Who did facial plastic surgery how was the rehabilitation. How are facial plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures combined? Video: recovery after plastic surgery on the face

Such a completely normal (upon reaching a certain age) and even a desirable operation, like plastic surgery of the face, should be approached with joy. In the end, unlike the operation to “remove something sick”, plastic surgery removes only excess fat, age and complexes, and after rehabilitation it gives strength, optimism and a good mood. Congratulations to Zhenya, and here are my tips on the topic “edema after plastic surgery” - what to do?

Firstly, it is a mistake to think that "post-plastic edema" can be removed with diuretics. In this case, completely different mechanisms for the occurrence of edema are involved, therefore, an excess withdrawal of potassium from the body is fraught with malfunctions in the heart, which is not necessary at all after a full-fledged operation.

Also, it is advisable to refrain from vegetables, fruits and berries, enhancing urination and fermentation in the intestines (for example, watermelons, cranberry juice, raisins, grapes, berries, cucumbers, etc.)

As a "painkiller" and "blood thinner" drink aspirin (or non-steroidal painkillers), as in this situation, aspirin can cause bleeding

Salt, alcohol, coffee and smoking are prohibited

Set aside the capsules fish oil and aged garlic for two months in the refrigerator

Everything that will promote general healing and reduce swelling and bruising, and this:

Multivitamin Complex
vitamin C (accelerates tissue healing, strengthens vascular walls, stimulates the production of young collagen)
vitamin K (strengthens the walls of blood vessels)
beta-carotene (or vitamin A)
protein diet

And also, in rehabilitation period to remove bruises and swelling after facial plastic surgery, the following substances and preparations are simply needed:

After plastic surgery, doctors prescribe all the same drugs and substances as with varicose veins veins. More precisely, this is all that is aimed at improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, removing edema and inflammatory processes, as well as to improve lymph flow (lymphatic drainage) and venous outflow. Only the use of these substances guarantees a safe and effective course of the post-rehabilitation period.

Diosmin and Hesperidin(natural flavonoids from citrus peels) - improve microcirculation in the veins, reduce blood stasis, strengthen the vascular wall.

Pycnogenol is a unique plant substance derived either from the bark of the French pine tree or from grape seeds. At its core, pycnogenol is an oligomeric proanthocyanide, a substance that is the most powerful antioxidant known in nature. Pycnogenol strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation, and therefore is a priority substance in world medicine for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, as well as for the removal of edema and bruising in the postoperative period.

Escin, found in horse chestnut extract. Escin is able to relieve inflammation in cells without reducing the level of phagocytosis, inhibits the enzyme hyaluronidase and helps to reduce the permeability and fragility of blood vessels and capillaries. Escin normalizes the state of the vascular wall, increases the stability of capillaries, reduces their fragility. Refers to venotonic agents plant origin, helps to increase the strength and tone of blood vessels.

Rutin - has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-blood clotting and antioxidant effect on edema after plastic surgery. Increases vascular tone, strengthens capillaries and vascular walls. Reduces inflammation in the vascular wall by limiting the adhesion of platelets to its surface.

Ginkgo biloba, butcher's broom and gotu-kola also strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and reduce the level of the inflammatory process.

Let's look at specific drugs.

⇒ In Russia, Venozol, Venarus, Phlebodia or Detralex are usually prescribed.

Venozol (active substances: diosmin (270 mg), horse chestnut extract (50 mg), hesperidin (30 mg), hazel extract (17 mg) and dihydroquercetin (3 mg)), price for 30 tab. about 350 rubles
Venarus (active substances: diosmin (450 mg), hesperidin (50 mg)), price for 30 tab. about 500 rubles
Detralex (active substances: diosmin (450 mg)), price for 30 tab. from 700 rubles
Phlebodia (active substances: diosmin (600 mg)), price for 30 tab. from 800 rub

FutureBiotics, VeinFactors, Varicose Vein Complex, 90 Veggie Caps - $15.65

Unlike Phlebodia, the best on the Russian market, containing only 600 mg of diosmin, in this complex it 1000 mg(together with hesperidin). But, in addition to this, there is also added a wonderful complex of all those substances that I told you about.

