How to take Regulon after a break of 3 months. Regulon - instructions for the use of birth control pills, composition, side effects, analogues and price

The hormonal drug Regulon is an oral medication aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancy. Tablets belong to the group of monophasic contraceptives. Regulon has established itself as one of the most popular medications among combined oral contraceptive drugs. This popularity is primarily due to the high level of efficiency and ease of use. The drug copes well not only with its main function - preventing unwanted conception, but also promotes the formation of a more even menstrual cycle, and also reduces the intensity of pain caused by endometrial rejection.

Dosage form

The drug Regulon is a round biconvex tablet. They have a film coating and markings (“RG”, “P8”) on both sides of each tablet. The color of the medication is white or close to it.

Packages of Regulon tablets contain one or three blisters, 21 tablets each.

Description and composition

Among the active ingredients in Regulon are:

  • 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol;
  • 0.15 mg desogestrel.

List of excipients:

  • stearic acid;
  • alpha tocopherol;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

The film shell consists of three components, including:

  • macrogol 6000;
  • hypromellose;
  • propylene glycol.

Pharmacological group

Regulon is classified as a combined estrogen-gestagen-containing hormonal contraceptive drug, while classifying it in the group of monophasic contraceptives for oral use. The main contraceptive effect of the drug is the suppression of ovulatory processes, as well as inhibition of the synthesis of gonadotropins. The substances contained in Regulon make cervical mucus more viscous. In this regard, the movement of sperm cells through the canal in the cervix slows down. And even in the case of fertilization, attachment of the egg to the endometrial layer becomes impossible due to changes in the endometrium caused by the action of the active components of the drug.

Ethinyl estradiol, found in Regulon, is a synthetic analogue of endogenous estradiol. The second active ingredient, Desogestrel, has pronounced antiestrogenic and gestagenic effects.

Regulon is also characterized by a general positive effect on lipid metabolism, this is associated with an increase in the amount of high-density lipoproteins. At the same time, the concentration of low-density lipoproteins remains unchanged.

When using Regulon tablets by women with excessively heavy menstrual bleeding, a decrease in the total volume of blood released is observed. Another positive result of using the drug is the normalization of the menstrual cycle and improvement of skin condition.

Indications for use

The drug Regulon has a specific list of indications for use, but none of them require consultation with a doctor before starting use. Take only after prescription by your doctor.

for adults

The product is used for:

  • preventing unwanted conception;
  • normalizing a disrupted menstrual cycle;
  • therapy;
  • relief of painful periods.

for children

Regulon can be taken by children and adolescents only after menarche.

The ability of the drug's components to pass into breast milk causes a complete ban on the use of Regulon by women who are carrying or breastfeeding a child.


The hormonal drug Regulon has an impressive list of conditions and pathologies that act as contraindications for use. Among them:

  • allergic reactions to the active components of the tablets;
  • pregnancy, period of breastfeeding;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis;
  • stroke;
  • cancerous tumors in the uterus or mammary glands;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • serious liver pathologies;
  • complicated diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • otosclerosis that appeared during a previous pregnancy;
  • serious lipid metabolism disorders;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • Erythema nodosum.

Applications and dosages

The drug is used in the absence of contraindications and after mandatory consultation with the attending physician.

for adults

Regulon should be taken orally for 21 days, one tablet at a time. The best solution would be to take the drug at the same time.

You should start taking it on the first day of your cycle. Then the drug is taken for 21 days, after which you should take a break from using the product for seven days. During this period, bleeding similar to menstruation is observed. After a seven-day break, the medication is resumed on day 21, even if bleeding is still ongoing. The regimen of use is absolutely the same for the entire subsequent period while the woman needs to prevent unwanted pregnancy. When taking the drug in accordance with all the rules, the contraceptive effect is maintained both during the 21-day drug intake and during the break.

You can also start taking Regulon tablets from the 2nd to the 5th day of the cycle. This initiation option requires the use of barrier methods of contraception for the first seven days.

If a woman has given birth to a child, then after 21 days she can start taking Regulon. A preliminary consultation with a specialist is required. However, if you have had sexual intercourse after childbirth, which occurred before you started taking the combined oral contraceptive, you should postpone the start of use for one menstrual cycle. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of fertilization.

