Orthodox Trinity. Trinity holiday: history, traditions, symbols

The feast of the Holy Trinity is one of the most interesting and, perhaps, the most unusual church celebrations. He, like Easter, is also always celebrated on Sunday - namely, 50 days after this day (the Most Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost).

At the same time, for the most part, we know much more about the Bright Resurrection or about Christmas than about the day of the Most Holy Trinity. That is why it will be interesting to understand what kind of holiday it is, why it has several names, and what is the sacred meaning of this date. And most importantly - how to properly celebrate the Great Trinity?

Trinity holiday in Orthodoxy: meaning and names

First of all, let's deal with the names. There are simple cases when everything is clear: Christmas is Christmas, and Easter is Easter (or the Bright Resurrection of Christ). But with the Trinity, the situation is a little different - the holiday has several names at once:

  1. Trinity Day (Holy or Most Holy Trinity Day, Trinity Day) - i.e. holiday in honor of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. Pentecost - this word has exactly the same meaning. It simply reminds us that the descent of the Spirit took place on the 50th day after Easter. Therefore, the celebration always also falls on Sunday: May 27, 2018, June 16, 2019, etc.
  3. Spirits day, or the day of the Holy Spirit - this name emphasizes the key event in honor of which the holiday is celebrated.

All these names of the Trinity holiday can be found in various sources - for example, on Wikipedia, Orthodox magazines and others. By the way, Spirit Day falls on Monday, and Pentecost itself falls on Sunday. But what do the three days of the Trinity mean? They symbolize the same holiday, it is simply celebrated for three days.

Holy Trinity: what kind of holiday

So what's the point of this interesting holiday? Why is it considered one of the great Christian celebrations along with Easter, Christmas, Epiphany and other significant dates? Answers to these questions can be obtained if you learn something about those events two thousand years ago, which laid a good tradition to celebrate this date.

The history of the Trinity holiday goes back to the times last days life of Jesus on earth. Shortly before his death, he promised that exactly 50 days after that, God would send the Comforter, who would invisibly help all his followers.

And indeed, after 40 days, the Savior ascended to heaven, and a decade later, the disciples of Christ gathered together in one of the houses of Jerusalem. And at that moment, a very strong noise was heard in the sky, as if a hurricane wind swept over the city.

It turned out that these were not air currents, but a miraculous event: at the same moment, flames lit up over the heads of the apostle disciples. People began to speak all the languages ​​​​and dialects that were used in those days by the local peoples. Then the holy apostles-followers of Christ began to teach people, preaching to them salvation and God's love.

However, what does the holiday of the Trinity mean for us - people living in modern times, 2000 years later? It turns out that the relevance of those events has been preserved in its original form, because the descent of the Holy Spirit is directly related to all the inhabitants of the planet.

His coming to earth means the onset of a grace-filled time when we have a direct connection with the heavenly powers. Every person today can just pray, ask for forgiveness and receive it.

And in the old days, complex rituals were performed for this, sacrifices were made, bonfires were kindled. In a word, forgiveness was purchased at a very high price. Now the connection with the Almighty has been established so that any of us can turn to him.

It turns out that the Holy Spirit is a kind of communication channel between man and God. Moreover, he is God himself, his third person. Therefore, the Orthodox feast of the Trinity symbolizes the Triune Lord, who has revealed himself in all his fullness.


Let's rewind the events 20 centuries ago and present such a picture. The Lord died but rose again. There is no limit to the joy of believers - after all, even today, the echoes of this event resound with a joyful wave in the hearts of billions of believers when they say: “Christ is risen! He has truly risen!" What happened after?

The Savior went to heaven, as expected, on the 40th day. Probably, many people had such a feeling in their hearts that they seemed to be orphaned or lost their right wing. But now - only 10 days have passed, and the Holy Spirit descended on the earth.

It turns out that since then and until today, God himself is invisibly next to us, and at any moment we can ask for his help. It was for this purpose that the Comforter was sent to our planet.

