Old Soviet blue lamp. Blue lamp for warming up the nose: help in the treatment of ENT diseases

Physiotherapy uses many methods to influence the body. They all differ in the principle of action and the end result. One of the devices that is used at home is Minin lamp.

Let's get acquainted with the principle of operation of the reflector. Let's find out how it differs from ultraviolet radiation. What diseases does the device treat? In what cases should the device not be used? How to properly warm your ear with a blue lamp? Let's look into these issues.

The Minin reflector is popularly known as a blue lamp. A physiotherapeutic warming device was invented in 1991 by Russian military doctor A.V. Minin. In those days, it was used for medical purposes to treat neuralgia. It consists of a pen, a regular incandescent light bulb, but made of blue glass and a reflective shade. The device is designed on the principle of a reflector - the light from the lamp is focused by reflectors and directed to the sore spot. . Modern devices are available in different diameters and bendable handles. The 16 cm reflector is used in children and adults.

Minin reflector is an ultraviolet or blue lamp

Buyers of the device ask how the device treats. First of all, let's clarify that ultravioletand the blue lamp are fundamentally different devices. Most people confuse them. They think that the blue lamp is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and you can sunbathe under it, wearing glasses, and also disinfect the room. In fact, it does not have bactericidal properties, which means it is not suitable for tanning, air disinfection and is not used for jaundice in newborns.

Important! The blue heat lamp produces infrared rays that can penetrate the upper layers of the skin. The device produces dry heat. This is what determines the therapeutic effect. At home, you can use any light bulb. The advantage of blue color is that it prevents overheating of the skin and protects the eyes from bright light.

Ultraviolet rays are produced by a quartz lamp, which is used for pustular skin diseases. But it is not recommended for her to use it for tanning, but it is better to go to a solarium.

When not to use a reflector

The instructions for use indicate that the blue lamp has contraindications. Blue lamp treatment cannot be carried out in such cases;

  • elevated temperature;
  • during pregnancy;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • open wounds;
  • acute inflammatory diseases – sinusitis, otitis media;
  • malignant tumors;
  • disturbance of cerebral blood flow;
  • for heart diseases;
  • during recovery from injury.

Method of using the device

If the attending physician additionally prescribed dry heat, the procedure will speed up recovery. However, you need to know how to use the blue lamp:

  • The patient must sit comfortably to endure the procedure, which lasts up to 15 minutes.
  • The device is directed from the side. During the session, you need to close your eyes, because heat dries out the mucous membranes and can cause conjunctivitis. Before warming up, you should also remove your contact lenses.
  • It is better to treat a small child in his sleep, covering his eyes with a scarf. During warming up, check the degree of heating with your hand. You can regulate the heat by the distance from the lamp to the skin.
  • The device is brought closer to the sore spot at a distance of 20–60 cm.
  • Warm up three times a day. The last procedure is best done before bed.
  • The duration of the session, depending on age, is 5–10–15 minutes.
  • The number of procedures per course is no more than 20 per month.
  • After treatment, it is forbidden to go out into the cold.

The next course of treatment can begin no earlier than in a month.

Nose treatment

A blue lamp for a runny nose can only be used on the first day of ARVI, when the temperature has not yet risen. How to warm your nose with a blue lamp? The light is concentrated on the back of the nose. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, at first for 3 minutes. Every day, the warm-up duration is increased by 1 minute, bringing it to 7 minutes. A course of treatment requires 5–6 procedures. If thick yellow nasal discharge appears during treatment, treatment is stopped because this is a sign of a bacterial infection. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. A blue lamp is used for a runny nose and during the recovery period to accelerate the regeneration of the nasal mucosa.

Ear treatment

If the doctor recommended dry heat after the examination, the procedure will help you recover faster. A blue lamp for otitis is used only at the beginning of pain in the outer or inner ear. There should not be any discharge from the ears or fever. How to warm your ear with a blue lamp? To warm the inflamed area well, the auricle is moved upward and backward. Start warming up with two and increase to 10 minutes 2-3 times a day. The child begins to be warmed with one, increasing to 5 minutes per session. If you notice ear discharge, stop the procedure immediately and consult a doctor.