⇒ DiosVein Diosmin Complex - a mix of diosmin and hesperidin, and micronized(for better absorption)
⇒ Venocin - titrated horse chestnut extract containing 20% aescin! (Studies in patients have shown cures for hematomas as early as 2% escin in the gel.)
⇒ Centellin - A titrated gotu kola extract containing 8% gotu kola triterpenes.
⇒ plus a whole mix of citrus bioflavonoids and needle extract
⇒ Well, the well-known Bioperine complex to improve the nutritional bioavailability of all of the above benefits

For a good anti-edematous effect and strengthening fragile vascular walls drink clean rutin well. For example, from Solgar:

Solgar, Rutin, 500 mg, 250 Tablets - $23.08

and pycnogenol:

Healthy Origins, Pycnogenol, 100 mg, 60 Veggie Caps - $33.95

Decongestant cosmetics

Cosmetics for the rehabilitation period should also contain all the same substances as our capsules. Those. these are extracts aimed at removing edema, improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and small capillaries, as well as reducing the inflammatory process in tissues.

Along with my favorite and "penny" ointment "Troxerutin" ( active substance- a derivative of routine), I recommend these formulations, which are very well-composed, and contain exactly the substances that we need (moreover, in a titrated concentration, unlike the Russian incomprehensible and elusive manufacturer ...):

Planetary Herbals, C Cream horse chestnut, 4 oz (113.4 g) - $9.95(horse chestnut cream with a VERY high, titrated 20% concentration of escin, plus other extracts aimed at strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation)

Derma E, Anti-Aging Pycnogenol Soothing Eye Gel, 1/2 oz (14 g) - $15.60

(also, a formulation with pycnogenol, escin, arnica, ginkgo biloba and other extracts aimed at relieving swelling and inflammation, as well as strengthening blood vessels)

Natural Care, Ultra Vein-Gard Cream, 2.25 oz (64 g) - $14.60(homeopathic cream for edema removal with a very rich composition)

Plus, cosmetic ice helps with swelling very well for the first time after surgery! How easy it is to prepare, I told in the post.

Plus, physical therapy!

I already wrote this “just in case”, because, of course, a competent doctor will always prescribe physiotherapy after plastic surgery. Specific appointments will depend on the practice and equipment available in each particular clinic.

And by the way!

And by the way, I advise all these preparations and cosmetics to everyone who is tormented by edema and fragility of blood vessels on the face! It is much more useful (in principle, for everyone) than drinking fluid-removing drugs at night! In any case, the condition of both the skin and the body will only improve with the course intake of rutin, escin, diosmin and other plant joys.

If you want plastic surgery to give you the look you want
you dreamed - you have to work hard. Preparing for surgery
intervention and rehabilitation after it are needed without fail.

For clarifications why one cannot put oneself into the hands of a good
specialist and relax in anticipation of a dream come true, we turned to
to the candidate of medical sciences, head of the Moscow Center
aesthetic surgery Vladimir Vladimirovich RUDKO.

– Preparation for plastic surgery and rehabilitation procedures are necessary to achieve the best cosmetic result. And also for fast elimination such inevitable consequences of plastic surgery as swelling, soreness, bruising. These surgical companions usually do not leave the operated area for about two weeks and thus do not allow you to lead a normal life.
Both training and rehabilitation consist of self home care for the skin and procedures carried out by a dermatocosmetologist in a beauty salon or medical center.
Preparation should begin in advance - 4-6 weeks before the operation.
Rehabilitation can be started already on the 3-4th day after the operation, be sure to follow all the recommendations of the operating surgeon.
Recovery procedures will take from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Many people think: I’ll do plastic surgery, then I’ll lose extra pounds and I’ll be simply irresistible. You will definitely be - if you start fulfilling your dream in this order: first losing weight, then surgery. This recommendation should be followed regardless of whether you want to have surgery on the face or on the body. If you intend to lose weight after plastic surgery, flabbiness of the skin in the operated areas may occur.
Weight loss tips are simple - down with fatty, starchy foods, more vegetable, protein foods. If you have already taken to losing weight more than once, you can use the diet that seemed to you the most effective.
Be sure to start exercising. Best of all, go to the pool. After all, almost all muscle groups are involved in swimming. Physical exercises improve metabolic processes, due to which the skin acquires tone.

