Scabies is the way of infection. Forewarned is forearmed or how the scabies mite spreads

There are also frequent cases of erroneous diagnosis, which is explained by the low level of laboratory tests, improper sampling of material for laboratory testing, unwillingness medical workers carry out anti-epidemic measures. In these cases, the symptoms of scabies are intentional or due to lack of practical experience interpreted as allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, multiple insect bites, etc.

In these itch passages, which are filled with a secret secreted by the sweat glands, favorable conditions for the existence of mites. Dry passages are inhabited by females that have already lost the ability to fertilize and have ended their functioning. Here they are stored until the scabies passage is filled with regenerating epithelial cells.

The moves persist for about 1.5 months and are the main source of infection. In them, the female lays oval eggs, from which the larvae then emerge ( reproductive cycle development). The larva penetrates the skin and hair follicles along the scabies and undergoes molting. Its final transformation through a series of stages of development to a sexually mature male or female (metamorphic cycle of development) occurs mainly in the formed papules and vesicles (vesicles), partly in thin passages and on the skin surface, which is not externally changed.

General epidemiological characteristics of scabies

Healthy people in most cases (95%) are infected directly, that is, directly from patients. How is scabies transmitted? This happens with direct close bodily contact. Half of these cases is sexual contact. Much less often, due to the low resistance of the tick to environmental conditions, infection occurs indirectly, in particular, in the household way. This is especially possible with insufficient observance of the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary regime - in baths, swimming pools, gyms, hostels and hotels, trains, when using common writing and bedding, towels, washcloths, etc.

Despite the fact that this disease is more common in young adults, who are mainly the source of the pathogen, the main reservoir of infection are people of low social level, without certain occupations and places of residence, and especially the elderly who live in boarding houses for the elderly and the disabled. In the latter case, this is mainly due to insufficient familiarity of the personnel of these institutions with what scabies looks like, with a lack of understanding of the importance of proper and high-quality treatment, and a lack of knowledge about how to prevent the spread of infection.

In epidemiology, there is the term "center" of infection, which is understood as the combination of the source of infection (a sick person) and the presence of conditions for the transmission of infection (pathogen). In the presence of one patient, we are talking about a potential focus of infection, two or more patients - about irradiating, or acting. Depending on the grouping of people and the possibility of their contact infection associated with lifestyle, 3 population levels are distinguished:

A significant increase in the incidence of scabies is observed during periods of deterioration in the social well-being of the majority or large limited contingents of the population, local wars, during forced mass migration of people, during natural disasters (floods, earthquakes) and man-made disasters. In addition, alcoholism and drug addiction contribute to the increase in the number of people with social disadaptation, around which foci of infection that cannot be controlled are formed, and the expansion of foci of morbidity.

How scabies manifests itself

Clinical symptoms of scabies and its severity are due to:

After infection with tick larvae incubation period averages 14 days, during which they develop to sexually mature individuals. It is practically absent in cases of infection by females, since the latter almost immediately take root, gnaw through passages and lay eggs in them.


The first signs of scabies are itching and scabies, taking into account their specific localization. Itching can be constant throughout the day. It can be in separate areas or spread to the whole body, excluding the skin of the scalp and face. Most often, its increase is noted in the evening and at night. important diagnostic factor is the presence of itching in members of the same team or family members.

Often it becomes painful, which leads to sleep disturbances and disorders of the general neuropsychic state of the infected. The degree of itching intensity largely depends on:

  • the initial neuropsychic state of the patient;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • taking medicines;
  • the presence of dyshidrosis, epidermophytosis of the feet and other factors.

By counting the number of itch moves, the number of which is 28 on average 2 months after infection, it was found that about 4.5% of female ticks survive until the moment of reproduction. Itching is the main factor that maintains a certain number of ticks in the human body at the level necessary for its survival.

With the constant use of drugs that reduce the severity of itching (desensitizing and antihistamines for outdoor and internal use, ointments and creams containing glucocorticosteroids), which are prescribed by doctors due to diagnostic error or are used by patients as self-treatment, contributes to a rapid pronounced increase in the number of moves (up to 75), and hence an increase in the number of individuals.

Scabies moves

Another specific, most characteristic, early and reliable symptom of scabies. At the same time, their absence in the presence of itching and skin rashes does not rule out the possibility of disease.

Scabies looks like a straight or curved line about 0.5-0.7 cm long, whitish or grayish-dirty in color, slightly rising above the level of the skin surface. With the development of the reaction of the skin tissue under its walls, cavity elements are formed in the form of individual or chains of vesicles (vesicles) and blisters or papules of a lenticular (disc-like) shape. It depends on the area of ​​localization and is more common in childhood.

