Removable dentures - a detailed overview of the types, which are the best and how to properly care for them. Removable and non-removable dentures: what are their differences in price What do false teeth look like

When, for one reason or another, one or more teeth are lost, a natural question arises - how, in fact, could they be restored? And so that it is not very expensive (implantation is not affordable for everyone), and that the denture looks beautiful and does not cause discomfort when talking and chewing food.

In addition, as practice shows, many people are afraid that a removable denture may simply fall out of the mouth at the most inopportune moment (for example, when talking), or it will be too noticeable to others, associating with the "set teeth".

All these fears are partly really not unfounded - there are a lot of negative reviews about dentures, when the patient could not get used to the removable structure, and she went "to the far corner of the table." However, fortunately, there are also removable partial dentures that are comfortable to wear and have a high level of aesthetics.

On a note

A partial denture is a denture that replaces one or more missing teeth. There are also complete dentures used for total absence teeth on one or both jaws.

In general, the situation when there are at least a few preserved teeth in the mouth, from the point of view of the upcoming prosthetics, is much better than if there were no teeth at all - after all, there are supports for which one or another structure can be attached. Therefore, it is important not to rush to remove diseased teeth if there is at least the slightest chance of curing them and saving them for the future.

Next, we will look at what types of partial dentures exist today, what are the pros and cons of each option, and which one can become the best choice in a particular clinical setting...

Types of partial dentures

Among the removable dentures used in the partial absence of teeth in oral cavity, a significant niche in orthopedics is occupied by the following types:

  • Acrylic (plate). Acrylic plate denture got its name due to the fact that the basis of this design is a plate that transfers the masticatory load to the palate and gums. Such prostheses are made of rigid acrylic plastic. There are complete acrylic dentures and partial ones. A partial acrylic denture has special metal hooks (clasps) for fixing to the abutment teeth. A removable acrylic prosthesis can be used for almost any degree of tooth loss (especially with a significant one, and it does not matter in which section - end, lateral or anterior);
  • Nylon - differ from acrylic primarily in their elasticity - they are soft. Their advantages and disadvantages follow from this property - they are more comfortable to wear, but they keep worse in the mouth and distribute the chewing load worse, as a result of which gum atrophy under the prosthesis can proceed at an accelerated pace;
  • Clasp (from the German "bugel" - arc) - have a power frame in the form of a metal or plastic arc, on which a base with artificial teeth is welded. In the vast majority of cases, the clasp prosthesis will be much better in terms of functional characteristics than lamellar or nylon;
  • Immediate prostheses (the so-called butterfly prostheses). Usually used to replace 1-2 teeth. The base of the butterfly prosthesis can be made of acrylic plastic or nylon and has hooks for attaching to the abutment teeth;
  • The so-called removable dentures of a new generation without a palate (another name is Sandwich). They are a combination of a rigid base made of acrylic resin and elastic polyurethane crowns that are stretched over the abutment teeth. Artificial teeth are installed in the plastic base. This is not the best option for prosthetics, since in a number of characteristics it is inferior not only to clasp prostheses, but also to standard acrylic ones.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each of these options.

Features of prosthetics with acrylic prostheses

Acrylic dentures have been used in dentistry for more than 50 years, and during this time tremendous experience has been gained in their use both in complete removable prosthetics (when there is not a single tooth in the oral cavity) and in partial ones. Now they continue to be installed in huge numbers, especially in Russia - due to the fact that they are cheap, affordable, have a fairly long service life and are relatively easy to manufacture.

Availability and low cost often become a decisive factor of choice not only for the patient himself, but also for an orthopedist with a small production base (for example, in villages) or insufficient experience in working with other, more complex and expensive prosthetic options.

The photo below shows a partial acrylic denture:

Prosthesis clasps (hooks) are not only metal, but there are also plastic and combined ones. The materials used greatly affect the cost of the product - for example, instead of stainless steel, a gold or gold-platinum alloy can be used as a metal for clasps (if you are allergic to stainless steel).

On a note

Acrylic prosthesis is held not only due to clasp fixation, but also due to adherence to the relief of the mucous membrane - it seems to stick to the palate and gums. Therefore, the reliability of its fixation in the oral cavity will significantly depend on the accuracy of the manufacture of the prosthesis.

Here are some of the indications for acrylic partial dentures:

  1. Unilateral and bilateral end defects on the top or mandible(in other words, when there are no distant chewing teeth on any jaw on the right or left). In such a situation, it is not possible to place a bridge prosthesis, since one of the supports for the “bridge” is missing;
  2. When the condition of the remaining teeth does not allow them to be used as a support for a bridge prosthesis (for example, against the background of periodontitis, the supporting teeth could simply loosen);
  3. Included defects in the dentition (that is, limited on both sides by the teeth in the mouth), including the absence of only one tooth;
  4. The presence in the oral cavity of only single teeth on the upper and lower jaws;
  5. Presence of contraindications to prosthetics on implants.

In other words, the scope of acrylic partial dentures is very wide - they can be used in the vast majority of clinical cases.

Significant disadvantages of partial acrylic dentures are:

Be that as it may, with the partial absence of teeth, the use of an acrylic prosthesis is the most popular today. budget option prosthetics.

Advantages and disadvantages of nylon removable dentures

Soft nylon prostheses are used both with complete and partial absence of teeth in the oral cavity. And they are positioned in advertising dental clinics as a modern and more comfortable alternative to hard acrylic dentures. However, advertising is silent about the shortcomings of such products, and meanwhile, it is useful to know about some of the nuances in advance.

