Walpurgis night when to burn fires. Walpurgis Night - a holiday with an interesting history

Today in the "Bar by the Road" - Walpurgis Night!
Of course, we were a little late with the opening of the bar, but the holiday is like this: until you start the broom, until you fly ... besides, Walpurgis Night has not yet come everywhere, so we can say that we start on time.
The holiday ends with the singing of the first roosters, but you shouldn’t worry about this: we have a specially trained rooster in our bar that crows not when it’s supposed to, but when we need it. :)
Walpurgis Night is celebrated on the night of April 30 to May 1.
In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that it was on this night that witches threw themselves a small party - at least in Germany and Scandinavia.
On their annual holiday, the witches gathered on the high mountain of Broken, where they celebrated their "sabbath"
They got there, of course, on broomsticks, lit fires, brewed potions, danced and ... uh ... according to rumors, indulged in various adult amusements.
Let's not condemn them, after all, once a year you can relax.

Where did the tradition of the holiday of witches and evil spirits come from? The Celts had eight holidays, dividing the year into eight approximately equal parts. In addition to the winter (Yule) and summer solstices, there are three more famous ones. Imbaelk, or Groundhog Day (in Russia it is celebrated as Candlemas - the day of the meeting of winter with spring), Beltane (April 30) and Samhain (October 31).
The date of the Beltane holiday was not so exact before - it was celebrated when the hawthorn withered. The Celts counted the days from evening to evening, not from morning to morning. The tradition has been preserved in two celebrations - the nights of Halloween and Walpurgis Night. These holidays were the opposite of each other - both on the calendar and in meaning. For the Celts, the night before May 1 marked the onset summer period time - the "big sun", the night before November 1 - respectively, the onset of winter. It was believed that on these holidays the gates to another world open for a short moment.
The holiday in honor of the beginning of summer was dedicated to the sun and fertility, its decoration is the May pole. The tradition of dancing on May 1 around a pole decorated with flowers and ribbons was preserved by the inhabitants of Britain and Ireland. On this day, they also choose the Queen of May - the only girl who is allowed to wear green clothes on this day, loved by the elves. The Queen becomes, as it were, an intermediary in communication between people and the people of the hills.
Bonfires were another symbol of Beltane. The ancient Celts released cattle on pastures on this day after wintering in barns. It was considered obligatory to drive the animals between two rows of fires - according to legend, this saved them from winter ailments.
The current name of the ancient celebration was given by the Germans - in honor of St. Walpurgis. She came from England to Germany in the eighth century, founded a monastery there, was very loved by the people and, when she died, was canonized. But, in fact, this night can be considered Walpurgis only according to the Celtic custom - the holy day falls on May 1.
So why do medieval sources list April 30 as one of the most popular Sabbat dates? Most likely, some rumors have real grounds. Those who were lucky enough to see how Beltane was celebrated, of course, might have thought that it could not have done without evil spirits.
Judge for yourself: a dark night, a hilltop, people dancing around a fire, dressed up in masks and animal skins… you involuntarily start to think that something is not right here!

The deer was especially popular: the main prey of ancient hunters, it remained among many peoples a symbol of male strength and fertility, it was not for nothing that the Celtic Cernunnes had deer antlers!
Apparently, this is how the rumors about witches' sabbats on Walpurgis Night were born.
And it is still believed that every year on the night of May 1, thousands of European witches flock to the peaks of the Brocken and Blocksberg in the Harz mountains (from Hart - "wooded mountains" where fir trees grow) on brooms, pitchforks and goats.
Well, people on this night are on the alert so as not to fall into the clutches of witches.
In Scandinavia, fires are lit to attract spring, scare away spirits and get rid of garbage accumulated over the winter, they eat gravlax - fresh salmon marinated in salt, sugar and dill.
In Germany, as the sun goes down, the boys start screaming and blowing up firecrackers. because the best remedy from spirits - noise.
In the Czech Republic, on the eve of Walpurgis Night, sand or grass is poured on the threshold so that witches cannot enter the house until they count all the grains of sand or blades of grass.
In Bavaria, pranksters smear toothpaste on doorknobs, move doors to another location, and pull shoelaces out of shoes. Their Walpurgis Night is just like our eve of Ivan Kupala.
Finns believe that at midnight last day April, there is not a single hilltop where witches and witchers do not sit, so you should not leave the house either: suddenly you will see a belated witch who is in a hurry for the Sabbath!

