Constipation during pregnancy: what to do at home. How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy: medications and folk remedies

Changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy are a matter of course. The hormonal balance is being rearranged, the internal organs and circulatory system are working with redoubled force, and this may well manifest itself in a negative way. Swelling, excess weight, emotional instability - these are not all the “unpleasant” companions of pregnancy. There is another very delicate problem that every expectant mother has probably encountered at least once - constipation. What to do if you have constipation during pregnancy, what danger does it pose, and how to deal with it?

Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy?

What is constipation? WHO experts classify constipation as a disease, while gastroenterologists consider it not an independent disease, but a symptom that manifests itself very clearly.

If the normal number of trips to the toilet is “mostly” from three times a day to three times a week, then constipation is considered a condition when bowel movements occur less frequently than three times in 7 days.

A person suffering from constipation experiences very unpleasant and even painful sensations, since he cannot go to the toilet until he feels a complete emptying of the intestines, the stool is dry and hard.

Causes of constipation

During pregnancy, there can be several causes of constipation. These include the generally accepted ones:

  • improper diet, poor in dietary fiber;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the intestines and anal area;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • “lazy bowel” syndrome and so on.

But there are also “specific” reasons that are specific to pregnant women:

  • activation of the production of the hormone progesterone: this hormone helps maintain pregnancy and relaxes the muscles of not only the uterus, but also the intestines;
  • the doctor prescribes iron-containing anti-anemia drugs: due to iron, the stool becomes denser and does not move well through the intestines;
  • limiting the drinking regime as a measure to prevent edema: drinking less water to avoid swelling, a woman harms digestion;
  • pressure of the uterus or fetal head on the intestines in later stages of pregnancy;
  • fear of pushing in the toilet or incorrect posture during bowel movements.

By the way, the modern design of the toilet does not allow you to take a physiologically correct position for bowel movements. The squatting position is the position when the rectum is straightened and bowel movements occur naturally. The higher the toilet, the more often constipation can occur, not only in pregnant women.

The dangers of constipation during pregnancy

Is constipation harmful for pregnant women? Without a doubt! And that's why.

When processed food is not removed from the body for more than 24 hours, the intestinal microflora is disrupted, fermentation and rotting begin, and completely unhealthy toxins are released, which is quite bad not only for the mother, but also for the fetus. In addition, the microbiocenosis of the vagina is disrupted, which leads to candidiasis and vaginal dysbiosis.

Attempts to push in the early stages (and also in later stages) can lead to the appearance of cracks in the anal passage. The woman will experience excruciating pain every time she goes to the toilet and receives rectal medications. In later stages, constipation can cause premature birth.

Experiencing enormous stress, the venous system of pregnant women often suffers, blood circulation in the walls of the small intestine and large intestine is disrupted, and hemorrhoids develop. Hemorrhoids, in addition to constipation, bring real suffering, and every trip to the toilet becomes torture for a woman.

Laxatives for pregnant women

There are many medications against constipation that are allowed during pregnancy.

In the early stages

It should be remembered that laxative medications can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Any pharmacological agent during pregnancy is a potential danger for both the mother and the fetus.

Conventional medications such as Gutolax or Senade can cause irritation of the smooth muscles of both the intestines and uterus. However, the doctor may prescribe:

  • “Fitomucil”, which contains fiber (from the shell of plantain seeds and plum fruits), which painlessly and gently eliminates constipation and normalizes the bacterial balance in the intestines: one sachet twice a day;
  • “Duphalac”, lactulose syrup, which not only relieves constipation, but also restores microflora: 15-45 ml daily in one or two doses;
  • “Forlax” is a powdered product with macrogol, which is used diluted with water, 1 to 2 sachets per day.

In the later stages

More often, naturally, constipation occurs in the last trimester, when the uterus is so enlarged and heavy that it literally squeezes the intestines. But this is also the time when the baby’s main organs and systems are formed, and drugs cannot cause them much harm. However, even now you cannot do without the recommendations of your attending physician! During this period, in addition to the medications listed above, the doctor may advise:

  • "Microlax", which is available in the form of microenemas, the effect is noticeable within 7-15 minutes after use (rectally, following the instructions);
  • Glycerin suppositories, which act locally and do not have negative consequences for the child.

But experts advise starting treatment for constipation with dietary fiber, and using medications only when necessary and for a short period, since the safety of mother and child comes first.

A laxative that increases stool volume is much preferable to a stimulant laxative.

Thus, the herb senna, widely used as an active substance, is considered safe only at normal doses. Laxatives that increase the volume of feces in the intestines, as well as drugs with lactulose, do not penetrate the placenta and are safe for the fetus.

Enemas and microenemas. Is it possible?

