How is carotene absorbed? Beta carotene in vitamins and its indications for use

Beta-carotene (β-carotene) is the best known carotenoid. This is due to the fact that it is found in many foods and has a high activity. Carotenoids are plant pigments that are responsible for the yellow, orange and red colors of some fruits and vegetables.

Beta-carotene is also known as provitamin A because it is converted in the liver and in the intestinal wall to vitamin A (retinol) as needed. The latter is found only in tissues of animal origin (especially in dairy products, in the liver of fish and animals), while β-carotene is found in plant tissues (especially in carrots).

Beta-carotene and retinol are required for normal growth and development, for tissue vitality and repair, and for the formation of teeth and bones.

The distinctive properties of β-carotene include non-toxicity compared to retinol and powerful antioxidant properties (1 molecule of beta-carotene prevents the production of 1000 free radicals or destroys them).

Benefits and role of beta-carotene in the human body:

1. Reduces the likelihood of developing certain types of cancer.

With a high concentration of beta-carotene in the body, protection against lung cancer and stomach cancer has been proven.

In some cases, a lack of β-carotene increases the likelihood of colon, breast, prostate, ovarian, and cervical cancers.

Scientific evidence has confirmed that a low level of this substance in the tissues of the cervix increases the likelihood of developing cancer, even if there is an optimal level of beta-carotene in the blood. Overcome the "tissue" deficiency by increasing the dose of this substance.

Drinking alcohol and smoking significantly reduce the content of β-carotene in the body.

2. Activates processes in the immune system:

  • increases the level of phagocytes, as well as T- and B-lymphocytes;
  • protects macrophages - cells that capture and excrete foreign microorganisms;
  • form a connection between the cells of the immune system;
  • increase the effect of interferon on the immune system.

3. Favorably affects vision.

Beta-carotene, being a powerful antioxidant, reverses the damage caused by free radicals, leading to the development of cataracts. Its additional intake reduces the likelihood of developing this disease.

4. Protects the cardiovascular system from various pathologies

Doses of beta-carotene in significant volumes reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. It is used as a prevention of atherosclerosis.

5. Protects the skin from the effects of UV rays.

Long-term beta-carotene supplementation reduces the risk of solar erythema and also reduces the chance of sunburn in people who are sensitive to sun exposure.

6. Promotes normal fertility.

7. Accelerates the healing process of wounds due to beneficial properties that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory focus.

beta-carotene in food

Daily intake of beta-carotene

As a daily intake of this substance, consider a value equal to 15 mg or 25,000 IU. It is recommended that you get beta-carotene from a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Possible signs of a lack of beta-carotene:

  • deterioration of night vision;
  • skin diseases;
  • increased risk of infection;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncological pathologies.

Side effects of taking beta-carotene

As a rule, β-carotene is well tolerated due to very low toxicity. Unlike vitamin A, which can lead to liver damage or birth defects in excess, it is almost impossible to overdose on beta-carotene.

No side effects have been observed in pregnant or lactating women taking 50,000 IU per day. Very high doses of this substance (over 100,000 IU per day) can cause an orange coloration of the skin, which is harmless in fact.

Patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, kidney and liver disease should take beta-carotene with caution.

Sources of beta carotene can be products of plant and animal origin.

What foods contain beta-carotene?

beta carotene found in orange and red vegetables and fruits, as well as in their oil extracts and some oils.
Rich in beta-carotene: sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, palm oil; it is also found in carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, broccoli, peaches and apricots.
Contain beta-carotene liver of animals and poultry, milk and egg yolk.

Natural beta-carotene absorbed better from carrot puree or juice than whole carrots. That is, from those substances in which the concentration of the substance will be higher. It should be noted that for the absorption of beta-carotene, fats are needed, for example, yogurt, cream, sour cream, etc.

Signs of a beta-carotene deficiency can include dry, flaky skin, acne, unhealthy hair and brittle nails, decreased vision, or a weakened immune system.

In cosmetics, beta-carotene can be found quite often.
For example, it contains:

  • - Sunscreens. To protect the skin from UV radiation.
  • - Means for the skin of the face, hands, body. Beta-carotene for the skin is used to soften the skin, reduce skin dryness, prevent aging, reduce inflammation, including acne, stimulate healing.
  • - Means for nails. Carotene is used in these products to strengthen them and accelerate growth.
  • - Hair products. Beta-carotene for hair is good because it makes them silky, eliminates their fragility and the formation of split ends.

Taking several antioxidants at the same time promotes their synergy. Beta-carotene with vitamin E enhance each other's action.

Beta-carotene supplement is contained in Oxylic.

Oxylik is a biologically active supplement that helps to preserve youth, stop skin aging, thanks to the synergy of its vitamins and microelements: beta-carotene selenium, vitamin C and E, lycopene.

Beta carotene: what is it, benefits for the body

  • childhood we were told that carrots are very useful. We ate it with sugar or sour cream. Slightly yellowed corners of the lips or palms caused only emotion in our mothers and grandmothers. This approach was correct, since orange vegetables and berries are the highest content of much-needed beta-carotene.

