If the stomach blows what does it mean. Permanent bloating can be eliminated

Bloating - how to deal with it?


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

What it is?

Bloating characterized by distension of the abdomen, cramps, cramping pains, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Often, bloating is combined with belching or hiccups. In some cases, swelling is accompanied by such severe pain that the patient is covered with cold sweat and even falls into unconsciousness.

In a healthy adult, about 900 milliliters of gases are constantly in the intestines, which are released by microbes. Together with feces, from 100 to 500 milliliters should be evacuated. And with bloating, more than 3 liters of gas accumulate in the intestines.

Causes of bloating

1. Swallowing air or gases with food.
2. Eating large amounts of gas-producing foods.
3. lactase deficiency.
4. Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
5. Diseases of the digestive tract: chronic pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis.
6. Disturbance of intestinal motility.
7. Stagnation of blood in the intestines ( characteristic of cirrhosis of the liver).
8. Mechanical obstructions in the intestinal walls ( neoplasms, polyps).

While eating, a certain amount of atmospheric air is swallowed along with food, but if you chew and talk at the same time, then the volume of this air can be quite serious and cause bloating.
Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide, which can cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

With age, the production of an enzyme necessary for the digestion of milk sugar - lactose - decreases in the human body. Therefore, drinking whole milk can cause bloating.

With intestinal dysbacteriosis, the number of microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tract and their balance are disturbed. The amount of putrefactive microflora, which provokes fermentation and rotting of food, has been increased. As a result, a lot of fetid gases are released.

In diseases of the digestive system ( pancreatitis, for example) produces fewer digestive enzymes. Food is not fully digested and rots in the intestines with the formation of an abundance of gases. In such cases, bloating is observed some time after eating.

Diagnosis of bloating

If bloating is observed periodically, and also if it is combined with pain, belching, heartburn and other unpleasant and disturbing phenomena, it is necessary to visit a doctor.
There is a possibility that the cause of the malaise is not in diet errors, but in internal diseases.

Suggested surveys:
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity
  • colonoscopy
  • Laboratory studies of feces and blood.

Bloating during pregnancy

This is a very common ailment during pregnancy.

The reasons:
1. During pregnancy, the pancreas produces fewer enzymes, so food is less digestible.
2. Starting from the 15th week, the size of the uterus is rapidly increasing, it puts pressure on the intestines and “prevents” it from performing its functions, including evacuating feces and gases from the body in a timely manner.
3. The hormone progesterone, found in large quantities in the blood of pregnant women, relaxes all smooth muscles internal organs which leads to bloating and constipation.

If the swelling lasts more than a day, this is a reason to see a doctor, since there is a possibility of an exacerbation of a chronic gastrointestinal disease (gastrointestinal intestinal tract).
If swelling was observed before conception, it can be assumed that the woman's diet requires correction.

What to do?

  • In any case, it is better to eliminate gas-producing foods from the diet.
  • You can take carminative drugs that have a local effect ( espumizan, activated charcoal, smectu).

Bloating in newborns

Bloating is observed in 50% of babies.
Cause of bloating - Physiological dysbacteriosis. Intestinal microflora in newborns is not yet formed, putrefactive bacteria emit gases that are not evacuated from the intestines in time, since its motor function is also not yet perfect.

Signs of bloating in a child:
  • The kid is naughty
  • Refuses to eat
  • Knocks legs and pulls them to the stomach
  • The face turns red

What to do?

  • Make a light massage of the abdomen: movements in a circle clockwise,
  • Lay the baby on the warm diaper
  • Give a drug to drink to remove gases ( espumizan, bebinos)
  • Use gas tube. Its tip is treated with petroleum jelly and inserted into the anus for a quarter of an hour.
If bloating is accompanied by an increase in temperature, diarrhea should urgently show the baby to the doctor.

Bloating before menstruation

Bloating of the lower abdomen before menstruation is one of the signs of premenstrual syndrome. The reasons for this phenomenon are not yet fully known. But it is believed that the whole thing is a change in the hormonal balance, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the lower abdomen.

What to do?
Change the ratio of estrogen and gestagens impossible in the body. But you can relieve bloating and other ailments:

  • using sedatives, vitamins of the group AT, as well as trace elements magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc,
  • reducing the amount of salt, hot spices on the menu,
  • ten days before the expected menstruation, completely abandon chocolate, strong tea and coffee.
Some doctors believe that the increase in PMS symptoms occurs when the mineral and vitamin balance in the body is disturbed.

Bloating after surgery

After laparoscopic operations, swelling and discomfort in the abdomen, sternum and skin are very often observed. In some patients, pain even radiates to the collarbone. The reason for this is the effect of the gas injected into the abdominal cavity during the operation.

What to do?
Wait 7 days and everything will pass by itself. With repeated procedures, usually bloating and all discomfort disappear faster: in 2 days.

Treatment for bloating

1. If the cause of bloating is illiterate nutrition, it should be corrected,

2. Stop smoking, drinking soda, chewing gum,

3. In case of violation of the function of the pancreas, take enzyme preparations: pancreatin, mezim, festal. The drugs will help digest food and eliminate the cause of increased gas formation. The dosage is better to choose together with the doctor. For an adult patient, this is usually 20,000 enzyme units. The drug should be drunk with food or immediately after it, drinking plenty of water.

4. If the cause of bloating is intestinal dysbacteriosis, the intestinal microflora should be normalized.

5. For temporary relief of bloating or to eliminate isolated cases, the following are suitable: Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg patient weight), smecta, espumizan, gastal. These remedies will quickly and effectively eliminate bloating caused by overeating, an unbalanced diet.