By the way, do you know that you can’t just get into the Sabbath?
You need to fly there on your own broom, and every self-respecting witch, of course, has such a broom.
In the folklore of European peoples, a broom is considered the main means of transportation for witches (and among the Slavs, as you remember, witches always valued comfort and for the most part flew in mortars)
Sitting astride a witch's broom, rushing through the sky to the sabbath!
Of course, there were skeptics who did not believe that women could fly.
In the Middle Ages, for example, the famous demonologist Boden claimed that witches fly in the wrong physical body, and after rubbing with a special ointment and falling asleep - in your body of dreams. He was wrong, of course.
A broom is a witch's best friend, everyone knows that!
A lot of engravings and paintings depicting the flight of witches have been preserved.
Moreover, in the earliest engravings, the broom rods were at the back so that the witch could cover her tracks. At the end of the 17th century, witches in Europe were more often depicted sitting on a broom, the rods of which were directed forward and upward. In addition, witches placed a lit candle in the rods to light the way. But in the 20th century, witches again began to hold the broom so that its rods were behind.
But not only for flying could come in handy broom!

Isabel Gowdy, a famous 17th century Scottish witch, claimed to have used a broom to deceive her husband. Before going to the sabbath, she put a broom in her bed instead. According to Isabelle, her husband never noticed the change. Although evil tongues say that this was more a comment on their marriage than on her ability to deftly conjure ...
Of course, if the witch had to leave her broom at home, she got to the Sabbath in a different way.
In German engravings of the 16th century, witches are depicted riding horns, sticks, shovels, and even demons in the form of animals (remember Natasha, Margarita's housekeeper, who flew on a boar).
By the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries, witches are more often depicted riding brooms or animal demons. Sometimes it was believed that the devil gives each newly initiated witch a broom and a special ointment; according to other legends, he endowed them only with weak witches who needed help.
And how did men, sorcerers, get to their destination?
They also flew on broomsticks, although not always. The sorcerers still preferred to fly on pitchforks.
Legends say that beginners sometimes lost control and fell.
Knowing this, on the eve of Walpurgis Night, the townspeople put sickles and scythes outside the door to kill witches who fell from their brooms. In addition, people rang church bells: it was believed that the ringing of bells could throw a witch off her broom.
But we hope that nothing like this will ever happen to you and you will fly safely: if not to the nearest mountain, then to the “Bar by the Road” - by all means!

Walpurgis Night is a mysterious and interesting holiday, the traditions of which go deep into antiquity. It is believed that on this night the evil spirits report to the devil what bad things have been done over the past year.

The history of the holiday

Walpurgis Night is celebrated from April 30 to May 1. The history of the holiday goes back to the pre-Christian era, when it symbolized fertility and the onset of spring. And the name of the holiday of fertility and spring was associated with the name of St. Walpurgis, who was honored on May 1.

Walpurgis (in some sources Walburga) was a woman of noble blood, a Wimborne nun. She came from a British royal family, her father Richard of Wessex was a sovereign in West Saxony. Walpurgis was orphaned early, so she was sent to the monastery of Wimborne.

Later, she moved to the lands of pagan Germany. In the German city of Heidenheim, which was located in Bavaria, she founded a monastery, where she was buried after her death. When a woman was sailing on a ship from West Saxony to the coast of Germany, an incredible storm arose. Walpurgis prayers managed to tame the elements. Later, this event made her the patroness of sailors.

After 100 years the monastery was destroyed. During its restoration, the workers desecrated the grave of Walpurgis. That same night, the angry shadow of a nun appeared to the abbot of the monastery. Then he ordered the remains of the nun to be transferred to a nearby city and buried in a rock. It is not known what date Walpurgis died, but the date of her reburial is May 1. Walpurgis of Heidenheim was canonized and canonized after healing oil began to ooze from the rock where the nun was buried, saving local residents from many diseases.

The myth of the shadow of a nun haunted the inhabitants of Germany. Therefore, pagan ideas about spirits after a while became intertwined with the name of Saint Walpurgis. And the holiday of evil spirits that appeared soon also received the name of a nun, although it originally meant a day of fertility.

However, the first written evidence and interpretations of the holiday appeared only in the Middle Ages during the active work of the Holy Inquisition. It was believed that when Walpurgis Night comes, witches sit on a broomstick and have a sabbath, and other evil spirits prevent the onset of spring and harm people in every possible way, sending damage to them. At this time, the holiday takes on serious sinister features.

