How to do homework by. How to create a task

For some reason, the subject of solfeggio seems to many to be too complicated, incomprehensible and confusing. A particular problem in such cases is the completion of homework on. Why? Yes, because at home each of you, the students, is left alone with the lesson, simply not understanding how to act in such a way that everything will surely work out.

Dear friends! Let's learn together with you, let's learn how to do homework in solfeggio on our own and without mistakes. Now read a little what we have prepared for you. Of course, there are no “recipes” or finished works here. But here there is something completely different - we will treat your thoughts, we will learn to tune in to work with pleasure. Yes, any homework It's hard work and it's important to understand.

What else needs to be done in class?

Here you are still at the lesson, its end is approaching. What must you do without leaving the classroom?

  1. Record as detailed as possible write homework in a diary . Do not rely on your memory - everything flies out of your head after only 10 minutes. You just think that you remember everything!
  2. Specify what textbooks or books you will need . This is not always necessary, but sometimes it is relevant (for example, if you were given a summary, crossword puzzle or report). If you don't have the right books home, then after the lesson, without wasting time and the opportunity to get a copy of the textbook, go to the library.
  3. If the task is not clear, then immediately ask the teacher to explain the task to you personally . There is no need to be ashamed of this question. Yes, you don’t have to be afraid to ask, even if the teacher yelled at the whole class for the whole lesson. She will not kill you anyway, the main thing is to speak politely. What can be said? You can do it like this: “Marya Ivanovna, please explain to me the task of such and such.” Marya Ivanovna may object: “What is it that you don’t understand here, brake? What didn’t I say clearly?”, or maybe explain everything calmly. In any case, at least try! In the first case, you can clarify what exactly is not clear to you, or simply ask to repeat. Maybe the reason is that you did not fully hear the task and, accordingly, did not fully record it in the diary? You can also ask clarifying questions in response to Marya Ivanovna: “Is this to be done in writing or orally? And here it is necessary to build from sound or in tonality? etc. The more angry Marya Ivanovna is, the more you triumph over her (are you calm, even though you are afraid of her?).

When to do solfeggio homework?

Come home - rest if possible. When will we do our homework? It can be the next day after the lesson, it can be a day or two. It is not recommended to do homework on solfeggio directly on the day of the next lesson, as well as before going to bed on the eve of this day. Do not leave such matters in the end, set a time in your life (polchala) that you will devote to solfeggio, and strictly observe the regimen.

For example, a solfeggio lesson on Monday at 10.00. I will do my solfeggio homework every Thursday from 11.00 to 11.30 or from 11.00 to 12.00. I am not a weakling and I will not break the rules that I made up for myself.

What are solfeggio homework assignments and how to do them?

They are different. Let's divide them into several categories:

1. Singing numbers from notes and learning them by heart

This is the main type of exercise that is given to almost every lesson. The tasks here are simple: to conduct correctly and sing the right notes in the right rhythm. What to work out? Rhythm, if it is complex (triplets, dotted lines, sixteenths). Intonation, if there are complex turns (they cannot be absent). How to work on intonation? It is necessary to determine the tonality and steps that are involved in a complex intonation. Awareness of their place in harmony should direct singing in the right direction.

It is also useful to do intonation analysis. This is when we determine the direction of movement of the melody (up, down, in place), the method of movement (smooth steps, jumps, chromatism) or the intervals between individual sounds. We learn a difficult place separately (we directly take two or three sounds and repeat until we learn how to sing them easily and naturally).

For singing to be expressive, it is necessary to consciously divide the entire stream of sounds into motives, phrases and sentences. Why? Yes, because any number from the solfeggio collection is an example taken from musical literature. This is a piece of work that is sung or played. The division of a fragment into semantic parts must be felt. The text, if any, can help in this matter. The boundaries of musical phrases coincide with the boundaries of poetic phrases.

