The first symptoms of high blood sugar. Increased blood sugar in men and women: what to do? Testing for high blood sugar

If a person is completely healthy, nothing will disturb him. However, today, unfortunately, there are very few such people. In this article, I want to talk about such a problem as high blood sugar. Why is this happening, and how to behave in this case?

The main thing

Cells human body necessarily contain sugar. However, it is very important that it does not exceed the permissible limits. If we talk about numbers, then glucose should not “step over” the mark of 100 ml per deciliter. If the indicators are slightly too high, the patient may not feel anything. However, with a pathological increase in sugar, certain symptoms appear. It is also important to say that a one-time increase in blood sugar is not yet an indicator that the patient has a disease such as diabetes mellitus.

Where does sugar come from?

Doctors say that there are two main sources of high blood sugar.

  1. Carbohydrates that enter the body with food.
  2. Glucose, which passes from the liver (the so-called "depot" of sugar in the body) into the blood.


If the patient has high blood sugar, the symptoms may be as follows.

  1. Profuse and rather frequent urination. In medical practice, this is called polyuria. If sugar exceeds a certain mark, the kidneys begin to work actively and remove excess fluid from the body. In this case, the following symptom occurs.
  2. Strong thirst. If a person is constantly thirsty and cannot get drunk, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Since this is the first symptom of high blood sugar.
  3. Skin itching.
  4. If the patient has high blood sugar, the symptoms may also affect the genitourinary system. So, it can be itching in the groin, as well as discomfort in the genital area. The reason for this is frequent urination, which can lead to the multiplication of various microbes in the genital area. Inflammation of the foreskin in men and vaginal itching in women are also important symptoms, which may indicate high sugar levels.
  5. In patients with high blood sugar, scratches do not heal for a long time. Even worse is the situation with wounds.
  6. Another sign of high blood sugar is an electrolyte imbalance. This is because the patient's urine leaches important trace elements for the body. In this case, the following symptoms may be observed: muscle and calf cramps, as well as problems in work of cardio-vascular system.
  7. If the patient has high blood sugar, the symptoms will be as follows: lethargy, loss of strength, drowsiness. The whole point is that when high sugar Glucose is not absorbed by the body, and accordingly, a person has nowhere to get a boost of strength and energy.
  8. Another symptom is constant feeling hunger and, consequently, weight gain.

The reasons

What can cause high blood sugar levels? What are the causes of this problem in this case, physicians?

  1. Hereditary factor or genetic predisposition. Those. if a patient in the family had similar diseases, he is at risk.
  2. Autoimmune diseases (the body begins to perceive its own tissues as foreign, attacking and damaging them).
  3. Obesity (can be both a cause and a consequence of high blood sugar).
  4. Injuries of a physical and mental nature. Most often, blood sugar rises after experienced stress or strong feelings.
  5. Violation of blood supply in the pancreas.

target organs

So high blood sugar. Symptoms this disease understandable. What will this jump in glucose primarily affect? So, the eyes, kidneys, and limbs can suffer as much as possible from this. Problems arise due to the fact that the vessels that feed these organs are affected.

  1. Eyes. If the patient has an increase in blood sugar, the symptoms will concern the eyes. So, with a long-term such condition, the patient may experience retinal detachment, then atrophy will develop. optic nerve, after - glaucoma. And the most terrible variant of the development of events is complete irreparable blindness.
  2. Kidneys. It is important to say that these are the most basic excretory organs. They help to remove excess glucose from the body at the beginning of the disease. If there is too much sugar, the renal vessels are injured, the integrity of their capillaries is disrupted, and the kidneys are getting worse and worse every day. If the increase in sugar is strongly launched, then proteins, red blood cells and other substances important for the body are also excreted along with the urine, which leads to the development of kidney failure.
  3. Limbs. Signs of high blood sugar may also affect the limbs of the patient. The condition of the blood capillaries of the legs worsens, as a result of which various kinds of inflammatory processes which lead to the development of wounds, gangrene and tissue necrosis.