There is a legend that the holiday was invented by Christians. During the adoption of Christianity, not all Europeans wanted to abandon paganism. They continued to meet secretly and celebrate May 1 as the day of spring. To downplay the significance of pagan holidays, Christians began to tell the legend of witches, evil spirits and other evil spirits roaming the world that night.

The feast of the canonized saint originated in Europe, but eventually came into the life of the Slavic peoples. However, in Russia it intersected with another holiday - Ivan Kupala. The Slavs also believed that on this night an otherworldly force was walking around the earth. Men were even forbidden to communicate with women during this period, because the sweetest girl could turn out to be a witch who would turn the life of a gentleman into continuous torment.

Documentary"Walpurgis Night":

How is Walpurgis Night celebrated?

Of the pagan holidays, few dates are celebrated by modern society, but the traditions of the night of St. Walpurgis are still not forgotten. The holiday originated in Germany and quickly spread throughout Europe.

In the Middle Ages in Germany there was a belief that on this night the witches sat on a broom and flocked to the tops of the mountains, where they spent their time dancing and copulating with demons. The main witches' sabbath was held on Mount Brocken, where the sorceresses held an answer to the devil himself, appearing in the guise of a black goat. The foot of the mountain today is the main venue for the festivities.

If initially on a witch's night, the inhabitants of European countries performed various rituals and ceremonies to exorcise witches, then over time the holiday turned into a fun event. In Germany, they continue to follow the customs, traditions and rules of organizing a holiday of the 8th-19th centuries, when dances were arranged, banquet tables were set, student choirs performed, and vintage games. Today, the day before the holiday has become the date for the organization of youth gatherings and music festivals.

The Scandinavian countries have almost completely adopted the traditions and customs of celebrating the witching night. Most accurately recreate the atmosphere of the celebration in Sweden. Residents of the country put on bright and elegant costumes, walk all night and have fun.

in the Czech Republic put on costume shows. In Prague and other Czech cities, locals dress up in carnival costumes and playfully burn witches at the stake. Bonfires are kindled in the open area, near which cheerful performances, dances are held, contests and competitions are held. And instead of witches, old brooms are sent to the fire.

In Great Britain the event is usually celebrated according to the same traditions as in Germany. The only difference is that in England, residents do not go to the Brocken, but to Bald Mountain, where, according to legend, the main Sabbat was held.

In Scotland witch night is called Beltane. This is a Celtic celebration of the awakening of nature, love and joy. German traditions are closely intertwined with local color here. The Scots celebrate the holiday in national costumes with traditional bagpipes. Throughout the day, feasts are arranged, exhibitions and performances are held. And the night ends with crazy fireworks.

In the Baltics the night of St. Walpurgis is a creepy-jolly unofficial holiday. Young people dressed up in carnival clothes shout, sing, dance and have fun. The main condition of the holiday is more noise. In the evening, bonfires are lit in the Baltic cities, around which noisy festivities continue. It is interesting that the Baltic people are having fun sincerely and from the heart, because the sale of alcohol at this time is prohibited.

The most widely unusual holiday is celebrated in Estonia. In the evening, costumed processions with torches take place in Tallinn. And in another Estonian city - Tartu - the procession is also dedicated to the student holiday, which is celebrated on May 1.

In Russia the holiday is not as common as in European countries. In our country there are no special rituals for celebrating this date. And the event itself is often identified with such holidays as the night of Ivan Kupala or Halloween.

Rituals and ceremonies

Witching night is a revelry of evil spirits. Therefore, all the rituals and ceremonies on Walpurgis Night, carried out by the inhabitants of cities and villages, were aimed at preventing evil spirits from harming people. Noise was considered the best defense against evil spirits. On the night of April 30 to May 1, bells rang in all churches, and people beat the drum and blew the trumpets. Following traditions, today in many European countries on a witching night, children run through the streets, make noise and blow up firecrackers.

Traditions from ancestors

Priests spent the night in prayer, and ordinary people tried to protect their homes from evil spirits. For example, on the eve of Walpurgis Night, sand or small grass was poured on the threshold of the house. It was believed that evil spirits would not enter the house until they counted every blade of grass or grain of sand, and there the sun would already rise. Today, jokes in the form of minor annoyances are one of the traditions of the holiday. For fun, people smear toothpaste on the door handles of neighboring houses, pull out the laces from the shoes of friends, etc.