Folk remedies for bloating

1. 2 tsp finely chopped underground parts of a dandelion, a glass of purified water at room temperature. Soak overnight, pass through a sieve. Take 50 milliliters four times a day before meals.

2. 20 gr. parsley fruits, 200 milliliters of room temperature water for a couple of half an hour, let cool, pass through a sieve. Use infusion of 1 tbsp. five times a day.

3. 1 st. l. chop dill seeds, add 300 ml of boiling water. Keep covered for 3 hours, squeeze through gauze. Use 100 milliliters three times a day in between meals.

4. Take 10 gr. dill oil and mix with 100 ml of room temperature water. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 - 6 times a day.

5. carrot seeds crush, use up to three times a day for 1 tsp.

6. 1 hour l. brew dry wormwood with a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour, pass through gauze. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day for a quarter of an hour before a meal.

7. 25 gr. underground parts elecampane pour 1 liter of boiling water, soak overnight. Use when bloated.

8. Mix 20 gr. chamomile, 10 gr. oregano and cumin. 2 tbsp. l. collection, brew 12 liters of boiling water, stand overnight, pass through a sieve. Take 100 milliliters four times a day.

Diet for bloating

It is allowed to use:
  • Meat: veal, chicken, turkey,
  • Dairy: hard cheeses, yoghurts,
  • Cereals:

Constant flatulence occurs under the influence of various conditions that may not be terrible for the body or they may indicate illness. In certain situations, the accumulation of gases may become excessive, there may be pain and other signs that indicate the presence of flatulence.

Increased formation of gases in the intestinal tract, provoking bloating, in medicine is called flatulence. This symptom is quite common and refers not only to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to pathological difficulties in other organs. In addition, flatulence may appear due to malnutrition. It causes pain and discomfort.

The most common causes of persistent flatulence are:

There are also pathological conditions that can provoke increased flatulence:

These are just the key reasons due to which increased gas formation occurs. It can be concluded from this that flatulence appears due to disturbances in the digestive processes.

Constant flatulence from any food, no matter what you eat

With food flatulence, the difficulty of digestion processes is associated with the content of elements that are difficult for digestion in the products. As a result, unprocessed parts of food become excellent food for bacteria. Due to their vital activity, a lot of gases are formed that cause discomfort.

Among the unfavorable products are:

  • Vegetables that cause gas formation: cabbage, radish, beans, grapes.
  • Milk products.
  • Black bread.
  • Fresh fruits (especially sweet ones).
  • Fatty meat and fish.
  • Products containing coarse fiber.

Fatty foods, especially when taken in large quantities, provoke severe flatulence after eating due to prolonged digestion in the stomach and accumulation of gases. Dairy products and its high-quality digestion can only be if a person has a sufficient amount of the lactase enzyme. In other embodiments, problems of gas formation are inevitable.

Food flatulence can appear due to overeating, swallowing a large amount of air while eating, if a person eats food on the go. In addition, puffiness after consuming any food can be due to the wrong combination of products. For example, you can not eat:

  • Fresh bread with kefir;
  • Dairy products and fruits.
  • Meat with milk.

It is preferable to consume fruit separately from the main meal, at least one hour before meals or a few hours after meals.

Persistent flatulence and bloating

Flatulence can be temporary or permanent. If this problem occurs temporarily, then the reasons are malnutrition, since with constant flatulence, a much more significant problem can become the cause.

Initially, when flatulence occurs, some foods should be removed from the diet:

  1. Cabbage;
  2. beans;
  3. Bread and other rich products;
  4. Milk;
  5. Grape;
  6. Apples.

To exclude flatulence, it is required to eat food measuredly, chewing food well. The environment itself should be comfortable. If even after the exclusion of products, the result has not changed and flatulence is constantly present, then it is necessary to look for other causes and methods of therapy.

If bloating and flatulence are provoked by diseases, then after eating the patient should have the following characteristic signs:

  1. Feeling of nausea.
  2. Defecation failure.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Discomfort in the abdomen.
  5. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.

For therapy, various means are used that can be used and done at home or purchased ready-made drugs at a pharmacy.

Persistent flatulence in the intestines

A constant feeling of discomfort in the intestinal tract may appear due to an imbalance. If there are not enough bacteria to digest food, then the food begins to decompose and rot in the intestines. This provokes constant gas formation of a fetid quality.

Chronic diseases lead to disruption of the digestive process. The lack of enzymes leads to the accumulation of food in the intestinal tract and bloating. With irritable bowel syndrome, its motility is disturbed. There are repeated urge to defecate or constipation.

Blood stasis in the intestinal tract leads to unpleasant symptoms. The presence of adhesions and tumors leads to obstruction of food and provokes stagnation, gas formation and bloating. Diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers) also provoke increased flatulence.

What to do

To eliminate unpleasant signs, you need to follow certain rules:

  • More time to walk in the fresh air;
  • Engage in physical exercise;
  • Take medications to help reduce gas.
  • You can use decoctions of dill, chamomile, activated charcoal.
  • It is required to properly combine foods in the diet.
  • When eating food, do not rush, chew it thoroughly.

To eliminate the signs of flatulence, it is important to treat the underlying disease, which provokes increased gas formation. It is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the causes and prescribe treatment.

Treatment for adults

For people who suffer from such a problem, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner. He will determine the exact diagnostic conclusion and help you choose a remedy that will effectively help against flatulence and bloating. Means are assigned depending on the origin of the disease.

