Dentist straightening teeth. Modern methods of teeth alignment

You can correct the position of the tooth and / or bite yourself and without the intervention of an orthodontist. It is a myth.

No matter how strange it may sound, but in our time, when any information can be easily and naturally gleaned from the press, television and, of course, the Internet, orthodontics is still fanned by a mass of myths, sometimes close to the truth, sometimes erroneous, and sometimes completely absurd. And all this would be "nothing" if only it did not harm the treatment process and deprive people of even hope for the opportunity to get a beautiful smile through ortho-correction.

So, we continue the most interesting and useful topic for you. Let's talk about the second common myth about orthodontics.

Myth 2. You can align the position of the tooth and / or bite yourself and without the intervention of an orthodontist

Oh yeah! And such things - as "aligning the bite at home" - can be heard when communicating with patients (most often after an unsuccessful attempt to align a tooth at home) or you can even find "valuable advice" on the topic of "aligning teeth at home" on the Internet.

There are many options on how to straighten your teeth / bite at home:

Try to tie the teeth with a thread so that they converge (here most often we are talking about the upper central incisors. In adolescence there is often a gap between them, which is called a gap among the inhabitants, and in the dental environment -).

It is absolutely impossible to make such attempts to align your teeth! The thread can, in a completely incomprehensible way, “go away” under the gum, from where it will have to be taken out already surgical method. Not the most pleasant thing to do.

Or this option how to straighten teeth at home: if you constantly press on the tooth with your finger (or tongue), then you can fix it by putting it in the right position. The occupation is doubtful, because for the effective movement of the tooth, constant pressure is most often required. And it is impossible to walk all day with a finger in your mouth or with an unnatural position of the tongue.

Yes, and not worth it. The orthodontist will still make it more efficient. Still sometimes patients say that they suspect (or already know that they have) malocclusion, and therefore they try to put themselves lower jaw(because it is she who is the only movable bone in the skull) to the correct position. Of course, this requires constant self-control, motivation, and just patience. Probably funny. Only not for those who put pressure on the jaw like that all day long and think endlessly: “Well, how else can I straighten my teeth? Damn, something doesn’t work! Well, HOW else?”

Alas, this tactic is also ineffective, because in order to change the bite at home, most often it takes a long time to “retrain” the muscles to their new position and configuration, and for this to happen, you need to maintain them in an appropriate tone24 hours a day. Perhaps even the most disciplined patient cannot do this, because when we eat, talk, sleep, finally, we are not able to control these moments by 100%. Of course, this is not as dangerous and caricature as twisting the threads on your teeth, constantly keeping your finger in your mouth, but it doesn’t bring much benefit either. See an orthodontist the best option from all of the above.

In order to understand what risk you expose your teeth to, trying to put them in order on your own, we offer you a short, but VERY interesting video - HOW THE TEETH MOVES. The truth is that only one tooth is not crooked, changes to one degree or another affect both adjacent teeth and the entire dentition, and it can be very, very difficult for a non-specialist to understand this.

How do teeth move when correcting an overbite?

The video shows how the teeth will move in real time during treatment, in this case - on the aligners. The video is commented by an orthodontist, clinical director of Star Smile company - Alexander Veniaminovich, a doctor with many years of experience in the successful use of aligners in orthodontic practice.

Interesting?Then read the following myth about teeth. Myth #3

And what was in the first myth? We talked about the fact that orthodontic treatment is possible only in childhood or adolescence. But it is not.

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Olga Emelyanova

Chief Physician of the International Orthodontic Center Invisalign, Moscow.

If you've ever watched American teen comedies, you probably associate braces with the image of a loser and a nerd, and getting rid of them is the first step in turning an ugly duckling into a swan. Alas, the transformation occurs during the wearing of braces, and this process is quite lengthy. However, technology does not stand still, dentistry today offers many options for teeth alignment.

Is it necessary to straighten teeth?

The current tendency to accept yourself and the imperfections of your body is certainly very beneficial. Chasing the ideal from the picture, of course, is not worth it. But the curvature of the dentition is a problem both aesthetic and functional.

Crooked teeth are fraught not only with an ugly smile, but also with speech disorders (notorious diction defects), microtraumas of the oral mucosa, improper distribution of the load during chewing, resulting in excessive abrasion of the enamel, and microcracks form on its surface. Also, curvature of the dentition can provoke migraines, jaw clicks, bruxism (uncontrollable grinding of teeth), problems with the temporomandibular joint due to excessive tension of the lower jaw. In the case of serious curvature, the quality of chewing food deteriorates, which causes the gastrointestinal tract to suffer.

