How long does it take Imodium to start working? Imodium - detailed instructions, composition, how to take


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What is Imodium?

Imodium is a medicinal product intended for the symptomatic treatment diarrhea ( diarrhea) . Diarrhea is a common ailment that affects people of all ages around the world. Its causes are stress , allergies , eating disorders , poisoning , infections . Also, diarrhea is a symptom of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract, liver, pancreas and other organs.

This medicine is effective tool first aid in case of diarrhea of ​​various origins. However, if its use does not bring relief or the patient's condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and exclusion. dangerous diseases symptomatic of which is diarrhea.

In Russian pharmacies, the following types of imodium can be presented:

  • imodium - capsules for oral administration;
  • imodium - tablets lyophilized ( lozenges);
  • imodium plus- chewable tablets.

Active substance and action of imodium

The active ingredient in this drug is loperamide hydrochloride. Loperamide is a synthetic opioid, but does not cause a pronounced analgesic ( painkiller) effect. It binds only to peripheral opioid receptors in the intestinal wall and does not have a systemic narcotic effect. Its antidiarrheal effect is due to inhibition of intestinal motility, an increase in the tone of the anal sphincter, and an effect on intestinal secretion.

Imodium has the following effect:

  • normalizes intestinal motility ( reduces her speed);
  • helps to increase the transit time of intestinal contents;
  • normalizes the absorption of salts and water by the intestines;
  • stops dehydration of the body;
  • reduces the release of fluid into the intestinal lumen;
  • reduces the excretion of mucous secretion by the intestinal walls;
  • relieves the endless urge to defecate;
  • normalizes the density of feces;
  • does not violate the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora.

Pharmacological group of imodium

This medication belongs to the group of antidiarrheal drugs that eliminate diarrhea by acting on intestinal motility. It is important to know that imodium is a symptomatic medicine, and in infectious diarrhea it can cause a delay in the infection in the body, increase diarrhea, intoxication and aggravate the patient's condition.

The active substance of imodium in Latin

In the prescription, when prescribing this drug, the doctor may indicate the active ingredient on Latin so that the pharmacist in the pharmacy can offer the patient similar medicines, in the absence of imodium or, if necessary, choose a cheaper analogue. The Latin name for loperamide is Loperamidum.

Manufacturer of Imodium

Loperamide was synthesized in 1969 in Belgium by Janssen Pharmaceutica.
laureate Nobel Prize Dr. Paul Janssen. In 1973, this drug was patented in the United States, and Janssen began its production under the name Imodium.

In 1980, this medicine was introduced in the form of drops and syrup for the treatment of diarrhea in children. However, in 1990, Johnson & Johnson removed it from the pharmaceutical market due to fatal complications that arose in infants as a result of its use. Since that time, in many countries medicines containing loperamide are banned for use in childhood. So, in the UK, the use of this drug in children is possible from the age of 4, and in Australia, the use of this drug is allowed from the age of 12.

This effective antidiarrheal drug in the form of 2 mg tablets is now on the list of vital and essential medicines of the World Health Organization ( WHO).

Composition, types and analogues of imodium

Given medicine has long been present on the pharmaceutical market and enjoys well-deserved popularity among doctors and patients. Its diverse and convenient dosage forms allow you to choose the most suitable version of this drug individually for each patient.
Release form and composition various kinds imodium


Dosage form

Active ingredients

Imodium capsules

Capsules are light green in color with a brown cap. Inside is a white powder.

6,8,12 or 20 pieces in a blister in a cardboard box

loperamide 2 mg

Imodium tablets

The tablets are white, round, lyophilized.

In a cardboard box, 1 blister with 6 or 10 tablets or 2 blisters with 10 tablets

loperamide 2 mg

Imodium plus

Chewable tablets, white, round, flat, with the inscription "IMO" on one side, with the smell of vanilla and mint. In a cardboard box, 1 blister with 4 or 2 blisters with 6 tablets

loperamide 2 mg, simethicone 125 mg

Excipients give these drugs shape, taste, texture. They allow medicines to retain their properties during the shelf life.