Today we will consider the questions: why does the body need beta-carotene, what is its use and whether it is possible to provide the full need without taking pills.

beta carotene in foods

With food, a person receives both energy and useful substances. Therefore, to start eating right means to start taking care of your health. From a chemical point of view, betacarotene refers to unsaturated hydrocarbons. It is formed as a result of photosynthesis and is an orange-yellow pigment. Accordingly, it is contained in products of the same color:

  • carrot;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • sorrel;
  • parsley;
  • watercress;
  • rose hip;
  • spinach;
  • celery;
  • garlic;
  • green onions;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • salad;
  • apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • peaches.

Animal products are also a source of vitamin A. However, here the content of this substance is significantly lower. So in one hundred grams of milk it is only 0.02 mg, in cottage cheese - 0.06 mg, in sour cream - 0.15 mg, in butter (it owes its yellowish tint to vitamin carotene) - 0.2 mg, in the liver - 1 mg. For example, in the same carrots it is 9 mg, and in sorrel - 7 mg.

Consuming beta carotene in its pure form will not bring any harm, since it is perfectly absorbed. It is impossible to overeat carrots, so do not limit yourself and your child. Fear that there will be an overabundance is not worth it. Moreover, the body tends to accumulate excess carotene in the fat layer, in order to then convert it into retinol.

In some, a large amount of this pigment is expressed in the fact that the skin of the palms and feet becomes a yellowish tint. You should not worry about this, since this is a normal reaction of the body, and not any pathology. When the supply of the substance stops, the skin takes on a natural appearance.

What it is

Beta carotene belongs to the group of carotenes. In total, there are more than three hundred of them in science, but this substance is one of the most needed. Not to be confused with carnitine (vitamin BT), which belongs to a completely different type of substance.

Food supplement E160a (beta carotene formula) is a natural dye. It is often used in the production of sweet carbonated drinks, juices, condensed milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, cakes, bakery products.

What is beta carotene for?

  • the main property is that in the human body it is converted into vitamin A or retinol. This happens only when there is a deficiency of the latter. Moreover, in this form, the substance is absorbed much better than the “ready-made” retinol;
  • enhances resistance to stress and emotional overload;
  • vitamin antioxidant;
  • protects cells from premature aging;
  • reduces the risk of developing oncology and neoplasms (including fibroids);
  • affects the regenerative processes in the skin;
  • participates in the production of immunoglobulins;
  • improves eyesight;
  • protects against the toxic effects of tobacco smoke;
  • indispensable for tanning: protects from ultraviolet radiation;
  • in children increases resistance to diseases, counteracts free radicals;
  • maintains mucous membranes in a healthy state;
  • improves the functioning of the sex glands.

Deficiency of provitamin A in the body

Signs of a lack of retinol:

  • hair loss, dandruff;
  • nails begin to exfoliate and often break;
  • increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • appear numerous rashes on the skin: pimples, blackheads;
  • growth slows down in children;
  • immunity falls. A person often suffers from acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • visual acuity weakens: “night blindness”, a feeling of “sand in the eyes”.

Possible reasons for the development of deficiency:

  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • lack of fats and proteins. Usually, this is a consequence of poor nutrition, diets, all kinds of food restrictions;
  • seasonal beriberi;
  • intestinal pathology;
  • improper functioning of the pancreas;
  • metabolic disorders.


With a balanced diet, when the diet has a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, provitamin deficiency does not develop. Under certain circumstances, doctors have to prescribe beta-carotene tablets to prevent complications.

Such formulations are not drugs. . Their role is to restore the lack of nutrients. There are enough brands on the pharmaceutical market that produce capsules at various prices. They are analogues to each other, since the composition is approximately the same with a slight difference.

For example:

  • Solgar (USA);
  • Oksilik (Germany);
  • Veteron (Russia);
  • Vitrum (America);
  • Sinergin (RF).

Release form:

  • tablets;
  • gelatin capsules;
  • an oily solution, a few drops of which are added to water.

Beta-carotene preparations are commercially available and can be bought at many pharmacies without a prescription. You need to choose a brand that is suitable for you not according to reviews on the network or after interviewing friends, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. Preliminary consultation of a specialist is required, since the drugs have a number of contraindications. You can familiarize yourself with them at the appointment with the doctor, as well as by reading the text of the instructions for use:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. breastfeeding period.
  3. Pregnant women are prescribed vitamin complexes to meet all the needs of the unborn child, reducing the risk of developing abnormalities. Often, the preparations contain vitamin A. By itself, it is not contraindicated. The main thing is to prevent its overabundance in the body. In this case, hypervitaminosis occurs, and then the load on the liver and pancreas of the mother and baby increases greatly.
  4. It has been proven that children absorb beta-carotene worse than adults. Applied with caution.
  5. Chronic renal failure.
  6. Viral hepatitis.
  7. In smokers, an excess of carotene can cause lung cancer.
  8. Hypothyroidism.

