Balanoposthitis drugs. Balanoposthitis: treatment with ointments and creams, how to choose the best remedy

Balanitis or inflammation of the skin on the head of the penis is a disease that is quite common in boys and men, regardless of their age.

Often, fasting is added to the affected skin on the glans penis - inflammation of the foreskin. The therapy that the doctor prescribes in this case corresponds to the diagnosis of balanoposthitis.

When solving the problem of how to cure balanitis or how balanoposthitis is treated, it is necessary to understand that these diseases are similar both in causes and symptoms. Therefore, the treatment regimen for balanoposthitis practically does not differ from the methods for treating balanitis.

Candida fungi, bacteria, viruses, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, high sugar in the blood, tight mobility of the foreskin - this is not the whole list possible causes that can provoke balanitis or balanoposthitis. Treatment of these diseases is advisable to begin with identifying the cause of their occurrence. Only being exactly sure what infection caused this ailment, the doctor will be able to choose the right methods of treatment by prescribing effective therapy, the use of which in a short time will relieve inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin.

Therefore, faced with this unpleasant ailment, do not neglect the professional advice of a doctor, identifying the disease from a photo located on the network, and prescribing medications on your own.

Doctors in the print media and on television constantly warn that independent diagnoses based on photos and pictures from medical reference books, as well as self-medication, provoke the transition of the acute form of the disease into a chronic one.

  • Increasing attention to the hygiene of the glans penis is one of the main principles of successful healing;
  • Local elimination of the infectious agent with the help of antiseptic solutions (hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin) ​​and herbal decoctions can eliminate inflammation of the foreskin;
  • Antibacterial or antiviral drug therapy. Improving the body's immunity with the help of a course of immunomodulating drugs. The treatment regimen is selected and prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment methods for balanoposthitis

1 .Drug therapy.

Pharmacological preparations in the form of solutions, ointments, tablets, the doctor prescribes, based on the cause of the disease. For example:

2 .Surgical treatment of balanoposthitis or circumcision, as a rule, is carried out with phimosis (stiffness) of the foreskin. In no case should you try to expose the head of the penis yourself. This will lead to more trauma and increased inflammation.

3 .Methods of alternative medicine: baths, compresses, washing the head and foreskin of the penis with herbal infusions are widely used as adjuvants in the treatment of balanoposthitis and balanitis. Therapy in combination with herbal remedies proceeds more quickly and efficiently.

Which doctor treats balanoposthitis?

This question, first of all, appears in the strong half of humanity when pain symptoms and discomfort occur in the genital area. Men who exclude the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases by their behavior are alarmed by the appearance of itching, cramps, burning, redness, cracks, rashes of small pimples (sores) on the glans penis, as well as its swelling. After all, many of them do not know that these are signs clinical picture balanoposthitis is a common disease in men.

Often, patients who observe the above symptoms in themselves mistakenly seek advice from a dermatovenereologist. This is not true. The diagnosis - inflammation of the penis (head and / or foreskin) - can be made by a urologist based on a visual examination of the patient and on the basis of the results of tests that allow clarifying the cause of balanoposthitis, while excluding diseases similar in symptoms.

Urologist - a doctor who has undergone in-depth specialization in diagnostics, therapeutic and surgical treatment, as well as the prevention of diseases of the urinary system and male genital organs, is engaged in the treatment of balanoposthitis.

How much to treat balanoposthitis?

Urologists, answering the questions of patients "How long is balanoposthitis treated?" explain that, the terms of complete recovery depend on many factors:

1. From the cause of the disease;

2. From the individual responsiveness of the body to the therapy;

3. From the degree of damage and the stage of development of the disease. For example:

Balanoposthitis: treatment at home

If you have a simple form of the disease that is not burdened with complications, then balanoposthitis can be treated at home. This statement does not mean that you should deal with the treatment yourself, having established a diagnosis from a photo from the Internet. Such a decision can only exacerbate an already unpleasant situation. Therefore, before using drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of balanoposthitis at home involves not only the use of ointments, disinfectant solutions and other medicines, but also the use of phytotherapy recipes. It is this integrated approach that will get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

How to cure balanoposthitis at home? What kind folk remedies apply? - many patients are confused, in search of answers to these questions. In this situation, the main thing:

  • Strictly follow the doctor's instructions;
  • Follow the rules of personal intimate hygiene by washing the head several times a day with water and baby soap and treating it with an antiseptic such as chlorhexidine, furacilin or miramistin. As a disinfectant solution in the treatment of balanopastitis at home, you should not use alcohol, iodine, potassium permanganate - these substances can reduce the sensitivity of receptors. Daily clean underwear - necessary condition for effective treatment diseases at home;
  • To speed up the healing process, it is worth including recipes for alternative, traditional medicine in a comprehensive therapy program:

1. Aloe compress is an effective and simple phyto remedy for treating balanoposthitis at home (photo). For a compress, you will need several peeled and washed sheets of perennial aloe without thorns. Having cut off the skin from the leaf with a knife on one side, attach it to the inflamed area on the skin and hold for about 15 minutes. The procedure must be carried out twice a day, until complete recovery.