Protective fires from diseases

According to tradition, bonfires were kindled on the witching night, which protected from diseases and troubles. It was believed that the higher the fire, the better. Garbage accumulated during the winter was burned on bonfires, and at the same time they scared away evil spirits. The effigy of the witch was certainly burned in the fire. For the Catholic Church, in the heyday of the fight against heresy, the eve of the holiday was the signal for a raid on witches. At this time, many women, accused of witchcraft, died at the stake.

The night of Saint Walpurgis is the time when the boundaries between the worlds are erased. An otherworldly force roams freely in the world of living people. To protect themselves from evil spirits, various rituals were performed.

Before the holiday, all the inhabitants put out the fire in their fireplaces. With torches they went around the streets of cities and villages to kindle a sacred fire in home fireplaces. Those who did not have a fireplace in their homes lit a church candle. The main thing is that the fire in the house burns all night. If the night passed without incident, then the morning was met with wine and nuts.

Protective talismans

To protect themselves from the machinations of evil spirits, people carried with them a piece of chalk consecrated in the church or a fern flower. But any other protective amulet that had already shown its properties was also useful. On this day, they did not wear old clothes that witnessed some kind of misfortune, quarrel or undesirable incident. They also did not wear black colors, which were considered demonic.

On a witching holiday, one had to be careful in words and deeds. Any call of evil spirits at this time could turn into misfortune. negative thoughts and negative deeds on this day made a person a puppet in the hands of demonic power.

Herbs on Walpurgis Night were filled with healing power. Therefore, at such a time it was customary to stock up medicinal plants, prepare tinctures and decoctions. Many healers, herbalists went out into the field or forest during the day or evening and collected plants.

Common agrimony, which was popularly called "witch grass", was in demand. It was used to prepare drugs that protected against 40 diseases. Also, an ordinary agrimony was hung over the door so that evil spirits would not enter the house. However, the herbs collected on the festive night were used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for divination.

For garden and vegetable garden

The eve of the night of St. Walpurgis is a fertile time for gardeners. On this day, it was possible to engage in vegetable gardens, loosen and mulch the soil, spray garden trees and shrubs, root seedlings or dive the first shoots. All garden activities on April 30 will ensure a good harvest.

Amulets for love

For the groom

Previously, on witches night, girls bewitched suitors. For this portrait young man immersed in a container of spring water. The lips of the beloved were sprinkled with a pinch of salt. Then a container with water and a portrait was placed under the bed for the night. If you perform such a ritual several times in a row, then the young man will fall in love.

From quarrels

If a quarrel occurred with a loved one, then a ritual with an ice cube will help to improve relations. They put it on a plate and watch how it melts, imagining that all the negativity leaves with the ice. Melt water is added to the drink of a loved one.

To strengthen the family

In order for married life to be strong, on the night of April 30 to May 1, you need to take two red threads and tie as many knots on them as the spouses are old. Then connect both threads into one, and tie new ones over the knots. When the whole rope turns into one big knot, it must be burned and the ashes scattered.

For wealth

A ritual with salt, pine oil and multi-colored candles will help to attract wealth. A golden candle is placed in the center of the table, around it are green, and then white. All candles are pre-lubricated with pine oil. When the clock strikes midnight, you need to make a circle of salt around the candles. After you need to light the candles, starting from the center and moving clockwise. At the end, you need to go around the table 3 times, representing wealth.

For the fulfillment of a wish

For those who are born on this night

Lucky people are those who were born on a festive night. Spirits are believed to serve them. To carry out their plans, such people need to perform the following ritual: draw a five-pointed star on a piece of paper, write your name in the middle, and secret desires around. Then, around the star, you need to light 5 candles and think about your desires, raising your palms to the fire. That same night, the leaf with the star must be burned at the stake. However, the fire must certainly be kindled on a hill. Ashes are scattered in the wind. If everything is done correctly, then the plan will come true.

Pole and ribbons

In ancient times, a high pole made of a birch trunk was installed at the place of celebration. Everyone tied a small piece of paper or a ribbon with a written desire to it. Then the pole was burned. It was believed that along with the smoke, desires flew into the sky. Today, you can simply tie pieces of paper with wishes to a tree or throw them into a fire.