How Orthodox Christians Celebrate the Holy Trinity

Among church holidays, Holy Trinity Day is perhaps the most beautiful event of the year. Priests dress in green clothes, temples and icons of the Holy Trinity are decorated with birch branches, wildflowers, and leaves. The floor in the temples is covered with fresh grass.

The green tone serves as a symbol of life-giving faith, the rebirth of nature after a long winter, but most importantly, the liberation of the human soul from sin.

That is why on this day it is customary to consecrate birch branches (after all, a birch is a real symbol of Russia) and bring them into the house. It is believed that this kind of bouquet will bring good luck for the whole year, if you save it until the next Trinity.

Green branches of other plants - oak, linden, maple and mountain ash are also used to decorate the home on the Trinity. They are designed to protect the house from evil spirits. Cornflowers, lovage, thyme, fern, mint, lemon balm, burdock are taken from meadow herbs, wreaths are woven from them and hung on the door, bouquets are made that are placed on the table or near the icons.

On the eve of Holy Trinity Saturday, an all-night vigil is served. On the day of the feast of the Holy Trinity, the Gospel of John is read, and a festive liturgy is performed.

The third day of Trinity is called the day of the Holy Spirit. On this day, it is customary to bless water in churches. People take the grass and branches that decorated the temples and bring them home. They dry them and store them all year round - they protect the house from diseases and troubles. Healers recommend collecting herbs on this day - it is believed that nature endows them with special miraculous properties.

Priests do not recommend doing heavy physical work on these holidays, visiting a cemetery, planning some global affairs (for example, cleaning the house, working in the country, large purchases, etc.). It is best to find time for festive services - go to church for a service, attend a liturgy in honor of the Holy Trinity, feel the spirit of the bright, tune in to the festive wave.

And the rest of the day you can spend with your loved ones, help your family, visit old friends. There is no fasting on the feast of Holy Pentecost, so the festive table is supposed to be rich and plentiful, with a variety of meat dishes, pies, and fresh herbs.

Also, after the festive dinner, traditional folk festivities are arranged - people tend to nature, where they perform ritual dances, sing songs, kindle bonfires. And you can also make your most cherished wish on such a holiday - if you tune in to the fulfillment of a dream, it will certainly come true.

So, what is this - the holiday of the Great Trinity? This is the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, when God manifested himself in all three persons and revealed himself as the triune Supreme.

And it is also the day of the rebirth of the human soul, when it can receive the priceless gift of salvation, simply by repenting of its sins and entrusting all experiences to the Lord. Such is it - the bright Holy Trinity.

Trinity, Trinity day - folk holiday among the Slavs. There was a day or two from Sunday to Tuesday. But three were also celebrated. It was called differently - Midlife (Feast of Living Water), Ascension, Semik, Green Saints, Mermaid Week. Even in Russia itself, it was called in its own way: in Voronezh, for example, Wreaths, Gulino - in Kostroma, Birch Day - in Siberia, and so on. The Belarusians have the Trinity, in Galicia - Turitsa, the Bulgarians - the Spirits of the day, the Serbs - the Spirits, the names of different peoples can be continued. However, for all that, the Trinity meant the end of the spring cycle in nature and the beginning of the summer cycle. Perhaps this is one of the most colorful holidays of the year, when gardens and flowers in the front gardens bloom, the air is filled with the captivating aromas of the beginning of summer. People's clothes also change. Winter has long been in chests, in spring, still warm, it gets hot, bright sundresses, floor-length silk dresses, multi-colored ribbons adorn light hats, and the guys change into blouses, bloomers tucked into chrome boots, flaunt fashionable caps or even go without headdresses, and the spring wind fervently plays with their curly forelocks.