2. Compress from plantain leaves. The leaves of this healing herb have a powerful anti-inflammatory property, so they are often used to treat balanoposthitis at home. Take the washed leaves, knead them in your hands and apply to the affected skin, apply a bandage for half an hour. In the early days, in order for the painful symptoms to disappear as quickly as possible, such compresses must be done every four hours.

What is balanoposthitis? This is a common disease of the male genitourinary system, a combined term.

With balanitis, the head of the penis becomes inflamed. When fasting, the inner leaf of the foreskin becomes inflamed. These two pathologies often accompany each other.

What are the symptoms and causes of the disease? And what treatment of balanoposthitis at home will help get rid of it?

Symptoms, causes, classification

Different stages of balanoposthitis (ICB-10 code N48.1) manifest themselves in different ways. Acute symptoms are divided into three groups:

  1. Discomfort appears:
  • itching, pain, pain, burning in the area of ​​the glans penis;
  • redness appears on the skin, it becomes swollen;
  • the duration of sexual intercourse may decrease, premature ejaculation may appear.
  • The skin of the glans penis changes:
    • becomes dry;
    • ulcers and cracks appear on it;
    • the mucous membrane of the head becomes thinner;
    • the foreskin narrows, the head is exposed with difficulty;
    • pain during intercourse.
  • Allocations:
    • excessive smegma is released;
    • cheesy white discharge;
    • pus is released from the urethra.

    In the absence of disease, a small amount of secretion appears on the glans penis sebaceous glands head mucosa. This is smegma. She does not disturb the man and does not interfere with him.

    But inflammation provokes intense secretion, which can soak underwear. Also, a man may experience weakness, fever.

    Balanoposthitis in men

    The reasons

    What causes balanoposthitis? The main factors influencing the appearance of the disease:

    • with a partner suffering from vaginal dysbiosis (the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, in female body different pathogenic bacteria that fall on the head of the penis);
    • oral intercourse with a partner suffering from diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
    • anal without a condom.
  • Poor hygiene. Smegma accumulates and creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • phimosis, in which the release of the glans penis is difficult, and it cannot be washed properly. it common cause balanoposthitis in children.
  • Diabetes. Metabolism is disturbed, and bacteria can develop on the head of the penis.
  • Also, the causes of pathology are associated with the following factors:

    1. Presence of infectious agents: fungi, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, HIV, pathogens of gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.
    2. Availability urolithiasis and urinary tract infections: cystitis, urethritis and others.
    3. Chronic skin irritation with urine, skin abrasions, frequent masturbation, dryness of the partner's vagina.
    4. Diseases immune system : thyroid gland, systemic lupus erythematosus and others.
    5. Hormonal imbalance.
    6. Heredity.
    7. Skin diseases: red lichen planus, psoriasis with scaly papules and plaques and others.

    If all the conditions for the development of an infection appear on the head of the penis, any pathogenic microorganism, getting there, will begin active reproduction.

    The disease in the early stages is easier to treat than the advanced disease.


    Balanoposthitis is acute and chronic. The acute nature of the flow is divided into simple, erosive, gangrenous form(pustular-ulcerative):

    Candidal balanoposthitis may appear due to prolonged use hormonal drugs, uncontrolled intake drugs, penile injury, obesity, elongated foreskin and other factors.

    Late treatment or independently and incorrectly selected methods of treatment will lead to complications:

    How to treat balanoposthitis?


    Treatment is prescribed by a urologist. The therapy should include several tasks:

    1. Improving hygiene. The head of the penis should be washed several times a day with soap. With early detection of pathology, the symptoms may disappear after hygiene measures are observed. Further treatment may not be required.
    2. In more advanced cases the head of the penis is treated with antiseptics. Treatment is carried out immediately after washing one week.
    3. What to do if balanoposthitis does not go away? Possibly weakened immune system skin and mucosa of the glans penis. Then the doctor will select a remedy that will increase immunity.


    Preparations for balanoposthitis have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Able to reduce inflammatory manifestations and painful symptoms of the disease in men.

    Synthomycin ointment is an effective and common drug for the treatment of the disease.. It contains an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

    Synthomycin liniment is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative cocci. The drug is applied at night.