To get rid of problems

In the same way, you can get rid of trouble. If you write your problems on a piece of paper, and then throw the paper into the fire, then the troubles will burn with it.


Witching night is a time of predictions, divination and other magical manipulations. Saint Walpurgis is often depicted next to a black dog, personifying a guide to the other world, and a triangular mirror in her hands, capable of predicting the future. Although in ancient times it was believed that evil spirits could distort any attempts to reveal the future and give an incorrect interpretation. But if you properly prepare for fortune-telling, then this time can be used to your advantage, because the festive night has powerful energy.

To prepare for divination, you must:

  • start the ritual at exactly midnight;
  • put on clothes or lay a purple or silver tablecloth on the table, which are guides to the other world;
  • light a fire in the house.

The night of May 1 is a suitable opportunity for such fortune-telling as the “corridor of time”. To do this, at night on the table you need to put 4 mirrors of small sizes in a square, and place 3 burning candles between them. If you look closely at the lights wandering in the mirrors, then a picture of the future will appear. This night you can use.

More details on the video:


During the holiday, it is worth watching nature - it will tell you what the coming summer will be like. Among the people there are such signs:

  • the summer will be dry if the sunrise is clear and clear;
  • cloudy day - to a rainy summer;
  • if the bees flock to the cherry blossoms, there will be a rich harvest in autumn.

Various beliefs are associated with this unusual night. On a witch's night, prophetic dreams are dreamed. Water and herbs at this time have medicinal properties. If you wash yourself with morning dew on May 1, then beauty will last for a whole year. And to improve health, it is worth drinking spring or well water at dawn.

Herbs were collected not only for the preparation of medicinal products, but also for the manufacture of amulets and talismans. In ancient times, willow branches collected on the night of the witches were taken with them on a long journey. It was believed that willow protects from misfortunes and unkind fellow travelers, and also helps to return with good news. An ivy wreath woven on a holiday makes a girl more attractive in the eyes of men. But there were also plants that were never brought into the house. For example, lilac, plucked on a witching night, causes various diseases with its pungent smell.

Lighting a fire is considered the best rite on a witching night. Even if it is not possible to build a large fire outside, you can light a fireplace or candles in the house. The fire will calm, set your thoughts in a positive way and allow you to rejoice at the arrival of spring.

There is a belief that women born on Walpurgis Night have witchcraft abilities. They have a bad temper, but are smart and insightful. They love nature and animals more than people.

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In the calendar of dates that are of particular importance, especially for those who do not neglect the knowledge of the occult, Walpurgis Night stands apart. Probably not a single night of the year, except perhaps the eve of All Saints' Day (otherwise, Halloween) does not attract so much attention and does not become the object of so many speculations surrounding her legends and mysterious rituals. Let's take a closer look at the origins of Walpurgis Night, its traditions and halo, with what this magical date can bring to those who are not afraid to look beyond ...

So, Walpurgis Night - what is it? Like the vast majority of holidays with pagan roots, the mystical background of this night is based on the Solstice, the Wheel of the Year, in other words, on the mystery of the cyclic change of seasons, the "death" of nature in the spring and its rebirth in the spring. The immediate forerunner of Walpurgis Night was Beltane, a Celtic holiday that welcomes the start of the summer season.

The attributes of the "witch's night" also migrated from the Celtic source - kindling fires, a Maypole (or Maypole), numerous rituals and sacrifices. By the way, similar holidays existed in almost every culture of the Earth, where importance was attached to the cyclical nature. And everywhere it was believed that today the barrier between our world and the world of spirits is becoming thinner and spirits - both friendly and not loyal to mortals - roam the earth.

However, it was in Europe, in particular, on the lands of the Germanic peoples, that this “otherworldly” and clearly threatening aftertaste was received by the celebration. The Germans were already wary of Walpurgis Night, and the Christian clergy, with their characteristic categoricalness, identified most of the pagan holidays as satanic rites. The night from April 30 to May 1 did not escape its fate. Fuel to the fire was added by the fact that the famous Bald Mountain in an unkind sense is geographically located in Germany and has the name Brocken. So the history of the origin of such a holiday as Walpurgis Night is rooted in distant pre-Christian times.


