Reverse psoriasis treatment. Psoriasis of the skin folds: treatment, causes, symptoms

Well-groomed, well-groomed girls and ladies involuntarily or voluntarily make both men and women look at themselves. After all, they look successful, organic, peaceful, their image fits perfectly into the picture. modern world, they feel like fish in water at fashionable parties, in high-end restaurants, at business meetings and look chic on the covers of glamorous publications.

Sleek girls nowadays are not satiated kitties purring at the feet of their owners, they are often self-sufficient successful ladies who know their worth and know how to win their place in the sun.

You are perfection...

Signs of grooming, many determine for themselves subconsciously, but in general, the picture should turn out to be organic. First of all, judging by numerous surveys on forums, in groups, collectives, one of the main signs of well-groomedness is flawless skin without annoying signs of fatigue, without dark circles under the eyes, without visible defects. Followed by beautiful hands, which amaze with impeccability and the absence of traces homework, the perfect hairstyle, and even talking about the purity of the hair is generally unnecessary. This is a well-chosen wardrobe, stylish shoes, tastefully selected some accessories that complete the look. But most importantly, this is a special facial expression, because a well-groomed lady cannot be preoccupied in public, she does not frown and does not wrinkle her forehead, but surprisingly maintains calm and regal grandeur in any situation.

Sleep well, drink enough...

So, you set out to become a sleek girl? Perfect solution! First of all, you should take care of a good sleep. It is he who is a real, effective and wonderful medicine. Determine for yourself the optimal time period for sleep and try to get enough sleep. You should also adhere to the rule of the great Coco Chanel that the most complete and healthy sleep comes just before midnight. Even if you are a real owl, think about accustoming yourself to go to bed at least an hour before the onset of a new day. If you do this regularly, then the next morning the skin of the face will look refreshed, rejuvenated, so glowing and.

Sleep is great, but are you drinking the right amount of water throughout the day? But it has long been said and discussed about the cherished one and a half liters, which you need to drink gradually throughout the day. This does not include tea and coffee pure water, which will help preserve youth for a long time, helping to smooth out wrinkles and giving the body new strength. Do not skimp on this rule, because you are gradually approaching yourself renewed, better, perfect!

Take care of yourself and rest properly

Self-care involves taking care of the skin of the face and body, so love your face and body, nourish them, because over time, the structure of the skin changes, and even the most ideal skin will require not only regular cleansing, but also moisturizing, nutrition, saturation. It’s great if you have already picked up your line of face and body care, but try to consult a good beautician. The advice of experts will help you avoid typical mistakes when applying funds, they will direct your efforts in the right direction. Do not forget about the neck and hands, it is they who betray the true age with the cunning of the enemy, but if you nourish these parts of the body as carefully as the face, you will see a great result super-fast.

Indulge in days of true relaxation, try to find time for this, give your body and soul to the power of relaxation, even if you have four children, a difficult job and a lot of problems. Leave them out for a while, relax with a book, in a warm bubble bath, in a cozy bed or outside the city, in nature.

We are active and know how to decorate ourselves

A well-groomed girl or woman cannot be loose, and this is not even a tribute to modern fashion, but a concern for her health. Find the strength in the set to visit a sports or gym at least a couple of times a week, or devote this time to fitness, fast dancing. Or practice at home, since now there are so many sports complexes for home use. You can dance at home in your spare time, remember that it is the dancers who have the most beautiful bodies that just ask to be immortalized by sculptors.

Make-up should not be aggressive, flashy, not a shadow of vulgarity is allowed on the face of a truly sleek girl. There is no need to talk about manicure, some ladies in provincial cities still neglect its presence, but this is so wrong. The absence of a manicure, well-groomed nails is a move, a bad taste, always remember this.