Characteristic itch moves

There are several options for scabies. The classification is based on an analysis of scabies, that is, a study of the contents of the moves, and skin morphological elements that accompany the scabies. The following groups are distinguished:

  • skin structure;
  • the speed of exfoliation and restoration of epithelial cells;
  • skin hygrothermal resistance, that is, its ability to maintain its properties, including strength, under conditions of a certain humidity and temperature.

In accordance with these characteristics, the predominant localization of scabies, which manifests itself in the initial stage of scabies, are areas of the body with the most pronounced thickness of the stratum corneum and minimal hairline. This is the skin in the area of ​​​​the hands (in 96% of patients), the extensor surface in the area elbow joints, skin of the feet and external male genital organs ( foreskin penis, scrotum).

Somewhat later, as the process spreads, the skin between the fingers and on their lateral surface, the anterior surface of the wrist and elbow joints, the anterior and lateral surfaces of the abdomen, the armpits and areola in women are affected.

In these zones, there is a lower skin temperature (by 2-5 °), compared with other areas. In areas of the body with thinner skin, for example, on the face and back, scabies are much less common - mainly with advanced, long-term disease.

Less constant and less significant symptoms of scabies are manifested by:

  • polymorphism of skin rashes in areas not associated with scabies;
  • a slight elevation of the itch passage above the skin surface, determined by palpation (Cesari's symptom);
  • pustules (vesicles with purulent contents) and pustular crusts on the skin of the extensor surfaces of the elbow joints and around them (Ardy's symptom);
  • bloody crusts in the same areas (Gorchakov's symptom);
  • superficial pustular rashes and bloody crusts located in the fold between the buttocks and passing to the skin of the sacral zone (Michaelis symptom).

Postscabious lymphoplasia

With a significant spread of the process throughout the body in 50% of patients under scabies on the skin of the trunk, axillary regions, anterior abdominal wall, buttocks and male genital organs, in the area of ​​​​the elbow joints, mammary glands (less often) there is the formation of rashes in the form of papules of a lenticular (disc-shaped) nature, accompanied by excruciating itching, which are called postscabious lymphoplasia.

Postscabious lymphoplasia, which is sometimes distinguished as a separate type of the course of the disease, is associated with a large number of mites and eggs in the passages. The number of the latter increases by almost 2 times. Mortality of embryos and larvae ready to emerge from the egg increases sharply. As a rule, the accumulated excrement and the shells of empty eggs "clog" the clearance of the passages.

Even an adequately conducted full-fledged course of treatment of scabies with anti-scabious agents does little to reverse the development of post-scabious lymphoplasia. The localization zone does not affect the duration of the existence of these papules. At the same time, the duration of their development and resolution is in direct proportion to their number. After scraping the scabies, the resolution of the papules occurs relatively quickly.

How to recognize re-infection (reinvasion)?

Re-infection contributes to the occurrence of lymphoplasia in previous places, but without (!) scabies. This criterion has great importance in cases where differential diagnosis between primary infection and reinvasion.

Vesicles and papules

Changes in skin areas not associated with scabies are very diverse. Traces of scratching, vesicular and papular elements, bloody crusts appear on them. Immature forms of the tick in the form of larvae or nymphs are found on average in only 30% of these papules and vesicles in a laboratory study and are their cause. In other cases, these skin morphological elements arise as a result of a general allergic reaction of the body that develops to the waste products of the tick, which are antigens.

Vesicles are characterized by their small size (no more than 3 mm in diameter), the absence of inflammation and isolated location. They are more often found close to the passages in the area of ​​the hands and feet, less often the wrists.

Papules are localized mainly in the area of ​​hair follicles of the skin of the flexor surfaces of the arms, buttocks, anterior and inner thighs, anterolateral surface chest and belly. They are also small - no more than 2 mm in diameter. On the surface of these papules, a small vesicle can often be located.

Types of scabies

There are several main clinical variants of scabies:

  1. Typical.
  2. Without scabies.
  3. "Incognita".
  4. Norwegian.

typical scabies

It is the predominant variant in case of infestation by female ticks after they have been fertilized. As a rule, typical scabies is detected as a result of examination of persons who have been in close contact (usually in bed) with a sick person. It is characterized by all the above skin lesions in the form of severe itching, scratching and blood crusts, as well as the symptoms that accompany life cycle ticks in the reproductive phase ( different kinds scabies) and in the metamorphic phase, manifested by vesicles and follicular papules localized in characteristic zones.