Imodium capsules contain the following excipients:

  • lactose monohydrate - 127.0 mg;
  • corn starch - 40.0 mg;
  • talc - 9.0 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 2.0 mg;
  • the cap and body of the capsule consist predominantly of gelatin.
Imodium lozenges contain the following excipients:
  • gelatin - 5.863 mg;
  • mannitol - 4.397 mg;
  • aspartame - 0.750 mg;
  • mint flavor - 0.300 mg;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 0.375 mg.
Imodium plus contains the following excipients:
  • sucrose - 52.2 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose - 5.8 mg;
  • polymethacrylate - 4.57 mg;
  • cellulose acetate - 6.86 mg;
  • sorbitol - 300 mg;
  • hydrated dextrates - 641.7 mg;
  • flavor "vanilla-mint" natural-synthetic - 17 mg;
  • sodium saccharinate - 0.4 mg;
  • stearic acid - 3 mg;
  • calcium phosphate - 130 mg.

What is the effect of Imodium Plus?

This complex drug has an antidiarrheal effect, due to its constituent loperamide. Simethicone has a defoaming effect, reduces flatulence, bloating, flatulence, and abdominal pain. It also acts as a mild antiseptic.

What is Imodium Express?

Imodium express is a drug that is a lozenge ( lyophilized) containing 2 mg of loperamide. This form differs only in the way it is used. The tablet dissolves in the mouth within a few seconds, after which it is washed down with water.

Is imodium for children available as syrup, drops or suspension?

This medicine for babies is not on sale in the form of a suspension, syrup or drops.
The use of this drug in young children can cause dangerous complications due to the special reaction of the child's body to loperamide. Therefore, diarrhea in children should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor with the medications that he recommends.

Imodium analogues

Currently, there are various drugs that can stop this unpleasant disease like diarrhea. In order for the chosen medicine to bring benefit, and not harm, it is important to find out the cause of diarrhea. For this purpose, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the diarrhea does not stop after taking imodium.

Remedies for diarrhea are divided into the following groups:

  • Enterosorbents. These are drugs that, when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, are able to absorb, bind and retain toxins, allergens, pathogenic microflora and other toxic substances in the body, and then remove them from stool during defecation. Enterosorbents include activated carbon, enterosgel, polyphepan, smecta, lactofiltrum and other drugs.
  • Probiotics. These are drugs that are used to treat dysbacteriosis, one of the symptoms of which is diarrhea. They contain microorganisms that are natural for the human intestinal microflora. Probiotics include linex, bifidumbacterin, bifikol, hilak forte and other drugs.
  • Intestinal antiseptics. These are drugs that suppress pathogenic bacteria, act locally, are not absorbed into the blood, and practically do not have a systemic effect and side effects. These include nifuroxazide, rifaximin, intetrix, and other drugs.
  • Antibiotics. These are drugs that are used to treat bacterial intestinal infections, act on the entire body, have a systemic effect and can cause dysbacteriosis. Antibiotics include levomycetin, metronidazole, fthalazol, furazolidone and other drugs.
  • Medications aimed at slowing down intestinal motility. These are drugs created on the basis of loperamide, which include imodium. They are most effective for stress-induced diarrhea - “bear sickness”, “traveler's diarrhea”, caused by climate change, food, chronic diseases intestines and in some other cases.
  • Preparations plant origin, which have an astringent and tanning effect on the intestinal contents. These include bird cherry fruits, blueberries, burnet root, pomegranate fruits and others.
Each of the above drugs is most effective in treating a specific type of diarrhea. Only a doctor can determine its type and prescribe the drugs necessary for treatment. Imodium stops diarrhea, but does not cure, so it is not recommended to use it for a long time without consulting a doctor.

Imodium analogues containing loperamide are the following drugs:

  • diarrhea (Obolenskoe FP, Russia);
  • loperamide (Ozon, Russia);
  • loperamide-acry (Akrikhin, Russia);
  • Loperamide Grindeks (Grindeks, Latvia);
  • loperamide health (Health, Ukraine);
  • lopedium (Sandoz, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland) and other drugs.
Imodium is a drug that is produced by the company that discovered and patented loperamide as an active ingredient. active substance. In pharmacies, it is sold at a price higher than its counterparts listed above - genericsproduced in different countries, including in Russia. All of them have the same composition and indications for use, but original drug more effective and less likely to cause side effects. This is due to the form of release and the quality of the excipients that are part of the preparations under the Imodium brand.

