Types of partial dental implants. Types of dental implants and methods of their installation

Restoring lost teeth to function like natural teeth or better, perhaps with the help of dental implants. Variants of techniques are developed taking into account frequently occurring clinical cases.

Clinical Cases

Adentia happens on different reasons- sports injuries, untreated dental diseases. The absence of one or more teeth is already an indicator for dental implantation.

In addition, indications include:

  • Psychological intolerance of traditional prostheses.
  • Allergic reactions to removable denture materials.
  • Increased gag reflex.
  • end defects. A traditional prosthesis is fixed on the last teeth in a row. If they are absent, then the prosthesis has nothing to hold on to.

Ways to restore teeth

  1. Removable prosthetics. These are traditional prostheses - the base is made of acrylic, and the crowns are made of metal-plastic or cheaper material. This type of restoration is the most budgetary, but quality and wearing comfort are in the background.
  2. Bridge prostheses ("bridges"). These are several interconnected crowns, healthy teeth serve as a support. The disadvantage of the method is damage to adjacent dental elements, which are heavily grinded to install the “bridge”.
  3. Dental implantation. When you need to fill the "gap" in the jaw, get comfort, durability and aesthetics, choose implants. They imitate a natural tooth and serve for decades.

Implantation methods

The operation is performed under the condition of a completely healthy oral cavity. The choice of method depends on clinical picture and advice from a dentist.

Classic (two-phase)

It consists of two stages of prosthetics:

  1. Implantation of the implant into the bone tissue.
  2. After 4-6 months, when the artificial root fuses with the tissues, the doctor installs an abutment (an adapter between the crown and the implant).

The classic protocol is reliable and suitable for a variety of edentulous cases. When using the ROOTT implantation system, after 2-3 months the implant stabilizes, and prosthetics is possible.

Basal (express implantation)

This protocol is used when the top layer of the jawbone is severely deformed. Implants are implanted deeper - into the basal layer of bone tissue. Due to the depth of the location, the artificial root does not need time to engraft, so the express technique takes three days.


The implant is implanted after the removal of the remnants of the natural tooth root and immediately loaded with a temporary crown. This option is used when it is necessary to immediately install teeth to maintain aesthetics.


During the operation, instead of a scalpel, a thin laser is used, which gently burns out the place for the implant. This helps to avoid the risks of developing infections, and the tissues heal faster. The operation is virtually bloodless.


This technology of prosthetics is based on computer modulations, with the help of which the dentist selects the angle of the implant. On a computer basis, a silicone model of guides is designed, which is installed at the site of implantation before the operation without cutting the gum.


The method is used when the jawbone is thinned, and other methods are contraindicated. Four support implants are implanted into the patient's bone tissue, and a denture will be held on them. In the case of fastening on four implants, the jaw is restored to the fifth, sixth teeth. Otherwise, the "hinged" teeth will not withstand the chewing load.


Suitable for fully edentulous dentition. Six implants are fixed in one day, and after 3-4 days a fixed prosthesis is installed on them.

Features of implantation methods

The classical technique is long in time, but it has a higher survival rate. This protocol is used in different cases (for example, restoration of lower teeth, which requires painstaking work due to anatomical features).

A one-stage operation is used when an implant with a temporary crown is installed on the patient in one day.

A common condition for the methods (except for the basal one) is a sufficient amount of bone tissue into which the implant will be installed. If it is not enough, then doctors make extensions. In the case of the lower jaw, this time-consuming manipulation is performed as a separate step. When implantation of the upper teeth is needed, with a shortage of bone tissue, dentists use a sinus lift.

Implantation is performed under the condition of a completely healthy oral cavity. The method is selected taking into account - in which zone and on which jaw there are not enough teeth.

An ideal that was sought long before the advent of modern civilization. For example, the ancient Egyptians and Arabs already practiced implantation. True, this process would be more correctly called transplantation, since the types of dental implants used were somewhat unusual for our understanding - the teeth of other people and animals.

Time passed, science developed, and medicine marched in one step with it. Now modern dentistry has enormous possibilities. Today, anyone can order dental implants. Their types, fortunately, are diverse, which allows you to choose the best option for a particular patient.

Below we will consider in more detail the features of the process of dental implantation, the types of implants themselves, and also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such treatment.

Why is dental implantation necessary?

Before talking about the need for implantation, you should at least briefly talk about what dental implants are.

These are pins or metal frames that are implanted into the jaw bone. Only after their installation, the doctor is able to install prostheses.

Implantation allows the patient to feel absolutely comfortable and not worry that the installed prosthesis will “move out” during chewing. In addition, thanks to the implant, the crown looks and feels much more natural, without causing the slightest discomfort.

Finally, unlike classical prostheses, they can be suitable for people with diseases of the oral mucosa. However, for their installation, you must have absolutely and constantly maintain hygiene at the proper level.

When is an implant needed?

The installation of dental implants will help to avoid harmful consequences. Their types are determined by a specialist, who will be based on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Implantation is necessary if:

  • there are violations of the bite, which provokes increased abrasion of the teeth;
  • there is a gap between the teeth, due to which the row diverges or deforms;
  • tangible speech defects appeared due to tooth loss;
  • chewing function is broken;
  • after the loss of a tooth, the patient's appearance has changed (the corners of the lips have drooped or wrinkles have appeared in the nasolabial region);
  • the patient feels obvious discomfort due to missing teeth.