    Pre-genitals must be thoroughly washed. Do not use for more than five days. Contraindications: individual intolerance and toxic reaction to chloramphenicol.

    Side effects:

    • itching, burning;
    • redness, swelling;
    • rash, irritation.

    Tetracycline ointment for balanoposthitis in men is used if a chlamydial form of the disease is diagnosed. Effective against chlamydia.


    Ointment Triderm is one of the best ointments, combination drug with hormonal, antifungal, antibacterial substances in the composition.

    After use, inflammatory processes decrease, the medicine relieves itching.

    Apply to the affected area twice a day. After use, wash your hands thoroughly so as not to bring the medicine into the eyes and mucous membranes.


    The main substances of the drug are an antibiotic and methyluracil, which stimulates regeneration skin. The components actively act against a variety of pathogenic organisms and are able to stimulate the healing of damaged skin areas.

    The ointment is applied before going to bed on the organ and covered with a sterile napkin on top, left overnight.

    Contraindications: Allergy to the components of the drug.


    Fukortsin - solution for external use with antiseptic and antifungal action . The affected organ is treated with the drug up to four times a day.

    After that, it is necessary to apply special ointments and creams for balanoposthitis in men, which will not only have an antibacterial effect, but also moisturize the skin and mucous membranes, which will reduce the burn effect of Fukortsin.

    The preparation contains phenol, it also has a red color. It is persistent, eats into the skin, can leave a red mark for a long time. Sometimes the solution is used in surgery as a marking agent on the skin.

    The entire organ cannot be treated with the drug. Perhaps toxic poisoning of the body, as the content of phenol is increased.


    • individual intolerance to the components;
    • allergy;
    • chronic dermatoses;
    • use with caution on mucous membranes;
    • children's age up to 12 years;
    • the consequences of joint use with other drugs for external use are unpredictable.

    Side effects:

    • allergy;
    • dermatitis;
    • burning, pain;
    • blurred vision;
    • habituation effect;
    • dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • change in blood pressure.


    This is an antimicrobial drug. Effective for balanoposthitis, if the disease was caused by fungi of the genus Candida, mold fungi.

    It is applied to the affected areas three times a day in a thin layer after thorough washing of the genitals.

    Side effects:

    • burning;
    • slight redness;
    • allergy;
    • contact dermatitis.


    • hypersensitivity;
    • clotrimazole intolerance;
    • children's age up to three years.

    How else to treat balanoposthitis?

    Ointment for balanoposthitis

    Solutions and tablets

    Hydrogen peroxide is well suited as an antiseptic.. Available in the form of a three percent solution. They treat small wounds.

    When it comes into contact with damaged areas of the mucous membrane or skin, it releases active oxygen. Such a chemical reaction promotes mechanical cleaning of the surface and a decrease in the activity of organic substances.

    On the early stage the drug may be enough effective tool from balanoposthitis. When interacting with smegma, it helps to reduce the number of bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms.

    But in the early stages, peroxide therapy can be painful.. If the disease is accompanied by phimosis, a positive trend from the use of hydrogen peroxide will appear after surgical intervention, at which the affected foreskin will be dissected.


    It is a synthetic drug with good therapeutic effect . For the treatment of balanoposthitis, it is used as follows: a gauze bandage is wetted in the solution and applied to the affected areas of the penis for five minutes.

    Using a special nozzle, you also need to inject 3 ml of the drug into the urethra. You can treat the entire organ externally.

    The first minutes, a slight burning sensation is possible. But after using the product, it is possible to reduce the sensitivity of bacteria to many antibiotics used.


    Used to prepare baths for balanoposthitis.

    There is also an alcohol solution of furatsilin, but they do not treat balanoposthitis.

    The drug is not addictive, there are practically no contraindications.

    Two tablets are dissolved in a glass of boiled warm water, injected under the foreskin with a syringe, but without a needle.


    Since balanoposthitis often occurs against the background of phimosis, urologists practice circumcision. This is a fairly fast and efficient procedure. In a short time, the cause of the disease is eliminated.

    After partial or complete removal of the foreskin, the head of the penis opens. Injury to the frenulum does not occur.

    Timely circumcision can guarantee a favorable prognosis.

    But if the diagnosis was made more than a year ago, chronic prostatitis, erectile dysfunction and other dangerous consequences are possible.

    Balanoposthitis can even be in newborn boys. Causes of balanoposthitis in a child:

    • endocrine diseases;
    • obesity;
    • hypothermia;
    • beriberi;
    • insufficient hygiene;
    • deposition of urine salts.

    Quite often, the disease in boys can appear in healthy condition . The child will complain in the morning of itching around the penis. The foreskin will be swollen. At an advanced stage, urination will be difficult. Purulent discharge may appear.

