Where can you become infected with staphylococcus? Where can you get infected with Staphylococcus aureus?

If left untreated, Staphylococcus aureus can cause severe diseases in various organs and systems of the body. This article will tell you how to detect and treat Staphylococcus aureus.

Staph infections refer to a number of different diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria have the form of round cocci, which are located in pure culture in the form of grape bunches.

Staphylococci are the cause of diseases such as tonsillitis and pneumonia, purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (acne, pimples), enterocolitis and sepsis.

IMPORTANT: Pathogenic staphylococci are very dangerous and practically lead among purulent diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process, as they are highly resistant to antibiotics.

There are many varieties of these pathogenic bacteria, however, according to the degree of pathogenicity and the speed of spread of infection from the infected organ throughout the body, they are competitors of Staphylococcus aureus, or according to scientific Staphylococcus aureus, No.

Causes of Staphylococcus aureus

As paradoxical as it sounds, the bacterial baggage of the human body is replenished with Staphylococcus aureus in most cases in medical institutions.

Hospital workers, immunocompromised patients, diabetics, and women during their “critical days” are the main carriers of bacteria.

IMPORTANT: If a person’s immune system is strong enough, and there is no damage to the skin and mucous membranes, a small amount of staphylococcal bacteria that enter such an organism will not cause the disease. But if there is an open wound, or the number of bacteria is too high, then “trouble cannot be avoided.”

The golden ball of bacteria can be found in a variety of places: in the intestines, in the mouth and nasopharynx, in women in the most intimate places, in the armpits.

Staphylococcus aureus in infants and newborns: symptoms

The human body becomes familiar with these ubiquitous bacteria from the first second of its birth.

Having existed peacefully for 9 months in the mother’s womb, disinfected by nature, at the moment of birth, first passing through the birth canal, then applying to the breast, the child experiences an attack by a mass of various bacteria, among which Staphylococcus aureus is not the least important.

In most cases, the newborn copes with this infection without problems. However, imperfections in the gastrointestinal tract and immune system of the little man can lead to the development of pathology.

The following may contribute to the development of the disease:

  • pathological pregnancy and childbirth
  • premature birth
  • low birth weight
  • failure to comply with basic baby hygiene rules

How to determine the presence of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in a child’s body?

Typically, symptoms depend on which organ is damaged:

  • When infected skin acne, boils, redness, and, in general, various suppurations appear on the baby’s epidermis. The fluid that fills the purulent blisters is yellow-green or green in color. If you do not respond in time and do not start treatment, this can develop into sepsis (blood poisoning)
  • If the infection has settled on mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and throat, the baby complains of pain in these places. As the infection progresses, otitis, sinusitis, and sore throat are possible.
  • Getting inside the body, the pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus can cause ARVI, pneumonia and even meningitis. Such diseases are accompanied by fever, cough, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.
  • In case of exposure to toxins into the intestines there is a pathology in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with all the usual symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, lack of appetite and general weakness

IMPORTANT: It is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis based only on clinical characteristics, so it is necessary to undergo tests (blood, feces, cultures and scrapings) to make sure that the cause of the disease is the causative agent of Staphylococcus aureus.

Test results will help confirm or refute the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the body

Staphylococcus aureus in the throat: symptoms

If Staphylococcus aureus bacteria find refuge on the mucous membranes of the baby’s throat, this will definitely cause a sore throat.

Its symptoms are absolutely identical to streptococcal disease:

  • heat
  • sore throat up to difficulty swallowing
  • the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane and tonsils

In severe cases of the disease, disorders in the intestines and acute reluctance to eat are possible.

Staphylococcus aureus in the nose: symptoms

Every second person is a carrier of infection in the nasal cavity. Therefore, in this part of the body, staphylococcus is treated only when inflammation leads to a chronic runny nose.

IMPORTANT: As soon as favorable conditions appear (hypothermia, taking antibiotics, long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal medications, general decrease in immunity), bacteria begin to actively multiply, which leads to rhinitis and sinusitis.

Staphylococcus aureus in the intestines, in feces

The presence of a pathogen in the human intestine is normal, so there is no particular reason to panic.

IMPORTANT: If the concentration of bacteria exceeds the permissible limits (above 104 IU), immediate action must be taken.