For the first two days after surgery, drink more - about 2 liters per day, to speed up detoxification. In the next 2-3 weeks, fluid intake must certainly be reduced to 1-1.5 liters. Otherwise, edema may appear, making it difficult for tissue healing.
In the first month and a half after plastic surgery, you should by no means get better. Then you want to lose the gained kilograms - and the skin, pliable after plastic surgery, is already stretched. Wrinkles, flabbiness will appear - and this is not the result that you want to see after the operation.
Gyms, swimming pools during the rehabilitation period, bypass for a month. In general, try to avoid strenuous exercise. Sunburn and sauna are also not recommended.
Now for skin care. Let's start with cleansing.
After any operation, it is better not to wet the sutures for the first week. Therefore, it is better to clean the operated face and eyelids during this period with products that do not need to be washed off. Milk or cosmetic cream is best. They gently cleanse the skin. And after the operation, it must be handled very carefully.
If liposuction was performed, then it is better to wipe the “fat-free” areas for the first seven days with a damp sponge, bypassing the seams.
Then you can splash in the water to your heart's content. Only for those who have undergone plastic surgery on the face or eyelids, it is better to use not foam or gel to wash the face, but more soft remedy- a cream that needs to be washed off with water.
So the skin is clear. For those who have recently undergone facial plastic surgery, I advise you to proceed as follows. Wipe the skin with lotion or tonic. These preparations should be intended for dry or normal skin, even if you used products for oily skin before the operation. After all, lotions and tonics for problematic and oily skin usually slightly dry the skin, and after plastic surgery it is completely unnecessary.
Then, apply a good moisturizer and healing agent, which the beautician will advise you, on the cleansed skin of the face.
Have you recently had eyelid surgery? Then, after cleansing, be sure to apply the cream or gel prescribed by your doctor. And immediately apply a cooling mask for the eyelids, made in the form of glasses. It can be purchased at pharmacies. The mask is made of waterproof material. Inside it is a composition that holds the cold well. Before use, the mask-glasses should be placed in the refrigerator for half an hour - but not in the freezer. Then for 10-15 minutes the mask is applied to the eyelids. Removes swelling as if by hand.
In some cases, good results are obtained by the treatment of cosmetic scars with Sikastop. However, you should not use it without consulting your surgeon.
Peelings and lifting agents cannot be used during the rehabilitation period. It is undesirable to use decorative cosmetics after facial skin plastic surgery for about a month. And if we talk about endoscopic lifting of the upper and / or lower eyelids, then it is not forbidden to bring the eyes up a week after such an operation.

In the hands of a specialist
Now about what procedures you need to go to the beautician in the salon before and after plastic surgery.
Let's start with the preparations. Professional procedures are mainly aimed at making the skin more elastic and firm. After all, such skin after plastic surgery will never look unnaturally stretched, wrinkles will not appear on it longer.
The necessary properties for the skin of the face and eyelids can be given by peeling with fruit acids. The skin of the body will be perfectly prepared for liposuction by manual massage and hot wraps.
Each of these procedures usually takes about an hour. As a rule, 10 sessions are prescribed with a frequency of once a week.

And after plastic surgery of the face, eyelids and after liposuction, lymphatic drainage massage is very useful. You can go to the first procedure already on the 3rd day after the operation. You will immediately notice that swelling, pain decreased significantly.
I advise those who have undergone liposuction to do wraps with preparations containing seaweed. Such compositions relieve swelling well.
Usually, 10 lymphatic drainage massage procedures and the same number of wrapping sessions are prescribed. Once every 3 days - this is the schedule for visiting the salon during the course of these procedures.
If the resulting scars seem too noticeable to you, your cosmetologist can call for chemical peels of various concentrations and depths of exposure to fight them.
Approximately 4 months after the operation, its final cosmetic result can be judged. If something does not suit you, do not despair. Today, cosmetologists are armed with many ways to correct minor imperfections. All the same chemical peeling will get rid of the fine network of wrinkles on the face, which is difficult to remove during plastic surgery. However, if soft tissue tension surgery was done using SMAS technology, fine lines will disappear on their own.
Injections of drugs "Restylane", "Dysport" will make less noticeable deep wrinkles that have resisted plastic surgery.
Mesotherapy will help to make elastic and smooth skin decollete area - it is almost impossible to rejuvenate these areas surgically.
The main thing - remember: your beauty largely depends on you, but all your actions in the postoperative period must be agreed with the surgeon who operated on you.

