What plastic surgeries did Alena Vodonaeva do. Successful and not very plastic of Alena Vodonaeva

One of the sex symbols of domestic show business in recent years is the infamous TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva, because it’s not for nothing that this charming brunette got into the top 100 most beautiful women, according to Maxim magazine. Like all beauties, our heroine has many envious women who doubt her "naturalness". In any case, on the Web you can often find a request about what Alena Vodonaeva was like before and after plastic surgery.

Appearance before and after reality

Despite the fact that many former participants in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2" are embarrassed by such a start, it was this project that gave way to the future and dizzying career advancement to the brightest of them. Alena Vodonaeva was no exception to the rule, although her professional relationship with the TNT channel clearly did not work out. Nevertheless, it was participation in the project that brought her fame and the first external reincarnations.

Tyumen past

The future star was born on July 2, 1982 in Tyumen in the family of an economist and an orthopedic doctor. From childhood, father Yuri and mother Larisa surrounded the baby with great care and love, so it’s no wonder that already in kindergarten Alena declared publicly that she would certainly become "an aunt from the TV." It is worth recognizing that for this the future participant and host of the reality show had all the data, because at the age of 13 the girl turned into a charming young woman with a thin waist, large breasts, wide hips and a height that exceeded the cherished 175 cm for models.

AT last years Alena was often accused of secretly increasing her breasts. But if you look at her numerous teenage pictures, you can see that the girl had everything in order with these parameters in her youth.

Refuting all the attacks and accusations, Vodonaeva cited her closest relatives as an example - her mother and grandmother, referring to good genetic heredity.

Numerous photos from college times in revealing underwear were also used, on which one could see what magnificent forms the nature had awarded the girl.

In addition, having come to the show, the girl immediately attracted attention with her chiseled amphora figure, dancing along with a huge python at the dedication to the participants. And everything would be all right, but there is no smoke without fire. And as if an obstinate star, famous for its difficult character, did not deny the fact of breast augmentation in the past, there are many markers indicating that the surgical intervention did take place.

The first changes on reality

Before plastic surgery, Vodonaeva was far from ideal, although it should not be denied that the girl always had good external data.

So, the audience was filled with the protruding tooth of the participant, which greatly spoiled her already imperfect smile. The overall picture was overshadowed by sparse hair, short thick fingers with strangely shaped nails and a strange style of clothing with a clear claim to originality.

The weight of the project participant, which is closer to the third year of her stay, turned out to be unstable. on "Dom-2" ate fat on the sides, jeopardizing his legendary waist of 57 cm. However, the unexpected soon happened - an unfortunate love with another participant in the famous TV show, May Abrikosov (in the common people, Roman Tertishny).

Alena literally lost her head from the curly blonde, who shared her passion only partially, devoting more time to her mental anguish and finding herself both within the project and beyond. It got to the point that the girl was tormented by experiences, having greatly lost in mass. And, as often happens, along with the extra pounds, the splendor of the chest also went away.

In any case, Alena herself complained in one of the broadcasts to another participant that now her bust had become like “two dried apricots”, raising her T-shirt for clarity and demonstrating her charms.

What was the surprise of the guys when, after a month-long trip to St. Petersburg on personal business, the beauty returned with magnificent breasts, which she initially hid under voluminous clothes, without adding a single kilo. The main competitor of the participant, Victoria Bonya, was the first to draw attention to this, who dared to declare right on the frontal place that Alena Vodonaeva looks completely different before and after plastic surgery and that it was for this that she dangled to Northern Palmyra.

As part of the project, Alena repeatedly resorted to all kinds of tuning:

  • I removed the milk fang, which turned out to be superfluous in the top row.
  • Whitened her teeth and put a diamond in them.
  • She grew her hair and nails.
  • I did permanent lip makeup.

Then Alena did not admit to the fact of plastic surgery, citing the fact that Boni's words are only a consequence of envy a girl who "has the wind in her bra." Nevertheless, in the spring, when Vodonaeva began to appear in revealing topics, other participants noticed not only an increase in volume, but also a change in the shape of the breast - it became more rounded.

Events of recent years

A huge influence on the style of the former participant was exerted by her husband, a successful businessman Alexei Malakeev, with whom Alena became a real lady. Having given birth to her first child, Bogdan, the girl took off her hair extensions and put her hair in order, completely abandoning painting, lost weight and took up her teeth again. All this time, the gossips continued to gossip, discussing Alena Vodonaeva before and after the operation.

It must be admitted that after giving birth, Alena's breasts became even larger. And although the TV presenter herself, who by that time already hosted the popular show “Vacations in Mexico-2”, claimed that the changes were associated with the birth of a child, talking about her dreams of breast reduction, experienced surgeons saw only one reason in this desire - sagging implants .