Many people of the older generation, far from medicine, may recommend enemas as a remedy for constipation during pregnancy. However, following such advice is quite dangerous!

Late enemas are especially harmful. It is no coincidence that doctors recommend an enema to women before sending them to the delivery room. And cleansing the intestines is not the only goal here. The fact is that an enema relaxes the intestinal muscles and similarly affects the muscles of the uterus. And, if there are no contractions and the cervix is ​​sufficiently dilated, an enema can significantly speed up labor due to the appearance of contractions.

For this reason, treating constipation with enemas is prohibited, as this can cause uterine tone and cause early labor. In addition, frequent use of enemas leads to lazy bowel syndrome and the leaching of beneficial microflora.

Folk recipes. Treating yourself at home

Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy. The methods below are absolutely safe for the child and normalize stool quickly and gently.

Oils for constipation

Natural vegetable oils are considered a good remedy for constipation, relax the muscles of the colon and allow softened stool to be expelled painlessly. However, not all oils can be used during pregnancy! Castor oil is strictly prohibited, as it excessively provokes muscle activity. But using these oils is useful not only to combat constipation, but also for general strengthening of the body:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • linen;
  • pumpkin seed oil.

Seasoning your meals with them or taking a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning can quickly correct such a delicate problem as constipation.

Regular butter, by the way, also has a positive effect on intestinal motility, so with morning tea, a sandwich with butter is not only satisfying, but also healthy.

High fiber salads

By combining various products for constipation in one dish, you can cope with this problem without pharmaceutical drugs. Delicious, vitamin-enriched salads in the daily diet of the expectant mother, due to their high fiber content, improve digestion and prevent constipation.

Beet salad with garlic

This dish helps against constipation and viruses during the cold season.


  • boiled beets - 2 medium-sized root vegetables;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves to taste;
  • sour cream or vegetable oil for dressing.

Grate the beets, squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, stir, season with oil or sour cream to taste.

Carrot-apple salad


  • carrots and sour apple in equal quantities;
  • sugar to taste;
  • lemon juice to taste.

After peeling the carrots and apples, grate them. It is better to refuse a blender - the larger the lettuce particles, the better they fight constipation. Season the salad with sugar and lemon juice.

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and onions


  • fresh cabbage (white) – 300 grams;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • lemon juice, salt, vegetable oil - to taste.

After peeling the onion, chop it into crumbs, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate a little. Meanwhile, chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Mix all the vegetables in one bowl, season with oil.

In addition to fiber-rich salads, it is recommended to consume black bread, bran, raw vegetables, rosehip decoction, soups, cereal porridges with water (ideally oatmeal). But you should be careful with kefir: only fresh kefir weakens (up to 5 days of storage), while more “aged” kefir, on the contrary, strengthens it!


A good “friend” of the intestines is prunes. It contains a lot of fiber and pectin, which is why this dried fruit is an excellent laxative. It is recommended to eat up to 10 fruits per day, but you can also eat prunes as part of other dishes and drinks.

For example, prune compote is useful. It can be prepared either from prunes or from additional ingredients (dried apricots, raisins, figs, apples, etc.).

Ingredients for compote with prunes:

  • dried prunes – 80-100 grams;
  • water - liter;
  • granulated sugar - to taste (1-5 tablespoons).

The washed prunes and sugar are poured into boiling water, brought to a boil again, and kept for a couple of minutes at a low boiling point. The drink is drunk in a glass on an empty stomach in the morning, an additional dose is taken in the afternoon or at night.

Kefir-prune mix– another healthy drink if you are prone to constipation. It’s easy to prepare: 5-6 prunes are doused with boiling water and crushed in a blender. Mix with a glass of fresh kefir. A drink is drunk before bed, and a light toilet is provided in the morning.

Product restrictions. What not to eat if you are constipated!

Prevention, as we know, is better than cure, and therefore during pregnancy it is recommended to limit the consumption of certain foods if you suffer from constipation periodically or regularly. Here is a list of some of them that contribute to constipation:

  • whole milk;
  • baking;
  • polished rice;
  • meat in its pure form, without side dishes containing fiber;
  • persimmon;
  • pears;
  • unripe fruits, mainly bananas;
  • eggs;
  • potato;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate.

It is absolutely impossible to live without some foods, because the development of the fetus is promoted by adequate nutrition of the mother. Therefore, you can find a compromise: if foods that cause constipation are on the menu, then half the serving of “harmful” foods should be diluted with vegetables (raw, boiled or stewed), and also replace white bread and baked goods with black or whole grain bread.

How much water should you drink?

