I'm planning a pregnancy, is it possible to put zirconium crowns. Dental prosthetics during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, so prosthetics during this period is possible. In the first and last months of bearing a child, local anesthesia drugs used in dental treatment can harm the baby. You can contact the dentist in the second trimester, preferably at 12-27 weeks of pregnancy.

Types of dentures

Dentures are special structures that replace teeth. They are placed in the absolute or partial absence of their own dental units. There are a large number of prostheses from various materials and many different designs.

The main types of prostheses:

  • removable;
  • fixed.

Removable - these are structures in the form of a dental arch that can be independently removed from the mouth for hygienic cleaning. Non-removable ones are usually firmly fixed on the roots, and they are looked after like ordinary teeth.

Types of fixed dentures:

  • Crowns. In this case, the prosthesis is attached to the damaged tooth. Crowns are: metal (steel, gold and palladium alloy), cermet (metal base plus filler), ceramic (pressed glass-ceramic), zirconium dioxide, and aluminum oxide.
  • Bridge-like. They are installed in the absence of one or a number of teeth. Bridge structures are: based on their own neighboring teeth, based on implanted implants, adhesive.

Prosthetic methods:

  • microprosthetics;
  • macroprosthetics.

Microprosthetics is the manufacture of a prosthesis for one tooth. Usually the missing part is filled with ceramics. Prostheses made in this way have a long service life (up to 15 years). They are quite expensive.

Microprosthetics include:

  • tabs;
  • veneers;
  • lumineers;
  • prostheses on microlocks.

Types of macroprosthetics:

  • crowns;
  • bridge structures;
  • implantation.

If the tooth is severely damaged, then a crown is put on it. In this case, prosthetics, the root is reinforced with a pin. There are also all-ceramic crowns, they are made without a frame. Sometimes an implant is inserted into the jawbone and a crown is attached to it.

Types of removable dentures:

In what cases during pregnancy is it allowed to prosthetic teeth?

In the second trimester of pregnancy, dentures are allowed (see also: Can dental treatment be performed at 37 weeks of pregnancy?). A normal pregnancy is not a contraindication to visiting the dentist. During this period, pulpitis, caries, stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis can be treated. Treatment is necessarily carried out under local anesthesia, because the pain of expectant mothers cannot be tolerated. General anesthesia women in position is contraindicated. During the months of pregnancy, it is forbidden to whiten the enamel. For filling, you can use materials of chemical, light hardening. Photopolymer devices are safe for the baby.

Expectant mothers need:

If a woman is nervous during a visit to the dentist, and the treatment is not urgent, then the trip to the clinic should be postponed until the birth. During the period of bearing a child, hormonal changes occur, calcium is washed out of the mother's body in favor of the fetus developing in her body, so dental procedures may not always bring the expected effect. Sometimes even a high-quality and expensive prosthesis may not take root and swing. If the case is not an emergency, then better prosthetics teeth to do after the baby is born.

Are crowns allowed?

In the first and last months of pregnancy, it is forbidden to put a crown. In addition to its installation, the doctor is obliged to grind the enamel, depulp the tooth and seal the canals. These procedures cause pain, so it is required local anesthesia, which can harm the fetus in the early or late stages of its development.

In the second trimester, you can go to the doctor and ask for a crown if this procedure cannot be postponed until the birth. The main thing to remember is that it is undesirable to put crowns in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy (we recommend reading: is it possible to put any braces during pregnancy?). A visit to the doctor is not canceled for acute toothache.

Are dental implants allowed?

Dental implants are contraindicated for pregnant women. The reasons:

The implant surgery takes several hours and requires anesthesia. Anesthetics have a negative impact on the health of the baby. During this period, the mother's jawbones become soft, because calcium from her body goes to the development of the child to be born. The implant may not take root or become loose during chewing. If implantation is contraindicated for expectant mothers, and prosthetics are necessary, then bridges can be made.

The nuances of using anesthesia

Dental procedures use anesthetics that do not cross the placental barrier. Painkillers have a low degree of effect on blood vessels.

It is unacceptable to use Lidocoin, the drug causes muscle weakness, a sharp decrease in pressure. It is necessary to use funds based on Anticaine. When prosthetics during pregnancy, it is allowed to use Ultracain, Artifrin, Ubistezin. These anesthetics act locally and do not harm the fetus.

Anesthesia is used for prosthetics and for tooth extraction only in the second trimester. During pregnancy, a tooth can be removed using an anesthetic only in extreme cases, that is, when there is purulent inflammation, a cyst, and acute pain. It is forbidden to remove a wisdom tooth during gestation.