Short-term causes of high blood sugar

The patient may also have a brief rise in glucose levels (high blood sugar). Symptoms in this case can cause the following conditions.

  1. Pain syndrome.
  2. Acute myocardial infarction.
  3. Epilepsy attacks.
  4. Burns.
  5. Liver damage (which leads to the fact that glucose is not fully synthesized).
  6. Traumatic brain injury, when the hypothalamus suffers first.
  7. Stressful conditions that cause the release of hormones into the blood.

In addition to the above problems, a short-term increase in sugar can be caused by taking certain medications (thiazide diuretics, glucocorticoids), as well as oral contraceptives, psychotropic substances and diuretics. If long time taking these drugs, a disease such as diabetes mellitus may develop.

Tolerance Test

As mentioned earlier, if a patient has an elevated blood sugar level, this does not mean that he has a disease such as diabetes. However, it is best to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. After all, if you start timely treatment, irreversible processes can be avoided. So, in this case, the doctor will refer the patient to tests, the main of which will be a tolerance test. By the way, this study is indicated not only for patients with symptoms of high sugar, but also for the following categories of people:

  1. those who are overweight;
  2. patients over 45 years of age.

The essence of the analysis

The test must be carried out with the presence of pure glucose in the amount of 75 g (it can be bought at a pharmacy). The procedure for this will be as follows.

  1. The patient donates blood on an empty stomach.
  2. After that, he drinks a glass of water, where the required amount of glucose is diluted.
  3. Two hours later, blood is donated again (often this analysis is carried out not in two, but in three stages).


In order for the test results to be correct, the patient must fulfill a list of simple but important conditions.

  1. You can't eat in the evening. It is important that at least 10 hours pass from the moment of the last meal to the delivery of the first blood test. Ideal - 12 hours.
  2. On the day before the test, you can not load the body. Excluded sports and heavy physical exercise.
  3. Before taking the test, the diet does not need to be changed. The patient should eat all the foods that he consumes regularly.
  4. Stress and emotional overstrain should be avoided.
  5. You need to take the test after the body has rested. After a night shift, the test results will be skewed.
  6. On the day of blood donation, it is also best not to overexert yourself. It is better to spend the day at home in a relaxed atmosphere.

Test results

The test results are very important.

  1. The diagnosis of "tolerance disorder" can be made if the indicator is less than 7 mmol per liter on an empty stomach, as well as 7.8 - 11.1 mmol per 1 liter after drinking a solution with glucose.
  2. The diagnosis of “impaired fasting glucose” can be made if on an empty stomach the indicators are in the range of 6.1 - 7.0 mmol / l, after taking a special solution - less than 7.8 mmol / l.

However, in this case, do not panic. To confirm the results, you will have to do another ultrasound of the pancreas, take a blood test and an analysis for the presence of enzymes. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor and at the same time adhere to a special diet, the signs of high blood sugar may soon disappear.


In order not to face such a problem as high blood sugar, a person must adhere to special preventive measures. So, a special diet will be very important, which must be adhered to without fail.

  1. If the patient's body weight is excessive, the diet should be low in calories. At the same time, proteins and fats should be present in the menu every day. Carbohydrates should not be ingested in excessive quantities.
  2. With high sugar, you need to eat food often and in small portions.
  3. It is necessary to completely abandon products such as crackers, chips, fast food, sweet sparkling water.
  4. You need to keep track of your calorie intake. If a person leads an active lifestyle, plays sports, the diet should contain a normal amount of calories. Otherwise, the food should be low-calorie.
  5. Consume better boiled, stewed foods. It is necessary to refuse fried foods, smoked meats, alcohol. Especially avoid flour products, sweets and alcohol.
  6. The food should contain a minimum amount of salt and animal fats.
  7. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime.
  8. From drinks you can coffee and tea without sugar, you can also take herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices.

If a person has an elevated blood sugar level, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor. However, you can also deal with this problem yourself. To do this, it is enough to use traditional medicine.