The Jewish Trinity

The people of Israel call it Pentecost. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Jewish. (In Christianity, it also does not have a fixed date: it comes on the fiftieth day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ). According to popular Jewish belief, the people of Israel on this day received the Sinai law. In other words, the prophet Moses on Mount Sinai gave his people the Law of God, and the greatest event took place on the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Since then, the Trinity among the Jews is called Pentecost (Shavuot) and is celebrated annually. It is also the first harvest festival. Israel is a southern country, and by this time its markets are full of greenery, freshly ripened vegetables, berries in the beds, cherries and cherries in the orchards. The Sinai law allows mass celebrations, a wide variety of entertainment, and sacrifices on this significant day. It is also known that once the apostles, who retired to celebrate the Jewish Pentecost, the Savior promised to show a miracle - the coming of the Holy Spirit. And it, this miracle, happened. On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection, the apostles heard an incredible noise, saw a bright flame. Then the Holy Spirit really descended on them, and revealed three hypostases - God the Father (Almighty, Creator), God the Son (Divine Word) and God the Spirit (Holy Spirit). The Trinity is the basis of Christianity, and the Christian faith is firmly supported on it. The Holy Trinity is One God!

At the same time, the people who were near the upper room where the apostles had gathered also heard the noise. To their surprise, the apostles spoke different languages. Such a gift was given to the disciples of Jesus. As well as the ability to heal, preach, prophesy in the same different dialects, that is, they received the opportunity to carry the Word of God to all corners of the world. The apostles went to the Middle East, to the Crimea, Kyiv, Asia Minor, India. And all were executed by the opponents of Christianity, except for one disciple of Jesus - John. Nevertheless, the Trinity, or, as it is also called, Pentecost, has spread widely throughout the world.

It appeared only three hundred years later - after the Baptism of Russia. And before that, it was a pagan holiday, according to the canons of which three deities ruled mankind: Perun - the defender of truth and the warrior: Svarog - the Creator of the Universe and Svyatovit - the keeper of light and human energy. From a pagan holiday, the Trinity was born. Officially, Trinity Day was established in Russia by the Orthodox Church in the nineteenth century. And it also meant the end of the spring cycle and the beginning of the long-awaited summer season. The holiday was widely spread in the fourteenth - sixteenth centuries, thanks to Sergei of Radonezh - a saint deeply revered by the people. He considered serving the Trinity the meaning of his whole life. And in 1337 he founded a monastery, which today is called the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra. The idea of ​​uniting all Russian lands into one whole is expressed in the monastery.

Three Trinity Days in Russia

First day called Green Sunday. Special prayers were read. Icons and birches were decorated. People went for a walk in the fields, forest glades, danced there. Naturally, everyone dressed up in the brightest festive clothes as an example of awakening nature. Girls threw wreaths into the river, ponds, and other bodies of water. Thus, they wondered what fate awaits them in the coming year. The commemoration of the dead was obligatory. They performed rituals that drove out evil spirits, all evil spirits. At night, according to legend, people came prophetic dreams.

Second day It was called Klechalny Monday, in the morning we went to church together. After her - in the fields. The priests blessed the land plots. To protect the future harvest from bad weather - drought, excessive rainfall, hail.

Third day was Bogodukhov. And Happy Girls' Day. The most beautiful was decorated with wreaths, dressed in greenery, and she played the role of Poplar. They took her home, gave her gifts and treats.