Like many old traditions, Walpurgis Night is a mixture of a number of customs of various kinds. However, the very name of the holiday is fraught with a fair amount of irony, because Walburga is a very revered holy ascetic in Europe. The legend about her tells that Walburga was a righteous woman, rewarded by the Lord with the gift of healing. In 748 A.D. she ended up in what is now Germany and quickly became one of the most revered healers. Since she was a nun, she was buried on the territory of the monastery, but after some time her grave, unfortunately, was disturbed. The indignant and angry ghost of the healer was not slow to come to the bishop.

It is not known how the nun, albeit a ghost, instilled such fear in the bishop, but after her visit, the remains of Walburga were removed from the burial place and transferred to a new place. Walburga found her last rest in a crevice of rock, which very soon began to exude oil with healing properties. The news of the miraculous rock spread with lightning speed, the afflicted, pilgrims and admirers reached out to the burial place. The Catholic Church reacted quickly - the healer nun was canonized, the remains in the form of relics were taken to dozens of churches, and the celebration of the memory of the nun was scheduled for May 1. And so it happened that Walpurgis Night, when witches, warlocks and other satanic audience feel most at ease, bears the name of one of the most ardent associates of the Holy Church, although it would be more correct to call this night the eve of St. Walburga. So this pagan action takes place every year at the same time, on the night of April 30 to May 1.

Dances on Bald Mountain

So - what, in the opinion of the Inquisition and the churched parishioners, happened on that very bald mountain on Walpurgis Night? If to describe in one word, then the most natural coven. And not simple, but led by the Prince of Darkness himself, who took the form of a monstrous goat. The musical accompaniment corresponded to the audience - the instruments were made from the skulls and tails of cats. The meal of the guests was also expected to be peculiar - horse meat was served on the table, and neither salt nor bread was supposed (an echo of the beliefs about the sanctity of bread and hostility of various kinds of unclean salt). Serving was also "in style" - horse skulls and goblets made of hooves.

The celebration began with the fact that the invited witches showed signs of respect to the host of the celebration, Satan, kissing him in an obscene way. After that, the servants of the Unclean One strictly accounted for the work done during the year in inflicting various intrigues on people and spreading evil in the world. The punishment for not doing enough was whiplash from the Prince of Hell himself. After reporting, they began planning - they thought over how they would do evil and obstacles to good Christians. It all ended, of course, with an orgy involving devils - lovers of the flocked witches. Of course, such an unbridled picture is the fruit of the “propaganda” work of the Catholic Church, which thus discouraged parishioners from pagan rituals.

Love and witches

Of course, like any mystical date, Walpurgis Night attracts first of all those who seek love. Any ritual, according to belief, has a special power on this date, so that countless mysteries were performed that night to help in finding or keeping a loved one. So, Walpurgis Night: rituals for love.

  • To return the departed chosen one or find new happiness, you will need: a glass of spring water, salt and a photo of your lover. The photograph is placed in water, salt is first sprinkled on the lips in the image, the glass is placed under the bed until morning. You need to repeat the ritual for several nights in a row.
  • To destroy the misunderstanding and the cold that has arisen in a relationship, you need a cube pure ice and a small saucer. You need to carefully, without taking your eyes off, watch how the ice turns into water and vividly imagine that the barriers between you are also melting.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Of course, these are not such effective ceremonies as I conduct personally, but “for free”.

Money - rituals and ceremonies

It is quite expected that rituals on Walpurgis Night for wealth are in second place in popularity - what else besides love is needed for a calm and happy life?

You will need candles - one gold, six green, nine white. In addition, you need salt and pine oil. All candles are smeared with oil, after which they are arranged according to the scheme - in the center is gold, then it is surrounded by green, the outer circle is white.

The ritual is performed in the first minute after midnight - salt is scattered around the outer ring of candles, candles are lit from the inside - gold, green (clockwise), white (also salting). The table is bypassed three times (also clockwise), after which the conspiracy is pronounced:

"Jupiter will go around the sun three times, it will bring me money."

After that, you need to calmly sit down and imagine yourself rich, visually imagine the money in your wallet and pocket.

Of course, such a mystical night could not do without a variety of divination. On Walpurgis Night, fortune-telling is a ritual very close to the original Russian Christmas fortune-telling, and the same methods can be used for this (). In the end, what is important here is not the form of the ritual, but the power that it acquires on the night of April 30 to May 1.


