution. Optimal time to wear the design is at least four hours a day. But an appeal to an orthopedist is necessary, since in this case correction is required by mechanical action. It is recommended to resort to rinsing herbal decoctions(calendula, chamomile, sage, oak bark, yarrow). In addition to rinsing, lotions from decoctions of these plants can be used. Through these procedures, inflammation can be reduced.

Can be used to treat wounds and abrasions medicinal oils- sea buckthorn, wild rose, tea tree. Soak a napkin or clean gauze with oil, apply to the painful area for 10-15 minutes. Carry out such manipulations three times a day. At this time, the prosthesis is removed.

To reduce inflammation and help in the healing of wounds can plates for gums Farmadont. They are often used during the period of adaptation to the prosthesis. Such a remedy is applied to the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mucosa three times a day. These plates contain collagen, healing herbs, enzymatic substances, due to which tissue regeneration is accelerated, and pain and inflammation are reduced.

The use of gels and creams (kamestad, cholisal, solcoseryl) is also part of rubbing therapy. Such funds are effective in the presence of wounds or sores after the prosthesis. For local treatment, lotions and applications from a solution of honey or propolis are used. Another effective tool for the treatment of damage is the drug Tantum Verde.

Proper prosthetics is the maximum adjustment of the design to the anatomical forms of the jaw apparatus, so it is better not to endure pain and discomfort, but to contact a specialist to correct the device.

How to prevent chafing

Preventive measures to prevent damage to the mucous or gums are:

  1. Appeal for prosthetics only to professionals.
  2. Exclusion of viscous, sticky foods (chewing gum, toffee), excessively hard foods (nuts, crackers, hard vegetables or fruits).
  3. Proper observance of oral hygiene and removable plates. The design must be washed with a weak solution of soap, disinfectants (corega, rox) should be used.
  4. The use of special means for fixing prostheses. It can be gels, creams, glue, powder or pads. They are applied to the structure before use, after which the device is fixed on the dentition.
  5. Appeal to an orthopedic specialist for relocation of the device. After a while after use, it fits worse due to natural processes in bone tissues. As a result, on removable devices cavities are formed, which must be periodically filled. This is done only by a specialist.
  6. If cracks appear on the structure or in the event of a breakdown, it becomes unusable. You can not try to fix it yourself, only a specialist should do it.

If during wearing the product there is a feeling of dryness or burning in the mouth, a visit to the allergist is recommended. You should visit your dentist regularly for a checkup. Even if there are no complaints.