In case of an abortion, the use of the drug should be started on the day of the operation. This does not apply to cases where there are contraindications.

When a woman switches to this drug from contraceptives that contain only progestogen, the Regulon tablet is taken on the first day of the cycle. No additional precautions are required. However, in the absence of menstruation until pregnancy has been ruled out, you should not start using Regulon. After pregnancy has been ruled out, it is possible to start taking pills, but during the first seven days it is necessary to use additional barrier contraceptives.

You must take the pills on time and not skip doses. If you still miss taking a contraceptive, you need to take immediate action.

  • You are less than twelve hours late taking your medication.

In this case, take the tablet immediately and continue using the drug as usual.

  • You are more than twelve hours late taking your medication.
    • This happened during the first or second week of the menstrual cycle.

Take two tablets at once and use barrier contraception until the end of the cycle.

  • This happened in the third week of the cycle.

Continue use as usual and after finishing the blister, start taking it without interruption for seven days. There is a risk of conception. Use other methods of contraception.

If you experience stomach upset after taking the tablet, you must take an additional tablet within the next 12 hours. If the symptoms do not disappear within the prescribed period, seven days of additional protection becomes necessary.

for children

The use of the product by children is allowed only after the first menstruation. The dosage and method of administration are selected individually by the doctor.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Taking Regulon during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended and is extremely dangerous for the baby’s health.

Side effects

The hormonal drug Regulon has a fairly extensive list of side effects. The occurrence of any of these symptoms requires immediate discontinuation of use of the medication.

Gastrointestinal tract:

  • feeling of nausea, urge to;
  • liver dysfunction (rare).

Reproductive system:

  • bleeding between periods;
  • denormalization of vaginal microflora;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • decreased libido;
  • uterine fibroids (rare).

Circulatory system:

  • hypertension;
  • thrombosis (extremely rare).

Nervous system:

  • unstable mood;
  • migraine-like headache;
  • depressed mood.

Endocrine system:

  • increase in body weight.

Other side effects:

  • skin rashes;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • discomfort in the eyes when wearing contact lenses;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Interaction with other drugs

The likelihood of bleeding becomes greater if you simultaneously take medications that induce liver enzymes. At the same time, the contraceptive effect of Regulon becomes less pronounced.

In patients with diabetic disease, Regulon can increase the need for substances that lower blood sugar levels.

special instructions

The drug can be used after general medical and gynecological examinations. During your appointment, it is necessary to carry out preventive examinations every six months. If any side effects occur or complications of existing diseases occur, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

Discontinuation of the drug is required in case of surgery.

Regulon does not provide protection against the transmission of sexually transmitted infectious pathologies, as well as HIV infection.


Overdose with Regulon has been observed extremely rarely in clinical practice. However, if you take a high dose of the drug, the following may occur:

  • severe pain in the head;
  • difficult and painful digestion;
  • cramps in the calf muscles.

If an overdose of this medication is detected, symptomatic treatment is carried out.


Instead of Regulon, the following drugs can be used:

  1. is a monophasic oral contraceptive with antiandrogenic properties. The drug contains dienogest and ethinyl estradiol as active ingredients. It is produced in pills, which are recommended as a contraceptive.
  2. is a substitute for Regulon in the clinical and pharmacological group. The drug is recommended as a means of preventing the onset of unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive can be taken after the arrival of the first menstruation.
  3. The cost of the medicine is on average 792 rubles. Prices range from 363 to 1500 rubles.

Increasingly, women are choosing oral medications as a means of contraception. Properly selected birth control pills will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also stabilize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle. One of the most famous representatives of such hormonal drugs is Regulon, a new generation monophasic drug with proven high efficiency.

Description of the product

Regulon tablets are round in shape, white in color and marked on both sides - “RG” on one side and “P8” on the other side. The tablets are packaged in a blister, on the surface of which the serial numbers of the tablets are marked, and it is also possible to mark the day of the week to start taking the drug.