The success of good digestion lies in adequate drinking regimen. You need to drink enough water. Even if a woman is prone to edema during pregnancy, she cannot refuse water; it is worth reducing the volume of other liquids (juices, milk, broths), and reducing the amount of salt consumed. On average, you need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water. This is especially true in the hot season, as well as with a tendency to constipation.

In addition to constipation, the following signs will indicate a lack of water in the body:

  • dry and cracked lip skin;
  • dark shade of urine and its pungent odor;
  • peeling of the skin of the face, hands, brittleness of hair and nails.

Water balance is important not only for the normal well-being of the mother! The baby also needs water, because the amniotic fluid in which he is located must be renewed several times a day. If you suffer from constipation and swelling at the same time, water with lemon helps a lot - the water balance in the body is maintained, but excess fluid is eliminated thanks to acid.

Constipation during pregnancy is common. You need to put aside your embarrassment and be sure to inform the doctor, who will help you find the optimal solution to this delicate problem.

Video on the topic

The pregnancy period brings many pleasant moments for the expectant mother. However, only various accompanying manifestations can disrupt the happy anticipation of the birth of a new life. For example, a woman may experience problems with bowel movements that are difficult to relieve with conventional medications. Most medications for constipation cannot be used to treat expectant mothers. Therefore, it is worth focusing on this problem and learning how to normalize intestinal function and free a woman from suffering.

Why does constipation occur in early pregnancy?

We are talking about constipation if the patient has no bowel movements for more than 3 days. Also, this condition will be accompanied by bloating, excess gas formation, heaviness and pain in the peritoneum.

This condition has a depressing effect on the general well-being of the expectant mother. The period of bearing a baby becomes problematic. Moreover, due to problems with defecation, there may be a threat to the life and health of the baby. After all, the reproductive organs are located incredibly close to the digestive system.

Why does constipation occur in the early stages of a pregnant woman?

Problems with bowel movements during late pregnancy

In the second and third trimesters, expectant mothers also suffer from improper or absent bowel movements. The reasons for this phenomenon often depend on the growth of the fetus, since the child can put pressure on the intestines.

What causes constipation in late pregnancy:

Features of therapeutic therapy

A woman was diagnosed with constipation during pregnancy, what to do if diet and special exercises did not produce results? You have to purchase laxatives that will help cleanse your intestines efficiently. Previously taken suppositories and capsules cannot be used, because now the lady is in a special position.

What medications are suitable for treating constipation in pregnant women?

The prescription of dosage forms should be prescribed by a specialist; it is advisable that the gynecologist is aware of new prescriptions. The list of remedies is very modest, but it is enough to combat constipation during pregnancy.

Permitted dosage forms:

Even after taking laxative medication, A pregnant woman should not push too hard. This has a negative impact on the rectum and can affect the fetus.

Therapeutic diet and nutritional habits

Constipation in pregnant women requires long-term treatment, which includes not only dosage forms, but also a complete adjustment of the diet and menu. Experts believe that it is best to eat about 6 times a day in small portions. Vegetables and fruits or fermented milk products are suitable as a snack. This measure allows you to fill the intestines with a sufficient amount of substances for high-quality bowel movements.

Sample menu to make a pregnant woman feel comfortable:

Foods that a pregnant woman should eat if she is constipated:

  • bread made from bran or crushed grain;
  • dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • wheat bran (eaten as a separate dish or added to food);
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices;
  • still mineral water;
  • fermented milk products.

If a patient experiences constipation during pregnancy, then she needs to give up legumes, jellied meat, jelly, jelly and fried foods. These foods and drinks lead to slower intestinal motility and severe gas formation. Take coffee, sweets and chocolate with extreme caution.

What not to do for constipation during pregnancy

There are medications and manipulations that cannot be prescribed when carrying a baby. Some women endanger the health and life of the fetus by self-medicating. A remedy for constipation during pregnancy should be selected exclusively by a specialist.

So, What should not be used during pregnancy to prevent problems with stool:

Previously familiar laxatives are prohibited; constipation during pregnancy will have to be treated only with medications from a specific list. Celebrate 3 groups of drugs strictly prohibited for expectant mothers:

  • salt-based drugs that disrupt the mineral-salt balance;
  • laxatives that affect intestinal motility, for example, methylcellulose;
  • agents that irritate the intestines (Senade, Regulax or Gutalax).

Preventive measures for those with a predisposition to constipation

To prevent problems with stool, doctors recommend following certain recommendations. Particular attention is paid to diet, since normal intestinal function depends on the products. Foods that provoke constipation are completely excluded. It is best to include dishes that are rich in fiber in your menu. It is important to eat soups daily, which should not be cold.

Due to the risk of swelling during pregnancy, many women try to limit the amount they drink. This is fundamentally wrong, since a lack of fluid in the body provokes constipation. It is better to forget about excess salt in dishes and exclude salty products from the menu. After all, it is this spice that promotes fluid retention in tissues.