2. Construction of scales, intervals, chords in key and from sound

This is also a type of work that is often asked. The usual task assumes that all this needs to be built in a musical notebook in writing, and then also sing with a voice or play. For example, they are asked to write and . Do you know how it is?

For some reason, these tasks cause the greatest fear, as they are associated with music theory. Yes, they are connected, so what's wrong with that? You will never be asked what you did not pass in the lesson. Therefore, to do this homework, look in your notebooks - with the rules and classwork. Perhaps you have examples there? Surely they will. Just repeat what you did in class. And if not? Then you just need to find the necessary theoretical material and be sure to understand it. And you don’t need to worry that it won’t work or that you will spend a lot of time. It will turn out, and the time spent will more than pay for itself.

If you missed the lesson where a new topic was explained, try to use at least those explanations that are on our website. Here is just a short list of topics on which we already have materials:

  • The three types of minor are
  • The three types of major are
  • How to build newts -
  • How to build characteristic intervals -
  • How to remember key signs -
  • About four types of triad -
  • About the dominant seventh chord -
  • About introductory seventh chords -

3. Theoretical work - crossword puzzles, reports, exam tickets

These are the most interesting tasks. Crosswords should be made up of terms and explanations for them from among those that you wrote down in class. Why exactly this way and not otherwise? Because your classmate should solve your crossword puzzle, and he will look for answers, first of all, in his notebook. Well, if he's all right in the head, of course!

As for the reports, it is better to check the source of literature and content with the teacher. Regarding the preparation of answers to tickets for the exam. We always look for this in notebooks for rules, or where you wrote down all the information on new topics. As a last resort, complete your notes using our website, or with the help of theoretical textbooks downloaded from the Internet.

For example, there is a very good tutorial- Vakhromeev "Elementary theory of music". Of course, it is not intended for schoolchildren, but the average schoolchildren can use it. There, everything that a student needs is stated in an orderly and concise manner without further ado.

4. Creative tasks

Here the tasks can be very different. These are drawings on a given topic, and, of course, composing music, songs, poems, selecting accompaniment and selecting a second voice. What to say? Creative tasks are called creative because in them you need to somehow express yourself. Feel free to compose music the way God puts on the soul. You weren't taught this, were you? The only problem is that everything that you compose, you must write down with notes, so do not prepare especially complex and long compositions for the lesson - let them be small and light.

  • How to make a crossword -
  • An example of a finished solfeggio crossword puzzle -
  • How to write song lyrics
  • How to compose a melody

Why is it necessary to practice solfeggio at home?

You will not argue with the fact that the subject of solfeggio is some kind of, but significant difficulty for many. Life is so arranged that only one hour a week is allotted for studying solfeggio. This is very little, because absolutely everything flies out of the "student" goals in a week.

If you do not consolidate the acquired knowledge at home, then learning will become more and more difficult. But if you study at home regularly, then problems with the subject will disappear by themselves, and all science will become a mere trifle for you.

What should never be done, but still possible sometimes?

Never shift the responsibility for homework to another person - to your mother, for example. Don't let your parents help you with your homework. You must manage on your own. Do not look for ready-made answers to solfeggio homework assignments on the Internet and do not leave requests for help in the comments on our website or on the Answers to website. It's shameful! Do not disgrace!

What is possible? You can ask a knowledgeable person to help if you are really too lazy. But you have to pay for help. No one will solve your own problems just like that!

In the USA, mandatory meetings with teachers are held: parents come to school, get acquainted with teachers, see what and how. At one of these meetings, Brandy, who teaches second graders, handed out notes to her parents with killer information: there will be no homework until the end of the year. At home, you only need to finish what the student did not have time to finish in class. The teacher suggested that parents use the free time to good use: hold family dinners, read books with the whole family, walk more on the street and go to bed earlier.

The mother of one of the students photographed the note.

Many liked the idea, judging by the huge number of likes and shares.

In fact, no homework is required. That's why.

1. Homework is bad for your health

All parents talk about this: the ever-increasing academic workload and stress testing hit the health of children.

