Suppositories from syphilis. Pills for syphilis: features of use, types of drugs, contraindications and side effects

Syphilis tablets are medicines for oral administration. This infectious disease is caused by pale treponema, which affects the mucous membranes, skin and organs. Infection occurs through microtrauma or during fetal development. Syphilis occurs in 4 stages, each of which has its own treatment regimens. It will take a long time to take the pills. Assign them immediately after confirming the diagnosis.

Currently, there are various drugs for the treatment of syphilis, which give results at any stage. First of all, these are antibiotics and iodine compounds. In the past, the tablets contained mercury, to which treponema is sensitive. Currently, such antisyphilis drugs are prohibited for use due to high toxicity.

Is oral medication effective?

Treatment of syphilis with tablets is carried out at any period of the disease. However, full recovery is possible only with its primary and secondary forms. To oral administration drugs pass with the appearance of destructive changes in muscle tissues after frequent injections. However, the tablets side effects from the side digestive system. With prolonged use, it is possible to develop ulcers, liver damage.

basis drug treatment syphilis are antibiotics penicillin series. Treponema pallidum has not developed resistance to them. In the form of tablets, auxiliary drugs are also used - immunostimulants, vitamins. In certain cases, before setting up an intramuscular injection, the same drug is taken orally.

Long-acting antibiotics may be used to treat syphilis on an outpatient basis. These effective drugs quickly destroy pale treponema, but may have side effects. In the presence of allergic reactions to penicillin, antibacterial agents of other pharmacological groups:

  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • streptomycins;
  • aminoglycosides.

Primary syphilis is easily treatable. Tablets in this case are taken for 3 months, after which complete recovery occurs. With advanced forms, the therapeutic course can last more than 2 years. By the time syphilis passes into the tertiary period, the infectious agent develops resistance to antibiotics. In this case, preparations of arsenic and bismuth are used.

The patient is considered healthy if there are no symptoms of syphilis and the tests give a negative result within 5 years after stopping the pills.

How medicines work

The mechanism of action of such drugs depends on the substances that make up their composition. Penicillin prevents the formation of the cell membrane of pale treponema. Betalactam substance reacts with bacterial proteins. This contributes to the activation of enzymes that contribute to the self-destruction of the bacterium.

Penicillin is not destroyed by exposure gastric juice. The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved 2 hours after taking the pill. The cure for syphilis gradually spreads to all tissues and biological environments of the body. Its concentration in the blood gradually decreases. Part active substance excreted by the kidneys unchanged within 6 hours after ingestion. The elimination period is extended in the presence of diseases of the excretory system.

Types of tablets

There are many medicines with which syphilis can be cured. Combining drugs of various pharmacological groups, the doctor makes the most effective schemes for the elimination of sexually transmitted diseases:

Application rules

Modern methods of treating syphilis involve an individual selection of drugs. This takes into account the stage of infection, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Tablets should be taken every 8 hours half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the results of its use in the first days. During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment regimens for secondary and tertiary syphilis include drugs from several pharmacological groups. This increases the effectiveness of therapy and speeds up the healing process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of drugs. Penicillins effective against proliferating bacteria should not be used in combination with bacteriostatics (aminoglycosides).

When interacting with anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs, antibiotics can be excreted from the body more slowly. Most of them reduce the effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives. Intravenous administration glucose while taking penicillin can provoke the development of allergic reactions.


Syphilis is a serious disease that is transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through everyday life. Several stages of the disease affect the skin, genitals, nervous system and bones.

But do not despair, medicine already knows the cure for syphilis and guarantees complete relief from it, subject to timely treatment to the hospital. As a rule, the course of treatment for this sexually transmitted disease lasts 2-4 weeks.

Syphilis can be:

  • congenital (develops in the fetus in the womb);
  • household (infection occurs from the use of common things);
  • sexual (occurs during sexual intercourse with an infected partner).

Important: a condom saves from HIV and from unnecessary pregnancy, but does not protect against syphilis!

A spiral-shaped bacterium called treponema pallidum is the causative agent of syphilis. It is so nondescript that it is difficult to see it even with a microscope, when the biological samples under study are stained with a special paint. This microbe is distinguished by a high rate of reproduction, and all methods of treating syphilis are built on the basis of this property of the bacterium.