If you are going to think about the birth of a baby in the near future or are already in an interesting position, then it's time to find out if it is possible to carry out dental prosthetics during pregnancy. Indeed, during this period, modern expectant mothers slow down the pace of their lives a little and, it would seem, is the time to take care of health and transformation. But is it really so? Let's figure it out together.

When is it acceptable to have dental surgery during pregnancy?

We all understand that during pregnancy, a colossal hormonal restructuring occurs in a woman's body, immunity decreases sharply, and chronic diseases become aggravated. This period should be as calm and comfortable as possible. Therefore, everything that is connected with health, with medical intervention, is better to decide before the moment when a woman enters this time. But there are situations when, for example, a tooth suddenly collapsed or prosthetics were planned at a time when nothing was known about pregnancy. How to be in such a case?

Experts advise focusing on the type of intervention needed and the set of related manipulations, on its urgency, on the condition of the woman and on the trimester of pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester: the first 12 weeks of any type of dental treatment and prosthetics without urgent need ( strong pain, an inflammatory process that cannot be stopped by conservative methods, a threat to a woman's life) is even out of the question. It is during this period that the baby is actively laid internal organs, therefore, any anesthesia, stress and excitement transferred during treatment will directly affect the fetus,
  • 2nd trimester: from about the 14th to the 26th week, thanks to progress, a woman may well cure caries using safe types of anesthesia (for example, Ultracain), perform professional oral hygiene, and put a seal of photopolymers. Here, in the normal course of pregnancy, the baby is not in danger,
  • 3rd trimester: treatment and intervention is possible only in emergency situations, all other cases should be postponed until delivery, otherwise there is a high risk of miscarriage, premature birth.

What is prosthetics

is a procedure through which the patient can solve various problems: improve the aesthetics of a smile, restore the shape and color of a decayed tooth, restore lost functionality to the dentition.

Important! Conventionally, all methods of prosthetics can be divided into several types. Removable and non-removable: removable is carried out in the absence of one or many teeth, non-removable can be carried out on their native teeth or, again, with adentia. Macro- and microprosthetics: in the first case, the installation of crowns and bridges, removable dentures,. In the second -, tabs.

Is it possible for pregnant women to install microprostheses

Let's talk about whether it is possible to do microprosthetics of teeth during pregnancy.

If you really want to transform your smile with veneers or lumineers, then in general there are no absolute contraindications to this procedure, especially if the woman feels well and the pregnancy is easy. After all, the installation of overlays on the frontal part of the teeth in most cases does not involve significant intervention, surgical procedures, anesthesia, does not require x-rays and strong enamel turning - all that can disrupt the emotional background of a woman and adversely affect the fetus. But most dentists still prefer to postpone the procedure for the period when the baby is born.

“According to statistics, every third woman in position has a disease such as gingivitis. Simply put, it is inflammation of the gums and their swelling, increased bleeding. At the same time, in most of them, in 79% of all cases, also against the background of hormonal changes, the enamel becomes very fragile and sensitive. And 90% are diagnosed with caries, which requires treatment. And all these are indicators of women with a normal pregnancy. It is simply not possible to carry out even micro-prosthetics in such conditions with high quality and without health consequences, ”- adds Vasin Yu.A., orthopedic dentist.

Can a crown or bridge be placed?

No, it is highly undesirable to do this, especially if there is an opportunity to wait a bit.

It is used when it is necessary to restore a badly damaged tooth. fills the "gap" in the row and is fixed on the adjacent supporting teeth. These designs restore not only the aesthetic component, but also the very necessary functionality of the tooth, allowing it to fully participate in chewing food again.

Moreover, the crown preserves and prolongs the life of the tooth, which is very important for women in position, because. in the event of a problem, their teeth begin to break down at a rapid rate. It would seem that the option is ideal, but doctors unequivocally state: the rules for installing crowns and bridges do not allow for prosthetics during pregnancy.

“For a long time I was interested in how prosthetics are done in pregnant women, because I myself am in a position and I want to put a crown. But my doctor immediately refused me, but my friend made a ceramic crown at the twentieth week, because. she already had a tooth without a nerve right away, there was no need to depulp - everything went fine and without complications.