To prevent constipation, you should move more, due to the fact that there is little physical activity in a woman’s life, the intestines cease to function normally. Of course, it is difficult for expectant mothers to perform specific exercises, so you can limit yourself to warm-up and walking. If you follow these recommendations daily, you can forget about constipation for a long time.

Problems with stool occur regularly in pregnant women; they can be relieved with special medications or proven folk remedies. Before starting treatment or when adjusting therapy, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing a severe allergic reaction or side effects. Constipation in pregnant women should be monitored by a specialist.

The article will help expectant mothers understand why constipation can occur during pregnancy and how to safely solve the problem with bowel movements.

Constipation is a phenomenon familiar to almost every second or third pregnant woman. They can appear in a woman both in early and late stages of pregnancy.

Causes of constipation in early pregnancy

Constipation is defined as the absence of bowel movements for three days. In addition to the fact that a woman feels heaviness in the intestines, it is bloated, filled with gases, she can also feel pain in the lower abdomen.

All these unpleasant moments make the woman’s condition not very comfortable; constipation also negatively affects the pregnancy itself, since the reproductive organs are located in close proximity to the intestines.

IMPORTANT: Some women do not have bowel movements for several days; others may experience a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, which also causes discomfort. All these phenomena characterizing constipation have their own explanation.

The causes of constipation in pregnant women in the early stages are:

  1. Active production of progesterone. During pregnancy, already in the early stages, an active restructuring of its hormonal balance begins in a woman’s body. The hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, begins to be actively produced. The action of this hormone is aimed at relaxing smooth muscles, including the intestines.
  2. Changes in diet and movement patterns. One of the possible causes of constipation in the early stages of pregnancy is considered to be a change in a woman’s motor pattern. Some pregnant women may even be prescribed bed rest to maintain pregnancy, and some may even limit it themselves due to their new position. Insufficient physical activity of a pregnant woman can lead to a decrease in intestinal tone
  3. Taking iron supplements to prevent anemia. A woman's intake of necessary medications containing iron and calcium can also have a unique negative impact on timely bowel movements. These minerals make stool denser, which can cause constipation.
  4. Reducing the amount of fluid consumed. Another reason for constipation is a woman’s restriction of fluid intake, which is recommended for her to avoid swelling
  5. Toxicosis and food refusal. Many women suffer from toxicosis in early pregnancy. To avoid and alleviate the condition, they may refuse their usual diet and be malnourished, and this automatically means a lack of bowel movements
  6. Stress. Various stresses associated with the new condition of the pregnant woman can also play an important negative role.

Causes of constipation in late pregnant women

Constipation can accompany a pregnant woman in the later stages.

In the second and third trimester, problems with bowel movements in the expectant mother may occur due to the fact that the baby puts pressure on her intestines.

The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus, its pressure on the intestines
  • the same swelling of the extremities and attempts to avoid them by not drinking enough fluid, due to which the stool becomes hard and difficult to expel
  • stress
  • reduced physical activity
  • possible malnutrition
  • pressure from the fetal head on the intestines as it assumes the pre-labor position

VIDEO: Constipation in pregnant women

Constipation remedies for pregnant women. Laxative for constipation in pregnant women

  • Unfortunately, constipation in pregnant women can cause unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and her baby, since the intestines are located in close proximity to the uterus and birth canal
  • If the intestinal microflora is disrupted and pathogenic bacteria develop in it, they can also infect the birth canal
  • Also, waste products of pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect the body.

The desire to get rid of the masses accumulated in the intestines forces the pregnant woman to push, and this can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

IMPORTANT: You should try to avoid all these problems, however, it turns out that there are not many remedies for getting rid of constipation in pregnant women

A pregnant woman cannot use habitual laxatives due to various reasons:

  • due to their irritating effect
  • due to the effect on smooth muscle
  • due to their ability to disrupt enzyme and mineral composition, which is undesirable for women

However, there are some medications that a pregnant woman can take, in consultation with her doctor. These are the drugs microlax and fortrans, duclac.

  1. Microlax is a mini-enema that will have a laxative effect within a few minutes
  2. Duclac is a probiotic that cares for the preservation and development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, a lactulose-based drug that has a mild laxative effect

  • To the above-mentioned preparations such as Duclac and Microlax, you can also add the preparation phytomucil based on plant fibers, which helps soften the contents of the intestines and promote its trouble-free emptying
  • However, we emphasize again that all medications, even the most delicate ones, should be taken after the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist
  • In addition to these modern drugs, pregnant women can traditionally use suppositories for constipation

Constipation suppositories for pregnant women

A doctor will help pregnant women choose suppositories for constipation, but this is perhaps the main remedy that will allow a woman to get rid of such a problem.

