What do you go to a gastroenterologist for? Doctor gastroenterologist

is a doctor who diagnoses, prevents and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder.

All gastroenterologists at SM-Clinic are highly qualified specialists, many of whom have academic degrees and are authors of scientific research. If you need the best gastroenterologist in Moscow, contact SM-Clinic!

What diseases does a gastroenterologist treat?

The competence of the gastroenterologist extends to the following diseases:
  • peptic ulcer and duodenum;
  • dysphagia (difficulty swallowing);
  • hiatal hernia, etc.;
  • colitis, dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.;
  • gastritis, duodenitis;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis (fatty liver cells);
  • pancreatitis, pancreatic cyst;
  • cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, impaired motor skills;
  • disease of the operated stomach.

What symptoms should you see a gastroenterologist with?

The effectiveness of the treatment of any disease, as well as the prevention of its occurrence and development, largely depend on the timely visit to the doctor. To avoid negative consequences it is possible if, at the first manifestation of typical signs of the disease, make an appointment with a gastroenterologist at the SM-Clinic. The following symptoms are worrisome:
  • pain in the stomach, hypochondrium, peritoneum or in the epigastric region;
  • heartburn (burning sensation in the chest);
  • belching, hiccups, nausea, vomiting;
  • bitterness and unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • stool disorders: constipation, diarrhea, diarrhea, discoloration of the stool, the appearance of mucus or blood in it;
  • skin rashes non-infectious nature;
  • flatulence, bloating.
If you are overweight or have a recurring skin condition at the time of the above symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.

Services of a gastroenterologist in "SM-Clinic"

1. Consultation of a gastroenterologist.

If you are concerned about abdominal pain, heartburn or stool disorders, be sure to take the opportunity to get advice from a qualified specialist. On any day of the week, including weekends, experienced doctors of the SM-Clinic will answer all your questions.

2. Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system.

Medical holding "SM-Clinic" has modern high-tech equipment for hardware and laboratory diagnostic examination digestive organs. To correctly diagnose, a wide range of ultrasound, endoscopic, radiological and functional studies are used, including:

3. Conservative methods of treatment.

For the conservative treatment of diseases of the digestive system in the "SM-Clinic" the following methods are used:

  • drug therapy used to treat many diseases of the digestive system, as well as to prevent exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • non-drug treatments: modern methods of influencing the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole ( physiotherapy, efferent therapy etc); dietetics- clear guidelines for proper nutrition for each specific disease, phytotherapy;
  • unloading and dietary therapy(fasting therapy method) is effective way treatment of chronic gastritis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
4. Operative (surgical) treatment.

In "SM-Clinic" are held planned and emergency operations using modern high-tech equipment. The need for surgical intervention, as a rule, occurs in severe and advanced forms of diseases:

  • esophagus(diaphragm hernia,

Gastroenterologist- this is the specialist who has been trained in the treatment of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this specialist is also qualified in matters of preventive methods in relation to all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually, the primary examination of such diseases is carried out by therapists. Complaints in the abdomen or digestive disorders indicate diseases that a doctor can identify.

We are talking about the treatment and diagnosis of all organs that are somehow simply connected with the gastrointestinal tract, are involved in the process of digestion and food processing in the body. A gastroenterologist is a fairly popular doctor in modern medicine, and this is not surprising, because this doctor treats many diseases and ailments.

The question of what a gastroenterologist treats is extremely relevant. The list of diseases treated by a gastroenterologist includes various diseases.

It is important to remember that all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if they are not detected in time, or the treatment prescribed by a gastroenterologist is interrupted, this can eventually lead to complications and serious consequences, for example, it can be an increase in the number of polyps, in the worst case, the appearance of a cancerous neoplasm.

An adult should carefully monitor his digestion, if necessary, monitor the digestion of a child, and consult a doctor for any ailments. Any disease, whatever it is, is a threat to the body as a whole. Speaking in simpler terms about those diseases that a gastroenterologist treats, then these are any ailments of the liver, stomach, colon and small intestine, esophagus, duodenum, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas.

When to contact

Many people suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so the gastroenterologist is the very specialist who helps all patients. different ages. The number of visitors to the gastroenterologist includes not only adults, but also children infancy who develop dysbacteriosis (a disease that is extremely common among children), as well as adolescent patients.