Symptoms of staphylococcus localization in the intestines:

  • colic
  • intestinal disorders
  • bloody stool
  • mucus in stool
  • elevated body temperature

Incubation period is almost a day, so the first signs of infection will appear within a few hours after infection.

If diagnosed in time and correctly, this disease can be cured quickly and without consequences.

Colic and intestinal disorders are the main signs of the localization of Staphylococcus aureus in the intestines

If, as a result of an analysis of the child’s stool, Staphylococcus aureus is detected, but no pronounced clinical symptoms are observed, then the baby’s body gets along well with these bacteria and there is no need to go to war against them.

Staphylococcus aureus in adults

Adults, although less often than children, also suffer if the body becomes infected with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

There are two ways of developing the disease:

  • infection
  • intoxication

The development of the latter is possible only when golden bacteria settle in the body, producing toxins that purposefully penetrate the patient’s blood.

When the concentration of bacteria is extremely high, a very serious disease occurs - toxic shock. It occurs rarely and only in women, as it is associated with the use of tampons during “critical days.”

Almost all women have staphylococcus bacteria in the vagina, and during menstruation the outgoing blood should wash them away, but the tampon clogs the exit, and the accumulating bacteria begin to form toxins that are absorbed by the vessels.

As a result, a characteristic clinic can be traced:

  • slight fever
  • rash accompanied by peeling
  • headache
  • nausea
  • lowering blood pressure

A food toxic infection that develops as a result of eating stale dairy, meat and confectionery products is also a common occurrence.

The presence of staphylococcus bacteria in the body of the expectant mother, exceeding the norm, can harm both the woman herself and her unborn baby:

  • If the pathogen is on the skin, it can penetrate the mammary glands and cause purulent mastitis
  • When the pathogen overcomes the membrane of the fetus and infects the unborn newborn, it develops numerous, quite painful, skin purulent blisters
  • There are cases of staphylococcal bacteria entering the blood of a pregnant woman, resulting in, in addition to sepsis, inflammation of the heart membrane, leading to death

Staphylococcus aureus degree

One of the most pathogenic types of staphylococcus bacteria is Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. 4 degrees. But occasionally, asymptomatic presence of these bacteria in the body occurs.

IMPORTANT: Often the presence of grade 4 staphylococcus is accompanied by skin inflammatory processes, as a result of which the epidermis dries out and peels off.

Sometimes the functioning of the respiratory tract is disrupted, and pathology is observed in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system.

Staphylococcus aureus test: normal

In medicine, there are certain standards for the content of staphylococcus bacteria in the body.

If the analysis shows the presence of a staphylococcal infection of the fourth degree, it is worth thinking about how to strengthen the immune system and maximally fortify the body so as not to create a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

Is Staphylococcus aureus contagious and how is it transmitted?

The most unpleasant thing is that it is very easy to catch these “cute” golden-colored bacteria (hence the name), since their distributor in 96% of cases is a person.

Of this number, up to 40% are asymptomatic carriers of staphylococcus strains, that is, it turns out that you can become infected from an absolutely healthy person.

IMPORTANT: The easiest way for the pathogen to enter the body is through scratches, abrasions, wounds, as well as the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

If a person leads a correct and healthy lifestyle, his immunity is strong enough to resist the pathogen present in the body in small concentrations.

But if the motto “plow and fall” is the norm of life, then such an organism becomes an easy victim for bacteria and a favorable place for their reproduction.

No less significant factors for the development of infection are:

  • taking antibiotics
  • chronic diseases
  • the body of young children and elderly people whose immune systems are very unstable

The fragile body of a small child is an excellent target for Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus on the skin, on the face

When the pathogen gets on the skin and, under a favorable environment, begins to actively reproduce and multiply, most of the epidermis (neck, armpits, buttocks, inner thighs) of the infected person becomes covered purulent boils, causing unpleasant pain.

IMPORTANT: This skin inflammation may be accompanied by general weakness, fever, and increased temperature.

On the face, Staphylococcus aureus indicates its presence with acne and pimples.

IMPORTANT: Even with good general skin condition, staphylococcus will find a way to “show itself.” He can turn any, even the most harmless wound or scratch, into a huge inflamed purulent wound in a short time.

