Gouty arthritis radiological signs. X-ray method in the diagnosis of joint diseases

Serum iron - what is it? It is an essential micronutrient for the body. It performs binding and transport functions. This means that iron has an exceptional ability to bind free oxygen and transfer it to all systems and organs. This trace element is also involved in vital important processes tissue respiration, which means that without it the normal functioning of the body is impossible.

What is serum iron

What is blood iron and what is its norm, the doctor will tell before the analysis. On average, the normal content of iron in the blood serum is 5 grams. In its pure form, it is almost impossible to detect it.

But iron is contained:

  • in hemoglobin;
  • in catalase;
  • it is also found in cytochromes.

Approximately a quarter of the iron in the body is not used at all. That is why it is called reserve. Why is it necessary?

This iron is located in some depots, which include:

  • spleen;
  • Bone marrow;
  • liver.

The bound iron in the blood, with the help of which the tissues are saturated with oxygen, is mostly present in the composition of enzymes. This substance is an essential factor for the redox reactions occurring in the organs. Without it, the immune system, the hematopoietic system and collagen synthesis will not fully function.

The most reliable way for iron to enter the body is through nutrition. It is food that can provide all the necessary trace elements. The highest concentration of the enzyme is found in meat. Especially if it's beef.

But iron is also found in other foods:

  • fish;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat grain.

In order for the iron in the blood to be absorbed by the body as much as possible, it should be consumed along with foods that have a large amount of vitamin C. Most of it is found in greens and plant products.

Iron is absorbed mainly in duodenum. That is why, if a low content of serum iron, then you can immediately suspect the pathology of the intestine.

The amount of iron is regulated by the level of hemoglobin breakdown and the concentration of iron in the depot organs.

The norm of iron in the body, the reasons for lowering its level

The norm of serum iron in the blood is considered as follows - from 11 to 30 mmol per 1 liter of blood serum. Its amount will be within such limits if people do not have any chronic diseases, if they have a normal level of hemoglobin. Of course, great importance also has food.

If the diet consists of foods rich in iron, then its content in the blood will be maintained at a normal level. That's why doctors always recommend sticking to a comprehensive, nutritious diet.

If, according to the results of the tests, a decrease in the level of serum iron in the blood was found, then one should think about the lack of this microelement in the body.

This condition can be observed due to a number of specific reasons:

  • the schedule of food intake is violated - an insufficient amount of iron and vitamins enters the body;
  • iron deficiency anemia, which occurs after a large blood loss or hematopoietic dysfunction;
  • dysfunction of iron absorption processes directly in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), the cause of which, most likely, is pathology in the intestine or stomach - more often this includes gastroenteritis and gastritis;
  • oncological diseases, especially malignant tumors localized in the intestine;
  • renal failure of an acute or chronic nature;
  • the presence of an increased concentration of protein in the urine.

Causes of an increase in the level of serum iron in the blood

An increase in the level of iron in the blood is due to such pathological changes in the work of the body, as:

  • anemia, which is associated primarily with insufficient formation of red blood cells;
  • hemolytic anemia, which is manifested by an excessively rapid breakdown of red blood cells and a rapid deterioration in the patient's well-being;
  • poor genetic inheritance;
  • an increased amount of hemosiderin, which can be observed with frequent subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • lack of folic acid or vitamin B12 in the body;
  • necrotic lesions of the liver, which often include necrosis and hepatitis.

However, the main reason for the increase in serum iron in the blood is considered to be its excessively rapid entry into the plasma or its poor absorption by tissues.

Based on this, iron is one of the most important blood indicators, and a deviation of its level from the norm may indicate the presence of some developing pathological processes in the body.

This is especially true for organs such as:

  • intestines;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • red bone marrow.

After all, these organs are the most important in the production and utilization of iron in the human body.

Other causes of changes in iron levels and ways to normalize it

The importance of what iron content will be in the body is played by daily nutrition and its systematic schedule.

That is why it is necessary to ensure that the diet consists of such products that would be rich in exactly the elements necessary for the body. That is, every day a person should eat meat, preferably beef. It is best to combine it with herbs and fresh vegetables. Baked beef with citrus fruits also goes well. This combination is also useful, since citruses include the necessary amount of vitamin C, and this element contributes to better absorption of iron.