Possible side effects:

  • pain in the stomach and joints;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • skin court;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness.

daily requirement

For adults, this is 1 mg of vitamin A (or 5 mg of carotene), for preschool children - 0.4 mg, for adolescents - 04, - 0.7 mg, for the elderly - 0.8 mg, for pregnant women - 0 .2 - 0.8 mg, for nursing mothers - 0.4 - 1.2 mg.

Moreover, if you divide the daily rate by three times and drink in the morning, afternoon and evening, then the substance will begin to be absorbed by the body better than in one go. It is believed that the benefits of beta-carotene are greater than pure vitamin A.

Cases when the body's need increases:

  • stay in a hot climate (for example, vacation at sea);
  • frequent x-ray examinations;
  • during therapy drugs to lower cholesterol;
  • when the work is connected with the constant presence at the computer monitor;
  • when there is a lot of protein in the diet. A similar phenomenon is often observed in professional athletes;
  • alcohol abuse.

Indications for appointment

  1. The period of bearing a child.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition.
  3. Chronic ailments or recovery time after an infection.
  4. Negative external factors. For example, unfavorable environmental conditions.
  5. Great emotional and physical stress.
  6. Cancer prevention.
  7. Prevention of premature aging.
  8. Gastric ulcer.
  9. Dysbacteriosis.
  10. Gastritis.
  11. Eye diseases and visual impairment.
  12. Helps to recover after surgery.

As a means for external use is used for:

  • tonsillitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • dermatoses;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds, burns, frostbite;
  • vitiligo.

How is beta-carotene absorbed?

The substance is absorbed through the intestines with the help of bile. Without it, assimilation will not occur correctly. Much also depends on the degree of rupture of cell membranes in plant foods: that is, mashed potatoes or gruel are easier to break down. Fats are also needed: (that's why dairy products are needed), vitamins E and C to enhance the action.

Tips to help increase the absorption of provitamin:

  • try to eat freshly prepared food whenever possible;
  • store vegetables and fruits in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, since oxygen contributes to the rapid decomposition of hydrocarbons;
  • season salads with sour cream or vegetable oil, cook cereals in milk;
  • don't get carried away with diets. Beta carotene is a fat-soluble substance, and a lack of fat leads to improper absorption. And as a consequence of the deficit;
  • It is useful to combine different dishes in your menu. It is necessary that a third of the daily norm comes from animal food, and 2/3 from plant food.

Vitamin A takes on the role of the first ever vitamin. It was discovered in 1913 by two separate teams of scientists McColut and Davis and Osborne, who were busy studying the effects of butter and egg yolks on the body. Both groups found a fat-soluble substance that promotes the growth of living organisms. They came up with the name "A-Factor". And in 1916, he was given a new name - vitamin A, assigning the initial letter of the alphabet.

Vitamin A has two forms:

  • retinol, the finished form of vitamin A;
  • beta-carotene or carotene, which is a provitamin A, which has the property of being converted to vitamin A in the human body. It also has a second name - the plant form of vitamin A.

The main functions of vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the most well-known fat-soluble vitamins that perform the most important functions in the human body:

  • Promotes optimal cell division. This function inhibits the wear and tear of the human body, and also promotes metabolism.
  • Pregnant women need this vitamin. It is involved in the structure of the fetus, the development of its organs and tissues.
  • Improves eyesight. Especially, the lack of this vitamin is noticeable if a person does not see well at night.
  • Preserves the skin, as well as the inner lining of the mouth and nose.

Vitamin A, along with the main functions, performs additional ones, such as:

  • increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes
  • improving the body's immune system
  • help in resisting infections
  • formation of bones and teeth,
  • wound healing
  • aid in body growth

Retinol has the ability to protect the human body from various infectious diseases of the digestive tract, urinary and respiratory tract, as well as from all kinds of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In the most developed countries, the younger generation is much less likely to suffer from diseases such as measles, chickenpox, and the like, compared with less developed countries, where child mortality from such diseases continues to increase. This is due to the inadequate intake of vitamin A in these children. Consumption of it in its norm is mandatory for patients with such a disease as AIDS, it is he who is directly involved in extending their life.

The epithelium is restored and maintained with the help of retinol. This is a consequence of the fact that many skin care products and cosmetics contain vitamin A. When the skin is damaged (for example, burns or wounds), it is retinol that helps the human body speed up the process of skin repair, while improving the quality again.
formed tissues. In addition, its use has become widespread in skin diseases such as psoriasis and acne.

In addition to the fact that retinol is involved in the proper functioning of the epithelium and mucous membranes, due to which the respiratory functions work normally, it is also closely related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. His help in the treatment of stomach ulcers and colitis is invaluable. Retinol is also used in infertility treatment courses, as it is directly involved in the formation of progesterone and spermatogenesis.

During pregnancy, vitamin A helps the embryos develop properly, provides nutrition to the fetus, which prevents a possible underweight of the baby during childbirth.

Retinol and beta-carotene also play an important role in the prevention of cancer, especially after surgery to reduce the risk of remission.
Along with this, it protects brain cells from free radicals, which have a destructive effect on the membranes of brain cells. Beta-carotene also has a neutralizing effect on the most dangerous radicals, such as oxygen radicals and polyunsaturated acids.