Smecta and Imodium

Smecta is french drug, which is a natural enterosorbent - aluminosilicate. It is available as a powder for suspension, which absorbs toxins, promotes recovery normal microflora intestines, restores barrier function mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract gastrointestinal tract). Smecta does not affect intestinal motility. It has a pleasant taste and few contraindications. It can be used at any age, newborns, pregnant and lactating women.

This drug is prescribed for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. One of the first it is used for acute diarrhea alone or in combination with other drugs. The course of treatment with smecta is 3-7 days.

Imodium works quickly. However, in the case intestinal infection, reducing intestinal motility, it can contribute to an increase in intoxication of the body. Therefore, in acute diarrhea, only short-term use of this medication is allowed.

Hilak forte and imodium

Hilak forte is a German probiotic that is a popular, effective antidiarrheal agent. It comes in the form of drops. It can be used at any age, even in infants, pregnant and breastfeeding women, has virtually no contraindications. It is widely used in the treatment of various pathological conditions Gastrointestinal tract, with allergies, dysbacteriosis and other diseases.

Being also a remedy for diarrhea, hilak forte has another pharmachologic effect (normalizes the intestinal microflora) than imodium ( affects intestinal motility).

Linex and Imodium

Linex is a probiotic created in Slovenia that can normalize the intestinal microflora. It is available in capsules and contains 3 types of bacteria for all parts of the intestine ( lactobacilli and enterococci - for the small intestine, bifidobacteria - for the large intestine). It is used to treat dysbacteriosis, a symptom of which is often diarrhea. This drug has practically no contraindications for use, it can be used in newborns, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is well tolerated and is a popular, effective drug.

Treatment with this drug lasts a long time, unlike imodium, which acts almost immediately. It is impossible to compare these drugs, since each of them has its own purpose. Imodium, of course, will not restore the intestinal microflora, however, in emergency cases, it can help to avoid dehydration ( designed for short term use).

Levomycetin and Imodium

Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat infectious diarrhea. Imodium does not have an antimicrobial effect and is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract only as an adjuvant. When it independent application increases the likelihood of intoxication and poisoning of the body.

However, before using antibiotic therapy in the treatment of diarrhea, it is necessary to consult a doctor to conduct the necessary studies in order to identify the cause of diarrhea. Unreasonable use of antibiotics can be ineffective and dangerous, can cause dysbacteriosis and other serious side effects.

Indications for the use of imodium

Currently, this drug is one of the most popular remedies for indigestion. Indeed, it is an effective and fast-acting remedy for diarrhea. However, wonderful medicinal properties and it demonstrates the absence of side effects only when it is correct use according to the list of indications.

Imodium is used in the following cases:

  • in acute or chronic diarrhea of ​​​​non-infectious origin ( allergic, emotional, medicinal, radiation and other);
  • with secretory diarrhea;
  • with diarrhea resulting from a change in diet ( traveler's diarrhea);
  • with infectious diarrhea - as an aid;
  • with an ileostomy when, as a result of surgery, the lower section small intestine brought to the front abdominal wall ) to reduce the frequency and volume of stools, to give a denser consistency to feces, and in some other cases.
For acute diarrhea, it is better to use this medicine in the form of lozenges, as they dissolve instantly in the mouth and begin to work faster than other dosage forms ( capsules or chewable tablets). They are also convenient for patients with difficulty swallowing and an increased gag reflex. In chronic diarrhea, IBS, Imodium capsules are more often prescribed.

Heartburn and Imodium

Heartburn is a symptom of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It often occurs when malnutrition, with excess weight ( obesity), pregnancy and in some other cases. It occurs when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus and is accompanied by a burning sensation.

