What are the signs of high sugar in the body. What are the causes of high blood sugar and what to do in this case? Physiological increase in sugar

An increase in blood glucose levels is also called hyperglycemia. The phenomenon is often observed in disorders of carbohydrate metabolism due to various physiological changes. Sugar enters the human body with food, then is transported through the blood to all organs. There are certain norms for the presence of glucose in the blood. At healthy person the norm is an indicator of 3.3-5 mmol / l. This rate is set for an analysis taken from the patient's finger, venous blood often has a higher concentration.

Glycemic level is an important indicator of proper functioning human body. Changes in the indicator in the direction of decrease / increase may be an indicator of any disease. Hormones monitor the maintenance of glycemic levels within acceptable limits. The main hormone responsible for sugar content is insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. If there is an increase in the concentration of sugar in the body, then the pancreas increases the production of the desired hormone. Insulin promotes the penetration of sugar into human cells, thereby reducing its content.

In hyperglycemia, the source of this phenomenon should be established. The causes are either natural or pathological. The presence of pathology is not judged by one analysis. When identifying advanced level it is desirable to repeat the analysis. If the repeated results do not fit into the norm, then the doctor must find out why the glucose level is rising.

Natural Causes of High Glucose Levels

Sometimes the concentration of sugar in healthy people naturally rises. If an insufficient amount of time has passed after eating food, then the analysis will be unreliable. From the last meal to the test should take at least 10 hours. The level of glycemia also naturally rises with stress, extreme fatigue, and anxiety. Women consider it natural increased rate before menses. Smoking and heavy physical activity also affect the indicator.

The collection of the analysis should take into account the natural causes of the increase in concentration. It should be taken early in the morning, on an empty stomach. You should stop smoking before the analysis.

Pathological causes of hyperglycemia

The most common pathological cause of high blood sugar is diabetes. Diabetes happens different types. Each type has a different mechanism for increasing sugar.

In type 1 disease, an increase in glucose concentration is due to the fact that the pancreas cannot cope with the production of insulin. In the presence of this type of diabetes, the immune system destroys the cells that synthesize insulin.

With type 2 disease, iron produces the right amount of insulin, but the hormone is not able to interact with the cells of the body. At the same time, the content of glucose in the blood rises, and the cells feel a lack.

Diabetes in pregnant women belongs to a separate category. During pregnancy, there is insufficient production of insulin, and, consequently, high blood sugar, after childbirth, the condition usually normalizes. Development this disease on the early dates can cause complications - malformations in the child. If there are signs of high blood sugar in women during pregnancy, you should consult a specialist.

There are other causes of high blood sugar besides diabetes. These include:

  • pathology of the endocrine gland;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • various liver diseases;
  • the occurrence of infections;
  • taking certain medications.

A temporary increase in the indicator can be observed with burns varying degrees, during an epileptic seizure, with severe pain.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

The main symptoms of high blood sugar in an adult are:

  • frequent urination;
  • regular desire to drink, there is dryness in the mouth;
  • regular feeling of hunger;
  • feeling of severe weakness, fatigue;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • the appearance of itching;
  • slowing down wound healing;
  • nausea;
  • increased headaches;
  • rapid loss of body weight;
  • rapid deterioration of vision.

If you identify the above symptoms, you should contact a specialist and immediately take a blood test for glycemia. Severe deviations of the level from the norm can lead to seizures, worsening of breathing and heart function. The signs of high blood sugar detected in time will help to provide the necessary timely assistance.

Sometimes an increased concentration is not expressed by certain symptoms, a person feels relatively normal, but diabetes develops in a latent form. This type of diabetes is often diagnosed by chance during a routine checkup.

Consequences of increased glucose concentration

A critically high rate can cause severe complications. A person can fall into a state that is characterized by damage to the central nervous system. This state manifests itself in the development of impaired activity nervous system, may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, the simplest reflexes.

A sharp increase in blood sugar can cause metabolic disorders, thereby causing a coma. Coma states are characterized by a high probability of death, so it is very important to seek medical attention. medical care already at the first signs.

A prolonged increase in glucose levels causes late complications, such as:

  • damage to the retina;
  • diabetic foot (development of gangrene);
  • kidney failure.

Ways to lower the concentration of glucose

If the cause of the increase in blood sugar is the development of diabetes, then the first steps to normalize glycemia should be: developing a diet proper nutrition and appointment of necessary medicines.

