Why does my mouth have a metallic taste? Causes and treatment of metallic taste in the mouth in women and men Metallic taste in the mouth what is it

A metallic taste in the mouth in men and women is a fairly common symptom of the disease. This signal can indicate a variety of problems with the body, ranging from pathologies with internal organs to various poisonings.

Metallic taste: reasons

Iron taste is classified as a flavor rather than a base taste. It is generally accepted that this taste is the appearance of copper ions on the tongue, but in fact, iron in the mouth is felt due to a number of substances/elements. These are products of lipid oxidation, which are influenced by metal salts, acting here as catalysts. As a result, a metallic taste appears in the mouth due to:

  • octadiene,
  • octene,
  • transepoxydecenal.

Symptoms: metallic taste in the mouth

There are seven main causes of iron taste in the mouth. Diseases accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. This refers to problems with:

  • liver,
  • interruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland,
  • gastritis of all chronic varieties.

What does a metallic taste in the mouth mean?

There is a whole list of drugs that cause a metallic taste in the mouth. These are histamine, tetracycline, metronidazole, amoxicillin, feramide.

Poisoning: metallic taste in the mouth

There are also a number of substances, poisoning with which can result in the formation of this taste:

  • cadmium,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • vanadium,
  • arsenic,
  • zinc,
  • hydrogen sulfide,
  • mercury,
  • lead.

Signs of a metallic taste in the mouth

Some types of mineral waters contain large amounts of iron, which can create a metallic taste. IN oral cavity Bleeding may occur, also giving an off taste.

A person can be highly exposed to powerful ion flows and experience an unpleasant iron taste in the mouth. Or maybe it will be a matter of simple dentures with metal parts of low standard/quality. They will become catalysts and trigger galvanization, which in turn will release ions.

How to get rid of a metallic taste in your mouth

If the above-described taste appears, you should immediately contact a specialist. The main thing here is to establish the cause correctly. There is no drug in the world that gets rid of the iron taste. The only way is to establish and then eliminate the cause.

What does metallic taste mean?

You should undergo a complete examination to detect a serious disease (diabetes/gastritis/other), and then undergo the required treatment. If the iron taste is caused by drugs, you should categorically avoid them. If bleeding periodically occurs in the cavity, eliminate it. The iron taste itself can be removed by rinsing with baking soda/salt, brushing your teeth, and eating lemon drops.

Most ailments cause pain in the body, but a change in taste perception can also be an indicator of the development of the disease. Severe bitterness in the mouth and nausea are evidence of the presence of pathology, but there are also cases of changes in the aftertaste due to the characteristics of human behavior. Doctors also consider the appearance of sweets, metallic taste and dry mouth.

Coupled with nausea, dryness indicates gastrointestinal problems - gastritis, ulcers, erosions.

Causes of nausea and metallic taste in the mouth

There are many factors for the appearance of a ferrous taste - from the environmental situation to heavy metal poisoning. You should pay attention to the regularity of the appearance of impaired taste sensations. If a person does not feel weak and occasionally experiences a transformation of taste, then the first thing to consider is non-medical factors in the appearance of the abnormal condition.

Metallic taste and external factors

  • the presence of crowns or braces. The detachment of silver ions from the metal parts of correction products leads to the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth.
  • taking medications. Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Histamine, Veramide, Lansoprazole, drugs that stimulate the formation of certain reactions in the body - and a metallic taste remains in the mouth during the entire course of taking the medication.
  • mineral water. Long-term consumption of natural waters with a high iron content leads to an excess of this element in the human body.
  • bleeding. The entry of blood into the oral cavity (after an attack of nosebleeds or a trip to the dentist) leads to the release of iron ions from the hemoglobin of blood clots.
  • dishes. Frequently cooking food in aluminum cookware leads to the saturation of food with metal ions.

Blood on the tongue is possible if there are diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, glossitis. First of all, you should pay attention to bleeding gums - the source of blood supply. To do this, just open your mouth and examine it in front of the mirror. What other diseases can a distortion of the taste analyzer indicate?

Irony taste and physiological disturbances

  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • ENT diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • ulcer;
  • low stomach acidity.

If dizziness is present, there is a high probability of diagnosing anemia, which additionally burdens the patient with fainting and drowsiness.

During the first half of gestation, a pregnant woman experiences a metallic taste due to manifestations of toxicosis. The disappearance of toxicosis also leads to the elimination of the uncomfortable state.

Sweet taste in mouth and nausea

Warning is caused by the taste buds catching the taste of sweetness that appears in the oral cavity without eating sweetened foods - cakes, sweets, chocolate. Patients present with this taste disorder much less frequently, but this the symptom also requires attention.

Common reasons

  1. overeating at night. In the morning, a lover of sweets may notice a sweet aftertaste, which appears due to the sweetening of saliva.
  2. pregnancy. The pancreas cannot cope with the load and the lack of insulin leads to an increase in blood sugar.
  3. poisoning. Intoxication with pesticides and other poisons can give an unusual feeling in the mouth.
  4. depression and stress. A depressed mood can short-term - for 2-3 hours - change the taste sensations with a hint of sweetness.
  5. use of gainers. Some athletes report an unusually long sweetness after consuming bulking formulas.

If the taste does not go away for more than 3 days, then the duration of the unhealthy physiological phenomenon is high is a reason to see a doctor.

Disease Factor and Sweet Taste

  • pancreas. A decrease in insulin production leads to problems with the breakdown of sugar - it begins to be felt on the tongue. Similar sensations often occur in patients with diabetes.
  • reflux. The reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus distorts the taste perception and adds an unpleasant aftertaste. The accompanying bloating often leads to a person vomiting.
  • nervous diseases. A weakened psyche can disrupt the transmission of electrical impulses sent to the tongue.
  • poor oral microflora. Pharyngitis and tonsillitis stimulate the appearance of purulent deposits in the tonsils, which negatively affect the taste buds.

The deceptive feeling of filling the mouth with powdered sugar - a sign of the presence of a respiratory tract infection, provoked by Pseudomonas bacteria. The condition requires urgent attention to a therapist.

Which doctors should I contact?

If there is no suspicion of any specific disease, you should visit a therapist who will prescribe general tests (blood, urine). Based on their results, possible diseases will be identified and approximate diagnoses will be made, which will be further confirmed by a highly specialized specialist. Having studied laboratory studies associated with various aftertastes (mainly bitter and metallic), we can conclude that most diseases are associated with the digestive tract. To check the digestive organs, you should contact a gastroenterologist who can prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. If anemia is suspected, the patient will have to visit a hematologist.

For those suffering from a sugary aftertaste, the first thing to do is you should see a dentist(problems with gums are solved by a periodontist) and carry out sanitation, after which the discomfort goes away. At the same time, a visit to the dentist should be combined with a visit to the otolaryngologist, who will assess the condition of the throat.

It is useful to get tested for sugar, including for people who suffer from dry mouth, thirst and nausea, in order to exclude the presence of diabetes mellitus.


It is problematic to independently determine the cause of the appearance of a foreign taste, but even if you suspect a certain disease, it is rational to tell your doctor about your assumptions rather than self-medicate.

A competent specialist and research will help you find the correct cause of the discomfort and quickly eliminate it.

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If you have a taste of iron in your mouth, you should know that it is not just like that. There are a number of reasons why this sensation manifests itself. Knowing such information will be very useful for your health.

There are quite a few reasons in the world when there is a taste of iron in the mouth. The most accurate answer should be found out after a full medical examination.

Below are possible reasons:

The taste of steel in the mouth can often be a symptom of anemia - anemia, and also appears with hypovitaminosis. A complete blood test should be performed to determine the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. For a month, you should use multivitamins containing B vitamins. Anemia, also known as anemia, is a pathological condition determined by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin levels and, in most cases, the number of red blood cells per unit of blood volume. Anemia can manifest itself at any moment of a person’s existence and not only in diseases of various natures, but also in a certain physiological state, for example, during pregnancy, with increased growth, lactation.