  • Due to the high load, children sleep less. They stay up late at school and worry about their grades, which ends up with sleep problems. The relation among sleep duration, homework burden, and sleep hygiene in chinese school-aged children ..
  • We have healthy schoolchildren. Myopia, gastritis, chronic fatigue, posture disorders - the child probably has some of this.

So, maybe spit on this homework and grades and do something more useful?

2. Homework takes time

Today, children are busier than ever, says Peter Gray, professor at Boston College. They spend too much time at school, then run to the tutors, turn into the section on the way back. The schedule is strictly regulated, every hour is taken into account.

Children learn languages, mathematics, programming. But they have no time to learn life.

Psychologist Harris Cooper conducted research that proved that homework assignments are not very effective: the child will not learn too much information. Toddlers need no more than 20 minutes of extra classes, older ones - an hour and a half Homework in Elementary School..

For comparison: according to our sanitary rules, an hour and a half is the volume for the second class. Graduates can spend three and a half hours on lessons. Almost half a day, and that's after school. And when to live?

3. Homework does not affect academic performance

Alfie Kohn, one of the leading critics of education, wrote the book Myths about Homework in 2006. In it, he said that for younger students, there is no relationship between the amount of homework and academic achievement. In high school, the relationship is so weak that it almost disappears if more accurate measurement methods are used in the study. Rethinking Homework..

Not everyone agrees with this. Tom Sherrington, a teacher and advocate for the practice of homework, has come to the conclusion that in elementary school there is little benefit from homework, but when students are over 11 years old, lessons help to achieve brilliant results. Homework Matters..

The long-term benefit of canceling homework is not really measurable. The TMISS Research Center found out how much time students spend on homework in different countries. So, in the fourth grade, only 7% of students do not do their homework. How Much of Their Out-of-School Time Do Students Spend on Homework During the School Week .. A small number for analysis.

4. Homework doesn't teach you anything.

School education is completely out of touch with life. After many years of studying English, graduates cannot connect two words, they have no idea in which hemisphere they rest, they firmly believe in strength. Homework continues the trend of stuffing their heads with facts that kids can't apply.

As a student, I worked as a tutor, helping schoolchildren to improve the Russian language. Initially, children could not decline the simplest noun "door". There was only fear in his eyes: now they will give an assessment. I had to devote half of each lesson to the topic “Russian in everyday life”, to prove that we speak like that. For each case, I came up with a sentence. Not like in a textbook, but like in life: “Quiet, you’ll pinch the cat’s tail with the door!” When the children understood that all school knowledge is our world, grades improved dramatically and my help became unnecessary.

Remember how you learned and compare the process with the lessons in . If homework helped bridge the gap between class and life, it would be useful. But it is not.

5. Homework kills the desire to study.

“Doing homework” still means either solving school examples or reading a few paragraphs. In fact, teachers push home what they did not have time to tell from bell to bell. It is so dreary that homework turns into a heavy duty.

Worse than this boredom are only "creative" tasks, which boil down to drawings and PowerPoint presentations. Fresh story from work:

A post shared by Kess (@chilligo) on Oct 17, 2016 at 10:11am PDT

In the task about the starling, it was also necessary to explain the reasons for his sadness. I doubt that the starlings are really worried to tears about the upcoming vacation and will miss the birch trees, but that’s exactly how it should have been answered.

That is, at home, the child should be bored or do stupid things instead of talking with friends, walking and playing sports. And who will love to study after that?

6. Homework ruins relationships with parents

Many parents do homework with and for the children. It turns out so-so.

  • The school curriculum has changed, the knowledge of parents is outdated.
  • Many parents themselves do not remember simple examples from the school curriculum and try to complete tasks from the point of view of an adult. Children don't know how.
  • Parents are not teachers. They did not learn how to explain the material, present it correctly and check it. Often such training is worse than none.
  • Homework is constant conflict. Children do not want to do it, parents do not know how to motivate, joint activities lead to a dead end, and all this results in quarrels.