With type 1 diabetes, the patient needs daily injections of insulin. Treatment for type 2 diabetes involves regular intake of drugs aimed at stimulating the production of insulin and restoring the cells' ability to take the hormone produced.

Whenever a person goes to the hospital, they take tests to determine the level of sugar in the blood. It is these indicators that are the main ones for determining the state of health of the patient. Thanks to glucose, the cells of the body are saturated and receive all the necessary energy.

But it is worth remembering that the body is not able to process the resulting sugar on its own without a hormone such as insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. There is a group of foods that help maintain blood sugar levels in both adults and children. Signs of high blood sugar may not appear immediately, therefore, with any discomfort in the body, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The norm of glucose in the blood

Sugar levels in the body should not exceed the allowable level, and if we talk about numbers, then the maximum allowable glucose level is 100 ml / 1 deciliter. With slight increases in the indicator, the patient may not feel any changes. But, if the level significantly exceeds the required norm, then the symptoms will be visible “obvious”. Unfortunately, few people know what sugar levels are considered acceptable.

Both men and women have the same blood sugar levels. But the exception can be attributed to the period of pregnancy. During 9 months of gestation, many changes occur in the body of the weaker sex, and the sugar level is no exception, which accordingly affects the development of the child.

It is worth considering that before donating blood for sugar, you must refuse food, as this affects the final result. Otherwise, it is necessary to warn the doctor about the products used, this will help to correctly calculate the indicators. The norm of blood glucose in a healthy person is considered to be a level in the range of 3.9-5 mmol / 1 liter. In the case when a person ate food or drinks shortly before the test, the indicators may increase to 5.5 mmol. It is worth remembering that the indicators of capillary and venous blood are slightly different.

Blood sugar readings for men and women differ significantly from those of a child, but the symptoms and causes of the changes are the same.

Signs of high sugar levels

Both an increase and a decrease in blood sugar levels will not go unnoticed, and the body will immediately begin to respond to such changes. A sharp change in glucose levels can be detected independently. This can be done by the following symptoms:

  1. There is a constant feeling of thirst. A person constantly drinks water, but the feeling of fullness still does not come. This is due to the fact that glucose is a substance that attracts water. With an increase in the amount of sugar, the amount of water in the body decreases, which leads to constant thirst.
  2. Against the background of the first sign, there is a desire for frequent visits to the toilet. The body begins to actively get rid of excess fluid, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode. With malfunctions of the kidneys, pressure can rise. Even with the manifestation of these symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor.
  3. There is itching on the skin. In children, this phenomenon can lead to the formation of wounds on the skin.
  4. An increase in blood sugar can lead to inflammatory processes urinary system. There are pains in the groin area in men, inflammation foreskin. Women may experience itching, burning in the labia, dry mucous membranes.
  5. A high level of sugar leads to the fact that various lesions on the skin do not heal well in a person. This happens due to the fact that the cells do not have enough energy, the tissues cannot recover quickly. High glucose is favorable condition for the reproduction of various bacteria, which leads to inflammation and purulent processes.
  6. In the body, changes such as electrolyte imbalance occur. Such changes occur due to the fact that a person displays a large number of liquid, with which all useful microelements leave, this is especially dangerous for the child and his development. This manifests itself in the form of muscle and calf cramps and disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  7. In parallel, a person can feel a general constant fatigue, lethargy, headaches. In children, this manifests itself in a constant desire to sleep and inattention.
  8. Another symptom of high blood sugar is a constant feeling of hunger. A person constantly wants to eat, the result is excess weight, which is quite difficult to get rid of.
  9. Too high blood sugar is manifested by the smell of acetone from the body and mouth of a person. This condition is quite dangerous, therefore, with such a symptom, you need to consult a doctor very quickly.

If left untreated, a person gradually develops more serious disorders in the body:

  • Violation of visual functions, vision gradually becomes worse, painful sensations in the eyes are noted.
  • The gums begin to bleed and, as a result, the teeth stagger.
  • The limbs may lose sensitivity, there is numbness, goosebumps, tingling.
  • There are malfunctions in the work of the organs of the digestive tract, constipation alternates with diarrhea.
  • Due to the constantly large amount of fluid in the body, swelling appears.
  • There is a violation of the kidneys, diseases of the urinary system are often noted.
  • Various diseases of the cardiovascular system are diagnosed.
  • There are problems with the intellect, memory impairment is noted.

If in adults the disease manifests itself more clearly, then in children it is difficult to identify it at the first signs, and in order to identify a high level of sugar, it is necessary to take glucose tests.