Practical advice: It is necessary to come for an examination to a gastroenterologist, based on the individual pain threshold.

For example, many people may feel a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, despite this they do not go to the doctor. There are those people who, at the slightest ailment, are sent for examination. But the bulk of patients are people who go to the hospital with obvious symptoms of the disease, which can no longer be tolerated. But still, doctors recommend seeking help immediately, when the first signs of discomfort appear. Pain and heaviness in the stomach, regularly appearing swelling, as well as any other discomfort suggests that you need to go to the doctor.

The following symptoms can serve as the reason for contacting a gastroenterologist:

  • Unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth
  • Belching while eating, it can also have an unpleasant aftertaste
  • Bad breath
  • Constant occurrence of heartburn, especially often appearing after eating
  • Pain in the stomach, intestines or hypochondrium.
  • Heaviness in the stomach. Usually she can appear before eating, then she eats even before food has appeared in the stomach.
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Diabetes
  • Permanent violation of the stool
  • Vomit
  • Change in stool color
  • Skin rashes
  • Peeling skin
  • eczema
  • Poor condition of nails and hair for no reason.

Consultation with a gastroenterologist is also necessary if the patient has undergone a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as well as long time took medications.

Principles of treatment

Patients very often ask about methods and methods of treatment, diagnosis and detection of diseases. So, as in any other field, it is important to correctly identify the problem and make an accurate diagnosis. This is what an examination in the gastroenterologist's office involves. In addition, there are a number of medical examinations, in particular, you need to take tests or conduct an ultrasound.

Comprehensive results for all the actions listed above make it possible to prescribe the necessary treatment for the identified disease.

Important: in no case should you start self-medication or interrupt the treatment prescribed by your doctor. This can lead to serious consequences.

Only based on the specific specifics of the disease, its severity and nature, we can talk about methods of treatment. As for these methods, they are that the gastroenterologist can treat medical methods, as well as prescribe dietary nutrition, herbal medicine, give advice on lifestyle changes.

Cases of emergency require surgery, after which treatment is required restorative methods. A visit to a doctor and a consultation boils down to the fact that the doctor begins to interview the patient and a detailed review of all ailments and symptoms.

After this is done:

  • Examination of the patient, palpation is also performed for this abdominal wall. If necessary, diagnostics are carried out, in particular, it can be FGDS or ultrasound.
  • Tests such as urine, feces, blood are given.
  • In the presence of all the results of tests and ultrasound, an appropriate effective treatment is selected.
  • A diet appropriate for the disease can be selected.

Any disease of the gastrointestinal tract requires a nutritional correction. Even if the doctor did not say this, in any case, the problem must be treated with a diet, and it is important to abandon acute and fatty foods, refuse to take alcoholic beverages. It doesn't matter if you went to a hospital or a private diagnostic center, a gastroenterologist monitors and controls the course of treatment.

If you don't apply on time

As mentioned above, many people, feeling unwell in the stomach, let the situation take its course. In other words, they hope that everything will pass by itself. But often the symptoms do not dissolve in the air, but develop into more serious diseases. If you do not see a doctor in time, the digestive system will disrupt its functioning, which means that the absorption of food will be much worse. It would seem that this condition is not very dangerous, but it can lead to a disruption in the process of splitting substances that come with food. Hence the accumulation a large number toxic substances. So, there is a high probability of poisoning the body. If the body remains in a state of intoxication for a long time, but somatic pathology may begin to develop. The quality of human life is significantly deteriorating, this affects not only internal organs but also on his appearance. The activity of a person falls, of course, the performance becomes worse. As a result: the affected immune system, and this is already a cause for concern.

Please note that if we are talking about children, then both physical and mental development can be disturbed here. Just because of the untimely visit to the gastroenterologist. In the issue of adults, everything can turn out no less seriously, up to the development of oncological diseases.