The problem of anemia among growing children is significant because anemia during this age has a chance to cause developmental disorders in terms of physiology, as well as in the metabolism of iron in the body.

Anemia can develop in an environment with menopause, hormonal disorders, nutrition, infections of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, absorption problems, autoimmune condition, other interventions and other factors. Anemia often becomes an independent symptom of many internal viruses, cancer and infectious diseases.

Hypovitaminosis grows with insufficient or incorrect vitamin intake. Hypovitaminosis grows almost imperceptibly: irritability, increased fatigue of the body, decreased attention, lack of appetite, and sleep disturbances are revealed. A systematic lack of vitamin groups in food impairs the functionality of the body, which is revealed by external factors and affects the condition of certain tissues and organs. This is detected on the skin, mucous membrane, muscles, bone tissue and the main functions of the body, for example growth, physical and intellectual abilities,

Problems in the liver area. The taste of iron in the mouth, the cause of which lies in this disease, can lead to adverse consequences. In this case, you should consult a doctor; gastroenterology is possible.

You can also feel a steely taste in the mouth if you are poisoned by metal salts. In this case, it is recommended to consult a neurologist.

Impact of diabetes. In frequent cases, it is accompanied by debilitating thirst, unquenchable appetite, excessive urination, sugar content in the blood capillaries, weakened vision, a feeling of steel in the mouth, slow healing of open wounds, and scabies. An imbalance in the metabolism of proteins and fats in diabetics has a chance of leading to the accumulation of toxins in the human body and to poisoning of the body - a diabetic coma.

The number of steel crowns in the oral cavity exceeds a certain norm. The sensation of metal can be easily eliminated with the help of carefully selected toothpaste and a chewing blade. You can also replace them with new high-quality crowns.

The water consumed contains a large number of steel ions. Simply put, this water flows out of rusted pipes. You should drink filtered water.

Also, an iron taste appears from bleeding gums. A healing procedure should be carried out and a dentist should be consulted.

An excess amount of acetone in the blood vessels. In this case, you should drink mineral water. If the water is carbonated, first release the gas from it, and also, if necessary, drink “POLYSORB” - a white powder that tastes like starch. Sprinkle a teaspoon into one glass of water.

Problems with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Poisoning of the body with pesticides. It may appear when working in factories, factories and other enterprises.

Rinsing the mouth with baking soda and salt. Application: boil water, dilute with cold water (the main thing is not to scald the mouth), a teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of salt, 2 drops of iodine, stir well, and rinse the mouth for a week.

Taking certain medications that do not interact with the individual’s body can cause an imbalance in the body.

Consumption of certain spices, additives based on various flavors and other compounds in the diet.

Metal crowns built into the gums, artificially created crowns made of stainless steel, which in frequent cases can be a source of galvanism.

Every man has felt a specific taste in his mouth in his life. Everyone understands that such a phenomenon cannot appear out of nowhere.

It may be a consequence of the use of some medications or food products, or water of a special composition. If such symptoms occur rarely and disappear quickly, then there is no need to worry too much. But a long presence metallic taste in the oral cavity, its frequent appearance, deterioration in health will be a signal to go to the doctors.

These manifestations may be symptoms of serious illnesses in humans.

Causes of the symptom

There are many underlying causes of a metallic sensation in the mouth. Probably a banal drink of mineral water containing iron particles. In addition, the reason may be tap water without pre-cleaning.

The communications through which water passes are known to be of poor quality; they are covered with rust. The latter enters the liquid during movement, and then into the human body.

A specific taste may appear as a result of use cast iron or aluminum cookware. When food containing acids is cooked in it, a chemical reaction occurs, the result of which is a metallic taste that is felt in the mouth. Rarely, such a taste can be caused by dental crowns that begin to decay. The acid in food reacts with them and forms metal ions.

The reason for unusual sensations is often medications, for example Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Lansporazole and various dietary supplements. Symptoms usually disappear after finishing the course of medication.

Diseases accompanied by a metallic taste

There are a number of diseases that lead to the appearance of a specific taste in the mouth of men:

Anemia, or iron deficiency in cells

Despite the apparent contradiction, it is precisely this that is determined by the taste of metal in the mouth. Other signs include dizziness, weakness, regular headaches, excessive heartbeat, and sense of smell and taste may be impaired. In complex forms, the skin becomes pale and dry, hair and nail plates become brittle, and cracks appear in the corners of the lips. Anemia can be caused by metabolic disorders, poor nutrition, bleeding of various types, and the body's greater need for iron during growth.


Characterized by vitamin deficiency in all organ systems. In addition to the metallic taste, it is accompanied by nervousness, sleep disturbance, and a decrease in mental and physiological capabilities. In such a situation, you need to take vitamin supplements and create a proper diet.

Gallbladder diseases

For example, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, cholangitis. During the illness, pain appears in the right hypochondrium, a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth, and stool disorders.

Insufficient stomach acidity

This is indicated by bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, pain after eating.

Intestinal disorders

Disorders of the intestines, which are often accompanied by a specific coating on the tongue.

Liver diseases

These are indicated by nausea, weight loss, changes in taste, and loss of appetite.

Stomach ulcer

Manifesting itself with vomiting, belching, heartburn, severe pain on an empty stomach or at night.

Complications in the oral cavity

This may include an inflammatory process in the tongue - glossitis, which develops after injury, consumption of too hot and spicy food, and alcohol. Often, the taste appears due to bleeding gums, which can sometimes be completely unnoticeable, stomatitis, gingivitis, or periodontal disease.

ENT infections caused by fungi

They lead to long-term inflammatory processes in the throat, ears, and paranasal sinuses. This may cause soreness and dry mouth, white coating on the throat and mucous membranes, pain around the nose, discharge from the ears, tinnitus, cough, and change in voice.

Poisoning by metals and their salts

It is usually accompanied by intense pain in the abdomen and muscles, dizziness, nausea, and a feeling of thirst. Poisoning occurs when mercury, arsenic, lead, and copper enter the body.


The metallic taste complements the feeling of thirst, dry mouth, weakened vision, increased appetite, and itchy skin.

Iron taste when coughing

Metallic or bloody taste in mouth after coughing arises enough often. There is a lot of iron in the blood, which is why these sensations are so similar. This phenomenon may indicate serious illness respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis.

With respiratory ailments, there is a constant and dry cough, which significantly damages the mucous membranes of the throat. This may result in slight bleeding. Most very alarming cough with a metallic taste, suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis.

How to get rid of iron taste in the mouth for men?

In order for the unbearable metallic taste to leave a person, it is imperative to understand the root of the problem. You should go to the clinic and undergo all necessary medical tests prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the results, a diagnosis will be made and treatment prescribed. A short-term effect can be achieved by some common simple methods:

  • prepare a mixture of half a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt, then rinse the mouth with it several times;
  • A slice of lemon or a slightly acidic solution of water will help eliminate the taste;
  • cinnamon, cardamom and ginger should be chewed or added to tea;
  • the taste of iron is removed by sweet ingredients;
  • fruits and vegetables most effective in combating metallic taste. You need to eat lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and tomatoes. They promote the production of saliva, and thereby remove unwanted taste.

More time worth spending on oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth should follow every meal. In addition, it is necessary to treat not only the teeth, but also the tongue, on which a huge number of bacteria multiply. It doesn't hurt to use dental floss, which thoroughly removes dirt.

The appearance of a taste in the mouth that resembles iron cannot appear out of nowhere, there are certain reasons for this, and these reasons are far from the most pleasant. So, if the iron taste in the mouth is lingering, this indicates the presence of a particular disease.

A constant taste of iron in the mouth of women may be one of the reasons indicating pregnancy; in other cases, it appears as a result of certain changes in the body and even a number of serious diseases that must be dealt with as early as possible.

If the iron taste in your mouth bothers you for several days and becomes too intrusive, then don’t be lazy and go to the doctor for a consultation to find out what’s the matter.