Pale treponema dies by drying out, but in a humid environment it can live for a long time. Therefore, the danger of being infected lies not only in sexual intercourse, but also in household items - toothbrushes, towels, spoons, etc. This microorganism can exist only in a living organism. Once outside, he dies.

Important: the transmission of syphilis during blood transfusion is impossible: when blood is preserved, treponema dies, and donors are carefully examined.

The insidiousness of syphilis is the absence of any obvious manifestations of it at the initial stage. The presence of this venereal disease can show only specific tests. This is the greatest danger of the disease. However, in the event that the disease is identified, treatment can take place without difficulties and consequences.

Symptoms of syphilis

The incubation period after infection is 3-6 weeks. After it comes the stage of exacerbation lasting about 4 weeks. The symptoms of syphilis are as follows:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • ulcers appear, about 2 cm or less in size, in the place where the infection has penetrated;
  • red spots appear on the skin;
  • puffiness appears around the manifestations;
  • ulcers begin to secrete pus.

When acute stage passes, the disease "hides": specific discharge from the genital organs disappears, ulcers pass and scar, the skin becomes pale. The hidden phase is coming.

Injections for syphilis

Injections are given intramuscularly in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks and only rarely are they given intravenously. Most often, this venereal infection is treated with penicillin. This antibiotic- exactly this effective medicine against syphilis. After an intramuscular injection, the drug begins to act instantly, but it is almost as quickly excreted from the body - this is its minus. Treatment with penicillin lasts exactly 2 weeks, during which injections are made to the patient every 3 hours.

It is also possible to prescribe the drug Bicillin, which differs from penicillin in concentration active ingredients and composition. This is the most popular domestic drug today.

The frequency of injections is as follows:

  • Bicilin-1 - once a day;
  • Bicilin-3 - twice a day;
  • Bicillin-5 - two to three times a week.

Bicillin-1 does not accumulate in the body, so it is not prescribed by the short method. It cannot be used for:

  • syphilis that is over a year old;
  • pregnancy, in the second half;
  • congenital syphilis;
  • death of hair follicles (alopecia areata);
  • manifestation of whitish spots on the skin (leukoderma);
  • problems with hearing and vision (neurosyphilis).

If an infected patient is allergic to penicillins, then other drugs are prescribed to treat syphilis:

  • Tetracycline. It pricks twice a day. Prohibited for the treatment of children under 8 years of age, as well as kidney disease and poor hearing;
  • Ceftriaxone. The injections are given once a day. The drug is less effective compared to penicillin derivatives, but when it is prescribed, the patient may not be hospitalized;
  • Doxycycline. It is administered intramuscularly twice a day. During treatment, the patient should be in the sun as little as possible. This medicine from syphilis negatively affects the development of the skeletal system, so it is not recommended to inject children.

Treatment of syphilis: pills

As a rule, treatment with tablets is prescribed to people who have been in close contact with an infected person. Pills are also prescribed to patients who cannot be injected intramuscularly due to tissue hardening from frequent injections. Often, tablets are prescribed half an hour before the injection of a new drug.

Important: the maximum dose of tablets per day should not exceed 750 mg!

The most commonly used drugs in tablets are:

  • Rovamycin. The dose is determined by the doctor. Do not use for liver complications and during pregnancy. An overdose may manifest as vomiting or nausea.
  • Sumamed. Negatively affects the liver and kidneys. Treatment is carried out at an early stage of syphilis, often used as additional remedy to stronger drugs.
  • Cefotaxime. The dosage varies according to the stage of the sexually transmitted disease and the patient's response to the drug. Prohibited in case of allergy to penicillins.
  • Amoxicillin. Poorly effective compared to penicillin and its derivatives. It is forbidden to take together with antibacterial drugs.

How to treat syphilis in folk ways

You can use various herbs for the treatment of venereal disease only as an addition to the main medicines.

Important: the treatment of syphilis is exclusively folk remedies ineffective and fatal!

Before treating syphilis with medicinal herbal infusions, you should definitely consult a doctor who will tell you whether such treatment will help you or, on the contrary, will be harmful.

Homeopathy in the fight against syphilis

When wondering what drugs to treat syphilis, many people turn to homeopathy. Homeopathic pills in the fight against sexually transmitted infections were used three centuries ago. The principle of action of such treatment is simple: "spurring" immune system, which should give a "strike back" to a substance that causes symptoms of treponema in a healthy person.