That is why all gastroenterologists recommend seeking help immediately, upon detection of the very first symptoms. It is wrong to attribute malaise to the poor quality of food. If the fears turned out to be in vain, and the cause of the malaise is malnutrition the doctor will be able to give recommendations regarding the diet. This will help prevent many diseases and improve the quality of life. Understanding what a gastroenterologist treats, what kind of doctor this is, any person can turn to him as soon as he feels gastrointestinal ailments. This makes it possible to assess the situation in a timely manner and prevent the disease from developing. With some ailments, every second can be precious. In addition, a number of diseases can, if ignored, go into another, more complex chronic form. It is important for every person to understand that many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are curable, and besides, after them there will be no consequences if properly treated. Timely therapy, which is prescribed by a gastroenterologist, is the key to solving many problems.

A person who periodically, and even very often experiences discomfort in the abdomen, is told: you need a gastroenterologist. But few people know for sure what exactly this doctor treats, and in fact, inexorable statistics report a progressive increase in the pathologies of the gastrointestinal system in a modern person. This is caused by a variety of factors - increasing physical inactivity, improper diet and drinking, stress and poor ecology. Therefore, a really good specialist is in demand in our time and must do everything possible to restore the functions of digestion and the quality of life of a person as a whole.

Field of activity of a gastroenterologist

A gastroenterologist, both for children and adults, is qualified in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases relevant to the gastrointestinal tract. The following reasons may lead to the doctor's office:

  • gastric diseases - this includes peptic ulcers, gastritis, polyps, as well as pathologies of oncological origin.
  • problems with gallbladder, for example, inflammation (cholecystitis) that disrupts basic digestive functions, biliary dyskinesia, which is of somatic origin and is characterized by reduced patency and mobility of the ducts, which can completely stop all digestive processes in the body.
  • pancreatic disease. The most common diagnosis is pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Important enzymes are not produced in the body and, as a result, the pancreas is destroyed.

The process can take place in a chronic or acute form.

Thus, the doctor, having medical knowledge and skills, does:

  • prognosis of probable pathologies;
  • diagnostics of all digestive organs;
  • preparing the patient for examinations, as well as conducting or stopping them;
  • evaluates the results of ultrasound and laboratory research, computed tomography;
  • appropriate appointments for indications or contraindications to surgical methods of treatment;
  • prescription for tactics and strategies of treatment, physiotherapy procedures, physiotherapy exercises and massage. The doctor also gives recommendations regarding the dietary diet, the need for spa treatment, advises on the basics of preventive measures and in matters of medical documentation.

When should you seek help?

A gastroenterologist is needed in the following cases:

  1. Constant painful manifestations in the stomach and / or abdomen.
  2. Nausea and vomiting that accompanies discomfort.
  3. Unplanned and unreasonable, often sudden weight loss, loss of appetite.
  4. The pain comes to the fore, interfering with work, personal life, normal existence in general.
  5. Changes in the manifestations of the intestinal tract.
  6. Frequently recurring inflammation of the intestines, gallbladder, manifestation of peptic ulcer and exacerbation of cholelithiasis (surgical intervention for this).
  7. Awakening from sleep caused by severe pain in the abdomen, feeling of heaviness and swelling.
  8. Use medical preparations, which may cause side effects in the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, everything depends primarily on the individual exposure of patients in each case. In other words, how some symptoms in this area affect their quality of life and general well-being - the gastroenterologist treats when they come to him. However, the sooner the doctor can identify the prerequisites for a more complex disease, the more effective the treatment will be in the future. Therefore, a person should be alerted by symptoms such as:

  • regular heartburn after eating;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, the occurrence of belching with an unpleasant aftertaste (in most cases after eating), the appearance of bad breath;
  • frequent nausea, stomach pain, a feeling of heaviness that develops before eating and disappears after it;
  • the occurrence of pain in the intestines, in the stomach, the hypochondrium;
  • stool problems;
  • congenital or acquired diabetes mellitus;
  • unusual color of feces, vomiting - the main indication that an urgent consultation of a specialist is necessary;
  • skin rashes of non-infectious origin, constant peeling of the skin, eczema, poor condition of nails, hair and skin without obvious prerequisites.

What does a doctor's consultation include?

Everyone is used to believing that the doctor only treats. But the gastroenterologist first of all must make the correct diagnosis - and this is possible only after a detailed examination, testing, and in especially difficult cases - instrumental studies. Only when there are all the necessary results, the doctor will be able to take specific measures and, most importantly, to establish the causes of the problem so that the treatment is as effective as possible.