Scabies without scabies

This species is quite rare, and with an active preventive examination of persons in contact with a sick person. The disease among them develops in case of infection with larvae during a two-week incubation period. This period is limited by the duration of the course of the disease without the appearance of scabies. Clinical symptoms are characterized by the absence of passages in the presence of multiple isolated or paired vesicles and papules on the skin of the trunk, on the fingers, mainly on their lateral surfaces, in the folds of the skin between the fingers and on the skin of the buttocks.

Scabies "incognito"

This variant of the disease is also called "clean scabies." It occurs only among people who often take water procedures at home or in connection with the specifics of their profession (workers in shops with hot working conditions and dustiness, athletes, agricultural workers, etc.). The consequence of this is the mechanical removal from the body of most of the individuals of the tick population. Clinically, the disease is similar to typical scabies with minimal symptoms. Single passages are always whitish in color, and most of the papules in the region of the hair follicles are located mainly on the body along the front surface.

Norwegian (crustous, crusty) scabies

It is extremely rare. In modern scientific literature, only 150 patients with this disease are reported. It was first described in patients suffering from leprosy. The background on which the disease usually develops:

  • immunodeficiency or immunosuppressive conditions, such as HIV-infected or AIDS patients, long-term treatment cytostatic and hormonal drugs etc.;
  • anomalies of keratinization of the epithelium;
  • Down's disease, infantilism, senile dementia;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune connective tissue diseases (dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, etc.) and systemic vasculitis;
  • damage to the central nervous system, accompanied by a disorder of sensitivity in: syringomyelia, syphilitic damage to the nervous system (tasca dorsalis), paralysis resulting from a violation cerebral circulation or trauma to the head or spinal cord and etc.;
  • long-term use of desensitizing and glucocorticosteroid drugs, which were prescribed due to an error in the diagnosis of scabies.

The main clinical symptoms of Norwegian scabies:

  1. The presence of a very large number of scabies in the skin of the hands and feet.
  2. Pronounced hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles, thickening and deformation of the nail plates.
  3. The predominance of massive, from a few millimeters to 20-30 mm thick, significant sizes of multi-layered crusts of a dirty yellow or brownish-black color. In some parts of the body, these formations resemble a continuous horny shell, which leads to pain during movements and their limitation. After their removal, an extensive weeping surface is exposed. In a laboratory study, many mites are found under the crusts and between their layers.
  4. Polymorphic rash in the form of vesicles, papules, pustules and erythroderma (common reddish spots with coarse peeling).
  5. Areas of suppuration of the skin arising from the addition of a secondary infection (secondary). The result of this is an increase in multiple peripheral lymph nodes (polyadenopathy), an increase in body temperature.
  6. Unpleasant smell of fermented dough from the patient.
  7. Dry brittle ash-gray hair, increased hair loss (alopecia).

People with Norwegian scabies are highly contagious. Around them, limited epidemic foci with a typical form of the disease are often formed.

Learn more about crusty scabies at.

Scabies during pregnancy and nervous scabies

In some articles, the term "scabies during pregnancy" is found. It is not a separate form of the disease and is characterized by the same symptoms. The term is used to draw attention to the possibility of a deterioration in the mental state of a pregnant woman. In this regard (in the absence of treatment), it is possible to develop complications of pregnancy in the form of preeclampsia, infection of the newborn with scabies or secondary pyogenic infection. In addition, during pregnancy, it is necessary to choose a remedy for scabies that does not have a toxic effect on the fetus.

Sometimes this term is incorrectly called "itch of pregnant", which refers to toxicosis early dates pregnancy and has nothing to do with the disease considered in the article.

This also applies to the term “nervous scabies” used in everyday life, which is associated with a distorted perception of the central nervous system normal impulses coming from skin. "Nervous scabies" occurs mainly among people with an unstable psyche, sleep disturbance, as well as in people who long time experiencing neuropsychic tension, stress, etc.

Complications of the disease

Quite often, complications can hide the true symptoms of scabies. The most common consequences are:

The diagnosis of scabies is based on:

  • anamnesis (history) of the disease, which allows to establish its prescription, the nature of the onset, the alleged cause of itching and its cyclicity, attempts at self-treatment and their results, etc .;
  • epidemiological data - the presence of a focus of infection, contact with the sick and healthy, place of residence and living conditions, social status of the patient, etc.;
  • patient complaints and visual examination;
  • dermatoscopy (if necessary) and laboratory research.

In doubtful cases, an ointment for scabies can be applied once as a trial treatment, a week after which the symptoms of the disease disappear or its severity decreases significantly.

The main diagnostic criteria are:

  • characteristic skin itching;
  • scabies;
  • typical localization of the rash;
  • additional characteristic symptoms- Michaelis, Ardi and others;
  • lack of effect from the use of antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing drugs and external agents based on corticosteroids.