To determine the origin of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the following diagnostic tests:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Coprogram for the determination of blood impurities in feces.
  4. Biochemical analysis for the determination of enzymes.
  5. Blood sugar level.
  6. electrolytes in the blood.
  7. Sowing feces.

A similar range of procedures will make it possible to determine the exact cause. Given this reason, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It aims to address some issues:

  • Release from accumulated gases in the intestinal tract.
  • Restoration of microflora.
  • elimination of the underlying disease.

Increased flatulence is easily treated with the following drugs:

Treatment will not be effective without a special diet. For this reason, doctors prescribe diet food for patients. From your own menu, it is necessary to remove all products that are difficult to digest, fatty, spicy foods, vegetables and fruits, smoked foods. In addition, you need to forget about dry snacks. You can not eat food on the run, and fast food is also excluded.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions. Chew food well, it should not be excessively hot or cold. To cook food, you need to use the method of stewing or steaming. Do not overload the digestive system before going to bed. To better digest food, an hour after eating, you can do a few simple exercises.

People's secrets

Herbal recipes do not lose their relevance and are used quite often. They are affordable, safe and easy to prepare.

Dill seed drink

A popular and common method of treatment, which is allowed to be taken even among infants. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tsp. Dill seeds and pour 400 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes and refrigerate. Drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

Lovage root tincture

A good remedy that improves the activity of the intestinal tract and stomach, eliminates inconvenience inside and a feeling of heaviness. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. Crushed lovage root and put it in an enamel bowl. Pour a glass of water there, put on fire and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, remove from the stove, cool and strain. Tincture should be taken in 1 tbsp. 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Calming Collection

It is prepared from mint leaves, chamomile and fennel fruits. Such a collection perfectly soothes, eliminates heaviness, and improves the activity of the digestive system. The ingredients must be taken in the same proportions (1-2 tablespoons), pour boiling water. The collection is infused for 30 minutes. It is used in a glass in the morning and evening before meals.

carrot seeds

Simple carrot seeds are excellent for gas formation, which you need to use in powder form or prepare a drink from seeds, as with dill seeds. Take before meals. Seeds eliminate heaviness and bloating.

Signs of gas formation can be eliminated by a simple sugar cube with 5 drops of anise oil. Such a tool is allowed to be given even to children. It is sweet and has a fast action.


Compliance with preventive measures makes it possible to forget about the problem of constant flatulence. In order not to encounter such a problem often, it is necessary to go for a walk every evening. It should last at least an hour. It is also necessary to carry out regular physical exercises. They are considered good preventive measures and improve the activity of the abdominal muscles.

For prevention, it is recommended to take a decoction of dill. It is required to minimize foods in the diet that increase gas formation. To remove the signs, it is important to achieve a comfortable environment. If a certain disease has led to gas formation, then it is necessary to adhere to the doctor's instructions. So you will be freed from the basic cause of your own unpleasant state.

Features of nutrition with flatulence

Therapy of flatulence must be accompanied by dietary nutrition. It is intended to achieve the following goals:

  1. Ensure the supply of substances required for the life of the microflora.
  2. Resume motor function intestines, eliminate constipation that causes gas formation.
  3. Remove the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.
  4. Restore the usual composition of the intestinal microflora.

The dietary table for flatulence corresponds to the treatment table No. 5. However, each case needs individual approach and therefore it is correct when the dietary ration of each person is developed by a specialist who has on hand the results of tests and a diagnostic report from a doctor, which indicates the reasons that provoked flatulence and current illnesses.

What not to eat when the patient suffers from flatulence:

  • Eat foods that increase the formation of gases: beans, cabbage, potatoes - everyone can continue the list personally for themselves.
  • Wash down food with carbonated drinks.
  • Apply a heating pad or cold compress to the abdominal area.
  • Conduct enemas.

Food must be consumed in a calm environment. You can not eat food in excess of the norm, overeat, portions must be small, but sufficient to eliminate the feeling of hunger. Food is prepared using steam, boiling, stewing or baking. It is necessary to have an idea about the combination of products.

Non-compliance with the diet leads to the fact that gas formation increases, part of the gases from the intestinal tract is absorbed into the blood, and the body is in chronic intoxication.

Flatulence during pregnancy

Gassing in moderation is normal. However, if gas formation in a pregnant woman is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, excessive discomfort and even pain, as well as constipation, this is a reason to contact a specialist for an additional examination.

Is there a cure for gas during pregnancy? There is and it is definitely required. The doctor selects it, taking into account the exact causes of such a disorder. If the expectant mother has an exacerbation of the disease of the digestive system, then the specialist will select special means that will not harm the health of the woman and the fetus. With the appearance of dysbacteriosis, as a rule, a course of probiotics and prebiotics is prescribed.

To serious therapy medicines Specialists turn only when absolutely necessary. Numerous drugs cannot be taken in the first trimester and therapy has to be delayed. Often, specialists prescribe the same drugs for women that are usually prescribed for infants, as they are the safest. For light digestion processes, Smecta is prescribed, for relieving colic - Bebinos.

Bloating brings not only internal discomfort and pain, but also social problems. But this is not the most important thing. Bloating and increased gas formation can be a symptom of serious diseases of the digestive system, their treatment cannot be ignored, and for this you need to find out the causes of the appearance.

Why does bloating happen?