Their advantage is that they are not absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls and do not disturb anything in the woman’s body. Their action, gentle and effective, is to irritate intestinal receptors and soften feces.

Can pregnant women have an enema for constipation?

  • There is no clear answer to the question of whether an enema can be used for constipation in pregnant women.
  • Each remedy for regular bowel movements should be prescribed by a gynecologist in each specific case.
  • In principle, an enema can be given to pregnant women in the early stages, in the first trimester of pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: An enema is not advisable in the last stages, since relaxation of the intestinal muscles can tone the uterus, and this can, in turn, cause premature birth

Oil for constipation in pregnant women

Vaseline, vegetable, flaxseed, and pumpkin oils are considered good remedies for constipation. But, again, pregnant women are a special category, and the most delicate and safe means of relieving constipation should always be selected for them.

As for vegetable or olive oil, only a doctor can give such a recommendation. But pumpkin seed oil might work.

RECIPE: Pumpkin oil for constipation
Pregnant women can be recommended to take pumpkin oil 3 times a day, a teaspoon, until their stool normalizes.
Pumpkin oil in a volume of 1 teaspoon can be added to 1/3 of a glass of yogurt mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. This mixture is taken before bedtime.

If you take unrefined olive or sunflower oil, then it is best to add it to any porridge. The beneficial laxative effect of the oil, plus the fiber in the cereal, is an excellent means of preventing constipation.

Prunes for constipation in pregnant women

Prunes and other foods are the best remedy for constipation. They are natural, and among other things, they will strengthen the woman’s body with useful substances and vitamins, primarily iron. Lactic acid products, plums, beets, and prunes should be included in the daily diet.

RECIPE: Prune decoction
Pour a glass of boiling water over 2-3 berries and leave for a little while. The broth is drunk and the berries are eaten.
This decoction can be made richer by adding a few raisins and 2 - 3 dried apricots to the prunes.

Prevention of constipation in pregnant women

As preventive measures against constipation for pregnant women, the following should be mentioned:

  • nutrition based on fiber and fresh vegetables and fruits
  • food must be prepared, preferably by boiling or stewing
  • Dry food should be avoided
  • sufficient physical activity - walking, light exercise, if there are no contraindications
  • a glass of warm water on an empty stomach

VIDEO: Constipation during pregnancy: 5 methods to combat it

50% of expectant mothers experience constipation during pregnancy. Many people consider this symptom to be the norm in the current situation, but this is a mistaken opinion.

It is very important to monitor the regularity of bowel movements, since prolonged or frequent absence of bowel movements threatens the course of pregnancy.

A woman’s body undergoes serious changes during pregnancy, and constipation in the early stages occurs more often than usual.

Causes of constipation in early pregnancy

Constipation in early pregnancy can manifest itself as a feeling of incomplete bowel movements. Unpleasant symptoms are caused by one or more reasons:

  1. Increase in the hormone progesterone. It is designed to relax smooth muscles, primarily the uterus. Since the intestines consist of a similar type of muscle, it is also subject to low activity.
  2. A pregnant woman taking medications to replenish iron and calcium. The elements can change the qualitative composition of feces and significantly compact its structure. This process causes constipation.
  3. Eating disorders. Most often, insufficient fiber intake.
  4. Enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy. The organ begins to squeeze the intestines.
  5. Nervous disorders that can cause decreased intestinal motility. This usually happens against the background of a woman’s internal experiences related to the health and life of the child.
  6. Toxicosis. Manifests itself in frequent and prolonged attacks of nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Symptoms provoke a decrease in appetite and fluid intake. Fecal masses are not able to fully form under existing conditions and constipation occurs during early pregnancy. Manifestations of toxicosis occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  7. Low level of physical activity. As a rule, normal bowel activity is only possible with normal physical activity. During pregnancy, situations are possible in which a woman is forced to remain in bed: problems with the spine, threat of miscarriage, high body weight.
  8. Lack of fluid, observed to avoid swelling of the extremities.

Constipation during early pregnancy occurs much less frequently than in the 2nd or 3rd trimester.

What are the consequences of constipation?

Problems with bowel movements in early pregnancy increase the risk of complications. The gastrointestinal tract is adjacent to the genitourinary system.

When pregnancy occurs, the uterus enlarges significantly and is pressed even more tightly against the intestines, so the health of the expectant mother depends on this.