But first, we note the most significant advantages of partial nylon dentures:

  • Due to their softness and flexibility, they are more comfortable to wear, adaptation (addiction) is faster to them;
  • Such prostheses, as a rule, are smaller in size and weight than acrylic ones, therefore they disrupt articulation less;
  • Nylon prostheses in terms of aesthetics look much better than standard acrylic and clasp prostheses, as they are practically invisible from the side. The hooks of nylon dentures have a color close to the color of the gums (unlike the metal hooks of partial acrylic and clasp dentures);
  • Does not occur on nylon allergic reactions is a biocompatible material.

At the same time, nylon dentures also have serious drawbacks that significantly limit their widespread use in orthopedic practice:

On a note

There are also polypropylene dentures, which are in many ways similar to nylon. However, unlike nylon, polypropylene has more rigidity, so products based on it distribute the chewing load better, and they have to be adjusted less often.

Clasp prostheses with partial loss of teeth

It is clasp prostheses in most cases that will be the best option for removable prosthetics in case of partial loss of teeth.

Here are some of the key benefits of clasp dentures:

  1. Due to the rigidity of the structure, a uniform distribution of the chewing load between the abutment teeth and soft tissues prosthetic bed (the bone will not atrophy as quickly as under separate sections of nylon prostheses);
  2. With a locking system of fixation (attachments), high aesthetics are realized - no hooks or other foreign elements will be visible. The same can be achieved when fixing on the so-called telescopic crowns (the methods of fixing clasp prostheses will be discussed below);
  3. It is much easier to get used to a removable clasp prosthesis than to a lamellar one, since it takes up less space in the mouth and does not cover the entire palate (which means that gag reflex, prosthetic stomatitis and impaired diction are practically excluded);
  4. The reliability of fixation of the prosthesis in the mouth is very high. Moreover, it is possible to securely fix the structure even in difficult cases - when there are end defects in the dentition (in this case, micro-locks are used);
  5. The design of the byugel allows not only to return the lost function (normal chewing) and aesthetics after tooth extraction, but can also healing effect when special splinting clasp prostheses are used that eliminate the mobility of groups of teeth;
  6. A durable clasp prosthesis, unlike acrylic, is not so easy to break.

There are several ways to attach clasp dentures to abutment teeth:

  • Using a system of clasps (hooks). Usually they are made of metal, but there are also plastic clasps. Such hooks securely clasp the abutment teeth, transferring part of the chewing load to them;
  • With the help of attachments (micro-lock fasteners). Part of the lock is in the prosthesis, and the other part is in the ceramic-metal crown, previously fixed on the abutment tooth. When putting on the prosthesis, the micro-lock snaps into place, ensuring a secure hold of the removable structure;
  • With telescopic crowns. Metal crowns (non-removable) are preliminarily fixed on the abutment teeth. The clasp prosthesis also contains crowns that are simply put on the crowns of the abutment teeth. This type of fastening is characterized by high aesthetics and reliability.

Each of these methods of fixing clasp prostheses has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, clasps are the easiest to manufacture and affordable, but when smiling, metal hooks located on the outside of the teeth can be noticeable, which worsens the aesthetics.

As for lock fastenings (attachments) and fastenings on telescopic crowns, they are almost invisible from the side, which gives excellent aesthetics and wearing comfort. However, such prostheses are difficult to manufacture and, in addition, a decent number of abutment teeth need to be turned for crowns.

Despite a number of disadvantages, clasp prostheses can still be considered the best option for prosthetics in case of partial absence of teeth - both in terms of wearing comfort, functionality and aesthetics, and in terms of price. Yes, a clasp prosthesis will cost more than an acrylic one, but much cheaper than prosthetics on implants.

On a note

On average, clasp prostheses with fixation on clasps cost about 25-40 thousand rubles. But the prices for structures with micro-locks are almost twice as high - a bilateral prosthesis on two attachments can cost about 80-100 thousand rubles.

Removable prosthesis "butterfly" for immediate replacement of lost teeth

Imagine a situation that you have removed 1 or 2 teeth. While the hole is healing and a fixed bridge is being made (or an implant is planned to be installed in the future), you will have to walk with a gap in the dentition for some time, which many patients would like to avoid.

It is for such cases that the best option would be to use a removable immediate prosthesis - in other words, a butterfly prosthesis (Latin "immediatus" means "immediate", that is, we are talking about the possibility of replacing a tooth with a prosthesis immediately after removal). Such a prosthesis was called a butterfly because of the external similarity of its basis and hooks with butterfly wings.

The photographs below show removable butterfly dentures:

Removable prosthesis-butterfly can be made both on the upper and on the lower jaw. It is held mainly due to the girth of the adjacent teeth with hooks. The base and hooks can be made of acrylic or nylon (in the latter case, a particularly good aesthetics is achieved).

On a note

Generally speaking, an immediate prosthesis is a temporary construction for the period of rehabilitation before the manufacture of fixed prostheses (for example, bridges). But, as practice shows, some patients use the butterfly prosthesis all the time, not wanting to grind their teeth under the crowns of the bridge prosthesis and not having the finances without implantation.

In general, we can say that butterfly prostheses allow not only to restore aesthetics immediately after the extraction of a tooth (or teeth), but also improve chewing functions, allowing you to evenly distribute the load and prevent overloading of the teeth that limit the “hole”.