In medicine, bloating is called flatulence. This is an unhealthy condition that occurs with increased formation of gases and their accumulation in the abdominal organs. It is accompanied by pain (often severe but short-lived), belching, and excess gas through the rectum (flatulence).

Where does excess gas in the body come from? Its formation is a natural reaction that accompanies digestion. Normally, daily, the human body brings it out in an amount of 50 to 500 ml. In a pathological state, this volume reaches 3 liters. Up to 50% comes from outside (exogenous way), the other half is formed inside (endogenous).

Outside air enters by swallowing it with food, while smoking, chewing gum, talking while eating, as a result of the rapid absorption of food. This condition is called alimentary flatulence.

From the inside, the pathology develops for the following reasons:

  • Nervous and mental disorders.
  • Changes in the intestinal microflora with a predominance of gas-producing bacteria.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the intestines.
  • Lack of enzymes.
  • Muscular weakness of the intestine (decreased peristalsis).
  • Reduced atmospheric pressure.

One of the main causes of increased gas production is the consumption of foods that are either incompatible with each other or cause bloating on their own.

The accumulation of gases in the stomach, intestines occurs due to a violation of some processes:


Change in acidity gastric juice impairs the breakdown of proteins, intestinal motility is disturbed and the removal of gases to the outside slows down.

  • Belching.
  • Heartburn.
  • Pain, heaviness in the stomach.


Inflammation prevents the normal flow of enzymes into the duodenum through the sphincter of Oddi, as a result, digestion is slower, fermentation and putrefaction begin.

  • Sensation of distended abdomen in upper part.
  • Constipation.
  • Nausea with vomiting.
  • Weakness.


Bile is an essential component of digestion. When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, its outflow is disrupted, which leads to inadequate digestion in the intestines, where bile performs its function.

  • Belching.
  • Bitter or sour taste.
  • Nausea, vomiting.


Structural changes in the pancreatic tissue significantly reduce the secretion of pancreatic juice. This causes bloating after eating, as the normal process of digestion is disrupted. Without pancreatic juice enzymes, it is almost impossible to digest what you eat.

  • Strong pain, often encircling.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Flatulence.

Liver disease

Severe bloating often occurs after eating fatty foods, this happens when bile secretion is impaired, its deficiency leads to incomplete breakdown of fats and the appearance of toxic substances.


In a state of increased excitability, the central nervous system is quickly depleted, one of the consequences is a violation of the innervation of the intestine. Gases are no longer normally excreted and absorbed, various dyspeptic disorders occur.

  • Irritability.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Anxious state.


If the balance is disturbed, the opportunistic microflora begins to actively multiply, causing bloating and many others. side effects.

  • Diarrhea.
  • Excessive gas formation in the intestines.
  • Pain in the abdomen.

All types of intestinal pathologies cause flatulence due to changes in motility and microflora composition. The cause of accumulation of gases and bloating after eating may be mechanical obstacles in the form of internal adhesions, narrowing of the intestine or neoplasms.

In newborns, this condition occurs due to the lack of certain digestive enzymes. In elderly people - due to the weakening of the work of individual glands, age-related stretching of the intestine and atrophy of sections of its muscular wall.

Nutritional disorders

Frequent bloating does not necessarily indicate illness. It can be an incorrectly formulated diet, food on the run, or an unacceptable combination of products. Many of them cause fermentation, accompanied by the release of excess gas.

Bloating accompanies weight loss diets. They cause constipation, which traps gases. A cardinal change in the diet, for example, switching to a vegetarian diet or a raw food diet, is also a factor in trouble in the digestive system.

The condition may be caused by the person frequently eating warm food. Not all housewives think about this when preparing food for the future for several days, and heating in the microwave or on the stove can be one of the causes of digestive problems. Those who often eat away from home also suffer from this; in establishments, the quality of food varies greatly and not for the better.

Bloating in women

The causes of bloating and gas formation in women, in addition to those described above, are associated with the hormonal background. Throughout the childbearing period, a woman may suffer from this before menstruation. This condition is associated with hormonal cycles that cause a violation of water metabolism, leading not only to bloating in the lower abdomen, but even to pain, swelling of the limbs, and short-term weight gain. Also, as a result of hormonal changes, during menopause, a woman suffers from malfunctions in the digestive system, causing unpleasant disturbances.

If there is a feeling of accumulated gases, but there are no visible natural reasons for this, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist. This condition can occur with inflammation of the ovaries or uterus, and also be a symptom of the appearance of cysts or tumors.


If the abdomen is regularly swollen, the reasons must be established together with the doctor using special methods examinations. It begins with an examination, clarification of the anamnesis and symptoms from the patient's words. Already with palpation, percussion (tapping), auscultation (listening), the doctor will determine what examinations he needs for an accurate diagnosis. The following methods are commonly used:

  • X-ray examination (irrigoscopy) will help to establish mechanical obstacles in the intestine (adhesions, polyps), the relief of the mucosa, the functional state of various departments.
  • Endoscopic - will reveal the condition of the stomach, duodenum, thick, small intestine. The probe will visually show all disorders, inflammations and others. possible pathologies.
  • Ultrasound will show the structure and condition of the abdominal organs.

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Do not hesitate to understand the problem that interests you together.

