Scientific and technical progress. Topic in English "Technological progress" Topic in English technical progress

    4. listening- 12 min.

    Repeat the words after me

    To be scared - to be scared

    To replace- replace

    Liberate- release, move

    spot- dot

    Artificial- artificial

    Reading the words

    Now we are ready to start

    Video from the Internet resource:

    View video

    Students respond

    You are going to watch the video once again with the text. While watching do task number 2, the 2nd exercise.

    Viewing, completing a task

    Let's check your work...

    Students read answers

    5. Education letter- 16 min.

    Reading the text

    I'm sure that

    Sample answers:

    -they are very convenient

    -they can be used for study


    7. homemade exercise- 4 min.

    Don't forget to:

    *Use “opinion” expressions

    -they are very convenient

    -they can be used for study

    -prices of models and providers are decreasing

    thank you for the lesson.

View document content
"Methodological development of the lesson "Scientific and technological progress""

Methodological development of the lesson

Passport of the lesson

Lecturer: Glazyrina A.V., GBOU SPO RME "YOTST"

Topic: "Technicalprogress(scientific and technical progress)"

Discipline: English language

3rd lesson on the topic (final)

Type of: combined lesson (lesson-generalization of the material covered)

Target: Improving listening skills and writing skills within the framework of the topic under study "Technical progress (scientific and technological progress)"



1) systematize lexical material on the topic;

2) improve listening skills with general content coverage; and with the extraction of specific information;

3) improve writing skills (essay expression own opinion);


1) promote the development of interest in learning a foreign language;

2) to help increase the level of motivation in the classroom through teaching aids;


1) develop the ability to express one's opinion and present arguments;

2) develop analytical skills (compare, compare, generalize);

3) create conditions for the development of attention, memory, imagination, phonemic hearing;

4) to promote the formation of independent cognitive activity;

5) develop listening and pronunciation skills.

Methods: explanatory and illustrative, partially exploratory;

Forms of study: frontal, individual, in pairs;

Means of education:

Didactic: fragment of the workbook for the lesson, presentation, video

Technical: projector, screen, computer, internet connection

Interdisciplinary connections: Informatics, topic "Introduction"

Used sources:

    ExamSuccess. Preparation for the exam in English. W.Rimmer, O.Vinogradova, L.Kozhevnikova. Cambridge University Press, 2014

    Golitsynsky Yu.B. A guide to speaking. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2007

    website Are machines really taking our jobs? (Are machines really taking our work?)

    site Open lesson in English in grade 10 on the topic "Scientific and technological progress"

Lesson plan

Lesson stages

Timing (min.)

1. Organizational stage


message of the topic and objectives of the lesson

2. Speech warm-up, activation of the material covered

3. Listening to authentic text

4. Learning to write

5. Summing up the lesson

6. Homework

Lesson summary

1. Organizational stage - 1min.

teacher: Good morning everyone! Glad to see you! Sit down please.

2. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson - 2min.

teacher: So, students, today we are going to talk much about computers and technic. The topic of our discussion is “Technical progress” Please, read the statement on the screen and try to guess what the main aim of our lesson is:

Computers aren't intelligent, they only think they are"

(Students express their ideas)

3. Speech warm-up. Actualization of vocabulary on the topic.-6min.

Let's begin with a game! Fill in the mind map. You may use your workbook, task 1.

The work is carried out frontally, the one who named his version last is the winner.

Sample student responses:

    searching for information

    typing and keeping information

    listening to music

  • printing documents

  • chatting with friends and relatives

    using social media…

If you are ready, name one of your statements.

4. listening - 12 min.

Now let’s consider one more point of view on the idea “Computers aren’t intelligent, they only think they are”. Watch the video and try to guess Are Machines Really Taking Our Jobs?

Before watching, please, translate the words in task 2 exercise 1.

Repeat the words after me

To be scared - to be scared

To replace- replace

Liberate- release, move

spot- dot

Artificial- artificial

Reading the words

Now we are ready to start

Video from the Internet resource:

View video

So, Are Machines Really Taking Our Jobs?