As a rule, preparations are used for this purpose, which include iodine or mercury in a small amount. The patient takes medication in turn: a week with iodine, a week with mercury.

The active substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100. Many doctors argue that such a small dosage can bring neither benefit nor harm to the patient.


It is impossible to treat syphilis in the same way because of the variety of its stages and forms. Therefore, the effectiveness of treating an infected person directly depends on the scheme chosen by the doctor. Moreover, the doctor almost never “copies” the scheme, always taking into account a lot of circumstances that affect the speed and quality of treatment.

Important: you can not treat syphilis on your own, even relying on the scheme!

Turning to the doctor, the patient receives an individual scheme according to which he will be treated and which is based on the following conditions:

  • tolerance to certain drugs;
  • forms and stages of syphilis;
  • features of the patient's life;
  • how old is the patient;
  • what diseases (including chronic ones) the examined person has;
  • What is the physical and mental state of the patient?

Scheme No1: preventive treatment

Bicillin-1 - 2 injections of 2 million 400 thousand units. It is used if syphilis has not responded to treatment according to the ultrashort regimen.

Scheme No2: ultrashort

Benzathinepenicillin G or Retarpen - one time in the amount of 2 million 400 thousand units. It is effective only within 24 hours after acquiring the infection. This scheme is the treatment of syphilis with one injection. It is used without even waiting for the results of the tests, relying only on the patient's story about the "dangerous" sexual intercourse. It should be noted that many doctors are skeptical about this “one-shot” procedure, arguing that such a “trick” does not work today.

Scheme No3: specific treatment

Bicillin-1 or Retarpen, or Benzathinepenicillin G - 6 injections of 2 million 400 thousand units. It is effective in early latent syphilis, as well as in secondary recurrent. With primary and secondary "fresh" syphilis, the same drugs are injected, with the same dosage, only 5 times a day.

Scheme No4: a trial course of treatment

Potassium or sodium salt penicillin - every 3 hours, 8 times a day, for two weeks. The dosage of one injection intramuscularly is 400 thousand units. If such treatment brings a positive result, then there is syphilis in the body. Additional examinations are carried out and other, stronger, treatment regimens are prescribed.

Scheme No5: prevention during pregnancy

Bicillin-1 - twice a week, 1 million 200 thousand units. Only 7 injections.

How to treat old syphilis

Short-acting penicillin preparations are recommended for the treatment of chronic (late) syphilis due to their effective penetration even into hard-to-reach foci of infection. This property is especially valuable if the treponema has affected the central nervous system and the drug needs to be deeply absorbed into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment for late syphilis is intravenous injections of penicillin for 2-3 weeks. Daily dose: 24 million units. In parallel with it, probenecid is injected 4 times a day at a dose of 1-2 million units. In case of inefficiency this method, penicillin is replaced by ceftriaxone: 2 weeks 1 gram per day intramuscularly.

In cases where a person is affected optic nerve, treatment begins with taking vitamins B12 and B6 (intramuscularly), retinol (drops, oil solution or drops), as well as nicotinic and ascorbic acids. After the “platform” prepared for the eyes, treatment with penicillin begins according to the above scheme.

Important: syphilis, which was treated with penicillin according to the scheme chosen correctly, disappears forever!

It should be noted that if dangerous microbes have given complications (syphilis of the heart muscle, stomach, neurosyphilis, etc.), then the usual injections of antibiotics are of no benefit. In this case, doctors transfer the patient to endolymphatic administration of drugs. surgeons open lymphatic vessel on the back of the foot and injected into it, as into a regular vein, an antibiotic. The advantage of this method is the direct "delivery" of penicillin to the lesions: nerve endings, bones, joints, etc.

Scheme of endolymphatic treatment of syphilis

  • 7 injections per day for primary syphilis;
  • 12 injections in two days for secondary fresh syphilis;
  • 12 injections in two days for early latent syphilis plus 5 days, every 4 hours, the antibiotic is injected intramuscularly.

After such a course, patients are prescribed intramuscularly 4.5 million Bicillin-5. For weakened patients, thymalin is additionally administered to enhance immunity.

No matter how syphilis is treated, the process is invariably accompanied by bismuth preparations: bismoverol or biyoquinol, as well as iodine-containing drugs that dissolve syphilitic bumps and speed up the metabolism in the body.