Epidemiological and clinical data should be confirmed by laboratory detection of the pathogen. For these purposes, use:

  • a method for extracting a tick using dermatoscopy and its microscopic examination;
  • a thin section technique that allows you to see under a microscope not only a tick, but also its excrement, shells, eggs;
  • the method of microscopic detection of the pathogen in scrapings of the epidermis in the area of ​​scabies (papule, crust, vesicle, course, etc.) after special treatment of the skin in these areas.

How to treat scabies

Treatment in a hospital is carried out when the patient lives in hostels, hotels, military barracks, boarding schools, etc., when there are no conditions for his isolation. AT stationary conditions it is also necessary to treat patients with various diseases, in connection with which they are not able to serve themselves. In other cases, scabies is treated at home (on an outpatient basis) in accordance with the prescriptions of a dermatologist and under his supervision.

The question of how to treat is decided depending on the duration of the disease and the severity clinical signs, the results of self-treatment attempts, drug intolerance and allergic status, age and the presence of concomitant somatic and other pathologies, the presence of pregnancy and lactation. Each medicine has its own advantages and disadvantages. For the purpose of treatment, the use of one of four drugs is allowed:

  1. Sulfuric ointment.
  2. Benzyl benzoate.
  3. Medifox (permethrin).
  4. Spregal.

Algorithm for the treatment of scabies with sulfuric ointment (33%)

  • On the 1st day after washing with soap in the shower with the maximum possible steaming of the skin, the latter must be thoroughly dried with a towel. After that, the ointment is rubbed into the skin in the following sequence: arms, torso, legs, including fingers and plantar surface. Hand washing is not recommended for 3 hours after treatment. In the future, after each washing of the hands, the ointment is rubbed;
  • Change of underwear and bed linen;
  • 1 time per day, daily from the 2nd to the 5th day, the ointment is rubbed in the same sequence;
  • On the sixth day, the remnants of the ointment are washed off in the shower using soap, and underwear and bed linen are changed.

The disadvantages of sulfuric ointment are the duration of the course of treatment, unpleasant odor, soiling of clothes, poor tolerance in hot weather and, most importantly, the high incidence of allergic contact dermatitis, as well as the undesirability of use during pregnancy and lactation.

Medifox (5% emulsion)

  • On the first day, 8.0 ml of the drug is diluted in 100.0 ml of boiled water at room temperature.
  • After washing in the same order as in the previous case, the emulsion is rubbed into the skin, bed linen and underwear are changed.
  • On the 2nd and 3rd day, the rubbing is repeated once.
  • On the 4th day, the remnants of Medifox are washed off and linen is changed.

The disadvantages of this treatment are: inconvenient for use form of release (the need to prepare a solution), the inability to use during pregnancy and lactation, increased skin itching after the first rubbing of the drug, the development of resistance to it of the scabies pathogen.

Treatment with benzyl benzoate (20% emulsion)

As well as treatment with sulfuric ointment, it provides for preliminary washing with steaming of the skin, after which:

  • On the 1st day, the emulsion in the amount of 200 ml is rubbed in the same sequence and in compliance with the same rules;
  • In the next 2 days, washing, applying the emulsion and changing clothes are not carried out;
  • On the evening of the 4th day, it is also necessary to wash, rub in the emulsion and change clothes;
  • 5th day - the remnants of benzyl bezoate are washed off with soap, but without rubbing the skin, and the linen is changed again.

The disadvantages of benzyl benzoate are the burning of the skin and discomfort during the first application of the drug, as well as its high cost.

Spregal (spray)

Treatment of scabies with this remedy is usually carried out once. After preliminary washing in the same algorithm, the spray is applied to the skin from a distance of 20-30 cm from their surface, except for the head and face, after which it is necessary to change bed and underwear. The next day, in the evening, a shower is taken and linen is changed.

Disadvantages - the possibility of a negative reaction when hit in the upper Airways during the spraying of the drug and its relatively high cost.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drugs of choice are only Benzyl Benzoate and Spregal.

In addition to specific drugs, antihistamines, antiallergic drugs, as well as ointments and creams with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.


Prevention consists of two links. The first of them consists in examining people visiting medical institutions, regardless of the profile of the latter, as well as people entering preschool, school and higher educational institutions, military service and in examining existing teams.

The second link in preventive work is the identification and elimination of foci of the disease. If an infected person is identified, family members, sexual partners and contact persons in places of joint residence (hostel, hotel, etc.) are subject to mandatory prophylactic treatment simultaneously with the patient. Observation of persons of one organized group who have passed preventive treatment. It is carried out three times - upon detection of the patient, immediately and 2 weeks after treatment. If preventive therapy was not carried out, the examination is carried out 3 times at 10-day intervals.

