Metallic taste in the mouth: causes and treatment. Why there is a metallic taste in the mouth Get rid of the taste of iron in the mouth

We always pay attention to the presence of this or that taste in the mouth. Did it appear after we tried some dish or drink, or did it arise on its own. However, even the taste of your favorite food should not be felt for longer than 15 minutes after eating it, to say nothing of the fact that a person constantly has metallic taste in the mouth? To get rid of this symptom, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance. This will be discussed in this article.

What causes a metallic taste in your mouth?

The causes of a metallic taste in the mouth can vary. They are conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • those that are due to the presence of a disease;
  • those that arose as a result of taking medicines;
  • those that point to pathological changes in the body.

In women, this symptom appears much more often. This is due to physiology, namely with conditions such as pregnancy, menstrual cycle or climax.

Causes of taste that are not associated with the disease

These include the following factors:

  • Drinking mineral waters that are saturated with iron ions.
  • The use of raw water, especially if the house has rusty pipes or taps (the water is supersaturated with iron).
  • The taste of metal in the mouth can occur after the installation of dental implants or dentures, if a person eats or drinks something sour. In this case, the sensation will appear as a result of the resulting reaction between the food acid and the metal. If before that there were already dentures and more were added to them, then the taste of metal will appear as a result of the reaction between different metals. Here, even a barely perceptible electrification of newly installed prostheses can occur - saliva will act as a catalyst here.
  • Eating foods saturated with various acids and cooked in cast iron or aluminum cookware. Taste results from a reaction between an acid and a metal, resulting in the formation of certain substances.
  • Piercing of the tongue or lips (piercing). In this case, the metal oxidizes after contact with drinks or food, as well as implants or crowns made from another type of metal.
  • Lack of proper oral hygiene, in which plaque accumulates on the tongue and teeth.

Aluminum cookware oxidizes food, resulting in a metallic taste.

Tip: one of the dental causes may be caries, inflammation of the gums or pulpitis, whose destructive processes take place under the crowns. In this case, a person may not feel pain, since before installing prostheses, a specialist removes his nerve.

Physiological causes of the taste of metal in the mouth

In pregnant women

The occurrence of this symptom in pregnant women may indicate a lack of vitamins, iron and other elements that are essential for the normal development of the fetus. Also, the level of susceptibility of oral cavity receptors may become different due to changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. In this case, symptomatically, the woman will not feel any pain in the abdomen, or any other serious signs. The taste of metal in the mouth may be accompanied only by nausea in the morning, enlargement and some soreness in the chest. However, these symptoms are considered absolutely normal until a period of 12-16 weeks. Later, if these signs are present, a pregnant woman should consult a specialist.

In extreme cases, the cause of a metallic taste in the mouth in women may be one of the diseases, which will be discussed in more detail below.

During menstruation

During menstruation, as well as during pregnancy, there is a change in the balance female hormones. Because of this, there is a change in the sensitivity of the receptors of the oral cavity and, as a result, the appearance of a metallic taste.

During the menopause

During this period, a change in taste can be considered quite natural, since a woman undergoes changes in the hormonal background. Along with this, a symptom may be evidence of the occurrence of one of the pathologies. With menopause, various types of anemia are also possible: lack of vitamin B12, deficiency of iron or folic acid.

Metallic taste due to medication

This unusual sensation may occur in oral cavity due to the use of drugs of certain groups, which include:

  • tetracycline antibiotics;
  • glucocorticoids - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone;
  • oral contraceptives - Yarina, Femoden, Janine, Marvelon;
  • drugs that reduce the formation of hydrochloric acid - Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole;
  • drugs whose action is aimed at lowering blood cholesterol - Atorvastatin, Simvastatin;
  • antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin (they provoke dry mouth);
  • Tablets that reduce blood sugar - Siofor, Maninil, Glucophage, Metformin, Glibenclamide;
  • Drugs that lower arterial pressure- Berlipril, Enalapril, Fenigidin, Capothiazid;
  • Dietary supplements, especially those that are used to get rid of excess weight.

Metallic taste as a symptom of poisoning

The appearance of an iron taste in the mouth may indicate poisoning of the body by one of the following substances:

  • mercury vapor;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

You can get poisoned by them at the enterprise, in case of accidental ingestion (for example, when using arsenic salts or copper sulphate), if you crashed mercury thermometer etc.

Ingestion of mercury will cause not only a metallic taste in the mouth, but also severe intoxication.

