Is thuja oil suitable for children? Thuja oil is an excellent remedy for a runny nose.

Thuja is an evergreen plant from the cypress family, symbolizing longevity. A resinous oil is extracted from the cones and needles of the plant (which is at least 15 years old), which has long been used by people in the treatment of complex diseases, often chronic, as well as for the prevention of infectious diseases.


Composition and healing properties of thuja oil

In the 19th century, the extract of thuja cones was recognized as a medicinal agent and began to be widely used in homeopathic preparations intended to treat diseases of the skin and digestive organs. In medicine, thuja oil has found application in the complex treatment of colds and respiratory diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, bleeding, in the treatment of rheumatism, the elimination of warts and polyps, in improving general tone, getting rid of fatigue and restoring strength.

Indications for use of thuja oil

  1. To normalize digestive processes.
  2. To normalize the menstrual cycle in women.
  3. In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma, cough, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.), since it perfectly stimulates the removal of sputum.
  4. To normalize the biochemical composition of nasal secretions, eliminate swelling, the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate adenoids and polyps in the nasopharynx.
  5. The aromatic remedy is recommended in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, as well as to prevent relapse of adenoids.
  6. To accelerate the healing process of mucous membranes and skin damage.
  7. For the treatment and prevention of viral and respiratory diseases.
  8. For the treatment of sexual disorders, eliminating sexual impotence, increasing libido, treating frigidity.
  9. To relieve fatigue, anxiety, irritability.
  10. To cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste.
  11. For the treatment of runny nose, including chronic ones.
  12. To speed up the process of recovery of the body after suffering a serious illness.
  13. To eliminate skin diseases (itching, allergic dermatitis, weeping eczema, neurodermatitis, lichen, warts, subcutaneous edema).
  14. To increase concentration.
  15. To restore or improve the functioning of the genitourinary system and treat its diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, etc.).
  16. Effectively used in the treatment of rheumatism and varicose veins.
  17. In the treatment of otitis.

Thuja oil for sinusitis

Thuja oil is often prescribed in the complex treatment of sinusitis, since it has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms located in the maxillary sinuses. But its use can be justified only at the beginning of the disease; in advanced cases, other treatment is prescribed. It is necessary to bury it in the nasal passage only after the inflammation has subsided. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks, then a ten-day break should be taken and an additional course should be taken as necessary.

When treating sinusitis, thuja oil can be used in aromatherapy, using an aroma lamp (take 2 drops of oil per 1 tablespoon of water), which is placed in the patient’s room.

Thuja oil for adenoids

Thuja oil is an effective remedy for the treatment of adenoids. After just a few days of treatment, the patient experiences a significant improvement in the condition of the nasopharynx, the chemical processes occurring in it return to normal, and the epithelium is restored. To treat adenoids, you should take either 15% homeopathic thuja oil (drop two drops into the nose in each nostril), or thuja essential oil diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7 (undiluted essential oil cannot be used). Treatment of adenoids is long-term, so thuja oil should be used for at least six weeks, then a seven-day break is taken and the treatment course is repeated again. Before using the product directly, the nose should be rinsed with any preparation based on sea water or saline solution (take 1 level teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water).

Prevention of adenoids using thuja oil is also effective. In this case, the effectiveness depends on the general condition of the immune system, so during preventive use of the product it is recommended to strengthen the immune system.

Inhalations with thuja oil are also effective in treating adenoids. Take 3 drops of the essential component to 200 ml of hot water, inhale the steam through your nose for twenty minutes, without covering your head with a towel.

Ways to use thuja oil

Since the aromatic substance contains toxic components, when using it you should strictly follow the instructions, avoiding exceeding the permissible dosage.

Basic dosages:

  • External use involves a small application to the skin no more than 2-3 times a day.
  • Instill 2 drops of a homeopathic remedy (15%) into the nasal passages 2-3 times a day.
  • To relieve inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, etc.) with the addition of 10-12 drops of an aromatic remedy.
  • For inhalations: take 6 drops of oil per 0.5 liter of hot water, breathe under a towel for five minutes.
  • Aroma lamps: for every 15 sq. m. take 5 drops of oil.
  • To treat otitis media, insert elastic tampons soaked in oil (turundas) into the ear every day.
  • For diseases of the oral cavity, lubricate the mucous membranes with oil and rinse your mouth first.
  • For relaxing baths: add 8-10 drops of oil to a filled bath, the duration of the procedure is no more than fifteen minutes.