Psychological problems are also likely: low self-esteem, stress due to peers, if we are talking about teenagers.

Does the installation of braces help in all cases?

If we are talking specifically about the curvature of the dentition (protruding forward or, conversely, recessed teeth; increased gaps between the front (diastema) and lateral (three) teeth; the deployed position of some teeth; cross bite), then any of the alignment methods, whether it is vestibular, lingual braces or aligners, with a competent approach and the patient following all the doctor's recommendations, will definitely help.

If problems at the level of the dentition are combined with malocclusion at the level of the jaws, a competent and experienced specialist at the first appointment will prescribe additional studies (most often X-ray) and determine which orthodontic system will best cope with your problem. You may need to install additional intraoral traction.

In particularly severe cases, combined with malocclusion, the intervention of a surgeon may be required.

Alas, with all the possibilities of modern orthodontics, there are still similar cases when the bite cannot be corrected without maxillofacial surgery. That is why it is so important to go to a trusted specialist who will not waste your money and time (treatment with braces usually takes six months to two years) and will refer you to another doctor if necessary. However, fortunately, most bite problems, not to mention the curvature at the level of the dentition, are now successfully solved by installing braces or wearing aligners.

Which orthodontic systems are more effective?

From a functional point of view, all orthodontic systems are equally effective and reliable. The difference between them lies largely in comfort. The more modern the system, the more aesthetic and convenient it is. It is easy to guess that comfort and aesthetics are proportional to the cost.

The choice of a specific orthodontic design should be based on the following factors:

  1. How important is appearance to you? (Here it must be remembered that even metal braces today are not a sentence, they are much more aesthetically pleasing than their predecessors twenty years ago.)
  2. How long are you willing to wear the design?
  3. What are your financial possibilities?

When is it too early to wear braces, and when is it too late?

We have to admit that the situation in Russia and the world is very deplorable. According to various statistics, up to 80% of the world's population have bite problems of varying severity. If today you meet a person with absolutely straight teeth, most likely he has undergone orthodontic treatment.

On formation malocclusion and crooked teeth are influenced by many factors from environmental to heredity, but the most serious problems arise from improper bottle feeding and bad habits in infancy, such as thumb sucking.

Therefore, the first appointment with the orthodontist should be before 5 years.

Braces are not yet worn at this age, but a competent doctor will already be able to determine whether the child will have problems with bite in the future. If serious violations are already observed, removable structures will help: plates or trainers. The doctor will determine what kind of exposure is necessary.

As for treatment with fixed constructions (braces) and aligners, it can be started as soon as the bite is fully formed, and the milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. It is not necessary to wait for the eruption of eights, the so-called wisdom teeth.

But there is no upper bar. Even for the elderly, tooth alignment is not contraindicated, and a successful treatment significantly improves the quality of life.

Do I need to remove teeth, such as figure eights, to install braces?

Only an orthodontist can answer this question after examination and X-ray examination. However, the extraction of teeth, whether wisdom teeth or fangs, is not always required for the installation of an orthodontic structure. If there is severe crowding, then you may have to get rid of the eights, but most likely they will not interfere with the treatment.

What is the difference between braces and when is each of them preferable?

As mentioned above, the difference lies in the level of aesthetics and comfort. The simplest (and affordable) braces are metal. Not very conscientious doctors continue to call them the most reliable, but this is not so: in terms of reliability, the same sapphire braces are in no way inferior to metal ones. But first things first.

Metal braces

Metal braces are more noticeable than others. But if you are not embarrassed by the very fact that others will be aware of your treatment, today there are many ways to decorate staples: rhinestones, multi-colored rubber bands of ligatures and much more.

Metal braces are most often recommended for teenagers, as they are not diligent in daily hygiene. As far as comfort is concerned, metal braces you have to get used to, they can injure the inner surface of the lips (in this case, the doctor will prescribe a special remedy). You will need special V-shaped, as well as mono-bundle brushes or brushes to clean the braces themselves.

For the period of treatment, some foods will have to be excluded from the diet, and hard fruits and vegetables cannot be bitten off, they will need to be cut into slices.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are more expensive and much more aesthetically pleasing than metal braces. They are less noticeable on the teeth, as they are made to match the color of your enamel, and their arch can be painted.

At first, you will also experience some discomfort, but when the addiction period passes, only dietary restriction will cause you inconvenience.