Since this vitamin is essentially a powerful antioxidant, it prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, and increases the level of useful cholesterol in the blood, protecting the body from angina pectoris.

Other important carotenoids are zeaxentin and lutein. Their role in the human body is invaluable. They protect our eyes by preventing cataracts and reduce the likelihood of macular degeneration. The latter phenomenon in many people acts as one of the main causes of blindness.

Lycopene is also the most important carotenoid, since its most important function is to protect against atherosclerosis, as it prevents the accumulation and oxidation of low-density cholesterol in our arteries. Lycopene is also effective in protecting against cancers such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer.

Indications for the appointment of vitamin A

  1. Hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis naturally serve as a reason for the appointment of this vitamin.
  2. Wounds and skin diseases (such as burns, psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma and many others).
  3. Hypotrophy and rickets.
  4. All kinds of eye diseases (conjunctivitis, retinitis, keratomalacia, eyelid eczema and many others).
  5. SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza.
  6. Mastopathy.
  7. Ulcers and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Chronic bronchopulmonary diseases and tumors of the epithelium.
  9. Leukemias.

Daily requirement for vitamin A

For optimal functioning of the body, it needs the consumption of this vitamin:

  • 800 to 1000 mcg per day for adults;
  • 400-1000 mcg for children;
  • 1200 to 1400 mcg per day while breastfeeding;
  • 1000-1200 micrograms for women who are expecting a baby.

With a limited intake of vitamin A, various diseases can develop that require an increase in the consumption limit of this vitamin. The limit of vitamin A use per day is three thousand micrograms. The dose also increases with stress, painful conditions and hard work. Hot weather conditions also require increased retinol intake. Travelers in warm countries need to carefully monitor their diet during their holidays. However, in cold weather, an increase in vitamin A intake is not required.

It is a well-known fact that the accumulation of vitamin A occurs in the liver of the body, but it must be taken into account that after X-ray exposure, its amount is sharply reduced. Therefore, following this procedure, you need to increase the one-time daily dose of retinol.

Vitamin A deficiency symptoms

The main symptoms of a lack of retinol in the body include:

  • all kinds of skin diseases, the appearance of wrinkles and its dryness, peeling of the scalp and dandruff;
  • vision problems, blurred vision and poor visibility at night;
  • depletion of the body;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • disorder of the immune system, expressed in frequent acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, pulmonary diseases;
  • diseases of the central nervous system such as insomnia, violation of pain and temperature regimes;
  • disorders in the genitourinary system;
  • in children, inhibition in growth and development.

An overdose of vitamin A can be distinguished by the following symptoms

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headaches and high blood pressure;
  • bleeding gums;
  • skin rashes and excessive dryness of the skin;
  • bone pain;
  • malformations of the fetus in pregnant women or spontaneous abortion.

Foods containing Vitamin A

Sources of retinol in foods are green and yellow vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes, green onions, celery, cilantro, broccoli, carrots, spinach, green beans, parsley and other greens), meat products (beef liver, egg yolks), fish assortment (in particular fish oil and caviar), berries and fruits (apple, pear, grapes, melon, sea buckthorn, watermelon, cherry, melon), legumes (soy products and peas), dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, sour cream), herbs (leaves of plants such as burdock, lemongrass, borage, mint, sorrel, plantain, rose hips, raspberry leaves, nettle, etc.).

Opens the list of foods with the highest percentage of vitamin A in the composition of beef liver and fish oil. Next come the egg yolk and dairy products. Vitamin A is also low in grains, as in meat. Therefore, their role in increasing retinol in the human body is negligible.

Interaction of vitamin A with other substances

Now, on the pharmacy shelves, you can find a huge number of all kinds of vitamin complexes, but you should pay attention that often there are so many components in them that the selfish goal of adding elements (for quantity) is immediately noticeable. Therefore, the main task of pharmaceutical companies is to compose the components so that their digestibility is maximum, and ours is to choose from a huge number exactly the vitamin complex, whose composition in terms of digestibility will be the most ideal for the body.

A lack of zinc in the body can lead to a violation of the transition of retinol to its active ready-made form, since with zinc deficiency, the ability to synthesize protein decreases, and the relationship with vitamin A is destroyed.

As for vitamin E, on the contrary, it helps to protect retinol from oxidation in the tissues and in the intestines. Therefore, the joint use of vitamins A and E is encouraged.

Also, good results are obtained by the combined use of iron and vitamin A, whose task is to release iron stores in the liver.

Mineral oils that are present in laxatives can dissolve vitamin A. This leads to sad consequences in the form of indigestibility of this vitamin.

Alcoholic drinks also adversely affect its digestibility.


As you have already noticed, this vitamin plays an important role in the human body. Its use is mandatory for all age groups. When using it, one should not forget that, like any fat-soluble vitamin, for its good digestibility, it is necessary to eat a sufficient amount of fatty foods. They provoke the production of bile in our body, which helps it to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Carotene what is it, the benefits and harms

Carotene: role and significance, lack and excess, carotene in products

Do you love carrots? If yes, then we are in a hurry to please you: you will live 5 years longer than those people who do not consume carrots, sweet potatoes and other foods containing carotene in their composition. Why this happens, we will now explain to you.