The first thing to do is adjust your diet. And this applies to both the composition of food and eating habits. Proper nutrition- This is not only a diet for bloating. You need to train yourself:

  • Eat fractionally - often and in small portions.
  • Set a period between meals of at least 3 hours so that it has time to be digested.
  • Chew food thoroughly, so less air enters the stomach with it.
  • Do not eat hot or very cold food, the same goes for drinks.
  • Avoid fried, smoked foods.
  • Do not seize lunch or dinner with fruits, eat them at least 2 hours after eating other food.
  • To prevent constipation, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

As for the diet, it should be limited as much as possible, and if possible completely eliminated, products that cause fermentation - peas, beans, cabbage, fresh bread and pastries, dairy products (except sour-milk), soda, bran, black bread and others. It is better to prefer grains (crumbly cereals), baked fruits and vegetables, and easily digestible meats to them.

By following this diet, you can permanently get rid of discomfort, severely poisoning life.


Any mother knows how to help a newborn baby get rid of gases. She massages him in a circular motion stomach, bends the legs, pressing them to the tummy. And the baby gets better.

Such exercises for bloating exist for adults. Simple and effective gymnastics, which can be done constantly for prevention, but can only be done at times of strong accumulation of gases:

  1. Basic gymnastics tense and relax the abdominal muscles 10-15 times.
  2. Lie on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, wrapping your arms around them. Lie in this position for a couple of minutes.
  3. Bend your knees while lying down. As you exhale, press hard with your hands on the intestinal area, hold your breath for a few seconds. On a delay, make stroking movements with your hands towards the navel. Exhale, relax and inflate the stomach.
  4. Get on all fours and rest your arms outstretched on the floor. While inhaling, bend down, throw your head back, while exhaling, lower your head and arch your back up. During the exercise, the abdominal muscles contract and relax. Repeat several times.
  5. Starting position - on your knees. With one foot, a forward lunge is made, while with raised hands, bend back in the lower back and linger in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the lunge with the other leg.
  6. Starting position - sitting with one leg bent under you. The second is bent at the knee. Move the body in a spiral with a delay in this position for a few seconds. This exercise is an excellent massage of the abdominal organs.

Bloating does not pose a serious threat to health, but it can reduce the quality of life. It is easy to get rid of an unpleasant condition by following a normal diet and doctor's recommendations.

Many people are concerned about the problems associated with increased gas formation in the abdomen and bloating. However, not everyone is ready to frankly admit these problems even to themselves, not to mention those around them. And few people believe that these problems deserve such close attention to go with them to a gastroenterologist. And absolutely in vain. After all, a swollen stomach and gas formation in the stomach are symptoms that can hide many serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, these pathological phenomena require serious and thorough treatment.

Description of the phenomenon

Gas formation in the intestines, in which bloating is often observed, is scientifically called flatulence. Why is it happening? Air and other gases are always present in the stomach and intestines in some quantity. Some air is swallowed with food (this process is called aerophagy). Excess air from the stomach usually comes back during belching, however, some of it reaches the intestines. But for the most part, the source of gas in the gastrointestinal tract is different. They are formed as a result of the process of food processing and are produced by the intestinal microflora. Partially they are absorbed by the walls of the intestine, but a significant part of them comes out of the anus.

This is a completely normal process. In a healthy person, about 600 ml of gases are released per day. This process is performed up to 13-20 times a day. However, in the case of flatulence, the volume of gas leaving the intestine increases greatly and can reach 3-4 liters. Naturally, all the gas cannot immediately leave the intestines, and as a result, a person's stomach is bursting.

Many believe that the gas contained in the intestines is hydrogen sulfide. But in fact, there is very little hydrogen sulfide in the intestinal gas, the main part of it is nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and hydrogen. There are also odorous compounds, such as methyl mercaptan, which mainly (along with hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and skatol) give intestinal gases an unpleasant odor.

Most of the gases in the large intestine are concentrated along the walls, and enclosed in bubbles that form foam.

Why does flatulence occur and the stomach swells?

There can be many reasons for flatulence and bloating. In any case, bloating is a symptom that indicates that with digestive system something is wrong with the person. However, it is impossible to determine a specific disease on this basis alone. After all, increased gas formation is observed in 90% of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, increased gas formation and bloating can be the result of an improper lifestyle and human nutrition. First of all, it is worth mentioning the main causes of increased aerophagia:

  • talking while eating
  • smoking,
  • use of poor-quality dentures,
  • chewing gum,
  • food on the go.

Also, a significant amount of gases can enter the stomach as a result of drinking soda, kvass, beer, which can also lead to bloating in the abdominal cavity.

Sometimes increased gas formation and bloating can be transient. For example, if a person sleeps at night in one position, then gases can accumulate in one of the sections of the intestine, and in the morning there will be symptoms of flatulence. However, morning flatulence is a transient phenomenon.

The main causes of flatulence include malnutrition and irrational diet. Some types of food can cause increased fermentation in the intestines and stomach, which causes increased gas formation and bloating. Everyone is well aware that plants of the legume family, especially peas, have a similar property. And indeed it is. But in fact, not only legumes can cause an increase in gas production. Also, increased fermentation can be caused by the use of sweets, cabbage, certain types of meat, and dairy products.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about another cause of flatulence - lactose or milk sugar intolerance syndrome. This is the name of a disease in which a person in the gastrointestinal tract does not produce the enzyme lactase, with the help of which milk sugar, lactose, is broken down. Excess milk sugar in the gastrointestinal tract can also lead to the phenomenon of bloating.

In addition, other sugars are poorly digested in the gastrointestinal tract - fructose, sucrose, raffinose (sugar found in legumes) and starches, as well as sorbitol (sugar alcohol). And if some of the sugar remains in the intestines, then it becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria that produce gases. Thus, sweet foods can also cause flatulence.

