Psychotherapeutic help. Psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance

It has long been known that psychotherapeutic assistance is periodically needed by most absolutely healthy people. It is difficult to find a person who is unfamiliar with the feeling of fear, difficulty in controlling their own behavior, depressive states, low self-esteem. Much has been experienced personally, or familiar from the example of others. But in most cases, qualified help is not often sought, as strong personalities are able to solve the problem on their own. However, even such people have situations that are not easy to deal with alone. In this case, the help of a psychotherapist, who uses a wide range of methods and techniques, is very helpful.

It should be emphasized that psychotherapeutic assistance is extremely multifaceted, so it is impossible to name problems that would be beyond her power. People suffer from various addictions, depression, neurotic disorders, have personal problems, and this is only a small part of the indications for psychotherapeutic sessions. In addition, psychotherapeutic assistance is highly effective in a number of psycho somatic diseases, for example, in hypertension, dermatology, endocrine disorders, chronic pain syndromes, dermatological and gastroenterological disorders, and in many other cases.

Each voiced problem has its own solution, and psychotherapy will find the right option. It is known that this method treatment is divided into its main approaches, and each of them has its own characteristics and characteristic differences. For example, when using a systems approach in psychotherapy, the action is focused on marriage, partnership, family, certain groups that are accepted as independent organisms. It is understood that they have their own history, stages of development, an integral system, which consists in internal patterns in the presence of dynamics and a holistic orientation. The humanitarian approach is aimed at rethinking the already existing life experience.

The provision of psychotherapeutic assistance to the patient also includes such an item as teaching a person the right skills to control emotions and thinking. Currently, the science of psychotherapy includes approximately four hundred and eighty well-known psychotherapeutic techniques, so the choice is huge. Psychotherapeutic assistance can be provided not only using a specific method, but also a combined approach is used. As a rule, psychotherapy is carried out as a separate method of treatment, but if necessary, it is supplemented with medical methods. It depends on the task and the purpose of the impact.

When providing psychotherapeutic assistance, the doctor always chooses a course for the patient individually, and such treatment cannot be applied to another person, since there are so many different details of a personal nature. It can be assumed that two patients have a similar problem, for example, they suffer from low self-esteem. However, the therapy will still have significant differences, since the problem has completely different origins. One consultation is enough for a specialist to choose the right method of treatment. Based on a conversation with a person, and all the information available, the psychotherapist chooses the most effective approach that is effective in this case.

Types of psychological assistance can have a different focus. For example, psychological education is used in counseling, but psychoprophylaxis is lectures on the right topic, and assistance in the form of seminars. In psychodiagnostics, existing problems are identified, many psychological indicators are determined. When it comes to psychological counseling, it is understood that psychological assistance is provided to patients whose condition is within the normal range. psychological norm. Basically, psychotherapeutic methods are aimed at the direct solution of personal deep problems. Psychotherapy also distinguishes between clinical and non-clinical methods.

When applying any type of psychotherapeutic assistance, the specialist considers the patient not as a seriously ill patient, but simply as a person with a different worldview. Therefore, medications are used very limitedly, that is, the treatment is carried out precisely in a psychotherapeutic way. Initially, the psychotherapist seeks to restore the norm, which is determined by both the emotional state and the personal characteristics of the person. Psychotherapeutic help can be a crisis intervention when it is required immediately, or is carried out according to plan, in the form of psychological training which is mainly a preventive measure. Scientists argue that it is impossible to make a strict distinction between the types of psychological assistance, since there are areas of intersection that are difficult to determine.

As in other areas of activity, when providing psychological assistance, a number of professional requirements are presented to a specialist, their implementation is mandatory. There are special ethical codes associated with the work of a psychotherapist. It is known that there are no simple and unambiguous solutions applicable to the moral and ethical problems that arise in psychotherapeutic practice. Compliance with such principles is considered a prerequisite, treatment should be not only effective, but also socially acceptable. Traditionally, a friendly attitude towards patients is in the foreground, which involves complex professional behavior that provides the client with comfort and confidence. A person should not doubt that he will be provided with psychotherapeutic assistance.

The more complex the society, the more complex the problems - this phrase determines any modern mental or psychosomatic deviation.

The caveman did not need psychotherapeutic help, at least for the reason that the highest manifestation of the psyche - consciousness was in its infancy. And all his fears were based either on real danger, or on a feeling of the unknown. And this also directly indicates that the caveman could not suffer from psychosomatic disorders.

On the other hand, evolution ordered in such a way that consciousness began to play an important role in the development of man. The reverse side of the development of consciousness, as well as the cognitive functions of the human brain, was the presence of mental disorders, psychosomatic diseases, as well as psychological problems that a person cannot cope with on his own.