If any pathological processes are present in the body, this immediately affects the level of iron in the blood. A lot depends on the number of red blood cells in the serum.

If their number is insufficient, then the hemoglobin in a person will be low:

  • At reduced level hemoglobin, iron contained in the blood - respectively - also becomes quite low. This condition is especially evident during pregnancy. Therefore, women who are expecting a baby need to take a blood test every month to control the level of hemoglobin and iron in the blood. After all, not only the well-being of the expectant mother depends on this, but also the nutrition of the fetus, which takes all the trace elements and oxygen it needs through the placenta. And with a lack of hemoglobin, the baby immediately feels a lack of oxygen, which can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • The level of iron in the blood is immediately disturbed if a person has liver pathologies. It is in this organ that bound iron is deposited, if there are any disturbances in the functioning of the organ, then the level of iron immediately changes in one direction or another. To identify the pathology, the patient is assigned an analysis that determines the iron index.
  • Anemic conditions can lead to irreparable consequences. In this case, the red bone marrow, which is also responsible for the iron content in the blood, suffers the most. Therefore, in any anemic condition, it is immediately necessary to exclude the malignancy of the pathology development process using a special analysis, because this may be due to the insufficiency of some cellular blood structures, which can only be corrected surgically, namely, bone marrow transplantation.

If the rate of iron in the blood differs from the results of the analysis, then you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. It is the doctor who will be able to determine the cause of this condition and prescribe all the necessary additional studies in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Only after the final diagnosis is made, according to the results that the analysis showed, it will be possible to prescribe the most correct and adequate treatment. Remember, self-treatment can lead to disastrous results.

One of the main elements of hemoglobin is iron, which is directly involved in the reaction of blood formation. It is of great importance for a person. Low or elevated iron in the blood causes the development of pathologies. It is important to know what this means for the body.

Role and norm

This element enters the body together with products. After the iron is absorbed in the intestines, it enters the bloodstream. The excess is deposited in the liver bone marrow and the spleen, if they have not been used by the body, as they are not excreted naturally. Most of the iron (60-70%) is present in hemoglobin, but this is not the same thing.

Its main functions:

  • maintaining normal level cholesterol;
  • participation in hematopoiesis;
  • transport of oxygen in the body;
  • preventing the development of anemia;
  • aid in the production of hormones thyroid gland affecting exchange reactions.

Iron regulates redox processes, supports immunity, promotes the synthesis of myoglobin protein, which is involved in muscle contraction.

In the blood, the normal number of the element is:

  • for men - 11-30 µmol/l;
  • for women - 9-30 µmol/l;

The norm of iron in children varies depending on age: in newborns - 17-45 µmol / l, up to two years - 7-8 µmol / l, older than two years - at the level of adults.

The average daily normal intake of iron in an adult is 20-25 mg. This is how much the body needs for normal functioning.

Required tests

Determine the level of iron using a biochemical blood test. The study is carried out in the case of:

  • existing suspicion of intoxication of the body with iron-containing drugs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. On the eve of the test, it is recommended to refrain from eating for 12 hours, avoid heavy physical and emotional stress, and do not smoke for 2-3 hours.

Elevated symptoms

The optimal amount of metal in human body is 4-5 grams, but sometimes its level changes. An increased iron content is less common than its deficiency, but the consequences are more severe.

With an excess of this element, a person experiences the following sensations:

  • fatigue, headache, dizziness;
  • heartburn, nausea, accompanied by vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • itching on the body;
  • weight loss, lack of appetite.

In addition, there is a risk of developing diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infections, liver pathologies. On the palms, in the armpits, unnatural pigmentation occurs, the liver enlarges.

When such symptoms appear, an analysis is prescribed to determine the composition of the blood and identify diseases that provoke pathology.

Reasons for high values

It is often found that there is a lot of iron in the blood if a person uncontrollably takes various multivitamins and preparations with a high content of it.

Sometimes this leads to drinking water, excessive consumption of iron-containing foods. But the main reasons for high element level are somatic diseases and genetic disorders.