Arina, baby.ru

Let's look at the features of prosthetics with such structures:

  • the doctor must first carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity: i.e. a specialist needs to cure carious cavities, eliminate the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane (which, as mentioned above, is very difficult to do during pregnancy), remove destroyed teeth that cannot be restored (here, for pregnant women, the risk of bleeding increases, which will be difficult to stop). Without the need to take such risks, no one will, otherwise there is a high risk of infection under the same crown,
  • you need to prepare the tooth for the installation of a crown or support under the bridge: for this, the doctor must depulp the supporting teeth, which is unlikely to be done without the use of serious anesthesia and stress from the pregnant expectant mother. Next, the specialist grinds the support from all sides.

Important! If the expectant mother is stressed and nervous at the mere thought of visiting the dentist, then it is better to postpone prosthetics until the birth of the baby, even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Also, no type of prosthetics can be carried out for those women who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Can full dentures be fitted?

It is undesirable to do this during the period of bearing a child, for the reason that the gums of expectant mothers are almost always slightly swollen due to gingivitis. And removable prosthetics involves full contact of the prosthesis itself with the gum so that it is securely held in the mouth, but this is impossible to do with a structural change in the alveolar process of the jaw.

On a note! The inflammatory process is dangerous not only for the future mother and the health of her teeth, but also for the baby. Thus, scientists argue that foci of untreated infection in 30% of cases lead to certain lesions of the fetus, and the children of such mothers are more often born with low immunity, they also have more often impaired gastrointestinal activity than babies whose mothers during pregnancy do not had problems. Therefore, even during pregnancy, there is a reason to consult a doctor, but not for prosthetics, but for the prevention and adequate treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity, whether it be diseased teeth or gums.

In addition, wearing removable dentures is associated with a rather long and difficult period of getting used to, during which pain, strong rubbing of the mucous membrane, gag reflex are possible - for a pregnant woman this is a stressful and very dangerous situation, fraught with complications.

Is it possible to put dentures on implants

Here we consider two cases.

1. If the installation of implants has not yet been carried out

In this case, it is impossible to carry out directly and prosthetics itself in any case. By itself, the installation of artificial roots does not pose any threat, but it is associated with a number of manipulations:

  • before it, the patient needs to undergo training, cure and remove decayed teeth, undergo computed tomography jaw,
  • the implantation of implants takes place only under anesthesia, even though it is possible to do this in a minimally invasive way, through surgical templates,
  • need to take painkillers and medications after implantation: after the procedure, the patient rehabilitation period experiences pain, his body temperature may rise, because. even with successful treatment, these are the result of interference with living tissues of the body - in a pregnant woman pain threshold at the same time, it is much lower, i.e. it is more sensitive, which can provoke uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage. And in order for the rehabilitation process to go without complications, you need to take antibiotics, which, of course, are contraindicated for pregnant women, because. negatively affect the fetus.

In addition, women in the position have weakened immunity, therefore, the risk of an unfavorable outcome of the procedure, an inflammatory process, and even rejection of the implant increases.

2. If implants have already been placed

For example, you have already had artificial roots implanted and now their osteointegration is actively going on, i.e. fusion with the bone tissue of the jaw, which takes from 3 to 6 months. In this case, at the end of this process, it remains to go through the most pleasant stage - permanent prosthetics. It is allowed to do this, because. The procedure does not involve surgery or anesthesia.

But in the event that the pregnancy proceeds with complications, the period of permanent prosthetics can be postponed for several months, because at this time, as a rule, you already have temporary lightweight constructions installed, with which you can safely wait for the birth of the baby.

1 Ermukhanova G.T., Tuletaev A.A. Features of dental intervention in women during pregnancy. Bulletin of the Kazakh National medical university, 2012.

Dental prosthetics is an integral part of dentistry, but unlike therapeutic and surgical dentistry, in which medical care is often provided only with acute pain, orthopedic care is always planned in advance and most often does not happen unexpectedly.

Of course, it would be nice to carry out all dental procedures in advance - before pregnancy. But if, nevertheless, you have not done this, then it is better to engage in prosthetics in the first half of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period general state women are generally nice and a visit to the dentist won't be too hard. If necessary, you can visit the dentist in the second half of pregnancy, if the general state of health allows. At the same time, it is worth giving preference to those types of prosthetics that take a minimum of time and do not require anesthesia.

What are dentures?

All methods of modern prosthetics can be divided into microprosthetics and macroprosthetics.

