An injection before cataract surgery. Tests before cataract surgery

From this memo, you will learn how to prepare for cataract surgery, how the operation will take place, what you can and cannot do after the operation, what lenses are.

What should be done before the operation?

  • undergo an ophthalmological examination, which includes: computer refractometry and tonometry (IOP measurement), visometry, examination of the posterior corneal epithelium, calculation of the optical power of the IOL on an optical or ultrasound biometer, biomicroscopy of the eye and ophthalmoscopy of the fundus;
  • examination by a surgeon;
  • general examination.

What is included in the cost of the operation?

includes the operation itself, the use of disposable consumables, anesthesia support, stay in the ward, meals. The cost of a standard IOL is included, the cost of enhanced IOLs is an additional charge.

What happens on the day of the operation?

The patient comes to the clinic in the morning, is issued in admissions office, is placed in a comfortable single or double room and awaits surgery. Operations are usually performed in the morning.

After the operation, the patient can rest and go home. In this case, you will need to come for an inspection in the morning of the next day.

If it is difficult for the patient to move or have to travel far, it is possible to stay in the clinic until the morning.

How is the operation going?

Before the operation, drops are instilled that dilate the pupil and suppress pain sensitivity eyes. Anesthesiologists administer sedatives intravenously.

The patient is conscious but does not experience pain or anxiety. The total duration of stay in the operating room does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

The main method of cataract surgery is ultrasonic phacoemulsification (PEK) - the gold standard for cataract surgery worldwide. Sometimes it is mistakenly called laser cataract removal.

FEK - consists in ultrasonic destruction and suction of the clouded lens, while maintaining its natural capsule, through a small (≈2 mm) incision that does not require suturing.

The operation is completed with IOL implantation.

IOLs can vary according to the materials used and depending on the manufacturer. We can offer any kind of IOL. All advantages and disadvantages of specific IOLs should be discussed with the surgeon. The choice of IOL must be approached very responsibly, IOL is usually implanted for life, and its replacement is very risky.

How to behave after the operation?

By the morning of the next day, vision is usually restored to almost full result, you can read and watch TV

The operation most often does not cause discomfort, although there may be slight irritation, feeling foreign body on the 1st day, local hemorrhage (redness of the eye for up to 5-7 days), which is not a complication, but a natural reaction of the eye to incisions, albeit minimal ones.

The return to normal life and work depends on the nature of the activity.

First day After the operation, the eye will be covered with a transparent bandage, allowing you to see the surroundings. In the future, the bandage is not needed.

At home, it is necessary to bury the prescribed drops. The first week 3 types of drops. In the future, the number of instillations will decrease every week. The total duration of instillation is 5 weeks. In no case do not press on the operated eye, collect a tear with a clean napkin on the cheek. Try not to sleep on your stomach and on the side of the operated eye for the first 5-7 days, although this is not dangerous.

First 7 days it is advisable to wear goggles, wash the eye area with boiled water, and avoid getting dust, sand, snow, water and aggressive liquids into the eye. You can wash your head, but you should avoid getting water in the eye, after which it is necessary to drip drops once again. Avoid lifting weights over 4 kg, shocks and shocks, hypothermia, visual stress, leading to eye fatigue.

Within 1 month after the operation, visits to the steam room or sauna are prohibited. It is advisable to avoid colds and inflammatory diseases, exposure to the sun, hypothermia. Heavy physical labor with tilting the head and lifting heavy weights is excluded. Preferably outpatient treatment after surgery on sick leave for 2-3 weeks. It must be remembered that the final stabilization of vision after phacoemulsification occurs after one month, therefore, before this period, do not draw final conclusions about the quality of the operation performed and strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

What are the lenses?

Doctors instead of the term "artificial lens" prefer to use the term - intraocular lens (IOL). Following are the main types of IOLs.

single focus IOL. An IOL that provides clear vision at a predetermined distance. You can choose a single focus artificial lens based on good vision distance (watching TV, driving a car, etc.) and wearing reading glasses, or choose a lens for near vision (reading, doing small work) and wearing glasses for a distance (more suitable for people who initially had moderate or high myopia ). An intermediate option is vision at a household distance (to a workbench or kitchen table). This provides acceptable distance vision, but you will need glasses to read fine print. Such IOLs can be spherical or aspherical.