About self-love and the pursuit of harmony

You can list many signs of a well-groomed girl, honing the edges of the future style, the behavior of the one who decided to become truly beautiful. But the main thing is the inner perception of oneself. If you don’t love yourself sincerely, with all your heart, if you don’t say to yourself every morning in front of the mirror: “ Hi beauty. You're beautiful!”, if you continue to grow complexes in yourself, then you won’t be able to become sleek. Those around you will feel your insecurity, complexes, disbelief in yourself and your strengths. And how can such a girl become super-attractive? Certainly not! Therefore, respect yourself and indulge, praise yourself more often, cherish and cherish, allow yourself to be dipped into the arms of reasonable egoism at least occasionally, and remember that the main thing is to sincerely love yourself, and then this world will surely love you.

It is no secret for everyone that a well-groomed and well-groomed woman is a woman who takes care of herself and looks good. Not only men, but also women pay attention to them. Therefore, every self-respecting representative of the weaker sex strives to become sleek and well-groomed. This is what the site will tell you today.

Whether every woman can become a well-groomed

According to many, a woman who has huge financial opportunities and enough free time that can be spent on self-care can become a well-groomed and well-groomed woman. Grooming can be achieved using expensive medical and decorative cosmetics, as well as visiting SPA salons. And this is not a secret, because we all see how screen stars and celebrities look today. But is it possible, without having a large income, to become a well-groomed and well-groomed woman? Of course you can! There are many examples that prove this fact.

perfect face

In most cases, the first thing people notice is the face. It is an important component of a well-groomed woman. After all, even among the people they say - "the result is visible on the face." Smooth and radiant facial skin is the first sign of grooming. In order to have perfect facial skin, it is not enough just that nature has rewarded you with excellent data. The skin of the face must be constantly looked after and monitored for its beauty. If you were born with not quite perfect skin, then in order to achieve visible results little effort is required.

Facial care involves cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face. Today, this can be easily done with the help of numerous masks, scrubs and creams. They will certainly give your face freshness and smoothness, which will be the first step on the path that will help you become a sleek woman.

Good sleep and a balanced diet are also considered an integral part of a healthy person. The food consumed contains vitamins that have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the whole body as a whole.

Hairstyle will help to become sleek

Talks about the beauty of a woman healthy look her hair. Clean, shiny, well and neatly styled hair is a sign of a well-groomed woman. If you regularly dye your hair with hair dye, in no case allow visible appearance of regrown roots. They should not spoil your appearance.

Today, choose hair care products that are suitable both in structure, depending on whether your hair is dry, brittle, or coarse, and in oiliness. It is not necessary to do styling or hairstyles every day. It will be enough that your hair looks great and neat.

Hand beauty

No matter how trite it sounds, but the beauty of the hands also emphasizes the well-groomedness of every woman. Scruffy nails, peeling nail polish, unmanaged cuticles, and more will ruin even the most beautiful look you've created. Nails need to be given Special attention they need to be looked after. If you can't afford to go to nail salons, you can easily buy nail and cuticle care products.

Clothes and accessories

Clothes and accessories are not the most basic criteria for grooming, but even without them you will not be able to become sleek. It is not necessary to have a lot of money and dress only in expensive boutiques, it is enough to approach the choice of clothes with taste. Even the most simple and cheap clothes, chosen with taste, will look perfect and emphasize your beauty.

If you do not trust your taste, you can consult with a specialist who will help you choose clothes and accessories that will perfectly complement your image and emphasize your style.

On the site you can not only learn how to become a sleek woman, but also get acquainted with the rules of a sleek woman.

The article will help you become unforgettably beautiful.