Microprosthetics is the manufacture of a prosthesis inside one tooth, that is, filling in the missing part of the tooth with the help of ceramics and fixing it in the patient's tooth. If these are lateral teeth, then such prostheses are called ceramic tabs, if the front teeth, then these are veneers - thin plates that are glued to the tooth from the outside. Advantages this method compared to traditional composite fillings, this is a much longer service life (10-15 years); they allow you to completely recreate the relief of the tooth, which will not be erased when chewing, as in the case of conventional fillings, allow you to achieve any color (both natural, matching the color of neighboring teeth, and dazzling white, if all teeth are restored), and the ceramic restoration will not darken and will not absorb food colorings like composite fillings. The disadvantage of these microprostheses is only their higher cost compared to composite fillings. Macroprosthetics include the manufacture of crowns on teeth and implantation.

Crowns are put on the teeth in case of their strong destruction, while the root of the tooth is strengthened with a special pin. Crowns are ceramic and metal-ceramic, the latter are based on a metal frame, on which a layer of ceramic is applied. All-ceramic crowns are more similar to natural teeth, as they do not have a framework and light passes through them like through natural teeth. Their only drawback is their higher cost. Metal-ceramic crowns have a metal frame, which adversely affects the optical properties of the crown, because. light does not pass through it. In addition, metal ions go into saliva and enter the stomach, so when chronic diseases) of the stomach and intestines, as well as in case of allergy to metals, metal-ceramic prosthetics are not recommended. In this case, gold ceramics, ceramics on a frame made of an alloy of gold and platinum, will help.

If one or more teeth are missing, but teeth are preserved along the edges of the defect, then a bridge can be made when crowns are put on the outer teeth and the missing teeth are suspended from them. Or an implant (titanium cylinder) is implanted into the jawbone, on which a crown is placed. Implantation is more modern and promising, but its price is high, and the process requires a significant amount of time - from 4 to 6 months.

If several teeth are missing, and the teeth are preserved only in front, then, if implantation is not used, removable prosthetics are necessary. Modern dentures are very light and comfortable, do not have any metal hooks, are quickly made, but still remain removable dentures, that is, they must be removed every day for cleaning.

Problems and solutions

If your tooth is badly damaged and it does not require treatment (nerve removal, canal filling), then The best way to restore it quickly and painlessly is to make a ceramic inlay. At the same time, the orthopedic dentist, using a special tip with constant water cooling with a diamond tool, will remove all “rotten” tooth tissues, take an impression from the teeth, and for an accurate impression, the doctor will use painless methods of gum retraction - its “moving away” for the time of the cast from the edge tooth. For this, a special material is used, which is squeezed out along the edge of the tooth, and in 10 minutes the substances contained in it cause the contraction of small vessels. As a result, the gum “shrinks”, as it were, which allows the edge of the tooth to be precisely shined with the impression mass, while the classical methods of gum retraction (retraction) involve laying a special thread between the tooth and the gum, which mechanically moves it away for an impression. This procedure is very painful and requires mandatory anesthesia. Then the doctor will make a temporary filling on the tooth and transfer the impressions to the dental laboratory. There, the necessary part of the tooth, exactly matching in color, will be made from ceramics and transferred back to the clinic.

At the next visit to the dentist, this ceramic inlay will be “pasted” into the tooth with a special adhesive, non-toxic and completely harmless to the body. This is where it all ends, and a beautiful, anatomically correct tooth will serve you for many years, without changing in color and without being erased when chewing.

If there is nothing left of the tooth, but the root is preserved, the canal in which is well treated, then it is better to restore the tooth with a special fiberglass pin or ceramic inlay, and then, also in the laboratory, make a ceramic crown, which is put on the restored tooth stump (pin or inlay ). Since the tooth no longer has a nerve and is not able to feel anything, all these manipulations are painless and do not require anesthesia. It is more difficult if the entire tooth is missing along with the root.

In such cases, modern dentistry, as a rule, offers implantation. At the same time, a titanium rod is implanted into the jawbone, which acts as a tooth root, and after that a crown is made and put on. But, as a rule, such interventions are not recommended during pregnancy, because it requires a volumetric radiovisiographic examination of the jaw bones, which is associated with radiation, although not the same as with classical X-ray. The implantation operation itself lasts from one to three or even four hours and requires constant anesthesia, which is not recommended during pregnancy due to the possible negative effect of anesthetics on the fetus. In addition, the development and growth of the unborn child is accompanied by a significant intake of calcium from the mother's body, and often it is washed out of the skeletal and jaw bones of the mother, the bones become "softer" and the implant may not take root, or, after a crown is placed on it, swing from the load. Although in each case the final decision is made by the patient himself, after consulting with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