    In the acute form of balanoposthitis, the child will not be able to go to the toilet due to the urethra blocked by the swollen foreskin, or he will refuse himself, as he will be afraid of the accompanying pain. The latter option can lead to enuresis.

    Also, the disease may be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes in the groin and weakness. Such manifestations will develop in the first five days.

    If during this period the cavity opens and spontaneous cleaning of smegma occurs, the symptoms may disappear. But it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible at the first symptoms, otherwise acute form balanoposthitis will become chronic.

    You can not move the foreskin yourself and expose the head of the child. Careful hygienic care is required. Sitting baths are prepared for the boy by adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

    If the inflammation has subsided, you can carefully try to remove the head and rinse it. After water procedures, the foreskin and head must be carefully dried with gauze and treated with an antiseptic.

    If allowed pediatric surgeon or a pediatrician, you can treat the head with Levomekol ointment for the night. The penis is washed using also a solution of furacilin or baths with furacilin. You can also use chlorhexidine.

    Ibuprofen will help improve the well-being of the child, remove swelling and pain. If a fungus has been found, Clotrimazole ointment is used. But it should be noted that any drugs for local treatment in babies should be started after the tests.

    The following preventive measures are required:

    • washing the boy after the stool;
    • timely change of diapers;
    • purchasing diapers that are appropriate for the weight and size of the child;
    • diaper change every 4 hours or immediately after a bowel movement;
    • when the skin of the perineum dries out after bathing, it is necessary to treat it with a moisturizing emulsion;
    • holding air baths before changing a diaper;
    • you should not push the foreskin of the penis forcibly.

    Balanoposthitis is inflammatory disease head and foreskin of the penis. Let's talk about what it comes from, what is dangerous, whether this disease is transmitted through sexual contact. We will discuss the main causes of frequent development in the presence of a permanent sexual partner and the symptoms of this pathology.

    • Types of balanoposthitis
    • Causes and symptoms in men
    • Balanoposthitis in women
    • Balanoposthitis treatment
    • Balanoposthitis in children
    • Treatment at home
    • Reviews and treatment of balanoposthitis

    Types of balanoposthitis

    AT clinical practice most often used classification according to the etiological factor and clinical course diseases. The main types, based on its cause:

    • infectious;
    • non-infectious.

    Non-infectious forms are rare. They can have an allergic, radiation, autoimmune, traumatic origin.

    Most inflammations of the glans and foreskin are caused by microorganisms. According to the etiological factor, there are:

    • fungal - caused by fungi (mainly candidal balanoposthitis);
    • herpes - viral, which is caused by the genital herpes virus;
    • Trichomonas - occurs against the background of trichomoniasis, caused by protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis);
    • chlamydial - provoked by chlamydia trachomatis;
    • nonspecific - bacterial, which is caused by opportunistic microflora (staphylococci, streptococci, coli);
    • anaerobic - often associated with gardnerella, can be caused by bacteria Bacteroides fragilis and melaninogenicus, Fusobacterium.

    According to the clinical course, there are:

    • acute (most clinical cases);
    • chronic (usually associated with cicatricial changes in the foreskin and phimosis).

    In turn, acute balanoposthitis can be:

    • catarrhal or simple - manifested by redness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pathological focus, swelling and soreness;
    • purulent - accompanied by purulent inflammation;
    • purulent-ulcerative - deep defects occur due to severe purulent inflammation;
    • gangrenous - there is tissue necrosis in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head and foreskin.

    The most mild form diseases - catarrhal, and the most severe - gangrenous. She demands surgical treatment and leaves behind irreversible defects.

    Causes and symptoms in men

    Often patients ask what causes the inflammatory process of the head and foreskin of the penis.

    As already mentioned, the main factor is infectious. Other causes are rare.

    Infectious balanoposthitis occurs as a result of:

    • unprotected sexual contact;
    • immunodeficiency states;
    • prolonged antibiotic therapy (fungal balanoposthitis);
    • insufficient hygiene of the genitals;
    • obesity (sweating increases, skin folds form, foci of infection appear, spreading from the groin to the genitals);
    • foci of purulent inflammation near the genitals;
    • mechanical damage to the penis;
    • medical procedures and surgical operations (infection is possible).

    In men, the symptoms can be different, depending on:

    Male balanoposthitis most easily occurs with a catarrhal form of inflammation.

    In this case, there is:

    • swelling of the head and foreskin;
    • hyperemia (redness) of the skin and mucous membrane of the penis;
    • soreness, aggravated by palpation (pain can also be observed at rest);
    • enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.

    Possible maceration of the skin with the formation of erosion.

    Then diagnosed erosive form. This is the most favorable course of the disease. Even if erosions appear, scars do not remain after them. Because the pathological process does not affect the deep layers of the skin.