A lamp for warming up the ear is used during the recovery period to eliminate residual inflammation due to eustachitis, nasal congestion, etc. Warming the ear with a blue lamp stimulates blood circulation and helps restore the functions of the hearing aid.

Use for colds

At the first signs of a cold, dry heat eliminates pain in the larynx, reduces a runny nose, and prevents the disease from developing. A blue lamp for warming up the nose is aimed at the bridge of the nose. When there is a cold, children's soles are also warmed with a reflector instead of mustard in their socks. Biological points of internal organs are projected on the feet. Warming the feet for 5 minutes 2 times a day tones the body and stimulates the immune system.

The reflector is used as an additional means of treatment when the body needs to be helped to cope with an illness with the help of heat. The blue lamp is used for inflammatory processes at the onset of the disease and during the recovery period. The device speeds up recovery and prevents complications at an early stage of the disease.

A forgotten unit called the Minin reflector is a device from the field of heat therapy that can cope well with many diseases. This device was popular in Soviet times; it was most often used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the ENT organs. Today we will remember or find out for those who have not heard what it is for warming up, reviews about it, as well as the price of this device.

Minin unit - what is it?

Another name for this device is the Minin reflector; it was first used by a Russian military doctor, whose name you already know. This device is a directing reflector with an infrared emitter - an ordinary lamp with a blue bulb. This is an effective remedy that can be used to cure the following ailments:

Principle of operation

This device collects rays on a small area of ​​skin, causing local hyperemia in it. And this acts as an analgesic and also a resolving agent.

Such a directing flow of rays contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient.

The Minin reflector is an excellent heat therapy device, the effect of which is to treat with dry heat. The radiation in the unit is infrared, not ultraviolet, as many people believe. The influence of the reflector on the human body leads to a lightning-fast increase in metabolic processes, during which the rate of healing and tissue restoration increases several times. The effect of the device leads to improved blood circulation, as a result of which every cell of the patient’s body will be supplied with oxygen, and this will lead to a sharp increase in the energy of the entire immune system.

Use of the Minin reflector in the treatment of the nose

A blue heating lamp, the use of which is appropriate not only for adults, but also for children, is most often used to treat a runny nose. Now let’s find out how to use it correctly.

  1. Before turning on the device, you need to protect your eyes, and to do this you need to cover them with some kind of thick bandage or rag.
  2. If you have a runny nose, you need to hold the lamp at the level of the bridge of your nose at a distance of 20-60 cm from the skin. In this case, you need to maintain a distance in such a way as to feel a pronounced, but not burning, heat. The beams of the device should fall at an angle, and not at a right angle.
  3. The duration of one procedure should be no more than 20 minutes. The number of daily sessions should be limited to two or three. A full course of treatment for a runny nose should not exceed 4 days.

The Minin lamp is used by many parents not only to warm up the baby’s nose. Some mothers and fathers use the device instead of mustard plasters and cans, pointing the device at the back. They also use the lamp, replacing it with socks with mustard or steaming their feet, using the unit on the child’s heels.

Contraindications for using the Minin reflector

There are restrictions under which you cannot use a device called a blue warming lamp. Its use is unacceptable in the following cases:

High basal temperature;


Malignant formations;


Various purulent processes (this includes heating during sinusitis);


Cerebrovascular accident.

Preparing the lamp for use

  1. Pull the device out of the box and carefully straighten the cord.
  2. Screw the blue lamp into the socket.
  3. Connect the device to the network.
  4. Turn on the blue lamp with the switch.

Upon completion of work

When the procedure is completed, the device must be folded, and for this:

  1. Turn off the device with the switch, unplug the cord from the socket.
  2. Do not place objects that could catch fire near the lamp.
  3. Under no circumstances should you disassemble the reflector while it is plugged in.
  4. Do not allow moisture to come into contact with the lamp while it is operating.