Another syndrome in which increased gas production and bloating can occur is celiac disease. This is the name of a condition in which the human gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest gluten, a protein found in many cereals.

In addition, the consumption of heavy, excessively spicy and fatty foods does not contribute to digestion.

Other diseases in which increased gas formation and bloating can be observed:

  • enteritis,
  • gastritis,
  • colitis,
  • hepatitis,
  • cirrhosis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • thrombosis of the intestinal wall,
  • worm infestation,
  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • pancreatitis,
  • adhesions in the intestines
  • bowel obstruction,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • tumors,
  • intestinal stenosis.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons that can cause bloating. If increased gas formation is caused by some kind of functional bowel disease, then, as a rule, it does not go away even if the diet is adjusted.

Additional factors that, as a rule, are not the direct cause of flatulence, but may contribute to its development:

  • severe infections,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • body intoxication,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • excess weight.

irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is another possible cause of bloating and flatulence. This is a very common disease, 20% of people suffer from it, among which women predominate. Its occurrence is influenced elevated level stress, depression and neuroses.


Dysbacteriosis is also one of the possible causes flatulence. Dysbacteriosis is not considered to be a separate disease, rather, it is a syndrome that occurs as a result of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or as a result of the use of antibiotics. It is expressed in a decrease in the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria in the large intestine and an increase in the amount of pathogenic microflora that produces gases.

Flatulence and bloating in women

Also, the cause of flatulence and bloating can be premenstrual syndrome in women, adnexitis, endometriosis, fibroids, ectopic pregnancy. In addition, often pregnant women later dates also face flatulence - due to the increased size of the uterus, pressing on the abdominal organs.


Flatulence is not only an increased release of gases from the intestines. This syndrome is also accompanied by symptoms such as bloating, pain, heaviness in the abdomen, intestinal colic. In most cases, however, the pain in the abdomen resolves after the release of gas from the anus. Also given state may be accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, unpleasant aftertaste, bitterness in the mouth and even vomiting. A swollen abdomen can put pressure on the diaphragm, which, in turn, can cause negative symptoms associated with the respiratory organs or the heart - shortness of breath, increased pressure, tachycardia. Also, flatulence and bloating often leads to insomnia, irritability, depression, and other neurological symptoms.

In most cases, the release of gases and bloating in itself does not pose a direct threat to life. However, the quality of life of a person with this syndrome can deteriorate dramatically. That is why this condition requires diagnosis and treatment.

Flatulence and a swollen abdomen, combined with diarrhea, may be the result of such diseases and pathological conditions, as enterocolitis, IBS, helminthic invasions, dysbacteriosis, infections of the large intestine, cirrhosis.

Bloating and pain may indicate chronic enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, biliary dyskinesia, acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.

Flatulence and bloating with simultaneous constipation can be symptoms of chronic gastritis, colitis, intestinal obstruction, liver failure, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

With enteritis, there is often a swollen abdomen and pain in the navel that appears after eating. Also, with enteritis, diarrhea, deterioration of the skin and hair, and weight loss are observed.

Colitis is often accompanied not only by flatulence, but also by diarrhea, abdominal pain.

Biliary dyskinesia is usually accompanied, along with flatulence, impaired intestinal motility, atonic constipation, intoxication of the body. Cholecystitis and hepatitis lead to a lack of bile production, which in turn leads to flatulence, pain in the right hypochondrium and diarrhea.

It should be remembered that bloating, accompanied by sharp pains, and often such phenomena as bleeding from the anus, tension abdominal wall, stool and gas retention, pressure drop, temperature increase, is called " acute abdomen". With this syndrome, one should not guess what disease caused it, but it is necessary to immediately call a doctor.


In most cases, the elimination of such unpleasant phenomena can be carried out at home. In this case, the methods of treatment should be selected so that they are aimed both at removing the negative symptoms themselves and directly at eliminating the disease that caused it.


Various drugs can be used to reduce gas formation. First of all, these are defoamers or carminatives, such as Espumizan. The principle of their action is based on the fact that they destroy the foam accumulated near the walls of the large intestine, as a result of which the gases enclosed in it come out.

Also useful will be preparations - enterosorbents that absorb the contents of the gastrointestinal tract. Although they usually do not absorb the gases themselves, they can absorb bacteria and carbohydrates that cause fermentation and, as a result, increased gas production. At home, the following types of sorbents are most often used to treat flatulence and combat bloating:

  • Activated carbon,
  • Smecta,
  • Polysorb,
  • Enterosgel.

Also, drugs that increase the tone of the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines, for example, metoclopramide, are very effective in flatulence and bloating. These drugs speed up the emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. Often they are prescribed before endoscopic and radiographic studies.

Often, increased gas formation can be caused by dysbacteriosis - a lack of lactobacilli in the large intestine and the dominance of pathogenic microflora provoked by this deficiency. In this case, probiotic preparations are suitable - Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Laktofiltrum.

In the event that flatulence is caused by insufficient production of bile and digestive enzymes necessary for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enzyme preparations are needed - Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, containing these enzymes in the required amount, as well as choleretic agents.

Antispasmodics - drotaverine (noshpa) and papaverine are also often used in the syndrome of increased gas formation and bloating. They help relieve muscle spasms, due to which gases can accumulate in various parts of the intestine. In addition, antispasmodics can relieve pain and intestinal colic.