So, let's find out what can cause the iron taste in the mouth.

Why does a iron taste appear in the mouth?

Among the most common reasons The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth can be called the following:

  1. chemical poisoning;
  2. drinking water high in iron;
  3. bleeding in the gums;
  4. taking iron supplements;
  5. anemia and other pathologies of internal organs;
  6. dysbacteriosis;
  7. hypovitaminosis;
  8. stomach diseases;
  9. diabetes;
  10. genitourinary diseases.

As you can see, there is an iron taste in my mouth. may indicate serious illness internal organs, or may be a consequence of abuse of iron-containing products or water.

Very often, the cause of such a taste is the presence of metal in the oral cavity on a constant basis, if the patient wears:

  1. metal dentures;
  2. braces;
  3. crowns

The fact is that under the influence of stomach acids, metal ions contained in dentures give a characteristic taste. In this case, there is no need to worry, but it’s probably time to go to the dentist and replace the crowns.

Another common occurrence is a metallic taste. against the background of bleeding gums, is the reason that there is a lot of iron in the blood and you should consult a doctor. By the way, recognizing bleeding, if it is minor, can be extremely difficult.

Potentially dangerous for consumption can be ordinary tap water, which, passing through many rusty pipes, has a high iron content, as a result of which a characteristic taste appears in the mouth. To prevent this from happening, use water filters or avoid drinking tap water. By the way, iron abuse can occur not only from ordinary water, but from mineral water.

Often tastes like metal may be accompanied by certain symptoms, in particular:

  1. drowsiness;
  2. increased fatigue;
  3. weakness;
  4. irritability.

The cause of all these symptoms is vitamin deficiency. You should consult a doctor and tell him about all these symptoms so that he can prescribe you the vitamin complex that is most suitable for your case.

Sometimes there is a metallic taste due to poisoning by harmful chemical compounds or metals, especially for employees of hazardous industries (paint factories, factories producing household chemicals, etc.). Employees of such enterprises should regularly undergo a medical examination to check for heavy metals in the body and treatment.

As mentioned above, the cause of the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth can be some diseases of the internal organs and not only, as well as a number of drugs, which contain metals and can give a similar side effect. If you have this, you need to tell your doctor about it.

There are also quite extraordinary cases that cause the appearance of a taste of iron. In particular, this is wearing metal watches on your hands or jewelry, when you remove them, the taste disappears.

The explanation is simple: in some cases, metal objects with prolonged contact with the skin provoke the penetration of small particles into the skin, which gives a characteristic taste. By the way, many patients who suffer from iron deficiency are recommended to wear metal bracelets to replenish it.

How to deal with a metallic taste in your mouth

If the taste of metal does not go away after a couple of days and has become too intrusive, it is advisable to consult a doctor and do a blood test. In some cases, this technique will help to identify the cause of this phenomenon.

Sometimes it is possible to identify the cause of a symptom only through a more thorough diagnosis of the whole body and visiting a number of doctors, including a dentist, gastroenterologist and others.

However, there are a number of tips, which can help get rid of the characteristic taste if it is caused by one reason or another:

  1. when the acidity of gastric juice decreases, you need to use an infusion based on oil, lemon and garlic;
  2. if your gums are bleeding due to a metallic taste, then change the toothpaste, enrich your diet with vitamins and regularly massage your gums using folk remedies, including lemon juice, soda, hydrogen peroxide and propolis;
  3. In case of poisoning, all measures must be taken to neutralize hazardous substances from the body.

Taste during pregnancy

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, a metallic taste in the mouth can often cause pregnancy, this is especially true in the early stages during sudden changes in the body of a pregnant woman against the background of a drop in hemoglobin levels.

To get rid of the taste, a pregnant woman should enrich her body with iron through certain foods, in particular, such as:

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe iron-rich nutritional supplements for pregnant women if needed.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, under no circumstances you can’t self-medicate, especially when it comes to the use of medications and vitamins. Any drug or vitamin can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

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Any taste in the mouth does not cause a pleasant sensation. Even when eating a tasty dish, its taste should not last longer than 15 minutes, otherwise it will begin to cause discomfort. A metallic taste in the mouth is unpleasant in itself, but it can also signal health problems.


Conventionally, all the reasons why a metallic taste may occur in the mouth can be divided into three groups: signaling a disease, caused by taking some medications, or not related to diseases. Interestingly, women have slightly more such reasons than men due to physiological characteristics female body.

Not related to illness

A metallic taste sometimes appears after drinking foods such as mineral water with a high iron content or unboiled tap water that runs through rusty pipes.

An aftertaste may occur if you have dentures or implants. If you consume acidic drinks or foods that react with metal, your mouth will taste sour and have an iron taste. Another option is to install dentures made of different types metals that react with each other.

It affects the sense of taste and piercing, in this case, the tongue or lips. Constant wearing of massive iron jewelry and their direct contact with the skin also have an effect.

With poor hygiene, you may feel dry mouth, as well as various unpleasant taste sensations. This is due to plaque on the tongue, gums, the inside of the cheeks, and the appearance of tartar.

  • A taste in the mouth during pregnancy may indicate a lack of iron in the body. But when normal tests This is a variant of the norm, since the hormonal background of a woman carrying a child changes greatly.
  • During menstruation, taste buds may work differently, which is also due to hormonal reasons.
  • At female body experiences serious hormonal changes, which can also affect the sense of taste.

Caused by medications

Many medications capable of leaving behind an unpleasant aftertaste. If you have a metallic taste in your mouth, then you may have taken tetracycline antibiotics, doxycycline and some others antibacterial drugs. Oral contraceptives and some other drugs containing hormones have a strong effect on the hormonal state, and, consequently, on taste.

Many biologically active additives They leave behind an unpleasant taste, just like medications to normalize blood pressure, cholesterol-lowering pills and blood sugar-lowering medications.


You can find out about the onset of a disease by indirect signs, which include changes in the activity of taste buds on the tongue.

  • Oral diseases: periodontitis, glossitis. For these diseases sore gums and tongue are weakened and bleeding. The taste of blood is felt after brushing teeth or eating food. There may be a feeling foreign body in the mouth.
  • . If the body does not have enough iron, vitamin B9, B12 and folic acid, anemia may develop. The absorption of these substances from food is reduced; they are not absorbed from the intestines.
  • Liver diseases. A metallic taste is one of the first (and often the only) symptoms of a malignant tumor in the liver. It could also be a cyst. Here it is worth paying close attention to other signs. The tumor causes drowsiness, heaviness in the right side of the abdomen, arms and legs lose weight and seem to dry out, and the abdomen, on the contrary, swells.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract. In addition to a metallic taste in the mouth, they are characterized by morning vomiting, dull pain on the right side, and low fever. At the initial stage, biliary dyskinesia and cholangitis, a sour metallic taste in the mouth may be a reason to consult a doctor. In the acute stage, the symptom is also present, but due to strong painful sensations and with high body temperature it is not so noticeable.
  • . The very first sign of illness is dry mouth and thirst. A metallic taste indicates deterioration in health. It appears when fats break down and acetone bodies enter the blood. If you know about your diagnosis - - and suddenly feel the taste of metal on your tongue, then you should immediately measure your sugar level, and if your health suddenly worsens, go to the hospital.
  • with low acidity and. With these diseases, a person is bothered by belching, nausea, bowel movements, white coating on the tongue. Various tastes may appear in the mouth, including the taste of iron.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs. Typically, a metallic taste in the mouth is a symptom of inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, paranasal sinuses, or external inflammation caused by a fungus. The last case is the most dangerous, since the fungus subsequently spreads to all ENT organs, including the throat.
  • Neurological diseases. The papillae, which are located on the tongue and are responsible for taste, are directly related to the functioning of the brain. When the connection is disrupted due to neurological disorders, the taste buds in the mouth do not work properly - the taste of iron appears. Among the main neurological diseases of which a metallic taste is a symptom are Alzheimer's disease and multiple symptoms.