Rules for using the lamp for small children

Children aged 0 to 3 years are not prohibited from performing medical procedures using a device such as the Minin reflector. And the rules for using the equipment in this case are as follows:

The blue lamp is an ultraviolet device

Many people mistakenly believe that the Minin reflector emits radiation. To some extent, they are right, but this device does not produce ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is fundamentally wrong to think that you can disinfect the air with such a unit or sunbathe under it. There is another type of device that can be used to disinfect a room, but it is not a blue lamp at all. “Sun” is an ultraviolet irradiator that is used to disinfect the air in an apartment or house. Therefore, it is wrong to confuse these two completely different units. If the Minin warming lamp acts directly on human organs, then the “Sun” irradiator is used only in relation to the elimination of microbes in the room.

Using the Minin reflector for sinusitis

Many parents ask the question: “Is it possible to warm sinusitis with a blue lamp?” Answer: no on your own. Treatment with a blue lamp can even complicate the situation, and instead of helping the patient, you will only make the situation worse. The use of such a device can only eliminate the external signs of the disease, but it does not eliminate the causes. Only an experienced doctor after examination will be able to prescribe effective therapy. Therefore, it is impossible to self-medicate, let alone warm up sinusitis with a Minin reflector.


The cost of a blue lamp depends on the manufacturer. Thus, the Russian-Chinese manufacturing company Armed sets prices for this device at 1000-1500 rubles. For a similar product from the Russian company Key-Golden, the price is also about the same - 1100-1600 rubles. And the cost itself will be 140-200 rubles. If you buy in bulk, then such a product will naturally be cheaper by about 200-300 rubles. That is, you can save on the incandescent lamp itself, so if you want to save some money, you can put together an order (perhaps your family, friends, and acquaintances also need such a unit) and buy the device cheaper than it is sold at retail.

Positive reviews

Minin's reflector has mostly positive echoes. This lamp has received the greatest praise for the treatment of runny nose, as well as acute respiratory diseases in both children and adults. Many people note the fact that thanks to the use of such a device, immediately after the first symptoms of an illness appear, the patient’s well-being immediately improves, the person spends less time being sick and recovers faster.

Also, for mothers whose children suffered from otitis media, such a lamp was a real salvation, since it was able to relieve incredible ear pain in the shortest possible time, and the child quickly calmed down.

An important advantage of this unit is the simplicity of its operation, which parents also could not help but note. I plugged the device into the outlet, warmed up the desired area of ​​the body, following the instructions for use, and then unplugged the device from the outlet. It is very easy to use, which is why the blue warming lamp has flattering and approving reviews.

Negative reviews from parents about the device

The blue lamp has not only positive but also negative reviews. Some moms and dads are disappointed with the build quality of the unit. They say that in the old Soviet times, such lamps had a heat-resistant black rubber band around the perimeter, which performed a protective function. And today they are starting to produce Chinese counterfeits, which are unsafe and there is a high risk of getting burned.

To avoid disastrous consequences, it is necessary to choose this unit correctly. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer - if a Chinese device is in doubt, then take a closer look at the Russian or Ukrainian versions of the reflector. Secondly, check the build quality, thirdly, pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate, and fourthly, the warranty.

People also note the fact that it is sometimes difficult to purchase the device due to its lack of availability in pharmacies. There are a lot of blue incandescent lamps, but there are no devices themselves. However, there is the Internet, where you can find absolutely everything, including the Minin reflector. When ordering this product online, upon its arrival, make sure that it is intact, safe, has a quality certificate, and a warranty card.

Also, the blue warming lamp has unflattering reviews from parents who treated it incorrectly. They say they warmed it up and the child felt even worse after the procedure. Or, for example, they did warm-ups for sinusitis, but the next day the patient became worse and had to go to the doctor. Such reviews need to be filtered, and only illiterate people who have not read the instructions for use can do and write such things. After all, the manual clearly states in what situations it is impossible to use the Minin reflector without a doctor’s prescription. Also, if you have any doubts about whether to warm up the affected area of ​​the skin or not, it’s better to first go to a doctor who will help you decide. He certainly knows how and with what to treat a specific ailment. And you shouldn’t self-medicate, because it’s too expensive.