What is psychotherapy

As many people know, despite the fact that such a profession as a psychotherapist appeared at the junction of the influence of medicine, and. Methods, and most importantly, her tasks are completely different.
So, often with different kind psychotherapies, which are supported by medication, the psychotherapist is able to analyze your problem in depth enough (regardless of its nature). And depending on the problem itself, prescribe you a consultation treatment.

So what is psychotherapy? Psychotherapeutic help consists in considering, it would seem, a social, personal problem from the side of psychology. And apply appropriate methods to treat it.

So, for example, treating a person from a particular addiction is one of the main tasks of a modern psychotherapist. Since even awareness of the problem does not always help to get rid of it, and only a deeper analysis and the use of psychotherapies that are specific in nature can help solve the problem.

Psychotherapeutic assistance is individual in nature, even if psychotherapeutic methods involve group treatment. Thus, the psychotherapist, on the basis of the data received from the patient, draws up a course of solving the problem based not only on the problem itself, but also on the patient's social status, his relationship with his family, type of activity, as well as many individual facts. In this case, the treatment itself may vary depending on the results obtained.

Types and methods of psychotherapy

So, despite the complete individualist in the case of solving each specific problem. All psychotherapeutic influence on a person can be separated using well-known methods and schools of psychotherapy. So the types and methods of psychotherapy include many factors, each of which allows you to characterize them according to different criteria.

So the first thing to say is that psychotherapy can be group or individual. At the same time, it is also important to know that even in the case of group psychotherapy, individual conversations are still held with a person, which help to adjust the effect of psychotherapy individually. The second thing worth noting is that psychotherapy can be exploratory or therapeutic.

  • Search psychotherapy uses all the richness of techniques, primarily to search for the problem itself, real reasons which may be hidden from humans. In particular, this applies to problems associated with phobias and various psychosomatic diseases;
  • Therapeutic psychotherapy is intended solely for one purpose, to save a person from a previously diagnosed problem.

Often, the methods used to diagnose and treat a particular problem may overlap. At the same time, however, it is also important to remember that it is highly not recommended to use psychotherapeutic techniques in artisanal methods on your own. After all, a psychotherapist is a person with a higher psychological, and even conceived medical education.

    To acquaint students with the main theoretical positions of the psychotherapy of crisis states associated with the experience of loss, the process of mourning and suicidal behavior.

    To give an idea of ​​the existing models of therapeutic care.

    To form basic skills in an adequate selection of methods of psychological assistance.

Designed for clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, students of psychological faculties, employees of crisis centers.

Seminar training, does not involve a therapeutic study of the crisis states of the listeners and is not intended for people who have experienced a loss, in a state of acute grief.

    Grief as a natural and necessary process of experiencing loss. The main stages of experience.

    The concept and psychological picture of acute grief. Normal dynamics and pathological grief. Factors affecting the process of mourning. The tasks of grief. Understanding the essence of psychological processes in case of loss.

    Conditions in the process of mourning requiring psychotherapy. Models of psychological help. Goals of counseling and psychotherapy. Basic methods of establishing contact and interaction, principles of working with a grieving client. Preliminary grief.

    Working with children who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Grief in the family system.

    The phenomenon of suicidal behavior. A variety of theories explaining the formation of this type of deviation. The theory of microsocial maladaptation as a leading integrative model.

    Analysis of the stages of suicidal behavior. Opportunities and tasks of psychological assistance at each stage.

    Suicidal risk factors.

    Suicidal motivation. anti-suicidal factors. Prevention.

    Psychological rehabilitation of suicides. Features of the course of the post-suicidal period.

    Individual and group model of psychotherapy. Rehabilitation opportunities in the hospital and outpatient psychological service.

    The main methods used to develop the acquired knowledge:

Didactic training:

    analysis of lecture material and theoretical discussions;

    analysis of cases from practice;

    supervision of cases presented by listeners;

Everything lately more people need psychological and psychotherapeutic help. This trend can be explained in different ways, but the fact remains that the demand for psychotherapists is growing every day. If you have psychological difficulties that you cannot solve on your own, then the best solution would be to go to a modern psychotherapy center. There are a lot of such institutions in Moscow and other large cities of our country, but in the provinces it will not be easy to find a good psychotherapist. Previously, residents of the outback had to go to the district or regional center for this, but now you can get psychotherapeutic help online. This became possible thanks to the emergence medical institutions of a new type, where advanced medical and digital technologies are being actively introduced.