Staphylococcus aureus in milk

If it suddenly happens that staphylococcus is found in breast milk, the most important thing for a nursing mother is not to panic and not immediately stop breastfeeding her child.

However, you cannot ignore the symptoms either, since you can easily find yourself under the surgeon’s scalpel.

IMPORTANT: In this situation, you need to focus on the baby’s behavior: the baby eats, sleeps, poops regularly and normally, does not show obvious signs of anxiety, which means everything is fine and you need to continue feeding, since it is with breast milk that the baby receives the necessary antibodies to form his immune system systems.

Staphylococcus aureus in milk is not a reason to stop breastfeeding

If the child is restless and capricious, and the culture showed the presence of dysbacteriosis with a high concentration of staphylococcus bacteria, it is possible, without giving up breastfeeding, to treat the child with a variety of bacteriophages.

An infant’s anxiety with a confirmed staphylococcus infection is a reason for treatment

Staphylococcus aureus treatment drugs and antibiotics

Since Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are uniquely resistant to antibiotics, it makes no sense to use them to treat diseases that are not accompanied by serious pathology, because their presence will only aggravate the condition of the infected person, in whose body dysbiosis is already progressing.

IMPORTANT: Staphylococcus bacteria are actively mutating, quickly adapting to new medical discoveries in the fight against this infection.

If the pathogen worked too actively and brought the body to sepsis, pneumonia, facial furunculitis, the use of antibiotics is not only justified, but necessary, since subsequent complications can even lead to death.

You can use drugs such as:

  • methicillin
  • oxacillin
  • vancomycin

You can take antibiotics to treat Staphylococcus aureus only under the strict guidance of a doctor.

Often used to treat staphylococcal infections bacterial lysates:

  • IRS 19
  • imudon
  • broncho-munal
  • broncho wax

They encourage the body to produce antibodies.

Broncho-Vaxom is used in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus

No less popular is staphylococcal toxoid.
Alternatively you can use staphylococcal vaccine, which is a solution for subcutaneous injection.

An important place in staphylococcal therapy is occupied by bacteriophages.

IMPORTANT: There are many other drugs, but self-medication in this case is unacceptable; you need to contact a specialist who, after studying the test results and symptoms, will prescribe the correct treatment.

Staphylococcus aureus: alternative treatment

Some people prefer to use “recipes from grandma’s notebook” instead of traditional treatment. Here are a few recipes for effective remedies, according to users:

Recipe No. 1: The roots of parsley and celery in a 2:1 ratio are crushed and the juice is squeezed out, drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 2: 300 g of cranberries are mixed with 150 g of uncandied honey, ½ of the resulting mass is eaten in the morning half an hour before meals, the rest is consumed during the day between meals. This procedure must be carried out for at least a month.

Cranberries will defeat Staphylococcus aureus

Recipe No. 3: Progressive furunculosis can be cured as follows: pour 100 g of crushed garlic into 300 ml of warm water, leave for two hours, strain, soak a gauze swab in the resulting liquid and apply to the site of infection twice a day for two weeks.

Recipe No. 4: You can use this “panacea” for all manifestations of staphylococcal infection: a universal herbal mixture. For this, yarrow (0.3 kg), lupine and burdock leaves (0.25 kg each), nettle, plantain, oregano, St. John's wort, sweet clover, coltsfoot (0.15 kg each), cinquefoil roots and rose hips ( 0.1 kg each), calendula flowers, chamomile, dandelion roots and horsetail (0.05 kg each) are thoroughly mixed and half a glass of this mixture of herbs is poured into a liter of water and boiled for no more than 5 minutes. Then leave for 1 hour, filter and take half a glass every hour for the first two days before meals. The following days, the decoction is taken in the same dosage 4 times a day for two months.

Diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus

What diseases can a person get if Staphylococcus aureus keeps pace with him?

Among the most common:

  • Various diseases as the top layer skin, so subcutaneous tissue
  • Inflammation respiratory tract, manifested in the form tonsillitis and pneumonia
  • Diseases nasal and oral mucosa, otitis, conjunctivitis
  • Pathology nervous system, smoothly turning into meningitis
  • Disruption in work digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract
  • Inflammation genitourinary system: cystitis, urethritis

Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to successful treatment of Staphylococcus aureus

The main thing is, if you suspect a staphylococcal infection, do not remain indifferent to your health, do not self-medicate, but seek help from a specialist.

