Doctor mage dentistry. Services of the dental clinic doctor mag

dental clinic"Doctor MAG" is a unique combination modern technologies and methods of dental treatment, as well as the best traditions of improving the oral cavity in general. This clinic provides a wide range of dental services that are of high quality and fully comply with all standards in this field. The clinic "Doctor MAG" has been operating for 15 years, during which invaluable experience in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth has been accumulated. The clinic employs highly qualified professionals who can eliminate any oral problems and help you shine on your face with a snow-white smile.

The clinic "Doctor MAG" has the most modern and high-tech equipment, which is designed to minimize pain and any patient feel comfortable, both during dental treatment and during prosthetics. It is worth noting that all the materials and medicines used in the work are of the highest quality and modern, in addition, they are completely safe for health, reliable and durable. Doctor MAG clinic is a place where any problems with your teeth will be eliminated quickly and efficiently, and at the same time, the list of services is carried out at loyal prices, which will allow you to significantly save your savings.

We carry out individual approach to everyone, and we try to take into account in our work all the wishes of patients. Also, our clinic has everything you need not only for dental treatment, but also for the improvement of the entire oral cavity, including the gums, which in most people are in a damaged state. In just a few procedures, you will feel like a different person, the difference BEFORE and AFTER visiting our specialists is not only noticeable, it is indescribable. And you can be convinced of this, you just need to call our clinic "Doctor MAG" and make an appointment with the doctor. Believe me, the "Hollywood smile" is not a myth, our specialists can prove to you that it is a reality!

Doctor MAG clinic professionals constantly improve their knowledge level, as new treatment technologies and new materials constantly appear in the world of dentistry, so our specialists keep up with the times, and our patients never cease to admire the quality of our work. dental clinic"Doctor MAG" uses not only new methods of dental treatment, but also new methods of prosthetics of the oral cavity, it should be noted right away that it is simply impossible to distinguish our dentures from real teeth. That is why our clinic is popular among patients, who in most cases become our regular customers.

The clinic "Doctor MAG" is glad to each patient, and is ready to provide its services in the field of dental treatment and oral health improvement, we will save you from any problems with high quality and at the same time as quickly as possible. The cost of our services will pleasantly surprise you, and our discounts for regular patients will be a pleasant addition to the amazing result of visiting our specialists. The clinic has two offices, you just need to call, indicate the reason for the appeal, and our consultants will determine the desired office, make an appointment with the doctor at a convenient time for you. Believe us, we will do everything to make you satisfied with our dental services.

In February 2015, I came to consult the clinic "DOCTOR MAG" M. PEROVO. It seemed to me that a piece of the filling on the lower tooth broke off, but I didn’t talk about it, because. the tooth does not bother, but good doctor he will see everything. The “doctor” BARSUKOVA (quotation marks - on purpose) after the examination said that it was necessary to treat 5 upper teeth, and not a word about the lower ones at all. She voiced the amount over 15,000. I said that I would think about it and left. The fact is that I go to the dentist once a year, so 5 sick teeth are somehow strange (although everything can be). I decided to go to another clinic so as not to slander this Barsukova in vain. As a result, I was treated with 2 lower teeth, and the upper ones were in order! Then I went to another clinic about these top five. Everything is fine! So run away from this clinic, especially from the "doctor" Barsukova, who does not distinguish healthy teeth from sick ones. And if in doubt, consult other medical institutions.

I recommend this clinic to everyone. The result exceeds all expectations by 150%. Good specialists work there, they do everything extremely carefully, the teeth are as good as new. But the downside is that it's always too long to buzz, they make an even bigger hole in the tooth, well, I don't know, maybe it's necessary, but sometimes it scares me. And so everything is tip-top. The equipment there is modern, according to the latest innovations in technology. Therefore, the services are of high quality, but usually the prices “bite” a little, but how could it be otherwise, the quality is good and it costs a lot. But as for me, it’s better to pay more once than to run around the dentist again with white in the tooth.

Impressions from the clinic remained very warm. The head physician treats patients and staff in general very humanely. He is friendly, constantly smiling and joking. Involuntarily, a smile appears on her face. My family and my friends have been treated in this clinic for almost 10 years. And during this time there have been few changes in doctors, which is a good indicator, especially when they are good professionals. And the premises and equipment are constantly being improved. In addition, there is a wide range of services that are of high quality and fully comply with all standards in this area. Really cool clinic. Well done.