  1. Collection. To reduce blood sugar, you need to take one part of flaxseed and two parts of the following ingredients: bean pods, dried blueberry leaves, and oat straw. All this is crushed. To prepare the medicine, you need to take three tablespoons of the collection, pour 600 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. After that, the liquid is filtered and cooled. It is taken three tablespoons three times a day before meals.
  2. Dandelion. If the patient has a slight increase in blood sugar, he should eat about 7 baskets of dandelion daily.
  3. In order for sugar to always be normal, you need to grind one tablespoon of buckwheat in a coffee grinder, pour it all with a glass of kefir, insist overnight. In the morning, the medicine is drunk half an hour before meals.

A high glucose level is a signal of an approaching disease - diabetes mellitus. It is important for each of us to know the signs of high blood sugar in order to start treatment on time and prevent serious complications of the disease.

Normal sugar level

The norm of blood glucose for people of any age ranges from 3.3 mmol / l to 5.5 mmol / l. If the level is from 5.5 to 6 mmol / l, then we are talking about prediabetes. If the glucose content is 6.1 mmol / l and above, then the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made.

How is the examination carried out?

Diagnosis is carried out by express method or in the laboratory using special equipment. In the first method, blood is taken on an empty stomach using a glucometer from a finger. In this case, the result is less accurate and is considered preliminary. This device is good to use at home for constant monitoring of sugar. When a deviation from normal value analysis is repeated in the laboratory. Blood is usually drawn from a vein. The diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made if, after a double blood donation on different days, the result shows an excess of the norm. About 90% of all registered patients suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Signs of High Glucose

Basically, the symptoms of diabetes in most patients are similar, although they may differ depending on the age and duration of the disease. As a rule, the first signs of high blood sugar are as follows:

  1. Dry mouth is one of the classic manifestations of diabetes.
  2. Polydipsia and polyuria. Intense thirst and excretion of large volumes of urine are the most common symptoms. advanced level Sahara. Thirst is the body's signal to replenish lost water in order to avoid dehydration. The kidneys, in turn, filter out excess glucose, excreting more urine.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. Sugar does not reach the cells, lingering in the blood, so muscle tissue lacks energy to be active.
  4. Poor healing of scratches, wounds, abrasions, cuts. It is important to avoid skin lesions, as they are prone to infection, which creates additional problems.
  5. Increase or decrease in body weight.
  6. The characteristic signs of diabetes are skin diseases and genital infections that cause itching. It can be furunculosis, candidiasis, colpitis, inflammation of the urinary tract and urethra.
  7. The smell of acetone from the body. This manifestation is typical for a very high level of sugar. This is a signal of diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition.

One of the most characteristic features high sugar is a constant intense thirst

Later, the patient develops the following symptoms of high sugar:

  • Maculopathy and diabetic retinopathy are eye diseases characterized by visual impairment. Retinopathy, in which the vessels of the eyes are affected, - main reason blindness in adults with diabetes.
  • Bleeding gums, loose teeth.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the extremities: tingling, numbness, goosebumps, changes in pain and temperature sensitivity in the hands and feet.
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, difficulty swallowing.
  • Swelling of the extremities as a result of retention and accumulation of fluid in the body. These symptoms are more likely to occur when diabetes is combined with arterial hypertension.
  • The manifestations of high blood sugar include chronic kidney failure, protein in the urine and other disorders of the kidneys.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Erectile dysfunction, frequent urinary tract infections.
  • Decreased intelligence and memory.

With a slight increase in sugar, signs may be mild or absent. Often, patients with type 2 diabetes have no complaints and are unaware of their condition. The diagnosis may be made by chance, during an examination or treatment for another reason.

Why does blood glucose rise?

The reasons for the increase in sugar are different. The most common of these is type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In addition, there are a few more:

  • stressful situations;
  • the presence in the diet of foods with fast, that is, easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • infectious diseases heavy flow.