Of great importance is the ongoing disinfection in the focus of the disease, disinfection of underwear and bed linen, towels by boiling for 5 minutes in water with washing powder or in a 1-2% soda solution. Outerwear should be ironed with a hot iron from the front and back sides.

Soft items that cannot be hot-treated should be hung outdoors for 3 days. Shoes and children's toys are excluded from use for 3 days and also hung out in the air or stored in hermetically sealed plastic bags.

The premises are wet cleaned with a soapy solution or with the addition of disinfectants. At home, bedding such as mattresses, blankets and pillows should be placed in a well-ventilated area for a week. AT medical institutions things are processed in disinfection chambers.

Of great preventive importance is the conduct by medical personnel of sanitary-educational work among collectives.

The researchers found that most outbreaks of the disease occur during times of war, famine, other mass diseases, natural disasters, which lead to the fact that people are forced to stay in large groups and be in close contact.

Scabies in such situations is transmitted from person to person very quickly and easily. The increase in cases of scabies infection usually occurs in autumn and winter, when scabies mites are most prolific.

What is scabies

Fertilized females penetrate the skin of a person, making itching passages in it, similar to thin winding lines, and lay eggs there. In the same place, larvae develop from them, which later become adults capable of reproducing.

scabies mite

Many are interested in the question of how you can get scabies from another person, experts say that the most likely route of infection for scabies is through skin-to-skin contact with the patient this disease.

There is a widespread opinion in society that only those people who rotate in asocial circles and lead a dishonorable lifestyle suffer from the disease, in fact, the scabies mite absolutely does not care on the skin of which person, it will live and multiply.

Adhering to this opinion, you can not believe for a very long time that you have scabies and have been treated with antihistamines for allergies or dermatitis for years, since the symptoms of these diseases are somewhat similar.

The scabies rash primarily affects the fingers and the back of the hands., it looks like small pimples filled with a cloudy liquid.

During treatment, you can ask your doctor if it is possible to get scabies again, and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of an examination of the skin, in some cases, a scraping of the patient's skin is taken for analysis.

Ways of disease transmission

Many people who, one way or another, are faced with the disease often ask how scabies is transmitted from person to person. There are several ways of transmission of scabies.

Scabies in humans

The first one is called contact., infection occurs through direct contact with an infected person, such as shaking hands, playing together and sleeping.

The second is called contact-household, a person becomes infected with the disease when using personal items and things of a person with scabies, such as towels, toys, stationery, clothes, dishes, etc.

The third way of infection is sexual contact.. This method of transmission is widespread among the adult population of disadvantaged areas where promiscuity is conducted.

Where can you get sick

Many people often have a question, where can you get scabies? In Russia, most cases of infection are recorded in places where people stay around the clock and are in large numbers, for example, in prisons, the army, hostels, nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals.

Children are often affected, infection occurs in kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, pioneer camps. In these institutions, they are in fairly close contact with each other and transmit scabies to each other when exchanging personal items, playing games, and playing sports.

Can pets get scabies?

In order not to get scabies from a patient, you should avoid any contact with an infected person.

It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it. In this regard, the question of how not to get scabies from a patient remains relevant. The answer is quite simple, all contact with an infected person should be avoided.

It is quite difficult to diagnose the disease at its first signs, therefore, in children's institutions, frequent medical examinations of children are advisable, since the earlier scabies is detected, the easier it is to cure it.

The incubation period of the disease lasts up to 1 month, it is during this time that a mature individual, ready for reproduction, develops from the larva. Also this period may not be, and symptoms may appear half an hour after infection, since that is how long it takes for an adult fertilized female scabies mite to take root under the skin.

Having been treated for scabies once, you should not relax, as it can be re-infected.

When one family member is ill, complex therapy must be passed by the rest of the household. Before and after treatment, which lasts about a week, you need to carry out a wet cleaning of the house, wash all surfaces that you touched with your hands, wash and iron all clothes, bed linen high temperature water.

Scabies can be re-infected

The misconception that only beggars and other persons of dubious reputation suffer from the disease is widespread these days. Scabies mite can settle on the body of even the most respectable and respected person.

Of course, regular hygiene, clean clothes, a worthy social circle minimize the risk of infection, but are not a barrier to the disease.

You can become infected with a scabies mite after trying on clothes in a store after a patient or after sitting in a transport in a place where an infected with scabies was sitting.

Materials taken from the source:

Ways of disease transmission

Despite the fact that scabies is considered a "disease of the poor", all groups of the population are defeated by it, because this disease is extremely contagious and is transmitted by contact.