Among other methods of skin rejuvenation, restoring its elasticity and a clear oval of the face, the most commonly used method, which is popular due to its high performance and the minimum number of contraindications. Relating to the traumatic methods of circular facelift, rhytidectomy requires strict adherence to the sequence of manipulations and the time required for.

The rehabilitation period may vary depending on the tolerance of the patient's body to this intervention, the ability to skin to rehabilitation, as well as the time elapsed since the procedure.

Rehabilitation after rhytidectomy

Possessing a high degree of efficiency even with significant manifestations of negative changes in the skin, rhytidectomy will be safe for the patient and will bring pronounced positive result carrying out during a preliminary analysis of the state of health, the ability of the skin to quickly regenerate. To increase the recovery rate, it may be necessary to conduct a certain therapy, which is expressed in the elimination of the manifestations of existing diseases, increasing the degree of body resistance by taking immunocorrective drugs.

Holding this method A circular facelift should only be performed by a professional plastic surgeon in a well-established medical center, the patient's condition should be monitored by a doctor for several months from the end of the operation. Rehabilitation occupies an important place in obtaining the expected result, its high-quality implementation in compliance with all the doctor's recommendations allows you to save the result for the longest possible time.

Since the result of the rhytidectomy procedure is the elimination of almost all signs of skin aging that are caused by adverse external circumstances and age (ptosis, or drooping of the corners of the mouth and eyes under the influence of gravity, and,), it is prescribed for many negative changes in the skin of the face and neck. The duration of the operation can be different: it depends on the operated area and its size, as well as the degree of manifestation of negative manifestations on the skin. Also, the duration of the operation depends on the type of operation performed: it can be superficial, deep and mixed.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery is described in this video:

Recovery process

The operation of rhytidectomy itself consists of several stages. The preparation process is also important, since the speed of recovery of injured skin, the absence of the possibility of adverse side effects in the form of attached infections, and prolonged healing of surgical sutures largely depend on it.

Before performing a rhytidectomy, you should undergo a study of the condition of the skin that will be operated on, as well as general condition patient's health. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of complications after the intervention, as well as to speed up the rehabilitation period. A week before the expected time of the operation, you should completely stop taking alcoholic beverages and, if possible, smoking, since these bad habits significantly thin the blood, reduce the quality of the immune system.

The duration of the operation of a circular rhytidectomy facial skin tightening is from 2.5 to 6 hours, much depends on the degree of skill of the plastic surgeon and the area in which the changes are made. If only the skin of the face is being treated, then the operation time is minimal. If an additional area is added (for example, upper eyelid, chin and neck), then the time of rhytidectomy increases.

This is followed by a period of rehabilitation, which may vary in its duration and degree of manifestation of healing: in patients with good blood clotting, who do not have concurrent diseases and organic lesions the healing process is easier and takes less time.

It is also necessary to follow all the recommendations of a plastic surgeon, which will avoid the occurrence of possible complications after the operation and maximize long time keep the positive effect. These recommendations include night sleep exclusively on the back, refusal to visit the solarium and within six months from the date of the operation, a healthy daily routine and regulation of the ratio of rest and work. The amount of physical activity decreases, you can not perform sudden movements.

When stitches are removed

The process of removing sutures that are placed on the wound surface at the sites of skin incisions behind the ears and near the temples. The time of their removal is determined by the plastic surgeon who performed the rhytidectomy. Factors that influence the time required for the presence of sutures on the skin after this type of intervention are the indicators of regeneration of damaged skin areas, test results, and the general well-being of the patient.

The first sutures are removed after 10-14 days, during which the doctor prescribes an appointment antibacterial drugs to prevent the development of infectious processes in the skin. The technique for removing sutures may be different: some plastic surgeons stitches are removed in different ways and at different times, which are located on visible areas of the skin and those that are hidden by hair and are located out of sight. In this case, the seams, as they are removed, are replaced with strip-plates from the patch.

What kind of masks to make

Any cosmetic and cosmetic procedures that speed up the process of repairing damaged skin should be done with already healed skin. Usually, the period when the imposition of therapeutic and regenerating masks is allowed is 15-25 days from the moment of the operation in the absence of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Masks that can be recommended after rhytidectomy should not contain aggressive components that can irritate the skin, and especially postoperative sutures. The composition of the mask based on oatmeal or oatmeal is considered good: warmed milk is mixed with oatmeal (or small flakes), various ingredients can be added to this base. These can be the following components:

  • chopped ripe banana;
  • a few drops of unrefined vegetable oil (olive, linseed);
  • a couple of drops of natural lemon juice with oily skin of the face;
  • egg yolk, thoroughly pounded to a homogeneous consistency.