Pros and cons of implantation

Types of dental implants from different manufacturers may vary in price. Moreover, this is a rather expensive method of treatment, which slows down most patients. However, if you decide on this procedure, then definitely you will not regret it.

Among the positive aspects, the following can be distinguished:

  • durability;
  • there is no need to "grind" neighboring healthy teeth;
  • absolutely natural load on the bones prevents their deformation and damage;
  • excellent aesthetic performance of implants;
  • with the help of several implants, it is possible to install a prosthesis on the entire jaw, which will look absolutely natural;
  • the possibility of restoring both one tooth and several at once;
  • after installation, the ability to eat solid food returns;
  • no special care is needed, ordinary hygiene is enough;
  • full naturalness of chewing function;
  • reliable fixation of crowns on the implant allows the tooth to withstand impressive loads;
  • it is possible to replace the crown with a new one;
  • you can choose not only the types of dental implants, but also the method of their installation;
  • high percentage of implant survival.

There are fewer arguments "against", but they are the inhibitory factor for many patients:

  • Possible complications that are difficult to predict. The fact is that the body of each person is individual, and therefore bioinert titanium, from which implants are made, can take root in different ways. No doctor can predict the reaction to the material.
  • Operational intervention. Like other operations, implantation is one of the most traumatic ways to restore a tooth. The patient can expect pain and a rehabilitation period.
  • Implantation has many contraindications (see below).
  • Lack of bone tissue. For some patients, there is a need for bone augmentation in order to securely fix the position of the implant. This process can cause a lot of discomfort.
  • Long period of rehabilitation. The implant grows together with the bone tissue for a long time, and therefore discomfort may not leave the patient for a long time.
  • Price. Compared to conventional prosthetics, implantation services are much more expensive.


All types of implants are suitable for restoring a row. But it is worth understanding: no matter how effective this method may be, there is back side medals requiring exceptional attention - contraindications.

  • pregnancy and during lactation;
  • severe forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • weakened immune system(lupus erythematosus, infections, thymus hypoplasia, etc.);
  • bone diseases;
  • serious violations in the work of the endocrine system;
  • poor functioning of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • any type of alcohol or drug addiction.

Types of dental implants

Today, everyone can choose a suitable treatment method and the necessary types of dental implants. Photo and the help of a qualified specialist is a sure way to succeed.

There are 6 types of implants in total:

  • root-shaped;
  • plate;
  • combined;
  • subperiosteal;
  • mini implants;
  • structures for restoring the root system.

Let us consider below in detail the implants of the teeth, the types and reviews of patients about each method of restoring the dentition.

Root implants

The most popular in modern dentistry are root-shaped dental implants. Views in Yekaterinburg, for example, are diverse, but this type has earned special recognition.

They have a cylindrical shape, framed by carvings. Typically used for recovery when bone mass is sufficient. Otherwise, it will be necessary to resort to an additional procedure - a sinus lift.

Types of implants for teeth from different manufacturers may differ, but they are always based on a titanium screw. It is he who takes root best of all and allows you to minimize the risks of further complications.

Plate structures

Need dental implants? Are the views different in Novosibirsk? Experts recommend paying attention to plate-type designs. In the ranking of popular methods for restoring the dentition, they occupy an honorable second place, and in their practical features they are in no way inferior to basal models.

Implants got their name due to the unique lamellar shape of the product, on which the pin is fixed. They are mainly used in cases where the patient's bone tissue is too thin, and the installation of root analogs is not possible.

The technique is not new, however, among many options, such implantation of teeth is still in demand. Types of plate type implants are mainly used to restore the anterior row, which does not require increased loads.

Due to the presence of porous compartments on the plate, as the bone tissue grows, it fills the inside of the implant. As a result, a reliable structure is formed, which fixes the tooth in the correct position.

The only drawback of plate structures is their weakness. Unlike root-shaped ones, they cannot withstand heavy loads, and therefore are only suitable for restoring front teeth.

Perhaps the most reliable and popular in case of serious injuries are combined, or lamellar-root-shaped dental implants. Their types differ not only in size, but also in shape, as a result of which specialists can easily carry out complex operations.

This is a symbiosis of root-shaped and lamellar implants, which is a rather complex branched structure. They are surgically implanted at three points on the patient's jaw.

They can be used to install fixed and removable prostheses. The latter are often necessary in case of severe atrophy of bone tissue on mandible patient.

Subperiosteal implants

In the case when the above dental implants are contraindicated, types (in Krasnoyarsk and other cities) can always be found suitable. For example, subperiosteal implants are an ideal solution in case of lack of bone tissue.

They are mainly used to restore the dentition in the elderly, as well as after a long absence of a tooth. Of course, it is always possible to perform an additional operation to increase the bone tissue, however, many patients prefer to refrain from such manipulations, preferring a more profitable method.

The subperiosteal implant is inserted under the lateral side of the gum, without affecting the holes where the tooth root was located. It is installed not in the bone, but in the space between it and the gum, in the so-called periosteum.

The operation takes place in two stages:

  • removal of a cast from the jawbone;
  • making an implant and inserting it into a patient.

In the case of subperiosteal implants, the patient does not require long-term rehabilitation, since the invasiveness of the operation is minimal.

