How to collect bee venom. The use of bee venom

Several ways to get bee venom

A young bee that has just emerged from a wax cell has a small amount of venom. The older the bee becomes, the more poison it accumulates, and by the age of two weeks, its stock of poison reaches its maximum amount. There are several ways to obtain bee venom.

The most common is euthanizing bees with ether. A large number of bees are placed in a glass jar, which is closed with filter paper moistened with ether. The ether vapors irritate the bees, they release some of the poison and fall asleep.

After that, rinse the jar with water. The washing liquid (most often cloudy) is purified by filtration, then the water is evaporated, and the remaining substance is dry bee venom.

Bees must be dried in a warm room or in the sun, and then sent to the hive. Using this method, about 50-75 mg of bee venom is obtained from 1000 live bees. But he has his significant shortcomings. Firstly, the bees do not give away all their poison, secondly, after anesthesia, washing and drying, most of them die, and thirdly, the resulting poison is not pure.

It is also known several ways to get bee venom, but even when using them, many bees die and the poison is not pure enough.

The most humane method of extracting poison, in which the bees give poison and remain in the family, performing all their functions, is simple in its execution. It is necessary to bring a hive with bees into a dark room. You need to work in the front grid. The lid of the hive is slightly opened, and the bees fly out to the source of light - the window. From glass bees are removed one at a time. They are taken with tweezers and applied with the abdomen to a glass slide, plastic or plexiglass. The bee stings the glass, releases poison, but at the same time retains the sting and flies into the hive. After a while, it will again be possible to take poison from her. The bee venom immediately solidifies to a crystalline state, it is scraped off and weighed. The resulting poison has no impurities, it is clean and well stored.

Instead of a hive, you can make a plywood bag for one store or nest frame, with a hole that opens at the top. In such a package they put a frame with honey and bees. Bees are taken with tweezers.

To save a small number of bees, they are shaken into a cardboard box, the top of which is covered with one or two layers of gauze. To feed the bees, a piece of sugar is placed on gauze. Thus, the bees are preserved for more than a month.

When selecting bees in winter, they should be disturbed as little as possible, and instead of a smoker, use a spray bottle with warm water.

A few years ago, doctors developed another way to extract bee venom. Bees began to be "milked" with the help of a special sieve and an electric discharge. The bees get irritated and release their venom. In a short time, the iron of the bee again produces the same amount of valuable liquid, and it is again “milked”. At one time, the bee releases 0.3 mg of poison with the help of 2 glands: one of them produces an acidic liquid, the other an alkaline secret. Each liquid individually is less toxic than their mixture.

The amount of poison a bee has depends on the season. In spring and summer it contains more than in the autumn-winter period.

Bee venom is a powerful substance. Once in the blood, it causes a burning sensation and the bite swells. Pain and swelling can be reduced if the sting is quickly pulled out of the wound, retaining almost the entire supply of poison in the stinging apparatus, and the stung place is cooled with water or rectified alcohol, parsley or mint leaves are applied, or smeared with an ointment that includes calendula, petroleum jelly or lanolin, rectified alcohol.

Beginner beekeeper should know that within 3 years the body of any person gets used to bee venom and over time his body stops swelling.

Stinging in the eye is a great danger, especially if the sting is damaged eyeball. The victim experiences unbearable pain, the stung eye immediately swells and sharp conjunctivitis appears. In this case, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital.

It's probably not a secret how many benefits beekeeping products have for a person. For several centuries in a row, the population of the earth has been using them to improve their health. One of the useful products of beekeeping is poison (apitoxin). It contains only natural and environmentally friendly components, so it cannot cause any harm (with the exception of individual intolerance).

In the glands of bees, a specific substance is produced - apitoxin. In the case when the insect feels threatened, it releases a sting, where the poison is located. It has a transparent yellowish color, viscous texture, a pungent smell of honey and a bitter taste.

If we talk about the chemical composition of bee venom, then it is impossible to find a substance richer in vitamins and microelements. This set has not yet been thoroughly studied, many scientists are still struggling to uncover the secret of the healing properties of its mineral structure.