The most common consequences of long-term constipation are the following:

  1. Haemorrhoids. Due to the heavy load on the vessels, hemorrhoids may develop. During pregnancy, even in the early stages, the intestinal walls experience pressure from the uterus. The resulting constipation increases the risk of hemorrhoidal lumps several times.
  2. Miscarriage. This complication occurs against the background of the influence of a swollen intestine on the uterine area, thereby causing an increase in tone. Constipation is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy.
  3. Intoxication. Long-term constipation during pregnancy is accompanied by excessive accumulation of feces in the intestines, the formation of a putrefactive process. Next, there is an active release of toxins into the blood of a pregnant woman, poisoning the entire body and complicating the course of pregnancy.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and genital organs. Occurs due to an active increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria against the background of stagnation in the intestines.
  5. Dysbacteriosis and stomach disorders in the unborn baby. During constipation, pathological microflora spreads into the vagina; when active labor begins, the child can become infected with such bacteria. After birth, the child suffers from colic and problems with bowel movements.
  6. Colpitis. Constipation during pregnancy, both in the early and late stages, can provoke the development of colpitis, which will cause postpartum infection in the pelvic organs.
  7. Early labor. Develops against the background of strong attempts to perform the act of defecation.
  8. Termination of pregnancy, threat of development of defects in the fetus. Many medications and herbs can have a detrimental effect on pregnancy.

To exclude a pathogenic factor, you need to consult a specialist and take only safe drugs.

With timely assistance to a woman suffering from constipation in the early stages of pregnancy, complications are almost excluded.

How to treat constipation

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy requires the help of a qualified specialist who is able to prescribe adequate therapy.

What to do if a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to take any medications, but still needs to get rid of constipation?

Prohibited methods of treatment

Not all methods of treating and preventing constipation are suitable for pregnant women. For pregnant women, there is a list of permitted and prohibited drugs.

Prohibited methods against constipation in pregnant women:

  1. Taking herbal laxative decoctions or infusions. Herbs cause increased intestinal activity and spasms, which carries a high risk of miscarriage.
  2. Use of enemas. In a normal situation, a woman can get rid of constipation with the help of enemas, but this method is contraindicated in pregnant women. This is explained by the fact that when performing a simulation of defecation, feces are released in an “explosive” manner. The risk of developing uterine contractions, miscarriage, and premature birth increases. It is allowed to do enemas only immediately before childbirth, as a cleansing of the intestines, in preparation for the birth of the baby.
  3. Use of Vaseline oil and castor oil. Oil laxatives are great for the average person, have a mild effect and produce stool slowly. However, in pregnant women it can cause problems with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the pancreas, and liver.

Among the medicinal laxatives it is not recommended to take the following:

  1. Salt base of osmotic agents: magnesia, coral salt, sodium sulfate. They can bring a woman’s water-mineral balance out of its normal state.
  2. Medicines that have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract: Gutalax, Dulcolax, Senade.
  3. Preparations with a filling effect. These include medications based on seaweed or methylcellulose. Lead to increased activity of intestinal motility.

The exception is the laxative Fortrans, and some other drugs that are made on the basis of polyethylene glycol.

Permitted treatments

Treatment of constipation in early pregnancy should include several stages - dietary nutrition, moderate mobility, removal of dysbacteriosis and treatment of possible existing diseases.

But not all pregnant women can exercise or avoid supplements containing iron.

To carefully relieve constipation in pregnant women, the following medications are recommended:

  1. Microlax. The product has very few contraindications. Available in the form of microenemas. Recommended primarily for children and pregnant women. The effect appears within 5 minutes after application.
  2. Glycerin rectal suppositories. Recommended for constipation even in newborns. The drug does not increase the tone of the uterus and penetration into the blood.
  3. Duphalac. Available in syrup form and suitable for repeated use. The composition includes a probiotic that saturates the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria. The feces soften easily and the intestines are emptied without difficulty.

Any medicine that is permitted during pregnancy according to the instructions must be agreed with your doctor.

Non-drug treatment

You can get rid of constipation during pregnancy by eating some laxative foods. Many recipes contain ingredients that are readily available at any grocery store.

  1. Grind dried apricots, prunes and raisins (2 tablespoons each) and mix with 0.25 cups of honey. Take 2 small spoons orally once a day before bed with warm water.
  2. Prepare and chop 100 grams of oatmeal flakes, beets and prunes. Pour 8 glasses of clean water and boil. Let it brew and cool. Take 1 glass of strained broth at night. The infusion can be stored for no more than 48 hours in the refrigerator.

If a woman is not prohibited from physical activity, it is recommended to perform simple exercises to relieve intestinal tension.