Now you know what a blue warming lamp is, reviews of which are mostly positive. We learned when to use it and when to put the device aside. We also realized that before being treated with such a device, you need to carefully read the operating instructions, which clearly and correctly indicate how long you need to hold the device, at what distance and for how long you can carry out therapy with the Minin reflector. And one more very important point: before you start warming up the affected area of ​​the skin, do not neglect the recommendation and visit a doctor who will or will not allow you to use the device.

The blue lamp is a physical therapy device that was popular in the last century. According to the instructions for use, this drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the nose, throat and ear. The lamp operates thanks to targeted infrared radiation, producing dry heat. The scientific name of such a device is the Minin reflector, received in honor of the military doctor A.V. Minin. This device is created in such a way that the reflector directs heat flows to a specific place, and the blue color of the lamp is necessary so that the person’s eyes are not damaged during the procedure. The Minin lamp has contraindications and you should consult your doctor before using it.

What is the effectiveness of a blue lamp?

The Minin reflector is a physiotherapeutic device, which is a blue lamp placed in a special mirror lampshade. It works from the electrical network. At its core, it is an ordinary incandescent lamp, painted blue. Thanks to this shade, the light bulb does not dazzle the eyes and does not penetrate through closed eyelids. And the mirror lampshade helps to fix and direct the light to one point.

The healing qualities of the Minin reflector are based on the effect of infrared radiation on the patient’s skin. This radiation effectively warms the upper layers of the skin and can partially penetrate into the area of ​​subcutaneous fat. Thanks to the thermal effect, swelling is reduced, microcirculation in the area of ​​influence is improved, pain is relieved, and natural immune defense of the body. Local heat has a positive effect on vascular microcirculation, improving blood supply and nutrition to the source of inflammation.

Indications for use

The Minin lamp is used in the following cases:

  • with a runny nose;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • relieves muscle spasms through pain relief;
  • restores mobility to sore joints;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • resolves infiltrates in the body.

The reflector is used to warm up a stuffy nose and sore throat. It is forbidden to use an ordinary light bulb for these purposes, because burns may occur. If this device is necessary, for example, to warm up the nose, then it is advisable to perform such a procedure after consulting a doctor. Having assessed the person’s condition, he will determine the advisability of using a Minin lamp.

Basically, a reflector is prescribed for problems associated with inflammatory processes:

  • otitis media, sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the back or neck muscles;
  • heart diseases;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • non-purulent inflammatory pathologies of the ear, nose and throat;
  • sprains, injuries, bruises.

In addition to medicinal use, blue lamps are used in crop production as artificial lighting and in livestock farming when raising chickens.


The Minin reflector cannot be used for hyperthermia due to its warming properties. In case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, it is forbidden to warm the nose and ear. This also includes diseases that are associated with purulent inflammation: scrofula, sinusitis, otitis media.

It is unacceptable to use a blue lamp if tuberculosis is active. If a person has problems with blood clotting, which often results in bleeding that is very difficult to stop, then such a device cannot be used. It is also worth abandoning the reflector in case of neuralgic and autonomic disorders.

In addition, the device is contraindicated:

  • for malignant formations;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • if there are problems with blood flow to the brain;
  • during rehabilitation after wounds, injuries or injuries;
  • in case of damage to the skin.

Blue lamp: instructions for use

Minin reflectors are made in different diameters. Large ones are used to warm up fairly large areas, while small ones have point impact. This device must be used carefully and in accordance with the attached instructions. It is important to protect your eyes during the procedure by closing them. Children can cover their eyes with a towel and warm up while sleeping.

The distance from the lamp to the diseased area is adjusted using the tactile sensation of heat, and the device should not burn the skin. It must be kept at a distance of 25–60 cm. Warming is carried out three times a day. Usually the patient's condition begins to improve on the second or third day. The course of treatment should consist of 20 procedures. The next course can be carried out a month later. The best time to carry out such a procedure is in the evening, because after it you cannot go outside for 1 to 3 hours.