The birch was the symbol of the holiday. She was dressed up. They danced around. The first leaves were dried from the evil eye. The rite of birch curling exists in Russia to this day, especially in the outback - villages and villages. At the same time, they wished health to parents, relatives and relatives. And the beautiful girls thought about their betrothed, conveyed their hidden thoughts to them. Then the birch was cut down. They surrounded a village or a village with it, thereby attracting good luck. With the onset of evening, ribbons and other birch decorations were burned - a kind of sacrifice. The branches were buried in the field for a rich harvest. The trunk itself was drowned in a river, pond or other body of water to protect it from evil spirits. In the morning on Trinity they collected dew, counting it the best medicine from any ailment. On Trinity, it was strictly forbidden to work around the house or in the garden. Everything was done before the holiday. And on the solemn day itself, it was not forbidden to decorate dwellings, cook various goodies for festive table. Swimming in the reservoirs was strictly forbidden, they say, the mermaids will drag them to the bottom. And if anyone escapes this fate, he will certainly become a sorcerer. On Trinity Day, it was impossible to sew, cut your hair, dye your hair. Advised not to think about the bad. Moreover, to be offended by anyone or to swear. There were other restrictions as well. And on Trinity there were brides of the bride. The festivities of the girls along the main streets are in full view. As for the church holiday, it began in the morning. The dressed-up families went to worship. After him - home for a solemn dinner on this occasion. They also visited. And they were invited. They gave each other gifts.

parent saturday

The day before the Trinity, good Christians were supposed to visit graveyards. To remember the dead. There was also a memorial dinner. Cutlery was placed on the table for the deceased. They were invited to the memorial service. It was customary to heat the bath. And not only bathe and wash yourself, but also leave a broom and everything you need for the dead. AT parent Saturday commemorated suicides. Prayed for the repose of their souls. True, it was not allowed to do this in the temple: suicides will not find rest forever and ever. So it was possible to remember them only in home prayers.

Signs of the Trinity

Heat on Trinity - wait for a dry summer. To attract wealth to the house - cover several graves in the cemetery. Rain on Pentecost - to close warmth and an abundance of mushrooms. If the birch is fresh on the third day of the holiday - to a wet hayfield. There are still a lot of signs. They used to say: "The Trinity is being built for three days - from the Trinity to the Dormition." The red maidens especially rejoiced at the holiday. They went out to the bank of the river, let a wreath into it and said, "Swim, my wreath, to that bank. Whoever catches my wreath - waking up the groom!" The girls left their tears on the branches of birches and maples in temples - deliverance from drought and crop failures.

All week mermaid

Thursday is especially dangerous - mermaids just want to lure the careless into the water. Therefore, in the evenings, not a foot from home! In general, you can not swim throughout the week. And it is best to carry grass with you - wormwood, the most the best remedy from all evil. In order to completely protect themselves from mermaids, they made a scarecrow, danced round dances around it, and then tore it into small pieces. Before going to bed, they ran through the streets with a broomstick to protect themselves from mermaids. At the same time, the water ones woke up. They were scared away from themselves by kindling fires along the banks of the reservoirs. AT modern life views on rituals, signs, customs on the Trinity have changed somewhat. But some ancient traditions are still followed. Especially the fair sex. Mostly young people. Girls. They carry brightly woven wreaths to the banks of rivers and other reservoirs. They launch into the water. Where the wreath floated - from there to wait for the betrothed. Suddenly stuck to the shore - the groom is not to be seen for a year! And in Russia, the Trinity was called - the Blessed Virgin, Spirits Day, Water - the birthday girl, Grass - the birthday girl. At the same time, we emphasize once again that the Trinity or Pentecost is one of the most desired, brightly decorated holidays, which means the end of spring and the onset of the long-awaited summer!

Trinity in poetry and cinema

The holiday was and is dearly loved by all the people. Poets were no exception. They admired and admired him, in particular, Ivan Bunin: "The altar is shining and decorated with flowers, illuminated by the amber sheen of candles and the sun!" Or the well-known Nekrasov lines from his poem, which are learned by heart at school: "Green noise is coming - Green noise is coming, Green noise - Spring noise!" Or the famous Pushkin: "On Trinity Day, when the people, yawning, listen to a prayer service, touchingly on a beam of dawn they dropped three tears ..."