Properly selected drugs and strict adherence to all the recommendations of doctors, makes it possible to recover from syphilis forever.

The main thing is not to self-medicate and take the treatment process seriously.

The condition for the recovery of patients is an early and skillfully carried out, strictly individual treatment, taking into account the tolerability of drugs. A combination of specific and non-specific therapy is advisable, in addition, stimulating therapy is used. One of the oldest antisyphilitic drugs are mercury preparations, the methods of treatment of which were described by Fracastoro in the 16th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, iodine preparations began to be used to treat syphilis, in the 20th century - arsenic and bismuth.

Currently, antibiotics, bismuth and iodine preparations are mainly used.

Preparations of the penicillin group. Benzylpecillin, oxacillin, doxacillin, ampicillin, carbenicillin. These drugs are well absorbed into the blood, quickly excreted. Therefore, in order to constantly maintain the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood, the drug is administered intramuscularly every 3 hours. Long-acting penicillin preparations are used: bicillin - a single dose in adults of 1200000 IU is administered for 6 days. A single dose of bicillin-1 is injected in half the amount separately into both buttocks as a suspension in a sterile dose or saline.

Bicillin - injected 100,000 units 1 time in 3-4 days. Bicillin-5 is administered at 3,000,000 IU once every 5 days.

30 minutes before the first injection, the administration is prescribed antihistamines(diphenhydramine, diazolin, suprastin, tavegil, pipolfen).

Erythromycin 0.5 g 4 times a day half an hour before taking or 1-1.5 hours after eating. The total dose of the drug is determined by the doctor.

Tetracyclines should be taken with meals or after meals, 0.5 g 4 times. Long-acting tetracyclines include doxacillin, which is taken depending on the stage of the disease.

Olethetrin 0.5 g 4 times a day. The total dose is set by the doctor.

Patients with syphilis are not prescribed all of the above antibiotics, those that are suitable for this patient are selected, taking into account their tolerability and individuality. Antibiotics should not be used in patients with syphilis bronchial asthma, hives, hay fever and other allergic conditions.

Bicillin should not be prescribed to patients with hypertension, who had a myocardial infarction, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the endocrine glands, hematopoietic system, tuberculosis. It is not recommended for debilitated patients, persons over 55 years of age and children to use a single dose of more than 1200000 IU. I would like to describe in more detail the new generation of antibiotics and antiseptics.

Doxilan blocks protein synthesis in cells of sensitive microbes. Applied inside. Adults and children weighing more than 50 kg on the first day 200 mg in 1-2 doses, then 100-200 mg per day. At least 10 days.

Muramistin- antiseptic. Increases the permeability of the cell membrane of microorganisms and leads to cytolysis. In addition, it also affects fungi, stimulates a nonspecific immune response. It is applied topically, for individual prophylaxis by injection into the urethra of 2-5 ml of a solution 2-3 times; on the day after sexual contact, it is necessary to urinate, wash hands and genitals and treat the skin of the pubis, thighs, and external genital organs with a stream of solution. After insertion into the urethra, do not urinate for 2 hours. Women additionally, in addition to the urethra, are injected into the vagina up to 5-10 ml.

Retarpen- an antibacterial agent. Blocks the synthesis of the cell membrane of microbes, causing their death. It is used intramuscularly, for children under 12 years old - 1.2 million IU every 2-4 weeks, for adults - 2.4 million IU once a week. With primary seropositive and secondary fresh syphilis - 2.4 million IU twice, with an interval of 1 week. In secondary recurrent and latent early syphilis, the first injection is made at a dose of 4.8 million IU (2.4 million IU in each buttock), the second and third injections are 2.4 million IU each with an interval of 1 week, newborns and younger children age - 1.2 million IU.

Rovamycin- macrolide antibiotic. Stops protein synthesis. For adults, the daily dose for oral administration is 6-9 million IU, for children weighing more than 20 kg - 1.5 million IU / 10 kg per day for 2-3 doses. Children weighing up to 10 kg - 2-4 bags of granules of 0.375 million IU per day, 1-20 kg - 2-4 bags of 0.75 million IU, more than 20 kg - 2-4 bags of 1.5 million IU. Assign intravenously only to adults. The contents of the vial are dissolved in 4 ml of water for injection and administered within 1 hour in 100 ml of 5% glucose.