To eliminate heartburn, there are special drugs - antacids ( interacting with hydrochloric acid gastric juice and reduce its activity), alginates ( which belong to antacids and adsorbents), as well as proton pump inhibitors ( reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach). These include phosphalugel, almagel, maalox, gastal, gaviscon, laminal, omez and other drugs.

However, with frequent attacks of heartburn, you should consult a doctor to identify the cause of its occurrence and prevent its development. dangerous complications. It should also be noted that self-medication is life-threatening, and taking any medication is best done on the advice of a doctor. Imodium is an antidiarrheal drug and does not affect heartburn.

Is diarrhea a symptom of pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The main function of this organ is the production of pancreatic juice with enzymes involved in the digestion process. The cause of pancreatitis is a violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice from the pancreas to the area duodenum, which has a destructive effect on pancreatic tissue in the first place and spreads to nearby tissues, organs, and blood vessels. In severe cases, pancreatitis, accompanied by necrosis of the pancreas, can cause death. Pancreatitis can occur at any age.

The causes of this serious disease are:

  • excessive consumption of semi-finished products, fatty foods, spices;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • in women - fluctuations and hormonal disorders ( pregnancy, menopause, taking hormone-containing contraceptives);
  • diseases of the digestive system ( cholelithiasis, non-infectious hepatitis, gastritis, liver cirrhosis, biliary dyskinesia, intestinal infections and some other diseases);
  • consequences of organ injuries abdominal cavity, surgical intervention and other influences;
  • taking medication ( some antibiotics - tetracyclines, estrogen-containing drugs, glucocorticosteroids, aspirin, sulfa drugs, some diuretics ( diuretics) and other drugs);
  • food poisoning, chemicals;
  • hereditary predisposition to diseases of the digestive system;
  • congenital pathologies of the development of the pancreas and other causes.
Allocate acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is a rapidly developing inflammatory disease pancreas, accompanied by damage to the cells of this organ, which can be fatal.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis are:

  • severe girdle pain, localized in the right or left hypochondrium, which is not eliminated by medication and can last from one hour to several days ( pain syndrome can cause pain shock, loss of consciousness and even death);
  • lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting that does not cause relief;
  • an increase in body temperature over 38 degrees, an increase in heart rate, respiration, a decrease in blood pressure;
  • heartburn, hiccups, belching, dry mouth;
  • the appearance of a white or yellowish coating on the tongue;
  • tension and bloating in the upper peritoneum;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pallor, cyanosis, yellow tint of the skin and sclera;
  • rapid loss of body weight;
  • sweating and other symptoms.
Patients with chronic pancreatitis experience the following symptoms:
  • pain in the right or left hypochondrium ( which can radiate to the back, be girdle in nature, spread to the region of the scapula, sternum);
  • stool disorders - chronic diarrhea or prolonged constipation;
  • dry skin, fragility of the nail plates;
  • anemic;
  • increased fatigue ( as a result of metabolic disorders and chronic intoxication of the body with the decay products of poorly digested food).
Provoke exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis can be drinking alcohol, eating fatty, spicy foods, diet violations. A severe exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is similar to its acute form and requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization.

pancreatitis and imodium

Treatment of acute pancreatitis is carried out only in the hospital in the surgical department. It includes fasting for several days and a comprehensive drug therapy. Cytostatics, antisecretory, painkillers, antispasmodics, and, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. Intravenous detoxification therapy is also carried out, parenteral nutrition, introduce solutions of electrolytes and essential amino acids.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis during remission ( fading of symptoms) consists in following a diet and taking medications that a doctor prescribes individually for each patient. As a rule, such drugs are pancreatic enzymes, vitamins and drugs that normalize digestion processes ( probiotics, enterosorbents), reinforcing ( constipation) or decreasing ( with diarrhea) intestinal motility, restoring the acid-base balance of the body.

Imodium in chronic pancreatitis should be used only as directed by a doctor, and if its acute form is suspected, it is urgent to call ambulance. Until the arrival of doctors, you can not drink, eat, take any medication, as this is life-threatening.