Apitoxin is based on protein components and compounds. They contain non-toxic protein, melitin, phospholipase A, hyaluronidase.

AT chemical composition includes eighteen of the twenty known amino acids, inorganic acids (formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric), glucose, fructose, carbohydrates, polypeptides and almost half of the periodic table (calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, sulfur, chlorine, hydrogen).

Beneficial features

Bee venom has long been used in traditional medicine. It is one of the ingredients medicines, gels, ointments. Due to its composition, it has useful properties:

  • Affects the body's immune system, can strengthen or weaken its functions.
  • Used as an anesthetic. The action of pure bee venom is many times stronger than drug analgesics.
  • In a small amount, it can be an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Promotes the destruction of pathogens (streptococcus, E. coli).
  • Stimulates the work of all body systems.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels, increases hemoglobin and red blood cell count.
  • Has a vasodilating effect.
  • Increases the metabolic rate.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Improves general state body: normalizes sleep, performance, appetite, nervous system.

How bee venom is obtained

The sting of young bees contains little poison, the largest number produced by the age of two weeks of the insect. The amount also depends on the time of its extraction, in autumn and winter it is much less than in spring and summer. To extract it in the apiary, protective clothing and a collection device are needed.

Experts use several methods of extraction.

  1. Manually. To get poison, the bee is clamped between the legs of the tweezers and sits on a window pane or mirror. The insect releases poison, leaving it on the glass surface, but remains alive, since the sting does not release. After a few days, the procedure can be repeated. Another way is to put the bees in a glass jar and put them to sleep with ether. Its vapors irritate the insect, so it secretes poison and falls asleep. When using this method, some of the bees die.
  2. With the help of a device. In the middle of the last century, a beekeeping specialist invented a device that, with the help of a weak discharge of current, has an irritating effect on bees, and they give off poison without releasing a sting and staying alive. Using this method of bee "milking", you can get about 0.3 mg of poison at a time. After some time, the glands of the bees will again develop a valuable product, and it will be possible to receive it again. The device is constantly being modified, so the extraction process becomes easier.

Why bee venom is a cure

The trace elements included in it have a beneficial effect on all body systems. Treatment with bee venom is called "apitherapy". The product is used in the treatment of various diseases.

  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Hypertension. Due to its vasodilating properties, blood flow to the brain is accelerated, which helps to reduce blood pressure. The most effective treatment of the disease at an early stage, this helps to further reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Joint diseases (arthritis and arthrosis). Since bee venom has an anesthetic, manufacturers of gels and ointments often include it in their preparations. It can relieve inflammation and "disperse" the blood.
  • Diseases of the spine.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Narrowing or dilation of blood vessels.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Multiple sclerosis. In the treatment of this disease, the destruction stops nerve cells. And amino acids contribute to the formation of new nerve endings. Therefore, on early stages the disease can be cured.
  • Cholesterol plaques.

In addition to treatment various diseases, bee venom can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face. Anti-wrinkle products, in which it is included, have long established themselves in cosmetology on the positive side. Due to the natural and environmentally friendly composition, it is increasingly popular among women.

Ways to introduce bee venom into the body

For a long time, people have been treated with bee venom. It can enter the body not only with a bee sting, there are other ways.

  1. The use of gels and ointments, in which it is included.
  2. Introduction of injections under the skin.
  3. Steam inhalation.

The impact of bee venom on the human body

When ingested, bee venom stimulates all systems and processes occurring in it. It has a unique composition and properties. Someone can easily endure a lot of bee stings, and someone gets sick from a single bee sting. In small doses, apitoxin can not harm health. Most beneficial effect it has on the body's immune system. An exception may be intolerance to bee products, because despite all its usefulness, bee venom is a strong allergen, and allergic reaction on it can be the most unpredictable, up to a fatal outcome. Therefore, its use for the treatment of a disease must be approved by the attending physician.

From one bee you can get 0.4-0.8 mg of poison. The amount of poison depends on the age of the bee, season and food. For example, in spring and summer, the bee produces the greatest amount of poison. Young bees have little or no venom. By the two-week life span, the amount of poison in a worker bee reaches a maximum, after which the poisonous gland gradually dies off.