Cefobid- 3rd generation cephalosporins. It is used intramuscularly, intravenously. Adults - 2-4 g / day, children - 50-200 mg / kg of body weight, the dose is administered in 2 divided doses (12 hours later). Adults during treatment should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Cefrivid. Intramuscularly (dissolved in 2-2.5 ml of water for injection or 0.25-0.5% procaine solution), intravenously drip (in 5% glucose solution, 0.9% NaCe solution). Assign 1 g - 2-4 times a day for 7-10 days. The maximum dose is 6 g. Children 20-40 mg / kg, in severe infections - up to 100 mg / kg per day.

Cefotaxime. Intravenously, intramuscularly, 1-2 g 2 times a day (maximum daily dose - 12 g), newborns and children - 0.005-0.1 g / p per day.

Extencillin intramuscularly deeply, dissolving the powder in water for injection. For the treatment of syphilis - every 8 days, 2400000 units. Injections are repeated 2-3 times.

Unidox Solutab. It blocks ribosomal polymerase and inhibits protein synthesis in microorganisms. It is used orally, during meals, the tablet can be swallowed whole or diluted in water as a syrup (in 20 ml) or suspension (in 100 ml).

Adults and children weighing less than 50 kg start with 200 mg on the first day in one or two doses, then 100 mg once daily for 10 days in severe cases - up to 300 mg. Children over 8 years of age weighing less than 50 kg - on the first day at the rate of 4 mg / kg in one dose, then - 2 mg / kg once daily. In severe cases - up to 4 mg / kg per day during the entire course of treatment.

Can not be combined with penicillin and cephalosporins and agents containing metals (antacids, iron-containing drugs), due to their ability to bind tetracyclines with the formation of inactive chelites.

For patients with impaired skin function, a reduced dose is used. When introduced into the body, the drug is carried by the blood stream, deposited and retained for a long time in the internal organs, causing irritation of their neuroreceptor zones.

The most popular drug is biyoquinol. Before use, it must be heated and shaken. Enter at the rate of 1 ml for 1 day, for 3 days. The course is 40-50 ml in/in and/m.

Bismoverol- a combined preparation of bismuth. Apply 1 ml every other day in / m. Heading dose - 16-20 ml. After bismuth preparations, complications are possible: the presence of bismuth anemine, nephropathy, stomatitis, anemia, jaundice.

Iodine preparations are more commonly used in the form of potassium iodide; sodium - 2-3 tbsp. l. after eating with milk.

Iodine tincture is used in increasing doses - from 50 to 60 drops in milk 3 times a day after meals. Lugol's solution is rare.

Sayodin- 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. The tablets must be chewed before taking.


Nonspecific therapy of patients with syphilis

In addition to the above specific drugs, patients are prescribed and non-specific treatment. This applies to patients with latent, late forms of the disease (neuroviscerosyphilis, congenital syphilis). Nonspecific therapy is prescribed for patients with infectious forms of syphilis.

Such methods include pyrotherapy, vitamin therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, injections of biogenic stimulants (aloe extract, placenta, vitreous body), immunomodulators (levamisole, diucioron, methyluracil, pyrroxan).

pyrotherapy- a method that enhances heat production, improves blood and lymph circulation in the affected organs and tissues, enhances phagocytosis.

Pyrogenal- in / m, the initial dose is up to 50-100 MPD, then it is increased. Enter every 2-3 days, 10-15 injections. Body temperature after administration rises after 1-2 hours, lasts up to 10-15 hours.

Prodigiosan. The dose is selected individually, administered 2 times a week, in increasing doses from 25 counts / kg.

Sulfosin- injected intramuscularly, from 0.5-2 ml adding 2 ml to 7-8 ml.

Immunotherapy. It is prescribed for patients with a malignant course of the disease, with latent forms of syphilis, the presence of concomitant pathology. Biogenic stimulants: aloe extract, placenta, vitreous body. Assign s / c 1.0 for 15-20 days.

Levamisole. Assign cycles of 150 mg for 3 days with weekly breaks, only 2-3 cycles.

Methyluracil- 0.5 g 4 times a day for 2 weeks, then after a 5-7-day break, the reception is repeated.

diucifon 0.1 g 3 times a day for 6 days. Assign 2-3 cycles. You can enter in / in 0.4 ml every other day.