Toric IOL. It is inherently monofocal, but eliminates astigmatism (optical distortion). Allows you to significantly improve the result with small degrees of astigmatism. And with pronounced astigmatism, it solves the problem of expensive and uncomfortable glasses with a "cylinder".

monovision. Your doctor may implant an IOL in one eye for distance vision and the other for near vision. The condition when one eye sees well at a distance, and the other near, is called monovision, and allows you to read without glasses. This method successfully used in contact correction and refractive surgery. getting used to this species correction requires some time, but usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks. In the future, the patient does not pay attention to which eye he sees near, and which far.

Multifocal IOL. This lens provides distance vision and partially retains the ability to accommodate (focusing at close range). Such lenses allow you to correct age-related weakening of near vision. The action of these lenses is based on various optical phenomena, as well as on the ability of the brain to adjust the image.

Multifocal IOL best choice for people whose activities are related to switching their vision from close objects to the distance (teachers, lecturers, lawyers ...) and those who need to use additional funds eye protection and just people who want to get rid of glasses in ordinary life. For example, solves the problem of applying makeup.

The decision to use a multifocal IOL requires serious discussion with the surgeon.

Preparation for surgery (diagnosis)

in the ophthalmology department of the City Clinical Hospital No. Pirogov.

Before the operation to remove the cataract, the patient undergoes not only an ophthalmological, but also a general examination.

Ophthalmic examination

Cataract diagnostics is carried out using modern high-tech equipment. The survey includes the following methods:

If necessary, ultrasonic biomicroscopy, densitometry, endothelial biomicroscopy, etc. are added to these methods. The number and types of additional examinations will be determined individually, depending on the state of eye health.

During ophthalmological examinations, the doctor not only determines the indications for surgery and the type surgical intervention, but also calculates indicators for the future artificial lens (intraocular lens, IOL).

General examination

Before the operation, it is necessary to conduct a series. The patient has the right to go through them both independently (for example, in the district clinic), and use the ophthalmological department of the City Clinical Hospital No. Pirogov.

Before the operation

On the day of the operation, no cosmetics should be applied to the face.

All medications, which the patient takes constantly, must be taken with you. In addition, you need to bring a change of shoes and a bathrobe or pajamas.

The patient needs an accompanying person to travel to and from the clinic.

Cataract is a disease of the organ of vision associated with clouding of the lens of the eye. The disease is a dangerous pathology, effective method treatment of which is only timely microsurgical operation. Before surgery, the patient gives blood, urine for analysis, undergoes an ECG and examination eyeball.

Cataract surgery is modern method microsurgical therapy called phacoemulsification. Before the operation, the patient submits a standard list of tests that reflect his general state of health.

The very method of cataract treatment by surgery involves the fragmentation of the clouded lens using ultrasound. Its further extraction from the eyeball is carried out using the irrigation-aspiration method.

After removing the lens, which no longer fulfills its function of conducting light rays, an artificial lens is implanted into the cavity of the eyeball. This element is analogous to the worn part of the eye; it refracts light, transmitting a high-quality image to the optic nerve without reducing the quality of focusing.

The operation itself lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. depending on the complexity of microsurgical intervention. Price medical services for the treatment of cataracts depends on which lens will be implanted in the cavity of the eyeball.

The table below shows the average prices for cataract surgery, taking into account the quality of implanted lenses that will act as a lens.

Type of cataract phacoemulsification. The cost of microsurgery
With the installation of an intraocular lens.From 38,000 to 41,000 rubles.
An intraocular lens is implanted in conditions of complicated cataract.From 59,000 to 63,000 rubles.
Installation of an intraocular lens, which has improved optical characteristics.From 72,000 to 75,000 rubles.
Implantation of an intraocular lens of toric type.From 81,000 to 85,000 rubles.
Installation of an intraocular lens of a multifocal type.From 119,000 to 125,000 rubles.
A toric multifocal lens is implanted into the eye cavity.From 127,000 to 134,000 rubles.
A trifocal type intraocular lens was installed.From 170,000 to 175,000 rubles.
Phacoemulsification by the femtosecond method (involves the use of a laser device that excludes incisions with a scalpel, is a less traumatic method that accelerates postoperative recovery of the eyeball).From 52,000 to 56,000 rubles.

The final cost of microsurgical cataract surgery is determined by the management of the clinic and its pricing policy. Treatment is carried out both in public and private healthcare institutions.

The patient independently chooses the clinic where he wants to undergo cataract therapy. When seeking help from a doctor of a state hospital, the patient receives a referral for surgery to the regional center of ophthalmology at the place of his residence.