Basic rules of a well-groomed woman:

Always try to look appropriate depending on the place and occasion. Do not use bright and catchy colors, both in clothes and accessories, and in makeup.
Even and soft skin tone. Don't go overboard with self-tanners or tanning beds.
Buy care products. If you have extra money, it is better to spend it on cosmetics than on unnecessary accessories.
Decorations. Try to save money for silver or gold jewelry rather than buying a lot of cheap costume jewelry.
Simple and neat pedicure and manicure. Beautiful nails of the feet and hands will help to become sleek.
At least occasionally visit beauty salons for hair coloring and cutting, nail care, face and body skin care.
Use a good and persistent perfume with a gentle and light aroma.
Do regular depilation of excess hair on the body - the skin should be smooth and tender.
Don't chase fashion. Dress simply and tastefully. Avoid bright and shiny clothes.
Watch your body and figure. Visit fitness centers and exercise. The abdomen should be flat, and the posture should be even and beautiful.
Light and beautiful makeup. Consult with a specialist about the makeup that is right for you.
Guided by these rules, you can easily become a well-groomed and well-groomed woman. In this case, you will attract the eyes of both strangers and your only chosen one, for whom this is an important step on your part to become desirable and beautiful. Don't forget to pay attention to your health.

Psoriasis is related to chronic diseases skin that is non-infectious. Today in medical practice it is customary to distinguish several forms of this pathology, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics. The treatment of the disease is determined precisely by what kind of psoriasis the patient has.

Main types


This form is detected in more than 90% of patients who present with dermatosis. It is characterized by the appearance on the surface of the skin of small plaques that rise above the cover. The upper part of these formations has a white tint resulting from peeling of the skin. Along the edges of the plaque is red. It appears due to the fact that an inflammatory process occurs in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Often this form of psoriasis is called vulgar, ordinary or simple. Approximately 80% of patients with this disease have itching. Under the plaques there are many small vessels, so when combing, blood appears in the form of small droplets. Over time, the plaques begin to merge with each other, thereby increasing the area of ​​the lesion. The prolonged course of the disease leads to the fact that the patient's temperature rises and functions deteriorate. internal organs. Against the background of plaque psoriasis, other, more serious pathologies often develop.

Psoriatic erythroderma

This form is also characterized by the appearance of redness on the skin. However, a local increase in temperature is noted in the affected area. As with plaque psoriasis, erythroderma occurs in small areas. But over time, the affected area gradually grows. In the future, in addition to the main symptoms, patients have an increase in lymph nodes.

Lack of therapy always leads to dysfunction of internal organs. As erythroderma progresses, patients suffer from a decrease in overall body weight. Large ones form trophic ulcers and kidney failure.

Psoriatic arthritis

Pathology affects mainly the phalanges of the fingers and toes. As a result, the performance of the limbs is impaired. In some cases, there is a deterioration in the functions of the spine. The development of psoriatic arthritis threatens with disability.

Atypical psoriasis

Atypical, or reverse, psoriasis is one of the most complex forms of pathology. Plaques appear in places that are uncharacteristic of the usual form of the disease: the genitals, armpits, groin, and so on. They also occur on the knees and elbows.


To date, there is no exact theory explaining why psoriasis develops. Most doctors believe that this disease refers to autoimmune diseases. That is, it is inherited. It's believed that main reason development pathology is mutated genes that change the DNA of the immune system. As a result, under the influence of third-party factors, mechanisms are launched in the body that accelerate the growth and division of cells. So, if u healthy person skin cells are updated within a month, then it takes the patient about five days.

In this case, the immune system "considers" skin cells as pathogenic and begins to attack them. This process leads to the formation of an inflammatory process in places where the skin is damaged.

The factors provoking the launch of pathogenic mechanisms include:

  • wrong way of life, which includes low mobility and bad habits;
  • improper diet rich in animal fats;
  • skin injuries, including burns and cuts;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • concomitant diseases such as diabetes etc;
  • allergic reaction on the effects of certain drugs.

It is worth noting once again that the above list contains provoking factors. None of them, as stated by the theory under consideration, is not the main cause of psoriasis.

Doctors who support another theory say that psoriasis is an acquired disease. However, in this case, we are talking about an autoimmune pathology. Researchers believe that during the life of patients there was a period when the genes responsible for the development of the disease mutated.