Mini implants

If for some reason you are contraindicated in full dental implantation, the types of implants of this type can help to cope, at least with an aesthetic problem. You understood everything correctly, we will talk about the so-called mini-implants.

Unlike all the others, they are not suitable for restoring a complete dentition. It is impossible to attach full-fledged bridges and prostheses to them, however, if the reconstruction of one tooth is necessary, such products have no equal.

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the mini-implants themselves. Outwardly, they resemble small screws, they consist entirely of titanium, which allows them to take root without any problems.

The installation process itself is not so traumatic for the patient, and there are practically no contraindications due to the state of the bone tissue. That is, unlike popular root-shaped implants, their implementation does not require a sinus lift procedure or bone tissue restoration.

Of course, mini-implants are not suitable for restoration of the chewing row, since the load of the process of 50-60 kg can damage the bone. Most often, this type is used for the reconstruction of the dentition, giving it aesthetic beauty.

Today, many patients rely on mini-implants of teeth. Views in Krasnodar are widely represented, and they cost several times cheaper than classic ones. And this is another reason to pay attention to this method of tooth restoration.

What materials are used to create implants?

Titanium is currently the only material from which dental implants are mass-produced. Types ("turnkey" including) can be selected individually after consulting a specialist. main reason the use of the mentioned material is absolute inertness, which completely eliminates the appearance allergic reactions and minimizes the risks in the postoperative period.

In addition, titanium is one of the strongest materials that can withstand enormous loads. It is this property that made it possible for the World Dental Organization to come to the conclusion that prosthetics using titanium is the most effective method restoration of the dentition.

Despite this, many patients after the procedure still note some inconvenience. Often there is swelling of the gums, redness, and even spots form. But this phenomenon is also easy to explain.

The fact is that prosthetics is not only the implantation of a titanium implant, but also an installation that is made mainly of nickel. He, in turn, has zero inertia, and therefore may well cause allergies and irritations on the mucous membrane.

Fortunately, the nickel problem is easily fixed. Modern dentistry has long been replacing it with more "sparing" materials - ceramics and zirconium.

It is worth saying that the process of creating the implants themselves is currently undergoing a transformation. Quite recently, one of the Swiss companies - Straumann - proposed to use an alloy of zirconium and titanium as the main material for dental implants.

Such a move will reduce the cost of implantation of teeth to a minimum without sacrificing quality.

How to choose the type of implants?

Of course, it is impossible to determine the type of implants on your own. Here you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist.

It should be understood that dental implantation is not just a treatment, but a whole operation that can cause irreparable harm to human health. Of course, if you treat it negligently and irresponsibly.

Previously, without fail, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which allows you to determine the state of the patient's body, identify possible contraindications and risks for performing a particular operation. It is during such a diagnosis that the doctor will be able to understand what kind of dental implants he can offer his patient. Types (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg - practically nothing depends on geography, the products we are considering are available in any large and not very city of the country) are diverse. You may be suitable for:

  • root implants, if no pathologies are found in the body, and the condition of the bone tissue is normal;
  • lamellar, if only the front row needs to be restored;
  • combined, or lamellar-root-shaped implants, if complex restoration of the dentition is required after serious injuries and damages;
  • subperiosteal, if the bone tissue is in poor condition;
  • mini-implants, if it is necessary to restore one or more teeth for purely aesthetic purposes.

Have you decided on the types of implants? It remains the case for small - the manufacturer.

Here you should focus primarily on your financial situation. Fortunately, modern manufacturers of implants are presented in a wide price range.

The cheapest dental implants are domestically produced in the CIS countries. Their average price, as a rule, does not exceed 12 thousand rubles.

More expensive, but still a budget manufacturer is the Israeli company Alpha Bio. The Korean brand Implantium is also popular. Their products cost about 12 thousand rubles, but their quality is at a very serious level, which became the main reason for their demand in many dental clinics.

The best in the price range from 25 to 30 thousand rubles were the German manufacturer Biomet and the English BioHorizons. There is no doubt about the quality of their products, since any modern company can envy the experience of these companies in the dental services market.

In the segment from 30 to 40 thousand rubles, Ankylos and Xive Friadent are the most popular. Produced in Germany, they have become a real bestseller among dental implants and are incredibly popular among all prestigious dental clinics.

Finally, super-premium-class implants produced by leading Swiss and Swedish manufacturers (Nobel Biocare, Straumann and Astra Tech) are a real piece of jewelry. The manufacturers themselves give them a lifetime warranty, and also actively share the secrets of installation and treatment with partner companies. They cost from 35 thousand rubles and fully justify their price.

The only thing that must always be remembered is the obligatory consultations with the attending dentist. He will always help you pick optimal solution your problem, based not only on the results of the examination, but also on financial possibilities.

A beautiful smile is a guarantee of self-confidence. This is the best indicator of health.

Be always confident and healthy!

Article updated 05/17/2019

AT modern world Dentistry is developing widely and rapidly, using new methods and technologies. The issue of restoring dental defects is painful for the population, as it affects different aspects: psychological, aesthetic, material, functional. At the moment, implantation is so widely developed that artificial teeth can hardly be distinguished from natural ones.

A qualified dentist will always be able to clearly and in an accessible form tell you about implantation, contraindications to it and about alternative methods treatment.

However, any patient who is thinking about getting an implant for themselves would do well to know the basic information about this treatment in dentistry.