Be that as it may, but in 2017 Alena officially announced that she was going under the surgeon's knife in order to reduce her “heavy five” to a “neat three”. However, beauty fans soon noticed that Alena Vodonaeva's breasts before and after the operation differ only in shape, but by no means in size.

Most likely, the girl decided to simply change the implants to more natural anatomical ones, really reducing their volume a little, because this shape looks more round, and also to make an anchor lift, since with age the skin in the chest area has greatly stretched under its weight and the weight of prostheses.

The TV presenter worked on herself in the following areas:

  • Removed wisdom teeth and put veneers in the top row.
  • She took off the long extended strands and made a square with thickening.
  • She grew eyelashes.
  • I removed excess hair with wax on the face and with the help of photoepilation on the body.
  • She began to resort to injection cosmetology, although she managed without it for a long time (so far only the forehead area, nasolabial folds and nasolabial folds have been worked out in a small amount, and lips have also been moisturized).

Currently, Vodonaeva is happy in her second marriage with the famous DJ Alexei Komov (DJ Zeskulls). About her life with her husband and son, self-care and numerous love adventures, the star quite frankly shared in the recently presented book "Naked".

As the practice of show business development in the countries of the former Soviet Union, already after six months of constant presence on the screens, the "star" has a desire to improve his appearance. We are talking about losing weight, and about the style of clothing, the manner of speaking, and of course about plastic surgery.

Watching Dom-2 fresh episodes, you can see how reality show participants change their appearance in an effort to become a pi star:

During the passage of the reality show Dom-2, more than fifteen participants upgraded their appearance using the services of plastic surgeons. This number is only those who agreed to advertise this event. And how many of those who decided to keep their "artificial" improvements a secret?...

As a rule, surgical intervention concerns breast augmentation and liposuction, but there is also a correction of certain parts of the face: ears, chin, nose, and so on. Below you can see photos "before" and "after" plastic surgery of rating participants and hosts of the Dom-2 project.

1. Daria Pynzar made a breast augmentation. After giving birth, like any nursing mother, her breasts increased by a couple of sizes, which the girl really liked and soon she decided to have plastic surgery so that her breast size remained unchanged. It is worth noting that her husband Sergei Pynzar was not against it at all.

2. Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova - complex facelift. The elder Agibalova began to look noticeably better. Reading reviews about yourself in social networks, she decided it was time for her to put herself in order.

3. Margarita Agibalova - breast lift. After pregnancy, Rita needed only a breast lift. At least, on the airs of the project, she reported that she did not increase her breast size ...

4. Evgenia Feofilaktova - breast augmentation, cheiloplasty. From the first day of her stay at Dom-2, Zhenya tried to show herself as the most beautiful girl project. She soon realized that in order to really live up to this title, a number of improvements needed to be made.

5. Vlad Kadoni - penis enlargement. Vlad most likely took this step in order to attract attention to himself, because on the air the organizers of Dom-2 showed how the doctor tried to dissuade him from the operation, saying that his “sizes” were more than normal.

6. Nelli Ermolaeva - otoplasty. Nelly is a very creative person. She understood that after the project she would continue her career and she needed to change the shape of her ears, which she always hid with her hair.

7. Elena Bushina - rhinoplasty. During her stay on the project, Lena was very embarrassed by the shape of her nose, and after seeing the results of her colleagues, she also resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

8. Inna Volovicheva - body shaping, breast lift. Inna is probably the most prominent member of Dom-2. She managed to change her appearance so that now she earns a lot of money on this, telling everyone about the secrets of her weight loss...

9. Alena Vodonaeva - breast augmentation. Alena from the very beginning television career She knew that she needed to look good in order to achieve results. Vodonaeva's new breasts had a lot of influence on her development in show business.

10. Svetlana Davydova - lipofilling. Perhaps Sveta had the most unsuccessful trip to plastic surgeon. The pleasant appearance of Davydova changed for the worse: huge lips and protruding cheekbones made her face rough and asymmetrical.

11. Anastasia Kovaleva - breast augmentation. Nastya was a very bright member of Dom-2, who was among the most beautiful participants in the reality show. When, on the air of Dom-2, the participants talked about the fact that the girl had enlarged her breasts, her fans were never surprised.

12. Erika Kisheva - sex change operation. Erica is an outstanding personality not only at Dom-2, but throughout Russia. The girl was once a man who engaged in intimate services to earn a living plastic surgery and become a girl.

14. Ksenia Borodina - breast augmentation. There was no official statement that she had a breast augmentation. But judging by appearance, many experts who are also her fans claim that there was plastic surgery.

15. Ksenia Sobchak - rhinoplasty, chin plastic. Ksyusha changed the shape of her nose even before the project, but she took up her chin already being the host of House-2. There is no confirmation that she did plastic surgery, since the girl turned to expensive European clinics.