Over the centuries, the tradition of celebrating the "witch's night" has been enriched by numerous signs associated with this date. We list just a few of them:

  • Dew at the dawn of Walpurgis Night is capable of preserving beauty for a long time. She needs to wash, and attractiveness will not leave you all next year.
  • for fertility and good health at dawn it is recommended to drink well water.
  • Irresistible beauty in the eyes of men will give the girl a wreath woven from ivy on the “night of the witches”.
  • It is considered bad luck to bring branches of flowering lilacs to a house where there is an unhealthy person. There is a belief that the heavy, intoxicating smell of lilac is able to captivate the patient to the next world.

How about in Russia

As already mentioned, analogues of Walpurgis Night were found almost everywhere where the cycle of nature was revered. Pre-Christian Russia was no exception. On this night, our ancestors also guessed, burned bonfires, performed various rituals. Herbalists and healers attached particular importance to the night from April 30 to May 1, because the herbs, as they believed, gain special strength at this time, much greater than those collected at normal times.

Men today were especially careful and even avoided, it happened, any communication with the representatives of the weaker sex. It was believed that in the guise of a thoroughly familiar, say, neighbor, a witch could be hiding, cherishing by no means good thoughts. On this day, the Russians tried not to use foul language and especially not to remember evil spirits, fearing in this way to attract evil creatures. A bathhouse was heated in order to wash off possible filth from oneself, and black, traditionally dedicated to Morana, the goddess of death and winter, was avoided in every way in clothes. As you can see, Walpurgis Night in Russia was not too different from its European counterpart.

Born on the Night of the Witches

Naturally, children born on such an unusual and mystical day attracted special attention, because it was from them, as people believed then, that sorcerers and witches grew up! However, this might not have happened, since not all "Walpurgis" children clearly showed their abilities or received proper skills. Nevertheless, according to the observations of ancestors, children born on this day almost always had an unusual character - they were drawn to wild animals and nature, had a very sharp and observant mind, were often quick-tempered and quarrelsome, did not get along well with people. Many people born on Walpurgis Night subsequently really became healers, hermits, sorcerers.

Like all ancient rituals, Walpurgis Night has now almost lost its significance, however, in many European countries, paying tribute to their ancestors, they organize reconstructions, costumed performances on this night and in other ways remember this bright and mystical tradition. Such celebrations are especially honored in Germany, in the homeland of the mysterious “witch's night”.

Do you have questions about rituals, rituals and signs for Walpurgis Night, or do you have other questions? Ask them in the comments and I will definitely answer you.

May your life be filled with only pleasant moments.

Hello dear readers!

What images come to your mind when you hear "Walpurgis Night"? Anything in the spirit of Bulgakov or Goethe? Or? True, very interesting. So I automatically remember the song of the Sector, it, of course, is so-so, and the truth about this holiday is not worth a penny, but alas, associations are such a thing, not always subject to us.

Walpurgis Night is probably the most mystical time of the year, and of course, many myths have gathered around it. And some of them actually have a foundation. In this article, I would like to separate the wheat from the chaff, and clarify the beliefs about this May night.

We will consider the facts, find out the date of the celebration, the main rituals, and, of course, remember the legends. In short, let's go!

Walpurgis Night: what is it?

As I mentioned above, Walpurgis Night is a holiday, a pagan fertility holiday, and one of the largest. And also, concurrently, the main coven of witches. Let's see how it happened that the main celebration of the Celts turned into a night of rampant evil spirits.

Walpurgis Night: Walpurgisnacht (German), Vappu (Finnish), Nuit des Sorcières (French, meaning "Night of the Witches"), Pálení čarodějnic (Czech, translated - "Witch's Fire").

First of all, it is worth noting that, in fact, Walpurgis Night is nothing more than the oldest pagan holiday of the beginning of summer - Beltane (there is an article about it on the site, which is quite voluminous and I will not repeat myself). It is from there that all the main characteristics came:

    night festivities;

    kindling fires on a hill;


    the construction of the May pole;

    divination and various rituals.

Since Walpurgis Night is a time of rampant evil spirits, one must be able to stand up for oneself, our ancestors believed in this. Therefore, amulets-talismans were very desirable to have on hand. Even the color of the clothes mattered. For example, good colors for this time, shades of red, orange and blue were considered.

It is necessary to burn a fire, at least a candle - this protects from evil spirits.

Our ancestors, and those who adhere to ancient traditions to this day, are very careful in their words on Walpurgis Night: they don’t remember evil spirits, otherwise they will appear. They also do not scold, do not swear and do not behave aggressively.