Students respond

You are going to watch the video once again with the text. While watching do task number 2, the 2nd exercise.

Video from the Internet with subtitles

Viewing, completing a task

Let's check your work...

Students read answers

5. Educationletter – 16 min.

We are close to progress too. Read the article about smartphones and answer the questions that follow it.

Reading the text

If the article did not have the title, would it be clear from the text that the author really hates smartphones? Why?

Do these paragraphs sound more like somebody’ opinion or like an argument against smartphones?

Imagine that this is not a magazine article, but an opinion essay with the question

“Smartphones are becoming very popular with young people. Is a smartphone the gadget every teenager should have? What is your opinion?” Do you think these paragraphs would get a good mark? What is missed in them?

How can you make this text sound like an opinion essay? Rewrite part A or B so that it sounds like your opinion. You may do it in pairs. The first change has been done for you.

First of all, I don’t think that teenagers really need a smartphone…

You can use the following expressions in your essay to express your attitude towards the topic:

In my opinion/view I think/believe that

I don't think It seems to me that

I'm sure that

So, we are listening to your variants

Now tell me please if smartphones have positive sides? What are they?

Sample answers:

-they are very convenient

-they can be used for study

-prices of models and providers are decreasing

6. Summing up the lesson - 4min.

teacher: Well, I'd like to say that we have worked hard and you've been very active. I see that the problems we've discussed today are very interesting for you. I'd like you to express your attitude towards the exercises we've done and strategies we've discussed. What was difficult for you? What was new? Was it useful? Are you sure that you can express your opinion whether modern technologies are friends or foes? Thank you. Your marks are…

7. homemadeexercise- 4 min.

At home write an answer agreeing with the question “Smartphones are becoming very popular with young people. Is a smartphone the gadget every teenager should have? What is your opinion?”

Don't forget to:

*Start with the topic sentence

*Use “opinion” expressions

* the model text, for its structure and use of linking phrases

*the notes, if you don't have your own ideas

-they are very convenient

-they can be used for study

-prices of models and providers are decreasing

thank you for the lesson.


Fragment from the workbook

in the discipline "Foreign language (English)"

Instructions for working with a notebook:

1. Listen carefully to the teacher's explanations;

2. Perform tasks at the time specially provided in the lesson;

3. Clearly follow the instructions for completing each task;

4. Make notes in a notebook with a pen or pencil as agreed with the teacher.

The student is allowed to make notes with a pencil in the margins of the notebook, if there are difficulties in completing tasks for independent work, in order to receive advice from the teacher in the future.

technical progress


Target lessons:

Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic of the lesson

Computers aren't intelligent, they only think they are.

aim: to practice general ideas on a typical topic

Make your own notes about the topic below

Computers are used for

aim: to understand the general idea and specific information while watching a video

Exercise 1: You are going to use the Internet resource . Study the words below, watch the video and try to guess Are Machines Really Taking Our Jobs?

To be scared- to be afraid

To replace- to change

Luddites - British industrial workers

Liberate-rescue, move

artificial- not natural

Exercise 2: Watch the video once again and point out the correct answers

    What questions is Derek Thompson used to answer?

    questions about money and business;

    questions related to science and technology;

    questions on economics;

    The reason of the luddites’ protests was…

    the invention of a computer;

    new spinning machines;

    the problems with fees;

    What was the most popular occupation among the Americans of 1900?

    military service;

    When did people begin to worry about the loss of employment because of machines?

    since machines started to take over farm jobs;

    since machines began doing factory work;

    when people started using machines in “white-collar” professions;

    What are robots good at according to people's comfort?

    at repetitive tasks;

    at the network industry;

    at managing robots;

    Why are our lives better according to the speaker?

    because we have invented WiFi and iPad;

    because human replacement technology came before us;

    because robots replaced our jobs.

aim: to practice adding linking points and ideas

Read the article about smartphones and answer the questions that follow it.

Why I hate smartphones

1. If the article did not have the title, would it be clear from the text that the author really hates smartphones? Why?

2. Do these paragraphs sound more like somebody’ opinion or like an argument against smartphones?

3. Imagine that this is not a magazine article, but an opinion essay with the question

Do you think these paragraphs would get a good mark? What is missed in them?