It is interesting

The use of removable dentures in case of partial loss of teeth is not only of aesthetic and functional significance for the patient, but also, with a competent approach, preserves the health of the entire dental system. This is especially true for the prevention of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, periodontal disease (gum disease) near the remaining teeth, as well as maintaining a normal bite.

About new generation removable dentures without a palate

The so-called removable dentures of a new generation without a palate (sandwiches) really have an important advantage over standard plate dentures, namely, they do not cover the palate (therefore, they do not reduce taste sensitivity, do not cause a gag reflex, do not impair articulation, do not create the sensation of a massive foreign object in the mouth, etc.)

Recall that in sandwiches, the hard acrylic part with artificial teeth is combined with elastic polyurethane crowns, which are stretched over the abutment teeth.

Therefore, despite the fact that the design of prostheses is quite original, in general they are much inferior to clasp prostheses in terms of functional and aesthetic characteristics.

On a note

If we talk about the convenience of wearing due to the lack of overlapping of the palate, then it is worth noting that in removable clasp prostheses for the upper jaw, due to the rigid arc, the overlapping of the palate can also be minimal. In the case of using clasp prostheses for the lower jaw, the sublingual space also overlaps to a minimum.

Conditionally removable dentures on intracanal implants

In the absence of a significant number of teeth in the oral cavity and especially the not very good condition of the crown of the remaining teeth, a good option for prosthetics can be the use of a conditionally removable prosthesis with installation on the so-called intracanal implants.

To install such a design, it is necessary to have at least 2 (and preferably 4) teeth on one jaw (upper or lower). The essence of the method is as follows:

  • The crown parts of the remaining teeth are cut down to the level of the gums;
  • Screwed into the root canal of each tooth titanium implant having a spherical abutment;
  • A prosthesis is made with inside recesses with special locks for the spherical abutment of implants.

As a result, a removable denture is attached very securely, it is not noticeable from the outside, they can chew even hard food without any fear and discomfort, it is comfortable to wear. At the same time, the preservation of the roots of the teeth allows minimizing atrophic processes in the jaw bone.

Disadvantages of this type of prosthetics:

  • high price;
  • low prevalence of this service in clinics;
  • not suitable for every clinical situation (the patient does not always have the required number of teeth, and even if they do, the condition of their roots is not always satisfactory).

Rules for the care of removable dentures and a few words about their repair

After the delivery of a removable prosthesis to the patient, the orthopedic dentist explains how to properly care for it so that the design lasts as long as possible.

  1. Daily cleaning of the removable denture with a toothbrush with non-abrasive paste;
  2. Rinse with water after eating;
  3. Use special disinfectant solutions;
  4. Store dentures in boiled water or in a special solution;
  5. If you feel pain during the operation of the prosthesis, it is important to urgently visit a dentist to find the cause of the pain.

It is useful to use special products for the hygiene of removable dentures:

It often happens that after several years of wearing the prosthesis, the prosthetic bed (mucosa) sags, and the design becomes inconvenient to use - for example, the laminar design may not stick well to the palate, food may get under it, it begins to rub the gums, etc. Therefore, after receiving the prosthesis, it is advisable to contact preventive examinations at least once every six months for correction and professional hygiene designs.

It is better to entrust the repair (repair) of dentures to specialists, since an attempt to independently restore the structure can only accelerate the process of atrophy of the jaw bone due to the uneven load transmitted by an illiterately repaired prosthesis to the prosthetic bed.

Repair options can be very different: gluing parts of a cracked plate prosthesis, repairing a clasp, installing a fallen artificial tooth, relining so that the structure fits snugly against the mucosa, etc.

On a note

A big disadvantage of a removable nylon prosthesis is the impossibility of rebasing it. Meanwhile, relining is extremely important, since over the years, atrophy of the bone tissue under the prosthesis occurs and the shape of the alveolar process changes, which disrupts normal chewing and aesthetics. If it is not a problem to rebase acrylic plate dentures, then it is practically impossible to rebase dentures made of nylon and polypropylene with high quality - it is easier to buy a new product.

How much does it cost to install a partial denture today

Prices for partial removable prosthetics depend on many factors:

  1. From the level of the clinic (economy, premium, business class);
  2. Whether prosthetics are performed in Moscow or anywhere in the region (prices in Moscow are almost always higher);
  3. From the choice of design and materials used.

In case of partial absence of teeth, prosthetics with plate acrylic prostheses with metal clasps are considered the most budgetary (it is not always aesthetically pleasing, since metal hooks are clearly visible in the smile zone; other disadvantages of such structures have already been mentioned above).

The table below shows the estimated prices for partial removable dentures in Moscow in mid-2017:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that even in the absence of a small number of teeth in the oral cavity, one should not delay too much with prosthetics. Even the choice of the most inexpensive prosthesis will be much better for the entire dentoalveolar system than if you do nothing and walk around with holes in your mouth.

At the same time, you should not follow the lead of advertising and immediately focus on the now fashionable nylon prostheses. If you do not take into account implantation (due to its high cost), then the most practical and perfect option for prosthetics will be the use of a clasp prosthesis.

Be healthy!

What are removable dentures and what is important to know about their properties

Useful video: how to fully live with removable dentures ...

Welcome to our site, dear readers. The topic of today's article is very extensive - false teeth. We will discuss all the main issues, the pros and cons, the cost of manufacturing, modern technologies and much more.

Important nuances of the question

Historians and archaeologists have found convincing evidence that prosthetics, including removable ones, have existed on our planet for thousands of years. Technology changes, but the meaning remains the same - people want a beautiful smile, not a toothless mouth. This is a completely understandable and logical desire. And if many centuries ago there were not so many options for solving this problem, now science and medicine offer many ways that are effective and safe.