Other diseases that cause a metallic taste in the mouth include: lung abscess, bronchiectasis, pulmonary hypertension, the appearance of cancer cells in the lungs.


If your mouth is sour, you feel nausea and have a metallic taste, these symptoms may indicate poisoning. The taste of iron occurs when a large concentration of copper, arsenic, mercury and other metal salts enters the body. You can get poisoned in a hazardous industry, a chemical warehouse, or in other places where you can inhale toxic fumes. If you break a thermometer that contains mercury inside, poisoning is unlikely, but it is still possible, especially in children.

If you have been in a room with exposed paint materials for a long time, for example, in a warehouse of such goods or in a freshly painted room, then dizziness and nausea will accompany a metallic taste in the mouth. The same symptoms are observed in radiation sickness, when the body is exposed to ionizing rays.

Treatment methods

If you have this problem, then you will want to know how to get rid of the metallic taste in your mouth.

If the reasons are not caused by any diseases, then you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Do not cook foods containing acid in aluminum or cast iron cookware. This primarily applies to fruits and berries of sour varieties.
  • Do not serve cooked food in aluminum containers.
  • Follow a diet excluding unhealthy fried, smoked and spicy foods.
  • Instead of mineral water, drink regular purified water.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Include foods rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 in your diet.

If a metallic taste in the mouth in men and women is accompanied by other symptoms, then in some cases you should immediately consult a doctor. If you feel a lack of oxygen, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, confusion, sleepiness, coughing up pus or bloody issues- this is a reason to urgently apply for medical care. Only a doctor can tell you why you have a bad taste in your mouth and what each symptom means.

If you have problems in the oral cavity: gum disease, loose teeth, tartar or plaque, you should consult a dentist, and possibly a periodontist.

Many people prefer to visit a medical forum instead of turning to specialists. But it’s better not to look for treatment on the Internet, especially on early stages pregnancy, when the symptom can bother you quite often. If the doctor does not find other symptoms, then to get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste, you can add garlic, lemon juice, tomatoes, and avocado to the prepared dishes. In drinks, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger have a good effect on the pregnant body.

We always pay attention to the presence of one or another taste in the mouth. Did it appear after we tried some dish or drink, or did it arise on its own? However, even the taste of your favorite food should not be felt for longer than 15 minutes after eating it, let alone the fact that a person constantly has a metallic taste in his mouth? To get rid of this symptom, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance. This is what this article will discuss.

What causes a metallic taste in the mouth?

The causes of a metallic taste in the mouth can vary. They are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  • those that are caused by the presence of some disease;
  • those that arose as a result of taking medicines;
  • those that indicate pathological changes in the body.

In women, this symptom appears much more often. This is due to physiology, namely with conditions such as pregnancy, menstrual cycle or menopause.

Causes of taste that are not related to disease

These include the following factors:

  • Drinking mineral waters that are saturated with iron ions.
  • Drinking raw water, especially if the house has rusty pipes or taps (the water is oversaturated with iron).
  • A metallic taste in the mouth may occur after dental implants or dentures are installed if a person eats or drinks something sour. In this case, the sensation will appear as a result of the reaction between the food acid and the metal. If you already had dentures and added more to them, then a metallic taste will appear as a result of a reaction between different metals. There may even be a barely noticeable electrification of the newly installed prostheses - saliva will act as a catalyst here.
  • Eating foods saturated with various acids and cooked in cast iron or aluminum cookware. Flavor occurs as a result of a reaction between an acid and a metal, resulting in the formation of certain substances.
  • Piercing the tongue or lips (piercing). In this case, the metal oxidizes after interacting with drinks or food, as well as implants or crowns made of another type of metal.
  • Lack of proper oral hygiene, which causes plaque to accumulate on the tongue and teeth.

Aluminum cookware oxidizes food, resulting in a metallic taste.

Advice: one of the dental causes may be caries, gum disease or pulpitis, whose destructive processes occur under the crowns. In this case, a person may not feel pain, since before installing prostheses, a specialist removes his nerve.

Physiological causes of metallic taste in the mouth

In pregnant women

The occurrence of this symptom in pregnant women may indicate a lack of vitamins, iron and other elements that are essential for the normal development of the fetus. Also, the level of sensitivity of oral receptors may become different due to changes in the hormonal levels of the expectant mother. In this case, symptomatically, the woman will not feel any abdominal pain or any other serious signs. The taste of metal in the mouth can only be accompanied by nausea in the morning, enlargement and some soreness in the chest. However, these symptoms are considered absolutely normal until 12-16 weeks. Later, if these signs are present, the pregnant woman should consult a specialist.

In extreme cases, the cause of a metallic taste in the mouth in women may be one of the diseases, which will be discussed in more detail below.

During menstruation

During menstruation, as during pregnancy, there is a change in balance female hormones. Because of this, there is a change in the sensitivity of the receptors in the oral cavity and, as a result, the appearance of a metallic taste.

During menopause

During this period, a change in taste can be considered completely natural, since the woman experiences hormonal changes. Along with this, a symptom may be evidence of the occurrence of one of the pathologies. During menopause it is also possible different kinds anemia: lack of vitamin B12, deficiency of iron or folic acid.

Metallic taste due to medications

This unusual sensation may occur in the mouth due to taking certain classes of drugs, which include:

  • tetracycline antibiotics;
  • glucocorticoids – Prednisolone, Dexamethasone;
  • oral contraceptives - Yarina, Femoden, Zhanin, Marvelon;
  • medications that reduce the formation of hydrochloric acid - Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole;
  • drugs whose action is aimed at lowering cholesterol in the blood - Atorvastatin, Simvastatin;
  • antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin (they provoke dry mouth);
  • Tablets that lower blood sugar - Siofor, Maninil, Glucophage, Metformin, Glibenclamide;
  • Drugs that lower blood pressure - Berlipril, Enalapril, Phenigidine, Capothiazide;
  • Dietary supplements, especially those used for the purpose of losing excess weight.

Metallic taste as a symptom of poisoning

The appearance of an iron taste in the mouth may indicate poisoning of the body with one of the following substances:

  • mercury vapor;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

You can be poisoned by them at an enterprise, if you accidentally ingest them (for example, when consuming arsenic salts or copper sulfate), if you break mercury thermometer etc.

Ingestion of mercury will cause not only a metallic taste in the mouth, but also severe intoxication

Along with a metallic taste, a person will also experience extreme thirst, pain in the abdomen, dizziness with nausea and vomiting. In addition, these signs can arise as a result of long-term contact with paints and varnishes and as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation on the body (in case of radiation sickness).

Iron taste as a consequence of the presence of disease

The answer to the question of why there is a metallic taste in the mouth can be made by making one of the following diagnoses:


Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth and holding it in the gum. It is characterized by the appearance of viscosity in saliva, frequent bleeding of the gums, thick plaque on the enamel of the teeth (which appears for no apparent reason) and loose teeth. It is because the gums bleed that a distinct metallic taste appears in the mouth.

Iron deficiency anemia

This disease begins to develop when the body receives little iron and at the same time it actively loses it. In women, the disease can manifest itself during heavy menstruation, in men as a result of large blood loss (the causes of which can be very different). It is also possible when the functioning of the intestines and stomach is disrupted, when iron ceases to be absorbed or the body lacks enzymes responsible for the transformation of iron into hemoglobin.

Signs of this disease: a strong metallic taste in the mouth, perversion of taste in general, fatigue and general weakness. A person's skin becomes dry, nails and hair become brittle.

Anemia with vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency

These two ailments are not as common as the previous one. Despite the fact that they develop differently, it is very difficult to distinguish them from each other without a special examination.

They arise as a result of a lack of vitamins B12 and B9 in the body, which usually come from vegetables, animal meat (especially liver), when the vitamins are not absorbed by the intestines, or if substances that have destructive properties in relation to these vitamins enter the body. These include barbiturates, birth control pills and drugs in which the main component is valproic acid (sodium valproate is an anticonvulsant).