Nutrition with high sugar

With high blood sugar, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet

Diet with high blood glucose is an important component of treatment. It is necessary to observe the main principles of nutrition:

  • eat regularly, in small portions, 5-6 times a day, at the same hours;
  • drink at least 1-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • products must include all substances necessary for life;
  • need food rich in fiber;
  • vegetables should be eaten daily;
  • avoid salty foods;
  • give up alcoholic beverages.

You should eat foods that do not increase blood glucose levels and are non-caloric. Among them:

  • lean dietary meat;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • Rye bread;
  • eggs (no more than two per day);
  • peas, beans;
  • vegetables: eggplant, red and green peppers, radish, cabbage, radish, onion, herbs, garlic, celery, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, green pea;
  • fruits and berries: apples, pears, blueberries, cranberries, mountain ash, cranberries, quince, lemons.

Preference should be given to fats plant origin, replace sugar with honey and sweeteners. Food is best steamed, baked, stewed and boiled.

Foods that cannot be eaten

In case of high blood sugar, you need to abandon foods such as:

  • flour, rich and confectionery products: cakes, pastries, sweets, ice cream, pies, jam, sweet carbonated drinks, pasta, sugar;
  • fatty meat and fish, sausages, smoked meats, lard, canned food;
  • dairy products: fatty cheese, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits: figs, grapes, raisins.


Doctors do not consider diabetes mellitus a sentence, despite the fact that it is an incurable disease. If you detect early signs of high blood sugar, you can immediately begin to correct your condition and learn to live with it. This will avoid or significantly delay the development of severe complications and consequences such as blindness, gangrene, amputation. lower extremities, nephropathy.

An increase in glucose levels is called hyperglycemia, which is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms, and can be life-threatening.

There are the following causes of hyperglycemia:

  • systemic diseases;
  • the use of steroid drugs;
  • stress;
  • the predominance of easily digestible carbohydrates in the diet.

A short-term increase in sugar can provoke an attack of angina pectoris, epilepsy or myocardial infarction. It will also increase blood glucose levels when severe pain, burn.

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How does the increase in sugar

An increase in sugar levels, as a rule, is manifested by several symptoms. If it develops acute form hyperglycemia, they are expressed most intensively. Evidence of an increased content of glucose in the blood may be such signs:

  • dryness of the oral mucosa, thirst;
  • violation of urination (frequent, profuse, including - at night);
  • skin itching;
  • change in body weight indicators in both directions;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • the smell of acetone from the oral cavity;
  • prolonged healing of lesions on the skin;
  • visual impairment;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • violation of potency in men.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms (not necessarily all), you need to take tests for glucose in the blood.

How symptoms develop

The mechanism of development of each of the above symptoms is somehow associated with glucose. So a frequent desire to drink (polydipsia) occurs due to the binding of water molecules by sugar. Fluid migrates from the intercellular space into the lumen of the vessels. As a result, tissues become dehydrated.

At the same time, an increase in blood volume due to incoming water provokes an increase blood pressure and increased blood circulation in the kidneys. The body seeks to get rid of excess fluid through urination, polyuria develops.

Without insulin, glucose molecules cannot enter cells. Therefore, when it is insufficiently produced by the pancreas, as occurs in type 1 diabetes, the tissues experience a lack of energy. The body is forced to use other ways of energy supply (proteins, fats), as a result of which body weight decreases.

Obesity occurs when the functional activity of insulin-dependent receptors is impaired - type 2 diabetes. At the same time, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, stimulates the synthesis of fats, and glucose also does not enter the cells, leading to energy starvation.

With a lack of energy in the tissues of the brain, sensations of weakness, dizziness, and rapid onset of fatigue are associated. Experiencing a lack of glucose, the body intensively oxidizes fats. This causes an increase in the content of ketone bodies in the bloodstream, and leads to the smell of acetone from the mouth.

The inability of glucose to penetrate tissues also affects the immune system - leukocytes become functionally defective and cannot fully fight infection.