About the Trinity, Pentecost, feature films and documentaries- "The limit of the angel", "Savior under the birches", which are still popular with the viewer. Among the documentary films, one can note "The Holy Trinity", released for hire in Russia in 1992. The announcement for the film emphasizes that the Day of the Holy Trinity is the birthday of the Church of Christ. On this day, more than a thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ. And today, as then, the Lord preserves and builds up His Church through the hands of the priests through the sacraments of the Church. Even earlier, in 1988, the film studio "Lennauchfilm" released a documentary film "Ascension to the Holy Trinity", which tells about famous icon fifteenth century "Trinity", which was painted by the great Russian artist Andrei Rublev. You can learn more about the world-famous painter from the feature film "Andrei Rublev" (1966), filmed by the talented Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, which starred popular actors - Anatoly Solonitsyn, Ivan Lapikov, Nikolai Grinko, Mikhail Kononov, Irina Tarkovskaya and others. The film reflects the events in Russia of the fifteenth century, far from us. The country is torn apart by princely civil strife. A painter appears, as they say, from God. The film is dedicated to his life and work and, in particular, to the famous icon "Trinity". A talented film before and now is watched with great interest both in Russia and far beyond its borders.

On the 50th day after the end, the Holy Trinity comes - one of the largest and most revered church holidays in Orthodoxy. Since Jesus ascended to heaven, the tenth day has already come, or otherwise - the fiftieth day since the Resurrection of Christ.

Holy Trinity: the history of the holiday

The Jews at one time widely celebrated a holiday called Pentecost, in honor of the legislation of Sinai. In one room, in a small room located in Jerusalem, the disciples of Jesus Christ, his mother the Virgin Mary and a small number of believers gathered. According to the records that have come down to our times, it tells about the events that occurred at the third hour of the day according to the Jewish account.

A strong noise is described that came from somewhere in the sky, as if from a strong, hurricane wind. This strange noise filled the room of the chamber, where the disciples and the Mother of God were. Tongues of flame appeared, which stopped at each of those present, everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and after that they began to glorify the name of God in numerous languages, which they had not even known before.

Orthodox holiday Trinity: sacred fire

The fiery tongues were nothing but the Holy Spirit of our Savior, who, with the help of them, gave a good sign that from that moment on, all the apostles had the opportunity to spread the teachings of God throughout the Earth, to preach and talk about the Savior. Also, fire personifies a great force that destroys evil, cleansing the world from sin, as well as illuminating the path and warming in bad weather.

History of the Holy Trinity: the sermons of the Apostles

At the same time, a feast was held in Jerusalem, at which there were many Jews living in different countries peace. All the disciples of Christ - the apostles - chose the Jews to conduct their first sermons, and in their native languages. The audience was so impressed by what they heard that many strongly believed in the Savior and began to ask the Apostles about what they should do next.

The Apostle Peter invited the Jews to repent in the name of our Savior, for the sake of the forgiveness of all sins, and in this case they would receive the same Gift of the Holy Spirit. Those who strongly believed in Jesus Christ were immediately baptized, and thus the number of all who received the new faith was about three hundred people. It was from this time that the Church of Christ or Christianity began to spread on Earth.

Orthodox holiday Trinity: church rites

After the celebration of the Liturgy, Vespers commemorates the coming of the Spirit of the Comforter upon the Holy Apostles. During the church service on the Trinity, kneeling prayers are read for the descent to Earth of the Holy Spirit or the All-Wise Spirit, the Spirit of God's Mind. The prayers of the Church of Christ are aimed at praising the gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit, as well as commemorating our dead fathers, brothers and all those who are related to us by flesh and blood. So that having gone to the kingdom of heaven, their world was arranged.

Trinity: signs, traditions and customs

On June 4, 2017, Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Trinity Day. This day is very important, since the event that became the reason for the holiday gave a significant impetus to the development of Christianity. To understand how to behave on the Trinity, and what to do, you need to learn a little about the history of the holiday.