Whatdental or dentalimplant?

In simple terms, an implant is a kind of support in the bone structure of the jaw, which has a screw thread. The implant is inserted into the jaw bone where the tooth was previously missing, and then, using different types“implant-crown” connections, fix the artificial crown. An implant imitates a natural tooth root while in the bone. There are a huge number of manufacturers of implant systems, which have their own characteristics in the structure. The implant parameters required for you are selected by the dentist-surgeon, based on which tooth is being replaced, what type of bone, gums you have, the proximity of which anatomical structures should be taken into account.

There are key components that make up a classic dental implant:

  1. The main part or the actual implant.

This is the part that is directly placed in the bone tissue, it can be a plate or a cylinder. Currently, cone-shaped implants are used most often due to less trauma and the greatest physiology.

Having become acquainted with the main components of the implant, we will move on to the choice that every person faces who has applied to a dental clinic for quality treatment.


So, the absence of one or more teeth is the main reason that leads the patient to an implantologist.

The choice between implantation and prosthetics should be conscious and thorough. It depends on many factors, including whether the patient can have dental implantation at all, whether the patient has an allergy to plastics, a gag reflex, and whether there are any prejudices in relation to removable prosthetics.

Positive aspects of prosthetics

  • Prosthetics do not require surgical intervention.
  • This method is more cost effective.
  • Prosthetics on time, as a rule, faster.
  • You do not need to take antibiotics and other medications prescribed after implantation.
  • There are no restrictions on physical activity during prosthetics.

You also need to know the disadvantages of prosthetics.

Negative aspects of prosthetics

  • The need to depulp and grind adjacent living teeth (remove the nerve) in order to make them a support for the bridge.
  • The existence of the so-called adaptation period, which occurs immediately after the installation of a removable prosthesis. This can manifest itself in a temporary decrease in the clarity of the spoken sounds, a feeling of discomfort from the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity. And also difficulties in eating and tasting food are not ruled out if the prosthesis captures a significant part of the upper palate.
  • The fragility of the design. Any prosthesis must be replaced over time, since, firstly, a plastic removable prosthesis absorbs all food dyes and other substances, and secondly, the mucous-osseous relief changes due to bone atrophy.
  • Under the crowns of the "bridge" there may also be inflammatory processes, due to which the teeth must be removed.
  • Because of the prostheses, the patient often develops galvanosis - inflammation of the mucosa and metallic taste in the mouth due to the alloys that make up the prosthesis.

Now we should talk about the pros and cons of implantation.

Positive aspects of implantation

  • No need to touch adjacent teeth, grind them or depulp (remove the nerve). If only one tooth is lost, then the implantation method will help restore this particular defect, without changing the structure of nearby teeth.
  • Implantologists use the method of placing an implant immediately after tooth extraction (single-stage implantation), which reduces the time before placing a crown.
  • The implant, due to the fact that it imitates the root of the tooth and puts a load on the bone tissue, slows down the physiological processes of bone tissue resorption.
  • Another significant plus is the long-term nature of the method, the ability to install an implant once and for life, which will be located in the bone much stronger than a conventional prosthesis.

Undoubtedly, implantation is fraught with negative aspects, which we will now talk about.

Negative aspects of implantation

  • There are contraindications

Since implantation is primarily surgical method treatment, it can not be carried out without preliminary examinations

  • The next disadvantage of implantation is that from the moment the implant is installed, the time required for osseointegration must pass - the formation of the “implant-bone” connection
  • Implantation is an expensive dental service.
  • With a lack of bone tissue, additional operations are necessary to replenish the volume of the bone, which increases the treatment time.

There is also a combined method of treatment - conditionally removable prosthetics based on implants. The name of this method sounds in English as “all-on-4” or “all-on-6”, which means “all on four” or “all on six”.

Its meaning is that total loss teeth, there is no need to replace all lost teeth, it is enough to install 4-6 supporting implants and fix a removable prosthesis on them. This allows for a much better fit of the prosthesis in the oral cavity, reducing its mobility to a minimum, and in the upper jaw there is no need to block the palate so that the prosthesis does not fall off.

Since the success of a dental implant operation depends on many factors, before proceeding directly with the implant placement, the doctor must:

  1. will ask you about diseases, including past ones, since implantation has its own absolute and relative contraindications (for example, diabetes, osteoporosis, blood diseases);
  2. ask about the medications currently being taken (because if they affect the processes in the bone tissue or healing in general, it may be necessary to postpone the operation);
  3. ask about bad habits(smoking increases the risk of "rejection" of the implant by several dozen times, alcoholism and drug addiction are a contraindication);
  4. assess the level of oral hygiene, as implants and crowns require particularly careful care and cleanliness;
  5. refer to computed tomography (CT) of the jaws to determine what important anatomical structures are near the implantation area and, if necessary, prescribe additional manipulations to increase the bone level (augmentation, sinus lifting), etc.;
  6. will send, if necessary, for a blood test;
  7. will refer, if necessary, for a consultation to related specialists (for example, to an ENT doctor in case of inflammation in the sinuses, to a maxillofacial surgeon, etc.)

After a detailed accessible discussion with the patient of his treatment plan, the date of the operation is set.