Thuja oil contraindications

  1. Pregnancy (risk of miscarriage).
  2. Drinking alcohol while using the oil.
  3. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  4. Epilepsy.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose is well known to every person. Nasal congestion and subsequent mucus discharge from the nasal passages are the first signs of a cold or allergic reaction. To eliminate these symptoms of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, we use various drops and sprays, take medications, and as a result, after a few days the runny nose goes away. But sometimes even the most banal runny nose can become chronic.

The appearance of a chronic runny nose causes us significant discomfort. A person suffering from this disease constantly experiences:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • decreased performance and memory;
  • discomfort and complexes due to the need to frequently wipe and blow your nose;
  • frequent headaches;
  • many other annoying symptoms.

To eliminate them, he has to use a lot of medications, which sooner or later begin to harm his health. In advanced stages of some types of chronic runny nose, the patient may need to undergo surgery, which, like any surgical intervention, is associated with many risks.

In our article we will tell you about the causes, types, symptoms and principles of treatment of chronic runny nose in children and adults. We will pay special attention, which can be used for the treatment and prevention of this disease. The knowledge gained will help you to pay attention to the existing problem in time, then you will be able to take effective measures to eliminate this unpleasant disease.

Causes, types and symptoms of chronic runny nose

The main cause of chronic runny nose is improper treatment of acute rhinitis (inflammation of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa). Maximum efforts should be made to determine the root cause of the disease, since the further effectiveness of therapy will depend on the correctness of such an examination.

Inflammation of the vessels of the nasal mucosa can be caused by the following factors:

  • viral, bacterial or fungal infection;
  • frequent recurrence of acute rhinitis;
  • long-term effects on the nasal mucosa of household, mineral or metal dust, harmful vapors and gases in everyday life and at work;
  • prolonged exposure to the nasal mucosa with drugs;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • chronic foci of infection: sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • unfavorable climate;
  • dry, hot and dusty air;
  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • endocrine disorders.

Otolaryngologists distinguish the following types of chronic rhinitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • hypertrophic: limited and diffuse;
  • atrophic: simple and ozena (fetid runny nose);
  • vasomotor: allergic or neurovegetative.

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis accompanied by alternating congestion of one of the nasal passages, which is aggravated when trying to lie on one’s side, difficulty in nasal breathing when lying down, and periodic headaches. The mucous discharge from the nose that accompanies this disease can exacerbate the decreased sense of smell.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis lasts a long time and is accompanied by severe nasal congestion, which is not eliminated after instillation of vasoconstrictor drops. Mucous or mucopurulent discharge comes out of the nose. The patient experiences periodic headaches, dry mouth or oropharynx. Constant nasal congestion causes a nasal voice. Overgrowth of the posterior part of the inferior turbinate can lead to decreased hearing acuity or ear congestion. With hypertrophy of the anterior part of the inferior turbinate, the patient may show signs of compression of the nasolacrimal canal: lacrimation, frequent conjunctivitis and purulent discharge from the eyes.

Simple chronic atrophic rhinitis accompanied by unpleasant sensations of tightness and dryness in the nose, periodic nosebleeds and the formation of dry crusts in the nasal cavity. When atrophic changes in the mucous membrane spread to the olfactory zone, partial or complete loss of smell appears.

Chronic foul runny nose (or ozena) accompanied by painful itching and dryness in the nose, difficulty breathing, deterioration or complete absence of the sense of smell and a sharp foul odor from the nose, reminiscent of rot. Thick dry crusts (sometimes with blood streaks) form in the nasal passages, which cover the entire nasal mucosa and are covered with purulent discharge. They are easy to remove. Subsequently, the patient’s cartilage and bones atrophy, and the nose, changing its shape, expands.

Chronic vasomotor rhinitis of allergic origin appears only during exposure to an allergen and may be seasonal (with pollen allergies). It is accompanied by itching in the nose and eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion, excessive discharge of liquid contents from the nasal passages and irritation of the skin under the nose. The patient may experience headaches, fatigue and sleep disturbances. After eliminating the allergens, the runny nose goes away on its own.

Chronic neurovegetative runny nose accompanied by repeated sneezing, difficulty breathing through the nose and runny nasal discharge. Its episodes can appear only under certain circumstances: after sleep, when the temperature changes, after overwork, during meals, when blood pressure increases or decreases, in stressful situations, etc.