A clear treatment regimen is directly dependent on the pathology identified in the patient, the specifics of his problem and the severity of the disease. Among the main medical recommendations, a course can be highlighted drug treatment, physiotherapy, development of an individual diet with recommendations for lifestyle changes in general.

The consultation includes the following procedures:

  1. Preliminary examination with a detailed history taking.
  2. Palpation of the abdominal wall.
  3. The use of basic diagnostic methods, such as FGDS and ultrasound).
  4. Analyzes of feces, urine and blood.
  5. Treatment selection.
  6. Nutrition advice.
  7. Monitoring and control of the treatment process.
  8. In exceptional cases, surgical intervention with the preparation of a recovery and rehabilitation program.

Classification of gastroenterological diseases

Diseases of the esophagus

Some of the most common ailments treated by a gastroenterologist include:

  1. Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. This phenomenon is characterized by the lack of function of the natural valve that is located between the esophagus and stomach. As a result, a sick person is constantly worried about pain in the hypochondrium. The problem is accompanied by the occurrence of bad breath and belching.
  2. Dysphagia- is an inflammation or other pathology in the pharynx, larynx, oral cavity, esophagus, which makes it difficult to swallow.
  3. Esophageal ulcer- a defect in the mucous membrane resulting from an irritant effect gastric juice. The main symptoms of the disease are heartburn, a feeling of heaviness behind the sternum, a violation of the act of swallowing, pain when swallowing food. There may also be sour eructation and vomiting (in exceptional cases with an admixture of blood).

Stomach and duodenal problems

  1. Duodenitis is an inflammatory process in the duodenum.
  2. Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining that leads to indigestion. The process is reflected in the general well-being of a person through pain in the abdominal region, the occurrence of heartburn, a feeling of nausea.
  3. Ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

In most cases, various ailments treated by a gastroenterologist are accompanied by such unpleasant phenomena as a bad taste in oral cavity, rumbling in the abdomen, violation of the chair. All these and other signs are a signal that a pathological process is developing in the body that needs to be stopped, and in some cases very urgently. Therefore, about the slightest change conditions must be reported to the doctor.

A specialist will help eliminate constipation, diarrhea much faster and easier than with useless self-medication. Save yourself from the main mistake - postponing the problem until later. This will lead to nothing but dangerous and severe complications. For example, ordinary constipation can turn into hemorrhoids, and improper breakdown of nutrients, which are subsequently converted into organic toxins, will lead to prolonged self-poisoning of the body, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of life, performance, well-being and condition. immune system. You should not write off certain malfunctions of the body systems with the common excuse “the quality of food leaves much to be desired. Even if this is true, and the root of the problem lies in malnutrition, consulting a specialist in this aspect is very important in order to exclude problems in this area in the future. That is why you should not delay going to the hospital, even if you are ashamed to speak out loud about your ugly problems.

Liver diseases

  • Different types of hepatitis inflammatory processes in the liver, both acute and chronic form if timely remedial measures are not taken. This disease of viral origin is of six types.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Gallbladder and its ducts

  • Dyskinesia of the biliary tract.
  • cholecystitis and cholangitis.
  • Stones and polyps in the gallbladder.
  • Pancreatitis.

Skin rashes

The inflammatory process in sebaceous gland and the hair follicle is not such a rare health problem today. But does a gastroenterologist treat acne and boils? The answer is definitely yes, because it is digestive problems that cause incomplete digestion of food, its stagnation and the accumulation of harmful toxins, which then enter the bloodstream. Therefore, skin rashes are a symptom of such pathological conditions, how:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • constipation;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • stone formation in the gall;
  • gastritis in acute and chronic forms.

In addition, the competence of the doctor includes giardiasis - an infection that can inflame the entire intestine and leads to ulcers and erosions. The disease is characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium; belching with a bitter taste and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth; discomfort on palpation of the gallbladder. In advanced cases, the disease progresses and is expressed in a dirty shade. skin, rashes, dark "circles" under the eyes. The tongue may be coated.