Rotavirus and Imodium

Rotavirus or intestinal flu is an acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which is considered to be an RNA rotavirus that affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, causing rotavirus gastroenteritis. The disease is considered childhood, because the body of adults is more protected from rotaviruses. This disease is highly contagious and spreads rapidly in children's groups. It is especially dangerous for infants and children under the age of 3 years because of the ability to cause severe dehydration of the child's body and even death.

The disease is transmitted through dirty hands, household items, contaminated water and food. The source of infection is a sick person. Incubation period is 1 - 3 days. The peak incidence of rotavirus occurs from late autumn to mid-spring. The disease lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection are:

  • signs of SARS ( runny nose, sore throat, cough and others);
  • fever, fever;
  • severe diarrhea for 3-7 days ( grayish-yellow clayey stools, very dark urine, sometimes with an admixture of blood);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
Treatment of rotavirus infection primarily involves replacing lost fluids and electrolytes ( for this, rehydron and similar drugs are used). Also, the doctor may prescribe the intake of probiotics, sorbents, antipyretic drugs. The use of antiviral drugs and antibiotics is not recommended, as they are not able to fight this virus and do not affect the duration and outcome of the disease. During illness, it is recommended to follow a strict diet, up to the complete restoration of bowel function. In severe cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital, in the department intensive care. Treatment of this dangerous infectious disease of any severity should be under the supervision of a physician. To prevent unwanted complications, you should not take Imodium for rotavirus infection without a doctor's prescription.

Imodium for poisoning, vomiting

The condition of food poisoning is familiar to everyone. You can get poisoned in the dining room, in a cafe, in the country, at home. Signs of poisoning can appear after half an hour, after 4 - 6 hours, and sometimes even a day after eating low-quality foods.

Food poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • headache, weakness;
  • the temperature may rise, the pulse may increase, and or other symptoms of intoxication of the body may appear.
You can get poisoned by low-quality dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese), confectionery ( cakes, pastries), sausages, meat products, eggs. Also dangerous are stale salads seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream, tomatoes, watermelons, and other products. Symptoms of poisoning after eating mushrooms, berries, canned food, cream cakes, or fish can be especially dangerous. Appeal for medical care in that case it is mandatory.

At the first signs of food poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach and replenish the fluid lost by the body during diarrhea and vomiting. To do this, use special saline solutions ( rehydron), which should be drunk after each liquid stool in small sips. Also, in case of poisoning, it is recommended to take enterosorbents. These drugs bind and remove toxins and poisons from the body, preventing the entry of toxic substances into the blood. They help relieve the symptoms of poisoning and normalize the human condition. In more severe cases, doctors may prescribe intestinal antiseptics or even antibiotics. After poisoning, you must follow a strict diet.

Imodium for food poisoning complex therapy can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, since the retention of feces in the intestines ( toxins) in case of poisoning may worsen the patient's condition.

Instructions for use of imodium

Achieve the best therapeutic effect when using this medication, you can use it in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations set out in the instructions for use.
Methods of application and dosage of imodium

Release form

Method of application and dosage

Best before date

Imodium capsules

The capsule is taken orally, washed down with water.

For adults:

The maximum daily dose is 16 mg ( 8 capsules

Children from 6 to 12 years old use only with medical supervision, depending on age and body weight.

5 years from release

Imodium lyophilized tablets

The tablets are fragile, they should be carefully removed from the blister cells, then put on the tongue, within a few seconds it will dissolve in saliva, after which it must be swallowed without drinking water.

For adults:

  • in acute diarrhea, the initial dose is 4 mg, then 2 mg after each shapeless stool;
  • with chronic diarrhea, 4 mg per day, then the initial dose is adjusted so that the frequency of the stool is 1-2 times a day.

The maximum daily dose is 12 mg ( 6 tablets). With the normalization of the density of feces or the absence of stools for more than 12 hours, treatment should be discontinued.

Children from 6 to 12 years old use only with medical supervision, depending on age and body weight

(for 20 kg of body weight of the child prescribes three tablets per day).

5 years from release

Imodium plus

Use in children from 12 years of age.