The long-term course of some types of chronic rhinitis (hypertrophic, atrophic, ozena and neurovegetative) can lead to serious changes in the structure of the mucous membrane and nasal turbinates. In such cases, the patient needs to undergo surgical interventions associated with certain risks. Such operations can be complicated by infection, bleeding, moral injury, the effects of anesthesia, etc. That is why treatment of chronic runny nose must be started in a timely manner, and only an otolaryngologist should prescribe it.

What can a doctor recommend to treat chronic runny nose at home?

Treatment of chronic runny nose can be prescribed only after a comprehensive examination and identification of the cause of long-term rhinitis. At home, the patient can carry out some physiotherapeutic procedures and use medications that are aimed at eliminating the cause and unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

The complex of treatment procedures for chronic rhinitis may include the following recommendations and prescriptions:

  • vasoconstrictor drops: Nazivin, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Galazolin, etc.;
  • antiseptic drops: TUYA-GF, Argolife, Collargol, Protargol;
  • drops and sprays based on sea salt: Dolphin, Salin, Aqua Maris, etc.;
  • inhalation of saline and antiseptic solutions;
  • antiseptic ointments: Tetracycline ointment, Salicylic ointment, Levomekol, Evamenol, Fleming ointment, etc.;
  • nasal instillation of oil solutions of vitamins A and E;
  • lubricating the nasal mucosa with iodoglycerin;
  • biogenic stimulants: FIBS, Aloe, Splenin, Humisol, vitamin therapy;
  • antibiotics: Kanamycin, Oxacillin, Levomycetin, Gentamicin, Isofra, Polydexa with phenylephrine, etc.;
  • antihistamines: Loratadine, Zyrtec, Telfast, etc.;
  • antihistamine sprays: Allergodil, Lazorin, Cromosol, etc.

The regimen for taking medications, their dosage and course duration is determined by the doctor and depends on the severity of the symptoms and the cause of chronic runny nose. Self-medication for chronic rhinitis is unacceptable, since the disease is caused by various factors.

Excellent results in the fight against chronic runny nose are achieved by introducing the homeopathic drug TUYA-GF into the treatment regimen. It contains Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) D1 and petroleum jelly (as an auxiliary component).

The drug TUYA-GF can have a complex effect not only on the symptoms of chronic runny nose, but also on the causes of its occurrence:

  • affects viruses and bacteria, which can cause the development or complications of acute and chronic runny nose;
  • effectively eliminates inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • improves the evacuation of mucus from the nasal cavity;
  • eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • facilitates nasal breathing;
  • restores the structure of the tissue of the nasal mucosa, which changes significantly during chronic runny nose;
  • prevents the appearance of adenoids, polyps and other neoplasms that can become the cause or consequence of chronic runny nose;
  • prevents and treats sinusitis, which can cause chronic runny nose;
  • strengthens the immune system.

After eliminating contraindications, of which this homeopathic remedy has few (individual intolerance to one of the components), the drug can be prescribed not only to adults, but also to children.

Before instilling homeopathic oil TUYA-GF, you need to rinse your nose with a spray with sea water (Dolphin, Aqua-Maris, etc.) and free it of mucus. Then the patient needs to lie on his back and, slightly throwing his head back, drop 3-5 drops of TUYA-GF into each nasal passage (for children, the doctor prescribes the dosage depending on age, starting with 1 drop). The drug must be used 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a repeat course of treatment after a certain period of time.

Homeopathic oil TUYA-GF combines well with other drugs for the treatment of chronic runny nose and can be used as a prophylactic agent. Unlike other drugs that are used for drug therapy of this disease, homeopathic Thuja occidental oil does not have a negative effect on other organs.

Pros and cons of the drug TUYA-GF

  • has a comprehensive effect on all symptoms;
  • has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • affects the causes of the disease;
  • does not have a systemic effect;
  • has a small number of contraindications;
  • can be used for treatment at home;
  • goes well with any medications that may be prescribed for the treatment of chronic rhinitis;
  • helps prevent disease;
  • prevents the development of complications of chronic runny nose.

Disadvantage of the drug TUYA-GF.

What are the benefits of thuja oil in the treatment of adenoids in adults and children, what may be contraindications to the use of the drug, instructions for using the product for patients of different ages.

The benefits of treating adenoids with thuja oil

Adenoids or pharyngeal tonsils are natural soft formations in the human nasopharynx. They form a kind of protection against various infections and viruses that enter the respiratory organs from the outside. In addition, these organs prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria that are always present in the nasopharynx.

