Companies offering physical hosting services. What is hosting

», « virtual hosting», « physical hosting". This suggests that the Internet has firmly entered the everyday consciousness of people. In the 21st century, the human information space has expanded significantly due to the Internet resources, the main of which is WEB server. The idea of ​​hosting a WEB server is becoming as important for a modern person as the concept of television, radio, newspapers and magazines.

The word hosting, like many other words in the Internet lexicon, comes from of English language from the word "host", which has several meanings: host, main device, main computer, innkeeper. The meaning "innkeeper" is closest to correct interpretation the term "hosting" on the Internet, since it is understood that your WEB page is hosted on the computer of the Internet provider along with many other people's WEB pages.

Why is there a need for hosting? Suppose you have created website on your computer. Now the following question arises before you: how to place it in so that a certain user can access it at any time? Of course, you can make sure that anyone from the Internet can view this page directly from your computer. But this means that: firstly, your computer must be constantly working; secondly, it must be constantly connected to the Internet; thirdly, the connection to the Internet must be fast, because if several people immediately want to see your WEB page, then the speed of a regular telephone connection will not be enough. In addition, you will have to additionally install rather complicated software on your computer.

It is obvious that placing a site (hosting) on ​​the Internet on your personal computer is associated with great problems and costs. But there is a simple and inexpensive way to get rid of them. This is hosting.

Physical and virtual hosting

If your WEB site is small or medium (for example, 20-50 MB in size), then it does not require installation and use of a separate server (computer), the most effective and popular solution is the so-called virtual server when one server of the Internet provider (hosting provider) ensures the operation of several (hundreds and thousands) virtual WEB sites. This service is called virtual server hosting or simply virtual hosting. Virtual hosting provides access to your WEB site to any Internet user at any time from anywhere in the world via email address, which was previously registered by you (domain name).

If your initially small WEB site gradually develops into a large Internet project, and you want all the technical resources of the computer to be used only for it (so that there are no restrictions on the software and technologies you use), then you need a physical hosting. Physical hosting is the placement of your computer (server) on the territory of the telecommunications node (server) of the hosting provider, connecting the computer to the Internet and providing Maintenance from the provider.

Main differences physical hosting from virtual hosting are as follows: no restrictions on the software and technologies used (these restrictions are necessarily present when using shared hosting); use of the technical resources of the server only for your project (with virtual hosting, the resources are in common use by all virtual servers); when placing several of your Internet projects on your computer, it will be more convenient and even more profitable than virtual hosting.

Basic terms and concepts

Hosting provider (hoster)

This is a company that provides hosting services (site hosting).

Disk space size

This is the total size of all your information stored on servers, including the sizes of Log Files, mailboxes, and databases. To avoid additional disk space rental costs, we advise you to control the size of your site, delete access log files in a timely manner, and regularly collect e-mail from our servers.


This flow of information exchange between your site and other computers on the Internet is determined primarily by the bandwidth of our channels and the activity of your visitors. The advanced hardware base and high-speed communication channels allow us not to impose any restrictions on the amount of your monthly traffic.

Domain Name Service

Domain Name Service (DNS) maintains the domain name (address) of your site on the Internet and thus makes the site available to visitors. Any tariff plan provides support for one of your domains on the primary (Primary) and secondary (Secondary) DNS servers.

Cyrillic encoding

This is a feature that allows your site to automatically detect the Russian language encoding set in the browser and display Russian characters correctly. On the server, all HTML documents must be stored in Win-1251 encoding.

Call logs

Log Files, logs register all accesses to files and directories of your site. Access log files are stored in the logs folder and consist of error log files (error_log) and general access log files (access_log).

FTP protocol

The File Transfer Protocol allows you to change the contents of your site (set of files and directories) over the Internet.

Telnet and SSH protocols

Secure Shell allows you to work with your site through the standard operating system command line in remote terminal mode.

Virtual mail server

Takes all e-mail addressed to your domain, sorts it and sorts it into mailboxes. Mailboxes are used to restrict access to mail messages between users, and mailing addresses are used to sort messages. Typically, each user has one mailbox and one address. Email, while corporate mail can arrive in one mailbox at several addresses.

SSI Directives (Server Side Includes)

This is the technology of making HTML documents from several files or scripts combined into a single whole using a special language.

Files (.htaccess) and (.htpasswd)

Standard scripts

Available on the servers of the hosting provider, they allow you to use ready-made software solutions and libraries on the site to create mail forms, guest books, electronic conferences, hit counters, and the like.

Company Telecom Technologies LLC offers its customers the "Colocation" service. This is the storage of subscriber data in our data center in order to ensure 100% security and prevent unauthorized access.

Hundreds of offers from companies providing hosting services on real servers appear daily on the Internet. If you are a novice PC user, then sooner or later you will probably say: “how to get the right hosting?”.

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the two concepts of hosting in the physical sense and hosting in the virtual sense.

Physical hosting

Physical hosting is a physical service. Our company offers this kind of service - “Colocation”. We offer servers for rent because we know how difficult it is for large web resources to squeeze into the framework of shared hosting. Having a large attendance, such sites should be hosted on their own server.