As mentioned above, the reverse form of psoriasis occurs in the folds of the skin. Therefore, it is believed that one of the main reasons, in addition to a genetic predisposition, for its development is a fungal or yeast infection. Moreover, these areas are subjected to friction more often than other parts of the body. There is also increased sweating.

Skin lesions in intimate areas

Inverse psoriasis, which occurs in intimate places, is classified as one of the most severe, as it brings serious discomfort to its owner. This form is characterized by a rash on the genitals. However, the skin almost never flakes, and therefore the diagnosis of pathology is difficult.

In addition to the main reasons indicated above, the reverse form occurs due to:

  • pathological changes in the immune system;
  • violations of the organs located in the pelvic area;
  • dysfunction of nerve endings in the spine;
  • other forms of psoriasis.

It is important to note that, despite the localization, this disease is not transmitted through sexual contact.

Often rashes appear not only on the intimate organs of men and women, but also on the pubis. The reverse form of the disease is always chronic. That is, pathology therapy is aimed at suppressing the main symptoms and increasing the duration of remission.

Skin lesions in the folds

Psoriasis of the skin folds, or intertriginous psoriasis, is characterized by an atypical place for the appearance of plaques. As in the case described above, the skin on the plaques does not peel off. The formations themselves do not protrude above the skin and have a smooth surface. Outwardly, such an ailment resembles mycosis, as a result of which its diagnosis is difficult.

It is important to note that the affected areas are constantly exposed to friction. Therefore, any rashes in these areas cause serious discomfort to the patient, and the treatment of the disease is quite difficult. In addition, in the armpits, gluteal and inguinal folds, the skin is characterized by increased sensitivity to external influences, thereby worsening the patient's condition.

In some patients, plaques undergo erosive processes. All of the above only indicates that therapy with local preparations (creams, lotions) is ineffective. It should also be noted that these areas differ increased sweating, in connection with which people use deodorants and depilatory products in order to suppress unpleasant odors. Both actions only complicate the treatment of the disease.

In the treatment of pathology, first of all, it is necessary to achieve maximum dryness of the skin in the affected areas.

Skin lesions on flexor surfaces

As with normal psoriasis, when the skin is affected on the flexor surfaces, the plaques protrude slightly above the cover. However, they also have a smooth, non-flaky texture.


Diagnosis of the reverse form of the disease is difficult, since skin rashes characteristic of other pathologies. And it doesn’t matter where the skin is affected: groin, armpits, and the like. The absence of scaling complicates the diagnosis based on external examination. Therefore, patients are sent for a biopsy.

According to the results this study you can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the current disease, its form, stage of development, and more. Based on this information, a course of treatment is drawn up.


Treatment of psoriasis local preparations able to relieve symptoms for a while, however, due to the fact that the skin at the sites of the lesion is highly sensitive, patients develop a serious allergic reaction to some drugs. In this case, it is recommended to make changes in therapy.

The basis of the treatment of this form of the disease is the intake of corticosteroids. These drugs suppress immune system, due to which it is no longer able to attack pathogenic cells. As a result, the inflammatory process decreases and itching disappears. At the same time, corticosteroids negatively affect the microflora of the stomach and intestines. Long-term use of these drugs contributes to thinning of the skin, especially in places where rashes are detected. Therefore, treatment with corticosteroids should be carried out with the direct participation of a dermatologist. In addition, such therapy is often combined with the use of topical steroids, which are part of various creams. In particular, a hydrocortisone ointment is used to prevent thinning of the skin.

In the treatment of this form of dermatosis, calcipotriene cream is used. It contains synthetic vitamin D3, which slows down the process of cell renewal. Before the first application of this cream, a test is carried out, lasting for 24 hours. It allows you to pre-determine the presence of intolerance in the patient to the components of the drug, since when applied to the inguinal region, severe irritation often occurs.

Coal tar is prescribed as a sedative. It is part of various creams and reduces the course of the inflammatory process in the affected areas. In addition, it is added to therapeutic baths. Coal tar has a long lasting effect.