    With a purulent form of the disease:

    • swelling increases;
    • foci of purulent inflammation are formed, which can break through;
    • there is severe pain;
    • body temperature may rise;
    • due to edema, urination is often difficult.

    In place of broken abscesses, ulcers can form. Then a purulent-ulcerative form of pathology is diagnosed. After the disease, scars may remain. They create an aesthetic defect, can be a source of not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. Phimosis can be the result of cicatricial changes. This is a disease in which it becomes impossible to expose the head of the foreskin. This creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms. The result is often chronic balanoposthitis.

    The problem is radically solved only by a surgical method. The most severe form is gangrenous.

    It is characterized by purulent fusion of tissues and may result in the removal of the male organ. This form of pathology carries the risk of sepsis with the formation of foci of inflammation in the internal organs.

    Do not allow the development of the disease. You need to contact a specialist immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of pathology.

    If you do not know which doctor treats balanoposthitis, we will tell you: it is a venereologist or a urologist. When you see a doctor, you:

    • protect yourself from complications;
    • get adequate treatment and get rid of balanoposthitis 2-3 times faster than if you were treated on your own;
    • undergo a diagnosis (this may turn out to be a specific balanoposthitis, but it does not go away on its own);
    • you will not infect other people (the disappearance of symptoms does not mean that you are not contagious).

    Before treating the disease, the man takes tests. This is required to determine the cause of the pathology. Then targeted therapy is prescribed. How long the disease is treated depends on the clinical form, the pathogen, the body's response to medication.

    Balanoposthitis in women

    Balanoposthitis in women cannot develop.

    The term itself means, translated from Latin, inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis.

    But women do not have this organ. Accordingly, they cannot develop symptoms.

    A similar disease in women is called vulvitis. It is characterized inflammatory process external genitalia with frequent spread to the vagina (vulvovaginitis).

    Balanoposthitis treatment

    Treatment may be different, depending on the etiology of the disease. Let us dwell on how to treat various inflammatory processes of infectious origin.

    fungal inflammation

    Fungal infection can occur against the background of immunodeficiency. In addition, a man can get infected from his partner. In such a medicine should be prescribed not only to the patient, but also to his woman. Treatment can be both local and general. Getting rid of the candidal form of the disease is usually not difficult.

    In 80% of cases, the pathology is caused by the Candida albicans fungus. But in 20% of cases, these are other candida, and then the reaction to treatment may not be so bright.

    Usually, with sporadic fungal inflammation, 1 week of application of local antimycotics is enough to cure. Most often, clotrimazole or miconazole is used in the form of a cream, 3 times a day. With the ineffectiveness of such treatment or in the case of severe fungal inflammation, oral preparations are indicated.

    The most convenient tablets for candidiasis are fluconazole. It is taken as a single dose of 150 mg. Itraconazole may also be used. It is prescribed for 3 days at 200 mg per day.


    With a disease caused by trichomoniasis, nitroimidazoles are prescribed. The following drugs are used:

    • ornidazole;
    • tinidazole.

    Sometimes it is enough to take a single dose of the drug in a high dose, since it is not difficult to cure trichomoniasis at the initial stage.

    You can take metronidazole in an amount of 2 g at night. But if the infection has spread, longer treatment will be required.

    How much inflammation of the head of the penis of trichomonas etiology is treated depends on the duration of the infection, as well as on which organs are affected. The longest course of treatment is indicated when the infection spreads to the prostate gland.

    Antibiotics for balanoposthitis

    The disease is most often treated with antibiotics. They are indicated in the case of bacterial etiology of inflammation.

    In the catarrhal form, they can only be administered locally. You can even get by with just baths with antiseptics. But with a purulent inflammatory process, the use of antibacterial drugs inside.

    The ideal solution is a culture tank with antibiotic susceptibility testing. But it takes several days. Therefore, drugs are often prescribed empirically.

    In this case, the seeding tank is either not carried out at all, or the doctor is waiting for his results, after which he can, if necessary, change the antibiotic.

    Preference is usually given to erythromycin, doxycycline, ceftriaxone, or other broad-spectrum drugs.

    The course of treatment can last 1-2 weeks. Its duration depends on the response to treatment.

    When fading clinical manifestations antibiotic therapy is usually not canceled immediately, because it is fraught with relapse, but is used for another 2-3 days. In a severe form of the inflammatory process, drugs can be prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously.

    Usually parenteral forms are used for the first 3 days. After that, they switch to tablets.

    Viral form of the disease

    Balanitis can be viral. It is often provoked by herpes. In this case, bubbles appear on the head. They are filled with liquid.