Types of implants

The modern market of dental materials can offer a wide range of implants, both prefabricated according to the standard, and made directly for this situation, based on individual features patient's oral cavity. Many of the types of implants listed below are almost never used in modern implantology in Russia and are reviewed as additional information.

Implants are classified according to their shape as well as their location in the structures of the oral cavity.

How is the implantation

Implantation is carried out only in a surgical room with sterile instruments and consumables. The doctor performs the procedure under local anesthesia, the same as in the treatment of caries. The patient does not feel any pain. After delicate preparation of the bone, the doctor installs the implant and sutures the manipulation area (in the classic case).

As a rule, after implantation, it is necessary to follow the same recommendations as after removal - to avoid physical. stress, hypothermia / overheating, do not eat coarse irritating food, etc. A more extended list of recommendations is given by the doctor himself, including prescribing medications.

After placing the implant, it is necessary to wait for the time when the so-called osseointegration- the union of the patient's body and the implant. Despite what is often said about the “survivability” of an implant, this is an incorrect wording, because an implant is essentially a piece of titanium, and not a living structure. Engraftment comes from the side of the human body - its bone tissue penetrates into the porous titanium matrix. This is an invisible unique process that has its own natural terms - about 5-6 months. This is how much time our body needs to form new mature bone tissue.

After successful implant integration, the patient is ready for what it was all about - to recreate a new tooth. To do this, it is necessary to create the correct relief of the gums in the area of ​​the implant, so that in the future the implant will serve for a long time and so that it is imperceptible that the tooth is “not your own”. This is achieved using gum formers which are installed by a surgeon under slight anesthesia. A month later, the doctor installs an abutment, and fixes a crown on it in the color of the patient's natural teeth.

Crowns on the implant

After a successful surgical stage, a crown is placed on the implant.

Implant crowns are made from:

  • cermets
  • ceramics
  • zircon oxide

Crowns are fixed to the abutment (structure on the implant) using screw fixation or cement fixation.

It is customary to conditionally divide implants into three categories, based on their cost and country of origin.

  1. Elite and expensive.

Suppliers - Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. These implants are high-strength, easy to use and install, and are also distinguished by a high degree of titanium purification, from which they are made.

The cost of installation is on average about 50,000 rubles.

  1. Medium cost implants

Supplier - America, Israel

Such structures are in no way inferior to elite ones, they can be used to restore a jaw defect, they are strong and stable in the structure of bone tissue. The price category is within 25,000 rubles.

  1. Economy class implants

Suppliers - South Korea, Belarus, Russia, China

The price ranges from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

The division into such price categories is very approximate and rather depends on how each manufacturer presents itself and “promotes” itself on the market. There is no direct connection between the country where the implant is made and the success of implantation.

It's important to know

1) When planning implant treatment, it is necessary to clarify with the doctor before the operation the total cost of the entire treatment (both the implant, and the crown, and consumables), as well as possible costs in case of unforeseen situations, if, for example, bone replacement is needed.

In some unscrupulous clinics, patients are deliberately misled by telling them only the initial cost of the implant itself without the orthopedic stage.

2) Thus, the total period of implantation, including the cost of all parts, installation, observation, preoperative examination, preliminary oral hygiene, professional cleaning teeth will average about 80,000 rubles.

3) It is also important to know what is competent and correct installed implants economy class, for which the patient provides proper care, following all the recommendations of the doctor, may not cause complications at all and last the entire warranty period.

On the contrary, elite constructions introduced by an inexperienced doctor with professional errors, as well as if the patient does not comply with oral hygiene, can cause rejection, and subsequently they will have to be removed. Of course cash in this case, they will be lost, but damage to health will be acquired.


I would like to end on a pleasant note and remind you that the best success of treatment depends on the interaction and understanding between the doctor and the patient. Tact, attentiveness, experience on the part of the doctor and trust, implementation of recommendations, awareness on the part of the patient together will ensure a favorable outcome and a speedy recovery.

And for believing patients who have ventured into implantation, I would like to advise you to pray for their attending physicians to St. Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky, the healer Panteleimon and ask God to guide the doctor's hands during all the manipulations he performs.

Dentist Yulia Pavlova,
dentist-surgeon, periodontist Ksenia Korenevich

Dental implants are much more affordable today than they were a few years ago. At the moment, when the question is “what is better, implantation or prosthetics?” the vast majority of experts will answer - implantation is better. With a higher initial cost of implantation in the long term, it is more profitable than prosthetics. During implantation, neighboring teeth do not suffer, there is no need to grind healthy teeth for dentures, it is not necessary to use neighboring teeth as a support for bridges (thus damaging them).

As a result, at a lower cost, prosthetics violate the main medical principle- do no harm. Subsequently, after classical prosthetics with bridges, you will have to treat neighboring teeth, on which the load will fall. As a result, this translates into greater financial and time costs than if the patient had implantation.

We hope the reader has finally decided that implantation is the best modern option for restoring teeth. Let us consider in more detail what implantation methods are, how implants differ and the average implantation prices in Russia.

Types of implants

Each human body individual and has a lot of structural features of the teeth and jaw. That is why modern implantology has a huge arsenal of implants that differ in the method of implantation, design and shape.

The structure of implants

The most commonly used implant is a three-component. Its main advantage is that if the upper parts are damaged, there is no need to remove the entire implant and implant a new one. It is enough to replace the failed part. Its structure is as follows:

  1. The lower part is an implant. Visually, this is a threaded pin
  2. Abutment or suprastructure. Serves for the correct formation of the gums and bone tissue. A crown is also placed on the abutment.
  3. A crown is the supragingival part of a tooth. Visually, this is a tooth, as we are used to seeing it.