The main advantage" Colocation» - unlimited possibilities and freedom to use. The client has the right to install any software he needs. This service eliminates the subscriber's dependence on the technical capabilities of the provider chosen by him. A minimum of prohibitions - a maximum of benefit. On a physical server, you can simultaneously keep as many resources as you need for the successful functioning of the site.

We offer our customers to install a server on our territory. Only in this way, the server belonging to the client will be able to get high-speed and uninterrupted access to the Internet. We guarantee reliability, stability and high quality of this service.

Tariffs for this service may vary depending on several factors: the configuration of the selected server and its size. The more units, the more expensive the service.

In addition to all of the above, we note the high reliability of "Colocation" servers based on Telecom Technologies LLC. In our premises with client equipment, a stable temperature is always maintained. Providers carefully monitor the work of client servers. Failures in this case can occur only in force majeure circumstances, from which, unfortunately, no one is insured.

Hosting in virtual concept. Server rental.

Under the concept " virtual hosting"means creation on a physical server virtual web server, various databases or any other necessary software for remote work. The indisputable advantage of such hosting is the cost. After all, one physical server can host dozens of websites or databases. At the same time, you do not need to take care of the state of the physical server, its software and settings.

To my virtual hosting(websites, databases, file storage) You will have access from anywhere in the world using the IP address provided by the hosting provider. All worries about server support (repair and configuration of equipment, software updates, permanent connection to the Internet channel) fall on the shoulders of the provider!

To ensure high traffic to the site, it is necessary that users have instant (as far as possible today) access to the site at any time. Solving this problem by using a conventional PC is not advisable, and in most cases it is practically impossible, since it requires high computer performance, the availability of special software, skills to work with it, high-speed Internet, and in general is quite expensive.

Services for hosting sites on the Internet are provided by specialized hosting companies (they are also called hosting providers or hosters). What is hosting? Hosting is a service for placing a website on the server of an Internet provider. Hosting is a very important and necessary step in creating a site, without which it is impossible to register a site in search engines.

Hosting types

According to the type of resources provided by the provider, virtual and physical hosting are distinguished.

By the type of services provided, there is free and paid virtual hosting.

Shared hosting

Shared hosting- this is such a service when many different sites are hosted on one server, that is, one site does not occupy the entire server, but only part of it in the form of virtual (disk) space.

With virtual hosting, access to sites can be carried out both by site name, when all sites on the server have a common IP address, and by IP address, when each site on the server has its own address, and the server has several physical or virtual interfaces .

Shared hosting is characterized by such indicators as the size of disk space, monthly traffic, the number of sites within one service, etc.

The advantages of virtual hosting are flexibility in server management, relatively low cost, etc.

Concept " physical hosting"involves hosting one site (or a group of sites) on a separate server - this service is called a dedicated server. A dedicated server is used to host complex sites that take up large amounts of memory.

With physical hosting, there are no restrictions on the hardware and software of the server, while all its technical resources will support only the project (projects) of one user.

This type of hosting is effective not only for hosting one large project on a dedicated server, but also for hosting several sites of one user (this is called a virtual dedicated server) - this will allow the user to take full control over all their sites. Physical hosting is an expensive service, but it has no practical limitations on the quantitative indicators (disk space, traffic) that are typical for shared hosting.

Physical hosting (collocation)

Special offer - valid for new customers who apply to connect the "Physical hosting" service

Equipment placement (collocation)

Physical server chassis type Installation cost, rub. Subscription fee for server hosting, rub. per month
Rack Mount 19"", 1U 1.2 0 480
Non-standard devices (MidiTower) 3 , per device 0 2900

1) U (unit) - height unit equal to 45mm; Pricing is for 1U device placement. Placement of additional servers - 1500 rubles. for every 1U.
2) The subscription fee includes the use of a power supply unit with a power of up to 350 watts. For hosting a server with a power supply unit with a power of more than 350 watts, an additional subscription fee of 500 rubles is charged. per month for every full / partial 100 watts;
3) In case of installation of a non-standard device with a case exceeding the dimensions of the MidiTower, an additional monthly fee will be charged.

Internet port connection, port speed 100 Mbps

Payment for server traffic

Name of service The cost of the service depending on the tariff plan, rub.
Standard Specialist
Monthly subscription fee for traffic 1 2190 4750
The amount of traffic included in the subscription fee, GB 2 5000 Not limited
Exceeding the traffic included in the subscription fee, per GB 0.70 -

Free services and services

  • Connection to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
  • Server room climate control system.
  • Security of the building where the server room of Vokkom Systems is located. System of protection against unauthorized access to the data center.
  • If necessary, a monitor, keyboard and mouse are provided for the client to work with the server.
  • Operator on duty on weekdays from 09.30 to 18.30; performing basic maintenance (for example, rebooting the server), as well as performing other simple operations at the request of the client in case of emergency.
  • Round-the-clock monitoring of the Internet channel.
  • Client access to his equipment is possible on weekdays from 10.00 to 18.00 by prior arrangement.