Advantages and disadvantages of cataract surgery

Analyzes before surgery (cataract requires careful diagnosis) are given at the place of surgical intervention. Like any other method of therapy involving surgical treatment of the organ of vision, it has its advantages and obvious disadvantages.

The advantages of microsurgical cataract removal are as follows:

Advantages surgical treatment cataracts are obvious, since even the most modern and high-quality drugs are not able to restore the transparency of the clouded lens, to ensure the light transmission of his body.

The disadvantages of phacoemulsification include the following potential risks:

  • infection of the eyeball with a bacterial infection, if the ophthalmologist performing the operation made a medical mistake, or knowingly used non-sterile lenses;
  • an inflammatory process that has developed as a result of rejection of a foreign body in the form of an artificial lens (very rare);
  • damage to the central segments of the retina and vitreous body, which negatively affects the quality of vision;
  • damage to the visual elements of the eyeball, if the operation is performed by an unqualified specialist, or an unintentional error has occurred, the operation of medical equipment has been disrupted.

In general, cataract surgery is safe method treatment that allows you to restore 100% vision even in old age. Provided there is no degenerative changes ophthalmic nerve.

Indications for cataract surgery

Tests before surgery (cataract is determined by an ophthalmologist) are taken in medical institution where surgical treatment is indicated.

Cataract surgery is indicated for the following symptoms and pathological conditions organ of vision:

The final diagnosis - a cataract is made by an ophthalmologist based on the results of an examination of the eyeball. The doctor recommends that the patient undergo a surgical operation to remove the clouded lens with further implantation of an artificial lens.

The decision on the method of treatment is made by the patient. The patient has the right to refuse surgical intervention, but in this case he is explained the consequences and complications that await him in the future.

Contraindications for cataract surgery

Tests before surgery (cataract is determined by the results of an examination of the organ of vision) are given as prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Surgical removal of the clouded lens with further implantation artificial lenses are contraindicated in patients who have the following diseases:

Pregnant women should temporarily avoid cataract surgery. This is due to the fact that drip anesthesia is introduced into the organ of vision, active ingredients which can enter the bloodstream and cross the placental barrier.

Besides, in postoperative period admission may be required antibacterial drugs, and this will negatively affect the health of the fetus.

What examinations are necessary before the operation

Analyzes before surgery (cataract is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the organ of vision) are prescribed by the doctor who treats the patient. The range of instrumental and laboratory studies is determined.

Each patient who is indicated for cataract surgery must undergo the following types of examinations of the eyeball and all before the operation organism as a whole:

All types diagnostic examination performed using modern and high-precision medical equipment. This is especially true for studies of the human visual system. After receiving the results of the diagnosis and the absence of contraindications, the date of phacoemulsification is assigned.

Preparing for cataract surgery

Treatment of cataracts using a surgical method is in a safe way restoration of vision. In order for the operation to go without complications and to ensure a quick recovery of the eyeball, it is recommended to Make sure to follow the following preparation rules:

The above rules are mandatory and are explained to the patient by the attending physician. Ignoring these recommendations can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, increased intraocular pressure and prolonged postoperative rehabilitation.

Procedure for cataract surgery

Removal of the clouded lens is carried out in sterile conditions of the operating room.

The procedure for cataract surgery is as follows:

An artificial lens is inserted into the eye cavity using an injector. This makes it possible for the ophthalmologist to install the lens in an unfolded form, avoid large incisions, and minimize damage to other elements of the organ of vision. No sutures are required.

Recovery after cataract surgery

Phacoemulsification does not require a long postoperative recovery. Sensitivity to the operated eye returns 3-4 hours after the completion of surgical procedures. You can watch TV and read books on the same day that the lens was replaced.

At the discretion of the attending physician, the patient may be prescribed antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops. The type of medication is determined individually, and medications are prescribed in case of occurrence postoperative complications.

How long will the result last after cataract surgery?

Removal of a cataract through surgery is the only effective method of restoring vision. The result is saved for the rest of your life.

Unlike the lens, an artificial lens does not change its structure, does not become cloudy under the influence of technogenic factors, does not suffer from metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and concomitant diseases of the body that reduce the performance of the organ of vision.

Does not affect the result and the age of the patient. Age of the oldest patient who underwent cataract treatment surgical method– 102 years old. The operation was successful and his vision was fully restored.