The best way to avoid constipation during pregnancy is to follow preventive measures. Basic rules for eliminating or treating difficult bowel movements:

  1. Increase meals to 5-6 times a day, eat in small portions.
  2. Include fiber in your diet (raw vegetables, crumbly porridge, muesli).
  3. Be sure to eat fruits, dairy products and vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil.
  4. The consumption of carbonated water, tea, coffee, pasta and semolina is strictly prohibited.
  5. Cabbage foods, fried and smoked semi-finished products are not recommended.
  6. Ensure adequate fluid intake. During the day you can drink compotes, plain water, and fruit drinks. Be sure to start the morning with 1 glass of water to start the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. I cook food in liquid and puree form so that food is digested better and faster, without creating stagnation.

If a pregnant woman follows all the recommendations, but constipation still does not go away, she should consult her doctor.

Many disorders of the body primarily occur against the background of the patient’s poor lifestyle. Depending on the results of the examination, the specialist will prescribe more serious treatment methods.

Useful video

Pregnancy brings many changes to a woman's life. This affects your health. The pregnant woman is worried about:

  • swelling;
  • gestosis;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal changes;
  • emotional lability.

The problem of bowel movement in a pregnant woman remains a sensitive issue.

The norm for emptying the intestinal tract for an adult is from 3-4 times a day to 3 times a week. If you go to the toilet “mostly” less than three times a week, this is considered a pathology and a kind of “alarm bell” for your body.

In the early and late stages of pregnancy, constipation in a woman is undesirable.

Persistent constipation affects the overall health of a pregnant woman. Apathy and weakness appear. These changes are the reason that feces remain in the intestines for a long time and cause intoxication. There is a risk of inflammation in the peritoneum.

Feces that are not excreted from the body for a long time, in addition to discomfort, cause a number of complications:

  1. Hemorrhoids and fissures. Attempts to push lead to cracks in the anal canal. Due to frequent constipation during pregnancy, blood circulation in the pelvis is impaired, which leads to the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones.
  2. Inflammation, colpitis. Infection of the reproductive organs occurs due to the development of pathogenic microorganisms (rotting) during constipation and leads to the appearance of IUI.
  3. Delivery ahead of schedule. If a pregnant woman strains strongly due to constipation, there is a risk of early passage of amniotic fluid and premature birth.
  4. Risk of miscarriage. Gases and strains that occur during defecation during constipation provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. This may cause a miscarriage.

Since the intestines are located near the reproductive organs, it is necessary to maintain its normal functioning.

Constipation during pregnancy is a serious problem. At the first signs of constipation, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

The effect of constipation on uterine tone

It has been proven that the uterus and large intestine have a common innervation. That is, when intestinal peristalsis is active, it provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus and causes the threat of interruption.

  • Due to the fact that feces are retained in the intestines, decay processes intensify, decay products enter the blood and cause intoxication, which threatens fetal hypoxia.
  • But the main threat of constipation is as follows. The tone of the uterus causes regular straining when going to the toilet “for a long time”.
  • When a child passes through the birth canal, he takes on the mother's intestinal microflora. Therefore, expectant mothers should carefully monitor their health.

Taking into account all the preconditions and threats of constipation without exception, prevention and therapy should be started as quickly as possible.

Home remedies for constipation during pregnancy

This problem actually worries many people. But few people dare to ask this sensitive question at an appointment with a gynecologist.

Therefore, we will figure out how to deal with constipation during pregnancy, what to do at home, what methods there are to combat constipation at home.


  • Guttalax (prohibited in the 1st trimester of pregnancy), Mucofalk;
  • glycerin suppositories, Microlax microenemas;
  • Phytomucil.


Another excellent remedy that helps fight constipation. By taking oils daily on a lean stomach (or adding them to salads), you will not only get rid of intestinal dysfunction, but also improve the condition of your hair and skin. The following oils are perfect:


Prunes contain fiber and pectin, which have a laxative effect. To achieve the desired effect you need 10 dried fruits.

You can prepare a cleansing compote from prunes, dried grapes and dried apricots: take 100 grams of each ingredient, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Kiwi also has a laxative effect - eat 1-2 pieces of fruit per day.

The following methods have excellent laxative effects.

Spastic constipation

For constipation, which is accompanied by cramps, pain, bloating:

  • Take 30 grams of figs, pour them with a glass of hot milk or water. Cool. Take a tablespoon.
  • Add 15 grams of honey to warm milk. Drink an hour before bedtime.
  • Squeeze the grated potatoes to extract the juice and mix it with water. Drink half an hour before meals. A single dose is a quarter glass.
  • Take a collection of herbs from motherwort, anise, nettle, rose hips, strawberries and valerian. Pour one glass of boiling water over one part of the mixture and leave for an hour and a half. Strain. Drink half a glass twice a day.