Many people are intimidated by the prospect of wearing false teeth. At the same time, the reason for the loss of their own teeth is often their own negligence, disregard for banal rules, and even the lack of normal oral hygiene. Millions of our fellow citizens do not consider it necessary to visit the dentist until the tooth needs to be urgently treated or removed.

In any case, artificial teeth are much better than their complete absence.

3 the best options Removable dentures in the complete absence of teeth:

A photoNameDescription
Acrylic prosthesisThe affordable cost of the material, but because of the hardness, it is the most difficult to get used to it. Such prostheses are not recommended for people with traumatic work. In addition, acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
Nylon, on the other hand, is hypoallergenic and soft. It's easier to get used to it. In terms of aesthetic qualities, nylon is many times superior to acrylic: such a prosthesis is visually indistinguishable from natural tissues
Acry-free prosthesisAcry-free constructions are even thinner and lighter. They are somewhat tougher than nylon, but unlike the latter, they can be adjusted in case of damage. But they cost a little more

Is the devil a prosthesis so terrible as it is painted? Grandmother's jaws floating peacefully in a cup with flowers, an unpleasant smell and other negative moments come to mind. But since the old Soviet jaws made of cheap plastics, there have been many changes. Therefore, you should not be afraid. However, it is important to know all the pros and cons of this type of dental prosthetics. After all, even the best false teeth are not perfect.

What is a false jaw for?

So, what's the point in installing? Almost everyone loses their teeth at some point. For some, this is due to pathologies, acquired diseases, someone suffered as a result of a mechanical injury. The reason may be a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, infection or poor ecology in the region. Partial or total loss teeth leads to several unpleasant consequences:

  • change in the shape and proportions of the face;
  • psychological problems;
  • difficulty with eating solid food, chewing process;
  • periodontal disease.

This is a short list of problems the patient is facing.

The false jaw can be either complete or partial. Because it is universal. If the patient has several of his own teeth left, it is possible to make a model that will "fit" into the natural dentition.

Benefits of false teeth

There are many advantages to such artificial teeth. Firstly, you do not have to perform operations, implant metal pins in the jaw, wait until they take root there, etc. The teeth themselves on such jaws are strong. They are designed to chew your usual food. You can eat bread, meat, other products. Unless you have to refrain from hard crackers. Still, these are not real teeth and the risk of mechanical damage remains.

Disadvantages of false teeth and how to deal with them

Like any other means of prosthetics, false teeth have not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

  1. Bad fix. may fall out. With it, you will not be able to eat viscous food, because the jaw will simply get stuck in it.
  2. If you have a partial denture and one of your natural teeth falls out, you can't do it again. You have to pay to make a new one.
  3. The service life of flexible prostheses does not exceed five years.
  4. The false jaw can be stained with tea, coffee, cigarettes, coloring products. The material is porous and it is simply impossible to get rid of the dye.
  5. The lower false jaw does not allow for reliable suction. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the oral cavity, the mobility of the mucosa. If a maxillary prosthesis is needed, it is usually well fixed due to natural vacuum suction to the palatal surface. With the lower jaw in this regard, it is more difficult. Most often, there are problems with fitting the jaw and its weak fixation.

The first point is mainly related to the professionalism of specific specialists who perform jaw correction. Here, if the patient did not immediately turn to an experienced prosthetist, he was simply unlucky. Therefore, before you go somewhere and order the manufacture of prostheses, study the reviews. Surely there are people who have already visited this institution and commented on their impressions of it. Often in many cities there are specialized forums on dental topics. Recommendations from other people can help you choose.

As for fixation, this issue is solved by purchasing special dental gels. They act as a temporary adhesive, providing adhesion between the mucosa and the contact surface of the prosthesis. Now on the Russian market there are many similar means of domestic and foreign production:

  • corega;
  • lacalut;
  • ROCS;
  • Protefix and other products with similar functions.

The application of such glue provides a more secure hold of the false teeth in the mouth. The duration of each composition is different. Most effective means work 12 or more hours. Sometimes this even allows you to leave the prosthesis in your mouth overnight.

Study the opinions of buyers about different ones and choose the one that liked the most people. However, as practice shows, this is a very individual moment. In addition, some gels can only be applied to a dried surface, while others provide adhesion even in a relatively humid environment.

Adhesive for dentures Protefix

Materials for the manufacture of false jaws

All false teeth are made of various artificial materials. They differ in density, strength, workability and a number of other parameters. The most commonly used in dental practice are nylon, acrylic and different kinds polyurethane.

In the first half of the 20th century, scientists learned to use acrylic casting for the manufacture of false teeth. This material allows you to effectively imitate the mucous membrane, it is durable, it lasts a long time. The low price has long attracted customers of dentistry. But now prosthetists are less and less likely to offer acrylic jaws to their patients. This is due to the large number of deficiencies found.

  1. The content of allergens. Many owners complain about the individual reactions of the body. Acrylic plastics can release methyl ester. This substance is not only an allergen, but also very toxic.
  2. Porous acrylic becomes a "home" for millions of bacteria. The result is bad breath and a lot of hygiene problems.
  3. Acrylic is constantly exposed to mechanical stress and corny wears out.

Attention! If you are allergic to the denture material, remove it immediately and visit your doctor. He will make recommendations for the next steps. Most likely, you will have to spend money again on making the jaw from a different material.