Possible complications after cataract surgery

Phacoemulsification is a safe operation that entails a minimum number of complications. Their development is possible if a medical error occurred, the patient did not follow the doctor's postoperative recommendations, or if the chronic diseases organ of vision that were not detected during the diagnosis.

In this case, the following complications are not excluded:

Passing tests before surgery, following the instructions of the attending physician and following the rules of postoperative rehabilitation guarantee successful disposal of cataracts and restoration of vision. Ignoring the disease, postponing a visit to the doctor and delaying the operation, is fraught with total loss vision, the onset of degenerative changes in the fundus, atrophy optic nerve.

About 35 million inhabitants of the globe suffer from cataracts. A third of this amount loses the ability to fully see due to untimely access to an ophthalmologist.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about cataract surgery

Elena Malysheva will tell you how to get rid of cataracts:

Cataract is no longer a rare disease. Sometimes cataracts occur even in newborns. However, there is good news - cataracts are now perfectly cured with the help of surgery. Read about cataract removal and everything connected with it in this article.

Basics about cataracts

A cataract is a change in the lens, in which it ceases to be transparent. Normally, the lens is elastic, changes shape with lightning speed and allows a person to see objects at different distances. It is he who gives clarity and brightness to objects.

With a cataract, the lens begins to become cloudy, preventing it from transmitting light rays. Reduced vision up to its complete loss.

With cataracts, vision is usually lost gradually: at first, the patient's image becomes blurry, without clearly defined contours. Regardless of the cause and age of the patient, the disease requires the earliest possible visit to a specialist.

Causes of cataract

Causes of cataracts can be congenital or acquired.

congenital cataract

Congenital cataract manifests itself in an infant from the first months. This is preceded by any serious failures in the development of the body of the unborn baby. The causes of this pathology can be difficult to find out, but more often they are:

  • genetic or hereditary;
  • associated with failures in embryogenesis (laying the body of the fetus).

Cataracts in newborns can occur due to:

  • infectious diseases in a future mother (measles, rubella, influenza, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.);
  • toxic effects (taking illegal drugs, radiation, alcohol, drugs);
  • metabolic failures in certain diseases or conditions ( diabetes, hypoglycemia,
  • galactosemia, protein deficiency, beriberi, hypocalcemia, etc.);
  • changes in fetal development;
  • Rh-conflict of the mother's body with the fetus.

Acquired cataract

And yet more often the cataract becomes acquired. This disease is especially common in people over 50 years of age. Some experts consider cataracts an indispensable sign of general aging of the body.

However, cataracts can also occur in the following cases:

  • eye injuries (concussions, wounds, mechanical or chemical injuries);
  • existing eye diseases (glaucoma, progressive myopia);
  • diseases endocrine system(avitaminosis, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders);
  • irradiation (ultraviolet, radiation, etc.);
  • unsuccessful operations on the eyeball;
  • toxic effects (naphthalene, mercury, household poisons).

Usually, for the appearance of the disease, the body must also undergo other factors:

  • smoking;
  • poor nutrition;
  • cataracts in the next of kin;
  • advanced chronic diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • eye injury or disease;
  • long-term drug treatment.

Stages of the disease

Specialists distinguish 4 degrees of cataracts (depending on pathological manifestations). Each stage has its own manifestations:


At this stage, the lens becomes cloudy from distant areas. In this case, there may not be any manifestations at all. Patients are concerned about a slight deterioration in vision, double vision, and a decrease in image clarity. Most often, this stage is determined only during a physical examination. In the initial stage, the disease can be up to 10 years. Conservative treatment further slows down the progress of the disease. Cataract removal in this case is carried out at the request of the patients themselves or vision problems.

Already at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. There is a chance to stop the pathological processes in the lens capsule by medication.

Often, Oftan Katahrom is chosen for these purposes - a drug (country of production: Finland), which is distinguished by ease of use, good tolerance, and availability in the pharmacy network. Oftan Katahrom has been familiar to Russian customers for more than 10 years, it not only improves metabolic processes and stimulates regeneration in the lens of the eye, but also helps to remove free radicals from cells. Combined composition, which includes a vitamin, antioxidant and energy source, can clinically significantly slow down the development of cataracts. Thus, it is possible to improve general condition patient, it is better to prepare him for surgery.

Immature cataract

The structure of the lens becomes inhomogeneous, it swells, and all the layers of the lens are already "included" in the pathology. A change in this stage often provokes the appearance of glaucoma, and then atrophy of the optic nerve (up to blindness). At this stage, patients already have significantly reduced vision. Surgical treatment is considered the most effective.