External signs of these ailments are a yellowish tint to the skin, while the skin itself is pale, dizziness, low blood pressure, rapid pulse and the appearance of a metallic taste. If the disease progresses to more severe form, there is a lack of coordination in the work of many muscle groups, a person ceases to properly perceive everything he touches, depression, insomnia appear, and hallucinations may even occur.

Liver diseases

These include cysts and malignant tumors, less commonly, a metallic taste may occur due to hepatitis. If it appears due to tumors, it can remain the only symptom for quite a long time. That is why this unpleasant sensation should be a reason to go to the doctor, especially if it bothers you for no apparent reason.

If you do not pay attention to the taste, the following symptoms will appear as the tumors progress:

  • excitement or vice versa drowsiness;
  • light-colored stool or dark urine;
  • sharp throbbing pain in the right side of the abdomen;
  • bleeding gums;
  • poor blood clotting.

Also, a person’s limbs and face will begin to quickly lose weight.

Diseases of the biliary tract

Chronic cholecystitis is the cause of a metallic taste in the mouth in women and men. It is also characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting and frequent constipation. Along with this, the sensation may appear with cholangitis - inflammation bile ducts located inside the liver.


In this case, the metal in the mouth is felt in an advanced form of the disease. It may even signal that it is possible to fall into a coma if the amount of sugar in the blood exceeds all possible indicators.

Important: if a person with diabetes mellitus tastes metal in the mouth, he needs to see a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe emergency treatment.

Gastritis and ulcers

These diseases are also characterized by dull pain after eating in the left side of the abdomen or in the center, the formation of plaque on the tongue, frequent belching and an annoying feeling of nausea.


It causes inflammation of the oral mucosa. Appears due to microtraumas, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms enter the mucosa. The taste of metal during this disease is one of the first symptoms.

Infections in the ENT organs

Very often, the sensation of metal occurs with inflammation of the sinuses, otitis externa, or a sore throat.

How to get rid of a metallic taste in your mouth

The most important advice is that you should not try to detect this or that disease in yourself; you should immediately contact a specialist who will first prescribe general tests, and only then, based on their results, more narrow studies. This will help to accurately identify the disease and quickly prescribe the optimal course of treatment.

This article contains information of a reference nature only; only a doctor can prescribe an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Self-medication is a dangerous idea; you need to see a specialist who will select the right therapy

If a person, along with the taste of metal in the mouth, has at least one of the following types of ailments, he needs to see a doctor:

  • lack of air;
  • clouded consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath or hemoptysis;
  • coughing up sputum mixed with pus;
  • high fever that is not relieved by conventional medications;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • constant drowsiness or bursts of agitation.

If there are no these symptoms, then most likely the reason is a changed diet. To get rid of the unpleasant taste you need.

Nobody likes to have a taste in their mouth. Even the taste of some favorite dish should not last longer than 10-15 minutes after eating it, but what can you say if the taste buds of your tongue tell you that you licked a battery? To get rid of the feeling of a metallic taste, you need to know its causes. This is what we will talk about.

The main causes of a metallic taste in the mouth

May cause a metallic taste in the mouth various reasons. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  1. those that are not associated with disease;
  2. caused by taking drugs;
  3. signaling the presence in the body pathological changes requiring treatment.

Women have slightly more causes for this symptom than men. They are associated with such physiological conditions as menstruation, menopause, pregnancy.

How taste is formed

The main organ that perceives taste is the tongue: it contains about 2 thousand so-called taste buds (they are also called taste buds). Some of these bulbs are located on the palate, in the pharynx, and even in the epiglottis - cartilage that hangs over the larynx and blocks the entrance to it at the moment when a person swallows food (so that food does not enter the respiratory tract).

Taste buds are located inside the taste buds. The latter differ in their appearance. Thus, there are grooved and foliate papillae (they have the maximum number of taste buds), fungiform papillae (they have fewer taste buds) and filiform papillae (they do not participate in the formation of taste at all). The taste bud is structured like this: it has 2 types of cells - taste and support cells. Each taste cell has a nerve ending. On the side of the oral mucosa in the kidney there is an opening through which Chemical substance can go inside and come into contact with taste cells.

Nerve endings from several cranial nerves go to the taste cells of the tongue at once: in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue the branch “rules” facial nerve, in the posterior third - the glossopharyngeal nerve. The latter also collects taste information from the papillae located on the upper palate and the palatine arches (structures located in front of the tonsils). From single papillae on the epiglottis and cartilages of the larynx, information about taste goes to the brain along the longest nerve - the vagus, the branches of which approach almost every internal organ, bringing him commands from the parasympathetic nervous system. Apparently, it is precisely this connection that causes a metallic taste in the mouth in diseases of some internal organs.

Not the entire surface of the tongue senses any taste equally: the taste buds are distributed so that the tip of the tongue senses sweetness best, the middle part senses sour, and the edges of the tongue are most sensitive to sour and salty. The root of the tongue is strewn with receptors that “work” with bitter taste. Most often food has complex composition, therefore, many taste buds come into contact with it at once - a mixed taste sensation arises.

The taste will also depend on the concentration of the main (sweet, salty, bitter or sour) substance in the incoming food products, on the area of ​​the tongue affected by the stimulus, and on the temperature of such food.

Taste is formed when a substance hits a receptor associated with a special protein, which is a kind of “translator” from the language of chemical to the language of nerve impulses. Salts and acids can do without such an intermediary: they themselves “translate” the nerve fiber into an excited state.

Causes of metallic taste not related to illness

The following factors can cause a metallic taste in the mouth:

  1. Drinking mineral waters saturated with iron ions.
  2. Drinking tap water when it passes through rusty pipes or a faucet that is rusty on the inside, causing it to become saturated with iron.
  3. A metallic taste in the mouth after receiving new dentures or implants may occur when a person eats acidic foods (or drinks sour drinks). In this case, the taste will be due to the reaction between the metal and the food acid. If there were already dentures before, and the person installed additional ones made of a different metal, then the unpleasant iron taste will be due to the reaction between the two metals. In this case, you can even feel a slight electrification of the prostheses: with the participation of saliva, an electric current has arisen between them.
  4. Cooking foods rich in acids in aluminum or cast iron can also cause a metallic taste in the mouth. It is caused by the final substances that are formed as a result of the reaction between the metal and the acid.
  5. Tongue or (less commonly) lip piercing. In this case, the metal of the earring may react both with food/drinks that contain acids and with crowns, braces or implants made of other metals.
  6. Poor oral hygiene results in plaque or tartar formation on the tongue or teeth.
  7. Constant contact of massive metal jewelry, watches or bracelets with the skin.

Please note: the causes of a metallic taste in the mouth can be inflammation of the gums, caries or pulpitis that occurs under the crowns. This process will not be accompanied by pain: before installing such prostheses, the nerve is removed.

If a metallic taste appears in a pregnant woman

The appearance of such a taste during pregnancy may indicate one of three options:

  • about one of the diseases described below;
  • that the body has a lack of iron, vitamins or microelements necessary for the full development of the child;
  • about changes in the sensitivity of taste buds under the influence of modified hormonal levels.

The last option is the most common. At the same time, the pregnant woman does not experience any abdominal pain, runny nose, or sensory disturbances. There may only be nausea (especially in the morning or to certain smells/foods), changes in taste, breast enlargement and soreness. All these symptoms are considered normal if they are observed before 12-16 weeks. In more later they indicate a disease that must be identified and cured.

Metallic taste during menopause in women

At this time, the symptom can be either a variant of the norm, arising as a result of hormonal imbalance, or indicate any of the pathologies described below. Often at this time they appear various shapes anemia: folate or B12 deficiency.

Metallic taste during menstruation

During menstruation, as during pregnancy, the usual balance of female hormones changes, and this can cause a change in the sensitivity of taste buds, resulting in a metallic taste.