Pyrroxane- detoxifying agent 0.0015 × 3 times in a 10-day cycle. Vitamins C, group B are required as an antisyphilitic treatment for pregnant women and children.

Other non-specific drugs are also prescribed: potassium orotate, pantocrine, eleutherococcus extract. External therapy in the presence of highly effective methods is not advisable. It is used only in certain cases.

Local treatment reduced to the hygienic maintenance of the affected areas. If the patient has ulcerative chancres with an infiltrate at the base, warm baths, lotions with a solution of benzylpenicillin in dimexide, application of Acemin ointments, yellow, mercury, heparin can be prescribed. To accelerate the regeneration of weeping papules on the genitals and about anus- powders from the imposition in half with talc, ointments with antibiotics, with long-term non-healing gummoid ulcers, 3-5 are prescribed - 10% mercury and mercury-bismuth ointments, 1-3% erythromycin, 5% levorin, 5-10 % synthomycin, mercury plaster, local baths.

In the presence of rashes in the oral cavity - rinsing from solutions of furacillin (1: 10000), 2% boric acid or 2% gramicidin.

In people retirement age or with varicose veins, the gums on the legs are leaking, torpid. Assign dressings with powdered sugar or for several weeks a bandage with zinc-gelatin ointment according to Keifer. Personal hygiene is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

For men (after intercourse):

  1. The visitor washes his hands, urinates, and washes the penis, scrotum, thighs, and perineum with warm water and soap.
  2. Wiping the same places with a cotton swab moistened with a 1:1000 sublimate solution.
  3. A 2-3% solution of protargol is injected into the urethra using an eye dropper; 0.05% solution of gibitan, do not urinate for 2-3 hours.

For women:

  1. The visitor washes her hands, urinates, washes her genitals, thighs, and perineum with warm water and soap.
  2. Treatment of the same organs with a mercuric chloride solution 1:1000.
  3. Douching of the vagina with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:6000) with the introduction of a 1-2% silver preparation into the urethra. Lubrication of the cervix, vaginal mucosa with the same solution. You can enter a 0.05% aqueous solution of gibitan.

Personal prophylaxis can be carried out independently by a person who is afraid of contracting venereal diseases as a result of casual sexual intercourse. We must not forget about ordinary condoms. And if it is not possible to perform the above preventive measures, it is recommended to douche with a strong saline solution genitals, urethra and vagina in women.

Pills for syphilis are prescribed to patients only after complete examination and making a diagnosis. The disease develops as a result of the ingestion of a pathogenic pathogen - pale treponema, which affects not only the mucous membranes, but also the skin, bones, joints, and nervous system. Syphilis is treated with antibiotics.

The best remedy for syphilis

The treatment of syphilis takes long time in case of untimely detected infection of the patient.

If antibodies to pathogenic microorganisms are detected in the blood and the patient has symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, the doctor prescribes medications. There are currently many effective medications, allowing to cope with the infection and prevent the development of possible complications.

Medicines and pills for syphilis are prescribed at any of its stages. The basis of treatment is antibiotics and preparations containing iodine and bismuth. In the past, physicians have prescribed mercury-based products to patients, to which pathogens are highly sensitive. Such medicines were highly toxic and resulted in more than half of the deaths caused by intoxication.

Currently, patients are prescribed an effective medicinal product- penicillin. It shows high efficiency in relation to pale treponema. Doctors prescribe the medicine in tablet form at the initial and secondary stages of the disease. In the third phase, patients are injected with penicillin or its derivatives. When severe violations of the tissues of the gluteal muscles appear from injections, it is recommended to take pills.

The following drugs are most effective:

  1. Penicillins: retarpen, bicillin, extencillin. These antibacterial agents are able to suppress the activity of spirochetes in a short time, but in some patients they cause allergies and other side effects.
  2. Macrolides and fluoroquinolones: clarithromycin, erythromycin, ofloxacin. They are prescribed when a patient has an individual intolerance to medicines from the penicillin group.

Primary syphilis is susceptible drug therapy much easier compared to the tertiary and advanced forms of the disease. Treatment of the early stage takes three months, after which patients fully recover. In the late phase of syphilis, pale treponema acquires a pronounced resistance to drugs. In such cases, doctors use a stronger medication containing derivatives of arsenic, bismuth.