Video: Staphylococcus aureus symptoms, causes and treatment

Medicine currently knows about 27 types of staphylococcus, most of which are harmless to human health and are considered normal. Only 3 of them pose a real threat - saprophytic, epidermal and golden. The latter type of bacteria is especially dangerous for people with weakened immune systems.

How is staphylococcus transmitted?

If Staphylococcus aureus is detected in a smear, there is no need to panic, because infection with it can happen to anyone. In most cases, people do not feel the pathogenetic manifestations of the infection, remaining a carrier. There are several main ways how the infection is transmitted:

  • contact;
  • nutritional (through food);
  • aerogenic (by airborne droplets).

In children

The microbe can be detected in both newborn babies and older children. For the former, the likelihood of infection increases if the mother had this microorganism in a latent state during pregnancy and lactation. Staphylococcus aureus may be found in breast milk in pregnant women. It is possible to transmit the microbe from mother to child as it passes through the birth canal.

In adults

For people with strong immunity, such an infection is not dangerous. However, if a person has suffered an acute respiratory disease or has undergone long-term antibiotic therapy with drugs, is recovering from surgery, dysbacteriosis or an injury, the likelihood of developing diseases due to Staphylococcus aureus increases significantly. There are many more ways of infection in an adult:

  1. This can occur through sexual contact or communication with a carrier of such microbes.
  2. Sometimes infection occurs due to unsterile medical devices. One of the ways is with artificial ventilation of the lungs.
  3. Staphylococcus aureus can enter the body during hemodialysis or intravenous nutrition.

Causes of Staphylococcus aureus

To protect yourself from possible infection, you need to understand how Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted to humans. There are several main routes of infection, which can be divided into the following types:

  • through the respiratory tract;
  • mucous membranes;
  • blood;
  • with food;
  • through the skin through direct contact with contaminated objects.

In the throat and nose

Staphylococcus aureus lives on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, nose, and oral cavity. When sneezing or coughing, it leaves its carrier along with the air. In close contact with a sick person, a healthy person can inhale the infection, which easily enters the body. With a weak immune system and the presence of small cracks in the skin, the risk of disease increases. In severe cases, staphylococcal pneumonia develops, which ends in death.

In the intestines and feces

Food products become a favorable environment for the development of such microorganisms. As a rule, staphylococcus lives on dairy and confectionery products, less often on sausage and canned fish, and meat. Once microbes enter the body, they become the cause of foodborne illnesses. The bacteria themselves quickly die under the influence of gastric juice, but during their life, the microbe secretes an enterotoxin, which remains in food. If it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it causes symptoms of poisoning.

In the vagina

The female genital organs are equally susceptible to infection, as are the mucous membranes of the nose. Upon contact with contaminated objects (during a medical examination) or unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier of the infection, microorganisms can settle in the vagina. Sometimes they do not manifest themselves at all, but sometimes they cause burning, itching, and atypical discharge. In advanced cases, orange or yellow scales appear on the skin.

Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted through the air, by contact, through household objects and tools. The danger of infection is that a person may not even be aware that he or she is a carrier of the bacteria.

Not everyone is well aware of how Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted. It is he who is rightfully considered the most hostile representative of the family. Staphylococcus is transmitted through the air through dust and airborne droplets. Infection occurs through mucous membranes, skin, and unwashed hands. People can become infected through wounds, burns and other injuries on the body.

There are cases of bacteria entering the body due to violations of personal hygiene requirements, as well as through instruments and accessories that have not been properly treated. There is no need to doubt whether staphylococcus is sexually transmitted - it is possible. Additionally, the infection can spread through food.

Infection with staphylococcus occurs because the pathogen overcomes the defenses of the macroorganism. Transmission of staphylococcal infection by contact involves infection through touch. The bacterium reacts little to the factors by which the surrounding world influences it: it is resistant to temperature changes and some types of antiseptics.