Pediatric gastroenterologist: features of admission

Per last years the concept of "children's gastroenterologist" has gained particular relevance, because the number of gastrointestinal diseases has not only increased, but also significantly "younger". Not only malnutrition and poor ecology are to blame for everything, but also a genetic predisposition and problems with the immune system.

Parents get so used to their offspring's complaints about tummy pains that very often they simply do not pay attention to them. Meanwhile, pediatrician it is mandatory if the child has a decrease in appetite, frequent nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, bloating and colic, bad breath, a feeling of bitterness there, sleep problems, weight and growth retardation. A pediatric gastroenterologist treats:

  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • regurgitation and colic, colitis;
  • gastroduodenitis and gastritis;
  • constipation in a chronic form;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

In most cases, a pediatrician treats using the same methods as adults, but with the mandatory participation of parents. A comprehensive, individual treatment program is being developed, starting from the selection of a diet and medicines, and ending with physiotherapy.

If you are looking for where to be examined by a gastroenterologist, come to our Center. Here you can get an appointment with one of the the best doctors gastroenterologists in Moscow and be examined using the most advanced equipment. At the service of gastroenterologists and their patients in our hospital there is a wide arsenal of instrumental and other studies:

  • Endoscopic- that is, using fiber-optic equipment that allows you to examine the gastrointestinal tract in detail from the inside with a large increase on the monitor screen. Such devices conduct a study of almost all parts of the intestinal tube, prescribed by a gastroenterologist: checking the stomach, esophagus, duodenum 12 (gastroscopy), large intestine (colonoscopy), rectum and sigmoid colon(sigmoidoscopy). Endoscopic examinations can be performed in a state of medical sleep (sedation).

    Expert examination in monochrome light (iscan mode) allows you to early period to diagnose areas of the stomach and intestines prone to degeneration into an oncological neoplasm, to accurately select material for cytohistological examination.

    Biopsy and testing for Helicobacter pylori can determine the presence of this infection, which plays a key role in the development and progression peptic ulcer and even stomach cancer.

  • Ultrasound diagnostics- absolutely painless non-invasive research methods that have no contraindications, which allow diagnosing the pathology of parenchymal organs (liver, pancreas, spleen), as well as a number of other organs - the gallbladder, blood vessels abdominal cavity.
    • Endo-ultrasound. The Clinical Hospital on Yauza also performs endosonography (endosonography) - a combined ultrasound study with endoscopy, which detects tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract with a size of 1 mm.
    • Vascular research. Dopplerography allows you to assess the blood supply to the abdominal organs, in particular, the systems of the portal and inferior vena cava.
  • Radiation and magnetic resonance diagnostics- allows you to explore the state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and their surrounding structures, including contrasting.

    Our department radiodiagnosis equipped with Philips equipment, which allows for the earliest possible oncodiagnostics, examining hard-to-reach parts of the digestive tract, for example, thin (MR-enterography) and colon(CT-virtual colonoscopy) and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. In addition, it is possible to build three-dimensional models of the vascular network and even gallbladder stones (MR cholangiopancreatography), which provides relevant information for surgical treatment.

  • Laboratory diagnostics . We have available the whole range of blood, urine, feces and other body fluids, including cytohistological examination of tissues obtained by biopsy.
Book an appointment with a gastroenterologist

Gastroenterological checkup

The most important role in the prevention of diseases of the digestive system is played by a timely visit to a gastroenterologist and a good preventive examination.

We offer special comprehensive programs for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - Gastroenterological CHECK-UP, including all the necessary services of a gastroenterologist and examination.

They are intended for patients of different age groups (before and after 45 years), take no more than 2 days, and our managers will help you choose the most comfortable mode for you for examination by a gastroenterologist and consultations.

In addition to high detection efficiency early stages various gastroenterological diseases, these programs significantly optimize the cost of visiting a gastroenterologist and assessing the condition of the digestive tract.

Book an appointment with a gastroenterologist


Gastroenterologists of the Yauza Clinical Hospital conduct a comprehensive outpatient conservative treatment based on methods evidence-based medicine, including the following methods:

  • Diet therapy.
  • Drug therapy.
  • Hemocorrection, especially effective in the treatment of diseases of autoimmune origin, for example, non-specific ulcerative colitis or autoimmune hepatitis.