There are several ways to get bee venom, but almost all of them cause the death of the bee after giving it the poison. The simplest method is the following: a glass jar is filled with distilled water, covered with an animal membrane, a bee is planted on the membrane with tweezers. The bee stings the membrane, and the poison flows into the water. At the end of the collection of the poison, the water evaporates. The advantage of this method is that the poison is completely extracted from the bee's sting and is not contaminated with anything.

Poison can also be obtained by putting bees to sleep with ether. To do this, they are planted in a clean glass jar, which is closed with filter paper moistened with ether. Under the influence of ether, the bees release poison to the bottom and walls of the jar, while they themselves fall asleep. After the bees fall into a state of deep anesthesia, they are again transferred to the hive. The jar is rinsed with water, the washing liquid is filtered, then evaporated. Thus, you can get 50-75 mg of poison from 1000 bees. The solution of bee venom obtained in this way is contaminated with honey, bee secretions and other impurities that may be on the bee's body.

N.P.Yorish proposed a method for obtaining bee venom on glass. To this end, the bee is applied with special tweezers with its belly to the glass, the bee stings the glass, that is, it releases poison on the glass, while maintaining the sting. Instead of glass, you can use plastic or polyethylene plates. By folding two plates, the poison can be stored for years. To remove the poison from the plates, it is enough to lower them into distilled water.

There are other ways to get bee venom. You can tear the abdomen of the bee from the chest, remove the sting with tweezers and, pressing on it, drive it over the glass until the vial of poison is empty. The squeezed poison is devoid of any impurities, dries quickly, and in this form it is preserved. You can pull out the sting, dry the poisonous gland and grind it into powder. Before use, bee venom is extracted from such a nut with alcohol.

All of these methods of obtaining bee venom are inefficient. Recently, new methods have been developed for “milking* bees by exposing them to an electric current. For example, a glass with many wire electrodes through which current is passed is installed in front of the entrance. When a bee sits on the glass, it is exposed to current and in response “stings * glass, releasing poison. But this method is not ideal, many bees simply do not sit on the glass. That is why the method of introducing poison with therapeutic purpose by stinging bees still finds application.

AT traditional medicine in some diseases, a decoction of dead bees is used, which contains bee venom.

About 0.7 mg of poison can be obtained from one bee. The amount of poison obtained depends on many factors: the time of year, the condition of the colony, the breed of bees, the age of the bee, and even the time of selection. In spring and summer, the bee produces the greatest amount of poison. Up to two weeks The bees have no poison or very little, after the age of two weeks the amount of poison is maximum, then slowly decreases and the poisonous gland gradually dies off.

There are various ways collection of bee venom, but almost all of them cause the death of the bee after the poison is taken from it. One of simple ways: a glass jar is filled with distilled water, covered with an animal membrane, a bee is planted on the membrane with tweezers, it stings the membrane and the poison flows into the water.

At the end of the collection procedure, the water is evaporated and the poison remains. This method the good thing is that the poison is completely extracted and not contaminated with anything. Another way to get poison is to put the bees to sleep with ether.

Bees are planted in a clean glass jar and covered with filter paper soaked in ether. The ether begins to act on the bees and they secrete poison on the bottom and walls of the jar and fall asleep themselves. Sleeping bees are collected and taken to the hive, the jar is rinsed with distilled water, the liquid is filtered and then evaporated and poison is obtained.

In this way, about 70 mg of poison can be obtained from 1000 bees. A solution of such a poison is not pure; it may contain honey, bee secretions, impurities that are present on the bee's body. Another method proposed by Yoirish N.P. is to obtain bee venom on glass.

For collection of bee venom, the bee is pressed against the glass with special tweezers and it stings, releases poison onto the glass, while retaining the sting. Other plastic plates can also be used, then these plates are glued together with poison inside and can be stored for years. Before use, it is enough to dip them into water and the poison will dissolve in water.

Collection of bee venom on glass

Another of the barbaric methods, they tear off the abdomen of the bee from the chest, remove the sting with tweezers along with the vial and press the secreted poison on it, put it on the glass, it dries quickly on the glass (it turns out pure poison without impurities) You can also dry the gland into powder and store it that way.