The role of carotene in the human body

First of all, carotene acts as an antioxidant, which is able to cleanse your body of harmful free radicals that are not involved in biological processes. Thus, carotene binds and removes radicals, strengthens the immune system, significantly reduces the risk of infection with infectious and bacterial diseases, mitigates the impact on human health of a harmful aggressive environment, in particular, radiation and chemical compounds that fill the air. We note one more thing - carotene strengthens the nervous system and helps to increase its stability in stressful situations.

The second important aspect that determines the role of carotene is vitamin A, which cannot be synthesized by the human body in any way and comes from outside in products containing beta-carotene: under the influence of various enzymes, carotene turns into much-needed vitamin A.

Lack of carotene in the body

The lack of carotene in the human body leads to rather disastrous consequences, so it is in your interest to do everything possible to maintain the rate of this substance, which is 5 ml of carotene per day.

The first signs indicating an unacceptably low content of carotene in the body are:

Decreased vision

Dry mucous membrane of the eyes

Hair loss and brittle nails

If you are pregnant, there may be disturbances in the development of the embryo

Fragility of teeth and bones.

As you can see, the lack of carotene affects your overall health, so do not neglect products containing this useful substance or, in extreme cases, use vitamin complexes.

An excess of carotene

If you remember, a drop of snake venom can save you from many diseases, but a high dose kills on the spot. The situation is the same with carotene: if in your body there is a large accumulation of carotene obtained from animal products, for example, liver or meat, then this can result in a general poisoning of the body. But by eating carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, and so on, you do not put your body at risk of vitamin A poisoning. The only thing that awaits you in this case is a slight yellowing of the skin on the elbows, palms and soles of the feet due to the accumulation of excess carotene in adipose tissue .

The benefits of carotene

We can talk about the benefits of carotene to our health for a very long time, but we will limit ourselves to a brief description of the main points. So, this substance has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart system and prevents the risk of stroke, especially for the female body.

Carotene is an effective, natural stimulant of our immune system: it acts at the cellular level and improves the very structure of the cell, accelerates regeneration, protects cells from viruses and bacteria, and prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors. According to studies recently conducted at Harvard University, those people who take daily foods with a lot of carotene in them increase the number of cells - orderlies in the blood, which helps to cleanse the whole body of harmful substances, strengthen blood vessels and arteries.

Since the female body throughout life is more susceptible to stress and disease, the use of the required dose of carotene will protect them from cervical cancer, one of the most common female diseases. And one more, very important point - carotene preserves youth and prevents aging.

Today in grocery stores you are offered a lot of harmful products containing more cholesterol: these are the so-called light mayonnaises, low-fat yogurts, convenience foods, pseudo-natural juices and the like. To reduce the risk of vascular diseases from an excess of this harmful substance, carotene is needed, which blocks the processes of oxidation and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Often, when you come to the dentist, the doctor advises you to eat more carrots. This is due to the fact that the carotene contained in it disinfects and heals sores that form in the oral cavity, strengthens tooth enamel and inhibits the bacterial environment.

What foods contain the most carotene

As you all know, carotene is found in vegetables and fruits that are colored yellow, red and orange, but according to recent studies, it is also present in green ones.

The list of products with carotene included in them, of course, is headed by carrots, followed by:

  • sweet potato (yam)
  • dried and fresh apricots
  • raw chicory
  • spinach
  • pumpkin
  • cabbage
  • tomatoes
  • sweet bell pepper
  • mango
  • viburnum berries
  • wild garlic
  • sea ​​kale
  • garlic
  • cottage cheese
  • gourds
  • any greens
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries
  • rosehip berries
  • green pea
  • apples
  • citrus.

If you prefer not vitamin complexes, but fresh and tasty foods containing carotene, then your daily norm should be 4-5 pcs. fruits or vegetables, a bunch of fresh herbs, chopped into a salad, pumpkin puree or berry compote.


What is beta-carotene good for and where is it found?

Beta-carotene is the most significant of the carotenes, which are unsaturated hydrocarbons. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and is only absorbed appropriately in the presence of fats. In the form of crystals, beta-carotene is purple-red in color, and the oily solution is in shades of yellow and orange.

It was first synthesized in 1956, but research has been going on since 1831, when Wackenroder isolated beta-carotene from carrots. Natural carotene is more active than its chemically synthesized form. In addition, a synthetic analogue can cause allergic reactions.

Carotene got its name from the Latin "carota" - carrots, it is in it that its record amount is located. It is a yellow-orange pigment found in plants, giving them their respective color. It is formed in them by photosynthesis and, depending on the dose of carotene, the color saturation changes - from yellow to saturated red.

Beta-carotene can be used as a food coloring, mainly in soft drinks, juices and margarine. It is officially registered under code 160a as a dietary supplement. Produced mainly from natural sources.