What's good about homework

The problem is not in the homework and not in its quantity. And in the fact that in the finished form, as it is now, it is absolutely useless, it only destroys time and health. You can get results from homework if you reconsider the approach to it.

Homework is done in a comfortable environment, so at home you can find the answer to a difficult question and understand the material. Unless, of course, there is time and energy for this.

If an individual homework is developed for each student, then the student will be able to pull up topics that are not given to him, and develop strengths Homework as an important component of continuing education..

Brandi Young says:

Students work all day. At home, there are more important things to learn, too. You need to develop in different areas, what's the point of coming home and poking around in notebooks?

Do you think homework is necessary?

Mathematics teacher, participant of the “Teacher for Russia” project Alexander Yadrin told “Letidor” how schoolchildren need to correctly perform homework.

The main goal that the teacher is guided by when he gives a homework assignment is to consolidate the student's knowledge in a particular subject. In order for homework to not cause irritation and be easier, you must follow a few simple rules:

You have to sit down for lessons right after school.

According to the research of the German psychologist G. Ebbinghaus, for better memorization, the student must repeat the material covered in the lesson, observing certain intervals of time (immediately after studying, after 20 minutes, after 40 and after 8 hours).

By the end of the last lesson, the student barely has 40% of the material that he studied at the beginning of the day. So you need to sit down for homework immediately after class, until the knowledge learned during the day has completely disappeared from your head.

I think that for an elementary school, an excellent option is to do after-school lessons (provided that there is a calm atmosphere and the children do not “stand on their ears”). They just passed new material and immediately after the lessons it is fixed. As for middle and high school, it is possible to do homework in the office of the class teacher or subject teacher.

What happens when a child does homework in the evening or even a few days after he received it? By the time the student sits down for lessons, he does not remember more than half of the theory. There is no motivation for classes, since you have to go into the textbook, look for the right paragraph, remember the rules - strain more than expected. It’s easier to write off from the solver or from a neighbor on the desk.

If after school the child has a circle or section, it is better to do homework in the morning the next day

Very often, children study in parallel with school. various types sports. For example, when I was a schoolboy, I went to volleyball and basketball sections. After them, I returned home at 10 pm, I didn’t have the strength for the lessons at all.

Thanks to my parents who treated me with understanding and intuitively made the right decision. Since they left for work very early, they woke me up at five in the morning, I arrived at school at seven. I had exactly an hour and a half to do my homework. And I did great. It is very good to think with a fresh mind. Of course, doing homework in the morning is more difficult than immediately after class, but much better than in the evening, when you feel sleepy.

Start with your favorite subject

If a student starts doing homework with an unloved subject, this will most likely make him irritable. This means that he will lose motivation for learning, and he is unlikely to want to continue. Therefore, it is necessary to take lessons from favorite tasks.

When you start with your favorite (easy) item, it gets faster. I took some simple topic, read it quickly, did the exercise - and the first homework is ready. There is a positive reinforcement of the case - success, and the child takes up the next lesson with interest.

Divide your homework into rounds of 25 minutes.

The teacher condemns his subject to hatred if it takes more than 20 minutes to complete homework on it. By the way, even according to SanPiN, on average, homework in one subject should not take more than this time.

One of the rules of time management is that the task should be divided into rounds of 25 minutes each, with small breaks (5-7 minutes) between them. Invite your child to set a timer on their phone for 20-25 minutes and focus on the subject as much as possible during this time. When the time is up, it is important to put the textbook aside and take a break (also on a timer so that there is no temptation to be distracted from the lessons). Then, with renewed vigor, take on the next task.

Maximum concentration of attention is achieved through a constant change of activities

In elementary school, a child can concentrate for at most 5 minutes. In middle and senior - 10 minutes. To make the lessons more productive, the student needs to regularly change activities. Maximum concentration is achieved by changing intellectual and physical activity. In short breaks between rounds, he must fully rest. You can jump, run, do push-ups, squat. You can sing a song - it perfectly relieves stress and helps to switch.