This night is a great time for divination! Spirits are nearby, they can give answers to all questions. Even dreams can be prophetic.

On holidays (April 30 and May 1), it is better not to bring lilacs into the house. There is an opinion that its aroma is intoxicating, causing a desire to go to another world. This is especially dangerous for sick people.

Magic rituals

Usually I do not write about magical rituals, but still, the May night, how can you resist. As already mentioned, Walpurgis Night is a mystical time, both magical and scary at the same time. Of course, there are many rituals associated with it, I will talk about three:

    attracting wealth;

    and happiness.


To attract wealth to life, it is necessary at night (from April 30 to May 1) to smear 1 golden candle, 6 green and 9 white candles with pine oil, then set it all in the center of the table.

We put a golden candle in the very center, then green candles in a circle, and then we enclose all this in a circle of white candles. It turns out two circles of white and green candles, and in the very center is golden.

In the first minute after midnight, a circle of salt is made around the candles and the first golden candle is lit. And then, clockwise, first green and then white. Then you need to go around the table three times, while singing:

“Jupiter will go around the sun three times, bring me money”

Just remember to imagine exactly how much money you need to be completely happy.

the beauty

To become even more beautiful and self-confident, you should wash yourself with dew at dawn. This is a very, very ancient tradition, even the ancient Celtic girls did this to become more beautiful. Only in the modern ritual, you still need to say the cherished words:

“Blessed dew, help my face not grow old, wash away the wrinkles from my forehead, smooth my skin, erase the wrinkles around my eyes, give me beauty and purity. Hear my words, fulfill my wish, from Beltane to Beltane extend my spell"


To attract happiness and good luck, as well as get rid of various negativity, you need to light a candle, then take a sheet of paper and write on it everything that you don’t like, a kind of list of troubles.

After that, you need to burn this leaf over the flame of a candle, while saying:

"Burn it all with a blue flame!"

The candle must be left alone, it must burn itself out to the end.

That's basically it. And, before saying goodbye, let me remind you that in our time, Walpurgis Night is carnivally entertaining, however, esotericists and everyone who believes in higher powers recommend treating this time with caution and respect, after all, no matter how, this Night of power.

And even if you are not going to perform any rituals and do not believe in it, still, light a fire in the house. It doesn't matter if it's a bonfire in the yard, a fireplace or a candle. You will see how your mood will improve, and your thoughts will line up in a positive line. This is the soothing "magic" of fire =)

That's all. Good luck friends!

Holy Walpurgis. Source: Public Domain

On the night of April 30 to May 1, Walpurgis Night is celebrated in many countries of Western Europe. In today's understanding, this is a holiday of the final arrival of spring.

Why is Walpurgis Night so called?

The tradition of celebrating the final arrival of spring has its roots in pagan times. It was believed that on the night of May 1, all the souls of the dead come out to people, and the witches sit on broomsticks and flock to the Sabbath to spend time dancing and having fun. In many villages on this day, a ceremony was held to exorcise the evil spirits of winter and their servants: bonfires were kindled, on which effigies of all evil spirits were burned.

Coven. Walpurgis Night. Source: Public Domain

This holiday remained with the advent of Christianity, however, it received a new name and content. In 748, from England to the territory of modern Germany came Christian nun Walpurgis, who soon gained fame as a healer. 100 years after her death, while restoring the monastery she founded, the workers desecrated the nun's grave. According to legend, at night her formidable shadow appeared to the bishop. After that, the remains of the nun, it was decided to transport.

The relics were laid in a gap in one of the rocks, from which healing oil soon began to flow, which helped with many diseases. After that, the Catholic Church decided to canonize Walpurgis and canonize her as a saint. The remains of the nun were taken to different cities in Germany, and the day of remembrance of the saint began to be celebrated on May 1.

Over time, the Germans and other residents of Western Europe experienced a kind of mixture of two holidays, on the same day they began to celebrate the final arrival of spring and commemorate St. Walpurgis.

How is Walpurgis Night celebrated?

Following ancient traditions, people make huge bonfires to purify themselves from the evil spirits of winter with the power of fire. Concerts, round dances and games are held on the squares of the cities all day long. Walpurgis Night is accompanied by explosions of firecrackers and fireworks.

Bonfire on Walpurgis Night.