An equally common method of treating psoriatic rashes is light treatment. To do this, it is recommended to take sunbaths and attend phototherapy procedures, during which problem areas are affected by ultraviolet radiation.

Severe forms of the disease are recommended to be treated with systemic drugs. Examples include the drugs Revmateks, Soriatan and Ameviv. Specified drugs introduced into the body by injection. They help to alleviate the symptoms characteristic of a skin disease. Additionally, immunosuppressive drugs are prescribed.

Inverse psoriasis strikes skin covering patient in places of bends, folds and genitals. This disease is characterized by a severe course and is often classified as psoriasis of the flexion surfaces.

The disease develops regardless of the age and gender of a person and is accompanied by a recurrent course, especially in autumn and winter. Inflammatory process can be localized from small parts, but is able to spread over large skin areas, causing psychological and physical discomfort to the patient.


First of all, it should be noted that this form of psoriasis (like any other) is not transmitted through sexual and domestic contact, and autoimmune changes are considered the main cause of inverse psoriasis.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

MEN. The development of inverse psoriasis in men is accompanied by rashes in the groin and glans penis and severe itching. As a rule, with this form of psoriasis, there is no peeling and for a more accurate diagnosis, a biopsy study is performed, as well as a blood test.

WOMEN. Diagnosis of inverse psoriasis among women is difficult due to the similarity of symptoms with diseases such as balanoposthitis and vulvitis. The localization of the rash is the pubic region and labia minora. The rash does not have a clear border and has a wavy character.

It is important to note the lack of expression of external symptoms, both in women and men. Therefore, before starting symptomatic treatment, in addition to a visual examination of the patient, laboratory tests must be carried out.

In addition, there is an erroneous opinion that inverse psoriasis can be transmitted sexually and in the domestic way. In some cases, this is due to the nature of the rash and the location.

It should be remembered that any form of psoriasis, including the reverse, is not transmitted through sexual contact, kissing, shaking hands, etc. The nature of the disease is primarily genetic and autoimmune in nature, which is confirmed by numerous studies and observations of specialists.

Therapeutic measures

First of all, psoriasis of the flexion surfaces includes:

Use of non-hormonal external ointments: Zinc Sulfur-tar, Ichthyol, Sulfur, Naphthalon and Dermatol ointments.

Local treatment with these agents allows you to quickly heal and disinfect the areas affected by psoriasis.

Vitamin containing preparations. Treatment of psoriasis with external agents with the addition of vitamins has been used for a long time. For this, drugs with retinoids and Calcipotriol (a synthetic analogue of vitamin D3) are prescribed. For maximum effect, it is recommended to use these drugs for a long time.

To the group effective drugs include: Daivonex, Aekol, Daivobet, Ksamiol, Kremgen, etc.

It should be noted that in these drugs, in addition to Calcipotriol, there is a small amount of corticosteroids. Due to synthetic vitamin D 3, the negative effects of hormones are weakened, which makes the treatment much safer, while maintaining effectiveness. However, we should not forget that topical products containing Calcipotriol cannot be used together with salicylic acid.

Antihistamines. In the acute phase of the development of symptoms, treatment is recommended antihistamines, which have anti-edematous, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The most commonly used drugs of this group, related to the new generation: Erius, Claritin, Telfast, Semprex, Zirtek, etc.

Second-generation drugs have fewer side effects on the patient's body. In some cases, infusion treatment with sodium thiosulfate or calcium chloride is effective.

Systemic drugs. In severe cases of the reverse form of psoriasis, it is recommended to take systemic drugs that quickly neutralize negative symptoms, but often have a negative effect on the body.

These include: Methotrexate (Trexall), Acitretin (Soriatan), Neoral, Cyclosporine (Sandimmun).

These medicines are taken according to an individual scheme developed by a doctor.