Huge “deposits” of natural beta-carotene have been discovered in the unique Crimean salt lake Sasyk-Sivash. Here, under the influence of ultra-high salt content and solar radiation, algae were able to adapt and produce beta-carotene.

The action of beta-carotene

The action of the vitamin is clearly demonstrated by the numerous names given to it in various experiments - “the source of youth and longevity” or “the elixir of youth”, and it is also called a natural defense weapon.

When ingested, beta-carotene is synthesized through complex reactions into vitamin A (retinol), which differs significantly from other carotenoids.

In addition to the fact that beta-carotene is a supplier of retinol to body tissues, it itself has a great protective effect:

  • is the strongest antioxidant capable of protecting body tissues from the effects of radicals that cause the development of oncological diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system, protects tissues from premature aging;
  • according to studies, beta-carotene has proven to be a preventive measure against lung cancer and cervical cancer;
  • a high concentration of beta-carotene reduces the growth of diseases such as atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease by acting on cholesterol levels;
  • prevents sunburn, thereby protecting the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, also has a cosmetic effect on the skin, hair and nails;
  • an important component of healthy vision, beta-carotene slows down the development of cataracts, glaucoma and is responsible for the healthy state of the retina, allowing you to see well in old age;
  • indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and genitourinary system;
  • used to accelerate skin regeneration in burns, wounds and ulcers, is able to build up bone tissue, which is used in the treatment of teeth and oral cavity;
  • beta-carotene is the main friend of men in maintaining the healthy functioning of the prostate gland;
  • preservation of immunity and, accordingly, the fight against infectious processes, according to the results of studies, large portions of natural beta-carotene significantly inhibit the destruction of cells in AIDS.

Beta-carotene is not toxic even in high doses, unlike vitamin A, but it is less active, especially in the form of an oily solution. The presence of bile in the intestines is very important for assimilation, in children the ability to assimilate is less. Approximately 10-40% is absorbed due to the fibrous structure of carotene, the rest is excreted naturally.

Vitamin tends to be deposited in vital organs, skin and subcutaneous fat.

Beta-carotene is synthesized into retinol only when there is a deficiency of the latter in a ratio of 6:1, and before that, beta-carotene works as an antioxidant. In terms of effectiveness, 1 mg of beta-carotene is equivalent to 0.17 mg of vitamin A, and in the diet this ratio is expressed as nine times the dosage of beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is exposed to the destructive action of oxidation and ultraviolet radiation, and long-term storage and dehydration of products also negatively affects (grated carrots lose part of the vitamin after a quarter of an hour). But freezing, on the contrary, preserves all the carotene, just like heat treatment - carrots enhance their antioxidant properties by 5 times!

Daily rate

The daily intake of beta-carotene is 2 to 6 mg for adults and begins to increase during pregnancy and increased training in athletes. By the way, expectant mothers should take beta-carotene instead of vitamin A, because. it does not have the toxic effect of hypervitaminosis, unlike the latter, and therefore cannot harm the health of the baby.

The famous Paul Bragg in his book “The Miracle of Fasting” recommends eating carrot and cabbage salads with greens for breakfast, because they have more than enough carotene. But we recommend dressing these vegetables, for example, with olive oil. After all, without the assistance of fats, beta-carotene will transit through your body.

It is better to take beta-carotene with food, because. For its assimilation, a certain amount of fat is required. Otherwise, it will be taken simply in vain.

Lack of beta carotene

A lack of beta-carotene can lead to negative consequences, its first signs are:

  • dry flaky skin;
  • acne;
  • unhealthy hair and exfoliating nails;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • loss of vision;
  • children have growth retardation.

Despite the fact that beta-carotene is a provitamin A, its action should not be neglected. Recent studies make it more serious to take it as an independent component of the full life of the body.

An excess of animal products can lead to toxic poisoning of the body, but plant sources can only heal you. Unless the skin on the palms, feet and elbows can acquire a yellowish tint. You should not worry - this process is reversible, as soon as the excess of the vitamin comes out, the color will disappear and the natural skin tone will be restored.

Natural Sources of Beta Carotene

There is one important sign by which the content of carotene can be determined - the color of the product. All plant springs are green, yellow, orange and red in color. These include: carrots, sea buckthorn oil, sorrel, apricots, watermelon, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, chicory, spinach. Animal sources include liver, homemade milk, egg yolk.

Interaction with other substances

  1. Vitamins C and E are the main allies and enhancers of beta-carotene in antioxidant action in the aging process, prevention of strokes and cancer. Moreover, the joint action greatly enhanced the effect, despite the fact that each of the components in itself is a strong antioxidant.
  2. Vitamin E contributes to protection against destruction;
  3. Beta-carotene is much better absorbed in the presence of vitamin P, fats and proteins.

Studies in the United States have shown that when divided doses of beta-carotene into 3 doses, it increases its ability to be absorbed more than one daily dose of the same volume.

Indications for appointment

Beta-carotene is used in medicine both as a therapeutic agent and as a prophylactic (the intake can be permanent or a course of treatment is prescribed):

Sometimes there is a need for external use in such cases: psoriasis, tonsillitis, treatment of wounds, burns and frostbite, dermatoses, vitiligo, pigmentation on the skin.