Depending on the method of implantation and bone structure, the length of the pin can vary from 5 to 15 mm. Also, the thread - its shape, type, pitch and number of notches depends on the place of implantation and the structure of the bone tissue.
Implants for the express method have a non-separable design.

Root implants (endoosseous)

If there is enough bone tissue, then classical root-shaped implants are used. This is the most popular type of implantation and, in case of bone insufficiency, a sinus lift is performed.
Root-shaped implants are of two types - screw and cylindrical.

  1. Screw implants the most common of all. Simplicity and reliability. They may differ in the types of threads, have a rough surface and are coated with special biomaterials that facilitate implantation (however, the coating with bioactive materials covers all types of implants and more depends on the manufacturer).
  2. Cylindrical implants are used in cases where the tooth was removed recently (two to three weeks ago), the removal was successful, inflammatory processes there is not enough bone tissue. They have a special porous surface that imitates the inner part of the bone.

Root-shaped implants take three to six months to heal. Due to the better blood circulation in the lower jaw, the engraftment process is faster than in the upper jaw.

Subperiosteal implants

They have a very odd design. In appearance, they resemble the frame of the jaw and are used with a strong lack of bone tissue. The benefits are:

  • No bone grafting required
  • Due to the large area, a uniform load is created
  • The installation of the crown can be carried out immediately after the implementation of the construction, it is not necessary to expect complete engraftment

Due to the structural features of the upper and lower jaw bones, in 95% of situations this design is used on the lower jaw.

Plate implants

They are a long plate structure. They are used when the use of root-shaped implants is not possible and are installed in narrow bone tissue. Mostly front teeth.

Transosteal implants

Complex in appearance and method of implantation design. It is a lamellar structure with pins of different sizes. They are installed in the lower jaw so that the pins are directed upwards, and the plate is adjacent to the lower edge of the jaw. They have a number of key features:

  • Very high trauma.
  • Installed in a hospital under general anesthesia
In fact, it is used extremely rarely and find specialists who can install this species implants are very difficult.

The issue of trauma in dentistry in general and implantology in particular is very acute. Since a person needs to eat, drink, talk.

Combined implants

Used for severe edentulous, in the absence of a large number teeth. In other cases, the use is not justified. They are a complex combination of lamellar and root-shaped elements. They have large dimensions.

Mini implants

Otherwise called intramucosal. Used to give stability to dentures. Visually, they have a similar design with root-shaped implants, only smaller.

Rarely used in modern implantology.
They have a number of advantages:
  • Little injury. Bone and gum tissue is practically not injured.
  • Removable design can be installed immediately after implantation
  • No need for bone augmentation in principle
  • Low cost. Three to four times cheaper than conventional implants.

Endodontic implants

These are pins that are installed in the root of a whole tooth to maintain and strengthen it. The installation operation is absolutely non-traumatic and minimally invasive. The titanium pin allows you to securely fix the root, preventing it from moving, thereby prolonging the life of the tooth.

Basal implants

In fact, these are a special type of root-shaped implants. The peculiarities are in the implantation of implants into the deep layers of the bone that are not subject to atrophy, and the ability to give an implant momentary load. Thus chewing function returns after three days.

Today it is an advanced method that has a number of previously unattainable advantages. Read more about basal implantation below.

Types of dental implants: video

The video tells about what dental implants are, how much they cost, which dental implants are better.

Materials for implants

Almost all implants are made of titanium. Both expensive and cheap. The difference, as always, is in the details.

  • The quality of the implant depends on the degree of purification of titanium. Even the smallest concentration of impurity, which may seem ridiculous, can affect the engraftment of the implant and the life of the implant.
  • Expensive and premium implants are coated with special bioactive materials and give a porous surface that mimics the internal structure of the bone. This approach stimulates osseointegration and reduces the likelihood of rejection.

Types of dental implants

Depending on the required time, the requirements for subsequent prosthetics and the financial capabilities of the patient, the following types of implantation are possible:

One-stage or express implantation.

It consists in the fact that the process of implantation of the implant and the installation of the crown occurs in one stage. It is not necessary to wait for the complete implantation of the implant. This type of implantation became possible after the advent of modern means computed tomography(CT) and express methods for the manufacture of crowns. Thanks to CT, it became possible to instantly take a spatial picture of the place of implantation of the implant and the installation of the crown. Based on the data obtained, a crown is made very quickly. Moreover, the manufacturing speed is such that often the crown is installed on the same day. In some cases, when the case is rather complicated, the crown is installed within a few days after implantation of the implant. Features of one-stage implantation:

  • Pain is minimal
  • Long-term preparation and bone building is not required
  • Chewing function and aesthetic appearance appear almost immediately
It should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, the method of basal implantation is used.

Classic intraosseous implantation

As the name implies, this method uses well-proven root-shaped implants. This is the most mature and effective method implantation. Provides a very long service life with relatively minimal implantation inconvenience. This opinion is shared by all, without exception, implantologists in the world. And if doctors had such an opportunity, then they would put only these types of implants.