In addition, in infusion therapy, psoriasis of the flexion surfaces is effectively neutralized by biological products: Remicade, Humira, Ameviv, Ustekinumab, Enbrel, etc.

It must be remembered that some medications that are used to treat psoriasis of the flexor surfaces can cause side effects. Therefore, it is necessary, together with the doctor, to control general state body using laboratory diagnostics.

Apart from drug therapy in the case when the development of inverse psoriasis is diagnosed, treatment with light therapy shows good results, since this method allows you to cover hard-to-reach areas of psoriasis lesions.

Skin care

The presence of a psoriatic rash (like any other) in the area of ​​​​skin folds (groin, buttocks, armpits, etc.) complicates treatment due to hypersensitivity skin in these areas. In addition, many patients experience psychological difficulties, ashamed to go to the doctor.

Psoriatic rashes are often localized on a weeping, and in some cases, erosive surface, which is prone to infection. The danger is the high humidity and temperature of these areas, which can be injured from the slightest contact with clothing and linen.

As a rule, with psoriasis, against the background of long-term use hormonal ointments, the immune status decreases. Every healthy person has opportunistic flora on the skin. Microorganisms are present everywhere: in the soil, in fresh water and sea ​​water, on the ocean floor and in the air. Every day they enter our body with food, water and air. Many microorganisms live permanently on the skin, in oral cavity, respiratory tract, intestines and genitals (especially in the vagina). Pathogenic microorganisms rarely cause a secondary infection in a healthy person. The skin of a psoriasis patient is already an excellent breeding ground for these microorganisms. In this case, we are talking about those patients who are affected by skin folds under the breast (in women), inguinal folds, skin of the armpits, navel and anogenital area (a perverted form of psoriasis). In such cases, during bacteriological examination, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida albicans are found in the lesions.

As a rule, the defeat of the mucous membranes in psoriasis usually accompanies the defeat of other areas of the skin. Psoriasis can affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs (in both women and men) and the mouth (tongue and inner surface of the cheeks). The tongue affected by psoriasis becomes red and inflamed. From my colleagues in this case, you can hear such terms as “glossite” or “geographical language”. When the oral mucosa is affected, randomly located white stripes appear on it, surrounded by red areas.

In men, psoriasis of the genital mucosa can affect both the head and other parts of the penis, the scrotum. Red, scaly plaques appear on the glans penis. In women, the lesion can manifest itself in different ways. In skin folds, the plaques are most often red, without scales. The defeat of psoriasis can spread to the mucous membrane of the labia minora and the vestibule of the vagina. The mucous membrane of the vestibule of the anus (anogenital zone) can also be affected. Vaginal discharge, which is often due to a fungal infection, can irritate plaques in the perineum. Vaginal discharge may also be caused by bacteria that contribute to the development of psoriasis.

Of course, the question immediately arises in my patients: “How to care for the skin of the perineum and the skin between the buttocks?”. At any time of the year, and especially in summer in warm weather during the day, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the skin of the perineum (around the genitals, anus and between the buttocks). Make lotions, baths and douches from a decoction of chamomile, calendula.

The skin around the anus is especially susceptible to bacterial infection, so in the toilet, before using toilet paper, moisten a small piece of it and wrap it in dry paper. After that, remove any traces of moisture with paper towels or soft tissue. It is best to use wet wipes for intimate hygiene (sold in almost all stores).

After the patient takes a shower, thoroughly dry all inguinal folds of the skin. Try to wear loose cotton clothing, comfortable underwear, change it often and wash it in hot water. Be sure to iron both sides. Men should wear loose-fitting shorts rather than tight bottoms. Do not wear tight clothing or clothing made of synthetics (such as polyester) that is close to the body, as this increases perspiration.

Psoriasis should be treated, not started and not allowed to stay in one place for a long time rashes. If the head and genitals are affected, these are already signs of psoriatic arthritis. And all these problems are treated! What a blessing it is to have clear skin!