You can get scabies when:

  • Sexual contact. Sexual transmission is responsible for about 50% of cases of scabies.
  • Close contact with a sick person, this is how members of the patient's family get sick.
  • Caring for sick people. Frequent cases of scabies are observed among social and medical workers, volunteers.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, using other people's towels, linen, living in unfavorable conditions (sleeping in dubious hotels, shelters for the homeless, nursing homes and boarding schools).

The disease does not depend on gender, in most cases it affects young people and children, which is associated with the peculiarities of their behavior (body contact during games, crowding in kindergartens or schools).

It is difficult to identify a risk group for scabies, since anyone can become infected at any time. Experts note certain periods of rise and fall in the incidence. Scabies epidemics are recorded during catastrophes, wars and natural disasters. In countries with a favorable situation, isolated outbreaks of the disease are observed when the living conditions of the population deteriorate.

Symptoms of the disease

Favorite places of localization of scabies are the lower abdomen, inner thighs, groin, scrotum, head and foreskin of the penis, mammary glands (especially around the nipples). In addition, a rash in this disease is recorded on the lateral surfaces of the fingers, in the spaces between the fingers, in the area of ​​​​the elbows and around the navel.

Recently, there is an increasing frequency of special clinical form a disease called by doctors "clean scabies". It occurs in people who carefully monitor their own hygiene and regularly take a shower. At the same time, itching and rash are minimally expressed, and the main manifestations are scabies on the skin, found during a random examination.

Clinical forms of the disease

To clinical options scabies experts include:

  • Complicated form. Occurs along with pyoderma or other pustular skin lesions.
  • Norwegian scabies. Occurs in people with weakened immune systems with AIDS, cancer, severe chronic pathologies. This variant is manifested by dry skin, stratification of a thick layer of grayish crusts, lymphadenitis. A feature of this type of scabies is a high degree of contagiousness. Because of its rarity, unusual clinical symptoms and the absence of itching, this disease is often confused with other skin pathologies, while neglecting the safety rules. Also, the high contagiousness of the disease is due to the fact that a large number of pathogens are found in the skin of patients with Norwegian scabies - several hundred, while in a typical form their number is measured in 1-2 tens.
  • Nodular scabies. It is a neglected version of a typical form of the disease, in which conventional antiscabiosis agents help little. Clinically, it is manifested by the growth of lymphoid tissue and the formation of nodules on the skin of patients.

All of these variants of the disease are characterized by a severe course and require treatment in specialized hospitals.

Diagnosis of scabies

The diagnosis of scabies is made by a dermatovenereologist based on complaints and anamnesis, visual examination, tests and laboratory tests. The final diagnosis is made only when sexually mature mites or their eggs are found on the patient's skin.

With the help of general laboratory tests, it is impossible to establish the fact of scabies. AT clinical analysis blood often reveals eosinophilia, which is characteristic not only for scabies, since it indicates the sensitization of the body and occurs in almost any disease accompanied by allergies.

Etiological treatment of the disease

There are many other treatments for scabies. For example, the Demyanovich method. It uses sodium hyposulfate and 6% hydrochloric acid. This method is effective, but not very convenient to use, since each treatment takes several hours.

Symptomatic treatment

In order to reduce itching, antihistamines are used in tablet form (Suprastin, Loratadin) and in the form of gels (Finetil). In severe cases of the disease, drugs with glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone ointment) are used.

Due to the debilitating itching of the skin with scabies, patients often experience insomnia and irritability. In order to improve the condition, patients are prescribed sleeping pills, sedatives. With the addition of a secondary bacterial infection and the appearance of pustules, patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of patients with Norwegian scabies is carried out in a hospital. At the same time, in addition to anti-tick agents, preparations for desensitization and detoxification are used.

Treatment with folk remedies

Therapy for scabies folk methods is popular. At home, you can use:

  • Lavender oil. They need to rub the affected areas of the skin at night, until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • An infusion consisting of 0.5 cups of buckthorn bark and 500 ml of boiling water.
  • Skin treatment with thick foam obtained from laundry soap.
  • Gunpowder dissolved in kefir or sour cream.
  • A mixture of bay leaf and butter in a 1: 1 ratio.

Despite the seeming safety of folk methods, you cannot rely on them. With a 100% guarantee, getting rid of the mites that cause scabies is possible only with the help of modern medications.

Important to remember! Do not use kerosene to treat affected skin. It is not only ineffective for scabies, but can also cause inflammation when absorbed into the skin.

Disease prevention

Specialists have developed a set of measures aimed at preventing the disease:

  1. Simultaneous treatment of all patients from the epidemiological focus.
  2. The patient must provide personal bed linen, clothing, hygiene products.
  3. During and after the end of treatment, it is necessary to process personal belongings, the patient's clothes (boiling in a solution of soda and powder, ironing at high temperature).
  4. Items that cannot be boiled or ironed should be treated with antiseptic preparations such as A-steam.
  5. Outerwear should be aired for 5-7 days in summer or 1 day in winter, in the cold.