When it comes to caring for teeth with ceramic braces, you need to remember that plaque around them will be much more noticeable than when wearing metal braces, so you will need more thorough daily hygiene and more frequent visits to professional cleaning sessions.

A special kind of ceramic braces - sapphire. They are completely transparent and many people like them more, but there are no fundamental differences from ceramic ones.

It should be remembered that, no matter what type of braces you and your doctor choose, you will have to come to “braces” with a certain frequency - adjusting the pressure that moves your teeth in the right direction.

And one more life hack... Teeth after orthodontic treatment will never return to their previous position in only one case: if after removing the braces, a retainer is installed on the back surface - a thin invisible wire that prevents the teeth from moving to the previous position.

Regarding the retainer, doctors are still arguing: is it necessary to wear it for the rest of your life, or is it enough for a period twice the period of wearing braces. In any case, without a retainer, freshly moved teeth can, by inertia, return to their usual position, and all treatment will come to naught. By the way, the retainer on the teeth is not felt at all.

But lingual braces - orthodontic structures that are installed on the back surface of the teeth - you will feel for the first time. Lingual systems are completely invisible on the teeth and are just as effective as vestibular ones (attached to the front surface of the teeth), but getting used to them may take a little longer, especially diction will suffer.

Is there an alternative to braces?

There is an alternative to braces, and aligners are the most modern and comfortable way to straighten your teeth. The main difference between aligners and braces is that they can be removed if necessary.

Aligners are absolutely transparent, completely invisible on the teeth trays that you remove while eating. Therefore, no dietary restrictions are needed. If necessary, you can remove them before any important event, but this is an unnecessary precaution: only an orthodontist working with this system will be able to see the aligners in your mouth, and only if he specifically looks into your mouth.

Also, transparent caps do not require any additional hygienic devices. You simply take them off, clean them with a regular brush and paste, and rinse the aligners under running water and, if necessary, clean with the same brush.

In terms of effectiveness, aligners are not inferior to conventional braces, but only if two conditions are met:

  1. Caps should be on the teeth for at least 20-22 hours a day.
  2. Sets must be changed in a timely manner. During each of your visits, your doctor will give you several pairs of mouth guards and tell you when they need to be changed.

Another advantage of aligners is the predictable result. Even at the treatment planning stage, with the help of a special computer program, you can see how your teeth will move. Naturally, treatment with aligners is the most expensive way to straighten teeth, but this investment is justified by comfort, aesthetics. appearance and predictable results.

Whatever your financial possibilities and aesthetic requirements, choose the right orthodontic design for you, determine the exact terms of treatment, find out if additional surgical interventions only an orthodontist can. It must be remembered that an experienced and competent doctor, even with the help of the most ordinary metal braces, will ultimately be able to achieve an ideal result. That's why it's so important to find good clinic and conscientious doctor.

Healthy, beautiful and straight teeth are the dream of every person. Few can boast of the perfect smile that nature has given. More often you have to spend time, effort and money on the process of straightening your teeth. Why sometimes teeth grow crooked, how you can fix it at home, is there an alternative to braces - we'll talk about this in detail.

Why do teeth sometimes grow crooked?

By nature, a smooth and beautiful dentition is not very common. For what reason does it start to grow crookedly, is it possible to avoid this? Such problems "come from childhood." Among the factors leading to the fact that the smile becomes crooked and far from ideal, the following can be distinguished:

Some parents assume that crooked teeth in a child may eventually straighten themselves. No doubt this is far from true. If there is a problem with the bite, by itself it will not disappear anywhere, but will only progress. Another nuance - the ideal row of milk teeth does not guarantee that the permanent ones will also be even, and a violation of the temporary bite always leads to the fact that there will also be problems with the permanent ones.

Ways to correct the dentition

Many are sure that the alignment of teeth involves the need to grind or push them apart, you need to undergo a sawing procedure or wear ugly pieces of iron. It is desirable to start working on correcting the bite and aligning the teeth in childhood, when the skeletal system is not yet fully formed and remains quite supple. In this case, the result will be achieved much easier and faster.

There is no consensus on how old you can be to straighten your front teeth. Orthodontists believe that the optimal childhood– 6 years, but some of them suggest that it is better to postpone the procedure for a couple of years. Alignment of the teeth is carried out in the same way, regardless of the age of the patient - the differences are some of the nuances. How to straighten your teeth? It makes sense to use one of the following methods and methods.