Causes of an increase in glucose

There are a lot of reasons why blood sugar levels can rise, but the main ones include the following:

  1. factor of heredity. Genetic predisposition can manifest itself in early age in children. Most often, it is worth reviewing the diseases of the next of kin to determine the level of risk.
  2. With autoimmune diseases. In this case, the body begins to reject its own organs, harming them.
  3. Excess body weight.
  4. Physical and psychological trauma. Often, severe stress experiences become violations of sugar levels. In a child, this can manifest itself in constant irritability and nervousness.
  5. Changes in the blood supply to the pancreas.

All of the above symptoms occur in the case of a disease, but there are also accompanying points that can change glucose levels in a healthy person. The main reasons for the change in sugar include:

  • eating food containing a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • if low physical activity;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol), very often this reason becomes the main one in men.

Patients who experience complications such as:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • liver disease;
  • pancreatic disorders.

It is worth noting that high sugar in the blood of children, the symptoms of which are the same as in an adult, it manifests itself slightly and to identify it, it is worth paying more attention to the well-being of the baby.

Restoring blood glucose levels

Before proceeding with the treatment and normalization of blood sugar levels, it is necessary to identify the causes of its violation. This can be done only after passing the tests and consulting with a specialist.

Usually, a violation of the norm of sugar is a consequence of a disease, and only if it is detected and treated accordingly, it is possible to bring sugar back to normal. You can restore the level of glucose not only with the help of medicines, but also use a certain diet, but only with the consent of the doctor.

If a patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, then the doctor prescribes a specific course of treatment, the same for both men and women. In parallel, it is necessary to follow a certain diet, which involves reducing sugar intake.

It is also necessary to add foods that help reduce the amount of glucose in the body. It is necessary to discuss with your doctor what foods you can eat with diabetes. For children, following such a diet is much more difficult, but if it is difficult for them to give up sweets, then such products can be replaced with sweeteners.

In any case, at the slightest deviation in health, or a change in the well-being of a child or an adult, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing full examination. After all, this can help to timely determine the disease and start treatment, which in many cases can even save you from the most deplorable consequences.

In the body, all metabolic processes occur in close connection. When disturbed, they develop various diseases and pathological conditions, including an increase glucose in blood.

Now people consume a very large amount of sugar, as well as easily digestible carbohydrates. There is even evidence that in the last century their consumption has increased 20 times. In addition, people's health has recently been negatively affected by ecology, the presence of a large amount of unnatural food in the diet. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed in both children and adults. Lipid metabolism is disturbed, the load on the pancreas, which produces the hormone, increases insulin .

Already in childhood, negative eating habits are developed - children consume sweet soda, fast food, chips, sweets, etc. As a result, too much fatty foods contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body. As a result, the symptoms of diabetes can appear even in a teenager, whereas it used to be considered an ailment of the elderly. At present, signs of an increase in blood sugar are observed in people very often, and the number of cases of diabetes in developed countries is now increasing every year.

With increased insulin, the processes of glucose synthesis from proteins and fats are inhibited. As a result, the patient exhibits symptoms hypoglycemia .

Sometimes patients have elevated insulin with normal sugar, the causes may be associated with various pathological phenomena. This may indicate the development, as well as diseases associated with impaired liver function.

How to lower insulin, you should ask a specialist who will prescribe treatment after a series of studies.


Thus, a blood test for glucose is a very important study that is necessary to monitor the state of the body. It is very important to know exactly how to donate blood. This analysis during pregnancy is one of the important methods for determining whether the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby is normal.

How much blood sugar should be normal in newborns, children, adults, you can find out from special tables. But still, all the questions that arise after such an analysis are best asked by the doctor. Only he will be able to draw the right conclusions, if blood sugar is 9 - what does this mean; 10 is diabetes or not; if 8 - what to do, etc. That is, what to do if sugar has increased, and whether this is evidence of a disease, can only be determined by a specialist after additional research.

When analyzing for sugar, it must be borne in mind that certain factors can affect the accuracy of the measurement. First of all, it must be taken into account that a certain disease or exacerbation of chronic ailments could affect a blood test for glucose, the norm of which is exceeded or lowered. So, if during a one-time study of blood from a vein, the sugar indicator was, for example, 7 mmol / l, then, for example, an analysis with a “load” on glucose tolerance can be prescribed. Also, impaired glucose tolerance can be observed in chronic sleep deprivation, stress. During pregnancy, the result is also distorted.