Feast of the Holy Trinity - what does it mean

If we turn to the holy books of Christians, we can find out that the Trinity is a holiday associated primarily with Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection. The fact is that after the Son of God was resurrected, he ascended to heaven. This happened forty days after Jesus came out of the cave where he was buried. And ten days after the Ascension of Christ, another miracle happened.
Jesus had followers - devoted disciples who often gathered to pray. So it happened this time. The disciples came to a house on Mount Zion. And as soon as they began to pray, loud sounds were heard in the room where they were, reminiscent of the hum of the wind. Immediately, the whole chamber was engulfed in flames, but the tongues of fire did not burn anyone from those present. And then the disciples of Jesus heard the voice of the Lord. He told them to go and preach Christianity throughout the world. And then all the apostles spoke in different languages.
People also ran to the noise, the crowd gathered in front of the house, and when the apostles reported what had happened, three thousand people decided to be baptized on the same day. Soon the first Christian church was built, and the apostles began to preach religion in different countries.

The holiday is called the Day of the Holy Trinity for the reason that the trinity of God (God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) was revealed to the apostles. This day also has a second name - Pentecost. It indicates the time when believers celebrate the holiday. The apostles heard the voice 50 days after the Resurrection of Christ. That is, the Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter.

What kind of holiday is the Trinity: signs, traditions and customs

The importance of this day prompts people to have questions regarding what can and cannot be done on Trinity. Basically, all prohibitions are exactly the same as on other Christian holidays. On this day, you should not do physical work (wash floors, make repairs, sew, clean up). And besides this, earthworks are also prohibited, such as weeding the garden, mowing grass, planting flowers.
Previously, people believed that if these rules were violated, then some kind of misfortune would happen, for example, for those who sew or knit, sheep, the source of yarn, would stray or die, and for those who were engaged in crops, hail would destroy the entire crop.
It is also better not to cook for the Trinity. Mistresses used to prepare everything for the holiday in advance, for example, on Friday or Saturday. Food can be warmed up, but you should not spend all day at the stove. As a rule, pies are baked on Trinity. And you can also cook any meat and fish dishes using as many greens as possible. In some parts of the country, there is another tradition that refers to Easter - people dye eggs green.

The best thing to do is to start the day with a visit to the temple. Churches are very beautifully decorated for the holiday - everywhere there are fresh flowers, tree branches, green bedspreads and whole carpets of grass. Such decoration symbolizes the beginning of life. People can also decorate their houses, it used to be believed that such a ceremony protects the home from evil spirits, for example, from mermaids who could drag someone under water.

Several centuries before his son Jesus Christ was crucified on earth, the Lord through the prophets announced to people that the Holy Spirit would be sent to help them:

“I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my commandments and keep and do my statutes” (Ezekiel 36:27).

Jesus Christ also promised his disciples:

“But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you” (John 14:26).

Therefore, the apostles, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary, after Christ did not go home, but remained in Jerusalem, waiting for the fulfillment of the promise.
They were in the Upper Room of Zion, where they all prayed to the Lord together. In this room, after His Resurrection, the Savior has twice appeared to His disciples.
When fifty days had passed after the Resurrection of Christ, on the tenth day after His Ascension, the words of the Master were fulfilled. On this day there was a big Jewish holiday - God gave the Ten Commandments to the prophet Moses, which he received on Mount Sinai, so there were a lot of people in Jerusalem. Pilgrims came not only from Judea itself, but also from other countries.
In the morning

“Suddenly there was a noise from heaven, as if from a rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were” (Acts 2:2).

Following this, fiery flames appeared in the air, which froze over each of the apostles. The fire of these tongues shone, but did not burn. The prophecy of St. John the Baptist about the fiery baptism of the apostles came true:

"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" (Matthew 3:11).

This miraculous property occurs every year and at the present time - at the Descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem. On Great Saturday, on the eve of Orthodox Easter, during the first few minutes the fire really shines, but does not burn.
Each of the apostles felt an extraordinary surge of spiritual strength - this is God, through the fiery tongues of flame, transferred power to the apostles so that they could preach and glorify the teachings of Christ.
Hearing a loud noise, pilgrims began to gather at the Zion Upper Room, and the apostles went out to the people and

“began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4)

It was a miracle that each of the people heard speech in their own language, so the people were very surprised at this phenomenon.
Many knew the apostles as ordinary poor people who were not trained in the sciences and, accordingly, were not trained in oratory.