The use of such a device for treating children is mandatory. agree with your doctor. During the procedure, an adult must control the heating of the child's skin to prevent burns. The procedure should last no more than 15 minutes.

Blue lamp for warming up the nose

Although the Minin lamp seems to be a simple device, many patients do not understand how it works. Let's look at how to use the reflector for its intended purpose.

The device is plugged in and the light should light up. Thanks to the mirror reflector, a thermal field is created. Depending on the lampshade, the light flow can be of varying intensity and area. If the diameter of the lampshade is small, then the area of ​​influence will be small, and the thermal effect will be stronger. In addition, the latest models of this device have adjustable handles that can be bent at different angles.

The thermal energy of the light bulb can affect the skin. The device is brought to the exposed pathological area, and the patient feels a pleasant warmth. In this case, the light falls perpendicularly or slightly at an angle to the irradiated area.

How to treat the nose and other areas with a blue lamp? When working with the face, the patient should close his eyes, as heat dries the mucous membrane of the eye and can cause conjunctivitis and dry eyes.

For sinusitis

Warming the nose during sinusitis is possible only if the disease has a catarrhal non-purulent form or after recovery to accelerate reparative processes. Using a lamp, the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses is heated on each side for 5 - 7 minutes 2 times a day for a week or until persistent clinical improvement appears.

If after the session the patient’s condition worsens, the procedure is no longer performed. In this case, the patient should consult a doctor. It is forbidden to warm the sinuses during sinusitis accompanied by purulent-necrotic processes.

With a runny nose

Treating a runny nose with a blue lamp is very simple. The procedure begins with three minutes, increasing by a minute every day and bringing it to 7–9 minutes in one session. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day, depending on the individual sensitivity of the body and indications.

Minin lamp for warming up the ear

This device is also used in the treatment of ear congestion, eustachitis, catarrhal non-purulent otitis. During the procedure, the patient pulls the auricle upward and backward so that heat penetrates to the inflamed area.

Thus, the blue lamp is a device that is effective in treating various diseases. Before using the Minin reflector, you should consult your doctor, since heating with dry heat may have contraindications that can worsen your overall health.

Blue Lamp is affordable physical therapy at home. The most popular effective device for the treatment of colds and viral diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The design of such a device is quite simple.

The reflector blue lamp is made of a metal body covered with a reflective film and an incandescent lamp made of blue glass. The lampshade with a mirror coating ensures precise focusing of the light beam of the reflector.

The blue lamp for warming up the nose operates using directed infrared radiation. The top layer of skin absorbs light and converts it into thermal energy.
Rays penetrating the skin:

  • activate blood circulation;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • have an analgesic effect;
  • relieve swelling on the skin and nasal mucosa;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • destroy viruses and bacteria;
  • improve respiratory function;
  • improve microcirculation.

Blue lamp and ultraviolet are two different things. The muted blue color does not irritate the eyes and allows the device to be used to warm up the facial area.

Diseases that can be cured with a blue lamp

Main indications for use:

  • non-purulent inflammation of the respiratory system, sinusitis, otitis, rhinitis;
  • ARVI without fever.

Contraindications for use:

  • elevated temperature;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders, bleeding;
  • violation of areas of the skin;
  • low sensitivity to thermal radiation;
  • taking immunomodulating and cytostatic drugs.

Blue lamp treatment for children and adults significantly reduces recovery time and improves overall well-being.

Features of application

The use of a blue lamp for the facial area is carried out in a standard manner. It is imperative to take care of eye protection; while warming up the nose, you should use a protective eye patch.

Instructions for use:

  • Turn on the device and point it at the heated area. The angle of incidence of light rays should be about 60 degrees;
  • Adjust the effect of the device: the degree of heating is adjusted by changing the distance between the device and the bare area of ​​skin. The distance can be 20-60 centimeters;
  • Warm up for 5-25 minutes, the procedure time depends on age. In turn, thermal sensations should not cause discomfort.