  1. With dysfunction of the gene responsible for metabolism with the presence of Fe, it is not absorbed in the body, and excess iron accumulates in organs and tissues. In such a case, primary hemochromatosis is diagnosed - genetic disease. With this pathology, the liver, heart muscle, spleen, pancreas are affected, which causes the development severe forms heart failure, edema, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, joint diseases.
  2. Kidney damage, such as nephritis, impairs the utilization of blood elements, and they remain in the plasma, gradually breaking down and releasing iron.
  3. Acute and chronic form hepatitis, in which the blood in large numbers is bilirubin.
  4. - a disease that is inherited when the synthesis of dimeric hemoglobin is replaced by tetrameric.

  • hemolytic type - due to the accelerated breakdown of red blood cells, hemoglobin enters the blood, the tests reveal a high level of serum iron;
  • aplastic type, which is possible in violation of the formation of red blood cells and other blood components due to the intake of certain drugs, poisoning chemicals, x-ray exposure, infectious diseases;
  • anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, which happens after cutting out part of the stomach for any reason.

Anemia is possible due to a lack of vitamin B6, which disrupts the formation of porphyrins.

Blood transfusion and alcohol abuse can also increase the level of metal in the blood.

Consequences of excess iron

If the iron norm is exceeded, this indicates the development of any diseases and dysfunctions in the body, for example:

  • about the lack of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid;
  • about the presence of anemia of any type;
  • about poisoning the body with products containing an excessive amount of Fe.

An excess of iron is possible if its excretion from the body is impaired, for example, in acute or chronic hepatitis.

In adults

An excess of iron is dangerous with the following consequences:

  • there is a risk of developing liver diseases, most often cirrhosis, which can cause oncological processes;
  • diseases of the pancreas, increased blood sugar, and as a result - diabetes;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, because excess iron provokes heart failure.

Many people report frequent mood swings, incomprehensible fatigue and weakness. In addition, in adults, sexual activity decreases, problems with reproductive function appear. In men, there is a risk of developing impotence, in women, menstrual irregularities occur.

Excess iron during pregnancy negatively affects the body of the mother and child. Through the placenta, the metal enters the baby, but its amount is not regulated, so iron poisoning is possible for both the mother and the baby.

If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, this will adversely affect the development of the organs of the gastrointestinal system, heart, and muscular system.

In children

A high level of Fe in the blood has Negative consequences for kids. The child may have such manifestations as delayed development and puberty, poor growth. In addition, there is a risk of the same pathologies as in adults.

Normalization and prevention

As a result of the high content of iron, there are detrimental effects on the body. Men at any age, children, women during menopause are at particular risk. Most often, this problem does not threaten donors who constantly donate blood.

In order to avoid the negative impact on the body of a large amount of this element, it is necessary to periodically determine its level. If necessary, the doctor will give recommendations on how to reduce iron.

For example, what medications to take, to follow a certain diet. In the absence of contraindications, you can become a donor.


It is necessary to revise the principles of nutrition and include in the menu products that help reduce metal, for example:

  • rice groats well removes excess trace elements, including iron;
  • dairy and dairy products containing calcium in large quantities, since its excess interferes with the absorption of the metal.

It is possible to lower the level of iron by reducing the diet of foods high in vitamin C and B vitamins that promote the absorption of Fe.

Do not eat together protein and vegetables or fruits rich in them. For example, you do not need to eat an apple or citrus for dessert if the main course was meat.


With a chronic increase in iron, its deposition in the organs, special preparations are prescribed. Usually, doctors prescribe hepatoprotectors, zinc-containing agents, heptapeptides, and complexing agents.

They help reduce the amount of metal calcium thetacin, desferal (deferoxamine), which binds iron.

If the poisoning of the element is severe, exchange blood transfusion is used when it is simultaneously taken from the patient and donor transfusion.

Folk methods

Hirudotherapy is often recommended as a folk remedy that normalizes iron content. Leeches, sucking blood, reduce the amount of this metal.

At home, you can use the mummy, using it for a 10-day course of 0.2 grams during the day. At the end of the reception, take a break for 5-7 days, then resume treatment.

If a blood test reveals a high iron content, then start treatment (traditional or folk remedies) should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

General information about the study

Iron is a trace element that is absorbed from food and then carried around the body by transferrin, a special protein produced in the liver. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells. It is an essential component of hemoglobin, a protein that fills red blood cells, which allows them to carry oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues. Iron is also part of the muscle protein myoglobin and some enzymes.