Those who take beta-carotene claim that it has become easier for them to endure the heat in the summer.

There are contraindications for taking beta-carotene:

  • increased individual sensitivity;
  • existing overdose of vitamin A;
  • treatment of alcohol dependence, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;
  • chronic kidney disease.

When taking beta-carotene, side effects may develop in the form of allergies, rashes, itching on the skin, swelling, dizziness, pain in the bones and joints, loss of appetite, and nausea.

Vitamin is produced in such pharmacological forms - tablets, gelatin capsules, oil solution for oral and external use, solution for inhalation. Beta-carotene is included in multivitamins.

To get the most benefit from taking a beta vitamin, here are a few tips to follow:

  • store food in a dark and cool place;
  • it is advisable to eat vegetables raw or quickly stew with the addition of butter (you can season salads with porridge, boil porridge in milk or add a little butter);
  • do not store food for a long time and eat cooked food immediately.

Beta-carotene: good or bad?

All over the world, people around the world take beta-carotene as a dietary supplement to improve their health. From it, the human body produces vitamin A. However, there is reason to doubt the enormous usefulness of beta-carotene (in the form of tablets) ...

All over the world, people around the world take beta-carotene as a dietary supplement to improve their health. From it, the human body produces vitamin A. In addition, beta-carotene is classified as an antioxidant - chemicals that protect cells from free radicals.

However, there is reason to doubt the enormous usefulness of beta-carotene (in the form of tablets). Studies conducted by American scientists from the Women's Hospital in Brigham and the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston showed that there is little benefit from taking beta-carotene tablets.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, 22,071 men aged 40 to 84 took part in these studies. Half of them took 50 milligrams of beta-carotene capsules every other day for 12 years, and the other half did not.

The health of the representatives of both groups was the same. Thus, there was no harm from taking beta-carotene tablets, nor their beneficial effects on human health.

However, in combination with some components of tobacco smoke, beta-carotene can cause the formation of carcinogens in lung tissues, which significantly increases the risk of lung cancer. This was shown by studies of American and Italian physicians.

Another study conducted by researchers at Boston University found that excessive intake of vitamin A in the early stages of pregnancy can in some cases lead to defects in newborns. For women taking vitamin A in a dose of more than 10 thousand IU (international standard units) per day, there is a possibility of having children with a deformity of the face, head, heart, or defects in the nervous system.

Over-the-counter multivitamin kits typically contain about 5,000 IU of vitamin A. However, there is also vitamin A on sale in capsules containing up to 25,000 IU. In this regard, all mothers-to-be should be aware of the potential dangers of excessive vitamin A intake.

However, this warning does not apply to beta-carotene found in carrots and other vegetables. Scientists consider this plant-based form of vitamin A to be completely harmless. Social buttons for Joomla

Beta-carotene: what is it, sources of the vitamin, what is it for, benefits

What is useful beta-carotene, what are the contraindications and side effects. Useful tips.

Beta-carotene is a unique substance, one of the most significant among the carotenes belonging to the category of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The main feature of provitamin is the ability to be absorbed only under the influence of fats. In this case, the substance can be presented in two forms:

  • Crystals - have a purple-red hue.
  • Oil is orange or yellow.

Below we will consider what carotene is, what are the features of its intake, and what benefits it has for the body.

A bit of history

If you delve into the historical background, the first research started back in 1831. It was during that period that the scientist Wakenroder managed to isolate the substance from carrots. At the same time, they were able to synthesize beta-carotene only 125 years later, in 1956. The advantage of a natural substance is its higher activity in comparison with the synthesized version. In addition, artificial provitamin often leads to allergic reactions.

This useful element owes its name to carrots, it was formed from the word "carota" (carrots). It is difficult not to notice a large amount of beta-carotene in this vegetable - it stands out in a yellow-orange color and is formed under the influence of photosynthesis. At the same time, the color saturation and the dosage of the substance in it are directly dependent. It is believed that the smallest amount of carotene in the presence of a yellow tint, and the largest - juicy red.

In recent years, it has been actively used as a food coloring added to various drinks and margarine. Today, the substance is officially declared as a food additive included in many foods. Marking - 160a.

Benefits for the body

By the names of this representative of carotenoids, it is easy to understand its benefits and features of action. The people call the element the elixir of youth or longevity, a natural "weapon" for defense. After entering the stomach, it is converted into retinol (vitamin A), but the "lion's" share is sent to the tissues in a "pure" form to provide a protective function.