Necessary examinations before prescribing the drug

An external examination and the presence of symptoms of syphilis alone are not enough to make a diagnosis and conduct drug therapy. When pale treponema is detected using non-specific tests, a number of treponemal tests are performed, which have a higher sensitivity.

The use of several methods during the diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease is necessary to exclude false positive results that are possible with certain chronic pathologies, pregnancy.

Latent syphilis also requires diagnosis using specific test systems (RIF, ELISA, RPGA).

With the presence of clear signs of syphilis, the presence of hard chancres and ulcerative formations in patients, an additional examination is performed:

  • biopsy lymph nodes in the presence of foci of inflammation;
  • analysis of cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal canal with signs of dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • scraping upon detection of skin rashes;
  • electrocardiogram and radiography when the patient has changes in the cardiovascular, skeletal systems, joints.

Consultation with other specialists is appointed if violations of work are detected internal organs and the presence of signs of damage to their pathogenic microorganisms.

Syphilis treatment regimens and dosage

Preparations for the treatment of syphilis are selected depending on the form of the disease, the existing pathologies and intolerance to a particular medication.

Syphilis pills for men

Treatment of syphilis in men is carried out by the following drugs:

  1. Tetracycline group: doxycycline (0.3 g per day for 10 days), tetracycline (0.25-0.5 g every 6 hours), vibramycin (0.2 g once with a weight of more than 50 kg, with a lower body weight of 4 mg per kg once, then 2 mg per kg), minoleksin (no more than 0.4 g per day).
  2. Penicillins: phenoxymethylpenicillin (the dose is selected individually), V-penicillin (0.5 g twice a day for 7 days).
  3. Macrolides: rovamycin (2 tablets of 3 million units), vilprafen (0.5 g three times a day), erythromycin (0.25-0.5 g every 6 hours).

After the end of treatment with antibacterial drugs, the patient is prescribed drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system, as well as multivitamins. When signs of chronic fatigue appear, the patient is prescribed a course of adaptogens.

Preparations for women

Therapy infectious disease caused by spirochetes in women is carried out by the following drugs:

  • monoclin (up to 2 tablets per day);
  • spiramycin (three times a day, 6 million units);
  • doxycycline (0.3 g for 10 days);
  • erythromycin (0.25 g groove at 6 o'clock).

Depending on the degree of tolerance antibacterial drugs dosages may vary. If necessary, the drug is changed to another, similar in action.

At the end of the antibacterial course, doctors recommend drinking products containing beneficial bacteria. Probiotics not only help to restore the intestinal microflora, but also strengthen the immune system. Linex, bifiform, bifidumbacterin are highly effective.

During pregnancy

When syphilis is detected in women expecting a baby, doctors prescribe an effective antibiotic from the penicillin group. The drug is prescribed under the condition of normal tolerance of the active substance and the absence of allergic reaction. In case of intolerance to penicillin, the following scheme is prescribed for pregnant women:

  1. Erythromycin 0.5 g 2-3 times a day for two weeks in case of detection of syphilis in latent, primary or secondary forms.
  2. Erythromycin 0.5 g 4 times a day for 15 days in the late stages of a sexually transmitted disease, neurosyphilis.

After treatment with antibacterial drugs, women undergo non-specific blood tests once a month before delivery. The child, whether or not he has a symptom of infection, is treated with benzathine penicillin (injection of 50,000 units per kg). With the primary diagnosis of syphilis after the first year of the baby's life and the absence of infection, treatment is not carried out.

If a doctor suspects the presence of pale treponema in the child's body, a two-week therapy with drugs from the penicillin group is prescribed.

If the mother is infected, after carrying out preventive measures, the baby's blood is regularly taken for serological control. Preventive examinations are carried out throughout the year. When diagnosing a late congenital form of syphilis, a child is prescribed drugs from the penicillin group and drugs containing bismuth. If symptoms of intolerance to these medications appear, therapy with oxacillin, erythromycin, ampicillin is performed. After the use of antibacterial agents, a course of nystatin and antihistamines is prescribed.

Injections for syphilis

When a treponemal infection is detected at the secondary and tertiary stages, doctors prescribe injections that are carried out intramuscularly in the upper outer zone of the buttocks. Intravenous injection is extremely rare. The advantage of injections is a quick action with minimal impact on the digestive tract. Drugs administered intramuscularly are quickly excreted from the body.