Along with a metallic taste, a person will also experience intense thirst, soreness in the abdomen, dizziness with nausea and vomiting. In addition, these signs may occur as a result of prolonged contact with paints and varnishes and as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation on the body (with radiation sickness).

The taste of iron as a result of the presence of the disease

One of the following diagnoses can answer the question of why there is a metallic taste in the mouth:


Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth and holding it in the gum. It is characterized by the appearance of viscosity in the saliva, frequent bleeding of the gums, thick plaque on the enamel of the teeth (which appears for no apparent reason) and the fragility of the teeth. It is due to the fact that the gums bleed that a distinct taste of metal appears in the mouth.

Anemia with iron deficiency

This ailment begins to develop in the case when little iron enters the body and at the same time it actively loses it. In women, the disease may appear during heavy menstruation, in men as a result of large blood loss (the causes of which can be very different). It is also possible in case of disruption of the intestines and stomach, when iron ceases to be absorbed or there are no enzymes in the body responsible for the transformation of iron into hemoglobin.

Signs of this disease: a strong taste of metal in the mouth, taste perversion in general, fatigue and general weakness. A person's skin becomes dry, nails and hair brittle.

Anemia with vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency

These two ailments are not as common as the previous one. Despite the fact that they develop in different ways, it is very difficult to distinguish them from each other without a special examination.

They arise as a result of a lack of vitamins B12 and B9 in the body, which usually come with vegetables, animal meat (especially liver), when vitamins are not absorbed by the intestines, or if substances that have destructive properties in relation to these vitamins enter the body. These include barbiturates, birth control pills and drugs in which the main component is valproic acid (sodium valproate is an anticonvulsant).

External signs of these ailments are a yellowish tint of the skin, while she herself is pale, dizziness, low blood pressure, rapid pulse and the appearance of a metallic taste. If the disease progresses to more severe form, there is a violation of coordination in the work of many muscle groups, a person ceases to perceive properly everything that he touches, depression, insomnia appear, and hallucinations may even occur.

Liver disease

These include cysts and malignant tumors, less often a metallic taste can occur due to hepatitis. If it appears due to tumors, then it can remain the only symptom for quite a long time. That is why this unpleasant sensation should be the reason for going to the doctor, especially if it bothers you for no apparent reason.

If you do not pay attention to the taste, then with the progression of neoplasms, the following symptoms will appear:

  • excitement or vice versa drowsiness;
  • light stool or dark urine;
  • sharp throbbing pain in the right side of the abdomen;
  • bleeding gums;
  • poor blood clotting.

Also, a person will begin to quickly lose weight limbs and face.

Diseases of the biliary tract

Chronic cholecystitis is the cause of a metallic taste in the mouth in women and men. It is also characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting and frequent constipation. Along with this, the sensation may appear with cholangitis - inflammation bile ducts located inside the liver.


In this case, the metal in the mouth is felt when the disease is advanced. It can even signal that a coma is possible if the amount of sugar in the blood exceeds all possible indicators.

Important: if a person with diabetes feels the taste of metal in the oral cavity, then he needs to get to the doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe emergency therapy.

Gastritis and ulcers

These diseases are also characterized by dull pain after eating in the left side of the abdomen or in the center, the formation of plaque on the tongue, frequent belching and an annoying feeling of nausea.


It inflames the oral mucosa. Appears due to microtraumas, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms enter the mucosa. The taste of metal during this disease is one of the first symptoms.

Infections in the ENT organs

Very often, a feeling of metal occurs with inflammation of the sinuses, otitis externa, or damage to the throat.

How to get rid of the taste of metal in your mouth

The most important advice is that you should not try to detect this or that disease in yourself, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe first general analyzes, and only then, based on their results, narrower studies. This will help to accurately identify the disease and quickly prescribe the optimal course of treatment.

This article contains information for reference only, an accurate diagnosis and treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Self-medication is a dangerous undertaking, you need to see a specialist who will select the right therapy

If a person, along with the taste of metal in the mouth, has at least one of the following types of ailments, he needs to see a doctor:

  • lack of air;
  • clouded consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath or hemoptysis;
  • coughing up sputum mixed with pus;
  • high fever, which is not brought down by conventional medicines;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • constant drowsiness or bursts of excitement.

If there are no these symptoms, then most likely the reason is a changed diet. To get rid of the bad taste.