The assembled people tried to explain what had happened by saying that the apostles “ drunk sweet wine”and in response to this accusation, the most ardent in character, the apostle Peter, unexpectedly for everyone and, above all for himself, began the first sermon in his life.
Now, through the mouth of the simple poor Peter, the Holy Spirit Himself spoke to people. The apostle preached to them about the life of Jesus Christ and His martyrdom. The words of the Apostle Peter sunk deep into the souls of those gathered.

"What should we do?" they asked him. “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:37-38).

After his preaching, about three thousand people believed and became Christians.
Thus, the Lord gave His disciples 9 special gifts:
the gift of wisdom and knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the ability to discern spirits, the gifts of shepherding, faith, healing and miracles, the gifts of knowledge and the interpretation of tongues.

The apostles were literally reborn - they became people of strong faith, unusual fortitude. From their Teacher, they knew that their life would not be easy, everyone had their own cup of suffering ahead of them, their life would be full of ridicule, bullying, beatings and imprisonment. Indeed, almost all of them died or were executed.
To overcome these sufferings, the ascended Jesus Christ sent His messengers the Holy Spirit the Comforter. And now neither crucifixion, nor burning at the stake, nor death under a hail of stones could make God's apostles-messengers stop in preaching the Divine teaching throughout the world.
Zion's Upper Room, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Mother of God who were in it, it began to be considered the first Christian church. And this day began to be called the feast of the Holy Trinity, in honor of the fact that the Lord revealed himself to people in three forms - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Holy Trinity Day is one of the Great Orthodox holidays. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended to earth and people were shown the Triune image of God: God the Father - the creator, God the Son - Jesus Christ, who appeared to people to atone for sins and God the Holy Spirit. This day of the Trinity is considered the feast of the birth of the earthly Church.
Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, because of this it is also called Holy Pentecost. The holiday itself consists of two parts. Sunday (the first day) is the Day of the Most Holy Trinity, and the second day (Monday) is the day of the Holy Spirit.
« Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”- any Christian repeatedly uttered these solemn words, while doing, the first three fingers folded together express our faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a consubstantial and inseparable Trinity.

And what can be more reliable for a person than faith in God, in his protection and patronage:
“My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection is the Holy Spirit: Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.”

The Feast of the Trinity is a bright holiday that is permeated sunlight, the birth of life in nature after winter, when it seems to us that God's grace is spreading everywhere, in every ray of the sun and in every green leaf, when everything around blooms, blooms, comes to life and begins a new round of life!
On this day, churches are decorated with flowers, greenery - this is a symbol of the birth of life in spring, as a symbol of the birth of the Church.

Special reverence is associated on this day, primarily with the birch, the flowering of greenery which falls on the feast of the Trinity. Among the people, it is associated with goodness, with protection from evil spirits and with a tree that exorcises diseases ( Birch juice, birch buds and, of course, bath brooms).
Since ancient times, temples and churches in Russia have been decorated with its branches, as well as young trees.

People who come to the festive service bring with them and hold birch twigs and flowers in their hands, which are consecrated during the service.
In honor of this Great Feast, priests usually wear green phelonions, and church utensils are often decorated with light green fabrics and ribbons.
On the Day of the Holy Trinity, during special prayers, everyone in the temple is supposed (as far as possible) to kneel. Trinity is considered the first permissive day after Easter for kneeling prayers in the temple. This kneeling is a liturgical feature, the highlight of this holiday.


We magnify Thee, Life-Giver of Christ, and honor Thy All-Holy Spirit, Whom from the Father Thou hast sent as Thy Divine Disciple.