Classical implantation consists of two stages. A zero stage is also possible - if necessary, bone tissue is built up. The first stage is implant placement. After that there is a break for implantation. Depending on the state of health, age and results of implantation, the break lasts from three to six months. During this time, a special protective plug is placed on the implant to prevent infection.

The advantages of classical implantation lies in the rich clinical experience of its application. The doctor can predict the course of treatment and its results with great accuracy. Also, due to the long period of time between implantation and installation of the crown, the specialist who makes the crown can easily make a crown of excellent quality and high accuracy.

Instant Implantation

The whole procedure takes place in one visit to the doctor. Immediately after the extraction of the tooth, an implant is implanted into the formed hole. Cylindrical implants are usually used, since the size of the implant and the socket do not match. This non-coincidence is the main disadvantage of such implantation. A definite plus is its speed.

Implantologists still do not strongly recommend this method, or at least recommend not to install a crown immediately after implantation. It's best to let your body get used to it. foreign body, and then give a load on this body.

Delayed implantation

Implantation of this type is a procedure in which the implant is inserted after a long period after tooth extraction (from two to nine months). The duration of the delayed period depends on the period of bone tissue restructuring, its type, complications during tooth extraction and other factors. Including the financial factor. There are cases when a tooth needs to be removed, but the patient cannot pay for implantation at the moment.

In fact, this is not a separate type of implantation. The only difference is the use of a laser scalpel instead of a standard medical steel one. This is the most modern approach to surgical intervention and has a number of undeniable advantages:

    Reduced trauma
  • Absence of blood due to the effect of photocoagulation (wound sealing). On the one hand, it is more convenient for the surgeon - best review bones. On the other hand, the healing process is many times faster.
  • An unprecedented level of sterility. Laser ray has a very high temperature, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection in the wound.
  • Speed. Thanks to the advantages described above, the time of surgical intervention is reduced by one and a half times.

Methods of dental implantation

For more than 40 years of the existence of dental implants, various methods have appeared that are used in specifically suitable cases.

Outdated Methods

1. Subperiosteal implantation

Unreliable and outdated method. Managed to become obsolete almost immediately after its appearance. The essence of the method is to implant the tooth not in the bone tissue, but in the gum. To be more precise, under the mucous membrane of the gums (under the periosteum). We will not waste time on this technique, let's say one thing - you do not need it.

2. Transosseous implantation

Similarly, it has not been used for a long time. Previously used in case of severe degradation and destruction of the bone tissue of the lower jaw. For this implantation, special orthodontic structures of a bizarre curved shape in the form of a bracket were used. This design was installed on outside chin through the incision. Then, pins were placed on each side of the bracket through the bone through and through. In general, to imagine how it looks difficult and a little creepy.

Modern methods

Basal implantation

It is a process of implantation of implants into the basal (deep) bone layers. Allows to make instant installation of crowns (load). Temporary and permanent crowns can be placed. This method has a number of key features:

  • Allows you to restore all teeth in case of their complete absence
  • Not suitable for single implantation. That is, basal implantation is used when it is required to implant three or more teeth.
  • Crowns are placed immediately or within a short time after implantation

Due to the fact that the load on the implants is given immediately, the healing process takes place two to three times faster than with conventional implantation.

This is explained by the fact that as soon as the bone begins to work, blood and nutrients begin to flow to it much more actively.

Actually, long term Healing with classical implantation is explained by the same thing - since the bone does not work, therefore the blood does not flow as actively as it is required.

Endosteal implantation

Or intraosseous. In fact, a classic implantation. Received the widest distribution and won the popularity of all implantologists. It has high efficiency and reliability.

It has the most natural appearance - root-shaped implants are mainly used and are installed in the place where the tooth root was previously located. At strong degree atrophy of bone tissue, doctors use implants of a combined type.

This type of implantation requires a sufficient amount of bone material from the patient. With its deficiency, an increase is made.

Intraosseous implantation allows to carry out procedures both in one-stage and in two-stage technique.

Intramucosal method of implantation

Not quite a complete implant. It is used when the patient has insufficient bone density.

The implants themselves are small in size, however, a special support platform is used to create a uniform load.

Intracellular implants are designed for light loads and require additional care and more frequent inspection.

This method of implantation is only suitable for removable dentures. Use for permanent crowns is impractical, but theoretically possible.

Video: types, methods and cost of dental implantation

Price for dental implants

The total cost of implantation is generally made up of 2 main parts - an implant and a crown. We will not take into account the rest of the pricing features - they do not affect the price much.

The cost of surgery and implant

Generally speaking, there are 3 price ranges:
  1. Economy - using an implant of Russian and Belarusian production. The average cost is 15 thousand rubles.
  2. Middle price segment - Israeli implants. The average cost is 30 thousand rubles.
  3. The premium segment is made in the USA and Europe (mainly Sweden and Germany). The average cost is 60 - 70 thousand rubles.
You may be surprised - Sweden is a leading power in the field of dental implants and one of the founding countries.

Crown price

There are two types of crowns (metal, gold and other damask steel, we do not take into account) - metal-ceramic and ceramic. Ceramic-metal is cheaper - an average of 18 thousand apiece, full ceramics are more expensive - an average of 40 thousand rubles.

Also, the cost of implantation depends on the method. Basal and express implantation costs 30-50% cheaper, since the process requires less time for the doctor. Thus, the cost of classical endosteal implantation averages 50-60 thousand rubles. The cost of basal and express - 30 - 40 thousand rubles.