Ways to straighten teethVarietiesNotes
Bracket systems
  • lingual;
  • outdoor.
The most popular way. A bracket system is the same piece of iron that is worn on the dentition. Allows you to achieve an almost perfect bite. Aligning teeth takes from six months to three years.
  • ceramic (including lumineers);
  • composite.
Veneers are thin shells that are attached to the front surface. Onlays are used in aesthetic dentistry. The bite cannot be corrected with veneers (they do not eliminate defects, but mask them, you can see the name addsite), but it is possible to achieve a perfect smile in a short time. The disadvantage of veneers is the need for a small grinding of the teeth for their installation.
Removable orthopedic devices
  • records;
  • caps.
Often used to straighten teeth in children. For adults, it is recommended to use them after the correction of the dentition with a bracket system in order to consolidate the result.
  • under the bracket system;
  • articular;
  • for athletes;
  • adults;
  • finishing.
They are a kind of "simulator" for the facial muscles. It is effective if minor bite defects need to be corrected.
Surgical intervention- With an open lateral or anterior bite or dysplasia of the lower jaw, a surgical alignment operation is indicated. It is performed under general anesthesia.

Alignment at home

According to dentists, the alignment of teeth (canines or incisors) on their own, without the help of an orthodontist, is impossible.

In order to choose the appropriate method of teeth alignment, to get the necessary advice on the specifics of the procedures and to monitor the progress of the process, you still have to visit the dental office - and more than once.

However, in the vast majority of cases, inpatient treatment is not required - it is quite possible to align the dentition at home. If braces are contraindicated for any reason, or the patient categorically objects to their use, it is possible to align the teeth without braces.


How to carry out the procedure for straightening teeth at home? One of the most popular types of teeth straightening is the use of bite plates (we recommend reading: How are teeth alignment plates installed?). In terms of prevalence, this technique ranks first among the methods of effective alignment of teeth without braces. The plates show high reliability when it is necessary to slightly align the teeth (canines or incisors) and correct the bite in children and adolescents up to 15-16 years old. At a later age, they can be used to consolidate the effect obtained by wearing the braces (we recommend reading: at what age is it better to put braces?). Plates are made in two varieties:


Another effective solution for a person who cannot or does not want to wear braces is the use of silicone trainers. Teeth alignment devices for children and adults look like translucent boxing mouthguards. Bite correction using this device is indicated in the following cases:

Trainers are straighteners that have a very mild effect, and the process of teeth alignment goes almost imperceptibly for the patient (more details in the article: trainer for teeth and its varieties). Wearing a trainer all the time to straighten the dentition is not required (when it comes to a child) - a few hours a day are enough. For tooth enamel, such devices are absolutely safe, they are very easy to use, besides, trainers are easy to maintain and are relatively inexpensive. With all the advantages of the technique, in some cases its use is contraindicated:

  • serious anomalies of dental occlusion, including genetic ones;
  • increased bite of the lateral sections;
  • severe nasal congestion.

Silicone caps

To correct teeth without braces, you can use mouth guards. Mouthguards for aligning teeth can be polyurethane, silicone. The latter are cheaper, but differ in greater thickness

At their core, they are a type of silicone braces. Such designs are put on at night, and during the day they are worn for several hours. It is possible to eliminate minor bite defects, get rid of crowding or displacement, eliminate interdental spaces with the help of silicone caps. To achieve straight teeth, you will need to change many sets of silicone "braces", and this is not cheap.

Massage methods

To align teeth with slight curvature, the dentist may recommend special massage techniques. In domestic dental practice, this method of teeth alignment is not very common, as it shows low efficiency and requires a long and regular procedures. At home, with the help of massage, a slightly curved dentition is straightened. Often, massage is not recommended as an independent method of teeth alignment, but as an addition to one of the options listed above. It is better to consult a dentist about massage methods for straightening teeth at home.

Can adults straighten crooked teeth?

Aligning crooked teeth in a person older than 25 years is not only possible, but necessary. Bite defects have a negative impact on the beauty of a smile, in addition, they lead to rapid wear of the teeth due to uneven distribution of the load. For this reason, it is important to keep your teeth straight. In adulthood, the skeletal system is already formed, and a person approaches the alignment procedure consciously and responsibly, therefore modern systems and teeth alignment techniques show high efficiency when used in people of almost any age.

Of course, in a few minutes it is impossible to make the dentition even without time and effort - even the installation of veneers will take several weeks, but the result is worth the effort and it is possible to achieve the effect without using braces. Even more answers to the question of how to straighten your teeth at home are presented in the video below.

They say that a beautiful smile is the best decoration, but not everyone is lucky to have straight teeth. Most often, teeth are straightened with braces, but this option can be intimidating with its appearance. Fortunately, there are other ways to correct an overbite, but it all depends on the specific situation.