The basis of the contraceptive is two hormones: ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic (that is, artificially produced) analogue of the hormone estradiol. Its molecular structure is absolutely identical to the structure of its natural prototype. Desogestrel is a chemical analogue of progesterone.

Details about the main hormones

Ethinyl estradiol is used to treat diseases of the endocrine system and oncology.

But the main area of ​​application remains gynecology.

Medicines containing ethinyl estradiol are prescribed for the following problems:

With long-term use of drugs with synthetic estrogen, thickening of the endometrium, vaginal and cervical mucous membranes occurs. The concentration of cholesterol and its derivatives in the blood decreases.

Desogestrel affects the viscosity of cervical mucus, regulates hormonal levels to a level corresponding to the early follicular phase, and causes inhibition of ovulation. The scope of desogestrel is limited only to contraception.

Mechanism of action of the contraceptive

The combination of two hormones guarantees a high level of the contraceptive effect of Regulon. The Pearl index - an indicator characterizing the level of reliability of the method of protection - for Regulon is in the range from 0.1 to 0.9. For comparison, the Pearl index of the intrauterine device ranges from 0.9−3 depending on the manufacturer.

Such indicators are achieved due to the fact that:

In addition to the main task - protection from unwanted pregnancy - "Regulon" stimulates lipid metabolism, which allows some women to lose weight, reduces the amount of blood loss during menstruation and reduces the number of acne on the skin. It is noted that when taking Regulon, manifestations of PMS - both emotional and general somatic - can completely disappear.

Contraindications and side effects

Before purchasing birth control pills, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. This rule applies not only to Regulon, but also to any other medications.

The use of Regulon is contraindicated in the following cases:

Some women experience side effects when taking Regulon, which force them to abandon hormonal contraception or select another remedy.

Individual reactions of the body are almost impossible to predict, and often the result of taking the drug is strikingly different from what was expected.

The most common - based on doctors’ observations and reviews - The side effects of Regulon are as follows:

Rules for taking birth control pills

To ensure that you do not become pregnant, it is important to take Regulon correctly, following the recommendations specified in the instructions.

You need to start taking the drug on the first day of the cycle, that is, on the day your period begins. If a woman starts taking pills from the second to the fifth day of the cycle, it is recommended to use condoms for a week as additional protection. If you start taking Regulon after the 5th day of your cycle, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced and there is a risk of becoming pregnant.

One package of Regulon is designed for one menstrual cycle, that is, you need to take one tablet once a day. It is recommended to follow 24-hour time intervals and take the tablets at approximately the same time of day. To remember to take birth control, you can set a reminder on your smartphone.

If a girl misses taking a contraceptive pill at the usual time, then according to the instructions, you can take the medicine within 12 hours, and the effectiveness of the contraceptive will not be reduced. If 12 hours have already passed, then it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • in the first two weeks of the cycle, it is enough to take 2 contraceptive pills the day after the missed period and use barrier methods of contraception until the end of the package;
  • at a later date, you need to continue taking the tablets according to the usual regimen, that is, 1 piece per day, but at the same time refuse to take a break and, after finishing one package, immediately start using the drug from the next one.

After 21 regular tablets, the time comes for a seven-day break. Menstruation should normally occur during this period. On the eighth day, even if the bleeding continues, you need to open a new package of pills and start taking the pills.

In some cases, girls do not take a break and immediately start taking pills from the next package. This helps to move menstruation to a later date. Most often, women resort to this method in order to spend their vacation comfortably and not worry about the condition of their swimsuit. Even more often, athletes artificially regulate their cycle so as not to weaken the body during competitions.

Whatever the reasons, it is important to remember that although the manufacturer allows the possibility of taking several packages in a row, it does not recommend using this method for a long time. Without a break, you can take no more than two packages of 21 tablets.

Special situations

Gynecologists can prescribe birth control pills to women after childbirth, for example, if breastfeeding is undesirable, as well as after an abortion.

In the first case, you need to start drinking Regulon 21 days after the baby is born.

After termination of pregnancy, birth control pills are started on the first day. Taking hormonal medications after an abortion is necessary to restore normal ovarian function and compensate for the synthesis of progesterone, which is reduced during pregnancy.