    This type of inflammation is often accompanied by severe symptoms.

    Systemic manifestations are possible: fever, weakness, headache, chills. In the genital area, a man feels a strong burning sensation.

    Genital herpes is treated with acyclovir or other drugs of this group. They are prescribed for 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of the pathology.

    Which doctor treats the disease?

    Some patients, having noticed inflammation of the head, do not even know which doctor to contact. There are not many options. There are only two specialists you can show your penis to without being surprised.

    The first is a urologist. He deals with the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs in men.

    The second doctor you can go to is a venereologist. The representative of this medical specialty treats infectious diseases reproductive organs in men and women.

    Whatever specialist you choose, it is important to seek help as early as possible in order to get timely treatment. Because inflammation of an infectious origin can progress and be accompanied by complications.

    Balanoposthitis in children

    Boys always have phimosis. This is a physiological phenomenon - in a newborn, the head of the penis does not open.

    Phimosis itself does not pose a danger over the years. But at the same time there is a risk that balanoposthitis will occur in a child.

    Perhaps the development of paraphimosis - infringement of the head of the narrowed foreskin. In this case, symptoms appear:

    • swelling of the head and skin of the penis;
    • difficulty urinating;
    • strong pain.

    With untimely reduction, necrosis of the tissues of the foreskin, and sometimes the head, is possible.

    Children's balanoposthitis in a baby appears due to improper care. AT skin fold accumulates a secret that can become infected. Balanoposthitis develops in children, usually against the background of phimosis and paraphimosis. With recurrent inflammatory processes, fusion of the head and foreskin is possible. As a result, physiological phimosis turns into pathological. Main symptoms:

    • increased urination;
    • fear of urination, as a result - an increase in capacity Bladder with its subsequent atony;
    • itching and burning in the head area.

    In children, balanoposthitis carries the risk of ascending infection - cystitis and pyelonephritis. In unopened cases, the treatment of the disease in children is successful with the use of local antiseptics. But with severe recurring inflammation, surgical intervention is performed. In such cases, excision of the foreskin is indicated. In order to prevent severe inflammatory processes, quality care should be provided to the child. And in case of paraphimosis - to set the head of the penis.

    Treatment at home

    With balanoposthitis, home treatment is unacceptable. There are several reasons for this:

    • you don’t know which pathogen caused the pathology, therefore you cannot find out how to cure the disease at home (for different pathogens, different drugs are used);
    • at home, neither laboratory nor instrumental methods research;
    • improper treatment is highly likely to lead to complications;
    • improper antibiotic therapy will cause antibiotic resistance of the pathogenic flora (this means that the microorganism will develop resistance to drugs);
    • you cannot adequately assess the condition of the inflamed penis and are not able to predict the further development of the disease.

    Therefore, it is worth allocating 1-2 hours of time in your busy schedule to go to the doctor. In the future, this time investment will pay off handsomely if a visit to the clinic protects you from complications.

    Inflammation of the tissues of the genital organs is a fairly common occurrence. In such cases, the head of the penis and the foreskin are predominantly affected.

    To eliminate the problem, topical drugs are prescribed without fail. Let us consider in more detail - which ointment for balanoposthitis in men is considered the most effective and how to choose the right medicine for a particular case.

    Balanoposthitis can develop in a man at any age. It is impossible to ignore this problem, since the disease can provoke serious complications.

    In some cases, inflammation becomes chronic. Ultimately, the infection can spread to neighboring organs, provoke the formation of purulent ulcers on the penis, up to its necrosis.

    In order to get rid of balanoposthitis as quickly as possible, it is necessary to go to the hospital at the first symptoms. Only a qualified doctor can draw up a treatment program suitable for a particular patient, based on the results of the examination and laboratory tests.

    A complete therapy should take into account the following aspects:

    • patient's age;
    • form and severity of inflammation;
    • the presence of associated diseases;
    • the reasons that provoked balanoposthitis;
    • existing symptoms.

    Until severe complications have developed that require surgical intervention, drug therapy is used for treatment. Its main goals are to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and causes of the disease.

    Elimination of symptoms

    To facilitate the patient's well-being, as a matter of priority, it is necessary to select drugs that can reduce the intensity of the manifestation of the disease. For local effects on the inflamed areas of the penis, various ointments are usually prescribed.

    With balanoposthitis in men, the following symptoms can be observed:

    • redness of the head and leaf of the foreskin;
    • tissue hyperemia;
    • swelling in areas of inflammation;
    • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
    • specific discharge from the urethra of a serous or purulent nature;
    • pain when touching the penis;
    • painful urination;
    • erosion formation;
    • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
    • the appearance of spots on the genitals.

    The severity of the symptoms and their number depend on the form of the disease. With simple acute balanoposthitis, there is only painful redness.