One of the alternatives to acrylic is. It is soft and quite elastic. Due to these properties, the artificial jaw does not overload or injure periodontal tissues. At the same time, the false teeth made of nylon are able to withstand significant loads without deforming or collapsing. If the patient has sensitive gums, this option is the safest.

  1. Nylon false teeth are somewhat more expensive than acrylic ones, but they also last much longer without fear of mechanical damage.
  2. The key advantage of such a prosthesis is the safety and hypoallergenicity of the material used. It is completely harmless to human health.

Recently, medicine has begun to increasingly use alternative solutions. One of them was removable dentures made of polyurethane. In the CIS, one of its varieties is used, produced under the trademark "Dentalur". It has several undeniable advantages over other materials:

Dentures made of materials based on polyurethane are often cheaper than nylon, surpassing it in some parameters.

Video - Acry Free suction cup dentures

Rules for the care of the false jaw

Any teeth, even artificial ones, need to be cleaned. Ideally, after every meal. If this is not possible, then at least twice a day. Don't forget to rinse your mouth. Ask your doctor about the best formulations to use for this type of care. Now there are many inexpensive and high-quality ones on the market.

When you remove the prosthesis, you need to put it not just in a glass of water or some kind of box, but in a solution to disinfect the surface. If you applied a fixing composition during the day or evening and the false jaw is held tightly in the mouth, it is not necessary to remove it at all.

If you find that there is plaque on your artificial teeth that cannot be removed with a regular toothbrush and paste, you should contact your dentist. It will remove deposits with the help of special tools. Not only teeth need care, but also a part that imitates the gums and the mucous membrane under it. This area also accumulates harmful bacteria that cause not only an unpleasant odor, but also inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity.

False jaw - cost

Prices in different cities can vary significantly. In capitals and large metropolitan areas, clinics charge more. This trend can be traced not only in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, but also in other countries. Also, the prices are affected by which clinic you are going to buy a set of false teeth.

Another factor that affects the price is the material used to make the artificial jaw. Acrylic traditionally remains the cheapest, followed by dental models. The most expensive is nylon.

Removable prosthesis - cost

In Ukraine, for a partial removable denture, you will pay an average of 2-2.5 thousand hryvnia (about 78-97 dollars). Moscow clinics make a nylon prosthesis for 18,000 rubles ($284). Acrylic will cost 10-15 thousand (158-237 dollars).

Prices in the regions can be noticeably lower, but the quality is often worse than in the capital and large cities. This is due to the outflow of qualified personnel. If you order teeth in budget clinics, you will most often have to forget about good quality. Therefore, most customers prefer to contact private traders. Many clinics offer credit and installment plans for their services.

So, now you know almost everything about dentures and can make your choice. If you have already applied for this service, you can write in the comments about your impressions.

Video - Complete removable denture made of cold plastic

Removable partial dentures are used to restore the dentition when one or more units are missing. The types of designs, their advantages and features of the installation will be discussed in the article.

What are removable partial dentures?

Partial removable prosthetic products are an orthopedic structure made of a plate imitating the gum, artificial teeth, as well as fixing elements (clasps or attachments).

This is the ideal option for restoring chewing units. The main advantages are comfortable wearing and affordable price.

The main condition for the installation of partial removable dentures is the presence of healthy abutment teeth.

Indications for installation:

  • loss of one or more units in the upper or lower dentition;
  • when it is impossible to perform an operation to implant implants;
  • as a temporary prosthesis (when a longer time is required to implant the implant);
  • in the presence of end defects of the teeth (unilateral or bilateral type);
  • absence of chewing molars.

Types of partial removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw

Partially removable dentures are made in several ways, from different materials with structural differences. These factors determine belonging to a particular species.

What are they and what do they look like?

Acrylic (plate)

Acrylic prostheses are used to restore the dentition with missing one or more units for temporary or permanent wear. The basis of the design is in the form of a plate, made of plastic.

Acrylic is used for artificial teeth. Sometimes the base is reinforced with a metal layer. Modeling is carried out by a dental technician on an individual cast.

The prosthesis system is installed with the help of clamps (clasps, attachments), therefore, an important condition for the possibility of using this type is the presence of two supporting teeth.


  • aesthetics, modern materials skillfully imitate the natural color of the gums and teeth;
  • affordable price;
  • restoration of chewing function;
  • prostheses can be repaired, relined.


  • insufficiently tight fixation of the structure to the gums, as a result of which pressure is created on the tissue, discomfort is felt;
  • the monomers that make up acrylic provoke an allergic reaction;
  • the porosity of the material structure contributes to the accumulation of microorganisms on the surface of the prosthesis;
  • insufficient strength, the product often breaks.

The price of a lamellar acrylic prosthesis is on average 18,000 rubles.

The prosthesis system is installed with the help of retainers, therefore, an important condition for the possibility of using this type is the presence of two supporting teeth


Nylon construction is similar to acrylic and plastic partial dentures, but the structure of the product is soft and elastic.

The colors of the base, as well as artificial teeth, imitate the natural tonality. This type suitable for restoring the dentition in the absence of one or more teeth, including adentia.

The prosthesis is made of hypoallergenic elastic material, which ensures quick adaptation and comfortable wearing.

To achieve a strong fixation, it is necessary to observe high accuracy, therefore, the manufacturing process of the structure involves the use of innovative technologies.

The installation of the prosthesis is carried out with the help of special elastic retainers that have the color of the gums, therefore, with a wide smile, the product does not betray itself even on the front teeth.