What is carotene for? Considering its effect on the human body, it is worth highlighting the following effects:

  • Suppression of the development of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. This is achieved due to the ability of the substance to regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Protecting tissues from the negative effects of radicals, which often cause the development of cancer and heart disease.
  • Positive effect when in the sun. It has been proven that b-carotene does an excellent job of protecting against the negative effects of UV rays. In addition, it has a positive effect on the condition of the nail plates, hair and skin.
  • Help in the treatment of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.
  • Suppression of aging processes by protecting tissues from radicals.
  • Support for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. For this reason, beta-carotene is often prescribed to men as a preventive and sometimes therapeutic agent (as part of complex therapy).
  • Accelerating the recovery of the skin in case of ulcers, wounds or burns. In addition, the action of the element is aimed at building up bone tissue, which is used in the treatment of teeth.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Thanks to the action of this representative of carotenoids, the body is less susceptible to infectious diseases. In addition, studies have shown a significant benefit from the use of the substance in the presence of AIDS: it inhibits the processes of destruction at the cellular level.
It is worth noting that the element is non-toxic, which favorably distinguishes it from retinol, which cannot boast of such a feature. But there is also a drawback - low activity, which is especially manifested in a substance that has the form of an oil. Digestibility - 10-40%, which is explained by the fibrous structure of the substance. At the same time, the element is absorbed worse in children.

An important advantage of b-carotene is the ability to accumulate in the fat layer, skin tissues and some organs. The conversion of provitamin to retinol occurs only in acute deficiency of the latter. Up to this point, carotene performs antioxidant functions in the body.

It should be noted that the substance is unstable and is destroyed under the influence of two factors:

  • oxidative processes occurring in the body;
  • ultraviolet.

It is believed that after rubbing carrots, the product loses most of the element after 15 minutes. To preserve carotene, it is enough to store food in the freezer. In no way does heat treatment affect the volume of the useful substance.

How much to take?

The possibilities of beta-carotene were discussed above, what kind of vitamin it is, what tasks it performs after it enters the body. An equally important point is the dosage, which rarely gets enough attention. On average, the human body needs 2-6 mg / day.

The norm depends on the age and rhythm of life. The need increases in athletes who devote most of their time to training, as well as in pregnant women. In the latter case, it is recommended to take it instead of vitamin A (precisely because of the lack of toxicity).

The best time to take it is with food. This is due to the ability of the element to dissolve faster under the action of fats. If you take vitamins with beta-carotene on an empty stomach, then the effect will be minimal or absent altogether.

Deficit and surplus

Lack of a substance often leads to negative health effects, manifested by the following signs:

  • the appearance of peeling on the skin;
  • visual impairment;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • the occurrence of acne in various parts of the body;
  • slowdown in growth processes (especially manifested in children);
  • deterioration of the condition of the nail plates and hair.

We must not forget about the other side of the "medal" - an overdose. According to research, excessive intake of provitamin from animal products can cause toxic poisoning. As for the element that is of plant origin, it is safe. The only manifestation of an overdose may be a change in the shade of the feet, elbows and palms, which become slightly yellowish. But this symptom is not dangerous. As soon as the excess amount of the substance leaves the body, everything falls into place, and the skin takes on a normal shade.

Sources and interaction with other elements

As already mentioned, the main sign of the presence of a substance in the product is a special color. So, its plant sources are easy to recognize by color, which can be:

  • green;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • orange.

Products that contain a large amount of carotene:

  • eggs;
  • pumpkin;
  • liver;
  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • milk;
  • watermelon;
  • cabbage;
  • apricots;
  • sorrel and others.

As for the interaction with other substances, the following points should be highlighted here:

  • Ascorbic acid and tocopherol enhance the action of beta-carotene and increase its effectiveness in the fight against cancer, problems of the cardiovascular system. Joint reception increases the overall antioxidant effect.
  • When combined with proteins, fats and vitamin P, carotene is absorbed much faster.
  • Joint reception with tocopherol prevents the destruction of the element.

Indications for use

Beta-carotene is actively used in medical practice. Doctors often prescribe it in the following cases:

  • With a lack of retinol during pregnancy, as well as with excessive soreness of a person or malnutrition.
  • For the prevention of aging.
  • In the presence of increased stress (mental and physical).
  • In case of influence on the body of various negative factors.
  • In diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers.
  • For vision problems.
  • With cancer, as well as for prevention.

External use is often prescribed for the following problems:

  • burns;
  • psoriasis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • dermatoses;
  • skin pigmentation.

Many people who take this provitamin are able to tolerate high temperatures more easily.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the benefits of beta-carotene, there are a number of contraindications for taking it:

  • kidney problems (chronic diseases);
  • alcohol dependence, liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • retinol overdose;
  • individual sensitivity.

In the process of taking foods or vitamins containing a substance, a number of side effects may occur:

  • pain in the joints and bones;
  • loss of appetite;
  • severe nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • skin itching;
  • puffiness.


Above, the functions of beta-carotene were discussed, what it is, what the dosage should be, and what is the benefit to the body. In conclusion, it is worth highlighting a number of points:

  • The substance is available in several forms: in the form of oil, tablets or capsules. A special solution for inhalation is also sold. When buying oil, it is worth considering that it is for external and internal use.
  • To get the most benefit, it is recommended to store foods rich in carotene in a cool place where the rays of the sun do not reach.
  • Vegetables should be taken raw. Quenching with a slight addition of oil is allowed.
  • It is not recommended to store carotene-containing products for a long time - they should be eaten immediately.