The advantage of a modern psychotherapy center

It just so happened in our country that people try to visit doctors less often, and they are afraid to even think about a visit to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. panic fear in front of specialists whose name begins with the prefix psycho-, due to the fact that long time psychiatric hospitals served as a tool to combat dissidents. In such institutions, people were not provided with specialized medical care, they were simply isolated from society behind thick walls and bars.

But today's psychotherapy centers are nothing like the psychiatric hospitals of the past. A friendly atmosphere is created here, allowing any person to find a solution to their problem. Turning here, you are guaranteed to receive:

  1. Qualified psychotherapeutic help. To become a psychotherapist, a doctor must not only undergo appropriate training, but also regularly confirm his qualifications. Constant self-development makes it possible to use in work the latest techniques and experience of leading psychotherapists of the world.
  2. Individual approach and complete confidentiality. Often people are embarrassed to seek help from a psychotherapist, fearing that they will not be understood or judged. But the doctor will treat your problem with understanding, listen carefully. The scheme of psychotherapy proposed by him will be drawn up taking into account the characteristics of your character, psychotype and the current situation.
  3. Comfort and friendly service. Each of the modern psychotherapeutic centers is more like a sanatorium than a hospital. A cozy, almost homely atmosphere is set up here. This helps to create a positive attitude in patients. In a comfortable environment, it is easier for people to open up and make contact with a psychotherapist.

Already from the name it is clear that the main activity of such centers is the provision of psychotherapeutic assistance to the population. But some of them employ doctors of related specialties, for example, neurologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, etc. This approach allows for complex treatment, because very often quite real physical illness are caused not by viruses or bacteria, but by the psychological state of a person.

The most popular centers of Moscow

Only a few cities in our country can compete with Moscow in terms of the number of psychotherapeutic centers. For residents of the capital, having a personal psychotherapist is as natural as having their own hairdresser, tailor or dentist. But some institutions are more popular, and among them are the following:

  • Center for Psychotherapy Professor Malygin. Here, experienced psychotherapists are receiving; in their work they use proprietary methods that allow them to effectively deal with almost all types of emotional and sexual disorders;
  • The Moscow City Psychoendocrinological Center on Arbat is a specialized institution where, in addition to psychotherapeutic assistance, you can get advice from a psychiatrist, nutritionist, sexologist and endocrinologist. There are specialists who are able to diagnose and treat mental disorders not only in adults, they also see children and adolescents;
  • The Alliance Mental Health Center, located on Leningradsky Prospekt, also specializes in providing psychotherapeutic assistance to residents of the capital. The specialists working here are able to help a person get rid of psychological problems, various kinds of addictions and eating disorders;
  • near the metro station Botanichesky Sad is located medical Center Dew. In this psychotherapeutic clinic, along with the latest technologies and developments actively use the knowledge accumulated folk medicine. All methods are thoroughly tested and are applied in practice only after obtaining the appropriate permission;
  • Center for Neuropsychological Correction "Oh, these kids!" has several branches in the city. The center specializes in providing psychotherapeutic assistance to children, but there is also a department of neuropsychological rehabilitation for adults. It is called "More than kids", and it is located near the Novokuznetskaya metro station.

In addition to these centers, about 100 different medical institutions successfully operate in the capital, where you can get psychotherapeutic assistance. Typically rendered here medical services paid. The cost of admission depends on the characteristics of the center and the qualifications of the specialist to whom you want to enroll.

What Problems Should You Seek a Psychotherapist?

When a person is faced with a specific psychological problem, he may not immediately understand that he needs help. But when this awareness comes, the question immediately arises: “Which specialist should I turn to?”. enough today a large number of psychologists, trainers in coaching and personal growth offer their services. But these specialists work with healthy people who want to change their lives. If a person is in a borderline state, then he needs the help of a doctor, which is a psychotherapist.

Well-planned psychotherapy will help to solve such problems:

  1. Get rid of somatic diseases. If you have been trying to recover from any disease for a long time, but your efforts do not work, then perhaps the cause of the pathology lies in psychological problems. Physical discomfort will pass after you regain your mental balance.
  2. Deal with the effects of stress. Psychological trauma received in different ages inevitably affect our mental state. A psychotherapist will help you get over the past and take a step into the future.
  3. Get rid of phobias, fears and panic attacks.
  4. Establish relationships with your spouse, return harmony to your sex life.
  5. Cope with neurosis, depression and other types of psycho-emotional disorders.

Psychotherapy can be individual. The patient, aware of his problem, tries to solve it with the help of a psychotherapist. But psychotherapeutic help can be provided to the whole family. This approach helps to establish relationships between all its members, to return love and mutual understanding.

It doesn't matter what problem you have. Feel free to go to a psychotherapy center - here you will definitely be advised by the right specialist and help you solve all your psychological problems.