4. How can you make this text sound like an opinion essay? Rewrite part A or B so that it sounds like your opinion. Use the functional phrases.

Functional phrases

In my opinion/view I think/believe that

I don't think It seems to me that

I'm sure that

Example: first of all, I don't think that teenagers really need a smartphone…

5.Home task: Write an answer agreeing with the question “Smartphones are becoming very popular with young people. Is a smartphone the gadget every teenager should have? What is your opinion?”

They are very convenient

They can be used for study

Prices of models and providers are decreasing

Don't forget to:

*Start with the topic sentence

*Use “opinion” expressions (functional phrases)

Get help from:

* the model text, for its structure and use of linking phrases

*the notes, if you don't have your own ideas

1. Activation of vocabulary in students' speech
computer, hardware, software, processor, device, keyboard, calculating machine, computerized economy, computer communication, e-mail, the Internet, "Microsoft", keyboard, printer, device, hard disk, software, processor, memory, essential, immediately.
2. Working with text. Reading to find specific information.
As you know Bill Gates created the first software – the programs that help personal computers process different information. As founder of Microsoft Inc., he is now one of the richest men in America. Read the text and find the information about:

Bill Gates was active in his teenage years.

He and his friend developed disk operating system.

Bill Gates foresaw the significance of computers in the future.

Binary number system has only two digits.

Bill Gates' predictions came true.

Text1. Bill Gates, The Software King
Most of the computers in the world use software invented by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Inc. of Redmond, Wash. Software is the set of programs that make computers – whether business or personal – perform various tasks.

Gates was born in Seattle, Wash., in 1955. As a boy, he was bright and curious. He was active in Scouting, reaching Life Scout rank in Troop 186. He especially loved hiking, camping and other outdoor adventures.

But Gates was obsessed with computers. While a student at Harvard University in 1975, Gates and a friend, Paul Allen, developed a computer language for an early version of the personal computer. Microsoft was born. Gates went on to develop operating systems, such as MS-DOS, and software programs.

Thanks to Microsoft, Gates is now one of the richest men in America. He is worth more than $8 billion.

A technical wizard and a fierce business competitor, Gates great things ahead for computers see. He says they "are really going to change a lot of things in the world - the way we work, the way we play and entertain ourselves and even the way we are educated".

Text2. The Binary Number System

Early digital computers inspired by Howard Aiken's Mark were huge, sometimes filling an entire room. That was because thousands of switches were needed to compute his binary number system.

In the binary number system, only two digits are recognized by the computer: 0 when a switch is off, and 1 when the switch is on. Different combinations of those two digits can represent thousands of letters and numbers.

The binary number system is still used in today's computers. The difference is that the thousands of electrical switches have been replaced by one tiny, solid-state chip that does the translations electronically. That's why your computer only fills up part of your desk, not your whole bedroom.
Text3. Computers in your Future
Microsoft's Bill Gates and other computer experts saw great things ahead. They said that in the next few years, you would be able to sit at your computer and see high-quality video sent from any place on earth.

They predicted you would also have a wallet-size personal computer. With it you would be able to store photographs, pay bills, get the news, send messages, see movies and open locks with digital keys.

At home on your TV-size PC you would be able to see and talk with friends in other states, get medical advice, check magazine articles and pictures in a far-off library and order a pizza.

A computerized control system at home would regulate your lighting, temperature and security system.

big dreams? Are these dreams or facts? Perhaps. But engineers have done a lot to make it reality.

To perform - perform

Life Scout rank - Life Scout title

Troop - detachment

To be obsessed - to be obsessed

Operating system - functioning system

Worth - possessing

fierce - frantic

To inspire - inspire

Solid-state - solid

Wallet-size - the size of a wallet

Security system - security system

3. Actualization of knowledge: activation of knowledge based on the text.
Scan the text "The Fundamentals: hardware and software" and find the equivalents of the following words: keyboard, printer, device, hard drive, software, processor, memory, essential, immediately.