If implantation is contraindicated (as, for example, with diabetes, serious metabolic disorders, blood clotting disorders, tumor diseases), and prosthetics are necessary, since after the birth of a child there is usually no time to visit the dentist, then prosthetics according to the classical method are recommended. In this case, the missing tooth is “suspended” to the neighboring teeth, while crowns are put on the neighboring teeth, if the “suspended” tooth is large (chewing), or small cuts are made, small indentations on the chewing surface of the teeth (as under small fillings, in order to do not grind the entire tooth under the crown), and the tooth is “suspended” on the tabs that fit into these cuts, and the tabs can be both metal and ceramic. If there are no two teeth in a row, then, if implantation is impossible, it is necessary to make a bridge with supports on the adjacent teeth, while crowns are put on the adjacent teeth.

If there are not enough teeth behind the jaw, including the last one, that is, if there is nothing to fix the bridge on the back, then you must either wait until the period when it will be possible to implant, and make a temporary one during pregnancy and childbirth removable prosthesis, or to carry out prosthetics using a clasp prosthesis with a lock. Such a prosthesis consists of metal-ceramic crowns on the last teeth; a “micro-lock” is attached to them, to which a clasp prosthesis is fastened, which has the same teeth as on the ceramic-metal bridge prosthesis, but they do not

they hang in the air, as in a bridge, but rest on the gum, since, alas, there is no last tooth. A clasp prosthesis is a type of removable prosthesis that must be removed for cleaning, because it is impossible to clean the part of the prosthesis that lies on the gum with a toothbrush. But do not confuse them with those prostheses that you could see with grandmothers and which they put in a glass of water. Modern clasp prostheses do not have any metal hooks: they are much smaller and very convenient to use. Patients never part with them, but take them off only to clean them.

At the same time, none of the people around you will ever guess that some of your teeth are not natural, but artificial, since all parts of the “locks” (fixing elements) are securely hidden from prying eyes.

And finally, if you just decided to make yourself a “Hollywood smile”, taking advantage of your free time during pregnancy, then ceramic veneers are suitable for you. Veneer is a thin porcelain plate with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.5 mm, superimposed on the outer layer of the restored tooth. For the manufacture of modern veneers, special ceramics are used, reinforced with synthetic crystals, which increases their strength and, consequently, their service life. Veneers are bonded to your teeth and allow you to correct their color and shape.

Thus, pregnancy in most cases is not a contraindication to prosthetics, and if necessary, restore teeth, you just need to contact a specialist and choose the best method.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root embedded in the jawbone.

Its installation is a small, but still operation.

In this regard, the question is appropriate: is it possible to implant teeth during pregnancy?

General idea of ​​the operation

To understand whether dental implantation poses a danger to the mother and unborn child, you need at least a general idea of ​​what dental implantation is.

An artificial tooth is a composite element consisting of 3 parts:

  • Directly implant, in appearance similar to a regular bolt with a thread. Implants are made from bioinert titanium alloys.
  • Abutment - an intermediate part of an artificial tooth, attached to the implant and is the basis for attaching the crown part.
  • Crown of the tooth.

There are several technologies for installing implants. One of them looks like this:

  1. Survey oral cavity and preparing it for the installation of an artificial tooth. X-ray of the jaw, sanitation of the RP, choice of the type of implant, hygiene measures are carried out.

    At the preparatory stage, it may turn out that the jaw bone is too narrow, and its extension (bone grafting) is necessary.

  2. Implant placement. It is performed under local anesthesia. It consists of a number of separate operations - creating access to the installation site (removing the periosteum), drilling a hole for an artificial root, screwing in an implant, installing a gum shaper.
  1. Prosthetics. The shaper is removed, a transfer is fixed instead, an impression is taken, an abutment is selected, a crown is fixed and adjusted.
  2. Attaching the abutment to the implant produced after the last element has taken root to the bone tissue. This takes several months (3-4 for mandible and 5-8 for the top).

It is important to understand that the installation of an implant - its engraftment (osseointegration), the installation of an abutment and a crown - is a long process, it can take about a year.

Optimal installation period

Despite the fact that dental implantation is not a dangerous operation, some of its stages carry a certain risk for pregnant women and their unborn children. Therefore, the most best time for its implementation - before planning pregnancy.

What is the danger of implantation for the mother and fetus:

  • An orthopantomogram is usually taken before surgery.(plain x-ray of the entire jaw) or at least one tooth is taken. X-ray exposure is contraindicated for pregnant women, even in small doses.
  • Implantation is performed under local anesthesia. In terms of its negative effect on the body, local anesthesia cannot, of course, be compared with anesthesia, but, nevertheless, it is also undesirable for pregnant women.
  • The introduction of the implant into the bone tissue causes inflammation of varying degrees of intensity. To suppress it, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs are used.