Also, many clinics periodically hold various kinds of promotions for “quick” types of implantation (basal and express) and offer very favorable prices of 25 - 30 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of implantation

The most important plus is the ability to restore all teeth, even if the patient is completely edentulous (there is not a single tooth). Pros per point:

  • Complete functional and visual replacement of a lost tooth
  • Does not injure or damage neighboring teeth. There is no need to file down healthy teeth.
  • Preservation of the natural distribution of the load on the jaw bones. Due to this, atrophy and destruction of the bone is prevented, the risk of soft tissue atrophy is prevented, and the risk of developing periodontal disease is reduced.
  • The restored teeth look very natural.
  • The materials from which implants and crowns are made do not change the taste of food, do not oxidize or corrode.
  • Long service life. More than 80% of implants last 20 years or more. Official guarantee - 10 years.

The current level of development of medicine in general and surgical dentistry in general have significantly reduced the number possible contraindications. And more and more patients choose implantation instead of installing classic bridges and prostheses. It is very easy to calculate that with the initial higher cost of implantation, in the end it turns out to be noticeably more profitable than classical prosthetics. Firstly, a longer service life, and secondly, the remaining teeth of the jaw do not suffer, the bone and soft fabric jaws.
However, implantation also has disadvantages, but they are insignificant:

  • Although minimal, there is a risk of implant rejection. From the point of view of pain, the process is unpleasant and this process can stretch for quite a long time.
  • Implants require more careful care and attention to themselves. If the patient is not able or does not want to properly care for new teeth, then according to the methodology, this is a contraindication. In addition to regular cleaning, it is recommended to use special rinses and elixirs. Visit your doctor at least 2 times a year.
  • High price. However, as it was written above, the investment pays for itself completely. And the price goes down every year.
  • Long period of rehabilitation and engraftment. Depending on the method and the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the implant engraftment period can take up to a year (in rare cases). Usually it is 2-6 months.

Recently, patients of dental clinics are increasingly aware of the advantage of implantation over conventional prosthetics, so the demand for it is constantly growing. The Moscow dental services market offers the most different variants dental implants, and it is quite difficult for a person who is not versed in medicine to choose the best of the offers and options for implantation.

Moscow dental clinic "Aesthetics" can offer its clients different kinds dental implants that will suit them not only in terms of material, shape and design, but also suit the price. The clinic uses various dental implants from well-known manufacturing companies, in which dental implant companies strive to implement all their innovative ideas in the field of implantology.

Production material

Modern dentistry as materials with the best survival rate has chosen:

  • bioinert, including titanium and its alloys, as well as gold, ceramics, zirconium.
  • bioactive, i.e. using metal with a ceramic coating;

The most commonly used titanium implants for teeth. This metal is unique in its ability to survive, it grows painlessly and quickly with bone tissue and does not have a harmful effect on the human body. Titanium has increased stability and strength. And also titanium implant the tooth is quite light, so the patient feels the new prostheses like their own teeth.

But, according to experts, a ceramic tooth implant is better than a titanium one in several ways:

  • in terms of strength, it has no equal competitors;
  • resembles the natural color of the teeth;
  • has perfect biocompatibility.

True, high-quality metal-ceramic dental implants are quite expensive. Some dental clinic offer zirconium implants for teeth, which also have their own advantages.

Types of implants by shape

The choice of a dental implant also depends on its shape. The implant of the tooth, its types and shape are selected by the implantologist, because they are associated with the peculiarity of the structure of the patient's jaw. If you need to create additional support for the future bridge, eliminate imperfections or correct the structure of the bone, dental implants are selected, the types of which allow you to eliminate any deficiency.

Size difference

To make the choice ideal, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the dental implants of a particular patient. Features of the human jaw require a diverse range of implants presented different forms and sizes. The length of implants usually varies between 2 - 16 mm, although sometimes smaller products are needed - 1.8 mm. Their diameter can also be represented by different sizes.

The task of the implantologist is to be able to easily navigate in a wide variety and if the patient needs dental implantation, the doctor can choose the types of implants, their sizes and features correctly.

Implant manufacturers

Dental prosthetics is considered a rather expensive service, but it should be remembered that brands of dental implants used in dentistry cannot initially be cheap. Some dental implant companies produce inexpensive options, but the relatively low price entails an average quality. Such an artificial root can be installed in the case of the simplest prosthetics.

When it is necessary to strengthen the root or build up the bone, implant dentistry recommends only the best quality. After all, investing in your own health is always more than paid off, and dental implantation, types and prices of artificial roots and crowns will be an indicator of your attitude towards your own health.

Implant Rating

Modern dentistry implant can implant the most different. But given the statistical data on the percentage of survival, the frequency possible complications, service life, you can choose the best system of dental implantation.

The most prestigious and expensive are dental implant systems from leading manufacturers such as Nobel Biocare, which are suitable for any occasion. The Ankylos implant system belongs to the average price level, and Israeli modern dental implants Mis, Ards, AlphaBio belong to the budget level. If a patient chooses domestic dental implants, their types and prices leave much to be desired.

When you need fast, high-quality and affordable dental implantation, methods of prosthetics, types and shape of implants in the Aesthetics clinic in Moscow, a highly qualified specialist will help you choose.