A computer consists of a screen, a keyboard and a boxlike case with the "brains" of the system. For most tasks you'll also need a printer and, perhaps, a pointing device called a mouse. This equipment is called hardware.

By itself, hardware is like a cassette player without tapes. A computer needs programs, or software, which usually includes one or more computer discs and a printed instruction manual.

The price depends on the hardware's brain power-the type of processor and the size of its memory. How much power do you need? That depends on the software you'll use. In general, words and numbers demand less from a computer than pictures and sound.

Sufficient power is important because a computer works in iteratively. With hardware that isn't up to the job, you might have to wait 30 seconds for an on-screen the saurus to lookup a word. But with the right system then try would appear instantly.

4. Familiarization With terminology.

Put each of the following words in its place in the passage below: software, computers, peripherals, calculator, ports, monitor, keyboard, configuration, hardware, printer.

So you only have a pocket (1)_____to do addition, multiplication and soon, you want to know about real (2)_____? right. Well, their achievement themselves are called the (3)_____ and the programs that you feed into them are called the (4)_____. If you want to see the results of what you are doing, you'll need a (5)____or you'll have to plug into a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a type writer by pressing keys on the (6)______. If you want to record on the paper of what you are doing, you'll need a (7)______. On the rear panel of the computer there several (8)_______in to which you can plug a wide range of(9)______- modems,fax machines and scanners. Them a in physical units of a computer system are generally known as the(10) _____.

The key: 1 calculator, 2 computers, 3 hardware, 4 software, 5 monitor, 6 keyboard, 7 printer, 8 ports, 9 peripherals, 10 configuration.
5. Listening and performing tasks according to what they have heard.Audition.
Exercise 1. Listen to the texts and answer the question "What is the computer of the future like as scientists predict?"
wearable computers

If you are hooked* on the computer and can't tear* yourself from it, don't worry. be able to wear it on your wrist,* in your glasses and even in your earings. The first wearable computers are already on sale though they are probably a bit bulgy* right now. Don't be surprised if in a few years you'll be putting on your socks and your computer each morning before go into work. Of course, you might not even have to leave the house. Scientists predict that in the future most of us will work from home.

wearable - wearable, worn on oneself

behooked on - to be attached to something, not to imagine life without something

tear - break away, get distracted

wrist - wrist

bulgy - bulky

6. Listen to the text and prove the quotation "Computers have entirely entered our life".
Some scientists say that without the computer the 21st century would be impossible. Computers today are running our factories, planning our cities, teaching our children and forecasting our future. The computer solves in seconds the problems a generation of mathematicians would need months or years to solve without its help. The degree to which computers will take over human functions may frighten some people and astonish* others. Computers, like the telephone or electricity, have become a common thing of everyday life used by almost everybody.They have entered our home life. They help to make up a person's shopping list, remind someone of important appointments and anniversaries and answer the telephone. We often hear that the increasing flood of information will be one of the problems of the 21st century.

A computer may help to solve it too. In a computerized library of the future request for information will be answered instantly* and as fully as the user wants.

The invention of computers, calculating machines, capable of processing information, cardinally changed our life. The computer performs very simple actions, but its advantage is the speed it calculates at. In fact the computer performs hundreds of thousands of operations per second.

Computers are penetrating* all spheres of human activity, in many of them they have become indispensible,* They calculate orbits, guide spaceships and planes, calculate the targets* of economic development, play chess, help housewives to choose a menu.

It's hard to enumerate all the uses of the computer may be put to.
astonish - surprise

instantly - immediately

penetrate - penetrate

indispensible - irreplaceable

target - target
7. Reading with a full understanding of the content and discussion of what was read.
Read the text and do the tasks.
Not a "White Elephant"
Gwen and her husband Tim live in a small town in Colorado in the USA. When Gwen was 77 years old and her husband was 84,their daughter gave the cast-off* computer and some software*. Gwen and Tim were not much interested in it and saw the gift as the proverbial* “white elephant”. Their first responses were "Don't need one". “Won’t use it.” I’m too old to learn.”