    With an erosive form, erosions appear, with a gangrenous form - severe swelling and purulent ulcers. At chronic course manifestations of the disease temporarily disappear, and then another exacerbation occurs.

    Impact on the cause of the disease

    If you act only on the symptoms of balanoposthitis, you can provoke its chronicity. To fully eliminate the problem, it is important to establish the cause of its occurrence and direct efforts to combat it. With an advanced course of the disease, an ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis is not always able to cope with this task; systemic medications are required.

    The causes of inflammation can be:

    • non-compliance with hygiene standards, the accumulation of bacteria in the preputial space;
    • damage to the penis or its irritation;
    • specific infections (syphilis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis);
    • nonspecific bacterial infections (E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus);
    • autoimmune processes in the body;
    • a significant decrease in immunity;
    • fungal infection;
    • narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis);
    • allergic reaction;
    • diabetes.

    Most precipitating factors can be easily managed through quality drug therapy, as well as by correcting lifestyle and maintaining hygiene standards.

    Types of drugs

    For the treatment of balanoposthitis, there is a huge amount medicines. To select the optimal set of drugs, it is recommended to pre-pass a swab from the urethra, serological tests and PCR, and conduct standard blood and urine tests. This will allow you to more accurately determine the cause of the development of inflammation and select those drugs whose composition is best able to influence the problem.

    If you choose directly an ointment from balanoposthitis, you should pay attention to its components, in particular, the main active substance. The price of most of these funds is low, so it does not play a special role in the selection process.

    Additionally, antiseptic solutions for washing the genitals and tablets for systemic infection control and strengthening of immunity can be prescribed.

    Main categories of drugs

    Of decisive importance is the purpose of the drug in relation to the effect on infections of various origins and the ability of the remedy to eliminate certain symptoms.

    According to the composition and direction of action, ointments from balanoposthitis in men are divided into the following categories:

    1. Antimicrobial. They have antiseptic properties, relieve inflammation.
    2. Antibiotics. Able to overcome most pathogenic microorganisms, effective in the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
    3. Antimycotics. They are prescribed when a fungal infection is detected.
    4. Hormonal. They help to eliminate the inflammatory process, are prescribed for autoimmune disorders.
    5. Healing. Accelerate the recovery of damaged areas, soothe irritation and eliminate dryness.
    6. Drying. They can be used in the presence of erosions and ulcers, dry weeping areas, stopping purulent inflammation.
    7. Antiallergic. Eliminate allergic manifestations, reduce itching, swelling and redness.
    8. Combined. Combine the properties of different groups of drugs. They are the most effective, as they act simultaneously in several directions.

    List of effective drugs

    Let's consider what local preparations are prescribed most often for balanoposthitis and what is the principle of their impact on the problem.

    Name of the drug and photo Short description

    This is a practically harmless cream for balanoposthitis, so it can even be used to treat young children. It has wound healing properties, since the basis of the composition is pantothenic acid.

    It is a complex antiseptic and antimicrobial medicine. Levomekol with balanoposthitis must be combined with more powerful agents due to the low degree of its penetration into tissues.

    A broad spectrum antibiotic classified as a macrolide. Effective for the treatment of most infectious types of balanoposthitis, in particular, caused by syphilis and chlamydia.

    Refers to combined medicines of low activity. It combines two active ingredients - the corticoid hydrocortisone and the antibiotic oxytetracycline.

    Glucocorticoid used to relieve swelling and inflammation. It also has anti-exudative and anti-allergic effects.

    Solcoseryl with balanoposthitis helps to accelerate the processes of recovery and epithelialization of inflamed tissues. It is made on the basis of an extract of the blood of cattle, purified from protein.

    Clotrimazole with balanoposthitis in men helps to cope with the candidal form of the disease. The drug prevents the further reproduction of the fungus and contributes to its complete destruction.

    An analogue of Clotrimazole, containing the same active ingredient as the basis of the composition. Available in the form of a gel, intended for use on the genitals.

    It has antibacterial, antimycotic, antiexudative and antiallergic action. Due to the complex effect on the problem, it can be used in various forms balanoposthitis, even at advanced stages.

    Corticosteroid based on methylprednisolone. It is used to eliminate inflammation and its accompanying symptoms in skin diseases, including prescribed for balanoposthitis.

    Refers to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Synthomycin ointment for balanoposthitis has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing effect.

    It contains prednisolone and 5-chloro-7-iodine-8-hydroxyquinoline, which provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Eliminates itching, burning, fights bacteria.