Normally, the body contains 4-5 g of iron. About 70% of this amount is iron, "embedded" in the hemoglobin of erythrocytes, the rest is mainly stored in tissues in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin. When iron begins to be deficient, for example, in the event of a decrease in its intake from food or frequent bleeding, and its level in the blood decreases, the body uses iron from the reserve. With a long-term shortage, iron stores are depleted, which can lead to anemia. On the other hand, if too much iron is supplied, it can cause excessive accumulation and damage to the liver, heart, and pancreas.

On the early stages iron deficiency may be asymptomatic. If a person is otherwise healthy, then signs of the disease appear only when hemoglobin drops below 100 g / l. Anemia is characterized by chronic weakness, dizziness, headaches.

With severe iron deficiency anemia a person may complain of shortness of breath, pain in chest, severe headaches, weakness in the legs. Children may have learning difficulties. In addition to the main ones, there are several more signs that are characteristic of iron deficiency: the desire to eat unusual foods (chalk, clay), burning of the tip of the tongue, seizures (cracks in the corners of the mouth).

Symptoms of excess iron: joint pain, weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain, decreased sex drive, heart rhythm disturbances.

About 3-4 mg of iron (0.1% of the total amount) circulates in the blood "in conjunction" with the transferrin protein. It is his level that is measured in this analysis.

The amount of serum iron can vary significantly on different days and even within one day (maximum in the morning). Therefore, the measurement of serum iron levels is almost always combined with other tests, such as a test for total serum iron-binding capacity (TIBC), ferritin, transferrin. Using the TIBC and transferrin values, you can calculate the percent saturation of transferrin with iron, which indicates how much iron is transported in the blood.

The use of various analyzes that reflect the exchange of iron in the body provides more complete and reliable information about iron deficiency or iron overload in the body than an isolated measurement of serum iron.

What is research used for?

  • To calculate the percentage of saturation of transferrin with iron, that is, to determine exactly how much iron the blood carries.
  • To assess iron stores in the body.
  • To determine if anemia is due to iron deficiency or other causes, such as chronic disease or lack of vitamin B 12 .
  • For the diagnosis of iron poisoning or hereditary hemochromatosis - a disease associated with increased absorption and accumulation of iron.

When is the study scheduled?

  • If any deviations are found as a result of general analysis blood, hemoglobin test, hematocrit, erythrocytes.
  • If iron deficiency or iron overload is suspected (hemochromatosis).
  • If you suspect poisoning with tablets containing iron.
  • When monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment of anemia and conditions accompanied by an overload of the body with iron.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Iron is an essential component of the hematopoietic system contained in hemoglobin. It performs a transport function, as it carries oxygen throughout all systems and organs, and maintaining the required level is very important.

This essential trace element enters the inside of a person mainly in the blood. Iron stores are found in the spleen, bone marrow and liver. To maintain normal iron levels, it is necessary to eat foods in which its content is increased - soy, walnuts, meat, pomegranates, liver, peas, beans, buckwheat, millet and oatmeal.

The importance of iron in the body

Women, more than men, need this trace element, because during the regular they lose a large amount of it with the blood. Also, iron is needed during the period of nine months, because it supports the oxygen exchange in the mother and fetus. In children, it should also be contained in sufficient quantities, because their body is growing.

If the rate of this essential substance is increased or decreased, then this can cause serious pathological conditions if they become permanent. For early detection such anomalies are assigned to biochemistry.

Indications for the purpose of the analysis

For this procedure, venous blood is taken. Assign a study only for certain indications:

  • If the doctor diagnoses anemia in a patient and must determine its type.
  • In order to see violations in the patient's diet or to identify poisoning with iron-containing drugs.
  • With avitaminosis.
  • To identify permanent or sharp look infections.
  • If the patient has a malfunction of the stomach or intestines.
  • To see if the treatment is effective.

It is necessary to take the study in the morning, because it is at this time that the patient has a high content of this microelement in the blood. You should not eat for eight or twelve hours before the procedure. To determine the content of this microelement, a colorimetric method is used, which makes it possible to give an analysis of the amount of this substance in the human hematopoietic system with great accuracy.