Staphylococcus aureus often lives on human skin, but the danger of getting sick appears only with extensive wounds or against a background of weakened immunity. However, such a person can become infected with staphylococcus, since he is a carrier of the pathogen. Through direct contact with it, as well as through household objects, these pathogenic bacteria can spread.

Artificial infection

Staphylococcus can be transmitted through unsterilized instruments. Most often, such infection occurs when using instrumental research methods. Sometimes carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is observed after surgery. This situation is due to the high resistance of the bacterium to antiseptics used in surgery.

In addition, it is easy to encounter this microorganism in beauty salons when performing piercing and ear piercing procedures.

Aerogenic infection

When considering how staphylococcus can be transmitted, it is imperative to note airborne infection. Dangerous bacteria can often live on the nasal mucosa for a long time. In most cases, the carrier of staphylococcus is completely healthy. The growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms occurs with a decrease in immune forces. As a result, adults develop diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis and others. Pneumonia caused by staphylococcal infection is considered a particularly dangerous case.

Nutritional route

The source of Staphylococcus aureus can be food. Because the infection is resistant to heat and freezing, people often become infected through food of animal origin. When entering the stomach, the bacterium releases toxic substances that cause severe poisoning, but if there is no damage to the mucous membrane, it quickly dies under the influence of hydrochloric acid.

When a person has wounds on the gastric mucosa, the worst thing happens is that Staphylococcus aureus is dangerous: poisoning and the spread of infection, quickly leading to the death of a person, even if medical assistance is provided on time.

Infection of newborns from mother

Particular attention should be paid to the risk of infection of the child. How can you become infected through breast milk and why is staphylococcus dangerous? The staphylococcus found in milk enters the baby’s body both due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, and as a result of active foci of inflammation in the mother: cracked nipples, mastitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and others.

Staphylococcus living in milk can be transmitted to children, even if there are no symptoms of damage to the mammary glands.

Intrauterine infection is another possible route of transmission of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. How is the pathogen transmitted in this case? The infection penetrates through the amniotic fluid into the mucous membranes of the mouth, skin, respiratory tract, and food canal. If the integrity of the placenta is compromised.

What is the danger of infection

Obviously, it is quite easy to catch pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus, in particular. The routes of infection in adults and children may be different. It is impossible to determine visually whether a person is contagious, since he may be a carrier, but there are no signs of disease. It is worth knowing where staphylococcus comes from, since this bacterium is considered very dangerous. At the same time, infections caused by it, since the pathogen reacts little to external influences.

The routes of infection with staphylococcus are diverse, and this bacterium remains viable even at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Killing her is extremely difficult. Only boiling can destroy this microbe.

The bacterium primarily lives in the nasal cavity and armpit area. Frequent sources of infection are doctors, people suffering from chronic dermatitis, and drug addicts. In the absence of health problems, staphylococcus most often lives in the nose. But sometimes it happens that bacteria occur in the stomach, perineum, armpit area and hair follicles.

It is worth considering whether the child is dangerous, since more than 20% of children under 2 years of age can be sources of infection. The bacterium penetrates the nasal mucosa. Upon reaching the age of 4 to 6 years, it is detected in 30-50% of cases. Among adults, the number of carriers varies between 15-50%.

After hospitalization in a hospital, the likelihood of infection in a person will increase by approximately 20-30%. At risk are patients suffering from diabetes, taking antibiotics, and undergoing hemodialysis. Almost 35% of employees working in a particular medical institution may be hidden carriers of staphylococcus.

It happens that signs of the disease appear in women after their first menstruation. You should not begin treatment without finding out which antibiotics the infection is sensitive to. Such therapy will be ineffective. Every year, the number of strains resistant to common antibiotics is growing. It’s easy to get infected anywhere – in any public place. At the same time, the mortality rate from staphylococcus is approaching 30%.


Staphylococcus aureus is recognized as an extremely harmful bacterium, causing the development of more than 100 diseases. The infection can affect any organ, killing living cells and causing inflammation. Staphylococcus aureus can cause sepsis, endocarditis, and can affect joints.

Treating such an infection is not an easy task, but in most cases it is quite feasible. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner; after testing for the susceptibility of the bacteria to antibiotics, complex therapy is prescribed. As a rule, a course of antibacterial and sulfonamide drugs is required.