As already mentioned, there can be many reasons that cause flatulence, as well as leading to bloating. And independent attempts to treat the syndrome may not help. Only a gastroenterologist, after conducting a thorough diagnosis of the patient, after analyzing the anamnesis, is able to identify the source of the problem - an irrational lifestyle and nutrition, or some kind of serious illness GIT.

To diagnose the causes of increased gas formation, methods such as x-rays, colonoscopy, CT scan abdominal cavity, blood and stool tests.

What can be done with a sudden attack of flatulence?

However, a flatulence attack may come on suddenly, and the person may not be able to immediately run to the doctor. What means at the same time can quickly remove unpleasant symptoms?

The quick-acting remedies that help in the first place include the following:

  • antispasmodics (Noshpa),
  • defoamers (Espumizan),
  • drugs that increase the tone of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract (metoclopromide),
  • sorbents (activated carbon),

Diet for flatulence and bloating

Diet plays an important role in helping to prevent flatulence and bloating. In addition, a diet is necessary in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases that provoke these phenomena.

A diet for flatulence and bloating involves, first of all, the rejection of foods that can cause increased gas formation. These are dairy products, primarily whole milk, rich bakery products, fruits and vegetables that cause strong fermentation - grapes, legumes, white cabbage, corn, sugar substitutes - xylitol and sorbitol.

Fatty meat, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, alcohol are also excluded.

The gastrointestinal tract of each person has its own characteristics, and sometimes flatulence can cause a product that is completely harmless at first glance. Therefore, the problem can be solved by a simple exception this product from the diet. In terms of selection suitable diet the patient can be helped by a food diary, in which all the meals that he eats are entered. Thus, you can find those products that provoke unwanted gas formation.

It is best to eat as often as possible - 5-6 times a day. However, the interval between different episodes of eating should be at least 3 hours. It is advisable not to change the time of the meal so that the body gets used to the production of enzymes at a certain time. Food should be warm, not too hot and not too cold. Preference should be given to thermally processed food - boiled or stewed, but not fried and, moreover, not smoked. Liquids are recommended to drink plenty - 1.5-2 liters per day.

The menu is recommended to include products that improve intestinal motility - vegetable salads, cereals, low-fat dairy products, dietary meats and fish. The optimal diet in the absence chronic diseases The gastrointestinal tract should lead to getting rid of flatulence and bloating.

Other treatments for flatulence and bloating

Just diet and medications will not help the patient if the unpleasant symptoms are caused by his wrong way of life. Therefore, you should avoid stress, organize a good rest, show more physical activity, and engage in physiotherapy exercises.

Flatulence in infants

Flatulence and distended abdomen in infants common occurrence. Flatulence occurs in about 80% of children under one year old. This is due to the fact that in children the intestines are growing rapidly, while the amount of enzymes produced is not yet at a level sufficient to digest food. This phenomenon can lead to the fact that the child experiences pain. To prevent bloating, the child must be periodically placed in an upright position so that it is easier for the gases to escape. Also, during breastfeeding, it is necessary to ensure that he tightly wraps his lips around the nipple. The baby should be fed on demand, otherwise the baby will get hungry and will suckle too greedily, which will lead to a large number swallowed air and, as a result, to bloating. To facilitate digestion, the child can be given enzyme preparations, herbal carminative preparations, for example, dill water.

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Bloating, called flatulence, is a symptom of a large number of diseases or physiological conditions, indicating a violation of alimentary functions. Consider the causes and treatment in adults, as well as ways to prevent the disease.

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What causes disease

The cause of excessive gas formation is a violation of the digestion of carbohydrates. Their assimilation is carried out through hydrolysis with the help of alimentary enzymes. human body or fermentation by enzymes of bacteria living in the large intestine.

The first method proceeds with a high degree of assimilation of products with little or no gas formation. Fermentation is characterized by large losses of initial energy due to the release of methane and carbon dioxide.


There are the following types of carbohydrates that come with food:

  • simple sugars,
  • polysaccharides.

The following simple sugars come from food:

  • glucose is the main source of energy for humans.
  • lactose. In children who consume milk, the lactase enzyme is active. In adults, the enzyme is passive.
  • fructose, other disaccharides. Hydrolysis occurs slowly, a significant part is broken down by bacterial fermentation.

A person is able to hydrolyze starch, and the microflora to ferment non-starchy polysaccharides (NCP). Another name is soluble fiber.

If too many hydrolysable carbohydrates enter the alimentary tract, the enzymes cannot cope with the amount of work, the microflora assimilates food residues. All NCPs are fermented by bacteria. Gas is expelled through the mouth (belching) or anus. When the rate of formation exceeds the rate of evacuation, bloating occurs in humans.

Important! main reason excessive gas formation is the fermentation of carbohydrates by intestinal microorganisms.

Foods that cause gas

What causes bloating in adults

Why does the stomach swell and gases often go away - man abuses carbohydrates or eat foods that lead to gas formation:

  • peas, beans, Rye bread, which contain NCP.
  • milk is a source of lactose. There are no carbohydrates in kefir and other fermented products, so bloating does not occur.
  • mushrooms - contain carbohydrates that are broken down by fermentation.
  • pasta, pastries - contain hydrolysable starch, with excessive use, part of the polysaccharide is fermented, from what belly bulges.
  • cabbage - contains sugars and fiber, split mainly by fermentation.
  • fruits - energy is extracted from fructose through fermentation.

Flatulence occurs in clinically healthy adults, as well as patients with pathologies of the alimentary tract.

Flatulence in healthy people

A feature of abdominal distention in clinically healthy people is their short duration and impermanence.