Any damage skin becomes an "entrance" for pathogenic microorganisms. Slow healing is also facilitated by an excess of sugar in the tissues of the wound, which becomes a favorable breeding ground for microbes.

Diagnosis is based on testing for glucose tolerance (tolerance). To do this, in the morning on an empty stomach, blood is taken and the sugar content is determined. After that, the patient ingests a solution of glucose. Two hours later, blood is taken again for analysis.

The reliability of indicators depends on a number of conditions:

  • the analysis is carried out against the background of emotional and physical calmness;
  • 10 hours before the procedure, you can not eat anything;
  • Excessive physical activity must be excluded the day before the test;
  • a period of time (2 hours) after taking a glucose solution must be carried out in a calm state, sitting or lying down.

The results, in which the first measurement of the glucose level shows 7 mmol / l, and the second - more than 11, give grounds to diagnose diabetes mellitus.

In addition to glucose, the content of other compounds in the blood is detected, such as:

  • glycated hemoglobin (shows the average blood glucose value over the past three months);
  • incretins (hormones that activate the secretion of insulin);
  • amylin (regulates the volume and rate of entry of glucose into the blood after a meal);
  • glucagon (activates liver cells to produce and release glucose).

Methods for reducing hyperglycemia

At the heart of lowering the level of sugar is the elimination of the factor that caused hyperglycemia. So, if an increase in blood glucose leads to taking medicines, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about their possible replacement.

For diseases thyroid gland and others, they need to be cured. In the case of gestational diabetes (during pregnancy), a revision of the diet is sufficient.

During the initial development diabetes or if the cause cannot be eliminated, therapeutic treatment. To do this, for a disease that develops according to the first type, insulin injections are prescribed, and for the second type, drugs that reduce glucose levels.

Despite the fact that in each individual case, the therapeutic regimen is drawn up individually, there are general rules for all patients. You should follow the doctor's instructions exactly, follow the diet, keep healthy lifestyle life, and regularly donate blood for sugar content.

Nutrition for hyperglycemia

A careful review of the diet is the first thing to do with high blood glucose. There are many dietary recommendations that are based on reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates in food.

Reducing the calorie content of meals should be combined with the simultaneous preservation of the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates should be predominantly of the slow type, with low glycemic index. The daily calorie content is calculated based on individual features. In this case, the daily amount of food should be divided into several (up to 6) meals, at intervals of no more than three hours.

The menu should include foods that help lower blood glucose. It:

  • sour fruits;
  • citrus;
  • berries (lingonberry, mountain ash);
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • fresh greens.

Of the cereals, buckwheat has priority. In boiled form, it has a low calorie content and high nutritional value. Buckwheat contains minerals, vitamins and active substances, which contribute not only to reducing sugar, but also body weight, as well as cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

The following recipe will help to significantly lower the level of glucose. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of cereals crushed to a state of powder with a glass of kefir, let it brew for 7-9 hours. You need to drink the mixture 60 minutes before meals for a week.

What threatens the increase in sugar

Complications resulting from elevated blood glucose levels can be both acute, rapidly manifesting, and long-term. In the first case, hyperglycemia can cause conditions such as:

  • damage to the central nervous system, coma, precomatous state (manifested by a violation of nerve conduction, a disorder of reflex connections, partial or total loss consciousness);
  • dehydration of the body;
  • lactic acid coma.

Such conditions have preceding symptoms. These are: severe weakness, thirst and a large volume of urine (up to 4 liters). If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Long-term effects of high sugar levels in the body:

  • damage to the blood and nerve vessels of the lower extremities, followed by necrosis and gangrene;
  • kidney damage, consisting in the complete loss of renal structures of their functions, followed by the development of insufficiency (poses a threat to life);
  • destruction of the retina of the eye, leading to loss of vision.

Elevated blood sugar does not always indicate the presence of pathology in the body. If the symptoms appear more and more often, besides others join them, then it is necessary to donate blood for glucose content, and consult a specialist.

AT folk medicine there have been many recipes designed to lower blood glucose levels. Below are the most effective.

