Aurora TV presenter. I want to live my life with my husband! The start of a television career

TV presenter Aurora worked for 10 years on Muz-TV and has already become associated with music shows, and then suddenly decided to change her field of activity. Now she specializes in television projects dedicated to the transformation of tired, dissatisfied women into cheerful beauties. In the new season on the Domashny TV channel, the presenter presented her new program Beauty to Order. “I really believe that every woman can be made beautiful and happy,” Aurora likes to repeat and proves these words in practice.

Blitz poll "Cleo":
— Are you friends with the Internet?

- I don’t know about friendship, but I use it a lot - I read, answer, lead. (Laughs).

What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
- The time of people whom I love and appreciate very much - they have little of it, and I am very happy about such moments.

Which animal do you associate yourself with?
Ridiculous question, I don't know...

Did you have a nickname as a child?
- It was some kind of childhood, I think. I do not remember.

— What turns you on?
- Beautiful people. (Smiling).

Are you an owl or a lark?
- I do not know. I like to get up early, but I also like to sleep late. It seems to me that in essence I am a lark - I love the morning. But in Moscow you have to go to bed very late and you have to be an owl. Work is like that.

Aurora, tell me, as a specialist, where should you start the transformation, what first of all needs to be changed in yourself in order to look at yourself with different eyes, strengthen the desire to improve?

If a person really wants, then changes must begin - period. And why is the second question. Of course, it's hard to find a new husband, if you broke up with the old one, it's hard to find new job if it didn’t work out with the old one, but everyone can go for a haircut. Yes, and external changes are most noticeable. Therefore, it is best to start changing the internal mood from the outside. I sincerely believe that any woman, and even a man, can be made, if not beautiful - beauty is still the proportions of the face, the right lines - then well-groomed.

When a person has neat nails, well-groomed hair, competent makeup, stylishly selected clothes - this is wonderful.

The question begs itself: how do you feel about plastic surgery?

Let's just say - positively, if there is a real need for it. For example, the consequences of some kind of injury or a defect from nature that prevents a person from living, and it can be corrected. Because there are imperfections that some people - especially from creative professions - make it their thing. This, for example, can be a hump nose. And that's great. And there are things like hernias under the eyes - and this needs to be removed. And the sooner the better! But pumping Botox everywhere and everywhere, and especially fat removal - liposuction - it's just awful. I am against the refrigerator on the face. I believe that people are simply too lazy to simply take care of themselves and somehow limit themselves in food! But this is unhealthy, and the consequences can be even worse than the cause.

In general, are you for naturalness and a reasonable approach?

In general, yes. Although some things that can be a feature in youth - for example, a gap in the teeth - become imbalanced with age, catch the eye and even disfigure the appearance. Teeth are my own subject. I think that they need to be looked after, they should be even, clean, white.

Aurora, you often experiment with looks. You changed your hair color again - you now have bright pink strands. How did you decide to make such a drastic change?

I need to start with the fact that I already once painted in pink. For hair, I consult with my stylist friend. He has been coloring and cutting my hair for many years. He is always in trend. You can often find it in London - that's why, by the way, now I go uncut, but I really want to update my hair a little. (Smiling). So, in the 2000s, when I had already left Muse and began working on Channel One - I hosted the Golden Gramophone, he returned from London once again with fresh, ultra-new ideas, showed me a tube of pink paint and offered to try. And of course I agreed!

And so, I come so beautiful - with pink ends of my hair - the make-up artist and the producers see me, a silent scene. So at that time it was only possible to show off on MTV and Muse, but this is still Channel One!

And how did it end? Did you have to urgently repaint?

No, it worked out ... The make-up artist asked me to collect my hair in a ponytail, the pink strands were hidden and were not conspicuous. So I worked the rest of the season with a ponytail. And now, already having an understanding that in the middle of the filming process they don’t change their appearance, I hardly waited for the end of the filming of the first period of “Beauty” and ran to make up.

What is your psychological age?
- I feel differently - depending on the state. And I know my age, and it is what it is. I don't understand the confusion about age.

- Do you have a talisman?
- Not.

- How do you relieve stress?
Bath is the best anti-stress. (Laughs).

What ringtone is on your mobile?
— Standard.

- What is your favorite aphorism?
- "Fortune loves the brave" - ​​I like it since school, when we learned the English proverb.

Recently, you and your colleagues Tutta Larsen and Lena Usanova took part in a culinary duel. What did you cook and who turned out to be the best cooks?