The transition to Regulon after discontinuation of other hormonal drugs is carried out as follows:

  • if there are 28 tablets in a package of a contraceptive, Regulon should be taken the next day after the 28th tablet is taken;
  • if there are 21 tablets in the package, then after finishing taking it you need to take a break of 7 days and start taking Regulon on the eighth day.

To protect yourself, in the first seven days of taking Regulon, it is recommended to use additional non-hormonal methods of protection or refrain from intimacy in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

Reduced effect

The effectiveness of Regulon may be affected by other medications if taken at the same time. These are mainly antibiotics, hepatoprotectors, antidepressants and some types of antispasmodics.

The manufacturer does not guarantee 100% safety in case of vomiting, loose stools or skipping a dose.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of irregular bleeding outside the 7-day break period. If a girl notices such a symptom, she needs to continue taking the pills from the current cycle and monitor the presence of menstruation during the break between packs. Lack of menstrual bleeding or spotting at unusual times may be a sign of pregnancy.

How to take Regulon? You need to learn how to use these contraceptive pills correctly and consciously. They are often used by the fairer sex as a contraceptive, since this drug is considered an effective protection against unwanted pregnancy.

At the same time, it regulates some metabolic processes in the female body.

This is a modern contraceptive drug, the medicinal substances in which are desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. They are in volumes that allow you to achieve a contraceptive effect.

Compared to other medications of this kind, Regulon has the following advantages that make it indispensable for women:

  1. If a representative of the fairer sex has heavy menstruation before using the medicine, then after using this medicine the blood loss will be significantly less.
  2. If a rash in the form of acne is observed, then after using Regulon the condition of the skin will improve dramatically.
  3. The use of the drug regulates lipid metabolism in the blood in such a way that high-density lipoproteins appear in it, which prevent the development of symptoms of atherosclerosis.

Regulon protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Under the influence of the drug, the production of hormones responsible for reproduction (gonadotropins) is interrupted. This leads to blocking the ovulation process.
  2. The mucus that is located on the cervix, under the influence of the drug, changes its composition and becomes a serious obstacle that prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.
  3. In some cases (very rarely), ovulation does occur, but this does not lead to fertilization of the egg, since it is not able to firmly attach to the walls of the uterus due to the thinning of the endometrium under the influence of the drug.

How is this drug taken?

A box of Regulon tablets contains 21 tablets, so you can start taking the medicine by taking any of them.

The drug is used according to the following scheme: the woman should take the first tablet on the 1st day of the cycle. On the following days (it is not recommended to skip, otherwise the contraceptive effect may not work), you should take the pills at the same time as on the first day.

After a woman has used all 21 tablets, she must take a break for 7 days. During this period bleeding should begin. Reception should be continued on the eighth day, opening a new Regulon after the break. This is done in any case, regardless of the beginning and end of menstruation.

If everything is done according to the instructions given above, the contraceptive effect of the drug will appear from the first day. If the use of pills began from the 2nd to the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, then the woman will need to take additional protection for a whole week. If the patient starts using Regulon after the fifth day, it will not bring any effect.

How long can you take Regulon? It can be used as long as contraception is needed. There are no other time restrictions.

If a woman’s doctor recommended using Regulon after an abortion (curettage), then she can start on the day of these manipulations.

If a woman has recently given birth, she can use this contraceptive as early as 21 days after birth. But this can only be done in cases where a young mother cannot (or does not want) to breastfeed her child.

If she starts using Regulon later than the specified period, then additional precautions will need to be taken.

What to do if a woman misses taking a pill?

As mentioned above, the contraceptive Regulon must be taken without skipping days at the same time. Only then will it have the effect indicated in the instructions on the body. What to do if for some reason the patient was unable to take the next pill on time?

If no more than 12 hours have passed since the last use of this medicine, then the drug is taken according to the basic scheme, and there is no need for additional protection.

If more than 12 hours have passed, then you must act according to these recommendations. The next day after skipping, a woman should take 2 tablets, and then a day later switch to taking 1 tablet per day.

But at the same time you will need to take additional protection for 7-14 days. After this period, the patient should take the pill that she missed and continue taking it according to the instructions until the package runs out. It is recommended to take other contraceptive measures.