Often, children experience inflammation of the adenoids due to excessive activity of the immune system, which resists frequent acute respiratory diseases. Lymphoid tissue, which produces immunoglobulins, grows to cover the body's need for antibodies. This makes breathing through the nose much more difficult. With such symptoms, doctors diagnose “adenoiditis”.

There are several stages of the disease. In severe forms, surgical removal of the pharyngeal tonsils is recommended. If the disease is mild, then conservative homeopathic treatment can be used.

A very popular remedy for the treatment of first- and second-degree adenoiditis is thuja oil. The healing properties of thuja or white cedar have been known since ancient times. Previously in Europe it was called the “tree of life.” For a long time, preparations from thuja were used to treat bronchitis, otitis, tracheitis, stomatitis, and were also used to relieve general fatigue and improve tone.

In the last century, the ability of thuja oil to have a beneficial effect on adenoids was discovered. In general, the drug has the following beneficial properties:

  • Antiseptic. The oil contains components that can inhibit the active growth of harmful microorganisms in the nasopharynx.
  • Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. Preparations based on thuja easily relieve nasal congestion and make breathing easier.
  • Immunomodulatory. Regular use of thuja oil helps strengthen the immune system. Its effectiveness is comparable to echinacea extract, another powerful immunostimulant.
  • Metabolic. The composition of thuja extract includes unique substances that help normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the nasopharynx, and also help restore epithelial tissue.
Thus, thuja oil normalizes the composition of nasopharyngeal secretions and quickly and effectively relieves swelling and inflammation that accompany enlarged adenoids. The process of removing mucus from the nasal passages also improves, snoring is eliminated, the nasal mucosa is moistened, the immune system is strengthened, and damaged nasopharyngeal tissues heal faster due to frequent rhinitis.

Contraindications to the use of thuja oil for adenoiditis

It is worth noting that thuja oil, despite all its positive qualities, is not a panacea in the treatment of adenoiditis. Self-medication is strictly prohibited! Only a doctor can determine the extent of the disease and prescribe this or that therapy.

In addition, thuja oil is a homeopathic preparation, so its effectiveness is manifested individually. In one patient, improvements occurred even before the end of the course of using the product. For others, it may only alleviate the condition slightly or not help at all.

To treat enlarged adenoids, it is strictly forbidden to use 100% thuja oil. As a rule, an oil-based preparation is used, which contains about 15% of the extract.

People, especially children, are often allergic to thuja oil. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment, you need to make sure that the drug will not cause a negative reaction from the body. To do this you need to do a small test. A drop of oil should be applied to a cotton swab and brought to the nose for 3-5 seconds. If cough, shortness of breath, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms do not occur, then the product can be used.

In addition, you can carry out the following test: mix one drop of vegetable oil and thuja and apply the mixture to the inside of the elbow. If after half a day there is no itching, redness, rash or irritation, then the product can be used as directed.

It is not recommended to use thuja oil during exacerbations of viral respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by high body temperature and an active inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. During such periods, the remedy may cause an increase in symptoms. But during recovery from illness and with minor residual effects, it will help to finally get rid of swelling and inflammation.

How to drip thuja oil for inflammation of the adenoids

Today, you can buy a number of drugs in the pharmacy that are thuja oil in diluted form. However, its dosage in most of these products is too low. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase pure thuja essential oil and dilute it yourself.

Instructions for thuja oil for inflammation of the adenoids for preschool children

Treatment with thuja oil is prescribed to children under two years of age with caution. Often the drug can cause a negative reaction in children. In any case, only the attending physician should prescribe therapy for adenoiditis to a preschool child.

It is necessary to use thuja oil in courses. Only with long-term and regular use can the drug bring noticeable benefits. On average, the course is six weeks, then a break of one month is taken, and the course of procedures is repeated again. The duration of this treatment regimen is at least six months.

There are several treatment regimens for adenoids for children under 7 years of age:

  1. First of all, the child’s nose should be rinsed with any mild product based on salt (sea) water. The most commonly used are Aquamaris, Marimer, Aqualor, and Quix. After this, diluted 15% thuja oil is dropped 2-3 drops into each nostril. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a day.
  2. The nose is washed with saline solution, after which it is necessary to drip a few drops of a special preparation based on thuja into each nostril. For example, “Tuya Edas-801”, “Tuya-GF”. The concentration of these products is quite low, so you can drip 5-6 drops. The procedure is carried out once a day.