In spite of their protest, their daughter left the computer with them. She also told them that the computer would make it possible for them to be in communication with her when she was on duty in London with her job, as well as with their grown children who live indifferent parts of the country. She explained to them how to use the computer, but they didn't show any interest in it.

Sometime later Gwen decided to try the computer. It wasn't easy. At first Gwen was afraid she would “break” the machine. She called her son-in-law and asked him some questions about using-mail. She learned the basics of computer communication sand learned to solve problems which a rise in the process of work with computer.

After three months she could sende- mail to her children, a nephew, and any one she could reach. She is now so confident*in her abilities*that she is exploring*new ways of getting information with her computer.

Gwen says: “E-mail allows me to be in touch*with people every day. It allows me to communicate regularly with my son who has health problems. I don't have to wait a certain time of day to call. I can send and receive messages at any time.”

And Gwen has a right to brag*.When she goes to church or community social events and tells people about the computer, they are amazed*at the fact that she can learn something like that.

She has learned a little terminology and can talk to people who know something about the computer. She conquered*the technology she didn't think she would be able to learn.

Now Gwen is planning to install*a modem*,join the Internet and explore the net.

cast-off - unnecessary, waste

software - software

proverbial - proverbial, well-known

whiteelephant - expensive, useless thing

arise - rise

confident - confident

ability - ability

explore - explore

beintouch - to contact

brag - to brag

amazed - surprised, amazed

conquer - conquer

install - install

8.Is there any information in the text?
- concerning rules of sending e-mail?

How did Gwen learn to use the computer?

Showing that Gwen had a right to brag?

That Gwen learned a little terminology?

About the family of Gwen and Tim?

about their age?

About their town?

About computer games?

9. Find word combinations in the text which mean the following:

their daughter left them a computer, adult children, they showed no interest, the basics of computer communication, explores new ways to receive information through a computer, communicate with his son regularly, send and receive messages at any time, a little terminology, social events.

10.Retell the text using the following constructions:

The daughter of Gwen gave them….

At that time Gwen was… and Tim was…

First Gwen and Tim…

In spite of their protest their daughter…

She told them…

Sometime later...

She learned…

11. Find the words in the text which have the following meaning:

1.useless or unwanted

2. find the answer

3.feeling certain

4. examine in order to test

6. surprised

7. science or art

12. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

1)modema) a system that allows messages to be sent from one computer to another

2)softwareb)feeling certain

3)e-mail) a piece of electronic equipment that allows information to be sent from one computer to another

4)confidentd) a piece of news

5) hard disk) the study or use of computers and other electronic equipment

6)informationf) a part inside a computer that can store technology,

7)messageg) the programs that you put into computer to make them do

the job they want

13. Join these split sentences.

1. Knowing how a) an electronic machine which is used to store to use the computer and organize information

2. The term "virtual reality"b) when your computer crashes

3. A computer is c) describes computer images which appear

4. Customers’ names and d) you should invite a specialist addresses are stored

5. More and more schools e) your computer can become obsolete are using multimedia

6. In only a few years f) as a teaching aid

7. It is very annoying g) is a useful skill

8. If you can't fix f) on our data base your computer

14. Consolidation of vocabulary. Russian-English translation.

1. It is convenient to use e-mail to contact friends.

2. Thanks to the computer, I can receive and send messages at any time.

3. Computer terminology is not very difficult. Many words come from the English language.

4. He is interested in computers, knows how to use them and knows the basics of computer communication.

5. When you work with a computer, there are problems that need to be solved.

6. We bought the computer only two years ago and it is already outdated.

7. I wonder if he uses a computer now or writes books with a pen?

8. Microsoft has become the world's largest computer software company.

15. Discussion. Work on individual assignments.
Discussion.Work in groups.
Group 1. Advantages of computers
1. Computers give access to a lot of information.

2. Computers let you communicate very quickly by e-mail or using the Internet

3. Computers can do some tasks very quickly, for example, send off a large number of letters or bills.

4. Computers make it possible to work at home.

5. Word processors make it easier to write letters and reports, and to do work for school or college.

6. Children enjoy using computers, and multimedia, interactive software and virtual reality make learning more exciting. Many books are now available on CD-ROMs.