The mask is applied to the skin in an even layer, left to act for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with plenty of cool water and a nourishing cream corresponding to the skin type is applied.

The following compositions of masks for facial skin after rhytidectomy can also be used:

  1. Egg yolk and a drop of olive oil. Such a composition nourishes and maintains the skin, eliminates that may form after the intervention. The mask should be applied in the absence of pronounced skin damage, on average 3 times a week.
  2. Mashed ripe banana with avocado pulp also nourishes, smoothes, moisturizes and disinfects the skin. applied to a clean face, left to act for 10 minutes.
  3. Freshly boiled potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes with the addition of cream or whipped egg white allow you to increase the elasticity of the epidermis. After using such a mask for 2-3 weeks, the skin of the face quickly acquires natural softness, swelling is eliminated, and the regeneration process is accelerated.

All of the listed masks have been tested by time and have a pronounced rejuvenating and restorative effect, however, the skin reaction to their constituent components should be monitored: in case of any signs of inflammation, negative skin reactions, the use of the listed compounds should be discontinued.

Including about possible complications after such plastic surgery, this video will tell:

What drugs should be used

Good results for making postoperative sutures as invisible as possible are obtained by regular use of ointments and Traumeel after rhytidectomy: their composition ensures the absence of inflammatory processes on the skin, and the speedy healing of injured tissues.

Ointments are applied 1-2 times a day. You can use them to treat both exclusively seams and facial skin: applying them in a uniform thin layer, you should leave the ointment to act for 15-25 minutes, after which the excess is removed with a cotton swab.

Complications after plastic surgery

With insufficient examination of the patient's body before carrying out this type of circular facelift, certain complications may occur. And although they are not recorded too often, you should remember about them before starting the intervention and prevent the possibility of their occurrence.

The most common possible complications after rhytidectomy include:

  • inflammatory processes at the site of skin incisions with insufficient skin pretreatment disinfectants;
  • damage facial nerve, which may occur due to insufficient qualifications of a plastic surgeon;
  • asymmetry of the face that occurs with an uneven distribution of tissues;
  • formation due to the characteristics of the organism and its reaction to making incisions on the skin.

In some cases, there is a significant severity of postoperative sutures, which can be prevented by the use of absorbable ointments after surgery.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

A comprehensive rehabilitation program after plastic surgery at the Doctor Plastic clinic includes various physiotherapy methods for faster and more comfortable recovery and consolidation of the results of face and body plastic surgery.

The course of rehabilitation is assigned individually:

  • after plastic surgery of the face - for 5-10 days;
  • after plastic surgery of the body - for 7-14 days.

Thanks to the comprehensive rehabilitation at the DoctorPlastic clinic, the following results are achieved:

  • faster healing of sutures;
  • accelerated recovery of skin sensitivity;
  • minimizing discomfort discomfort, pain, swelling;
  • scar minimization;
  • reduction of the rehabilitation period and faster social adaptation and return to normal active life.

The effectiveness of the rehabilitation program of the Doctor Plastic clinic is such that it allows you to speed up recovery and reduce recovery period after plastic surgery 3-4 or more times.

For example, after rhinoplasty surgery, the recovery period is reduced from six months to two weeks, that is, 12 times!

Rehabilitation procedures at the DoctorPlastic clinic

The main procedures included in the comprehensive rehabilitation program "DoctorPlastic":

  • Ultrasound Therapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Mesotherapy
  • Darsonvalization
  • Microcurrent therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Endermology
  • Elos therapy
  • Ozone therapy
  • Plasma therapy
  • Fractional techniques

If necessary, medications can be added to these procedures according to individual indications.

1. Ultrasound therapy- exposure to high-frequency ultrasonic waves in the range of 800 - 3000 kHz.

The use of ultrasound therapy in rehabilitation practice is based on the specific nature of the interaction of ultrasound with biological tissues.

By causing tissue vibration, ultrasound produces micro-massage at the cellular level, increases the permeability of cell membranes and improves cellular metabolism, promotes the resorption of compacted tissues. At the same time, local metabolic processes are accelerated by 10-13%, cell division and the production of bioactive substances are improved.