    All of them, especially the last ones, are an extremely undesirable component in the body of a pregnant woman.

  • Although the technology of implantation is well developed, complications are possible during implant osseointegration., which again may require the use of non-harmless medications.
  • Osseointegration is accompanied by increased calcium intake, which the fetus badly needs for bone formation.

    The body of a woman already suffers from a lack of a bone-forming mineral, and implants integrating into bone tissue further increase its deficiency.

  • Pregnancy weakens women's immunity, increasing the risk of infectious diseases. They usually have to be treated with antibiotics that are dangerous to the fetus.
  • should not be underestimated and psychological aspects dental implants. One type of dental office can cause great excitement in many patients. And stress is what the body of a pregnant woman needs least of all, already experiencing a heavy load.

A particularly sensitive time of pregnancy is the first trimester, during which all the main organs and systems of the fetus begin to form. In addition, an incompletely formed placenta cannot provide adequate protection for the unborn child.

Risk factors

Dental implants during pregnancy pose an increased risk to the expectant mother and fetus due to a number of factors:

  1. Pain, constant companion of dental disease, poses a serious danger to pregnant women. It causes the release of adrenaline into the blood, which dramatically increases the tone of the uterus.

    On the early stages pregnancy, this can lead to miscarriage, in the later stages - to start premature birth. And although effective painkillers are used to combat pain.

    Firstly, they themselves can be harmful to the fetus, and secondly, after a certain time their action ends. So it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of the pain during dental implantation.

  2. Stress increases the level of glucocorticosteroids in the body, in particular, cortisol, which is called the “stress hormone”.

    It has been proven that if an expectant mother is exposed to prolonged and severe stress, then her child has an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

    It has also been established that severe stress during pregnancy causes increased toxicosis, can lead to birth anomalies and various diseases.

  3. Complications during implantation, in particular, severe inflammation in the area of ​​implant placement, although rare, is still possible. This means that it is impossible to exclude a situation in which it will be necessary to take antibiotics that are harmful to the fetus.
  4. calcium deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman - a common phenomenon. This mineral is perhaps the most consumable building material in the formation and growth of the fetus, since it is the main component of its skeletal system.

    Osseointegration of the implant, which occurs simultaneously with pregnancy, increases the calcium deficiency in the woman's body. The struggle between the two processes - fetal development and implant osseointegration harms both.

  5. Inflammation of the gums is a common occurrence during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

    And if the injury inflicted on the gums during the installation of the implant joins this inflammation, the situation is aggravated even more.

  6. Single x-ray exposure, which a person receives during fluoroscopy of the teeth, is small, and, according to experts, does not harm the mother and fetus.

    However, the control of implant engraftment may require several fluoroscopies, and this is already undesirable. Especially if the need for them arises in the first trimester.

    When evaluating the impact of X-rays on the body of a pregnant woman, her reduced immunity must also be taken into account. Therefore, gynecologists advise to undergo all necessary fluoroscopy before pregnancy.

It's important to know

It's good when everything in life is planned, and goes according to the approved schedule. However, reality can surprise. What to do if pregnancy becomes known during dental implantation?

It all depends on what stage the implantation is in. The easiest option is when pregnancy is discovered during the preparatory stages. In this case, you just need to postpone the operation until the postpartum period.

It is much more difficult if pregnancy becomes known during osseointegration. Is it possible to reduce Negative consequences implantation for maternal and fetal health in this case, and how to do? Actually, this is a task for doctors (gynecologist and dentist) who treat and observe their patient. However, it is also useful for the expectant mother herself to know what she should do to reduce the risk.

To combat pain as analgesics, you need to use drugs that are compatible with pregnancy. These are Paracetamol, No-Shpa, Nurofen, Riabal, Ibuprofen, Papaverine.

If engraftment is accompanied by inflammation, and there is a need to take antibiotics, you need to take drugs that are characterized by the least negative action on the mother and fetus.

Tetracycline and Doxycycline are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy. They easily cross the placenta, accumulate in the teeth and bones of the fetus, and are toxic to the liver. . But cephalosporins can be used during pregnancy without significant risks. They hardly and in low concentrations penetrate the placenta, and practically do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Stress during pregnancy can be reduced by premedication - measures aimed at reducing anxiety and the secretory function of the glands. How to do this, the doctor will tell you, but basically premedication consists in taking tranquilizers and antihistamines.