7. Large amounts of information can be stored in a database.

Group 2. Disadvantages of computers

1. Many people do not like using computers, and would prefer to deal with a person instead.

2. Computers can get viruses and damage software.

3. Software often have bugs, and sometimes computers fail and people lose all the work they had done.

4. Some children spend too much time playing computer games which can be very violent.

5. Anyone can put information on the Internet, so it can easily be used by criminals. There are no laws to stop this yet, and it is extremely difficult to control the Internet.

6. Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced or updated.

7. If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how to fix it, and this be very annoying.

Group 3. Internet Safety Basics

DON'T CHAT WITH STRANGERS! Your parents are RIGHT when they say "DON'TTALKTO STRANGERS". You really don't know who the person is that you are chatting with. It can be very easy to mislead you.
ASK YOUR PARENTS AND SURE. Only surf where your parents have given your permission. If a website looks suspicious or has a warning page about you being underage , leave immediately. Some sites are not for kids. Don't go exploring. If you come across a site that you aren't sure about, ask your parents. Don't download any applications from the Internet that are from questionable sites. Some sites have viruses which come free with the downloads

PASSWORDS. Passwords are secret so don't give out your passwords to anyone. Do not fill any online forms without asking your parents. Never put your e-mail password on any website while registering.

E-MAIL SAFETY. Never open up any email or attachment that you receive from people you don't know. Ask your parents to look at it first. Sometimes email can contain viruses which could harm your computer. Ask your parents to install the latest anti-virus programs.

SET YOUR TIME. Don't spend all your time online. Set a time limit on your computer use. Keep your parents informed about the sites you visit.

16. Write an essay "You are doing a project on how computers have changed people"s lives, how computers are changing things and how people feel about it. Have you got a computer at home? What do you use it for? 200- 250words"

Grade: 11v

Lesson topic: "Scientific and technological progress"

Lesson type: development of oral speech skills on a given topic

Type of lesson: combined.

Purpose: complex formation of lexical and grammatical skills of students within the framework of the topic, teaching oral speech within the framework of the topic “Scientific and technological progress”.

educational - to systematize the lexical material on the topic "Computer technology", the development of the ability to read with different strategies (highlighting the main and secondary facts; the formation of the ability to complete reading comprehension in order to further use the information received, expanding the vocabulary, improving the skills of listening to the text with a general coverage of the content and with the extraction of specific information, express an opinion on the problem under discussion, improve speaking skills with the extraction of the necessary information, improve speech skills, including monologue

developing - to promote the development of students' creative abilities, develop the ability to express their opinions and give arguments, develop assessment skills in the learning process, develop the ability to analyze, synthesize, develop deductive thinking, imagination, attention

educational - to cultivate the ability to work in groups, individually; contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards a foreign language, to form a positive attitude towards the interlocutor, the education of conviction in the priority of universal values, the education of the need for creativity

Methods: critical thinking when working with text (fishbone)

Resources: computer, projector, audio recordings, handouts.

During the classes

1.1 Organizational moment. Teacher: Good morning everybody! Glad to see you today! I hope you feel good. I wish you to enjoy our lesson!

1.2. Determination of the topic and purpose of the lesson by students

T: Are you ready for a challenge?

(Students are divided into 3 small groups according to the pictures they've chosen). Students are divided into 3 groups according to the pictures.

Introducing with the Evaluation Card and Rules of working in groups. Acquaintance with the Evaluation Sheet and the rules of working in a group.

Now I want you to study careful pictures and try to guess the theme of our lesson. (Technology and progress). Predict please the aims of the lesson, what do you think we'll do today? Determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson by students, discussion in the group

Today's challenge


I think it sounds really interesting. we can see throughout history, humans have moved forwards

because of inventors and their inventions.

2. Making sense

2.1 Knowledge. Now here are some questions for you. Answers to questions on the topic of the lesson. Brainstorm.

How has technology helped improve life in the home?

What new technology do you expect to see in the future?