Before use, the powder is dissolved in alcohol. All of the above methods are inefficient, time consuming Small amount of poison. Currently applied new method extraction of bee venom By exposing bees to electric current. Glass is installed in the hive in dimensions that match the frame. Near the glass, on both sides, there are conductors through which a pulsed electric current is passed, with a varying duty cycle of the pulses. In other words, a random pulse generator in order to annoy the bees that have sat on the glass.

The bees begin to sting the glass, the poison on the glass dries quickly. After a certain time, the glass is removed, the poison is scraped off in a special box and put into test tubes. Well, the simplest effective method is to plant a bee in the right place And let it sting you, and you will get rid of your sores. To do this, you need to contact the experts.

AT folk recipes there are other ways to use bee venom in conjunction with other substances present in the body of the bee. For these purposes, dead bees are used. Dried bees are ground into powder and tinctures are made with alcohol or vodka. Or they make lotions from steamed dead wood, where poison is also present. More details can be seen here: or video

Of all bee products, it is the poison that has the most pronounced ability to eliminate various diseases and strengthen the immune system. bee venom and healing properties were known to our ancestors. The effect of poison on the body and the features of its use for treatment are described in the article.

You will learn how bee venom is extracted and what features should be considered when using this substance to treat diseases. We also described in detail the features of the use of poison for the treatment of diseases of the skin, blood vessels, heart and its use in cosmetology.

What is bee venom

A special poison is secreted in the glands of worker bees and, in case of danger, enters through the sting into the skin. Outwardly, it is a clear or yellowish liquid of a very thick consistency. The smell is similar to honey, but more pungent, and the taste is burning and slightly bitter (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of bee venom

In the open air, the poison quickly hardens, but it does not lose its beneficial properties even when dried.

The technology for obtaining poison is shown in the video.

The effect of bee venom on the body can be compared with a powerful antibiotic. It is capable of destroying a wide variety of microorganisms, and even in a diluted state is sterile.

Figure 2. The production of poison in the body of insects

The substance is formed in the filiform glands of bees. Its amount gradually accumulates with age and reaches a maximum at two weeks of age (Figure 2). Despite the common components of the substance, the composition of the poison may vary depending on the breed of bees, their age, diet and habitat.

The effect of bee venom on the body

Having determined how the poison is formed, it is also necessary to find out what useful properties it has.

The main component is the substance apimin, which has a powerful positive impact on the body. Benefits of the product include(picture 3):

  • Ability to stimulate work immune system organism;
  • Even in diluted form, the poison is able to relieve inflammation, eliminate suppuration and infection with bacteria;
  • Has a pronounced ability to relieve pain;
  • It increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, prevents them from sticking together, dilates blood vessels and reduces the amount of cholesterol.

Figure 3 Beneficial features poison

It is also applied when multiple sclerosis, diseases of cardio-vascular system, improves the functioning of the liver and digestive tract in general, improves sleep and the functioning of the nervous system.

Composition of bee venom

Like all bee products, the poison contains unique components that can bring great benefits to the human body.

The composition includes essential amino acids (18 out of 20 existing), inorganic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and glucose. One of the main components of substances is melittin. It is he who causes a burning sensation when the sting penetrates the skin. However, this component perfectly dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Other substances that make up bee venom (for example, phospholipase) perfectly rejuvenate the body, accelerate the resorption of hematomas and improve blood composition. The poison also contains useful trace elements (chlorine, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus).

What is treated with bee venom

Treatment with bee venom is called apitherapy. This folk way elimination of diseases was known to our ancestors, and in modern world found wide application as an alternative to traditional medicine.

The unique composition of insect venom makes it indispensable in the fight against the most various diseases. Consider the use of the substance in more detail.

More information about the use of bee venom in traditional medicine is in the video.

With multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a dangerous autoimmune disease in which the body's defense systems react aggressively to nerve sheaths. The gradual death of nerve cells and tissues leads to the progression of the disease and serious nervous disorders.

Traditional medicine cannot yet completely cure this disease, limiting itself to symptomatic therapy. But effective tool bee venom is considered to combat the disease.