Undoubtedly, any of the pathologies mentioned below can also appear during the menstrual period

What drugs can cause a metallic taste?

The feeling that you had to eat a metal object instead of your last meal can be caused by the following groups of drugs:

  • some antibiotics: tetracycline, doxycycline, metronidazole, ornidazole;
  • glucocorticoids: dexamethasone, prednisolone;
  • contraceptives hormonal pills: “Janine”, “Yarina”, “Marvelon”, “Femoden”;
  • reducing the production of hydrochloric acid: omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole;
  • statins that lower cholesterol levels in the blood: simvastatin, atorvastatin;
  • antihistamines: diazolin, tavegil, suprastin - due to dry mouth;
  • hypoglycemic drugs in tablets: maninil, metformin, glucophage, glibenclamide, siofor;
  • drugs to lower blood pressure: capotiazide, enalapril, berlipril, phenigidine;
  • some dietary supplements, especially those used for weight loss.

Symptom as a sign of poisoning

The appearance of a metallic taste may indicate poisoning by one of the following substances:

  • mercury (in the form of vapor);
  • lead;
  • arsenic;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

Poisoning can occur at an enterprise, when working with newspapers, or less commonly, if a mercury thermometer is broken or through accidental consumption, for example, of copper sulfate or arsenic salts.

Poisoning with these metals will not only cause a metallic taste, but also abdominal pain, thirst, severe headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting; there may be confusion.

A metallic taste, which can be accompanied by headaches and dizziness, can occur after prolonged contact with paint and paint products.

This symptom can also develop as a result of radiation sickness, a condition caused by exposure of the body to ionizing radiation.

Symptom as a sign of disease

Any of the following diseases can explain why there is a metallic taste in the mouth.


This is the name for the inflammation of those tissues that hold the tooth in its bone “receptacle”. The disease manifests itself:

  • bleeding gums;
  • saliva viscosity;
  • painless loose teeth;
  • constantly forming plaque on the teeth.

Bleeding causes a metallic taste.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This disease develops as a result of blood loss (including due to heavy menstruation), with malnutrition, when little iron enters the body, with diseases of the stomach and intestines, when the absorption of iron is impaired, and also when there is a deficiency of enzymes that are involved in the conversion of iron into hemoglobin.

The disease manifests itself as weakness, fatigue, perversion of taste and the appearance of a metallic taste. The skin becomes dry, nails too, the tongue becomes covered with small cracks, and the hair becomes dry and brittle.

B12 deficiency anemia or folate deficiency anemia

These 2 diseases are less common than iron deficiency anemia. And although the mechanism of their development is different, it is impossible to distinguish between these 2 diseases based on symptoms alone.

They appear either due to insufficient intake of vitamins B12 or B9 from food (vegetables, liver and animal meat, yeast), when the absorption of vitamins in the intestines is impaired (due to diseases of the stomach and intestines), when substances that are antagonists of these substances enter the body vitamins (contraceptives, barbiturates, anticonvulsants based on valproic acid).

Both diseases manifest themselves as pale skin with a yellowish tint, weakness, dizziness, rapid pulse and decreased blood pressure. With severe B12-deficiency anemia, sensitivity disorders appear, previously coordinated muscle work becomes discoordinated when performing any actions, insomnia, depression, and even hallucinations and psychoses develop. B12-deficiency anemia can be suspected by the appearance of the tongue alone: ​​it is large, pink-red (sometimes called crimson), as if opened with varnish, and a burning sensation is often felt in it. There are visible marks in the corners of the mouth.

Liver diseases

Pathologies such as malignant tumors, liver cysts, and less commonly, hepatitis, can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. In the case of tumors, this symptom may be the only one for a long time. When the tumor begins to grow progressively, the following are noted:

  • drowsiness or agitation;
  • darkening of urine, lightening of stool;
  • pain or heaviness in the right side of the abdomen;
  • bleeding gums;
  • in women - heavy menstruation;
  • blood does not clot well after injury;
  • The person's limbs and face become thinner, and free fluid appears in the abdomen, making it appear as if there is excess weight.

Biliary tract diseases

Biliary dyskinesia and exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis will also be manifested by the appearance of a metallic taste. They are also characterized by the appearance of a dull pain in the right hypochondrium, which can radiate to the right scapula and right supraclavicular region. Diseases can also manifest themselves as vomiting, especially on an empty stomach, loose stools or constipation. With exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, the temperature may rise to low numbers (37.5°C maximum).

A metallic taste can develop with cholangitis (inflammation of the intrahepatic bile ducts) and with acute cholecystitis (acute inflammation of the gallbladder), but against the background severe pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, high temperature it is practically invisible.


Its first signs are usually thirst, dry mouth, increased appetite, night trips to the toilet and an increase in the total amount of urine. A metallic taste in the mouth appears as the condition worsens and is associated with the breakdown of fats when ketone (acetone) bodies enter the blood. A metallic taste may even immediately precede coma, which diabetes mellitus caused by high blood sugar.

If a person knows that he has diabetes, and suddenly he feels the taste of metal in his mouth, he should immediately measure his blood sugar level - in the clinic or at home, if he has a glucometer. After this, adequate treatment should be urgently started, including, even if a person has type 2 diabetes mellitus, dosed administration of short-acting insulin.

Gastritis with reduced acid-forming function, peptic ulcer

This disease is characterized by the following combination of symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen on the left or center, usually dull, after eating;
  • bloating;
  • the tongue is covered with a white coating;
  • belching initially with air, then it may be a “rotten egg”;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • Most often there is constipation, but there may also be diarrhea.

It will manifest itself in a similar way. peptic ulcer stomach, and duodenal ulcer (it is distinguished by the fact that pain often occurs on an empty stomach and at night, and not after eating).


This is the name for inflammation of the tissues of the tongue that occurs as a result of a viral, fungal or bacterial infection due to infection with the herpes virus, injury, consumption of hot food, chemical burns (for example, from the abuse of strong alcohol or excessively frequent rinsing with balms-rinses) of the tongue.

The main symptoms of glossitis are:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the mouth;
  • burning or pain in the tongue;
  • the latter looks large, pink-red, and may have blisters or sores;
  • dullness of taste;
  • increased salivation;
  • may be a perversion of taste.


This is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. The disease can be a manifestation of some systemic diseases (for example, systemic scleroderma or pemphigus), but often occurs due to injuries when pathogenic microorganisms settle on the damaged mucous membrane. Candidal stomatitis often occurs after treatment with antibiotics, and if a person has not used either systemic or local antibacterial drugs in the next month, an immunodeficiency state (primarily HIV infection) must be excluded.

The disease exists in several forms with different manifestations:

  1. Catarrhal form manifested by redness and swelling of the oral mucosa. The person feels as if the gums or cheeks are swollen, but with the mouth closed the deformation of the face is not visible. When examining your mouth in the mirror, you can see red and bleeding mucous membranes; these places of redness are painful to touch, and with stronger mechanical pressure they begin to bleed. Eating and drinking becomes painful; you can only eat pH-neutral (not sour, not spicy, not alkaline, not salty) food at room temperature. The same goes for drinks.
  2. Ulcerative form. If the previous form involves inflammation of only the superficial membrane lining the oral cavity, then with ulcerative stomatitis it becomes inflamed to its full depth. At first, the symptoms of this form do not differ from catarrhal stomatitis, but after 3-5 days the condition worsens: the body temperature rises, eating and drinking becomes very painful, and the submandibular lymph nodes become enlarged.
  3. Aphthous form. After 1-2 days of general malaise and fever, changes suddenly appear in the oral mucosa. They look like round patches, in the middle of which there is white, gray or yellow plaque, and around there is a border of redness. Aphthae are painful to the touch, and as they heal, scars form in their place.
  4. Herpetic stomatitis. It begins with increased salivation, weakness, and bad breath. Against this background, after a few days, changes occur in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity: groups of bubbles appear there, extremely painful and without touching.
  5. Ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis. It occurs when both fusobacteria and spirochetes come into contact with the mucosa. It is more often observed in men, especially those who abuse alcohol, have undergone surgery, and are exposed to constant stress. This association of bacteria causes the following symptoms:
    • the first symptom is general malaise;
    • then the gums begin to hurt, turn red and bleed;
    • Over time, the condition worsens: the person becomes lethargic, appetite worsens, and insomnia appears;
    • Sores appear on the gums, palate, and area under the tongue, on which there is first a yellow, then a gray-green coating. Ulcers are painful. In severe cases, not only the entire thickness of individual sections of the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, but the bone is also affected.