The doctor monitors the effectiveness of treatment during the second consultations, using objective methods (studies, tests, etc.), gives recommendations for correcting lifestyle.

Depending on the indications in our hospital, surgery diseases of the digestive system of varying complexity: minimally invasive, open abdominal operations. Those interventions that cannot be performed on an outpatient basis are carried out on the basis of a specialized surgical department with a hospital.

Book an appointment with a gastroenterologist


  • Consultations
  • Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a gastroenterologist 3 900 rub.
  • Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with a gastroenterologist 2 900 rub.

More service prices You can look at or check by phone listed on the site.

Stomach pain, discomfort, constipation or diarrhea can all be symptoms of a serious illness. Therefore, you definitely need a doctor who treats such ailments. There is no need to self-medicate, listen to the advice of good friends or neighbors, since everyone has their own characteristics of the body, and what instantly helped one person can harm another.

Only an experienced specialist can study your specific characteristics, as well as competently develop a safe and effective treatment strategy. In the case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this is a gastroenterologist, to whom it is advisable to make an appointment immediately, as soon as you discover the first signs of the disease.

What diseases can a gastroenterologist treat?

Modern life is on the verge of stress, an abundance of food products in stores, many of which, despite their excellent taste, only cause harm to the body, decreased activity - all this makes the services of such a specialist as a gastroenterologist very popular, which you could hardly have hear a couple of decades ago. In short, his specialization is the treatment of any diseases of those organs that, one way or another, take part in the process of digestion.

Based on this, a number of problems can be identified, because of which you will definitely need a gastroenterologist - he just treats them:

Contrary to popular belief, a gastroenterologist is not a representative of alternative medical trends, but a qualified doctor dealing with problems of the digestive tract. He may well apply in his practice such methods of treatment as herbal medicine, various diets, psychological help lifestyle changes that exacerbate problems. But quite often the gastroenterologist treats and medications helping to alleviate the condition or correct acidity, secretion of enzymes or gastric juice.

When to See a Gastroenterologist

Some diseases that are effectively treated by a gastroenterologist begin to remind of themselves only at the stage when it is already required serious treatment. But still, you can timely identify the presence of such signs as:

  • heartburn immediately after eating. It indicates not even a slight increase in acidity, but if you feel discomfort almost constantly, this is a reason for you to be examined by a gastroenterologist;
  • vomiting, discoloration of stool;
  • pain both in the right and left hypochondrium, intestinal discomfort, stomach pain and constant feeling its overcrowding;
  • rashes on the skin in the absence of any infectious diseases;
  • unexpected change in the condition of nails and hair for the worse;
  • bad breath (diagnosing a disease based on this symptom is very difficult due to the delicacy of others who rarely tell a potential patient about such a deficiency. Meanwhile, this is a very serious sign of a sick stomach);
  • unpleasant belching, bitterness in the mouth.

Based on these symptoms, the gastroenterologist prescribes services (mainly ultrasound, X-ray or endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract, but sometimes urography or DNA diagnostics is also required to exclude inherited diseases), diagnoses and treats a number of diseases. We list here only the main ones:

  • dyspancreatism;
  • all forms of hepatitis;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • glomerunefrit, crystalluria, pyelonephritis;
  • the pancreatitis mentioned above;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis;
  • adnexitis, as well as other diseases that cause so-called gynecological pain.

What happens if you ignore the symptoms of the disease

Almost all ailments treated by a gastroenterologist entail serious complications. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist immediately if you feel at least one of the symptoms listed in the article. Otherwise, you risk the appearance of serious somatic disorders that will create not only discomfort in the stomach and intestines, but also severe pain. Also, such problems affect performance, eventually cause literally chronic fatigue, interfere with concentration, and have the most negative impact on the normal functioning of the brain. It turns out that the doctor treats not only the stomach, but also other organs.

In addition, the importance of a timely visit to the doctor lies in the ability to eliminate the disease at its first stage. That is, you do not have to drink a lot of pills that negatively affect other organs - often, to eliminate the disease, the doctor treats ailments with harmless and effective herbal infusions, develops diets, offers others alternative methods, allowing to minimize the consumption of medicines, to avoid surgical intervention.