Ultrasound has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic and tonic effect, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, stimulates regeneration processes.

Due to the improvement of blood supply and tissue nutrition, ultrasound significantly accelerates the healing process after plastic surgery.

In addition, ultrasound can be used to introduce drugs into the depths of tissues that promote the resorption of scar tissue, pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Another specific action of ultrasound is “de-fibrillation”, softening and resorption of the formed scar tissue and prevention of rough scarring.

The use of ultrasound in rehabilitation therapy helps to achieve resorption of postoperative seals, restore blood supply and tissue sensitivity faster, increasing the intensity of redox processes.

With high efficiency of exposure, ultrasound does not injure the surface of the skin and does not have any negative side effects.

In the Doctor Plastic clinic, ultrasound therapy is applied both directly to the area of ​​plastic surgery and to the reflexogenic zones of the body.

Along with mechanical action on tissues, ultrasound can be used for non-injection administration. medical preparations(phonophoresis).

2. Magnetotherapy- Therapeutic effect of a magnetic field.

Magnetotherapy improves blood and lymph circulation, blood supply and tissue nutrition, has a pronounced healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the effect of a magnetic field improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, stimulates tissue regeneration, and promotes the mobilization of the protective and regenerative mechanisms of the body.

3. Mesotherapy– microinjections medicines into the skin.

The components that make up the therapeutic cocktails of mesotherapy stimulate the processes of cellular metabolism and regeneration, increase local immunity and improve blood microcirculation, and promote rapid healing of the skin.

Along with medicinal substances, mesotherapy cocktails include vitamins, microelements, essential amino acids, enzymes and other bioactive substances.

Mesotherapy, used in rehabilitation therapy, allows you to consolidate and improve the results of plastic surgery, accelerate healing and tissue repair, and minimize scarring.

4. Darsonvalization- exposure to local areas of the skin with alternating high-frequency current.

Impulse current improves blood circulation and outflow of venous blood, stimulates blood supply and nutrition of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, promotes their faster recovery and healing.

Like other physiotherapeutic methods included in the rehabilitation program after plastic surgery at the Doctor Plastic clinic, darsonvalization is completely safe and does not have negative side effects.

5. Endermology (LPG)– combined vacuum-mechanical massage. During the procedure, skin areas are lifted, held with a vacuum and kneaded with special rollers. Resorption of adhesions and scars.

Endermology LPG helps to eliminate puffiness, improve the effect and faster recovery after plastic surgery and liposuction.
Thanks to LPG procedures, microcirculation and lymph movement are enhanced, congestion disappears, the creation of a renewed skin frame is stimulated, and the synthesis of skin collagen is activated.

6. Elos (Elos) - impact on the superficial and deep layers of the skin using electro-optical synergy. The high efficiency of Elos-therapy is based on the combined action of light (IPR) and radio frequency (RF) energies.

Elos-therapy not only improves and consolidates the aesthetic effect of the plastic surgery, but also has healing effect, contributing accelerated recovery skin.

With the help of Elos-therapy, the processes of healing and cellular regeneration of the skin are activated and accelerated, resorption and clarification of scars occur, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced, and the skin becomes younger and healthier.

The high versatility of this innovative technique allows it to be effectively used during the recovery period in the face, forehead, eyelids, and neck.

7. Critherapy (cryomassage)- a therapeutic technique using liquid nitrogen.

The low temperature of liquid nitrogen causes a short-term constriction of blood vessels with their subsequent expansion. Thanks to the intensive “vessel gymnastics”, dormant capillaries are activated, blood microcirculation improves, capillary blood supply and skin nutrition are stimulated, and healing processes are accelerated.

Exposure to low temperature mobilizes the reserve blood circulation of the skin, improves metabolic processes and increases local immunity, accelerates healing, and contributes to the faster disappearance of edema and bruising.

The use of cryotherapy in combination with other recovery procedures of the Doctor Plastic clinic after plastic surgery can reduce the rehabilitation period by 2-3 times or more and minimize the risk of complications.

8. Microcurrent therapy – medical procedure, based on the effect of sinusoidal currents of low intensity.

Microcurrent therapy has a pronounced anti-edematous, tonic and lymphatic drainage effect.

Local exposure to microcurrents helps to strengthen the vascular walls and increase the tone of blood vessels, improves capillary blood circulation and blood microcirculation, activates the movement of lymph, cleanses tissues of toxins and improves metabolic processes.