How to prevent crooked teeth

    Don't sleep on your stomach. Anterior displacement of the teeth can be caused by gentle but constant pressure on the teeth. Sleeping on your stomach is often the cause, as the face and teeth are under pressure. This pressure is exacerbated if a person puts a hand or something hard under their head while lying on their stomach. Even if this is your favorite position, try not to sleep on your stomach. Lie on your back or on your side to keep your teeth from moving.

    Do not rest your face on your hand. Many are forced to spend long hours at the table due to study or work, and the posture is far from correct. Leaning forward and resting your head on your hand, you put pressure on the jaw. Due to pressure, the teeth are slowly but surely displaced, which causes curvature.

    • To prevent this from happening, straighten your back. If your lower body is positioned correctly, it will be easier for you to keep your back straight and not lean your head forward.
  1. Do not take thumb mouth and do not chew on objects. Curvature of the teeth is possible not only due to pressure from the outside in, but also from the inside out. Children often suck on their thumbs, creating this pressure, but adults also have bad habits. When you drink liquid through a straw, chew on the tip of a pen, and blow gum bubbles, you create the same amount of pressure, and this can affect the alignment of your teeth. Try to give up habits that put pressure on your teeth.

    • If you can't refuse straws, at least try placing the straw further away from your teeth and deeper into your mouth.
  2. Put a prosthesis in place of the missing tooth. In children, milk teeth fall out to be replaced by molars. But in an adult, the loss of a molar can cause a range of problems, including crooked teeth. A tooth can be missing due to extractions, problems with teeth and gums, and trauma. Sometimes a molar tooth simply does not grow in place of a milk tooth. Due to the gap between the teeth, pressure is created on the remaining teeth, since the force is distributed unevenly during chewing. This can cause misalignment of the teeth. Get rid of the gap between your teeth with braces, a dental bridge, permanent or removable dentures. This will keep the teeth from moving.

    • The displacement of teeth into existing gaps is also a consequence natural process which makes the teeth move forward.
  3. Remove your wisdom teeth when the time is right. Although some studies suggest that the appearance of wisdom teeth does not cause the rest of the teeth to move, this is not always the case. If the wisdom tooth grows in the wrong position, in which the teeth should grow, or if your teeth are already crowded, this can become a big problem for the bite.

    • If you regularly visit the dentist and take pictures of your teeth and jaw, you can notice the wrong position of your wisdom teeth in time. In this case, it will be necessary to remove the wisdom teeth when the doctor recommends it. If extraction is delayed, pain, infection, and chewing problems can occur, and the rest of the teeth can become displaced.

    How to find an orthodontist

    1. Determine what you don't like about your teeth. It is important to understand what you would like to change so that you can tell your doctor about it. Some procedures only solve certain problems, so you must be clear about what result you want.

      Find out which orthodontists are in your city. An orthodontist is different from an ordinary dentist: he receives education not only in the field of general dentistry, but also studies the complex development of teeth and maxillofacial bones. It is important to make an appointment with an orthodontist, not a dentist. If possible, study the education and experience of the specialist you have chosen.

      • In especially difficult cases, orthodontists need the help of dental or maxillofacial surgeons to choose a treatment method.
    2. Make an appointment with an orthodontist to discuss treatment options. You may have already researched the information yourself, however exactly Only an orthodontist can tell you which option is right for you. Sometimes the situation can be corrected only with braces. If this is not your case, listen to your doctor's advice and ask him about other options. It will be helpful to ask the following questions:

      • What does this treatment option include and what could be the consequences if you refuse all the options offered?
      • What will be the cost of treatment and how can I pay for services? Can I apply for insurance?
      • What care will be required after treatment?
      • Does the doctor have examples of the results of such treatment (for example, photos before and after)?
    3. See another doctor to compare opinions. It is best to consult two or three doctors and only then choose a method of treatment, especially if you have a difficult case or if you are advised to extract teeth. Many orthodontists insist on braces, even if other options can be dispensed with, but more often than not, experts agree that there is no single correct treatment option. Consultations of several specialists will allow you to choose the option that suits you.

      Choose an orthodontist and start treatment. When you decide on a doctor, you will be assigned another appointment. During this appointment, the doctor will take a cast of the jaws and direct you to panoramic pictures. With the help of casts and images, the doctor will be able to decide what exactly should be done in your case, and will describe in detail all the treatment options. Based on this information, you can make a decision.