  • comfortable wearing, no problems with diction;
  • the design ensures a snug fit of the base to the gum;
  • hypoallergenicity of the materials used;
  • installation does not require grinding of supporting teeth;
  • fast adaptation;
  • despite elasticity, the prosthesis is adapted to mechanical loads, pressure
  • the fixing elements are made of flexible material, do not create problems when wearing;
  • does not change color during operation;
  • evenly distributes the chewing load, without creating excessive impact on the abutment teeth.


  • elasticity provokes atrophy of bone tissue;
  • special care is required;
  • over time, the product is deformed, which provides for its complete replacement;
  • the impossibility of relocation and repair.

The average cost of a partial nylon prosthesis is 8,600 rubles.

The prosthesis is made of hypoallergenic elastic material, which ensures quick adaptation and comfortable wearing.


The design is a kind of bridge, the shape of which imitates the natural gingiva in color and configuration.

Artificial teeth, which are missing in the row, are also installed on the basis. The base is made of high-strength metal, fasteners and functionality are fixed on it. If you are allergic to metal surfaces, you can choose a product with a base of polymeric materials.

A partial denture of the clasp type is made by casting with strict observance of the parameters of the patient's jaw. This effect is achieved thanks to the cast taken and the model made of plaster.

The structure is installed in place of the missing units, fixing the position with clasps, attachments or telescopic crowns. The hook-shaped lock securely holds the prosthesis during chewing loads and night sleep.


  • the installation of the prosthesis does not provide for the preparation of adjacent teeth;
  • aesthetics;
  • uniform load distribution during chewing movements of the jaws;
  • light weight, compact size, which makes wearing comfortable;
  • the possibility of choosing a metal-free design (for allergy sufferers);
  • absence of membranes in the palatal part;
  • long service life (more than 10 years).


  • the alveolar process is subject to atrophy;
  • special care is required due to the possibility of accumulating food debris in the castle parts;
  • relatively high price.

The average price of a clasp partial denture is 30,000 rubles.

A partial denture of the clasp type is made by casting with strict observance of the parameters of the patient's jaw

The design is a base that imitates the natural gum, artificial teeth (one or more in a row) and hook-shaped retainers located on the sides. Due to the external similarity, the product is called a butterfly prosthesis.

Immediate designs are used for permanent and temporary wear, mainly for the restoration of chewing units. They are made according to individual parameters, which are fixed in the cast.

In order to maintain the most accurate dimensions, it is recommended to make an impression before the extraction of the diseased tooth. By computer simulation, a model of an artificial tooth and gum part is created. Applicable materials: plastics, nylon.

The installation process takes a little time. In the case of clasps, hooks are hooked onto adjacent teeth, products with suction cups are simply fixed to the gum.


  • suitable for patients of different age groups;
  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • the installation does not provide for damage to the enamel of adjacent teeth;
  • speed of prosthetics;
  • easy addiction;
  • special care is not required.


  • fragility of the product, which leads to frequent breakdowns;
  • in some cases, there is a long addiction, discomfort when wearing;
  • fragility.

The cost of the product depends on the parameters of the prosthesis and the materials used, the price starts from 6,500 rubles.

By computer simulation, a model of an artificial tooth and gum part is created

The design is not much different from conventional partial dentures, but the palatal part is absent, and fixation is carried out on locks or attachments located in the patient's own teeth.

This type refers to conditionally removable products, since it is not required to remove it daily. Additionally, fastening is carried out by the gum part by suction.

For the manufacture of a new generation of sandwich prostheses, plastic, acrylic and metal retainers are used. The product is modeled according to the parameters of the cast taken from the patient's jaw, after which the structure is cast.

Installation is carried out on the prepared abutment teeth, where the elements of the retainers are attached under the root. The second part of the fasteners is located in the prosthesis itself.


  • high levels of comfort;
  • aesthetic factor;
  • reliable fixation, even at night you should not worry about the loss of the prosthesis;
  • the design does not change the taste sensations and diction;
  • the product does not provoke atrophy of bone tissue;
  • durability.


  • high price;
  • may cause allergy (to metal);
  • unstable psyche;
  • installation is possible in the presence of healthy reference units.

The average cost of a sandwich prosthesis is 40,000 rubles.

Installation is carried out on prepared abutment teeth, where elements of the retainers are attached under the root

Which ones are better?

Evaluate the benefits of one or another type of partial removable prosthesis You can take a look at this brief comparison:

Comparative analysis of partial removable dentures


Acrylic Nylon Clasp Sandwich dentures
ComfortLowHighHigh, does not violate dictionQuick fit, comfortable to wearHigh, does not violate diction
AllergenicityMaterial may cause allergiesHypoallergenicReactions to metalThe manifestation of allergies is possible in acrylic products, nylon - hypoallergenicPossible local allergy
The need to grind abutment teethRequired but not alwaysNot requiredA small layer of enamel is removed when installing a product with attachmentsNot requiredNot required
StrengthOften breakDo not break, but subject to shrinkageHigh strengthLowHigh strength
Life time3-4 years5 yearsOver 10 years3-5 months7-10 years old
Relocation, repairmaybeImpossibleMostly possibleAcrylic structures can be repaired, nylon structures must be replacedmaybe
Price, rubles18 000 8 600 – 10 000 25 000 – 40 000 7 500 – 9 300 40 000

Wearing and care

Apart from hygiene procedures need to apply dental floss and conditioner balm

Care for partial dentures is the same as for healthy teeth: hygiene procedures with high-quality paste and a properly selected brush (twice a day).

