How to brush your teeth correctly. How to brush your teeth - step by step instructions and recommendations

  1. Rinse the brush in warm water

  2. Put some toothpaste on the brush

  3. It is advisable to start brushing your teeth from the upper jaw, the vestibular surface of the distant teeth.

  4. Cleaning the vestibular (outer) surface: set the brush at 45° (Fig. 1) to the gum and perform translational-sweeping movements from the gum to the edge of the tooth (it is important to perform movements only in this direction so that food debris does not clog under the gum). Perform at least 10 such movements, then move the brush forward 2-3 teeth. After the next 10 movements - another 2-3 teeth. Thus, we clean the entire outer surface and proceed to the inner one.

  5. Cleaning of the oral (inner) surface is carried out similarly to cleaning the outer one, with the only exception that in the area of ​​the frontal group of teeth (incisors and canines), the brush must be placed perpendicular to the dentition (Fig. 2), since in this area between the teeth can accumulate a large number of plaque. After you have cleaned the oral surface of the teeth of the upper jaw, it is time to move on to the chewing.

  6. The chewing surface is cleaned by translational and reciprocating movements along the dentition (Fig. 3). So, you have cleaned the entire upper jaw - it's time to move on to the lower.

  7. The lower jaw is cleaned in the same way as the upper jaw. Remember to move only from the gum to the edge of the tooth!

  8. It is also recommended to use a toothbrush, irrigator and other tools for cleaning teeth.

  9. We end with tongue cleaning. It is more convenient to clean it with the back of a toothbrush, which has ribbing. If there is no ribbing, you can also clean with bristles.

A few important principles to remember:

  • Choosing the right toothbrush toothpaste.

  • You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. This is desirable, immediately after waking up and in the evening - before bedtime. Brushing your teeth should take at least 2 minutes.

  • A pea-sized toothpaste is enough for a thorough brushing of your teeth.

  • If the gum bleeds in the area of ​​​​a certain tooth, it is advisable to carefully clean the area where this tooth is located. If the bleeding is severe, you should definitely contact a periodontist.

  • It is important not to forget to thoroughly clean the vestibular surface of the molars (remote teeth) and the oral surface of the lower incisors and canines, because. that's where the streams go salivary glands and promote the formation of tartar.

Oral hygiene is the key to health.

Excellent oral hygiene is the first and most important part of keeping our oral cavity healthy, the most effective method prevention of caries and gum disease. Personal hygiene, and first of all, home cleaning of teeth is something that depends entirely on us. Let's do it well to get the maximum result for our health and oral health.

Toothbrushes - a group of products personal hygiene, they are designed for mechanical removal of plaque, as well as massage of the gums during hygiene measures in the oral cavity. Today on store shelves there is a huge selection of manual (manual) and automatic (electric and ultrasonic) toothbrushes. Despite great achievements scientific and technological progress Proper brushing with a manual toothbrush produces better oral care results.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

The most important parameter that distinguishes toothbrushes from each other is the properties of the bristles. It is desirable that the bristles are soft. These are brushes - "sensitive" (from the English. sensitive - sensitive) or "soft" (soft).

If you brush your teeth with a brush with hard bristles, then 1-2 minutes of brushing will lead to microtrauma of the gums, damage to the enamel. Oral receptors signal the central nervous system about it, but the patient interprets it to mean that he did a good job brushing his teeth. And with a sense of accomplishment, after 1-2 minutes from the start of brushing, he puts the toothbrush aside. The constant use of hard brushes, over the years, leads to gum recession, exposure of the surface of the root of the tooth, as well as abrasion of tooth tissues in the area adjacent to the gingival margin (in this place the enamel is very thin - a few microns, it wears off quickly, then the brush erases the dentin, much softer structure than enamel). Patients using hard-bristled brushes often complain of tooth sensitivity (soreness from touching these areas or eating cold food). This is a big problem for patients.

It is more correct to brush your teeth with a brush with soft bristles (soft). This eliminates injury, but massages the gums. This is useful for soft tissues. Such cleaning can last 5-10 minutes.

Some people think natural bristle brushes are better because they are eco-friendly. However, dentists advise to abandon such brushes. The fact is that they collect a large number of microbes. Nylon bristles should be opted for.

Cleaning teeth properly

Do not forget that good oral care involves brushing your teeth in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Brushing your teeth after breakfast, and not before meals, will ensure that there is no plaque on your teeth for at least half a day - before lunch.

The cleaning procedure should be as follows:

1) Cleaning the outer surfaces of the teeth. The bristle tufts should be at a 45 degree angle to the tooth surface. The movements of the brush are sweeping. We clean the teeth on the left and right on the lower and upper jaws.

2) Cleaning the outer surfaces of the teeth. brush commits circular motions while simultaneously moving along the dentition.