How to drip thuja oil to treat adenoids in a school-age child

Treatment of inflamed adenoids with thuja oil in older children is carried out using additional medications. For therapeutic purposes, the anti-inflammatory drug "Protargol", which has a cleansing effect, and the antimicrobial drug containing silver - "Argolife" - are used.

Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • In the first week, 2-3 times a day, drop a couple of drops of Protargol into each nostril. After 20 minutes, instill the same amount of diluted thuja oil.
  • During the second week, we continue to drip Protargol according to the scheme of the first seven days, and replace the oil with Argolife.
  • We alternate this way for six weeks.
  • The seventh week is a break.
  • In the eighth week, we drip thuja oil 3 times a day, a couple of drops into each nostril after rinsing.
Remember that you need to drip medications correctly. In order for the medications to be most effective, it is necessary that after the procedure the child lies down for ten minutes with his head thrown back. This way, the active substances of the drugs will cover the maximum surface of the inflamed adenoids.

How to drip thuja oil for adenoiditis in adults

As a rule, children and adolescents suffer from inflammation of the adenoids. However, in recent years, ENT doctors have noted many cases of adenoiditis in adult patients. There are many reasons for the occurrence of hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil in this category of patients. These include genetic factors, long-term infectious diseases of the upper respiratory organs, and allergic manifestations to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Thuja oil also helps adults cope with illness. In this case, the dosage of the drug cannot be increased. It can be used by adults, as well as children, only in diluted form or in the form of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations.

It is necessary to drip the product according to this scheme: 6-8 drops into each nostril while lying down. The course of procedures is 14 days. After this, a break is taken for the same period, and they are repeated.

Instructions for using thuja oil for adenoiditis for inhalation

An excellent addition to the treatment regimens described above would be inhalations with thuja oil. However, it is not recommended to use them to treat very young children under the age of 5 years.

The procedures are carried out as follows:

  1. Take a glass of boiling water and add five drops of pure thuja essential oil to it.
  2. Stir the mixture and let the person breathe it, after covering him with a towel.
  3. Steam exposure time is at least ten minutes.
  4. It is recommended to carry out inhalations regularly, in parallel with the main treatment.
The procedure greatly facilitates breathing and helps reduce swelling.

It is prohibited for children to inhale essential oils using nebulizers. This can lead to pulmonary edema and pneumonia. In addition, before starting the procedure, make sure that there is no damage or irritation on the skin.

How to make thuja oil at home

Currently, you can buy ready-made thuja oil in pharmacies and stores offering homeopathic products. However, you are not always 100% sure that you are purchasing a high-quality concentrate.

If you want to be sure that you are using an environmentally friendly and healthy product, you can prepare it yourself at home. This will require a minimum of effort.

We prepare thuja oil according to this scheme:

  • We take some thuja branches and fill them with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  • The container used must be opaque.
  • Cover the raw material tightly with a lid and place it in a dark place.
  • After ten days, filter the preparation.
The finished oil can be used without dilution. Its concentration is several times lower than that of the pharmacy analogue, and there can be no doubt about the quality.

How to use thuja oil to treat adenoids - watch the video:

Thuja oil is an inexpensive and effective remedy that helps cope with the active proliferation of adenoid tissue in children and adults. It is usually prescribed at stages 1-2 of adenoiditis in combination with various conservative treatment methods. Often this drug helps prevent surgery and removal of the pharyngeal tonsils.

Thuja oil is mainly used in traditional medicine recipes and homeopathic treatments. The composition of this plant substance has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, many doctors question the healing properties of this oil. With the help of this remedy, homeopaths treat many infectious diseases and diseases of internal organs. It has already been proven that Thuja oil is a powerful medicine for the treatment of bronchial asthma, as well as adenoid. For many children with stage 2 adenoid overgrowth, doctors recommend surgical intervention, but often thuja oil can eliminate the inflammatory process using conservative methods.

Medicinal properties of oil

Due to its beneficial properties, thuja essential oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. All parts of the plant - leaves, shoots and seeds - have healing qualities.. They are rich in essential oils, tanning components, resins and rare thuic acid.

Medicines prepared from thuja are used in the treatment of various diseases and have the following beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic;
  • astringent and regenerative;
  • antihistamine;
  • diuretic and strong tonic.