When asked if smoking affects the analysis, the answer is also in the affirmative: it is not recommended to smoke at least a few hours before the study.

It is important to donate blood correctly - on an empty stomach, so on the day when the study is scheduled, you should not eat in the morning.

You can find out what the analysis is called and when it is carried out in medical institution. Blood for sugar should be taken every six months for those who are 40 years old. People who are at risk should donate blood every 3-4 months.

In the first type of insulin-dependent diabetes, it is necessary to check the glucose every time before injecting insulin. At home, a portable glucometer is used to measure. If type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, then the analysis is carried out in the morning, 1 hour after meals and at bedtime.

To support normal performance glucose for those who are sick diabetes , you need to follow the doctor's recommendations - drink medicines, adhere to, lead an active life. In this case, the glucose indicator may approach the norm, amounting to 5.2, 5.3, 5.8, 5.9, etc.

An increase in glucose levels is called hyperglycemia, which is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms, and can be life-threatening.

There are the following causes of hyperglycemia:

  • systemic diseases;
  • the use of steroid drugs;
  • stress;
  • the predominance of easily digestible carbohydrates in the diet.

A short-term increase in sugar can provoke an attack of angina pectoris, epilepsy or myocardial infarction. It will also increase blood glucose levels when severe pain, burn.

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How does the increase in sugar

An increase in sugar levels, as a rule, is manifested by several symptoms. If it develops acute form hyperglycemia, they are expressed most intensively. Evidence of an increased content of glucose in the blood may be such signs:

  • dryness of the oral mucosa, thirst;
  • violation of urination (frequent, profuse, including - at night);
  • skin itching;
  • change in body weight indicators in both directions;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • the smell of acetone from the oral cavity;
  • prolonged healing of lesions on the skin;
  • visual impairment;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • violation of potency in men.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms (not necessarily all), you need to take tests for glucose in the blood.

How symptoms develop

The mechanism of development of each of the above symptoms is somehow associated with glucose. So a frequent desire to drink (polydipsia) occurs due to the binding of water molecules by sugar. Fluid migrates from the intercellular space into the lumen of the vessels. As a result, tissues become dehydrated.

At the same time, an increase in blood volume due to incoming water provokes an increase blood pressure and increased blood circulation in the kidneys. The body seeks to get rid of excess fluid through urination, polyuria develops.

Without insulin, glucose molecules cannot enter cells. Therefore, when it is insufficiently produced by the pancreas, as occurs in type 1 diabetes, the tissues experience a lack of energy. The body is forced to use other ways of energy supply (proteins, fats), as a result of which body weight decreases.

Obesity occurs when the functional activity of insulin-dependent receptors is impaired - type 2 diabetes. At the same time, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, stimulates the synthesis of fats, and glucose also does not enter the cells, leading to energy starvation.

With a lack of energy in the tissues of the brain, sensations of weakness, dizziness, and rapid onset of fatigue are associated. Experiencing a lack of glucose, the body intensively oxidizes fats. This causes an increase in the content of ketone bodies in the bloodstream, and leads to the smell of acetone from the mouth.

The inability of glucose to penetrate tissues also affects immune system- leukocytes become functionally defective, and cannot fully fight the infection.

Any damage skin becomes an "entrance" for pathogenic microorganisms. Slow healing is also facilitated by an excess of sugar in the tissues of the wound, which becomes a favorable breeding ground for microbes.

Diagnosis is based on testing for glucose tolerance (tolerance). To do this, in the morning on an empty stomach, blood is taken and the sugar content is determined. After that, the patient ingests a solution of glucose. Two hours later, blood is taken again for analysis.

The reliability of indicators depends on a number of conditions:

  • the analysis is carried out against the background of emotional and physical calmness;
  • 10 hours before the procedure, you can not eat anything;
  • Excessive physical activity must be excluded the day before the test;
  • a period of time (2 hours) after taking a glucose solution must be carried out in a calm state, sitting or lying down.

The results, in which the first measurement of the glucose level shows 7 mmol / l, and the second - more than 11, give grounds to diagnose diabetes mellitus.

In addition to glucose, the content of other compounds in the blood is detected, such as:

  • glycated hemoglobin (shows the average blood glucose value over the past three months);
  • incretins (hormones that activate the secretion of insulin);
  • amylin (regulates the volume and rate of entry of glucose into the blood after a meal);
  • glucagon (activates liver cells to produce and release glucose).