An initial dose of 4 mg, then 2 mg after each shapeless stool. The maximum daily dose is 8 mg ( 4 tablets). Apply no more than 2 days.

3 years from release

Is Imodium taken before or after food?

The manufacturer does not recommend taking this medicine with food. It is taken after each liquid stool until its density is normalized for no more than 2 days.

How fast does Imodium work?

This medicine begins to act an hour after use and lasts an average of 5 hours. The drug is taken symptomatically, that is, until the disappearance of disturbing symptoms ( loose stools, frequent urge to defecate).

How long can I take Imodium?

This drug should not be used for more than 2 days. If after this time, with acute diarrhea, there is no improvement in the condition or constipation, bloating, partial intestinal obstruction develops, this medication should be stopped and urgently consult a doctor.

Can Imodium be given to infants and children?

This drug, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, is allowed to be used in children from 6 or 12 years old under the supervision of a physician. This medicine should not be given to infants, as it may cause paralysis of the intestinal muscles in infants. Young children are more sensitive to the opiate-like action of loperamide and are more susceptible to its negative effects on the central nervous system. It is important to remember that during the treatment of diarrhea in children, it is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes, to prevent dehydration of the body, as it can contribute to a change in the reaction to this medicine.

Imodium during pregnancy and lactation

Diarrhea during pregnancy is a serious problem that can harm the health of the unborn child.

The danger of diarrhea during pregnancy is the following negative consequences:

  • in dehydration ( with diarrhea, not only harmful substances are removed from the mother's body in an accelerated mode, but also vital essential vitamins and minerals, which can harm the health of the fetus);
  • in intoxication of the mother and fetus;
  • tension in the intestines of a pregnant woman with diarrhea can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, as a result of which premature birth or miscarriage may occur.
Therefore, diarrhea should not be left untreated. If you experience an upset stomach in a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any drug treatment diarrhea in this case should be carried out only under his control. On your own, you can only increase the amount of fluid you drink to prevent dehydration and take a few tablets of activated charcoal. It will not bring any harm and will help to remove toxins from the body. Imodium is not recommended during pregnancy ( especially in the 1st trimester) and while breastfeeding.

Is it possible to give imodium to animals ( dogs or cats)?

It is not recommended to give this drug to animals for diarrhoea, as an increase in intoxication may occur with its use. When diarrhea occurs pet it is better to contact the veterinarian immediately so as not to waste time for treatment. Intestinal infections in cats and dogs develop rapidly and can lead to death if untimely and inadequately treated.

How to store imodium?

Keep this medicine better in the original carton, out of the reach of children, protected from moisture and sunlight, at a temperature of 15 - 30 degrees.

Contraindications for use, drug interactions and side effects of Imodium

The history of the use of this drug is calculated for decades. All this time, developers are constantly working on improving its composition and release form. This drug has repeatedly proven its effectiveness and is currently included in the WHO list of vital and essential medicines. However, in some cases, its use is not desirable or prohibited.
Contraindications to the use of Imodium are:
  • pregnancy ( especially in the 1st trimester) and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 6 or up to 12 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • caution should be used in patients with liver disease and in some other cases.

Interactions of imodium with other medicines

This drug can interact with other medicines and cause unwanted side effects. Therefore, before using it, it is better to consult a doctor or pharmacist about safety. joint reception medicines.

The risk of side effects increases when this medicine is taken with the following medicines:

  • antibiotics ( clarithromycin, erythromycin);
  • antifungal drugs ( itraconazole, ketoconazole);
  • with inhibitors of H2-histamine receptors - antiulcer drugs that reduce the secretion of gastric juice ( cimetidine, ranitidine);
  • opioid drugs;
  • antiretroviral drugs ( ritonavir) and in some other cases.

side effect of imodium

This drug for many decades of its use has shown itself to be a fairly safe drug. Side effects with its use are rare, and their severity is negligible.

When using this medication, the following side effects may occur:

  • allergy;
  • constipation and bloating, colic;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • distraction;
  • glossalgia ( inflammation of the tongue);
  • dizziness;
  • urinary retention and some other symptoms.
Serious problems may occur if this drug is taken in high doses or used inappropriately. heart rate, ventricular arrhythmias of the kidney.