Well, let's start with the fact that it was not us who competed, but real chefs, and we only helped them. We prepared various dishes together with Chef Michel Cheve, Pastry Chef Hideki Morikawa and Chef Baker Nicolas Pangu. I worked in tandem with Nicolas - a very nice uncle who cooks amazing pies and pies, and also bakes bread. I can say that, after all, cooking is not my forte, and once again I was convinced that the best chefs are still men. On that day, I ate a few empty ones, a piece of cake, tried amazing cabbage rolls and sweets according to Hideki's recipe. A real feast of the belly.

But what about the figure?

Well, it's a rare day, an exception. In fact, I don't eat that many sweets at a time. I learned to enjoy a limited amount of something very tasty or sweet. It is very pleasant when you feel lightness and slight satisfaction in the body. I can’t imagine how you can eat a whole cake or a huge portion of something else - it’s not normal, it’s harmful. I am against diets - any, I am for a reasonable restriction in food, for educating my stomach. You can’t constantly overeat, and then go on a diet - this is a huge stress for the body, which gradually impairs health. Many people do not understand what a diet is. Diet is not a lifestyle. Sometimes I hear: "I'm on a protein diet." Yes, this protein diet can hurt yourself so much that you won’t disentangle it later.

Nutritionists prescribe not so much diet as a healthy diet for a particular person, based on his specific situation. In general, diets are an endless topic and a very controversial issue.

Okay, let's change the subject. Tell about your family. You also named your daughter Aurora. I wonder what your husband calls you at home - Aurora Sr. and Aurora Jr.?

No, my passport name is Irina. There is only one Aurora at home - this is our daughter. And she is a great original - she very often calls me not my mother or Irina, but officially by my first and last name - Irina Yudina, especially when she wants to emphasize something and draw my attention to something. It sounds very funny, our friends and acquaintances are very touched. And my husband ... And what my husband calls me - I won’t say, in different ways. (Laughs).

How do you spend time with your family? Do you have any established family traditions?

We are a normal family. When we can lie at home, when we can visit, when guests come to us. Alexey can please us with breakfast-lunch-dinner. He cooks well, although he rarely does it. In general, we love cinema very much - both going to the cinema and watching at home. Winter is coming, and Aurora and I will go ice skating - we love this very much. During the autumn holidays, a trip to Switzerland for a few days has already been confirmed. Our rest is now closely connected with school holidays.

How do you support romance in your relationship with your husband?

But it doesn’t disappear with us, so we don’t support it yet - I don’t know what to answer. (Smiling). In fact, if people love each other, then it is natural to make some gifts, go somewhere together - just have dinner or lunch. True, we prefer to get out somewhere for 2-3 days - we recently returned from Riga, spent a wonderful weekend there.

Alexey and I already have, one might say, a tradition to go on vacation only together at the end of January somewhere in warm countries. We love Bali and the Maldives. Have been to Bali many times. There, for example, a massage costs $10 for an hour and a half. (Laughs). Where else can you find one?

Aurora, our main and favorite holiday is just around the corner - New Year. How are you going to celebrate, do you already have something planned?

We will traditionally celebrate at home, in Moscow. In the family. I don't work tonight. This is a home holiday. Sometimes, it happens, my mom or Alexei's mom comes to visit, or a few friends. But they are always very close friends. I really love the post-New Year days in Moscow - rare moments of silence, calm, no traffic jams. There are so many things to do at this time, so many places to visit, so many friends to visit. Wonderful time - magical!

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Aurora(real name Irina Yurievna Yudina; July 18, Orekhovo-Zuevo) - Russian TV presenter, actress, fashion model.


TV presenter and actress Aurora (Irina Yuryevna Yudina) was born on July 18, 1973 in Orekhovo-Zuyevo near Moscow.

From August 2003 to March 2004, on ORT, together with Yegor Druzhinin, she hosted a weekly television version of the Golden Gramophone contest.

Since March 2006, she has been one of the hosts of the Ex Wives Club on TNT (together with Vera Sotnikova, Leroy Kudryavtseva and Zhanna Epple).

Since January 2010, the host of the morning infotainment channel "Mood" on TV Center

Since September 2011, the host of the show “Cinderella. Reboot" on TNT channel.

Since 2012, the host of the Star Stories. TV magazine "on the TV channel" Domashny ".

From 2011 to 2012 - Cityshaper Range Rover Evoque.