  • Take oats, about a glass or half a half-liter jar. Pour boiling water over it (6 cups). Cook over low heat for an hour. As an option: keep in a water bath or put in the oven for the same time. When the broth has cooled, it should be filtered. You can take any amount throughout the day for an unlimited time.
  • Take 40 grams of walnut partitions. Place them in half a liter of water and cook over low heat for an hour. After the broth has cooled completely, it must be filtered. The drug should be taken before meals. The dosage is one tablespoon. You can store the decoction in the refrigerator.
  • In the spring, you need to collect lilac buds before blooming. Steam two tablespoons of raw materials with 0.4 liters of hot water, and leave to infuse for 6 hours (it is best to do this in a thermos). After the infusion is ready, it should be filtered. Drink in small portions throughout the day.
  • Wash and grate horseradish (root). Dilute the resulting slurry with a sour-milk product (kefir, curdled milk, sour milk, natural yogurt) in a ratio of 1:10. Use the remedy before meals, three times a day. Dosage - one tablespoon.
  • Prepare an infusion of bay leaves: 10 crushed leaves will require 200 ml of boiling water. Pour raw materials in a thermos, leave for a day. Strain. Take the infusion should be warm, about 4 times a day (no more). Dosage - a quarter cup before meals.

If the body has high blood sugar, then the symptoms in a woman are very different. This is a fairly common disease. Scientists still do not know for sure why the disease occurs and how it can be completely cured. There is different types ailment, respectively, and treatment options.

You need to navigate the nuances of the disease and know what to do in critical situations. Complications of diabetes mellitus in children and adults lead to very negative problems and consequences.

The manifestation of the disease

According to statistics, the disease ranks second in the ranking of the most common in the world. Signs of diabetes:

  1. Feeling constant thirst. This is because when sugar is above normal, it begins to draw all the moisture out of the cells. Because the body requires replenishment of water reserves. Hence the constant desire to drink, which is satisfied both with plain water and other liquids.
  2. Frequent urge to go to the toilet. Frequent urination is caused by thirst.
  3. Rapid weight loss and lethargy is another possible signs. When the energy supply is depleted and glucose is no longer used as a source of strength, the body begins to burn its own muscles and fats. Hence the weight loss, possible dizziness and constant drowsiness.
  4. Fatigue and a desire to sleep can be one of the factors that indicate the risk of the disease. It is explained by the fact that there is not enough insulin in the blood, respectively, the process of glucose transformation is inhibited, as a result, energy production becomes simply impossible.
  5. Hunger or lack of appetite is one of the symptoms of diabetes. The food that the body receives is digested very quickly and is not fully absorbed. If there is no appetite at all, urgent action must be taken, as this is a rather strong threat to life.
  6. Vision may fall, the work of the lens of the eye may be disturbed. It happens that there is nebula, darkening, dysfunction of the body as a whole.
  7. Various fungal infections (thrush, diaper rash, etc.).

The causes of the disease can be different, but at the first manifestations, take urgent measures and consult a doctor. He will determine the type of diabetes and prescribe treatment.

Types of ailment

As mentioned above, there are several types into which the disease is divided:

  1. insulin. Its main feature is the complete destruction of insulin in the blood, a person must give himself injections in order to maintain the daily norm.
  2. An elevated level of insulin in the blood or normal, but both do not provide the desired effect and quality of cell function. There is no access of glucose to the cells, so there is a disruption in the functioning of the body as a whole.
  3. Phosphate diabetes can appear in the second year of a baby's life. It affects the work of the kidneys and the development of the mental health of the child. This is a hereditary disease that is almost impossible to prevent.
  4. MODY diabetes is a genetic disorder. Can be detected and treated early stages using small doses of insulin.
  5. There is also a gestational type of ailment - it happens in pregnant women and can pass by itself after childbirth.

Causes of the disease

Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is almost impossible in the early stages of the manifestation of the disease. Nowadays, doctors and scientists cannot give unambiguous answers why the body begins to fight with itself.