In pregnancy, combined with implantation, it is necessary to increase the care of the oral cavity.

  • Brushing your teeth after every meal.
  • Rinsing the mouth with special rinses.
  • Frequent change of toothbrushes.
  • The use of pastes rich in fluorine.
  • Use of flossers.

It is necessary to use foods rich in calcium, which is required for engraftment of implants and the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus.

Although the discovery of pregnancy during implantation is most often an unpleasant "surprise", there is a positive side to this. Pregnancy that occurred during osseointegration indicates that the process of engraftment of the implant is going well.

Return of a beautiful smile after childbirth

So, pregnancy and childbirth are over, can you start dental implantation? Experts express different opinions about the possibility of implantation during breastfeeding.

Some (most) argue that the woman's body, which has not fully recovered after pregnancy, and the high consumption of calcium due to lactation, speaks in favor of postponing implantation for a year.

Others are sure that in the absence of health problems in a nursing mother, the installation of implants is quite possible during breastfeeding. True, they emphasize that when taking antibiotics, which may be needed when engrafting an artificial root, breastfeeding should be stopped for a while.

And yet, most believe that after pregnancy and childbirth, implantation should be postponed for a year. The only operation with teeth that is allowed for a nursing mother is a tooth filling.

It is better to do prosthetics, implantation and installation of braces after breastfeeding.
From the video, find out the opinion of a specialist about dental implantation during pregnancy.

A woman in position has enough free time. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is recommended to treat your teeth, so dentistry must be in the first place in the list of important things.

When it comes to dental treatment, modern dentistry performs this operation using safe equipment and also conducts varied treatment including dentures during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have dentures during pregnancy?

The problem often arises as to whether it is possible to prosthetic teeth during pregnancy and does it harm the fetus? Due to the rapid development of medicine, today there are almost all acceptable dental services.

In the position, you must pass the mandatory medical examination including going to the orthodontist. Difficulties with teeth begin to appear during pregnancy. Sometimes doctors resort to the last option to replace lost teeth. So, the question arises, is it possible for pregnant women to get prosthetic teeth or have a procedure after childbirth?

Dental prosthetics for pregnant women

Previously, doctors said that going to the dentist was necessary only after childbirth, but today medical science is at the highest level of development. Therefore, there are innovative technologies that allow you to perform dental treatment for pregnant women.

It's important to know! In the first trimester, you should notify the orthodontist about your condition, since the formation of the baby's organs can be harmed. For this reason, it is preferable to postpone dental treatment until the second trimester, when all significant systems are developed and there is already a strong protection against various harmful conditions. Factors include the use of drugs, including anesthetic relievers.

Also, hormonal modification of the body is completed directly in this interval, which negatively affects the condition of the teeth. When a woman in a position has a complication with her teeth or the appearance of inflammation, then it is impossible to postpone the operation for dental treatment, since such a condition will cause pain.

Without unnecessary fears, go to an appointment with a specialist who will not only cure the oral cavity, but will tell you about caring for your teeth during pregnancy.

To date, in you can put your teeth in position with the help of effective harmless preparations, and the usual x-ray is replaced with a dental visiograph.

However, do not forget to take the initiative on your own and ask the dentist about the precautions of all upcoming manipulations for the treatment of the oral cavity, since during pregnancy a woman is more vulnerable to the influence of various bacteria and inflammatory processes. Anyway your baby is not at risk, and you should not be afraid for his health.

Can pregnant women get crowns on their teeth?

Is it possible to put permanent crowns on pregnant women's teeth in the first three months of pregnancy? It is strictly forbidden! However, temporary crowns will not bring harm. You can wear these crowns until there is a need for engraftment of implants.

But, if you install them in the first trimester, then there may be a negative effect on the formation of the embryo. Thus, the procedure of implantation of teeth in pregnant women can provoke a miscarriage.

When it comes to pregnant women, non-permanent crowns can be worn until the start of breastfeeding. Next, you need to go to a competent doctor to carry out dental implantation for pregnant women, install crowns, and a removable prosthesis.

There are no direct contraindications to dental prosthetics during pregnancy. But you need to consult a doctor who will treat you. The 35th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby has already formed the rudiments of absolutely all organs. Therefore, such a period is quite harmless.

Crown on a tooth

But do not forget that a crown is placed on a pregnant woman's tooth, taking into account several additional operations - turning the enamel, removing the dental nerve, filling root canals. Such manipulations must be carried out under safe anesthesia. And in order to perform an x-ray, a unit with the lowest radiation exposure should be used..