Hello. For 7 years I have been treating my teeth in this particular dentistry and I will not change it, I will only go there for a snow-white smile. They treated me with ordinary caries, and they put in a bridge, I’m very satisfied with the quality, the prices are not very high, but you can’t say that it’s cheap, it’s still a private clinic, here both the service and the equipment are appropriate. And you have to pay extra for comfort. By the way, regular customers are offered a discount. Now I use it, it is a pleasant surprise from the clinic. I recommend the clinic to my friends, they are also very satisfied. I believe that you need to trust your health only to professionals, because in our time there are enough charlatans. I wish you good luck with your choice. Make no mistake.

Hi all! Guys, I have amazing news for you, this clinic is super. I am really responsible for my words. This is not another divorce and not a soap bubble, but everything is quite real. What can I say, excellent, very attentive attitude. Professionals really work, they automatically know their business. My teeth look amazing (I had a cleaning done). Nothing hurt, everything was quick and without any discomfort, which I consider a huge plus. I am sure that when my friends see me, your clinic will be replenished with a dozen patients. You changed my life, and I was terribly afraid. Thank you very much, I wish you prosperity and success. And a lot of happy clients.

One of the most decent and conscientious dentistry out of 5 in which I have been before. You can read so much on the Internet and it's not a fact that everything is true. For example, not everyone is delighted with this clinic. To be honest, I don't understand why. I checked it on my own skin, the equipment is brand new, the prices are not cosmic, the attitude towards patients can definitely be set as an example to others. I was greeted with a smile different kinds services, the doctor explained everything in a popular way to me what he would do and why it was needed. Cool, otherwise they usually do something and what exactly they don’t say. I liked everything. Excellent quality of work! I recommend.

I have been to this clinic twice with my husband. Her friend advised us, at one time she was also treated there. And she was happy with everything. In principle, and we were not disappointed, the impression is very pleasant and the service is first class. Should it be otherwise in private clinic? We noticed that the head doctor has a very friendly attitude towards patients. The atmosphere is cozy, even considering the time that we spent waiting for our turn, the time did not seem long, but rather flew by quite quickly. Although I do not like to visit such establishments, but sometimes, willy-nilly, I have to go. Therefore, it is better to get to a professional. And everything will turn out not so bad.

» Dental prosthetics

The loss of one or more teeth changes the rhythm of our lives and affects our emotional state. With the statement that a beautiful smile is important not only for appearance, but also for human health, it is difficult to argue. Dental prosthetics is necessary for anyone who wants to gain self-confidence, get rid of digestive problems and improve their own quality of life.

Types of procedure

Depending on the structures to be installed, there are two types of dental prosthetics:

  • fixed;
  • partial or complete removable.

The first technique is characterized by excellent survival of materials and the strength of the new design. The technology is selected according to individual indications in accordance with the identified clinical picture. For fixed prosthetics, the following types of materials are used:

Crowns are prosthetic structures used in dentistry. It covers the tooth and allows you to restore it correct form and chewing function. In some cases, a crown is not enough for a complete treatment. And then, during prosthetics, one-piece metal structures are used, the pins of which are placed in root canals. Their stump remains on the surface and is used as a base for installing a solid, combined, metal-ceramic, metal-plastic or zirconium crown. The last type of construction is characterized by the highest price. Such crowns do not contain alloys, due to which they allow you to achieve the most aesthetic smile.

Bridge prostheses include several crowns. The design is fixed on the implant or abutment teeth located on both sides of the procedure site. This is one of the traditional technologies of orthopedic dentistry.

The technology of dental prosthetics on implants is also among the non-removable ones. Such designs allow you to evenly distribute the chewing load, do not cause discomfort to the patient. Full survival of implants takes 3-4 months. mandible, 4-5 - on the top.

Partial and complete removable dentures

Such designs are used for significant damage to the dentition or total absence teeth. This technology allows you to restore the chewing function and aesthetics, regardless of clinical picture. In the course of prosthetics, special designs are used that are put on the entire jaw. Depending on the material used for their manufacture, the following prostheses are distinguished:

Acrylic. They bribe many customers with their availability, since plastic plates can be inserted quite inexpensively. Often used for temporary wear in the manufacture of fixed prostheses.

Nylon. This material mimics the gums well. Crowns are attached to the base. The advantages of the technique include quick adaptation, hypoallergenicity, aesthetics and ease of care.

One of the most modern ways dental prosthetics is considered clasp. The technology helps to effectively restore the integrity of the dentition. Depending on the method of fixation, experts distinguish the following types of prostheses:

On clasps. This design is a hook attached to the neck of the tooth. Clasp dentures are rarely used for anterior teeth because the retainers will be visible.

On attachments. The lock connection is located in the inner part of the prosthesis and part of the lock in the supporting tooth.