A metallic taste in the mouth is a fairly common and seemingly harmless symptom. But do not ignore it, because your body can signal in this way that there is a serious problem. The taste of metal can indicate ailments, with serious consequences. Consider why this symptom appears and how you can get rid of it.

Why is there a taste?

A specific taste is usually associated with the presence of copper or iron ions in the oral cavity (“as if a penny lies under the tongue” or “as if kissing a doorknob” was said before). But these are misleading impressions, because the nature of the taste is completely different. It happens that the taste of metal in the mouth is mixed with a bitter taste. These symptoms may be accompanied by dry mouth.

Consider the causes of this symptom.

Illnesses accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. It can be liver disease, a malfunction of the thyroid gland, or. This is the most common cause why there is a metallic taste in the mouth. In addition to this taste, the patient sometimes experiences a sour taste. You can also identify iron deficiency anemia by another sign - by cracks in the tongue. However, in order to make a final diagnosis, you still need to take a blood test for. If the analysis confirms the diagnosis, the next step is to start looking for the causes of anemia.

Very often, this disease is caused not only by iron deficiency, which is often found in pregnancy and in vegetarians. Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With certain problems with the liver, biliary tract and with low acidity, the patient may also experience an unpleasant taste of blood. In this case, we also recommend that you contact a specialist, undergo an examination and take appropriate measures to eliminate the symptom.

Medication treatment. Often a metallic taste in the mouth appears while taking certain antibiotics. Talk to the doctor who prescribed these medicines for you. Perhaps he will replace them with others.

Poisoning substances such as vanadium, cadmium, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulfide, zinc, arsenic, lead, mercury. Heavy metal poisoning is often carried by people whose work is associated with dyes based on metal salts. In this case, you should immediately consult a specialist toxicologist.

Sometimes patients experience a metallic taste when coughing. Many complain of a cough with a taste of blood after colds. This may be a sign of the appearance. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, we advise you to contact. Also, dry cough and hoarseness can cause a fungal infection in the mouth. With reddening of the oral cavity and coughing, you need to contact.

Use of poor quality dentures or crowns made from various kinds metal. They catalyze the galvanization process, which in turn releases ions from the material. You need to think about changing the crowns to better ones.

The taste of metal can be caused if you use for cooking cast iron or aluminum cookware. The taste of iron may be stronger if you cook acidic foods in these containers. Since acids react with metal, the food is equipped with a specific flavor that you subsequently feel.

Frequent use mineral water high in saccharin and iron.

Taste and pregnancy

Many of us are aware of the first signs of pregnancy - missed periods, dizziness, morning sickness, weakness, etc. These are common symptoms of pregnancy. However, there are a number of strange and little-known signs. These include the taste of iron, which is considered one of the early symptoms pregnancy.

This is explained hormonal changes in a woman's body. This taste can appear at the end of the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Doctors attribute this to a lack of iron in the body. Do not self-medicate and eat a kilogram of apples a day. Unfortunately, this won't help. Contact a specialist who observes you during pregnancy, he will prescribe the appropriate drugs.

What to do if there is a taste of iron?

It is worth noting that there are no special drugs for the treatment of only this symptom. Direct your efforts to identify and eliminate the very cause that caused the metallic taste in your mouth. So, how to get rid of the above-described aftertaste?

As we have already said, you need to contact the specialists, after which you will be sent for a comprehensive examination. If the examination reveals diabetes mellitus, gastritis, problems with the gallbladder or thyroid gland the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Time to get rid of discomfort good oral hygiene will help. Rinse your mouth regularly baking soda or slightly acidified water. Lemon will also help get rid of this aftertaste. If a metallic taste in the mouth indicates anemia, then you should try to increase hemoglobin in the blood.

As can be seen from the above, the reasons for the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth can be very different. Listen to your body, respond to its signals in time, and then the detection and treatment of diseases will be much faster and easier. Stay healthy!

Everyone at least once experienced an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Such a state does not just happen. It may be the result of the use of foods or drugs, or a signal of the presence of serious problems. If an unpleasant taste in the oral cavity rarely worries, this should not cause unrest. But if the condition occurs regularly, lasts a long time, and is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, you need to see a doctor.

This or that taste in the mouth is a symptom of diseases, sometimes even serious ones. Man without visible reasons may taste salty, sweet, bitter, and sour. But according to statistics, more often people are worried about the taste of metal.

Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth

There can be many reasons for the taste of iron in the mouth. For example, drinking mineral water, which contains a lot of iron ions, can lead to a similar condition. A similar effect can be exerted by untreated tap water. The reason is the poor quality of the pipes through which it passes. Most of them are covered with rust inside, particles of which are mixed with "life-giving moisture".

A metallic taste can be caused by using cast iron or aluminum cookware. Especially if you cook foods containing acids in such containers. Acids react with metals and the dishes acquire a specific taste that is felt in the mouth.

The cause of discomfort in the oral cavity is medical preparations. For example, a metallic taste is side effect Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Lansporazole and other drugs. A similar phenomenon can be a consequence of taking dietary supplements. As soon as the course of treatment is over, the discomfort will also disappear.

Metal crowns sometimes give an iron taste if they start to deteriorate. Under the action of acids, metal ions are formed and create a specific taste.

Diseases that cause a metallic taste in the mouth

There are many diseases, one of the signs of which is a metallic taste. Let's look at the common ones.


Or anemia often causes a metallic taste in the mouth. Weakness, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, loss of strength and palpitations may also indicate its presence. Often the disease is accompanied by a violation of smell and taste. In severe cases, there is pallor, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, dry mouth, and chapped lips.

Read also:

Allergy to cold - symptoms and treatment of the disease

Often, anemia is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hidden or obvious bleeding, unbalanced nutrition and an increased need for iron in the body, for example, during a period of intensive growth, breastfeeding or bearing a child. This explains why there is often a metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy.


Hypovitaminosis develops due to a lack of vitamins. Signs of the condition are a metallic taste, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability, and a decrease in intellectual and physical abilities. The main method of treatment is taking vitamin complexes and adjusting the diet.

Diseases of the digestive system

Problems with the digestive system are accompanied by unpleasant aftertastes in the oral cavity, including metallic ones. Its occurrence may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • gallbladder- cholangitis, dyskinesia, cholecystitis. Signs of disease are pain in the right hypochondrium, stool disorders, metallic or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • liver. They are accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, change in taste. They have a metallic taste;
  • low stomach acid. In addition to the taste of iron in the mouth, low acidity is indicated by belching with a smell reminiscent of a rotten egg, bloating, dull pain after eating, constipation, or diarrhea and heartburn;
  • intestines. They are accompanied by a coating on the tongue;
  • stomach ulcer. The problem can be signaled by severe pain that occurs on an empty stomach or at night, vomiting, belching, heartburn. The state is complemented by a taste of metal.

Diseases of the oral cavity

If you experience a metallic taste in your mouth, the causes may lie in problems with the oral cavity. For example, it can be called inflammatory disease tongue - glossitis, the development of which can be promoted by trauma, hot food, alcohol, hot spices and burns. Often the taste of iron appears due to bleeding gums. Even minor bleeding, visually invisible, can provoke it. The cause of the phenomenon is often stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other problems of the oral cavity.

Among the reasons that led to the sharp taste of iron on the tongue, one can single out pathological and physiological (transient, which, when adverse conditions are eliminated, completely exclude this symptom).

A metallic taste can occur with a tongue or lip piercing (metal oxidizes when exposed to food and drink).

The physiological factors of iron taste in the oral cavity include:

  1. Lack of a balanced diet, errors in the diet and the introduction of new foods and drinks into the diet. This applies to the abuse of products containing iron (pomegranates, pomegranate juice, sour apples, buckwheat, etc.); overdose of iron-containing vitamins and dietary supplements.
  2. Hormonal shifts, natural changes in the monthly cycle.
  3. Taking medicines that are on the list side effects there is also the possibility of a metallic taste in the mouth. When they are canceled, the symptom immediately or after some time (necessary to remove the remnants of the drug from the body) disappears.
  4. The use of unfiltered tap water during sanitary measures related to pipe cleaning, etc.
  5. Use of metal utensils (an additional flavor may appear in food). This is especially true for aluminum and cast iron pots and pans.
  6. Problems with the oral cavity: the presence of metal crowns; stomatitis, gingivitis, accompanied by heavy bleeding of the mucosa.
  7. Gastritis with low acidity.
  8. Bronchitis, consequences of viral infections.
  9. Work in factories for the production of metal products.
  10. Constant contact with the skin of metal jewelry (watches, bracelets, etc.).

These reasons can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity, not only in women, but also in men. However, in the latter, the severity of the symptom is observed to a lesser extent.