Therapy with penicillin is carried out for 14 days. Injections are given to the patient every 3-4 hours. The treatment regimen includes the use of:

  • bicillin - 1 time per day;
  • bicillin-2 twice a day;
  • bicillin-5 three times a week.

The accumulation of the drug bicillin-1 in the body does not occur. It is not prescribed for secondary and tertiary forms of syphilis, pregnancy, the congenital form of the disease, the presence of signs of the death of hair follicles, the appearance of whitish spots on skin, suspicion of impaired vision and hearing associated with exposure to infection.

With the development of allergic reactions to penicillin preparations, the patient is prescribed other antibacterial agents:

  1. Tetracyclines. The injections are given twice a day. The drug is not used for violations of the kidneys, hearing aid, in the treatment of children under 7 years of age.
  2. Doxycycline. It is administered intramuscularly twice a day. In this case, the patient should not stay for a long time under the direct rays of the sun. In childhood, doxycycline is not recommended for use in children due to the negative impact on the skeletal system.
  3. Ceftriaxone. The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day. With treponemal infection, it is less effective than penicillin antibiotics. In the implementation of drug therapy, the patient is allowed not to be hospitalized.

If there are signs of a fungal infection, which often develops after antibiotic treatment, patients are prescribed nystatin. The appearance of an allergic reaction requires the use of an antihistamine.

Any deterioration in the patient's condition during treatment with antibacterial drugs requires immediate contact with a venereologist or general practitioner.

The cost of medicines against syphilis

The average price for antibacterial drugs is shown in the table.

Name Cost, $

tablet form 0.25 g 20 pcs

solution 0.1 g 1 vial

0.1 g 50 vials

Tetracycline tablets 0.1 g 20 pcs 0,8

solution 1.0 1 ampoule

1.0 50 ampoules

1.0 10 ampoules

0.5 50 ampoules


capsules 0.1 g 10 pcs

vial 0.1 g 5 pcs


capsules 0.1 g 10 pcs

Vilprafen 0.5 g 10 tablets 10,5
V-penicillin 0.5 mg 30 pcs 15,8

capsules 0.1 g 20 pcs


tablets 3 million IU 10 pcs

1.5 million IU 16 pcs

Spiramycin 3 million IU 10 pcs 3,7
Unidox Solutab

tablets 0.1 g 10 pcs

Phenoxymethylpenicillin 0.25 g 10 tablets 0,4

Certain types of antibiotics require a prescription from a doctor.

Tablets for prevention

For preventive purposes, drugs against treponemal infection are not prescribed by doctors due to a large number possible side effects. Treatment of syphilis is carried out in most cases with antibacterial agents, which, with prolonged use, can be addictive and reduce the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms.

The basis for the prevention of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases is barrier contraception. Using a condom every time you have sex prevents you from getting pathogenic bacteria to a healthy partner.

Promiscuous sexual intercourse increases the risk of infection with pale treponema.

For preventive purposes, doctors recommend the use of drugs that have antiseptic and antibacterial effects (chlorhexidine, miramistin). The treatment of the genital organs must be carried out within the first two hours after sexual intercourse. During this period, pathogenic microorganisms are located only on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes and do not penetrate into the deeper layers.

Venereologists advise regular screening for syphilis, which includes non-specific tests. If a person is infected with pale treponema, the rest of the family must be diagnosed without fail. A course of drugs is prescribed only after the detection of the pathogen. To prevent infection healthy people the patient needs to use only personal hygiene items: brush, towel, washcloth, underwear. Cutlery for the patient should be allocated separately.

To prevent the development of congenital forms of syphilis, expectant mothers should undergo examinations before conception. If pathogenic bacteria are detected, treatment should be carried out immediately. During infection, a pregnant woman is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs, and after childbirth, for preventive purposes, drugs are administered to the child once.

Syphilis - serious illness requiring immediate treatment after a treponemal infection is detected. Tablet forms of drugs are prescribed for early stages. Oral administration convenient for patients and does not require hospitalization. With advanced syphilis and the development of complications from the digestive system, injections are prescribed to patients. If there are signs of intolerance to the tablets, you should consult a doctor.