3) Cleaning the inner surfaces of the teeth. The brush should make sweeping movements, four segments in turn: the upper jaw on the right and left, the lower jaw on the right and left.

4) Cleaning of the chewing surfaces of the teeth is carried out by reciprocating movements (forward and backward movements).

The entire process of brushing your teeth should take at least 5 minutes. This is the minimum time required for the components of the paste to have their beneficial effect on the tissues of the gum teeth. Only in this case, the paste strengthens the enamel of the teeth, preventing the formation of caries, prevents the formation of tartar, preventing the development of periodontitis. Brushing your teeth in less than five minutes is equivalent to brushing without toothpaste!!! Recommend to have in the bathroom hourglass, they will help you navigate the time.

Features of brushing teeth in hard-to-reach places

And now let's move on to the most critical areas of the teeth - contact. These are the areas where the teeth are pressed against each other, which is why they are the most difficult to clean.

The bristles of a conventional brush are unable to penetrate into these areas, plaque leads to demineralization of the enamel and inflammation of the gums. As a result, the development of a carious process and local periodontitis.

For good interdental hygiene, industrially produced special toothbrushes. These brushes have nozzles in the form of brushes of various lengths and configurations.

Brushes must be correctly selected in length and diameter (this is done by a doctor). Then the brush fully cleans the interdental spaces, but does not injure soft tissues. Also, brushes are used to remove plaque under the pontic and around the braces.

Cleaning with such a brush is not difficult. It is necessary, in turn, to process each interdental space. The movements are reciprocating.

Teeth cleaning in a dental clinic

Poor personal oral hygiene (daily brushing) and smoking are the cause of many dental diseases and damage your image.

In such situations, the help of a dentist is necessary. Combined cleaning, in the dental office, using ultrasound, air-abrasive method (sandblaster) will help restore natural whiteness and shine to teeth. After professional cleaning teeth, it will be easier for you to start new life, with a new toothbrush and proper brushing of teeth.

Be healthy!


Poor oral hygiene is the root cause of most dental diseases. Correct technique brushing your teeth will eliminate unpleasant odors, prevent the development of caries. Step by step instructions will help adults and children.

The sequence of cleaning the oral cavity

The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a day - in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. The duration of the process is 3-4 minutes. Special attention how to properly clean interdental spaces. Don't forget the tongue and cheeks.

It is advisable to brush your teeth after every meal.

For this purpose, it is allowed to use chewing gum.

The algorithm will help you figure out how to properly clean your mouth:

  1. take a brush, rinse it well with water;
  2. apply a pea-sized paste;
  3. clean the upper teeth, then the lower ones with up and down movements;
  4. remove plaque from the tongue, cheeks;
  5. clean interdental spaces;
  6. rinse your mouth.

Rules for brushing your teeth

Brush movements should be vertical (“sweeping”) - from the gum to the cutting edge. Horizontal or circular manipulations lead to the accumulation of plaque in the interdental spaces, the formation of a wedge-shaped defect on the outer surface. Proper brushing of the upper teeth should be done with the brush at a 45° angle. During the procedure, it is necessary to make vertical movements (from top to bottom).

You need to start with the molars, gradually moving to the incisors. Chewing surfaces are cleaned with horizontal movements. Correctly sweep plaque from the back teeth to the front. Starting with the fangs, the brush should be positioned across. Lower jaw processed in a similar way. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.

AT Ancient China for this purpose, silver scrapers were used. It was believed that it was necessary to clean the tongue in order to fully experience the taste of cooked dishes. For this reason, silver scrapers were used before every meal. Today, the tongue is cleaned with:

  • a toothbrush equipped with a special surface on the reverse side - a brush and a scraper.
  • a special spoon - an elastic plastic nozzle with a tip in the form of a spoon.
  • Scraper brush - a regular toothbrush with soft bristles.

Correctly clean the tongue, starting from the root. With gentle pressure, swipe from the back of the tongue to the tip several times. It is allowed to use a small amount of paste. Then treat the side surface of the tongue on the left and right. In conclusion, clean the inner surface of the cheeks and rinse the mouth with water.


Proper brushing of teeth eliminates only part of the bacteria. Modern rinses destroy microbes, and due to the fluorine included in their composition, they strengthen tooth enamel, reduce the production of acid that is detrimental to it. In addition to special means, you can use infusions, decoctions medicinal herbs eg mint, chamomile. Rinse your mouth properly after every meal.

interdental space

In this area are created favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and their vigorous activity provokes bleeding gums, caries, periodontitis. Cleaning of the interdental space is carried out with special dental floss (floss). They delicately treat this area without damaging the soft tissues. Floss is recommended to use at least 2 times a day.