Of great importance for the prevention of scabies is careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene - frequent washing, neatness, legibility in choosing partners, since most cases of scabies are associated with its sexual transmission.

Barrier methods of contraception do not protect against scabies, because the tick is transmitted from the body of a sick person to a healthy person not through sperm and other biological fluids, but through close skin-to-skin contact.

In the video, doctors talk about what scabies is, how it is infected, how to diagnose a tick and get rid of it.

Infection with scabies occurs through physical contact with a person who already has mites on the body. Females are dangerous, males are harmless. The touch must be long enough. Statistically, people who live together and spend the night get sick more often. Among them are soldiers, children from boarding schools, prisoners, workers living in large hostels, and the homeless.

In poor areas of India, Africa, South America, up to 100% of the inhabitants suffer from scabies. Travel to these countries or contact with migrants is associated with an increased risk of infection.

In Russia, 600 cases of infection per 100 thousand people a year are recorded.

From a man

Scabies is transmitted from person to person through direct contact, less often through household items. In Russia, young people are most often infected with scabies, less often children.

Tick ​​transmission routes include, for example:

  • among children - contact with a sick child in kindergarten or sections;
  • frequent handshakes and other interaction through the hands, especially in sports teams;
  • infection during sexual intercourse is the most likely option, which brings scabies closer to sexually transmitted diseases.

The more ticks on a person, the faster the infection occurs and the more likely it is. The most dangerous variant is Norwegian scabies. These are cases when there are millions of individuals, and crusts form on the skin.

This variant of the course is most likely for people with impaired socialization. If more than 10 thousand people become infected with scabies in a large European metropolis, including Moscow, about 70% of them are homeless. But in general, in Russia, contrary to stereotypes, the infection affects all social strata, and the homeless account for only 15% of all cases.

Infection with scabies through household items is unlikely in practice. The mites quickly die outside the skin and are not active during the day. On the skin of a typical carrier of the disease, an average of about 10 individuals. Normally, human sweat has an anti-tick effect.

Modern writers consider it unlikely that any surface other than the skin serves as a site for scabies to become infected.

But theoretically, the answer to the question of whether scabies is transmitted through objects is positive. Within two days, ticks can get from the object to the skin, otherwise they die. In this case, the way of infection with scabies would be contact with the patient's clothes, bed, bathroom.

Among public spaces, areas of potential contamination include:

  • gyms, when it comes to shaking hands or activities that involve close bodily contact without outerwear;
  • barbershops as a place of skin contact a large number people for quite a long time;
  • swimming pool - since water procedures do not destroy ticks.

But according to statistics, these places are not a source of infection, unlike shelters for children and the elderly, prisons, hospitals.

On the other hand, often skin diseases a person tries to hide and treat himself, so official statistics do not necessarily reflect the real state of affairs.

The first signs of infection

There is a gender and age difference. The genitals itch in men, the chest in women, in children - the face and head (places whose skin is the thinnest), in the elderly - the back.

Scabies is indicated by itching in other family members and colleagues.

The cause of itching is not the bite of a tick, but allergic reaction to the products of his life.

Without a microscope, a tick on the human body looks like the smallest white grain.

How quickly does infection occur?

The limited number of ways to get scabies is due to the fact that close contact within 10 minutes is required for the tick to crawl.

Once on the body, the tick releases substances that dissolve the microscopic upper skin cells, and makes small passages in it. Its task is to lay eggs under the skin. Gnawing the course takes about 1 hour.

At the site of the passages, white small elevations, stripes and scales appear, which can sometimes be felt or seen under a magnifying glass. The tick does not sink deep, because it breathes air. For the same reason, the tick makes additional holes.

Due to the way in which scabies is transmitted, investigation and prevention are necessary, and often treatment if someone in the team is diagnosed with the disease.

From the moment the tick enters the skin to the first symptoms, a little more than a week passes. This is how long the incubation period is. If in 10 days the scabies mite could not take root, it will die.

When the infection is not transmitted

Behind the question, is it possible to get scabies from a dog, sometimes there are two others:

  • is it dangerous for a person if a dog itches, is it contagious;
  • if there is itching, can the dog be the cause.

Dogs do not have human scabies mites. Those types of ticks that can be on a dog cause scabies symptoms when they get on human skin. But such episodes are short-lived and self-healing, because these mites do not reproduce and die on their own. The phenomenon is called "pseudosarcoptic mange".