Work internal organs built so that the pancreas produces enough insulin to ensure normal functioning. Our the immune system protects us from external diseases, infections and other negative factors.

But sometimes the same immune system starts to fight the pancreas and destroy all the insulin. One of the options for launching such a negative process can be a severe illness suffered by a person. infectious disease. Improper treatment or complications can trigger the onset of diabetes.

Why is the absence of insulin in the human body so dangerous? Insulin is a hormone whose main task is to ensure that glucose from the blood enters the cells. This gives us normal physical activity, activity, energy and strength. Insulin is produced by the pancreas.

It is thanks to her that we can move and engage in different daily affairs. Therefore, when the immune system begins to destroy insulin, glucose does not enter the bloodstream, strength is lost and the processes of the body are completely disrupted.

Prevention and treatment

Diabetes can manifest itself in different ways. If you do nothing in the treatment, it will not only adversely affect health, but can also lead to death. Therefore, take the issue seriously and take all possible measures.

One of the main tasks is the constant control of blood sugar levels. At least 3-4 times a day, you need to measure the indicators and if something is wrong, take immediate action.

Of the main recommendations, special proper nutrition can be noted throughout the day. The attending physician will be able to help you in compiling the menu. Be sure to attend physical or sports activities and activities.

This will not allow the body to relax and improve overall health. With just 10-15 minutes a day, you can lead a normal life freely and without worries. But do not forget that you are at risk and negligence can lead to death.

There is no prevention of diabetes mellitus, since the root causes of the disease are unknown. As a preventive measure healthy person you can check blood sugar from time to time and make sure that the norm is not exceeded.

If the analysis showed an excess of permissible marks, immediately consult a doctor.

Elevated blood sugar

One of the reasons why blood sugar rises in women and men may be diabetes. But there are other diseases associated with this symptom. normal level an indicator of 3.4-5.5 mmol / l is considered. A condition characterized by elevated glucose levels is medically referred to as hyperglycemia.

Causes of high blood sugar in women, men and children:

  1. The most common is diabetes.
  2. Overeating easily digestible proteins.
  3. Various stressful situations in life.
  4. Severe infectious diseases.

Symptoms of glycemia:

  1. Thirst, constant dry mouth.
  2. Itching, skin rashes.
  3. Frequent urination, polyuria, nocturia.
  4. Weight loss.
  5. Constant headaches and dizziness.
  6. Poor blood clotting and prolonged wound healing.
  7. Frequent illnesses, decreased immunity.
  8. Weakness, fatigue.

This indicates high blood sugar, symptoms are common in women, but premature conclusions should not be drawn. It is best to use a glucometer (a device for measuring blood sugar). Measures need to be taken depending on the result.

You can not ignore the signs of high blood sugar in women. It is very important to take care of your health all the time, and not just at the time of any violations. Treatment of high blood sugar in a woman, if she leads a healthy lifestyle, consists of proper nutrition, physical activity and psychological harmony.

Glucose (sugar) is formed in the body as a result of the breakdown of a polysaccharide. This is a unique source of energy that has an antitoxic effect. With an increase in sugar levels, hyperglycemia develops - a dangerous pre-diabetic condition. What are the symptoms of high blood sugar in women?

The reasons

Hyperglycemia is caused by two groups of causes: physiological and pathological. The first includes temporary factors, after the elimination of which the sugar level returns to normal. In particular, these are:

  • eating simple carbohydrates;
  • prolonged psycho-emotional overstrain, stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of routine and B vitamins, severe blood loss;
  • active sports;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • pain syndrome (provokes the release of the hormones thyroxine and adrenaline).

Also, temporary hyperglycemia can be caused by taking oral contraceptives, estrogens, glucocorticosteroids (based on prednisolone), phenothiazines, beta-blockers.

A pathological increase in blood sugar develops with the following diseases:

  • neoplasms of the pancreas;
  • infectious hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • complications after various kinds of injuries, heart attack, stroke;
  • pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • violations endocrine system: Cushing's disease, obesity, polycystic ovaries;
  • neoplasms that distort the hormonal background: pheochromocytomas, glucagonomas.