Flatulence occurs for the following reasons:

  • violation of the diet.

Bloating in a woman

Uncomfortable sensations come and go suddenly. The following are situations in which healthy people there is swelling:

  1. Binge eating. Many people are familiar with the feeling of heaviness after a plentiful feast. A person consumes tasty, but unhealthy foods in excessive quantities. Bloating after eating stops when you return to your usual diet.
  2. Irregularity in eating, snacking, hasty swallowing of pieces of food without chewing thoroughly, frequent use of fast food pervert digestion. An imbalance between lipids, carbohydrates and proteins stimulates enzymatic fermentation characterized by excessive gas production.
  3. Stressful situations distort the nervous regulation of alimentary functions. In isolated cases, a short flatulence occurs, ending without consequences.

Home causes bloating and gas in women is pregnancy. The growing uterus compresses the intestines, which leads to disruption of its work. Targeted selection of products, characterized by low gas formation, as well as dosed physical activity helps to get rid of the problem.

Flatulence in sick people

In some diseases, permanent bloating is fixed.

Causes of persistent bloating

Here is their list:

  1. Pancreatitis. There is a cutting pain in the hypochondrium on the left, loss of appetite, diarrhea and bloating.
  2. . The main symptom of constipation is considered bloated belly, since the resulting gases are not evacuated through the rectum.
  3. Dysbacteriosis caused by prolonged use of antibiotics. Lactic acid microbes die, and in their absence putrefactive bacteria ferment carbohydrates.
  4. Gastritis. It is characterized by poor appetite, discomfort, nausea. There is bloating after eating.
  5. With a stomach ulcer, belching, vomiting, pain and constant bloating appear.
  6. The defeat of the duodenal intestine is characterized by vomiting, palpitations, hyperthermia, flatulence.

Important! In healthy people, flatulence occurs suddenly and quickly passes. Constant bloating indicates the presence of a chronic disease.


When flatulence is detected in adults, it is required to establish its causes and prescribe treatment.

Need to take tests

Practice the following tests:

  • feces,
  • bile,
  • gastric juice.

An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed.


The treatment strategy is developing in the following areas:

  • diet,
  • elimination of the cause of the underlying disease,
  • symptomatic therapy,
  • physical exercises.

From the diet, you should remove or limit the consumption of foods that provoke gas formation:

  1. Milk.
  2. Flour products.
  3. Black bread.
  4. Sweet fruits.
  5. Cabbage.
  6. Legumes - peas, beans.
  7. Fast food.

It is necessary to ensure rational nutrition by the hour with four to five meals a day. Mandatory lunch with first courses.

Fermented milk products, in which lactose has been converted into organic acids, whole grain bread, sweet and sour fruits, should be introduced into the diet.

It is necessary to identify the causes and treat adults with pancreatitis, gastritis, and also the stomach.

With damage to the pancreas, a starvation diet, vitamins, antibiotics, antispasmodics, antihistamines are indicated.

With gastritis, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, a diet is prescribed. Apply medicines, inhibiting secretion, enhancing peristalsis, drugs that protect the mucous membrane, antispasmodics, antibiotics, probiotics, prokinetics, antiemetics.

When flatulence occurs in adults, the causes and treatment in men and women are similar.

Use the following groups of drugs.

Enterosorbents. Powders and tablets are in demand:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Lactofiltrum.
  3. Polysorb.
  4. White coal.

Medications for bloating

Prokinetics. Drugs that activate peristaltic contractions, inhibit gas formation, eliminate vomiting:

  1. Motilium.
  2. Eglonyl.
  3. Duspatolin.

Enzyme preparations that help the body's enzymes break down carbohydrates through hydrolysis:

  1. Festal.
  2. Mezim.
  3. Pancreatin.

Probiotics are also used, which populate the intestines with beneficial microflora that prevents the development of putrefactive bacteria.

The following drugs are in demand: Linex, Hilak-forte, Bifidumbacterin.

Flaw physical activity leads to constipation. To activate the motility of the digestive tube, you need to do exercises and walk.

Important! The treatment strategy for bloating includes diet therapy, elimination of the causes of chronic diseases, the use of symptomatic drugs, folk remedies and exercise.


Among those suffering from intestinal flatulence, there are people who do not bother to find out the reasons andfolk remedies for this disease.

If there are no underlying diseases, the signs of which are bloating, grandmother's recipes sometimes help. However, it cannot be ruled out that the symptoms could go away without treatment with drugs. traditional medicine.

Self-medication is a risky occupation, therefore it is better to coordinate your actions with a doctor who may agree to the use of non-traditional drugs as an auxiliary therapeutic method.

Adherents of traditional medicine advise with flatulence in adults, regardless of the cause of occurrence, to treat the disease with decoctions and infusions prepared from medicinal plants.

Are used:

  • Dill seeds;
  • parsley root;
  • infusion made from dried thyme and dill seeds;
  • decoction of dandelion roots;
  • camomile tea;
  • tea from mint leaves;
  • infusion of cumin;
  • a mixture of fennel, valerian, mint.

If flatulence occurs in a pregnant woman, take folk remedies it does not follow. It is more reasonable to use sorbents that bind fermentation gases. If the desired result is not achieved, consult a doctor.

Video: Causes and features of bloating, treatment of bloating

Bloating occurs in healthy people with one-time violations of the diet or as a symptom of an underlying disease. The disease resolves spontaneously or requires treatment. The main therapeutic methods are diet, symptomatic drugs, traditional medicine.

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