In 2013 she created her own brand "SISTERconcept"

Since January 2015, the host of the All-Russian music competition "New Star" on the TV channel "Zvezda"

Personal life


  • "Juicer"
  • "Life is Beautiful"
  • "Evening call, evening Bell"
  • "Siesta"
  • "Mood"
  • Star Stories. TV magazine»
  • "New life"
  • "New star"


  • - "Zone Lube" - episode
  • - "In move " - TV presenter Eva
  • - "No one knows about sex" - Angelina
  • - Moscow, I love you! » - episode[[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]

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An excerpt characterizing Aurora (TV presenter)

- Uncle?! Oh, how good - a new aunt !!! And who is she? – the curious little girl did not let up.
She is my sister, Alice. You never saw her. She went to this "other" world when you weren't there yet.
“Well, then it was a very long time ago,” little Katya confidently stated the “indisputable fact” ...
The luminous "aunt" smiled sadly, watching her cheerful and there is nothing wrong with this new life situation unsuspecting little niece. And that one was merrily jumping up and down on one leg, trying out her unusual “new body” and, remaining completely satisfied with it, stared inquiringly at the adults, waiting for them to finally go into that unusual luminous one. new world"... She seemed completely happy again, since her whole family was here, which meant that they "everything is fine" and there is no need to worry about anything else ... Her tiny children's world was again habitually protected by the people she loved and she no longer had to think about what happened to them today and just waited for what would happen next.
Alice looked at me very carefully and said affectionately:
- And it's still early for you, girl, you still have a long way to go ...
The glowing blue channel was still sparkling and shimmering, but it suddenly seemed to me that the glow had become weaker, and as if answering my thought, the “aunt” said:
“It’s time for us, my dears. You don't need this world anymore...
She took them all into her arms (which I was surprised for a moment, as she seemed to suddenly become larger) and the luminous channel disappeared along with the sweet girl Katya and her whole wonderful family ... It became empty and sad, as if I had lost again someone close, as happened almost always after a new meeting with the "leaving" ...
"Girl, are you all right?" I heard someone's worried voice.
Someone bothered me, trying to “return” me to a normal state, as I apparently again “entered” too deeply into that other world, far away for the rest, and frightened some kind person with my “frozen-abnormal” calmness.
The evening was just as wonderful and warm, and everything around remained exactly the same as it was only an hour ago ... only I no longer wanted to walk anymore.
Someone's fragile, good lives had just been cut off so easily, flew away into another world like a white cloud, and I suddenly felt very sad, as if a drop of my lonely soul had flown away with them ... I really wanted to believe that the dear girl Katya would find at least some kind of happiness in anticipation of their return "home" ... And it was sincerely sorry for all those who did not have coming "aunts" to at least slightly alleviate their fear, and who rushed in horror, leaving in that arc, unfamiliar and frightening world , not even imagining what awaits them there, and not believing that this is still going on their “precious and only” LIFE ...

The days flew by unnoticed. Weeks passed. Gradually, I began to get used to my unusual everyday visitors ... After all, everything, even the most extraordinary events that we perceive at the beginning almost as a miracle, become commonplace if they are repeated regularly. So my wonderful "guests", who at the beginning amazed me so much, have become for me almost commonplace, in which I honestly put a part of my heart and was ready to give much more, if only it could help someone. But it was impossible to absorb all that endless human pain without choking on it and without destroying itself. Therefore, I became much more careful and tried to help without opening all the “gateways” of my raging emotions, but tried to remain as calm as possible and, to my greatest surprise, very soon noticed that in this way I can help much more and more effectively. , while not getting tired at all and spending much less of their vitality on all this.

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Biography, life story of Yudina Irina (Aurora)

Irina Yudina (Aurora)
Birthday: 07/18/1973
Place of birth: Orekhovo-Zuevo, Russia

I don't really like going to the gym because I'm bored there. And I need to play sports, that's why I prefer leisure. For example, I never lie on the beach, all the time either water skiing or windsurfing, I play some kind of beach games.

"A man should be interesting"

Aurora, you yourself call the beginning of your career on TV a happy occasion. How did it happen?