It is important to remember: if the child does not like the subject, then he does not understand it. The task of the teacher and parent is to make the lesson applicable to the interests of the child. For example, if physics is very poor but basketball is good, combine the two. Learn the laws of physics by watching the ball - tell us how the kinetic energy of the ball is converted into potential energy when thrown. If there are problems with the geometry, you can calculate what the angle of attack in basketball should be in order to throw into the ring as accurately as possible.

You can always find an approach to a child if you communicate with him through his interests. Once a high school student came up to me and complained that she did not want to learn English, since it is unlikely to be useful to her in her chosen profession. The girl dreamed of becoming a cook and was sure that she would only need French. I suggested that she watch Jamie Oliver cooking shows in the original language. We met a month later. She said that she already understands English quite well, since the programs with Oliver captured her so much that she had to improve her knowledge in the language.

She watched the show with great interest because she wanted to realize herself in her chosen profession. Thanks to such activities, the student improved not only the lexical base, but also pronunciation, culture and the basics of professional ethics.

The discussion around homework always remains inexhaustible. Many believe that homework should be abolished altogether - let schoolchildren enjoy their childhood. Nevertheless, a competent teacher is always looking for a way to get interested in the subject - and in part, the student's homework can help the teacher in this. After all, when a student understands a subject, he loves it.

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How to submit an assignment

To find the right specialist, create an order. Just write what you need in the line on the main page or in the . For example: "Wash the aquarium."

Describe the task in your own words. Specify the details and wishes, indicate the budget, so that the performers better understand and evaluate your order. Click Publish.

After that, the performers will start leaving offers with prices and contacts for your task. Carefully study the offers and profiles of the performers, call them to clarify the details and cost of services.

As soon as you agree on cooperation, indicate that you have chosen a contractor on the service. Only in this way will you be able to reserve payment from a bank card and leave a review about the work of the contractor.


- How many offers will I get?

On average, tasks on YouDo receive from 3 responses. The maximum number of offers for one order is 30 . Usually responses appear within the first two hours after the publication of the task.

- Do I have to choose a performer?

No. If none of the offers interest you, you can close the task. To do this, go to the "My Orders" section, select a task, click the "Edit" button.

- Why specify the approximate budget of the assignment?

The more detailed you describe the details, the faster suitable performers will respond to your task. If you do not yet know how much you are willing to pay, please provide an approximate budget. Discuss the final cost with the contractor by phone or in a chat before starting work.

The role of homework in the life of a student is great. It helps him to better assimilate the material received, to consolidate knowledge. Therefore, let's figure out how to do homework correctly, and how you personally can help your child with this. Luckily, his reluctance to do his homework can be dealt with!

Child does not do homework

If your child does not do his homework, finding a hundred thousand excuses for this, then the worst thing you can do in this situation is

  • shout at him;
  • “get into position”, remembering that you also had a hard time in school years and tell the child about it in colors.

In the first case, you will not only completely destroy any desire to do homework in him, but also show that it is useless to look for an ally in you. But the child, most likely, was waiting for your support!

In the second case, you will only strengthen in him a dislike for learning, and your child will go to school, like hard labor.

Contrary to the common opinion that children do not do homework because of laziness, a child may have completely different reasons for such behavior. The most frequent of them are:

  • the student does not understand why this is needed at all, study seems boring to him;
  • the child experiences a lack of attention from parents and tries to correct the situation, because when “alarm signals” come from school, mom and dad react to them and begin to communicate with the child more often, albeit not always in a positive way;
  • the student has low self-esteem due to the efforts of teachers: the teacher, instead of helping the child deal with mistakes, shames him, sets other children as an example, because of which the student begins to consider himself deprived of abilities and sees no point in doing something - anyway for they will scold and shame;
  • the child is constantly distracted by something: perhaps the computer seems more attractive to him than exercises, or it is too noisy at home;
  • something doesn’t work out for the student, so he sees no point in wasting time on something that still won’t bring the desired result.