There are a lot of rumors around the reality show Dom-2 all the time. The last of them say that the organizers of the project decided to ban the plastic surgery of the participants. Most likely, this is due to the fact that fans want to see on the screens of people similar to them, and not to the "ordinary" stars of show business.

Alena Vodonaeva became famous thanks to her participation in the scandalous project "Dom-2". Today she is known as the host of the popular Muz-TV channel and a frequenter of social events.

However, for the majority, Alena continues to be associated with the scandalous project. If you believe the way the celebrity herself explains her participation in the Dom-2 show, then she went there to realize her old dream.

Alena wanted to become a journalist and attending a real reality show allowed her to write one of the best theses. And then somehow it turned out by itself, it started spinning ... and Alena stayed on the project for three whole years, changing lovers one after another and achieving new goals, already completely different.

Seeing the new pictures, the fans were delighted. Many hurried to write to Alena that she was good and they watched the project solely because of her presence there. There were, of course, those who decided to gossip about the girl's appearance and the size of her breasts.

It should be noted that the famous television set has now given the already famous socialite a lot of opportunities. She was invited to host entertainment TV shows and appear in men's magazines, there were attempts to head music chats, and Vodonaeva also hosted several popular talk shows.

But Alena now brings Instagram the biggest income. Perhaps that is why the former star of “Doma2” is constantly improving her appearance. We can say that it was the story of Alena Vodonaeva about her transition from the “before” to the bright “after” that attracted more than a million subscribers to her page.

Alena herself declares that she does not like to show her photos from her “past life” now. This, according to the girl, constantly provokes discussions about plastic surgery. And this topic is not pleasant for a girl.

It is surprising that the example of a strong family did not help Alena herself to build a long-term relationship. Her parents started dating back in 7th grade at school and are still together. And all the novels of the windy Alena lasted no more than a few years. The first serious conquests were men from the Dom-2 project: brawler Stepan Menshikov, musician May Abrikosov and stripper Anton Potapovich.

Outside the perimeter of the show, she married businessman Alexei Malakeev, from whom she gave birth to a son, Bogdan. By that time, the TV star was tired of life under the close lens of cameras, so she hid her relationship with Alexei in every possible way. The couple even celebrated their wedding in a quiet family circle. The artist did not stop declaring her love for her husband in an interview, but, apparently, everything in their relationship was not as perfect as the star tried to imagine.

When the girl became the host of the new project “Vacations in Mexico” and left for another country, there were even more reasons for breaking off her relationship with her husband. Alena constantly flirted with the young participants of the project and quarreled with the operators who tried to film a video proof of her betrayals. This story ended in tears both for the marriage (the husband, as expected, filed for divorce) and for Alena's career (she was sent home, and another plastic lover, Victoria Bonya, took the place of the host).

After a high-profile divorce, a series of young, little-known boyfriends began in Alena's life, who were 10-12 years younger than her. Obviously, anti-aging procedures helped her in finding younger guys, because before the plastic surgery, Alena Vodonaeva chose older partners.

Alena Vodonaeva became famous thanks to the reality show "House 2". Today she starred in glossy magazines and TV shows, hosts entertainment programs, and records musical compositions. Fans noticed that the face and figure of the star changed before their eyes.

Alena Vodonaeva before plastic surgery

Alena Vodonaeva from childhood was distinguished by her artistry, strong character and high level of intelligence. She was not afraid to be the center of attention.

The girl graduated from the Tyumen Institute of Journalism, for some time she led the news on the local channel. According to Alena's stories, she came to the Dom 2 project to study the reality show phenomenon. Then it only gained popularity.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

The model and presenter quickly got used to being under the supervision of video cameras. On the project, she experienced several stormy novels, scandals and even fights. Behind the scenes of "House 2" Vodonaeva got married, gave birth to a son, and just as quickly divorced her businessman husband.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

Vodonaeva denies the fact of plastic surgery, but the photo shows that she went under the surgeon's knife several times.

New photos of Vodonaeva after plastic surgery

First surgical intervention Alena's chest was exposed. The girl increased her bust from the second to the sixth size.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

A few years later, the star realized that she had made a mistake. Heavy breasts caused discomfort: problems with the spine and neck began. Then the singer and TV presenter reduced the bust by three sizes.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

The lips were also enlarged with fillers. They have become more elegant, more magnificent, and the owner of this beauty has become more feminine and sexy.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

There were no more obvious changes in appearance for Vodonaeva. She also has a naturally bright, attractive female image.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

Even before plastic surgery, the girl behaved confidently and boldly, obviously not suffering from a lack of male attention.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

Vodonaeva does not hide her personal life from fans, often posting new photos on her Instagram page. At the same time, she manages to work actively and raise her son.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

We hope the star of various TV shows will remain as popular for a long time to come. Alena does a great job of following the beauty of her face and figure, arousing the admiration of the audience.