ENT infection

Most often, a metallic taste in the mouth occurs precisely with fungal inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, mucous membrane of the throat or larynx, as well as with fungal otitis externa. Starting with damage to one structure, the fungus spreads to nearby ones, resulting in inflammation of all ENT organs.

For diseases of the ear, throat or paranasal sinuses The nose is indicated by the following signs:

  • white plaque on the oral mucosa and/or tonsils;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain or discomfort in the nose and on one side (less often - two) of it;
  • the appearance of nasal discharge;
  • nasal congestion;
  • hearing loss;
  • discharge from the ear;
  • noise in ears;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • nosebleeds.

Neurological diseases

As stated at the beginning, the oral cavity and all taste buds communicate with the brain through nerve fibers, coming from three different nerves. When this connection is disrupted, or when the brain's processing of such signals is disrupted, an unpleasant metallic taste can occur.

Damage to the nervous system is indicated by the presence of at least one of the following symptoms:

  • nasal voice;
  • difficulty swallowing, when the ENT doctor does not see any changes in the oral cavity or pharynx;
  • impaired sensitivity of the face or limbs;
  • “shooting” pain in a certain area of ​​the face, occurring both on its own and when pressing on the exit points of the trigeminal nerve;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • trembling eyelids;
  • hand trembling;
  • memory and hearing impairment;
  • headache.

Many things can cause a metallic taste. neurological diseases. So far, a connection has been established between this symptom and Alzheimer’s disease (as one of the first signs) developing in nervous system tumors, as well as multiple sclerosis.


The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth is more typical of lobar pneumonia, a disease in which inflammation affects an entire lobe of the lung. It manifests itself:

  • an increase in temperature to 39 degrees and above;
  • pain in chest;
  • The cough is dry at first, then rusty-colored sputum begins to cough up. This is blood flowing directly from the damaged vessels of the lungs. And it is this that gives the metallic taste in the mouth;
  • symptoms of intoxication appear: weakness, nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite;
  • pulse quickens;
  • the number of breaths may increase to more than 20 breaths per minute;
  • in severe cases and in the absence of treatment, the person becomes inadequate, his breathing rate is extremely high, his lips, nails and the triangle between the nose and lips acquire a purple tint.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

This disease usually progresses slowly, manifesting itself for a long time with weakness, weight loss, decreased performance, and night sweats. Temperatures periodically rise to low levels. There are attacks wet cough, but it does not bother the person. With a cough, sputum with blood comes out, which gives a metallic taste. Blood appears when lung tissue is destroyed under the influence of inflammatory processes.

In some cases, tuberculosis can have an acute course. Then it differs little from lobar pneumonia. Diagnosis can only be made by examining sputum.

Lung abscess

This disease is often a complication of bacterial pneumonia, when a cavity filled with pus has formed in the lung. Severe fever, headache, cough, loss of appetite, and drowsiness come to the fore. If the abscess cavity communicates with the bronchus, purulent sputum will be coughed up - in this way the body tries to cleanse one of its vital organs. When an abscess breaks into the bronchus, the vessels are necessarily injured, then blood appears in the sputum, and a metallic taste appears in the mouth.


This is the name of a disease in which the bronchi expand and become deformed, and in their mucous membrane constantly occur inflammatory processes. It can develop due to congenital underdevelopment bronchial wall, or maybe due to frequent bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, after tuberculosis or lung abscess.

The disease manifests itself as a constant cough with coughing up purulent and foul-smelling sputum. The most abundant phlegm is released in the morning (after being in a horizontal position), and also if you lie on the side where the lung is healthier, and lower your head down (the phlegm will drain). Due to constant coughing, the blood vessels in the atrophying walls burst, and more or less blood gets into the sputum, which gives a metallic taste.

Pulmonary hypertension

This is the name for the increase in pressure in the vessels carrying blood to the lungs. Occurs due to systemic diseases, heart defects, and defects in lung development.


  • cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • rapid fatigue during physical activity;
  • shortness of breath;
  • palpable heartbeat.

The progression of the disease is manifested by dizziness and fainting, then hemoptysis, pain behind the sternum, swelling of the legs and then the whole body, pain in the right hypochondrium develop. Attacks of pulmonary edema may occur, characterized by suffocation, coughing up pink sputum, a feeling of lack of air, and agitation. In this case, it is important to call very quickly “ Ambulance", ensure an influx of fresh air, sit the person down so that his legs hang out of the bed, and, if possible, allow him to breathe through a nebulizer with vapors of alcohol diluted 1:1 with water.

Cystic fibrosis

This disease develops in childhood, when, as a result of a defect in a certain enzyme, all non-endocrine (they are called exocrine) glands of the body begin to secrete a thick secretion. It can be suspected in children who often suffer from bronchitis/pneumonia and cough up thick, viscous sputum; they often develop broncho-obstructive syndromes, since thick sputum is difficult to remove from the bronchi and blocks (causes obstruction) their lumen. Due to the constant lack of oxygen, the child’s fingers change: they thicken at the end, and the nails become like watch glasses. The chest is also deformed: a “keel”, “funnel-shaped depression” appears, or it becomes like a barrel.

The disease has chronic course, but by following a diet and taking enzymes such as Creon or Mezim, it is possible to improve the quality of life and extend it almost to the statistical average.

Oncological processes in the lungs

These diseases usually develop slowly. First, a cough appears, it becomes constant, mucopurulent sputum is coughed up. The body temperature rises to 37.6°C, chest pain appears, and blood begins to be coughed up.

How to suspect a diagnosis based on a combination of symptoms

  1. If a person experiences nausea and a metallic taste, it may be:
    • gastritis with low acidity;
    • exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis;
    • bile duct dyskinesia;
    • poisoning with copper salts, arsenic or mercury.
  2. Dizziness and metallic taste:
    • poisoning with metal salts;
    • anemia;
    • neurological diseases;
    • liver diseases: hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver tumors or cysts;
    • diseases accompanied by intoxication: pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis.
  3. If a metallic taste appears after eating, this may indicate:
    • reactions between crowns made of different metals;
    • reactions between crowns/braces and piercings;
    • biliary dyskinesias, cholecystitis;
    • gastritis;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • intestinal diseases.
  4. The combination of bitterness in the mouth and a metallic taste indicates diseases of the liver, gall bladder or bile ducts.
  5. A metallic taste when coughing may accompany:
    • pneumonia;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • pulmonary cystic fibrosis;
    • pulmonary hypertension;
    • bronchiectasis;
    • lung abscess.
  6. Headache and metallic taste occur with:
    • poisoning with metal salts, mercury vapor;
    • iron deficiency anemia;
    • diseases accompanied by intoxication: acute bronchitis, pneumonia, abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis.

How to treat metallic taste in mouth

There is no need to search for a disease on the Internet, but you should urgently seek medical help if you have at least one of the following symptoms:

  • feeling of lack of air;
  • feeling of confusion;
  • vomit;
  • dyspnea;
  • hemoptysis;
  • coughing up purulent sputum;
  • drowsiness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dizziness.