Thanks to the action of microcurrents, congestion and swelling are eliminated, and recovery processes are accelerated.

The modes of microcurrents used in the Doctor Plastic clinic are completely physiological and optimally correspond to the biological parameters of cell membranes, which makes this procedure not only extremely effective, but also completely safe.

Plastic surgery in the intimate area is very diverse in terms of correction, women decide on such a procedure after childbirth, with dissatisfaction appearance delicate area, with discomfort and inconvenience in sexual activity.

By the way, the most common operations are labioplasty and vaginoplasty / colpoplasty.

In most cases, the patient is discharged on the day of surgery or in the morning.

It is very important to follow the rules of rehabilitation after discharge from the hospital. Actually take a vacation for a couple of weeks to fully recover and heal.

How is rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the intimate area

Depending on the degree of intervention postoperative period lasts two to eight weeks. After labioplasty - it is 6 weeks, and vaginoplasty - up to 2 months.

  • 3-5 days it is necessary to observe sparing, bed rest is better.
  • After each visit to the toilet for up to 4 weeks, you need to take a hygienic shower, and then treat / douche with an antiseptic solution recommended by the surgeon.
  • Underwear should not be tight, tight or too tight., optimally wearing cotton shorts "a la grandmother's". Linen restriction is valid for 1.5 months.
  • Clothing should be sufficiently loose, friction and pinching of the operated tissues is unacceptable.
  • 1-4 weeks (depending on the plastic surgery) you can not sit directly on the intimate area on a flat surface, it is allowed to sit on the hip or on soft pillows (if it is not possible to take a vacation at work). Squatting is undesirable up to 2 months, however, with minor surgical interventions and favorable rehabilitation, restrictions may be lifted after two weeks, but only after consultation with the attending physician.
  • From one to two months it is forbidden to take a bath, visit a sauna, a bath, a hammam, a cryosauna, a pool, swim in open water.
  • Lifting weights from seven kilograms and any physical exercise admitted after an average of seven weeks.
  • Sex after labioplasty and vaginoplasty(and other operations) is allowed after six to eight weeks. After colpoplasty, even excitement in the first month is undesirable due to the risk of damage to the sutures and excessive swelling of the tissues.
  • Nutrition is desirable to adjust, avoiding the content in the diet of hard foods, products bloating and gases, in the first week it is better to give up cereals (they can lead to constipation).
  • Alcohol after intimate plastic surgery unacceptable for the entire full rehabilitation period. Even low-alcohol drinks slow down recovery processes, promote swelling and are absolutely incompatible with drugs in the postoperative regime.
  • Smoking should be reduced as much as possible or, if possible, refuse completely. Tobacco has an extremely negative effect on all processes in the body and is always undesirable after operations.
  • Solarium and sunbathing are also subject to a month-long ban from plastic surgery.. Even trips to hot countries are undesirable during the recovery period.
  • It is obligatory to take all the medicines prescribed after the operation, as well as to visit the surgeon at the appointed periods.

With minor surgical interventions in intimate areas, the rehabilitation time is somewhat shorter, but they must be discussed with the attending physician.

What are the complications after intimate plastic surgery?

  • Edema after labioplasty and other operations in the intimate area. A well-known and undoubtedly predictable complication caused by surgical intervention. As it heals, everything returns to normal and no longer causes discomfort.
  • Discomfort during the first sex after recovery. It passes quickly enough, do not be afraid.
  • Temporary loss or change in sensation during sex, also to be expected side effect caused by damage to nerve endings. Restoration of the transmission of nerve impulses occurs gradually, in the estimated time frame - from a month to a year from the moment of surgery.
  • With excessive resection of tissues, the patient may experience "permanent gaping of the entrance" on an ongoing basis. An extremely unpleasant complication, which results in dryness and irritation, as well as the possibility of introducing infections into the vagina.
  • Inflammation of the urethra or postoperative sutures. Rarely, they can appear due to poor hygiene and the rejection of the anti-inflammatory group of therapeutic drugs. A visit to a personal physician is required.
  • Divergence of seams with a short or disturbed rehabilitation process, an urgent consultation in the clinic is necessary. There is a high chance of reoperation.
  • Fistulas.
  • Rejection of the suture material, self-absorbable threads remaining intact.