The healing properties of thuja oil are not limited to this. This substance has pronounced expectorant properties, therefore it helps eliminate congestion in the respiratory tract. In addition, it is known that this drug is used to eliminate scars, as it softens and resolves scar tissue.

To prepare a remedy, you need to take shoots of young trees and cones from plants that are at least 15 years old. This substance has a viscous consistency and a light, rather pleasant pine aroma. By dripping this medicine into the nose, you can very quickly eliminate inflammatory processes in the nasal appendages, reduce congestion and significantly reduce the volume of mucus secreted.

It is known that thuja oil has a pronounced calming, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Thuja oil is instilled into the nose of children and adults after various injuries and surgery. This natural drug promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane.

Inhalations are considered the most effective use of thuja extract. In this case, the plant substance is delivered directly to the site of inflammation and has a therapeutic effect there. The duration of inhalations should not be more than 7 minutes.

The benefits of thuja oil

Thuja shoots and cones have been used in traditional medicine recipes for several centuries. However, medicine extracted from plant materials has more pronounced healing properties, which is why, since the mid-19th century, it has been actively used in various fields of medicine.

Homemade oil can be used for colds, problems with the respiratory organs and digestion, rhinitis, skin pathologies and gynecological diseases. The instructions for using thuja oil in traditional medicine are clearer, so the drug is recommended for use in:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis of varying severity;
  • bleeding of various pathogenesis;
  • gynecological and venereal diseases.

Often, with reduced immunity, patients are recommended thuja GF oil, which stimulates the body's defenses. The drug can be used in the treatment of papillomas that are caused by the herpes simplex virus.

Thuja oil gives a good effect for runny noses in children and adults, since the beneficial substances included in the drug are quickly absorbed in the body, are included in metabolism and accelerate regeneration processes. Thanks to its unique properties, thuja oil is effective against a runny nose, and also helps with pathologies such as stomatitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, rhinitis and acne.

To cure inflammatory skin diseases, oil should be lubricated on the damaged areas. For diseases of the nasopharynx, the drug is instilled into the child’s nose up to 3 times a day. Pathologies of the respiratory tract are treated with inhalations.

Any essential oils should be used with caution if you are allergic to plant components.

What composition

Thuja oil is effective for a runny nose and other diseases, thanks to the original composition of the herbal remedy. According to studies, the following components were found in the composition of thuja oil:

  • The drug contains a special substance, tuin, which, acting on special receptors, gives an inhibitory effect similar to the effect of cannabis. Tuin is considered a very toxic substance; due to its content in the composition, there are certain restrictions on the use of the drug.
  • The essential oil is very rich in tannins and resins; it is due to these components that the drug has a pronounced antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The herbal preparation contains unique saponins and many flavonoids.

Due to its composition, the homeopathic medicine is a powerful immunomodulator. Its action can be compared to Echinacea purpurea. In addition, the oil is quickly included in metabolism.

Methods of application

When using thuja oil, you must strictly adhere to the indicated dosage to prevent cases of poisoning. We must not forget that such a drug is toxic and there may be cases of overdose, which are manifested by seizures.

The method of using homeopathic medicine and dosage is as follows:

  • For wounds and abrasions, apply topically to the affected areas three times a day. You can apply no more than 1 drop of the drug at a time.
  • Thuja oil is dripped into the nose three times a day, 2 drops in each nostril;
  • To eliminate inflammation of internal organs, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs. For such a decoction, you can take the herbs of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot and yarrow in equal quantities, and at the end of preparation add 10 drops of thuja oil per 0.5 liter of the drug. Drink a glass of the decoction 2 times a day, always an hour before meals.
  • To treat diseases of the nasopharynx in children and adults, you can do steam inhalations with the addition of a homeopathic remedy. To do this, bring a liter of water to a boil, add 10 drops of herbal preparation to it and inhale the vapors, covered with a large towel. Children can only perform steam inhalations under adult supervision, as there is a high risk of burns.
  • You can also use thuja essential oil for aroma lamps.. In this case, 5 drops of the drug are poured into a special device for every 40 m3 of area.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the middle ear are treated with cotton wool, which is pre-moistened in a homeopathic remedy.
  • If there are ulcers in the mouth, then oil the affected areas several times a day.
  • Baths with the addition of thuja essential oil have a relaxing and calming effect. To do this, add 10 drops of a homeopathic medicine to a hot water bath. The duration of the bath should not exceed 20 minutes.