Depending on the symptoms and their severity, hyperglycemia can be:

  • mild (glucose level is not more than 10 mmol);
  • medium (concentration does not exceed 16 mmol);
  • severe (indicators over 16 mmol).

Symptoms in women

The first signs of high blood sugar in women include:

  • Sudden appearance of spots before the eyes, loss of visual acuity.
  • Violation menstrual cycle against the background of hormonal disruptions.
  • Fungal infections of the nails and genitourinary system.
  • Vaginal infections, frequent urination.
  • Constant hunger, unquenchable thirst.
  • Changes in the structure and hair loss, loss of their strength and shine (caused by improper metabolism).
  • Seizures - indicate a deterioration in blood supply, an electrolyte imbalance.


If women have symptoms of high sugar, a tolerance test is required. The study is carried out in stationary conditions.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. blood is taken on an empty stomach;
  2. the patient is given a glass of water with glucose to drink;
  3. After 2 hours, the blood is taken again for analysis.

Before the test, you can not eat and allow an increase in blood pressure. On the day of the test, stress, heavy physical exertion and active sports should be avoided. It is recommended to sleep before the examination.

An indicator of more than 7 mmol / l on an empty stomach or 7.8-11.1 mmol / l after taking a solution with glucose confirms the diagnosis of "tolerance disorder". Values ​​not exceeding 6.1–7.0 mmol/l (less than 7.8 mmol/l after taking the special solution) indicate a diagnosis of fasting glucose disorder.

If necessary, ultrasound of the pancreas is additionally prescribed, general analysis blood (including the presence of enzymes in it).


A treatment regimen for a woman is made up after finding out the cause of high blood sugar. The first step is to eliminate the provoking factor. The patient is recommended walks in the fresh air and moderate physical activity. You must stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

The next step on the road to recovery is taking insulin or drugs with a hypoglycemic effect. Self-medication should not be engaged, so as not to aggravate clinical picture illness.


To normalize blood sugar levels, doctors recommend:

  • Balance your diet, but don't cut calories.
  • Do not eat simple carbohydrates: cakes, sweets, sugar. It is better to take 2 tsp. honey per day or sweeteners.
  • Complex carbohydrates should be 50% of the norm. The rest is compensated by proteins and fats, a lot of fiber.
  • Limit your salt intake.
  • Organize fractional nutrition(up to 6 times a day). Portion size should be equal to the size of a clenched fist.
  • The volume of liquid should not be more than 2 liters per day.
  • Refuse alcoholic beverages.

Healthy food with high sugar - sour-milk products, chicken eggs (no more than 2 per day), lean varieties fish and meat. From legumes, you should eat peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans. From whole grains - barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat. It is allowed to include whole grain or rye bread (preferably unleavened) in the menu. Method of cooking - steaming, stewing, boiling, baking.

With increased sugar, vegetables should be included in the diet: all types of salads and cabbage, radish, red pepper, radish, baked eggplant, tomatoes, leafy greens, spinach. Some berries and fruits are allowed: blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, lemons, pears, apples, quince. A good effect is provided by the use of vegetable fats.

Butter, confectionery, flour products are excluded from the menu. Also banned are fatty meats and fish, canned food, bacon, smoked meats. It is undesirable to eat some fermented milk products: cream, fatty cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream. It is necessary to completely abandon homemade and industrial mayonnaise. From fruits and dried fruits, raisins, figs, dates, bananas, grapes are contraindicated.

Possible Complications

Long-term high blood sugar in women can cause the following complications:

  • diseases of the organs of vision: damage to the retina, glaucoma, cataracts;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system with the further development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system, renal failure;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


The basis for the prevention of hyperglycemia is physical activity: gym, running, swimming pool, fitness, yoga. Such exercises will prevent hypodynamia, normalize hormonal levels, and increase metabolism.