Yes, it is indeed a happy coincidence. In 1995, I graduated from the Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Nizhny Novgorod and was going to continue my studies in the field of interior design. I was passing through Moscow and somehow accidentally heard an announcement on TV about the competition of presenters on Muz-TV. I went there just out of curiosity and, to my surprise, got into the top twenty of the lucky ones who were selected. About two months passed from that moment until the first broadcast. Every day we came to Ostankino, they worked with us, taught us how to write eyeliners, stay in the frame. As a result, only a few people were selected - me, Olya Shelest, Sasha Pryanikov and Dasha Subbotina. I remember that I ruined my debut tract (imitation of a live broadcast) - I got excited, giggled. And they told me: “If this is the case, you won’t go on the air today!” And they called Shelest. As a result, she was the first of us to come out to the audience. I did the second tract already normally, and they put me on the air - this was in 1996. And here I am, collected, combed, dressed, made up, repeating the introductory text to myself, when suddenly our director says: “But what will you be called with us? Ira Yudina - somehow not that, not youthful! And I immediately burst out: “Aurora!” So I went live, rattled the entire eyeliner out of fright without hesitation, not even understanding how I did it. And the pseudonym Aurora has since taken root so much that I consider it my middle name.

You became very popular very quickly. Surely you did not end up with fans?


There were always a lot of men around me. But with the advent of popularity, in addition to free artists from the creative community, to whom I was always drawn, the ranks of admirers were replenished by solid uncles with serious proposals. Their courtship was pleasant to me, I always accepted flowers. But when they tried to donate cars several times, they refused. I have never been mercantile. Moreover, commodity-money relations between a man and a woman always seemed unpromising to me!

What do you value most in men?

- The main criterion is to be interesting with a man. I had one fan, a great original. He bribed by courting very creatively. Once I was sitting at home and suddenly I heard music burst out in the yard. I look out the window, and this is my admirer who drove the orchestra to the entrance and is going to perform a serenade. He also loved dress-up games. For example, I get on the train, hand the documents to the conductor, and he asks me something in a painfully familiar voice. I raise my head, he is standing in the form of a conductor and laughing ...

“Relationship with my husband grew out of friendship”

How did you meet your husband, Alexei Treiman?

- Lesha appeared in my life about five years before our love began. My close friend married a guy from St. Petersburg, it was Alex. He moved to Moscow, and we often crossed paths at work: Alexei is a TV director. Over time, he became one of my friends. I kept secret with him, asked for advice (at that time I had problems with my boyfriend). And I had no idea that in his personal life, too, not everything is going smoothly. I don’t even know how long we could have been friends with him like that… The turning point was our joint business trip to South Africa. Alexey filmed a series of stories about this country, and I worked in the frame. He once saved my life! I rode down the streets of Cape Town on roller skates and told the camera about the city. The terrain there is mountainous, and by negligence I accelerated so much that I stopped controlling the speed. It was impossible to slow down! Aleksey just miraculously managed to catch up with me. We got off with light scratches. Apparently, due to stress, the veil fell from our eyes. It was as if we saw each other for the first time, and both disappeared ... Upon returning to Moscow, we thought for a couple of weeks what to do. I found out that he and his wife are on the verge of a divorce. My next relationship was also coming to an end. Therefore, we decided that we would not hide, but just honestly try to start living together. For the first time in my life, I wanted to get married and have children!

Did your girlfriend, Alexei's ex-wife, take your union normally?

- We continued to communicate with her and never even discussed what happened ... But then I got pregnant very quickly. And our relationship with her came to naught. Which, frankly, I regret. The friend was real...

You and Alexei have been together for 6 years. Do you have a secret to family happiness?

We never tried to change anything in each other. Although, I confess, it's easier for me. Alexei seems perfect to me - I want to live with him all my life, without changing anything! But he had to accept me for who I am. Eccentric, whiner, absolutely not economic. As six years ago I didn’t cook, I still don’t cook. In general, our family is a confirmation of the theory that men are the best cooks. I cook scrambled eggs at best, and Aleksey treats the cooking process creatively and really makes kitchen masterpieces. His signature dish is pasta. Such delicious pasta like him, I have not tried in any Italian restaurant! True, he cooks quite rarely - after all, we are both very busy at work.

It is believed that it is difficult for two creative people to live together. Don't you ever fight?

“I don’t even remember when it was the last time. And the fact that creative people cannot get along together is a myth. I am sure that two creative people will understand each other faster and better than a poet and an accountant. Lesha and I are also easy because our relationship grew out of friendship. And we remain friends! We move in the same sphere, we read the same books, we both like to go to the cinema and travel a lot. Our outlook on life is similar. For example, we do not seek to put down roots somewhere. Until now, we have not acquired our own housing - we rent an apartment. And we are not in a hurry to settle there forever, because we have not yet decided where we want to live. Lesha has an idea to work in America, and I have always dreamed of living in Barcelona. We are also not in a hurry to put stamps in our passports! We don’t go to the registry office, because we don’t understand why. All this is nonsense and prejudice! The absence of a stamp in the passport does not interfere with love and trust.