Acrylic products require a little more attention.

This is due to the porosity of the material, which creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of plaque.

In addition to hygiene procedures, you will need to use dental floss and rinse balm for thorough cleaning after each meal.

Periodically, you should contact the clinic for professional oral hygiene.

When removing the prosthesis at night, there is no need to immerse it in a glass of water, just wrap the product in a clean napkin.

If during putting on or taking off the structure, you feel the relaxation of the clamps, then you should make an appointment with the dentist to correct the fasteners.

The service life depends on the chosen design for dental prosthetics. On average, dentures are worn for 5 years. If there is increased atrophy of the jaw bone tissue, then the period of operation is halved.

To prolong the service life of prosthetic products, it is recommended to follow the rules for care and order design adjustments in a timely manner.

Some types of partial dentures can be relined and repaired. For example, acrylic and clasp can be repaired, and if the shape of nylon products is lost, they are completely replaced.

The cost of repairing a simple breakdown is an average of 2,000 rubles, a complex one - 5,000 rubles. For relocation in the oral cavity, you will have to pay from 2,000 rubles.

Popular questions

What are conditionally removable dentures?

This type of prosthesis is used in the absence of one or more units in the dentition. The design is fixed to the abutment teeth using microlocks or cement. In the absence of supports, implantation is provided.

What prostheses are attached to hooks?

Partial removable dentures of various types are fixed on hooks: acrylic, nylon, immediate, clasp.

What is the difference between upper and lower jaw prostheses?

The main difference is in the design of the palatal part. On products for the lower jaw, the membrane is made in the form of a thin strip of a curved shape. This decision is explained by the presence of a frenulum of the tongue at the bottom of the mouth. At the top, the area in the area of ​​the dental arch is large, so the prosthesis has a continuous connecting field.

Which false jaw is better?

The selection of the false jaw is carried out after examining the patient's oral cavity and studying all the features. There is no single answer to the question, since the appropriate option is selected, in particular, taking into account the budget.

If we take into account comfort and practicality, then clasp prostheses on clasps and quadrotti deserve more attention.

Which is better - a removable denture or a bridge?

Each prosthetic product has a number of advantages and certain indications. Also, when choosing, contraindications are taken into account. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question posed.

However, when considering the functionality and practicality of these types of prostheses, preference is given to a removable structure. When using partial products, the abutment teeth are rarely subjected to grinding, if such a need arises, then the minimum thickness is removed from the enamel.

In addition, this model makes it possible to control the state of tooth tissues, to identify various diseases at the initial stage of development.

The most common dental problems are due to bad habits, hereditary predisposition and poor oral hygiene. Today, the loss of natural teeth is not a problem, thanks to the fact that modern prostheses or bridges can be installed in their place.

The new smile depends on which prostheses the patient chooses - partial, removable or non-removable. That is why each type of dental prosthetics must be studied in as much detail as possible, weighing the pros and cons. It is also useful to see photos and videos of all types of prosthetics.

Tasks of dentures

Dental prosthetics mean the restoration of their functions in whole or in part. That is, lost or severely damaged teeth can be easily replaced with dentures, characterized as removable, partial or fixed.

The task of dentures is to return the oral cavity to the state that is necessary for its normal functioning. The absence of even a small edge of the tooth negatively affects the entire jaw and displaces the entire dentition. Such changes can disrupt the bite, which is reflected in the face, often making it less attractive.

The absence of one or more teeth entails a change in diction. A smile defect also negatively affects a person’s self-esteem, becoming the cause of many complexes.

That is why it is possible to install one denture or several. Due to the variety of designs, you can choose the most optimal type of dental prosthetics.

Note that dentures (partial and complete) are very different - removable and fixed, cheaper and more expensive. Partial dentures will help hide dental imperfections - bumps, chips, cracks. It is partial dentures that are the most affordable financially. A photo partial implants, as well as removable and other types of bridges are presented in the article.

What are the indications and contraindications?

As for the indications for prosthetics, they include:

  • destruction of the crown, in which the roots were preserved in a strong and immobile state;
  • malformation of enamel, where its intensive abrasion is observed;
  • adentia, characterized as primary or secondary;
  • complete absence of teeth in the entire oral cavity.

Before you start planning dental prosthetics, make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • the presence of stomatitis of any classification;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • disorders of a neuropsychic nature;
  • lack of jaw bone volume.

Types of fixed products

Fixed dentures are used when the patient has lost only a few teeth (see also: new generation fixed dentures: types of prosthetics and photos). Often these prostheses are used to hide frontal defects. With the help of fixed prosthetics, you can change the color of the enamel and the shape of the incisors, or strengthen them after treatment. There are the following types of dentures:

  • crowns, which are placed on both natural teeth and artificial ones;
  • structures characterized as bridge-like;
  • prostheses of a partial (inlay) type used as fillings;
  • veneers and luminaries.

Installation of crowns

In the process of manufacturing such prosthetic structures as crowns, different materials are used. Each of them has its own characteristics and is different different indicators strength and aesthetics. The cost varies depending on the material used to make the crown. The most commonly used material for the manufacture of crowns is cobalt-chromium alloy. Equally in demand are crowns made of metal-free ceramics and metal-ceramics.

Installation of metal-ceramic crowns is possible for any teeth - both incisors and chewing teeth. This class of crowns is the most popular, as it has an affordable price and considerable attractiveness. With their help, even the front teeth can be prosthetics.