Iron taste during pregnancy

During the period of conception and further gestation, a change in the hormonal background occurs in the body of a woman. As a result, a symptom of a metallic taste in the mouth may appear.

The most common reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance towards progesterone.
  2. Digestive disorders, belching, indigestion.
  3. Exacerbation of taste buds.
  4. Natural diet change.
  5. Reception of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

Intense jogging can provoke an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Sometimes metallic notes in the mouth may appear at the end of the second trimester, when the taste buds have already acquired their usual sensitivity, and the woman has returned to the classic diet. This is due to a time period characterized by heartburn and excess bile production (these can cause a feeling of bitterness at the root of the tongue).

The condition is corrected by taking antireflux drugs and drugs that block heartburn.

The taste of metal in the mouth as a symptom of diseases

A constant specific taste, especially that occurs in the morning, may indicate the presence of a pathological process (disease) in the woman's body.

Poisoning with salts of heavy metals

An extremely severe type of poisoning of the body. It is characterized by the blocking of many vital functions, serious consequences. Metals that cause poisoning include: gold, lead, copper, iron, arsenic, mercury.

Intoxication can manifest itself in the form of weakness, severe nausea, repeated vomiting, headache, discomfort in the abdomen. In the event of such conditions, an ambulance team should be called.

Such poisoning is treated by gastric lavage and the appointment of systemic, blood-purifying drugs administered by drip. If necessary, dialysis is done (cleansing through the “artificial kidney” machine).

In severe and advanced cases, a blood transfusion may be prescribed. A necessary measure is the intake of significant doses of sorbents that bind and remove the toxic substance from the body.


Anemia is a state of iron deficiency. It can be of different types:

  • hemolytic;
  • sickle-cell;
  • iron deficiency;
  • due to bleeding.

Cause hemolytic anemia is the spontaneous destruction of blood cells (erythrocytes) under the influence of various adverse factors. In this case, the level of iron does not initially fall, only erythrocytes are destroyed, being part of which, it can perform its function of transporting oxygen to the tissues.

The contents of the cells are poured into the tissues and can be felt by the taste of iron in the mouth.

The condition of heavy blood loss can also give a similar symptom. It can be stomach and other internal bleeding, possibly menstrual.

The treatment in this case would be:

  • elimination of the cause of iron deficiency (normalization of hormonal levels, etc.) and the destruction of blood cells (in the case of a hemolytic form);
  • taking iron supplements in the dosage indicated by the doctor.

A metallic taste can appear in smokers if they smoked right before going to bed and did not brush their teeth.

Hypo- and hypervitaminosis

The states of deficiency and excess of vitamins are also characterized by general fatigue and external manifestations: brittle nails, hair and dry skin.

Moreover, the symptoms will be similar in both cases.

Treatment will consist of an adequate diet (taking into account the needs of the body) and the appointment of multivitamin complexes for hypovitaminosis.


At diabetes violation of metabolic processes is pronounced. An unpleasant taste of metal appears in the oral cavity. In addition, the gums begin to bleed, dryness of the mucous membrane is felt, constant thirst. If these signs occur in the aggregate, it is worth taking a blood glucose test and consulting a therapist.

As a correction of the condition, a special menu can be introduced and hypoglycemic drugs can be prescribed.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

They can be divided according to the location of the lesion:

  1. Intestinal pathologies will be manifested not only by the symptom under discussion, but also by a white coating on the tongue.
  2. A stomach ulcer will also be manifested by bloody vomiting (this is what gives the sensation of metal on the tongue).
  3. liver problems and gallbladder will be manifested by nausea, a feeling of not only metal, but also bitterness in the mouth.

The condition for each of the diseases can be corrected by taking the appropriate drugs. In case of stomach problems, medications can be prescribed that normalize the production of gastric juice, gastroprotectors, antibiotics that destroy Helicobacter pylori - a bacterium that provokes the incidence of gastritis.

To restore liver function, it is rational to prescribe hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs. The intestines are treated with probiotics, antispasmodics and laxatives in case of constipation.


Sometimes the feeling of the presence of iron on the tongue can be associated with the presence of a fungus on the mucosa. This is a fairly common disease, manifested by a white tint on the inner surface of the cheeks, palate and causeless itching.

being corrected antifungal drugs and gels.

Treatment of iron taste in the mouth

It is not recommended to try to independently identify any pathology in yourself. This is especially true for conditions characterized by: lack of oxygen, the presence of a temperature that cannot be brought down by drugs, constant lethargy / bursts of excitement,

dizziness, hemoptysis. It is better to immediately contact a specialist who, after prescribing general (and, if necessary, narrower) tests, will be able to determine the ailment and prescribe a treatment regimen.