First of all, you need to have a confidential conversation with your child and find out the reason why he does not do his homework. And then start solving the existing problem.

In any case, you need to show your child that you love him and that he can always count on your support, give him as much attention as needed.

The child does not do homework because he does not understand why it is necessary? Explain to him that an educated person is always more likely to achieve everything in life that he wants. Is something wrong with the child? In this case, we do homework together, sorting it out from and to, cracking down on all the difficult places.

Is the child distracted by something? Try to create a calm atmosphere at home. And if games with friends or a computer seem more attractive to him, you can increase. Explain to the child that his study is the same as work for adults. If an adult does not work, he will not receive money. And if the child does not do homework, he will not be bought a thing that he has long dreamed of. Or you can introduce a "system of bans." For example, if a child receives an unsatisfactory grade, then he will not be able to use the computer for "non-educational purposes" until he corrects it.

Doing homework

The child should have a well-equipped place for home study, immediately setting him up for work. After school, the child should be given a little rest. A tired child is much less likely to successfully complete homework. And, of course, we must not forget about the benefits of a delicious and hearty lunch!

At first, try to include more gaming moments in your homework. Expand your child's horizons with interesting stories, exciting films. For example, if he is not given foreign language, you can watch together in this language, explaining incomprehensible places to the child. Is the child learning poetry? Tell him interesting moments from the biography of the poet who wrote the poem.

How to quickly do homework? After all, if it takes too long, the child will get tired and lose interest in learning. Until the fifth grade, psychologists recommend giving homework no more than two hours. The ideal time is considered to be between three and five hours. Do not think that you need to refuse to complete some tasks in order to meet these two hours. You must try to do everything! It is important to properly distribute the load. When doing homework with a child, experts advise starting with a subject that he likes and is easy to do. This makes sense, because if the child starts with difficult tasks that he does not succeed in, he will quickly get tired, besides, he will be upset, and then all further actions will only be a burden. But it should be borne in mind that much depends on the characteristics of the character of the child. Some children are drawn into the process for a long time, but then they have an incredible capacity for work, allowing them to easily cope with even the most difficult tasks. In this case, the method of starting with the simplest and most pleasant is just right. Other students easily join the learning process, but then get tired and complete tasks more slowly. In such a situation, it makes sense to start with complex subjects, alternating them with light ones.

We will accustom the child to independent work in a few steps. First, we do our homework together. This does not mean that you have to take all the work on yourself. The child needs to act on his own, but you will be constantly present next to the readiness to immediately help the child when needed.

When the child learns to cope with tasks with your help, you should expand the boundaries of his independence. Now we do homework together not at every stage. Let the student cope with simple objects without your presence (of course, you will later check how he did it), and you will be nearby only when he completes complex tasks.

Let's move on to the next step. You leave your child alone while doing homework, doing their own thing in another room. At the same time, the child knows that he can always call you and turn to you for help. Then you check the completed homework assignments.

And finally, there was the last step. It is necessary to move on to it when the child is ready for it. This usually happens around the fifth grade. Now the student does his homework completely by himself, without calling you for help. You only come when everything is ready and you are required to check the work done. And if the child still has some questions or he did not cope with the most difficult places, only now he can ask you for help.

Take breaks from homework. In 30 minutes, the child will have time to get tired, his attention will weaken. Let him rest for ten minutes, preferably actively. You can devote this time to exercises for the eyes, warm-up for the body, dancing.

If a student makes mistakes, do not yell at him or point your finger at the mistake. Ask him to check the "doubtful paragraph" - let him find the error himself.

Be sure to praise your child. This does not mean that if he did something badly, you need to admire and clap your hands. It is necessary to say: “Last time you coped with such a task perfectly, try to do the same now.” And if a child has done something flawlessly, do not leave this fact unattended, do not skimp on praise! This will be an incentive for him to further success.