Norm of indicators

The rate of iron in the blood primarily depends on whether the man or woman is undergoing the procedure, what is their weight and how old is the person who takes this study. For example, if we talk about the rate of iron in the blood for women, then it will be from 8.95 to 30.43 µmol / l. In men, the norm of serum iron ranges from 11.64 to 30.43 µmol / l. If we talk about children, then their norm is different and is calculated in the first case - up to a year, in the second - up to fourteen years.

If the content of this essential substance in the blood is below normal, then a person may develop weakness, shortness of breath, a feeling of constant fatigue, depression, muscles become weak, disturbances in digestive system, the skin becomes dry and pale, there is no appetite. As for children, they may have a developmental disorder or growth retardation. Such pathological condition later develops into iron deficiency anemia.

If the iron in the blood is above normal, then this is also a dangerous abnormal condition. This microelement will be concentrated in different organs and tissues of the body, which leads to disturbances in the work of the intestines and, accordingly, the activity internal organs getting worse.

Table of norms of iron in the blood

This pathology can lead to the development rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver, malignant tumor breast or diabetes.

Enhanced Level

If the indicator of this substance in the body is significantly high, then the reasons for this are:

  • Poisoning with iron-containing drugs.
  • Leukemia.
  • Thalassemia.
  • The body lacks folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12.
  • Lead poisoning.
  • Viral hepatitis, which are acute or permanent.
  • If the process of removing iron from it was disrupted in the body. This disease is called hemochromatosis.
  • anemia. Most often, it is hemolytic, pernicious or hypoplastic.

A high level of iron in the blood also occurs with frequent use of hormonal contraceptives or estrogen-containing drugs.

Reduced level

Causes low rate iron are the following pathological conditions:

  • various infections.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Renal failure, which has acquired a permanent form.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Viral hepatitis in a chronic form.
  • Bleeding is acute or persistent.
  • Lack of vitamin B12.
  • If there is a sick need for this microelement in the body - the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, in children - as a need for a growing organism.
  • Disturbances in the functions of the thyroid gland.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Iron is considered one of the most influential substances in human blood. It is an essential component of hemoglobin. This element is involved in the formation of blood. A sufficient level of iron in the body is necessary to ensure the process of its connection with the blood protein, the transport and distribution of oxygen in the circulating blood. This substance enters the body with food, and after the intestines absorb it, the element spreads through vascular system. The reserves of iron in the human body are stored in the bone marrow, liver and spleen.

blood cells

To maintain a proper level of iron, it is necessary to properly eat foods rich in this element: meat and fish dishes, offal, eggs, beans, cereals, fruits and vegetable salads. The need of a woman's body for this substance is twice as high as that of men. This is due menstrual cycles in which girls lose blood along with hemoglobin. During pregnancy or natural feeding of a newborn, the rate of iron becomes greater. A sufficient amount of it is also required by the developing body of the child.

When is a biochemical blood test for iron prescribed?

To examine the blood, it is necessary to take a sample from a vein. An iron blood test is prescribed in such situations:

  • Suspicion of intoxication with iron-containing substances.
  • It is necessary to identify the presence of shortcomings in the daily menu.
  • Need to diagnose different types anemia.
  • When detecting infectious diseases of any form.
  • With a lack of vitamins in the body or hypovitaminosis.
  • If there are pathologies of the digestive system.
  • In order to determine the level of effectiveness of treatment.


The highest value of iron in the study is noted in the morning. And in order to get the correct results, the analysis is performed in the morning. The patient should come to the laboratory on an empty stomach. Don't eat for 12 hours before donating blood. For chemical analysis of iron in the blood, a colorimetric technique is used. It detects the content of elements in the blood with high accuracy, and its implementation is not difficult.

General information

Iron in the human body is deposited in the form of a protein called ferritin. This component is absorbed from incoming food, and then transported by transferrin, another protein synthesized in the liver. Iron elements are required for the formation of red blood cells. The substance is present in the muscle protein - myoglobin and other enzymes.

The norm of iron in an adult is 4-5 grams. Approximately two thirds of the amount are iron elements in hemoglobin. And the rest of the substance accumulates in the tissues in reserve in the form of hemosiderin and ferritin (protein compounds contained in the liver). Despite the fact that ferritin in the blood is in low concentrations, the indicator makes it possible to judge the supply of iron in the human body.