    Corticoid based on clobetasol propionate. Relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue healing, prevents scarring.
    Zinc ointment

    It has a drying effect, so its use is relevant for erosive and ulcerative-hypertrophic forms of the disease. It has a slight antiseptic, astringent and adsorbent effect.
    Liniment Vishnevsky

    It has the properties of pulling pus out, applied to ulcers under a bandage. Vishnevsky's ointment for balanoposthitis is practically not used in modern medical practice. Tar and oil base prevent the access of oxygen to the tissues, which contributes to the development of anaerobic microflora and can provoke gangrene.

    It is worth remembering that the ointment for balanoposthitis in men, depending on its composition, may have some contraindications regarding its use.

    Most often they are:

    • allergy to the components of the drug;
    • skin diseases in the genital area and adjacent areas;
    • metabolic disease;
    • circulatory problems;
    • the presence of open wounds;
    • active phase of venereal infections;
    • childhood.

    To reduce the risk of developing undesirable consequences and improve the effectiveness of therapy, the following recommendations should be observed:

    • in the course of treatment, laboratory parameters and the patient's condition as a whole are monitored;
    • the disappearance of symptoms does not always indicate the elimination of the disease, therefore it is recommended to continue using the medication for some more time;
    • make sure the patient has no hypersensitivity to the individual components of the cream;
    • it is necessary to select a remedy based on the cause of the development of the disease;
    • make sure that the prescribed drugs are combined with each other, do not provoke an overabundance of certain substances in the body and do not block the action of each other.

    Further prevention

    In order not to encounter balanoposthitis again in the future, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations.

    Instructions for the prevention of the disease include the following:

    • compliance with hygiene standards, daily washing of the genitals using special intimate gels;
    • selection of underwear by size;
    • protection of the genital organs from injury, mechanical damage and irritation;
    • timely and high-quality treatment of infectious diseases;
    • washing hands before and after going to the toilet;
    • use of quality condoms;
    • limiting the number of casual sexual relationships;
    • passage preventive treatment when identifying STDs, thrush or inflammation of the genital organs in a partner;
    • hypothermia protection;
    • increased immunity;
    • rejection of bad habits;
    • the use of soft powders for washing underwear;
    • refusal to use hygiene products, lubricants, underwear, if they provoke allergic reaction on the genitals;
    • timely admission to the hospital if suspicious symptoms appear;
    • circumcision of the foreskin.

    For getting additional information about ointments and creams used to treat balanoposthitis, see the video in this article.

    Antibiotics for balanoposthitis are a mandatory means of therapy. They quickly eliminate symptoms, relieve pain, fight the inflammatory process and prevent the development of complications. The prescription of the drug is carried out by the urologist, depending on the course of the disease and individual characteristics patient. The doctor determines the dose and duration of the drug.

    Indications for antibiotic therapy

    Before starting treatment, the specialist must find out the cause of the disease. Indications for urgent antibiotic treatment are:

    • balanitis caused by a venereal infection;
    • advanced balanitis;
    • consequence of tissue injury.

    Antibacterial agents for the treatment of the disease

    Any antibiotic copes with only one type of balanitis or postitis bacteria. Patients should not self-medicate. Urologist picks up medicines based on diagnostics and laboratory tests.

    If a venereal infection is detected, the venereologist prescribes the medicine, in other cases the urologist recommends therapy. Antibiotics should be taken following the following rules:


    There are contraindications for the treatment of balanoposthitis with antibiotics, which depend on which drug is used. New generation medicines act gently and have fewer side effects.

    Contraindications for taking antibiotics are:

    • malignant tumors;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • severe course of chronic diseases;
    • hepatitis;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • thromboembolism;
    • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

    Antibacterial agents for balanoposthitis are not prescribed for viral infection or fungus, initially non-infectious balanitis and balanoposthitis.

    If the treatment regimen is violated, side effects may occur:


    Antibiotic therapy for balanoposthitis can adversely affect the immune system, cause the development of a fungus or other consequences. In order for the drugs to work more effectively, different medicines should be combined. Against the background of taking antibiotics, susceptibility to fungal diseases may appear. To prevent complications, take antimycotic agents Miconazole, Pimafucin.

    During treatment, patients should take B and C vitamins, which improve immunity and eliminate the negative effects of antibiotics on the body. Vitamins should be drunk 1-2 months after the end of the course of antibiotics. For preventive purposes, 1-2 courses of vitamin therapy are recommended. Patients are prescribed a diet consisting of nutritious light meals that are well digested.

    Fruits, boiled vegetables, greens, kefir, lean meat are useful. Do not drink alcohol, spicy, smoked and pickled dishes. You need to drink more fluids. During treatment, hygiene should be observed and sexual intercourse should be avoided. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. With the implementation of all therapeutic measures, the patient can be completely cured of balanoposthitis.