    How to choose a treatment option

    1. Consider wearing clear aligners. An aligner is a dental mouth guard that is made from a cast of the patient and put on the teeth. The aligner is able to slowly put the teeth in place. This option is recommended for adults and teenagers as children grow quickly and their teeth move. Aligners are also suitable for patients with mild to moderate tooth misalignment and are contraindicated for people with severe anterior or posterior misalignment. Typically, treatment with aligners takes 10–24 months; the cost depends on the duration of treatment. Keep the following in mind:

      • The aligners can be removed, making them and your mouth easier to care for.
      • Clear aligners are not as visible as braces. If you're concerned about the look of your braces, aligners may be right for you.
      • Aligners require strict compliance with the doctor's recommendations. If you wear them for fewer hours a day than you need, the treatment will take longer.
    2. Ask your doctor about lingual braces. Lingual braces are similar to classic braces, only they are attached to the back of the teeth. They are also connected with metal wire and need to be worn for 6 to 24 months (depending on the complexity of the case). This option is suitable for children over 10 years of age and patients with moderate to severe tooth displacement. Like clear aligners, lingual braces are suitable for people who don't want their braces to be visible. However, such a system is more expensive than classic braces. It is also important to remember the following:

      • The high cost is due to the presence of gold material, which is able to adapt to the back wall of the teeth.
      • These braces can be uncomfortable, especially at first. Many people experience discomfort due to the contact of braces with the tongue.
      • Because of these braces, temporary problems with diction and lisping can occur.
    3. Try using a palatine expander. This device is also called an orthodontic retractor. It is used to widen the upper jaw so that the lower and upper teeth fit together better. The expander consists of a bolt and rungs leading to it from the teeth. As the bolt turns, the jaw expands. This solves the problem of lack of space, and it becomes easier for the teeth to fall into place. This option is suitable for children and adolescents under the age of 15, as their upper jaw bones are still amenable to adjustment. The cost of this treatment also depends on the duration. Know the following:

      • Once the teeth are in place, the expander will need to be worn for approximately three more months to allow the teeth and palate to lock into place (the palate will loosen after stretching).
      • This treatment method requires frequent visits to the orthodontist. The doctor will twist the system to gradually stretch the palate.
      • This procedure can be very painful and may cause temporary dyslexia and mucosal irritation.
    4. Try wearing a retainer. Retainers are removable and non-removable. They are installed on the lower or upper jaw and straighten the teeth. Typically, retainers are worn to maintain the new position of the teeth after braces or aligners, however, in case of minor misalignment, they can straighten teeth in patients of all ages.

      • The cost depends on the duration and complexity of the treatment.
      • Fixed retainers are attached to the back walls of the teeth so that they are not visible.
      • Removable retainers can be removed for easy dental care.
    5. Install dental veneers. Dental veneers (also called porcelain veneers and lumineers) are porcelain aligners that are worn over your teeth. They are suitable for patients with gaps between teeth, chips, cracks, tight fitting of teeth and discolored teeth. The orthodontist removes a thin layer of tooth enamel and then cements specially selected veneers to the teeth using a light-sensitive composite. Usually veneers are installed in one appointment, that is, the result will be noticeable immediately.

      • Veneers are very expensive.
      • Typically, veneers are reserved for adults only, as the shape of the face affects the shape of the veneers, and children and teenagers are still growing.
    6. Find out more about the dental contouring procedure. During this procedure, the shape of the teeth is changed: the doctor grinds off sections of enamel or glues fragments of the prosthesis in the color of the tooth to change the shape. This procedure is only suitable for adults as it changes the shape of the tooth permanently, which is not suitable for growing children and teenagers. Because this procedure requires delicate work, it is only used to reduce teeth and to correct slightly crooked, cracked, or slightly chipped teeth.

      • Usually one procedure is required. The cost depends on the number of teeth and the complexity of the work.
      • Remember that composite resin is used to attach the fragments, which means that the shape will not last forever and may need to be adjusted.
    7. Try wearing the Herbst apparatus. This device helps to straighten the teeth by correcting the features of the jaw. The device has a metal part that is fixed on the teeth. It pushes the lower jaw forward, which allows you to correct the bite. Due to this, the lower and upper parts begin to close.

      • This device must be worn for a year.
      • The device is noticeable, and the treatment will not be quick.
    8. Try wearing a face bow. This device is also used to straighten teeth. It creates pressure on the upper teeth and jaw, which allows the jaw and teeth to be put in place.

      • You need to wear an arc every day for a certain number of hours.