The course of treatment consists of 20 procedures, no more than three can be done per day. A noticeable improvement occurs on the 3rd day of using the device. Repeated use is allowed only a month after the course of procedures.
The blue lamp for warming up the nose should be directed at the bridge of the nose, a distance of about 30 centimeters. After warming up, you need to avoid drafts and going outside for some time.

The lamp may become very hot during use. Careless handling may result in severe burns.

Features of treating children with a blue lamp

It is best to treat children under 3 years of age with warming while the child is sleeping. Since throughout the entire procedure he must be calm. The baby's eyes must be covered with a thick bandage. The thermal sensation should be pleasant; constantly monitor the heat by touch.
Warm-up time:

  • heels and back - 15 minutes;
  • chest -10 minutes;
  • If you have a runny nose, warm up your ears for 5 minutes each.

During the procedure, you must constantly check the temperature of the heated area with your hand to avoid burns. Be sure to close your eyes.

Warming up an older child should be under the constant supervision of an adult to avoid overheating and burns.

The blue lamp is an effective source of dry heat. The warming up procedure can be easily carried out at home due to the compact and easy-to-use device. Before carrying out a course of treatment, make sure that you have no contraindications for use.

The blue lamp is often used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Many undeservedly call it “, preferring to swallow pills and drink chemical mixtures. Think: is it worth it if such an excellent health device was once invented?

Treatment with a blue lamp was proposed by the Russian military doctor Minin. The reflector is an incandescent lamp made of blue glass, it is placed in a mirrored hemispherical lampshade.

Device functions

  • reflects, collects and concertizes the study on a specific area of ​​the body.
  • emits thermal radiation that does not heat the skin as intensely, and all thanks to the blue tint of the bulb, while it penetrates deeper into the tissue.

The blue warming lamp promotes:

- strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

- reducing pain.

- tissue regeneration.

— destruction of certain types of bacteria.

- improving the conduction of nerve impulses.

- improvement of external respiration functions.

The device is used for when dry heat is required, its effect in this case will be better than the result from using a bag of hot salt, a boiled egg, a water heater and other home remedies. This is explained by the special effect of the blue ray on the processes occurring in the body.

Indications for use

- diseases of the ENT organs, including

- upper respiratory tract diseases.

- inflammatory muscle diseases.

- injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

— pain syndromes that are accompanied by diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Most often, this device is used to treat the nose in cases of ARVI in children and adults. If you resort to it at the first symptoms, your health will improve and you will recover much faster. Well, it’s best to study the information in advance.


  • purulent processes.
  • heat.
  • oncological diseases.
  • bleeding.
  • pregnancy.
  • active tuberculosis.

How to use the blue lamp?

Install the device at a distance of 20-60 cm from the area of ​​the body being heated, and adjust it so that you feel a pleasant but pronounced warmth. The device must be placed at a slight angle to the surface of the body, and the beam must fall at an angle.

The duration of the session must be monitored, taking into account age and disease. In total, one procedure takes from 5 to 30 minutes, and it is necessary to provide eye protection, because looking at such a lamp is harmful.

If an ENT disease is being treated, the distance to the lamp should be 20 cm, the session duration should be 10-15 minutes. If the cervical or lumbar spine hurts, the lamp should be at least 20 cm away, the procedure takes 15-20 cm. To cure arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, you need to install the device at a distance of 20-25 cm, the session lasts 20-30 minutes.

Using a lamp for children

Warming children under 3 years of age should be performed during sleep, because during the session the body must be calm. The distance must be determined by touch; the warmth should be pleasant for the child.

During the procedure, check the temperature of the skin area so as not to overheat it. Warming the child's ears or nose needs to be covered; the procedure takes 5-10 minutes.

If you need to warm up your heels or back, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, and the chest cannot be heated for longer than 10 minutes. Nasal congestion will be helped by heating a blue lamp behind the ears, 5-6 minutes for each ear.