If you start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (or a "green" smoothie), then it's time to kick the habit. And if you haven't come to it yet, you shouldn't even start. We tell you why.

We are talking about the health of the teeth, which, as you know, are not only financially, but also emotionally very expensive to treat. The results of a study by notorious British scientists showed that today 3 out of 10 Britons brush their teeth only once a day. And their American counterparts came to the absolutely fantastic conclusion that the average mass of millennials (and subsequent generations after them) after a short time will completely switch to brushing their teeth every 2-3 days. Dentists around the world are sounding the alarm: caries is rapidly getting younger, and today they have to remove children's milk teeth five times more often than it was ten years ago.

Cause? Firstly, sweets, more precisely, the bacteria that desserts leave behind. But you can not sin only on chocolate and carbonated drinks. Even if your family is a strict healthy lifestyle, the natural sugars found in healthy snacks, natural fruit juices and smoothies won't spare your teeth. Secondly, poor oral hygiene. It would seem that brush your teeth twice a day for at least 60 seconds (few people can relax with a brush behind the cheek for 3-3.5 minutes) - and there are no problems. But not everything is so simple.

A complete guide to how (and what) to brush your teeth properly

Step One: Electric Toothbrush

No, your dentist is not a "salesman": electric devices are indeed many times more effective than conventional brushes. Plaque on the teeth - an unpleasant sticky substance that you can feel with your tongue if you do not brush your teeth for a long time - is removed much faster and with less effort with an electric toothbrush. You will have to spend money, but there is also good news - standard electric brushes are no worse than improved counterparts. This means that you can buy a device for 12 thousand rubles with a nozzle for cleaning the tongue and the ability to connect to the phone in order to control the correctness of the process online, but in fact it will clean your teeth in exactly the same way as a brush for 2.5 thousand rubles. The secret of the advantage over a conventional manual toothbrush is the rotating head, which achieves a more effective effect. That's why you don't have to move an electric toothbrush up and down like a regular toothbrush, just press it firmly against the surface of the tooth for a few seconds, and then slowly move it to the next one. But one useful additional feature that electric toothbrushes definitely have is a timer that will remind you with a sound that 30 seconds or a minute of brushing your teeth has already expired.

Step two: the simpler the better

Replacing an analog brush with an electric one requires some effort (not just financial). If you are not ready for them yet, carefully choose a regular brush that needs to be changed every three months (and this is not a myth). Pay attention to the characteristics of the bristles. A hard toothbrush can make your teeth feel completely clean, but research shows that back side this is the likelihood of erosion of tooth enamel. Simply put, brushes with hard bristles can be too abrasive and traumatic not only for the gums, but also for the teeth.

Dentists advise sticking to the middle ground and choosing brushes with soft or medium bristles. Brushes with a small head, as ridiculous as they may seem, are also preferable - they are very maneuverable and reach all three surfaces of the tooth (external, internal and "chewing") well.

Step three: Rinse aid ─ only between cleanings

If you have a good brush and high-quality toothpaste, then a mouthwash is the third extra. Dentists advise using it exclusively in between brushing your teeth to “refresh”, well, or continue to throw money away. It is also worth mentioning here that recently there have been many horror stories that the regular use of the rinse causes cancer of the larynx (allegedly due to the alcohol additives in the composition). So far, there is no convincing evidence that this is the case, as, however, there are good arguments that it is necessary to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.

Step Four: Don't Brush Your Teeth After Dinner

Only one caveat: if you had a good walk over this dinner. Brushing your teeth before collapsing on the bed to get rid of the unpleasant aromatic cocktail in your mouth is a natural desire after a great evening. Dentists strongly advise not to do this: it is better to just rinse your mouth thoroughly, and brush your teeth in the morning. Otherwise, you may do more harm than good by cleaning, especially if the alcoholic drinks you drink were fizzy. Sparkling wine or cocktails with soda acidity soften the enamel of the teeth, therefore, while little time has passed, you should refrain from aggressive exposure to the brush and paste. When you really want to refresh your mouth, you can use a mouthwash - this is just one of those few cases when it will be appropriate.

Step Five: Check the Paste for Fluoride

Do you choose your toothpaste based on the amount of fluoride it contains? If not, then it's time to start doing it. Dentists explain that it is fluorine that counteracts the process of demineralization of tooth enamel, which occurs in the oral cavity when sugar gets there (it’s time to get rid of the illusion that you don’t get it, since you don’t use it in a “pure” form). Adult toothpaste should have a minimum of 1400 ppm fluoride, and children should only be offered children's toothpaste (adjusted for age): they usually swallow some of the foam when brushing their teeth, and the fluoride level in adult toothpaste is too high for their body.