At this stage, the pupil becomes milky white, which is an indicator of damage to the lens. The colors and contours of objects are already poorly distinguishable. It is possible to stop color perception. In the mature stage, removal becomes the only way out, and the operation cannot be postponed.

Overripe (Morganieva)

At this stage, the progression of the disease leads to the disintegration of the lens fibers. Liquid content contributes to wrinkling, which sometimes restores the ability of the eye to perceive the outlines of the shapes of objects. But then the lens completely “self-destructs”, which makes it impossible to cure the disease. Here, cataract removal with lens replacement is mandatory, otherwise the release of the contents of the lens will lead to inflammation and death of the entire eye.

Preparing for the operation

To decide on the operation, the patient must begin with a visit to the ophthalmologist. The study of the patient is usually carried out using modern diagnostic methods:

  • vasometry (determination of acuity);
  • (measurement of parameters of intraocular pressure);
  • definitions (assessment of the quality of vision with both eyes);
  • biomicroscopy (examination of the eyes with a slit lamp to determine the position of the lens,
  • the size and density of the nucleus, the degree of dystrophic phenomena, etc.);
  • ophthalmoscopy (studies of the retina, choroid, optic nerve, etc.);
  • perimetry (studies of the visual field);
  • additional research methods (ophthalmometry, refractometry, electrophysiological methods, etc.)

It is usually not difficult for an ophthalmologist to detect a cataract in a patient. Another thing is that there may be errors or different opinions from several specialists when determining the stage or localization of opacification in a particular patient.

All the nuances of diagnosis are most important for establishing the required volume and tactics of surgical intervention. Difficulties for doctors in diagnosing cataracts are due to the fact that pronounced opacities in the lens seriously impede the study of the parts of the eye behind it (the vitreous body and retina).

The condition of the whole body of the patient is assessed to determine whether there are contraindications to the intervention.

Necessary examinations before surgery

For a better idea of ​​the patient's condition, studies are usually prescribed in the form of:

  • Blood test (general, for sugar, for clotting, for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis).
  • Urinalysis (general and for sugar).
  • Fluorography.
  • Conclusions of other specialists (dentist, ENT, therapist, etc.)

All results are reviewed by the ophthalmologist when considering surgery. When determining inflammatory foci in the eyes, a previous anti-inflammatory therapy is mandatory. Before the operation itself, the patient is also prevented from postoperative complications in the form of instillation of drops into the eye (anti-inflammatory and for dilating the pupils). The choice of anesthesia (local or general) is also used, depending on the type of operation.

The use of all diagnostic methods is necessary for the correct calculation of the optical power of the artificial lens for implantation. Then the data is processed using a computer and the most optimal type of operation for the patient is selected.

Types of operations for cataracts

AT medical centers The patient is currently usually offered four main types of surgery:

  1. Phacoemulsification. This is the most frequent view surgery, it lasts about 15 minutes. This method does not require sutures. The cost of this type of operation is the highest.
  2. Extracapsular removal. The method is used in the treatment of large cataracts with a dense structure. The incision in this type of operation is the largest. An artificial lens is placed in place of the removed natural lens.
  3. Intracapsular removal. This is the most traumatic method, in which, in addition to the lens, part of the capsule is removed. The operation requires special equipment to fix the artificial lens in front of the iris. This method is used infrequently, mainly for advanced cataracts and damage to the lens.
  4. Laser cataract removal (femtosecond laser method). With this method, the technique is similar to the phacoemulsification technique. However, laser removal allows you to make the operation as gentle as possible, eliminating the risk of destroying the lens. Laser treatment is allowed even with diabetes. Contraindications to the technique are overripe cataract or clouding of the eye cornea.

Contraindications for surgery

Surgery is contraindicated if the patient:

  • infectious diseases;
  • infectious lesions in the eye area;
  • oncological eye pathology.

Complicating the course of the operation and the postoperative period is a number of chronic diseases:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • intractable hypertension;
  • diseases of the kidneys or liver with symptoms of insufficiency;
  • age up to 18 years.

In all cases, the doctor studies the research data in detail and decides on the admissibility of the operation for the patient.

What awaits the patient before surgery

The patient usually arrives at the clinic the day before the operation. At the same time, it is preliminarily examined by an ophthalmologist surgeon.