Does imodium affect the liver?

This drug is mainly excreted by the liver, therefore, in the presence of diseases of this organ, it should be taken with caution, as the risk of side effects increases.

Does imodium affect the nervous system?

This medicine in rare cases can adversely affect the nervous system, which manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, depression of consciousness, muscle hypertonicity, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, stupor and some other symptoms.

Imodium and constipation

If the manufacturer's recommendations for the use of this drug are violated, the recommended daily doses are exceeded, the patient may develop not only constipation, but also intestinal obstruction ( including paralytic ileus), megacolon ( including toxic megacolon) and other dangerous side effects, including respiratory arrest.

Is it possible to overdose while taking Imodium?

When using this drug, an overdose is possible in some cases. Its symptoms are signs of depression of the central nervous system- stupor, impaired coordination of movements, drowsiness, miosis ( pupillary constriction), muscle hypertonicity ( their increased stress), respiratory depression, as well as urinary retention, paralytic ileus and some other symptoms.

An overdose while taking Imodium can occur in the following cases:

  • in children who are more sensitive to loperamide;
  • in patients with impaired liver function;
  • when using the drug in doses exceeding the doctor's recommendations or instructions for use from the manufacturer;
  • in patients with hypersensitivity to loperamide and in some other cases.
If an overdose occurs, it is necessary to urgently wash the stomach, take Activated carbon and call an ambulance. In this case, doctors use a specific antidote for opiates - naloxone. It is administered multiple times intravenously. Monitoring of the condition of such a patient is carried out within 48 hours to prevent deterioration of his condition.

Imodium and alcohol

You can not use this medicine and alcohol at the same time, although the instructions for use do not give special instructions on this account. The manufacturer implies that a sick person will not take this drug in conjunction with alcoholic beverages.

Both of these products negatively affect the central nervous system and liver. Especially dangerous is the combined effect of these substances on the respiratory center, located in medulla oblongata so it can cause respiratory arrest. Alcohol has a toxic effect on liver cells, and imodium is excreted from the body through this organ. With significant intoxication, liver function decreases, which contributes to an increase in the concentration of imodium in the blood and its overdose. It is important to remember that using these products at the same time, a person risks his own life.

Driving a car and imodium

During the period of treatment with this medicine, you should refrain from driving a car or other Vehicle or mechanisms. Also, you should not engage in activities that require increased concentration or quick reactions, as the drug may affect the central nervous system, slowing down psychomotor reactions.

What to do if imodium does not help?

This drug is a medicine that does not treat the disease as such, but only eliminates the symptoms. Therefore, it should be taken on its own for no more than 2 days. If it does not help, you should consult a doctor, take tests, conduct medical examination and identify the cause of diarrhea. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment and prescribe the necessary medications that will help stop the diarrhea.

The cost of imodium in pharmacies of various cities of Russia

This drug is more expensive than its analogues containing loperamide. The price for it depends on the city of Russia in which the pharmacy is located, the cost of acquiring, transporting, warehousing and storing this medication. It should also be noted that this drug is most popular with doctors, pharmacists and buyers in the form of lozenges. Its dosage forms in capsules and chewable tablets are less common and can not be found in all pharmacies.

The cost of imodium in the cities of Russia


Price various forms imodium



6 items



10 pieces

Imodium tablets

20 pieces

Imodium capsules

20 pieces


St. Petersburg




Nizhny Novgorod



Do I need a prescription to buy Imodium?

This medicine is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but requires attention when using it. We should not forget that this medication has serious side effects and severe overdoses if used incorrectly. It should not be given to children without consulting a doctor. It is also better for adults to take it as prescribed by a doctor, despite the fact that it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Every person who has ever suffered from diarrhea knows how important it is to have pills on hand that can quickly eliminate this very unpleasant phenomenon. After all diarrhea is not only exhausting, but also a very dangerous condition that can lead to dehydration. Imodium for diarrhea is more expensive than similar drugs, but it is capable of a short time remove all symptoms. And this is important, because diarrhea disrupts the usual way of life and interferes with social communication. For example, it is difficult to sit quietly at a performance or learn to drive a car if every 10-15 minutes you want to go to the toilet. It turns out that the cost of the drug is the price of a calm and measured life.