Doctors do not approve of the use of herbs during pregnancy, but there are cases when medicinal plants have a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Atonic constipation

For weak intestinal motility: the following remedies help:

  • dried apricots with prunes in a 1:1 ratio;
  • decoction of prunes and beets;
  • dry crushed fiber (pumpkin seeds + bran + sprouted wheat);
  • mix anise with cumin and fennel in equal quantities. Take 20 grams of the collection and pour a quarter liter of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Filter. Take the resulting infusion three times a day;
  • carrot juice (natural) + whey (mix in equal parts).

For constipation - a bar of soap

Another remedy for constipation is suppositories and enemas with soap.

There are conflicting opinions about the dangers and benefits of soap procedures. However, they have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice as a laxative. The use of soap is an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs that are addictive.

Soap acts on the rectum as an irritant, forcing the body to push out all unnecessary “ballast”.

It is worth remembering that there are contraindications to the procedure:

  1. Hyperemia.
  2. Severe flatulence.
  3. Modified feces
  4. Nausea.

It is worth noting that the use of soap should not become regular. Containing alkali, it can cause irritation, ulcers, and burns. For such procedures, use only baby or laundry soap - without dyes or fragrances.

If you decide that you are healthy, but your intestines require a “thrashing,” try the following methods:

  1. Soap candle. Cut a piece of soap. Make an elongated candle out of it and insert it into the anal. The effect will occur in half an hour.
  2. Enema with soap shavings. Strain the warm chamomile decoction and add soap shavings. Do douching with a small bulb. The effect will occur in 5–10 minutes. But you should be careful, as there is a possibility of infection in the genital tract.

At home, you can only cope with short-term constipation. If you follow the recommendations, you can easily cope with the problem and prevent its recurrence. Be sure to consult your doctor if the condition does not improve.

Other non-drug methods

  1. Drink, drink and drink again! Staying hydrated will help you. The norm for an adult is 1.5–3 liters of water. Liquid helps make stool softer. You and your baby need water. Amniotic fluid is renewed several times a day. If you are afraid of swelling, add lemon juice to the water.
  2. Move more! Swimming in the pool, doing yoga, and walking in the fresh air will significantly improve your well-being and help you fight the problem more effectively.
  3. Eat foods rich in fiber. Beets, carrots, apples, cabbage are your lifesavers! If you can’t eat them just like that, there are many recipes for all kinds of salads. Fiber stimulates intestinal motility. In addition to salads, black bread, cereal porridge and fresh kefir also help a lot.
  4. Menu correction. If you suffer from chronic constipation, avoid the following foods:
  • Starchy foods: potatoes, carrots, rice.
  • Some protein foods: eggs, chicken skin.
  • High fat foods: chocolate, whole milk.
  • Fruits containing coarse dietary fiber: pear, banana.
  • Butter and flour products.
  1. Eat 4 or 5 small meals a day - this way you won't pass it on. In the morning, after waking up, drink a glass of clean water with lemon juice, and at night – a glass of fermented milk drink.
  2. Don't hesitate to consult a doctor! You are responsible not only for your life, but also for the life of the baby that is inside you. If none of the above methods help you, go to the doctor to rule out complications of your pregnancy.

If you notice difficulties when going to the toilet “for the most part,” start treatment immediately. It will be easier to deal with the consequences if you solve the problem as early as possible.

Prohibited Methods

Please note that some treatments are contraindicated during pregnancy:

  1. Enema. Causes hyperactive uterine contractions due to explosive fecal excretion. The risk of miscarriage increases.
  2. Castor and Vaseline oil. Additionally, the digestive organs are stressed and labor is artificially stimulated (the contractile activity of the uterus increases).
  3. Laxatives containing Alexandrian senna, buckthorn bark and rhubarb. They can cause spasms and increase intestinal function, which negatively affects the tone of the uterus.
  4. Osmotic laxatives (magnesium sulfate). The drug disrupts the water-salt balance. Bowel movements occur one after another with frequent urges. An intestinal disorder, even artificially caused by medications, can cause uterine hypertonicity and the occurrence of contractions. Therefore, in order to avoid the danger of miscarriage, magnesia is used extremely rarely and only under the supervision of a gynecologist.
  5. Preparations with methylcellulose.


In conclusion, we note that the appearance of such a problem is a consequence of the individual characteristics of a pregnant woman’s body. There is no single remedy to eliminate it.

Timely initiation of therapy is the key to pregnancy without complications. An extraordinary problem can lead to disastrous consequences, including the threat of miscarriage and premature birth.

If you experience pain in the abdominal wall, heaviness and cramps in the abdomen, or bleeding, you need to stop self-medication and visit a doctor urgently. The doctor will help you choose the necessary laxative and explain how to take it correctly.

Don’t be ashamed of your “toilet problems” that force you to remain silent and hide your discomfort. Self-medication is unacceptable during pregnancy. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor. Let your pregnancy proceed joyfully and without hassle!