Therefore, canine scabies is not contagious to humans, although the ingestion of mites from a dog onto a human body causes temporary itching, a quickly passing benign form of scabies.

How not to get scabies

Because scabies is common in teenagers and children, parents should be alert to the symptoms of itching. According to some studies, almost a fifth of those observed for atopic dermatitis turned out to be carriers of scabies.

Prevention of scabies is relevant when a sick person is found in the environment. She suggests:

  • treatment of all who had contact with the patient;
  • washing all linen at a temperature of more than 60 degrees.

Hygiene is not directly related to the likelihood of infection.

Since only the insects themselves (not eggs) are dangerous and they will not last long outside a person, it is possible to leave the room where the patient lives for several days.

With certain knowledge, it is quite easy not to get scabies. This disease is spreading rapidly despite the possibilities modern medicine. Scabies is transmitted in many ways, so you need to protect yourself. How to quickly cure the disease, not to get infected from an already sick person, where scabies comes from - these problems should concern everyone.

It is also customary to distinguish three levels of development of the scabies mite population:

Caution when visiting public places will not be superfluous, since scabies is transmitted instantly and spreads very quickly.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

The first signs of scabies are the appearance of itching and pimples on the skin. As soon as an infection occurs and the first symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor for therapeutic treatment.

In these areas of the skin there is no hairline, there are many sweat glands in the epidermis, which together creates ideal conditions for the development of mites.

The symptoms of the disease are:

  • itching that worsens at night;
  • many small pimples;
  • the appearance of moves between them;
  • whitish scales.

Scabies clean. Appears in people who have to take a shower very often. Usually these are patients who, due to constant exposure to water, do not pay attention to their symptoms. They are very weakly expressed, as the mites are washed off the body. Rare rashes, lack of desire to scratch the bite site contribute to the fact that they are ignored. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that others can become infected from a person, since he does not receive treatment, and sometimes he does not even know about his illness.

Norwegian scabies. It was first described in Norway, therefore it bears this name. It may also be called cortical. The features of the disease are its manifestations in immunodeficiency, hormonal disruptions in the body, mental disorders or paresis. Symptoms of Norwegian scabies are the absence of itching, the development of thick crusts on the surface of the body, uneven rashes and redness.

Typical scabies. The bite sites are covered with crusts with blood, as they itch a lot, especially in the evening. Scabies moves are manifested clearly, eggs and larvae of ticks can be observed in them. A very common look.

Pseudosarcoptic mange. This variety is also called scabies without moves. It appears because of the larvae that did not have time to turn into adults. They are not able to lay eggs and make passages between clutches. But after 2 weeks, when the maturation of the larva is over, scabies will also appear, since the larva will be able to lay eggs. It is important to start treatment before 2 weeks.

Scabies treatment

To heal quickly, it is important to use proven medicines because the disease itself does not disappear.

Depending on the neglect of the disease, at least three procedures are recommended. However, if the situation requires it, then you can increase the duration of treatment up to a week. After all the procedures are completed, you should definitely go for an examination to the clinic to see a doctor.

Usually, the following remedies are prescribed for the treatment of scabies: Sulfur ointment, Benzyl Benzoate, Spregal, Crotamiton and Ivermectin. You can also use traditional medicine to relieve symptoms.

Main routes of transmission

There are three main routes of transmission of the disease.

  1. Contact. The most common way, through contact during games or handshakes. Babies can also get infected from adults if they sleep together.
  2. Domestic. Infection through household items, such as towels, dishes, underwear or sports equipment. However, recently it has been noted that a tick needs more than half an hour to contact and penetrate under the skin from a sick person. And with household items, such a long-term interaction is very rare.
  3. Sexual. Infection during sexual intercourse is considered one of the most common ways among adults. Prolonged skin contact facilitates the spread of scabies mites from one partner to another. In addition, the activity of the scabies mite is observed in the evening or at night.

Transmission routes are also called direct, when infection occurs only from contact with a sick person, and indirect, in which case the source of infection is the sharing of various objects. The indirect method is considered the most common, since sometimes people may not even know that they are already infected.

Children are especially susceptible to this disease, as they can come into contact with each other in playgrounds, sandboxes or sports sections. It is not worth limiting the circle of communication of children, since the disease is quickly diagnosed and quite simply treated. After the end of treatment, the patient is completely healthy and not contagious to others.

Can you get scabies from animals?

Prevention measures

To protect yourself and your loved ones from infection with scabies, you should follow simple preventive measures.

If there was contact with a sick person, you should immediately consult a doctor who will examine and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

To reduce the risk of contracting scabies, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, since people whose bodies are sufficiently hardened are less likely to become infected with scabies. And if a person is still ill with this disease, do not worry. After all, curing scabies is now very simple.