Please pay attention to the slides, they help you to find your own ideas, you may work individual or in a group

2.2. Understanding. Work with text. Pages 78-79 review reading and answers to questions on general understanding of the material

Now students I want you to scan the magazine article and do the exercise 2.

answer the question: What is an Eye Tap? (wearable computer)

Do the Exercise 2.

2.3. Application. Now I want you to study the text careful and use the strategy “Fish bone ” Work with the text of the article. (statement, problem, facts, solution)

2.4. Analysis. Listening to the song "In the year 2525".

a) Fill the gaps in the text. Fill the gaps

b) Match singer's predictions with the years. Match the dates with the events described in the song

c) Answer the questions. Express your opinion on the predictions in the song

3. Reflection. "Target"

10 - useful (enjoyed)

8- not bad (satisfied)

6- dissatisfied with work (nervous)

[ ]

It's difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.

Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. Let "s compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn" t the slightest idea of ​​the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not.

They would seem miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can't imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it "s rather rapid. Millions of investigations the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world. All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.

But every medal has its reverse. And the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a scientist. But still we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and the present who have courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.

Translation of the text: Scientific and Technological Progress

It is difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our lives. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our cooperation with nature.

Scientists explore the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practices that improve people's lives. Let's compare our life today with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors did not have the slightest idea of ​​the trivial things created by scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, televisions, computers, microwave ovens, cordless phones, what not.

They would seem like miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and enjoyable. On the other hand, the great inventions of the early 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become commonplace and we cannot imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress as it is quite fast. Millions of studies an endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century had several names that were associated with a particular era in science and technology. At first it was called the atomic age because of the discovery of the split of the atom. Then it became the age of conquest of a place, when for the first time in the history of mankind man overcame seriousness and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information age, when a computer network spans the globe and connects not only countries and space stations, but also many people around the world. All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.

But every medal has its change. And the rapid scientific progress has awakened many problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are environmental concerns, the safety of nuclear power plants, the nuclear military threat, and the responsibility of the scientist. But nevertheless we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and present who have the courage and patience to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

1. 100 topics of oral English (V. Kaverina, V. Boyko, N. Zhidkih) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and applicants to universities. Oral exam. Topics. Reading texts. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

Scientific and technical progress

The basis of scientific and technical progress of today is new informational technology which is very different from all the previous technologies. Thanks to up-to-date software and robots new informational technologies can make many processes much faster and transmit information more quickly. It is important today because the quantity of information is growing rapidly.
New informational society has its peculiarities. Firstly, more and more employees work in the sphere of service and information. Secondly, more and more huge databases appear to collect and store the information. And finally, information and IT become goods and start playing an important part in the country's economy.
These processes affect social structures and values.
It becomes important to learn to get new knowledge quickly and sometimes to change your qualifications. IT can first lead to unemployment, but later create even more workplaces especially for highly qualified professionals. While the hardest work can be performed by robots and routine calculations by computers, in the future people with the most creative mind and numerous fresh ideas will get better career chances.
On one hand technology development gives more access to professional and cultural information and leads to new forms of individual enterprises, but on the other hand there is a danger of total control of private life unless special laws are enforced by the government.
Another danger is "intellectual terrorism" when computer viruses block important programs.
There are other directions of technical and scientific progress of today.
One of them is the development of new ecologically clean sources of energy using sun, gravity, winds or rain. New kind of transports and new agricultural methods that do not harm our nature are being developed today.
Breakthroughs in science have led to the creation of artificial viruses for new medicines and products, body organs for transplantation and productive soils for growing vegetables and crops. Many new materials and technologies are being used in our everyday life.
All these innovations may have influence on our life, social relations and globally on our Earth.
The influence can be very different: from psychological and health problems of children who spend too much time online to an opportunity to prevent genetic diseases for future generations.
But the most difficult problems the humanity faces are global problems.
The first and foremost is ecological problem: pollution of air, water and soil, exhaustion of natural resources. Renewable natural resources such as oxygen, forests, flora and fauna do not have enough time to regenerate. This leads to different changes in climate and nature such as depletion of the ozone layer and other things that has not been properly studied by scientists yet.
Other crucial problems include wars, epidemics, and demographic problems.
The only way to solve them is to work globally and in cooperation with other countries. And here the humanity should find a way to use new technologies for the common good. The solution of these problems cannot be postponed because otherwise people will have fewer chances to survive on this planet.