On the anterior tooth it is recommended to install a ceramic crown, which not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but does not contribute to the appearance of irritation (due to the absence of metals). Thus, we have already figured out the question of whether pregnant women can insert teeth or not.

Dental implants during pregnancy

If a woman is going to become pregnant or is already in a position, then the implantation procedure is carried out later, since the process of implanting implants is quite lengthy and it is possible to get inflamed gums with bleeding, caries, and tooth decay.

In addition, the exhausted body of the girl reacts poorly to foreign material. Medicines after the procedure for quick recovery are harmful to the baby and the nursing woman.

Attention! Contraindications to implantation during pregnancy are the presence of chronic diseases, fear of surgical operation. When planning the conception of a baby, it is recommended to carry out mandatory care procedures, for example, getting rid of stones, removing caries, competent hygienic cleaning. By adhering to these recommendations, a woman protects not only her own health, but also the condition of the baby.

In addition to medical cleaning, regular daily dental care should be carried out. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with special healing medicines based on herbal preparations. Also discuss with your doctor what herbs to use so as not to harm the formation of the fetus and not provoke a miscarriage.

One visit to the doctor does not contribute to a complete cure, since in the position a woman should be observed by the dentist constantly and be sure to listen to advice. With the advent of pregnancy, specialists treat women condescendingly, providing needed help in treatment.

Pay special attention to taking pictures during dental treatment, since the device should have a minimal effect of radiation. In addition, the original technique of the device makes it possible to implement local effects that do not threaten the health of the child and mother.

Features of dental implantation during pregnancy involves meticulous preparation. First you need to eliminate all possible inflammatory processes. After that, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity in the clinic.

Dental implants

You should also take tests based on the results, which will show whether it is possible to carry out implantation during pregnancy or not recommended. Only after preliminary preparation, treatment manipulations are carried out. The process is carried out with high quality, without pain.

You can insert teeth during pregnancy in areas where there are no teeth. Despite the simplicity of the operation, the body has to endure a significant load, so a woman in position should refrain from the event. It is also necessary to engraft the implant from 3 to 6 months., since it is not always possible to predict the behavior of the body on the manipulations performed.

Refrain from surgery and medicines recommended after childbirth.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, the operation should be delayed again.. Any girl after childbirth feels weak. Survival of implants is carried out only with the absolute improvement of the oral cavity. A woman's body needs time to recover.

Dentists will acquaint you with information whether it is possible to insert teeth for pregnant women and in what cases it is not recommended? With the normal course of pregnancy and the well-being of a woman. Check with the mother if she has allergic reaction on anesthetic preparations for implantation.

In addition, consult your doctor about possible contraindications. When there is no allergy, implantation during pregnancy is allowed. But it is preferable to perform it from 14-16 to 32-34 weeks. Since this process is often carried out under anesthesia, and in the early stages the placenta is not yet strong, the remedy can affect the baby.

Can pain medication be used during prosthetics?

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out some preparation - a trip to the dentist and dental treatment. However, when a woman did not have time to be treated earlier, anesthesia can be carried out in position, but following the rules. Often, expectant mothers categorically refuse the services of a doctor, believing that the substances used are harmful to the fetus.

Anesthesia for implantation

However, it is not necessary to delay treatment until the postnatal period, because the infection can adversely affect the health of the mother and baby.

A woman can lose a tooth or get periodontal disease. Before choosing a harmless anesthetic, you need to consider whether it is necessary to use it? For example, when treating ordinary caries, anesthesia is not needed, but when removing a tooth or inserting teeth, pregnant women cannot do without anesthesia.

When choosing a drug, you need to know how it works. The medicine involves a medical substance based on adrenaline, which blocks pain and stops bleeding.

However, it can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and an increase in pressure, which is very risky for a miscarriage. Nowadays, substances with the lowest dose of the drug are used, which makes it widely used for pregnant women.

The most common substance in this category is "Ultracain", which does not enter the placenta and milk. In any particular case, the doctor chooses the right dose, starting from the personal characteristics of the girl and the term.


Dental prosthetics for pregnant women in the early stages is not recommended. Such operations do not favorably affect the well-being of a woman, including late dates. Dentists conducting treatment undertake to perform surgery on pregnant women, however, do not ahead of time 4 months. When following the recommendations, you can guarantee the excellent condition of the mother's body and the development of the fetus.

When pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then dental treatment is carried out without fear.