"I'm bored at the gym"

You said that you travel a lot. Where do you like to travel the most?

- There are many places that I like. In Europe, I love Amsterdam very much. It is a beautiful, cozy and pleasant city to live in. I also really like Paris, Barcelona is an insanely beautiful city, and Rome is just a fairy tale! When I first got there, I just almost went crazy from the beauty that is around, and from Italians who look at any woman as a goddess! I also love Bali - an incredible country. The people who live there are far from anger, envy, aggression - it seems that they are made of a completely different dough than we are. And when you understand this, at first you are surprised, and then you are so delighted that you want to stay close to these people for the rest of your life. And the Maldives is a place where you need to relax your body and soul. There is no such unique situation anywhere. Absolutely perfect picture and incredible peace.

Do you like outdoor activities?

- Yes, but, oddly enough, because of my dislike for sports. I don't really like going to the gym because I'm bored there. And I need to go in for sports, so I prefer active rest. For example, I never lie on the beach, all the time either water skiing or windsurfing, I play some kind of beach games.

How do you take care of your skin?

– On vacation I avoid the active sun. Well, at home once a week I definitely visit a beautician - I do mesotherapy, different masks. I am against Botox. He still changes his face a lot: strange wrinkles appear on his nose, cheeks - where they should not be at all. And I'm also scared by the newfangled hobby of many of my friends - taking drugs containing growth hormone. It accelerates cell regeneration, and people lose 10 years. But I'm wondering: who will guarantee that only healthy cells will develop? Nobody! So I don't support such "cosmetology of the future". I am for natural ways to maintain beauty - regular skin care and proper nutrition.

“Daughter is a big imaginary!”

How are you raising your daughter Aurora?

“At first we decided that there was no need to forbid her anything. Now we clearly see that she sits on our necks. He is capricious a lot, shows his character with might and main, so we came to the conclusion that it is time to reconsider the education system. If she is very picky and hooligans, you have to bring her to her senses, talk to her seriously, even put her in a corner. But in principle, I allow her to take almost all of my things: cosmetics, accessories, jewelry - to be torn to pieces. Of course, there should also be a system of punishments, but we have not decided on it yet. But Lesha has only to throw a demanding look at Syaba (as the little Aurora is called at home. - “TSh”), and she immediately begins to behave like silk!

What is the character of Saba?

- Oh, at the age of 5 she is already a real woman! Imagine, this baby is already such an imaginary! She already has her own opinion on what to wear, and if I offer her something, and she does not agree with me, she will achieve her own. At home, for example, Syaba prefers to wear only dresses, and when I try to persuade her to put on sweatpants, she objects: “Mom, how can you not understand, this is not-beautiful!” It's funny to watch how this shket, wringing his hands, defends his point of view. Naturally, I go forward and encourage her individuality. It seems to me that this will help her in the future not only in choosing clothes, but also in other equally important issues.

Who would you like to see Aurora Jr. in the future?

- Well, of course, I would like to see her as a person of a creative profession, maybe a musician, because Syaba loves music very much. She has a good taste in music - probably thanks to us. But we try to comprehensively develop our daughter - she draws, goes to dances, and studies English. In general, now we need to make every effort so that in the future she has a great choice of who to become!

Private bussiness

Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering with a degree in Urban Construction.

From 1996 to 2007 - the host of the Muz-TV channel (hosted the Klipomania program, the Juicer show, the morning channel Life is Beautiful, Evening Ringing, Siesta, etc.).

From 2006 to 2009 - one of the leading "Club of ex-wives" on TNT.

Since 2010, she has been the host of the morning TV channel Mood at TV Center.

She starred in the films On the Move (2002) and Nobody Knows About Sex (2006).

Husband - Alexey Treiman, daughter Aurora (2004).

TV presenter Aurora told her amazing love story. Six years ago, she destroyed her friend's marriage and soon gave birth to a daughter by her husband.


There were many beautiful novels in Aurora's life. The fans were different: from freelance artists to serious businessmen with no less serious intentions. The courtship of these gentlemen was pleasant to her, but the bright blonde did not think about anything permanent until she met her current common-law husband Alexei Treiman. Truth, then he was married to her girlfriend ...