Since Staphylococcus aureus has the property of developing resistance to antibiotics, treatment is very difficult, especially if the infection does not occur for the first time. After completing the course of therapy, tests are re-administered, and if staphylococcus is not detected, then treatment is stopped. In case of a complex degree of infection, in addition to therapeutic measures, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the re-spread of the infection: get rid of vitamin deficiency, adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, control sweating, avoid injuries and remember how staphylococcus is transmitted in order to avoid “meeting” with it.

Staphylococcus is a bacterium that can cause many infectious diseases in humans that vary in location, symptoms and severity.

There are 27 types of staphylococci, and 14 of them can live on the epidermis and mucous membranes of a healthy person. To protect yourself from a number of ailments, you need to know how staphylococcus is transmitted and where you can become infected with it.

Routes of transmission of staphylococcus

Hand washing is a way to protect against staphylococcus

The main routes of infection with staphylococcus, leading to the development of diseases, primarily of the respiratory system, are airborne dust and airborne droplets. Inhaling bacteria along with air, droplets of saliva of the human carrier and dust, they penetrate into the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. As bacteria descend, they can cause bronchitis and pneumonia.

Together with dust, dirty hands or through contaminated dressings, the pathogen can get onto the wound or burn surface - this is how they become infected with staphylococcus. Cracks in the nipples of a nursing woman, scratches and microtraumas on the skin, for example, the place where a hangnail is torn off, can also become entry points. All this leads to suppuration.

People infected with staphylococcus or who are its carriers pose a greater threat. They spread pathogenic microorganisms through household items, food, personal hygiene items, and a handshake. Such people working as cooks, waiters, and medical workers pose a particular danger.

Intestinal infections occur when staphylococcus is transmitted through dirty hands. This route of infection is possible when personal hygiene is not observed after visiting public toilets, or when a person does not wash his hands before eating. Another option for the penetration of a microorganism into the digestive tract is dishes that have not been processed according to all rules in catering establishments, kindergartens, schools, and hospitals. This can lead to real epidemics.

Another method of transmission of staphylococcus bacteria occurs in the absence of asepsis and antisepsis in dental and manipulation rooms, surgical hospitals and beauty salons. Staphylococcus is transmitted through contaminated equipment directly into the blood, which can lead not only to the formation of abscesses and cellulitis, but also to sepsis.

The infection enters the genitourinary system through untreated catheters, unprotected sexual intercourse (including as a result of oral sex, if one of the partners is sick with staphylococcal sore throat). Penetrating through the urethra along the ascending path, the pathogen can cause various inflammatory diseases, including prostatitis, cystitis, nephritis, orchitis, vaginitis, endometritis.

Staphylococcus is transmitted along with contaminated food products when preparation or storage technology is violated; most often, the source of many diseases can be unboiled milk or raw eggs obtained from sick animals.

The danger of staphylococcus infection during childbirth

Why and how is staphylococcal infection transmitted in the maternity hospital? The greatest danger is posed by staphylococcus, which a newborn becomes infected with in the maternity hospital. The pathogen can cause the development of dermatitis, damage to the bronchi and lungs, umbilical wound, eyes, cause severe intestinal dysbiosis and even sepsis in a child. For the mother, the bacterium is no less dangerous, as it can lead to mastitis and infection of the birth canal and genitourinary system as a whole.

The most terrible consequences occur when Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted to the child from the environment, air and objects of the maternity hospital, which is often the cause of hospital infections that cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Let's list how you can become infected with staphylococcus in a maternity hospital:

  1. from mother to baby, during childbirth, through the genitals, as well as during breastfeeding, in the presence of mastitis;
  2. when visiting relatives who are carriers, during close contact between people;
  3. from infected medical personnel;
  4. in the presence of a pathogen in the air, on instruments, equipment, in food products, including infant formula.

When and how can you get a staph infection? It is not always that when a microbe gets on the mucous membranes, skin or respiratory tract, one or another disease develops.

This requires the presence of a contributing factor, a decrease in the body’s protective reactions when there is no required level of immunity, as a result of:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • transferred viral diseases, including influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • the presence of HIV or malignant neoplasms, especially against the background of radiotherapy and chemotherapy;
  • after operations, polytraumas, childbirth;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • neonatal period.