The substances included in its composition stop the destruction of nerve cells, and amino acids provoke the formation of new endings. Thus, the use of poison can not only stop the development of the disease, but also completely eliminate it in the initial stages.

Treatment of hypertension

Poison obtained from bees is considered effective means fight against hypertension. This substance perfectly dilates blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity and prevents thickening of the walls of blood vessels.

Note: Particularly effective folk remedy considered in the early stages of pathology. But even in advanced cases, the use of poison helps to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The most effective is the acupuncture method - subcutaneous injection of poison at certain points on the body. However, in ancient times, a simpler method was used - 4 bees were planted by the patient's collar twice a week. Bee stings provoked the injection of poison into the body and had the desired therapeutic effect.

When treating live bee stings, it is important to strictly follow the technology and avoid too strong and frequent bites. Otherwise, the effect will be reversed, and the patient may suffer from allergies.

For joints

As a component of ointments and balms, poison can relieve joint pain (Figure 4). The components that make up the substance prevent stagnation of blood in the extremities and serve as an effective means of preventing varicose veins. In addition, applying poison mixed with herbal ingredients to painful areas is great for reducing inflammation.

Figure 4. Use of poison to relieve joint pain

Also, the poison itself and products based on it are used to treat sciatica, relieve severe pain after intense physical activity and as an aid in the fight against rheumatism.

For skin diseases

Like other bee products, insect venom is also used externally. Mixed with vegetable oils and decoctions, it helps fight psoriasis, relieves flaking and accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers on the body.

It should be borne in mind that such a poison is a powerful allergen, and it should not be used by people with intolerance to bee products, even as an external remedy.

Aitoxin, as the main component of the poison, has not only bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, but also the ability to rejuvenate the skin and the body as a whole (Figure 5). It is these properties that have led to the active use of poison in cosmetology.

Note: The action of the poison is similar to Botox injections. But, unlike this chemical, poison is a completely harmless way to restore skin elasticity.

Figure 5. Use of poison as a cosmetic

Even the poison included in industrial creams has a beneficial effect on the skin. The substance stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, eliminates fine wrinkles and makes deep ones less noticeable. Lip balms and creams make them more lush and voluminous, and the poison that is part of lipsticks makes the color more vibrant and persistent.

All components of the poison provoke a slight irritation of the epidermis. This explains the effectiveness of such products in the fight against wrinkles (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Use of poison to fight wrinkles

Apitoxin and amino acids of the product stimulate the production of collagen, renew skin cells and make the epidermis more elastic. There is an opinion that soon it will be the venom of bees that will be used for anti-aging procedures and will completely replace Botox. This is due to the fact that it has much fewer contraindications and side effects, and the end result is the same as with the introduction of chemicals under the skin.

Preparations based on bee venom

Bee venom is actively used as a component of medicines and cosmetics. For example, modern manufacturers produce ointments with this substance (Figure 7). All such medicines are designed to relieve pain and inflammation of the joints, and are also used to heal wounds, sores and ulcers on the skin.

Figure 7. Types of preparations based on insect venom

Poison is also produced in tablets and ampoules for intradermal injections (drugs Apifor, Apitoxin, Apizartron). These drugs help strengthen blood vessels and effectively fight joint diseases.

The benefits of the poison of these insects have also been proven in cosmetology. However, it should be borne in mind that this substance can also cause harm if a person has intolerance to bee products. Therefore, before using a cream, balm or lipstick, you need to carefully study the composition.

How to treat bee venom allergy

The substances that make up bee venom pose a great danger to people with intolerance to bee products. These components can cause serious allergies, in the event of which certain measures must be taken immediately.

Note: At the initial stage, allergies are manifested by cough, runny nose and lacrimation. But if a person is not helped in time, the symptoms can worsen and turn into loss of consciousness, convulsions, a sharp drop in pressure and severe swelling that prevents normal breathing.

At the first sign of an allergy to a bite, you need to call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you should try to carefully remove the sting and treat the bite site with alcohol. After that, you need to make an ice compress and give the victim any drug against allergies.