A group of scientists conducted an interesting experiment. Children with adenoiditis were given nasal drops for two weeks. After the course of treatment, in more than half of the children, the lymphoid tissue acquired a physiological size, and the operations were cancelled.

To treat adenoids, you can use only 15% thuja oil, which can be purchased at a homeopathic pharmacy.

Features of treatment of adenoids

When treating adenoiditis, you must adhere to the following recommendations from specialists:

  • The duration of therapy for overgrown lymphoid tissue should be at least 2 months. If you need a repeat course, then you need to take a break of a month.
  • 2 drops of the drug are instilled into each nasal passage, three times a day. After instillation, the child should tilt his head back for 10 minutes, due to this the drug penetrates better into the adenoids.
  • Before using thuja nasal drops, you should thoroughly rinse your nasal passages. This will clear the nose of mucus and crusts;
  • You can alternate a homeopathic remedy based on thuja with Protargol. In this case, the silver solution is first instilled, and after 15 minutes the oil is dripped.

Parents should understand that in some cases, even after such treatment, surgical intervention still cannot be avoided.

After removing the overgrown lymphoid tissue, the child’s condition noticeably improves, but the adenoids may grow again. Many homeopaths agree that thuja oil is very effective in treating adenoids; only laser therapy can be considered an alternative to this method of treatment. With proper treatment with a homeopathic remedy, you can forget about adenoids within six months.

Thuja oil can be either essential or homeopathic. These varieties of the drug on pharmacy shelves vary significantly. Despite the fact that the product has a lot of useful properties, it must be used with caution, since in the form of an ethereal concentrate it can be dangerous and cause burns. It is worthwhile to have a good understanding of the indications for use and components.

Composition and properties

For serious respiratory diseases or sinusitis drug therapy is effective. In addition to synthetic drugs, homeopathic natural remedies are in harmony, which can support the body person and restore health. For sinusitis and many other ENT infections, infusions or decoctions from pine tree branches are taken. In modern medicine, it is also common to prescribe thuja oil for the treatment of runny nose, polyps, and adenoids in children and adults.

Essential oil contains:

  • aromatic compounds;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • sesquiterpene alcohol;
  • thujone;
  • taxifolin;
  • antiseptic substances.

All these components of natural origin have a beneficial effect on eliminating inflammatory processes and have a strong antiseptic effect and restore microflora. The vasoconstrictor effect helps restore the natural respiratory process. The components of the oil promote the regeneration of nasopharyngeal tissue and the restoration of areas affected by infection.

Along with such well-known drugs as ginseng tincture or echinacea, thuja extract is an excellent natural immunomodulator. It has restorative, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and immunostimulating effects.

Essential and homeopathic oil

For the first time, the drug was used as a medicinal source in Western Europe. In German, Czech, and French pharmacy archives they found treatment recipes based on thuja pomace. Some of them have survived from the Middle Ages.

In modern folk medicine, it is worth understanding the medications that pharmaceutical companies offer to treat various ailments.

Ways to use essential oil

The drug is concentrated mixture. It cannot be used internally in its pure form. It has a yellow tint and a rich pine aroma. The method of obtaining is steam distillation of leaves. Caution in use is required due to the highly toxic properties of the 100% concentrate. Burns or allergic reactions are possible on the mucous membranes. Exist restrictions for age categories. It is not advisable to use it in its pure form for children. It is worth listening to your doctor’s recommendations and not experimenting with this form of the drug on your own.

Main uses:

  • aromatherapy (1-2 drops per teaspoon of water in a lamp);
  • added to bath (soothing and anti-inflammatory effect for skin problems);
  • externally when removing papillomas and warts.

Homeopathic oil for runny nose

This form of release of the drug does not contain concentrate. The instructions will help you understand the dosage and method of use in pediatrics. Thuja oil for adenoids in children is used in many countries.

It is important to clarify the name of the medicine. Among commercial labels with an oil component, various modifications can be found in our pharmacies.

  1. Nasal drops (Thuja GF, DN, Edas 801).
  2. Medicine for adenoids (Thuya-Plus).

It is important to purchase exactly the form for your child that the doctor recommends, since each drug has a different concentration and base.

Instructions for use

Thuja oils have properties and indications for use depending on their composition. The most common are those that are sold in ready-made ratios and safe concentrations. for different age categories.

Thuja Edas 801. Homeopathy for external use. Release form: 25 ml bottle.