Iron transport

If iron deficiency develops, for example: with a reduction in food, where it is present, or with frequent blood loss, the body consumes its reserves from the tissues. The level of ferritin at this time is significantly reduced. If for a long time the indicator remains low, this will lead to acute anemia.

Important! The value of ferritin can be lowered long before the first signs of low hemoglobin and anemia appear.

What does a chemical blood test show for the amount of serum iron? The iron-binding capacity of blood serum is considered one of the important functions of the blood. The indicator makes it possible to determine the amount of iron elements that blood can carry.

If there is a lack of iron elements in the body, then the amount of transferrins increases. This protein binds to iron in the serum mass. At the same time, an increase in the number of free transferrin is indicated, and with it the iron-binding properties of serum. And when the level of iron elements is exceeded, this ability decreases, since there are practically no free transferrins.

Indicators of iron in blood serum in biochemistry change on different days and even throughout the day. This can be verified with express tests. However, the binding capacity of the serum continues to remain at the same level.

Preparation for analysis

Before you take an analysis for iron, you need to prepare, taking into account the recommendations:

  • No food should be eaten for 12 hours prior to blood sampling pure water without gas).
  • Avoid emotional stress for a couple of hours before visiting the laboratory.
  • Do not smoke one hour before the test.

Norms of iron in the blood

There is a table of invitro norms:

  • In a child up to a year - from 7.1 to 17.8 µmol / l.
  • In children from one to 14 years old - 8.9-22 µmol / l.
  • In adult girls over 15 years old - 8.9-30.3 µmol / l.
  • In men over 15 years old - 11.7-30.3 µmol / l.

In the human body, the content of iron elements is small. The standards depend on a person's weight, gender, height and age, on the concentration of hemoglobin in mmol / l or in μg per liter. Deciphering the research data takes into account all factors.

Need for iron

If there is iron deficiency in the blood, then this is the reason for the decrease in hemoglobin levels and the development of anemia. This disease leads to dangerous pathologies:

  • Decreased protective immune function.
  • Children have delayed development and growth.
  • Fatigue increases.
  • The skin becomes pale, flaky.
  • Shortness of breath appears and the pulse increases.
  • Malfunctions of the stomach, intestines and thyroid gland.
  • Appetite disappears.
  • There is muscle hypotension.

Iron deficiency can be caused by an inadequate or unbalanced diet. A person needs to constantly replenish the loss of iron components by adding products in which they are present to the menu. Be sure to eat meat, offal and fish, dairy products and eggs. Important plant sources of iron elements are fruits and vegetables. The absorption of this substance is also helped by other important trace elements, for example: chlorine, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which come with food.

What can affect performance?

Factors that can affect the analysis of "iron in the blood":

  • Daily fluctuations (in the morning, the indicator is minimal, and in the evening it is maximum).
  • Gender - in women, the content of the element is 20 percent lower compared to men.
  • The presence of bleeding reduces the value.
  • Reducing the concentration of protein in the blood will reduce the indicator.
  • A lack of copper can lead to a decrease in the level of iron-containing substances.
  • The use of contraceptives based on hormones (will increase the rate).
  • Hemolysis of a blood sample in a container may indicate false results.
  • Taking drugs against tuberculosis, chloramphenicol will reduce concentrations.

Why is the rate above the norm?

Iron can increase in the blood if a person consumes a lot of iron-containing foods, for example: during diets. This is possible with uncontrolled intake drugs to increase hemoglobin.

An analysis for iron can give overestimated values ​​if the metabolism of iron components is disturbed in the body. In this case, the development of a disease such as hemochromatosis is possible, when iron is not excreted from the body properly.


Why is iron low?

The causes of iron deficiency pathologies can be:

  • Frequent blood donations.
  • Chronic blood loss in the digestive organs.
  • Posthemorrhagic anemia.
  • Too rigid diets and vegetarianism.
  • Starvation.
  • The period of bearing a child and his feeding.
  • The child has accelerated sexual development and growth.
  • postoperative condition.

Proper food

To treat iron deficiency, you need to balance the diet, take iron-containing medications, vitamins (C and B12), nutritional supplements. If the readings are too high, treat with a diet that limits the amount of foods high in iron. In extreme cases, a blood transfusion will be needed.