If none of the above is present, you can take certain measures at home:

  1. do not cook sour foods, fruits and berries in aluminum or cast iron cookware;
  2. consult a doctor about replacing the drug that causes a change in taste with some other one;
  3. do not serve food in aluminum containers;
  4. exclude fatty foods, smoked meats, fried and spicy dishes;
  5. drink purified, not mineral water;
  6. do not smoke or drink alcohol;
  7. include in your diet lettuce leaves and greens rich in folic acid, apples rich in iron, liver, meat and bran bread, which contain vitamin B12;
  8. if the symptom appeared after the installation of dentures, replace them;
  9. If a metallic taste is accompanied by loose teeth or plaque deposits, visit a dentist or periodontist, and then follow his recommendations.

Before using any recipes on women with a metallic taste in the mouth, you need to make sure that she is not pregnant - not all methods are suitable for this period.

At home, before consulting a doctor, you can use the following methods:

  • add garlic, tomato and lemon juice to food (where appropriate). Salads with avocado or Caesar salads are especially good;
  • You can add ginger, cinnamon or cardamom to tea
  • rinse your mouth with water and lemon juice;
  • after each meal, rinse your mouth with mouthwash and use dental floss;
  • periodically suck on mint candies;
  • eat citrus fruits, preferably those that do not have bitterness: tangerines, oranges. It is better not to eat pomelo and grapefruits.

Among the reasons that lead to a sharp taste of iron on the tongue, one can distinguish pathological and physiological (transient, which, when unfavorable conditions are eliminated, completely eliminate the indicated symptom).

A metallic taste can occur when you have a tongue or lip piercing (the metal oxidizes when it interacts with food and drinks).

The physiological factors of iron taste in the oral cavity include:

  1. Lack of a balanced diet, errors in the diet and the introduction of new foods and drinks into the diet. This applies to the abuse of foods containing iron (pomegranates, pomegranate juice, sour apples, buckwheat, etc.); overdose of iron-containing vitamins and dietary supplements.
  2. Hormonal changes, natural changes in the monthly cycle.
  3. Taking medications that are on the list side effects There is also the possibility of a metallic taste in the mouth. When they are canceled, the symptom disappears immediately or after some time (necessary for removing the remaining medication from the body).
  4. Drinking unfiltered tap water when carrying out sanitary measures related to cleaning pipes, etc.
  5. Using metal utensils (an additional flavor may appear in the food). This especially applies to aluminum and cast iron pots and pans.
  6. Problems with the oral cavity: the presence of metal crowns; stomatitis, gingivitis, accompanied by heavy bleeding of the mucous membrane.
  7. Gastritis with low acidity.
  8. Bronchitis, consequences of viral infections.
  9. Work in factories producing metal products.
  10. Constant contact with the skin of metal jewelry (watches, bracelets, etc.).

These reasons can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth not only in women, but also in men. However, in the latter, the severity of the symptom is observed to a lesser extent.

Iron taste during pregnancy

During the period of conception and further gestation, a change in hormonal levels occurs in a woman’s body. As a result, a symptom of a metallic taste in the mouth may appear.

The most common reasons:

  1. Shift in hormonal balance towards progesterone.
  2. Digestive disorders, belching, indigestion.
  3. Exacerbation of taste buds.
  4. Natural diet change.
  5. Taking dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

Intense jogging can cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Sometimes metallic notes in the mouth may appear at the end of the second trimester, when the taste buds have already acquired their usual sensitivity and the woman has returned to a classic diet. This is due to a period of time characterized by heartburn and excess bile production (these can cause a bitter feeling at the base of the tongue).

The condition is corrected by taking antireflux drugs and drugs that block heartburn.

Metal taste in the mouth as a symptom of disease

A constant specific taste, especially one that occurs in the morning, may indicate the presence of a pathological process (disease) in a woman’s body.

Poisoning with heavy metal salts

An extremely severe type of poisoning of the body. It is characterized by blocking of many vital functions, with serious consequences. Metals that cause poisoning include: gold, lead, copper, iron, arsenic, mercury.

Intoxication can manifest itself in the form of weakness, severe nausea, repeated vomiting, headache, and discomfort in the abdominal area. If such conditions occur, you should call an ambulance team.

Such poisoning is treated by gastric lavage and the administration of systemic blood purifying drugs administered by drip. If necessary, dialysis is done (cleansing through an artificial kidney machine).

In severe and advanced cases, a blood transfusion may be prescribed. A necessary measure is to take significant doses of sorbents that bind and remove the toxic substance from the body.


Anemia is a state of iron deficiency. It can be of different types:

  • hemolytic;
  • sickle cell;
  • iron deficiency;
  • due to bleeding.

Reason hemolytic anemia is the spontaneous destruction of blood cells (erythrocytes) under the influence of various unfavorable factors. In this case, the iron level does not initially fall; only red blood cells are destroyed, being part of which it can perform its function of transporting oxygen to the tissues.

The contents of the cells are poured into the tissues and can make themselves felt by the taste of iron in the mouth.

A state of heavy blood loss can also give a similar sign. This could be stomach or other internal bleeding, possibly menstrual bleeding.

Treatment in this case will be:

  • eliminating the cause of iron deficiency (normalization of hormonal levels, etc.) and destruction of blood cells (in the case of the hemolytic form);
  • taking iron supplements in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Smokers may experience a metallic taste if they smoke and do not brush their teeth immediately before going to bed.

Hypo- and hypervitaminosis

Conditions of deficiency and excess of vitamins are also characterized by general fatigue and external manifestations: brittle nails, hair and dry skin.

Moreover, the symptoms will be similar in both cases.

Treatment will consist of an adequate diet (taking into account the needs of the body) and the prescription of multivitamin complexes for hypovitaminosis.


In diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders are pronounced. An unpleasant metallic taste appears in the mouth. In addition, the gums begin to bleed, the mucous membrane feels dry, constant thirst. If these signs occur together, you should undergo a blood glucose test and consult a physician.

To correct the condition, a special menu can be introduced and hypoglycemic drugs may be prescribed.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

They can be divided according to the location of the lesion:

  1. Intestinal pathologies will manifest themselves not only with the symptom discussed, but also with a white coating on the tongue.
  2. A stomach ulcer will also be manifested by bloody vomiting (this is what gives the sensation of metal on the tongue).
  3. Problems with the liver and gall bladder will be manifested by nausea, a feeling of not only metal, but also bitterness in the mouth.

The condition of each disease can be corrected by taking appropriate medications. For stomach problems, medications that normalize the production of gastric juice, gastroprotectors, and antibiotics that destroy Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes gastritis, may be prescribed.

To restore liver function, it is rational to prescribe hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs. The intestines are treated with probiotics, antispasmodics and laxatives in case of constipation.


Sometimes the feeling of the presence of iron on the tongue can be associated with the presence of a fungus on the mucous membrane. This is a fairly common disease, manifested by a white tint on the inner surface of the cheeks, palate and causeless itching.

Is being adjusted antifungal drugs and gels.

Treatment of iron taste in the mouth

It is not recommended to try to independently identify any pathology. This is especially true for conditions characterized by: lack of oxygen, the presence of a temperature uncontrollable by medications, constant lethargy/bursts of excitement,

dizziness, hemoptysis. It is better to immediately contact a specialist who, after prescribing general (and, if necessary, more specific) tests, will be able to determine the disease and prescribe a treatment regimen.

In the absence of suspicious symptoms, the causes of the metallic taste are most likely hidden in a changed diet. There are simple but effective methods to eliminate symptoms:

  1. Try not to cook in aluminum and cast iron cookware.
  2. Minimize or completely eliminate the consumption of smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  4. Replace mineral water with purified water.
  5. Include foods rich in iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid in your diet.

In mild cases, you can get rid of the iron taste in the mouth with the help of spices: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom.

Preventing bad taste in the mouth

In order to prevent the appearance of a metallic taste, you need to carefully monitor your daily diet. You need to eat a balanced diet, maintaining the proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In most cases, the taste of iron indicates its lack in the body, so seasonal consumption of vitamins and minerals is only welcome.

It is much easier to cope with a timely identified pathology than with a neglected one. Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms, you should visit a doctor who will either refute or confirm your doubts.