  1. In a number of clinics, blood is taken from the patient to separate the plasma, which is then injected into the patient for a speedy recovery.
  2. The patient needs to be calm at the time of the operation and follow all the doctor's commands.
  3. On the evening before the operation, it is better for the patient not to have dinner.
  4. Your doctor may prescribe mild sedatives.
  5. An hour or two before the operation, the patient is instilled with pupil dilating drops. He puts on a sterile set of clothes (preferably made of cotton) with a T-shirt or short-sleeve shirt to control pressure. Then the patient goes to the operating room, where he lies on the operating table. The patient is given anesthetic drops or (less commonly) an intravenous injection. The entire operation rarely exceeds 30 minutes.

Free cataract removal

Cataract surgery is most often performed on older patients. And here it is clear why many of them postpone treatment "for later." The main reason for this is the high cost of the operation, often "unbearable" for a pensioner - 30-50,000 rubles.

There are, however, ways to reduce the cost of the operation or do it for free. These methods include the ability to make an operation under policies (for example, CHI or VHI), or according to a quota.

Even if the patient has to pay for the stay in the hospital, the operation itself will still be free for him.

Best clinics for cataract treatment in Russia:

  1. MNTK them. Svyatoslav Fedorov;
  2. Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz;
  3. Eye clinic of Dr. Shilova.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Patients generally tolerate cataract surgery well. The patient is allowed to go home 2 hours after the operation.

  • Within a day, the patient's vision begins to recover, but it will take another two weeks (on average) to completely heal the wound. Often, a sterile bandage is applied to the eye during this period.
  • In many clinics there are reminders for patients after surgery.
  • Bed rest postoperative period is not required.
  • Avoid contact with eyes cosmetics when washing or shampooing.
  • If water accidentally gets into the eye and the eye reacts negatively (“blurred” vision, redness of the conjunctiva), then it is important to immediately rinse the eye with a furatsilin solution. Washing the eyes with water until the postoperative wound heals is prohibited.
  • The next day after the operation, a visit to the ophthalmologist is necessary. Eye pains of any nature should be especially alert to the patient.
  • Within two weeks, a bandage of a double layer of gauze is applied to the operated eye. Such a bandage is fixed with a plaster. These measures will help prevent infection and inflammation of the eye.
  • Two weeks after the operation, the patient's fluid intake is limited to 0.5 liters per day. At the same time, the intake of alcohol and nicotine is excluded.
  • Lifting weights, watching TV and using a computer should be excluded for at least 2 weeks.
  • Visiting the sauna or baths for a period of 1 month after the operation is excluded.
  • 2 weeks after the operation, do not press or rub your eyes. Especially dangerous is eye injury during this period, which can negate the positive effect of the operation. Sunglasses should also be worn for UV protection.
  • It is necessary to bury prescribed by a doctor eye drops strictly according to medical advice. The choice of the type of drops and their dosage is determined strictly individually for each patient.
  • Full recovery of vision in the operated eye usually occurs after a month. At this time, doctors recommend the use of temporary lenses or glasses.

Visual impairment during rehabilitation may indicate the appearance of a secondary cataract. Usually, such a pathology is treated promptly.

The rehabilitation period after eye surgery is individual and lasts an average of 2 weeks to a month. The recovery of patients after laser technique is especially fast.


Main complications:

  • Secondary turbidity (in 12-15%). It arises due to the difficulty in removing all the altered cells of the lens. A complication occurs with traditional intervention, but laser correction excludes it. This requires re-intervention and a longer recovery.
  • Retinal detachment (in 1%). It occurs with additional eye pathologies or eye injuries in the rehabilitation period.
  • High intraocular pressure (in 2%). It manifests itself when the patient behaves incorrectly in the postoperative period.
  • Displacement of the lens (in 2%). The main reason is the incorrect selection of the size of the artificial lens. A new operation is required to correct.
  • Hemorrhages (in 3%). It happens when the memo in the rehabilitation period is not observed (in the form of weight lifting or prohibited physical activity). Treated with medication or surgery.
  • Retinal edema (in 4%). Occurs with ocular mechanical trauma, concomitant eye diseases (glaucoma, diabetes mellitus), disorders in the postoperative period. It is treated with medication.

Cataract surgery restores vision. After all, another effective way there is no cure for the pathology. For high performance surgical treatment cataract, it is important to choose a competent and specialist, and the patient himself should not allow rash acts and violations in rehabilitation period. Take care of your eyes!