Alexei appeared in Aurora's life five years before their love began. Close girlfriend TV presenter married a guy from St. Petersburg, who moved to her in Moscow. Since Alexei is a television director, Aurora often crossed paths with him at work. Over time, young people became good friends.

The turning point was a joint business trip to South Africa. Filming lasted about a month, and the colleagues had to endure many stressful situations together. One day Treiman even saved Aurora's life. “Due to severe stress, it was like a veil fell from our eyes. It was as if we saw each other for the first time, and both disappeared ... - the TV presenter recalls. - Upon returning to Moscow, we thought for a couple of weeks what to do. I found out that they had already have been on the verge of divorce for a long time. My next relationship was also approaching its logical end, so we decided that we would not hide, trivialize the feelings that arose between us, with some secret meetings. But we would just honestly try to live together. "

Most of all, the couple's friends were surprised by this union, but over time everyone got used to it. Even with her friend, Alexei's ex-wife, Aurora continued to communicate for some time. "But then I got pregnant very quickly, and this relationship came to naught. Which, frankly, I regret. The girlfriend was real, "Aurora recalls in an interview with" 7 days ".

Now the couple and their 5-year-old daughter Aurora Jr. live in a rented apartment on the Patriarchs. They are in no hurry to take root somewhere, because have not yet decided where they want to live. Alexey has an idea to work in America, and Aurora dreams of living in Barcelona. So where this family will meet old age is still in question.

Irina Yuryevna Yudina received fame under the pseudonym "Aurora". To date, Aurora is a leading, fashion model. Also participates in the filming of movies and TV shows. Irina Yudina has a diploma from the Faculty of Architecture. The TV presenter received her higher education at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Aurora's leading biography in terms of career began in a very spontaneous way. The girl accidentally stumbled upon a competition of TV presenters, deciding to try her luck. Yudina seemed an interesting candidate to the director of Muz-TV. For this reason, already at the beginning of 1996, viewers first saw Aurora, the TV presenter of the popular Klipomania show. On the note of Muz-TV, Aurora lingered for many years. The girl devoted about 11 years to her career on this TV channel. In addition to Klipomania, Yudina was the face of the Hit Parade 20, Life is Beautiful and a number of other rating programs.

Given the length of the girl's career, one can ask a logical question - how old is Aurora TV presenter? Now Yudina is already 44 years old. Originally leading from the small town of Orekhovo-Zuyevo, located not far from Moscow. The girl was born in 1973. Already in 1995 she graduated from the aforementioned academy.

Yudina's career on Muz-TV came to an end in the fall of 2007. One year, in the period from 2003-04, the girl led the version of the TV competition "Golden Gramophone". Her partner in the program was Yegor Druzhinin.

In 2006, together with a number of popular personalities, the girl appeared in the show "Club of Ex-Wives". The show aired on TNT.

In 2011, Yudina's career took off loudly. She became the host of the Cinderella. Reboot". The program was attended by girls who wanted to radically change their appearance. Yudina herself speaks extremely positively about this moment of her career, saying that the directors of the program wanted to see her as the host.

On this note, Aurora's TV presenter's biography does not end professionally. The girl starts working on the Mood TV channel. After Yudin, he actively shines in various advertisements. She became part of a wide variety of advertising campaigns - from cosmetics to breakfast cereals.

For the first time in the movie, Aurora took part in 2002. The audience could see her in the film "In Motion". Years later, the girl starred in the comedy film Nobody Knows About Sex.

According to Aurora herself, she decided to take part in the cinema for one reason - to pay attention to new creativity, to try herself in it.

Aurora's personal life is seething with interesting events. Having met Alexei Treiman in 1998, the girl did not yet know that she would have an affair with a man. Since Alexei and Irina maintained exclusively friendly relations. But in the 2000s, colleagues had a joint business trip, which became the beginning of a relationship after living together. In mid-2004, Irina became a mother. Although she is not officially married to Alexei. According to Aurora, in her relationship, serious attention is not paid to the formality of marriage.

Today, Aurora and her family spend a lot of time traveling. The TV presenter's daughter is passionate about ballet. She is studying at a special school in England.

According to Yudina, everything is in order with Alexei in her relationship. But in one of the interviews, she said that sometimes conflicts arise because Alexey devotes a lot of time to work for the sake of making money. Yudina wants Alexei to devote more time to his family. Nevertheless, Irina declares that Alexey is a modern person with current views on family and relationships when there is already a child.