Methods for reducing hyperglycemia

At the heart of lowering the level of sugar is the elimination of the factor that caused hyperglycemia. So, if taking medications leads to an increase in blood glucose, then you should consult with your doctor about their possible replacement.

For diseases thyroid gland and others, they need to be cured. In the case of gestational diabetes (during pregnancy), a revision of the diet is sufficient.

With the primary development of diabetes mellitus or if it is impossible to eliminate the cause, it is indicated therapeutic treatment. To do this, for a disease that develops according to the first type, insulin injections are prescribed, and for the second type, drugs that reduce glucose levels.

Despite the fact that in each individual case, the therapeutic regimen is drawn up individually, there are general rules for all patients. You should follow the doctor's instructions exactly, follow the diet, keep healthy lifestyle life, and regularly donate blood for sugar content.

Nutrition for hyperglycemia

A careful review of the diet is the first thing to do with high blood glucose. There are many dietary recommendations that are based on reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates in food.

Reducing the calorie content of meals should be combined with the simultaneous preservation of the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates should be predominantly of the slow type, with low glycemic index. The daily calorie content is calculated based on individual features. In this case, the daily amount of food should be divided into several (up to 6) meals, at intervals of no more than three hours.

The menu should include foods that help lower blood glucose. It:

  • sour fruits;
  • citrus;
  • berries (lingonberry, mountain ash);
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • fresh greens.

Of the cereals, buckwheat has priority. In boiled form, it has a low calorie content and high nutritional value. Buckwheat contains minerals, vitamins and active substances, which contribute not only to reducing sugar, but also body weight, as well as cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

The following recipe will help to significantly lower the level of glucose. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of cereals crushed to a state of powder with a glass of kefir, let it brew for 7-9 hours. You need to drink the mixture 60 minutes before meals for a week.

What threatens the increase in sugar

Complications resulting from elevated blood glucose levels can be both acute, rapidly manifesting, and long-term. In the first case, hyperglycemia can cause conditions such as:

  • damage to the central nervous system, coma, precomatous state (manifested by a violation of nerve conduction, a disorder of reflex connections, partial or total loss consciousness);
  • dehydration of the body;
  • lactic acid coma.

Such conditions have preceding symptoms. These are: severe weakness, thirst and a large volume of urine (up to 4 liters). If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Long-term effects of high sugar levels in the body:

  • damage to blood and nerve vessels lower extremities, followed by necrosis and gangrene;
  • kidney damage, consisting in the complete loss of renal structures of their functions, followed by the development of insufficiency (poses a threat to life);
  • destruction of the retina of the eye, leading to loss of vision.

Elevated blood sugar does not always indicate the presence of pathology in the body. If the symptoms appear more and more often, besides others join them, then it is necessary to donate blood for glucose content, and consult a specialist.

AT traditional medicine there have been many recipes designed to lower blood glucose levels. Below are the most effective.

  • Take oats, about a glass or half a half-liter jar. Pour boiling water over it (6 cups). Cook over low heat for an hour. As an option: keep in a water bath or put in the oven for the same time. When the broth has cooled, it should be filtered. You can take any amount throughout the day for an unlimited time.
  • Take 40 grams of walnut partitions. Place them in half a liter of water and cook over low heat for an hour. After the broth has cooled completely, it must be filtered. The drug should be taken before meals. The dosage is one tablespoon. You can store the decoction in the refrigerator.
  • In the spring, you need to collect lilac buds before blooming. Steam two tablespoons of raw materials with 0.4 liters of hot water, and leave to infuse for 6 hours (it is best to do this in a thermos). After the infusion is ready, it should be filtered. Drink in small portions throughout the day.
  • Wash and grate horseradish (root). Dilute the resulting slurry with a sour-milk product (kefir, curdled milk, sour milk, natural yogurt) in a ratio of 1:10. Use the remedy before meals, three times a day. Dosage - one tablespoon.
  • Prepare an infusion of bay leaves: 10 crushed leaves will require 200 ml of boiling water. Pour raw materials in a thermos, leave for a day. Strain. Take the infusion should be warm, about 4 times a day (no more). Dosage - a quarter cup before meals.

A high glucose level is a signal of an approaching disease - diabetes mellitus. It is important for each of us to know the signs of high blood sugar in order to start treatment on time and prevent serious complications of the disease.

Normal sugar level

The norm of blood glucose for people of any age ranges from 3.3 mmol / l to 5.5 mmol / l. If the level is from 5.5 to 6 mmol / l, then we are talking about prediabetes. If the glucose content is 6.1 mmol / l and above, then the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made.