It has a metabolic effect, promotes the restoration of epithelial tissue, improves the functions of the secretory elements of the skin and mucous membranes. Used as a supplement in complex therapy.

Indications for use of Tui Edas 801:

  • chronic rhinitis;
  • adenoids;
  • nasal polyps;
  • otitis.

The product is taken 3-5 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day.

In addition to being effective in treating nasopharynx, oil in this form is also prescribed for joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Thuja DN. For children with a runny nose, a drug release configuration is provided, which contains thuja occidentalis oil (D3 10 g) and petroleum jelly (90 g).

Exists medicine in the form of an ointment or liquid. Used for chronic purulent rhinitis. However, it is worth considering that the treatment period is very long. It may take several months. Homeopathic preparations contain a minimum dose of active substances, which is designed for regular use.

Usually prescribed 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day in each nostril.

Among the contraindications, only hypersensitivity to the drug. In case of individual intolerance and acute rhinitis, it is also recommended to refrain from use. Thuja oil is used for runny noses in children, but in all descriptions you can find warnings and restrictions for use under 18 years of age.

Thuja GF. This drug is prescribed extremely carefully for adenoids in children. It is worth starting with small doses - one drop. It is important to carefully monitor the child’s body’s reaction to natural ingredients.

With his help:

  • cleanse the maxillary sinuses;
  • get rid of pus and mucus;
  • treat adenoids;
  • prevents the feeling of a dry nose.

A child has a runny nose

... the oil can also be used for prevention. During the season of illness, I spent a long time looking for methods to prevent infection. Treating a child is much more difficult and troublesome. I knew that there was oxolinic ointment. It is used mainly for prevention. The clinic also advised me to try Edas drops. One drop at a time into the nasal passage. So far I'm happy with the result.

Homeopathy: pros and cons

Mothers often face the problem of constant illness when their children attend kindergarten. Unfortunately, we were no exception. The schedule of visits to the children's group has become this: a week at home, and three days in the garden. This really bothered me. All the medications the doctors prescribed were aimed at a quick recovery. Basically it is a saline solution, a vasoconstrictor. If the disease progressed, then antibiotics were added, and so on in a circle.

As a result of a detailed study of natural-based preparations, I discovered thuja oil for my family. It is sold in the pharmacy in different versions. But for the child, I settled on a homeopathic remedy containing olive oil. And under no circumstances should it be confused with essential oil. This is absolutely not what is needed to treat a child’s nose. Thuja Edas 801 is the name of the drug, which I measured out one drop at a time to my daughter, and within a month we got rid of constant nasal congestion.

Ilona D. babyforum

It will help if you have patience

Thuja DN came to my rescue only after a while. The drug, of course, at first glance, is very dubious. When your nose is stuffy and you already have a terrible headache, it seems that homeopathic drops are just for the placebo effect. But when there is no way out and I need to try all the methods, I no longer neglected the doctor’s advice. In addition to other medications, I was also prescribed oil drops to somehow restore the mucous membrane after severe rhinitis.

I don’t think that I could cure my illness with just oil, but next time during the season of colds and infections I will definitely use it. And this must be done before rhinitis strikes. Before going out into public places or at work, you can instill 2-3 drops and provide protection and prevention.

Treatment procedure

If you decide, after consultation with your doctor, to start a course of taking a homeopathic drug, then you should take into account that proper instillation is the key to a worthwhile result. So, it is very important for a good effect:

  • use drops regularly for the recommended period;
  • rinse your nose with saline solution before instillation;
  • make sure your nose is clean;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • using a pipette, drop 2-3 drops into the lower nasal cavities.

Antiseptic microelements, which are contained in cones and leaves, not only treat rhinitis and cleanse the maxillary sinuses. The remedies also come to the rescue for other problems with the body.

  • In the treatment of skin diseases. Concentrated thuja oil removes warts. Continuous application of the drop 3-4 times a day for several weeks can soften tumors on the skin.
  • If your ear hurts, a compress will help. Turundas soaked in a few drops of oil similar to camphor are placed in the external auditory canals. A warming and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved. It is prohibited to insert any foreign objects containing medications deep into the ear.
  • For stomatitis, gingivitis and gum inflammation. The affected areas of the oral cavity are treated with the solution several times a day after meals.

It is worth knowing that, like many other natural components, the thuja product is multifunctional. The main thing is to be patient and follow the application regimen.