Scientific and technical progress

Today, scientific and technological progress is based on new information technologies (IT), which are significantly different from all previous technologies. With the latest software and robots, new IT can speed up many processes and transfer information faster. This is important today because the amount of information is growing rapidly.
The new information society has its own characteristics. First, more and more employees work in the service and information sector. Secondly, there are more and more huge database repositories for collecting and storing information. Finally, information and IT are becoming commodities and starting to play an important role in the country's economy.
These processes influence social structures and values.
It becomes important to acquire new knowledge quickly and sometimes change your qualifications. IT may initially lead to unemployment, but then create even more jobs for highly skilled professionals. While the hardest work can be done by robots and standard calculations by computers, in the future, people with the most creative minds and the most fresh ideas will have the best career opportunities.
On the one hand, the development of technology gives more access to professional and cultural information and leads to the creation of new forms of individual enterprises, but on the other hand, there is a danger of total control over private life, unless special laws are passed by the government.
Another danger is "intellectual terrorism" when computer viruses block important programs.
There are other directions of development of scientific and technological progress today.
One of them is the development of new environmentally friendly energy sources using the sun, gravity, wind or rain. Today, new modes of transport and new agricultural methods are being developed that do not harm nature.
Scientific discoveries have led to the creation of artificial viruses for new drugs and products, organs for transplantation, and productive soils for growing vegetables and cereals. Many new materials and technologies are used in our daily life.
All these innovations can have an impact on our lives, social relationships and globally on our Earth.
The impact can range from psychological and health problems in children who spend too much time on the Internet to the ability to prevent genetic diseases in future generations.
But the most difficult problems that humanity faces are global problems.
The first and foremost is the environmental problem: air, water and soil pollution, depletion of natural resources. Renewable natural resources such as oxygen, forests, flora and fauna do not have enough time to recover. This leads to various changes in the climate and in nature, such as the depletion of the ozone layer and other phenomena that are not yet well understood by scientists.
Other key issues are wars, epidemics and demographic problems. The only way to solve them is to work globally and in cooperation with other countries. And here humanity must find a way to use new technologies for the common good. The solution of these problems cannot be postponed, otherwise people will have less chance to survive on this planet.


access - access
affect - influence
breakthrough - discovery, achievement, scientific breakthrough
calculation - calculation
common good - common good
crops - crops
crucial - the most important, key
development - development
to develop - develop
to enforce - zd. enforce (law)
to face - face
genetic - genetic
global - global, worldwide
to harm - harm, harm
highly qualified - highly qualified
humanity - humanity
to lead - lead to something
otherwise - otherwise, otherwise
peculiarities - features
postpone - postpone, transfer (in time)
properly - properly, properly
quantity - quantity
rapidly - rapidly
to regenerate - recover, revive
renewable natural resources - renewable natural resources
routine - normal, standard
software - software
to solve a problem - solve a problem
solution - solution
source - source
survive - survive
transmit - transmit, send
unemployment - unemployment
up-to-date - latest, modern
values ​​- values

Answer the questions
1. Why is IT progress different from other progresses?
2. What are the peculiarities of information society?
3. What is the role of information in this society?
4. According to the text who will have better career chances in the near future and why?
5. What are the possible dangers of wide access to information?
6. What ecologically clean sources of energy do you know?
7. How can scientific innovations influence our everyday life?
8. What are the key problems that humanity faces today?
9. How can these problems be solved?
10. What ecological problems are mentioned in the text?
11. What are the benefits of the scientific and technical progress?
12. What are the drawbacks of the scientific and technical progress?
13. Find in the text synonyms to the words "new", "fast", "important" and "to send". Can you think of other synonyms to these words?
14. Translate the underlined words and use them in your own sentences.