The ceramic-metal crown consists of a metal frame covered with a ceramic layer. This layer is not transparent, so for patients who have a transparent tooth enamel on anterior teeth, metal-ceramic dentures are not suitable. Such prostheses are very different from natural teeth, which attracts attention and does not look very presentable. Metal-ceramic is better suited for chewing teeth.

The best option for prosthetics of the upper front teeth are ceramic crowns made of porcelain. The material has excellent color properties and is able to “disguise” as well as natural teeth as possible, both in terms of the color of the enamel and in terms of its transparency.

There are also crowns made entirely of metal. Of course, they cannot boast of aesthetics, so they are installed only on chewing teeth - they are invisible when talking and smiling. The biggest advantage of this variant of crowns is that the tooth is grinded much less before their installation, when compared with ceramic-metal products.

New generations of implants

The most modern way of prosthetics is the installation of modern prostheses, which are called new generation implants. This method of prosthetics involves the implantation of a special root made of artificial material into the bone. This root is needed as a reliable support on which the crown or prosthesis will be held.

The advantage of new generation implants is that chewing function is restored almost completely with them. These implants have good attractiveness, due to which they can be placed even in front. Dental prostheses from the new generation repeat the anatomical shape of the tooth, do not harm the teeth in the neighborhood. Fixing restorative implants is possible in the treatment of both lower and upper teeth.

What is microprosthetics?

Under microprosthetics, a procedure is envisaged when a special shell - a veneer - is applied to a defective tooth. They are made from materials such as porcelain or ceramics. A tooth placed in a porcelain or ceramic shell becomes full-fledged and aesthetically attractive again. The main advantage of veneers is that before its installation, the tooth is not completely ground down and remains alive.

In addition to veneers, the process of microprosthetics involves the use of so-called inlays (partial dentures). They make teeth stronger and are used in the form of a filling, due to which, after installing such tabs, it is necessary to treat the tooth and put a crown (we recommend reading: how is the tooth prepared for inserting and further prosthetics?).

Removable dentures classification

Almost all removable structures differ from the previous ones in that they can be easily removed and then inserted back on their own. These dentures must be removed before going to bed and during brushing, as removable dentures are difficult to fix on the jaw. There is only one type of removable dentures that are well attached in the oral cavity - clasp insert structures (we recommend reading: what types of clasp dentures exist?).

The use of removable bridges is used if the patient has a large gap in the dentition or no teeth at all.

There are such types of dentures and bridges as:

  • lamellar;
  • clasp.

Partially removable

Products are installed in patients who cannot be given another variant of prostheses. To install partial dentures, it is necessary that there are several native teeth in the mouth - the natural teeth support the removable structure.

Often dentures, characterized as partially removable, are used to replace several teeth at once. Moreover, they can be mounted without problems both from below and from above. Designs can be installed at almost any age. Photos of partial dentures will help in choosing prosthetics.


Fully removable dentures are made from materials such as acrylic and nylon. Such prostheses are a solid plate on which there is the required number of teeth along with simulated gums. Dental dentures made of acrylic are attractively priced and are often used by edentulous older people. They must be removed at night, as sleeping with such prostheses is not comfortable.

As for nylon false teeth, they have more advantages than acrylic ones: they are more comfortable to wear and even at night they can be left on. However, it is not uncommon for nylon prostheses to deform from chewing, which occurs over time.

The most high-quality and durable are clasp removable dentures, photos of which are presented in the article. They are attractive and comfortable to wear. Due to the fact that clasp prostheses are very expensive, not everyone can afford them.

Pros and cons of dentures

Each type of prosthesis has its own advantages and disadvantages. When planning this kind of procedure and determining which option is better to put, it is necessary to take into account every plus and minus.

Fixed prosthetics is popular because it can be used to regain lost teeth for any reason. This type of prosthetics has the following advantages:

  • highly reliable fastening;
  • use during the installation of high-quality equipment;
  • convenience during use;
  • high aesthetics;
  • habitual care, similar to caring for your own teeth.

Disadvantages of fixed prostheses:

  • installation complexity;
  • not suitable for patients without a large number of teeth.

As for removable dentures, they have the following advantages:

  • external attractiveness;
  • good cost, which allows them to be used by a large number of patients;
  • 100% versatility.

About the disadvantages of this type of prosthetics:

The patient decides which prostheses are best to put, taking into account all the indicators of each individual type. Before choosing dentures, it is very useful to watch a video about these structures.

Production material

The materials used for the manufacture of various types of dentures must be highly resistant to food and saliva. In addition, it is better if they have perfect compatibility with the tissues in the human oral cavity. Materials must have excellent hypoallergenic properties, as well as all other indicators inherent in natural teeth.

Pay attention to the appearance of the prostheses - it should be as similar as possible to the patient's teeth. Recall that dentures are made of metal ceramics, ceramics and plastics.

Criteria for choosing a clinic for high-quality prosthetics

Having decided which artificial teeth are better to put, we proceed to the choice of a clinic for this procedure. When choosing a clinic for dental treatment through prosthetics, pay attention to how many years it has been offering its clients this kind of service. Wholesales are the main indicator of reliability and quality of services. It is useful to study reviews about the chosen clinic and its leading specialists.

When choosing a medical institution, pay attention to the cost of dental prosthetics. The high cost of a dental price list does not always indicate 100% quality.

If after prosthetics, for example, the upper tooth moves, then this means that you need to urgently see a doctor. This may indicate an unreliable fastening of the prosthesis to the gum.