In this case, there is no need to take a break of a week between packages - start using the next portion of the drug.

Many women ask whether it is possible to switch to Regulon if they have previously used another drug. To do this, do this: if the previous medicine in the pack had 28 tablets, then immediately after they are finished, you can use Regulon according to the instructions. If the package of the previous medicine contained 21 tablets, then use of Regulon begins exactly one week after the end of the course of the previous medicine.

If a woman has taken medications containing progesterone, then it is recommended to take Regulon after them on the first day of the menstrual cycle if there is menstruation.

But if it is not there, then a woman can use Regulon any day, but pregnancy should be excluded.

Birth control pills are the most popular, effective and safe method of contraception for women’s health. Today, their beneficial therapeutic effect is being assessed to a greater extent, along with their main function – protection from unplanned pregnancy.

The article will talk about the Hungarian medicine Regulon, the peculiarities of its use, contraindications, as well as some side effects of this drug.


Contraception is used orally to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Regulon is often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of many gynecological diseases, as well as for therapeutic purposes, to stabilize the menstrual cycle and hormone balance, stop vaginal bleeding, and compensate for progesterone deficiency.

This medication provides an almost 100% guarantee of protection if the instructions are strictly followed.

Side effects of contraceptives can be serious and require immediate discontinuation of the drug. There is also a moderate group, that is, a woman can continue to take pills for some time.

Review of Regulon - many side effects (mandarinka92,

Let's look at the side effects medium and light weight:

  • Often, when starting to use Regulon, a woman may experience bloody issues, which have nothing to do with the menstrual cycle.
  • If you suddenly stop taking pills after taking them for a long time, you may experience endometrial rejection, which leads to the absence of menstrual bleeding, as a result of which a woman cannot become pregnant.
  • It may happen while taking pills changes in the normal microflora of the vagina. In this case, thrush or bacterial vulvovaginitis often occurs.
  • Tablets often cause stomach upset. In this case, the woman may experience nausea accompanied by vomiting. This side effect is also characterized by stool upset.
  • Frequent mood swings, prolonged depression- also refers to a side effect of the contraceptive.
  • The most common symptom of an adverse reaction in the body is painful sensations, which can be localized in the lower abdomen or in the form of headaches.
  • Very often, patients complain that when taking Regulon they become gain weight quickly. Fullness is another side effect. In fact, the hormones themselves that are contained in the tablets do not affect weight gain, but can significantly increase a woman’s appetite, as a result of which the patient gains weight.
  • Like any other drug, Regulon can provoke allergic reaction in the form of skin itching and rash.
  • Possible swelling that occurs in the morning.

The above symptoms are of moderate severity, that is, they do not require immediate discontinuation of the drug.

In case of side effects, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Only a doctor can select individual birth control pills.

Regulon: severe side effects

Review of the side properties of Regulon (Ladl3ndiya,

We list some pathologies and symptoms that require urgent drug withdrawal:

  • Serious side effects include diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. It is worth noting that serious side effects are very rare, occurring in approximately 0.01 cases. Otherwise, the drug would not be on sale in pharmacy chains.
  • Blood clots in the lower extremities, hepatic thromboembolism, and heart attack or stroke may develop.
  • It is possible to develop atherosclerosis, which causes complications in the form of deterioration of vision and hearing.
  • If a woman starts taking pills during pregnancy, this can cause a miscarriage or affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

In what cases is taking pills prohibited?

Let's consider some factors in which taking the drug Regulon is strictly contraindicated:

  • If a woman is carrying a child or a pregnancy test shows two lines.
  • Serious liver pathologies.
  • Malignant formations.
  • If the patient notices spotting independent of the menstrual cycle.
  • Breastfeeding a baby.
  • Vein diseases, including thromboembolism of various etiologies.
  • Regular high blood pressure. In this case we are talking about an indicator higher than 160\100.

Doctors' opinions and women's reviews

(can be enlarged)

Despite some side effects that occasionally occur in women, doctors speak positively about this drug. Regulon is highly effective in terms of contraceptive action; in addition, it perfectly resolves cysts and is used in the treatment of other pathologies.