In the absence of suspicious symptoms, the cause of the metallic taste is most likely hidden in a changed diet. To eliminate the symptoms, there are simple but effective methods:

  1. Try not to cook in aluminum and cast iron cookware.
  2. Minimize or completely eliminate the use of smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods.
  3. Refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking.
  4. Replace mineral water with purified water.
  5. Include in the diet foods rich in iron, vitamin B12, folic acid.

In mild cases, you can get rid of the taste of iron in the oral cavity with the help of spices: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom.

Prevention of bad taste in the mouth

In order to prevent the appearance of a metallic taste, you need to carefully monitor your daily diet. It is necessary to eat in a balanced way, maintaining the proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In most cases, the taste of iron indicates a lack of it in the body, so the seasonal use of vitamins and minerals is only welcome.

It is much easier to deal with a timely detected pathology than with a neglected one. Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor who will either refute or confirm your doubts.

Metallic taste in the mouth - a sign of defeat internal organs, system failures. But not always the unpleasant taste of the metal signals a health problem; errors in nutrition or non-compliance with hygiene rules can provoke its appearance.

A metallic taste in the mouth indicates a malfunction in the body

Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth

Some can provoke the appearance of an iron taste. medications, poisoning with hazardous substances, beriberi, pathological processes in the oral cavity, respiratory and digestive systems, and some other factors that are not dangerous to health.

What Causes Copper Taste in Mouth?

  • the use of mineral water with a high content of iron ions;
  • after installing dentures, piercings - acidic foods cause a strange taste;
  • after eating, the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste can be caused by the preparation of acid-containing products in aluminum and cast iron dishes;
  • with the accumulation of plaque on the tongue, the formation of tartar - similar problems arise with improper oral care;
  • taking antibiotics, glucocorticoids, drugs to reduce the level of hydrochloric acid or sugar, statins, anti-allergy drugs;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse - these factors often provoke the appearance of a taste of wet iron in men.

Plaque on the tongue can cause an unpleasant aftertaste

In case of poisoning with salts and vapors of heavy metals, in addition to a sharp metallic taste, there is myalgia, dizziness, confusion often develops, worries strong pain in the abdomen, vomiting, weakness.

Even constant skin contact with metal jewelry can provoke the appearance of a steel taste.

Why there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth in women

Women suffer from the appearance of a bitter-metallic taste more often than men - this is due to some hormonal characteristics.

Causes of an unpleasant aftertaste:

  • during pregnancy, with the onset of menopause, the appearance of an unpleasant taste may be a sign of anemia, beriberi;
  • changes in taste perception against the background of hormonal changes - one of the first signs of pregnancy, such symptoms are considered normal if they appear no later than 3-4 months;
  • a strong taste of metal also appears during menstruation, which is also associated with a change in hormonal levels, or heavy menstruation;
  • taking oral contraceptives, dietary supplements for weight loss.

But if the taste of steel in the mouth appears regularly, is accompanied by other signs of illness, a deterioration in well-being, you should not attribute everything to hormones, it is better to consult a doctor.

After examination and primary diagnosis, the pathology will be treated by:

    A throat swab may be needed to determine the cause of the bad taste.

    How to get rid of the taste of metal

    After the diagnosis is established, the doctor will prescribe medications, additional methods treatment, the task of therapy is to eliminate the main cause that provoked the appearance of a steely taste.

    What to do if you experience a taste of iron:

    • exclude fried, fatty, smoked, spicy foods from the diet;
    • drink purified water without gas;
    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • regularly consume fresh herbs, apples, liver, bran - these products contain a lot of folic acid, iron, vitamin B12;
    • in case of strong oxidation, replace dental implants;
    • properly care for the oral cavity, visit the dentist twice a year.

    Fresh greens are rich in vitamins and minerals

    Garlic, tomatoes, lemon juice, tea with ginger, cinnamon and cardamom, mint candies, citrus fruits without bitterness will help get rid of the metallic taste, rinse your mouth with a solution of 200 ml of water and 5 g of salt.

    Metallic taste - possible symptom diseases of the oral cavity, respiratory organs and digestive system, in women, hormonal imbalance can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste. It is possible to identify the true cause only after visiting a doctor and a thorough diagnosis.