Step Six: Floss Every Day (Or Never)

Floss - The best way cope with plaque in hard-to-reach places between the teeth. One caveat: Doctors say that if you're not going to spend a few minutes daily flossing your interdental spaces, it's best not to do it at all. Here's the thing: with the help of flossing, you have successfully freed the interdental space from food debris, but at the same time, you have also disturbed the gums a little. On average, after 24 hours, plaque - that sticky film that you feel when you run your tongue over your teeth - has formed again, and if you forget to floss for 2-3 days, bacteria can spread to the gum that has become vulnerable. Floss is a great thing, but honestly assess your ability to use it regularly.

Step Seven: Don't Brush Your Teeth Right After Breakfast

It would seem, what is the problem? But the time of day when you pick up a brush has great importance. Teeth brushing should be last action with the oral cavity before going to bed, and cleaning is unusual from our point of view. British dentists advise you not to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth: just spit the remnants of the paste, foam and saliva into the sink, wash your face and go to sleep - let the remnants of the toothpaste work in good faith for another 15-20 minutes while you fall asleep.

Brush your teeth in the morning as soon as you wake up to get rid of nighttime plaque and prevent bacteria in your mouth from breeding when you eat something. So you go to breakfast with less risk of developing tooth decay. If the thought of oral hygiene after a cup of cappuccino does not let go - just brush your teeth again.

Step Eight: Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Another big mistake is brushing your teeth right after you have drunk or eaten something sour. In this case, it is better to restore the freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity with the help of chewing gum, and not with a toothbrush. Chewing gum will help generate more saliva in your mouth, which naturally neutralizes acid. Do I need to explain why it should be sugar free? By the way, you can fight the destructive action of an acidic environment with the help of calcium: drink a glass of milk or eat a piece of cheese - this will help level the damage done to tooth enamel.

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Children's tooth gel "Pink Pear", MontCarotte

Express Oral Hygiene Chewing Toothbrush (Xylitol Soaked Silicone Brush Set), Fuzzy Brush

Toothpaste Total Pro "Visible effect", Colgate

Toothpaste "7 northern herbs" for the prevention of gum disease, Natura Siberica

Mouthwash "Peppermint Cream", LUSH

When brushing, the brush head with the paste applied to it is at an angle of approximately 45° with respect to the surface of the teeth and to the gums. Correctly brush your teeth, starting with the far chewing teeth, gradually moving to the front incisors. In total, about 20 movements should be made for each tooth.

First, you should brush your teeth, as if sweeping plaque from under the edge of the gums and from the interdental spaces. In this case, the movements should be quite intense, with the brush head turning in the direction away from the gums. This will help remove food debris from the surface of the teeth and from subgingival pockets, improve blood circulation in the surrounding tissues. To get rid of plaque on the buccal surfaces of the teeth, soft circular movements are made, and inner sides are processed in the direction from the gums. The chewing surfaces of the lateral teeth are cleaned with back and forth movements.

It is advisable to clean the back of the tongue from plaque, and then complete the procedure by rinsing.

How to brush your teeth with braces?

If you have braces, you should brush your teeth as often as possible, preferably after every meal. An ordinary toothbrush is not enough in this case, since it is not easy to clean teeth from plaque under corrective structures. You will need a special orthodontic brush with V-shaped bristles, special brushes, dental floss (floss), irrigator and mouth rinses.

First, the surfaces are freed from plaque with a brush, giving each tooth about 10 seconds. After that, the braces and the space under them are processed with brushes. Floss is used to clean the interdental spaces. All hard-to-reach places can be additionally treated with an irrigator. At the end, a mouthwash is used.

How to brush your child's teeth?

Already in the first year of a baby's life, parents are wondering when to brush their child's teeth and how to do it right. It is worth starting from the moment of eruption of the first baby tooth. The head of a baby brush should cover 1.5-2 teeth. At first, instead of a toothbrush and paste, you can use special wipes to remove plaque and care for the oral cavity. Gradually, the child is taught how to brush their teeth on their own. It is advisable to bring the cleaning time to 2 minutes, helping and motivating the baby with the game. An hourglass will help you find out how much time is left. Be sure to show by example how to brush your teeth correctly.

Don't Forget the Comprehensive Approach

*In-vitro studies, where Listerine was added to planktonic and biofilm forms of Kills up to 99.9% of oral bacteria (or bad bacteria or bad breath bacterai) in lab studies oral bacteria or pooled salivary bacteria, have demonstrated up to 99 .9% bacterial kill. 1 Fine DH et al. Comparative antimicrobial activities of antiseptic mouthrinses against isogenic planktonic and biofilm forms of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. J Clin Periodontol. 2001 Jul; 28(7):697-700. Data on file: 2. RR946-0114 (1998) 3. RR931-1150 (2002)