How is the examination carried out?

Diagnosis is carried out by express method or in the laboratory using special equipment. In the first method, blood is taken on an empty stomach using a glucometer from a finger. In this case, the result is less accurate and is considered preliminary. This device is good to use at home for constant monitoring of sugar. When a deviation from normal value analysis is repeated in the laboratory. Blood is usually drawn from a vein. The diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made if, after a double blood donation on different days, the result shows an excess of the norm. About 90% of all registered patients suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Signs of High Glucose

Basically, the symptoms of diabetes in most patients are similar, although they may differ depending on the age and duration of the disease. As a rule, the first signs of high blood sugar are as follows:

  1. Dry mouth is one of the classic manifestations of diabetes.
  2. Polydipsia and polyuria. Intense thirst and the excretion of a large volume of urine are the most typical symptoms of high blood sugar. Thirst is the body's signal to replenish lost water in order to avoid dehydration. The kidneys, in turn, filter out excess glucose, excreting more urine.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. Sugar does not reach the cells, lingering in the blood, so muscle tissue lacks energy to be active.
  4. Poor healing of scratches, wounds, abrasions, cuts. It is important to avoid skin lesions, as they are prone to infection, which creates additional problems.
  5. Increase or decrease in body weight.
  6. The characteristic signs of diabetes are skin diseases and genital infections that cause itching. It can be furunculosis, candidiasis, colpitis, inflammation of the urinary tract and urethra.
  7. The smell of acetone from the body. This manifestation is typical for a very high level of sugar. This is a signal of diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition.

One of the most characteristic features high sugar is a constant intense thirst

Later, the patient develops the following symptoms of high sugar:

  • Maculopathy and diabetic retinopathy are eye diseases characterized by visual impairment. Retinopathy, in which the vessels of the eyes are affected, - main reason blindness in adults with diabetes.
  • Bleeding gums, loose teeth.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the extremities: tingling, numbness, goosebumps, changes in pain and temperature sensitivity in the hands and feet.
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, difficulty swallowing.
  • Swelling of the extremities as a result of retention and accumulation of fluid in the body. These symptoms are more likely to occur when diabetes is combined with arterial hypertension.
  • The manifestations of high sugar include chronic renal failure, protein in the urine and other disorders of the kidneys.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Erectile dysfunction, frequent infectious diseases urinary tract.
  • Decreased intelligence and memory.

With a slight increase in sugar, signs may be mild or absent. Often, patients with type 2 diabetes have no complaints and are unaware of their condition. The diagnosis may be made by chance, during an examination or treatment for another reason.

Why does blood glucose rise?

The reasons for the increase in sugar are different. The most common of these is type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In addition, there are a few more:

  • stressful situations;
  • the presence in the diet of foods with fast, that is, easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • infectious diseases heavy flow.

Nutrition with high sugar

With high blood sugar, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet

Diet with high blood glucose is an important component of treatment. It is necessary to observe the main principles of nutrition:

  • eat regularly, in small portions, 5-6 times a day, at the same hours;
  • drink at least 1-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • products must include all substances necessary for life;
  • need food rich in fiber;
  • vegetables should be eaten daily;
  • avoid salty foods;
  • give up alcoholic beverages.

You should eat foods that do not increase blood glucose levels and are non-caloric. Among them:

  • lean dietary meat;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • Rye bread;
  • eggs (no more than two per day);
  • peas, beans;
  • vegetables: eggplant, red and green peppers, radish, cabbage, radish, onion, herbs, garlic, celery, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, green pea;
  • fruits and berries: apples, pears, blueberries, cranberries, mountain ash, cranberries, quince, lemons.

Preference should be given to fats plant origin, replace sugar with honey and sweeteners. Food is best steamed, baked, stewed and boiled.

Foods that cannot be eaten

In case of high blood sugar, you need to abandon foods such as:

  • flour, rich and confectionery products: cakes, pastries, sweets, ice cream, pies, jam, sweet carbonated drinks, pasta, sugar;
  • fatty meat and fish, sausages, smoked meats, lard, canned food;
  • dairy products: fatty cheese, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits: figs, grapes, raisins.


Doctors do not consider diabetes mellitus a sentence, despite the fact that it is an incurable disease. If found early signs high blood sugar, you can immediately begin to correct your condition and learn to live with it. This will avoid or significantly delay the development of severe complications and consequences such as blindness, gangrene, amputation of the lower extremities, and nephropathy.