General characteristics of the drug

Most often in the home first aid kit are lozenges for diarrhea imodium, although this drug is also available in the form of gelatin capsules, solution and classic tablets.

The active ingredient in this medication is loperamide. And although other medicines of this drug group have the same active substance, imodium lozenges for diarrhea begin to act faster, even at the stage of being in the oral cavity.

Loperamide binds to special receptors on the intestinal walls, thereby reducing the tone and peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the organ. Due to the slowdown in peristalsis, the time interval for the passage of intestinal contents increases. The active substance helps to increase the tone of the sphincter, as a result of which the feces are delayed, and the urge to defecate occurs infrequently. The drug begins to act almost immediately after ingestion, and the therapeutic effect lasts up to 6 hours.

The tablets have a pleasant mint flavor, so even children can easily take them.

Indications for appointment

Imodium for diarrhea is not prescribed by a doctor in all cases
. Indications are loose stools, which are provoked by such factors:

  • allergic;
  • psychological;
  • medication;
  • beam.

In addition, imodium is also taken for diarrhea, which is caused by a sudden change in diet, deterioration of intestinal motility and absorption, as well as to stabilize the stool in people with a withdrawn ileostomy.

Imodium for poisoning and infectious diseases digestive organs can be prescribed only in complex therapy. This drug alone will not give any effect in such cases..

Do not take antidiarrheals immediately for poisoning or rotavirus. In this case, the removal of toxins slows down and recovery is delayed.


The drug has certain contraindications that cannot be ignored, these include:

  • special sensitivity to individual ingredients that are included in the medication;
  • volvulus;
  • ulcerative colitis in the acute stage;
  • diverticulosis;
  • pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • dysentery, salmonellosis, botulism and other infectious diseases;
  • the first 3 months of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

In addition, children from 2 years of age can only take imodium in the form of a solution, and children from 5 years of age are allowed lozenges.

Use in infectious diseases

Although the instructions for use say that the drug is not effective in diseases of the digestive tract of an infectious nature, doctors sometimes prescribe imodium in the treatment of such pathologies.

With dysentery, salmonellosis or rotavirus, this medication is most often prescribed not from the first day of the disease, but already in the process of recovery
. As part of complex therapy, Imodium contributes to:

  • restoration of normal motor skills;
  • an increase in the time spent by feces in the intestines, due to which the absorption of nutrients improves;
  • decrease in tone anus, due to which the urge to the bottom occurs less often.

If there is a suspicion of an infectious bowel disease, you should not start taking an antidiarrheal drug from the first day of illness. There will be no effect, on the contrary, toxic substances will linger in the body, slowing down recovery.

Dosage of the drug

The instructions for use describe in great detail the method of administration and dosage, depending on the age and severity of the condition. In this case, the capsules are swallowed whole, ordinary tablets are placed on the tongue, they completely disintegrate in a few minutes, the solution is dripped into a small volume of water, and the lozenges are slowly absorbed in the oral cavity.

At severe diarrhea adults are prescribed 4 mg of the drug, after which they drink 2 mg after each liquid stool
. We must not forget that the maximum allowable daily dose should not be more than 16 mg.

If the medication is prescribed in solution, then the starting dose is 60 drops for an adult. After that, drink 30 drops after each liquid bowel movement. Permissible daily dosage should not exceed 180 drops.

If diarrhea is chronic, then adults are recommended to drink 4 mg of imodium per day.

With loose stools in children older than 5 years, the drug is prescribed in a starting dose of 2 mg, after which the same amount of the drug is given after each act of defecation. The daily volume should not exceed 8 mg.

If the medicine is prescribed in drops, then the child is first given 30 drops, after which the same amount of solution is given 3 more times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 120 drops in 4 doses.

With diarrhea in chronic form, children from 5 years old are prescribed 30 drops per day. Babies from 2 to 5 years old are prescribed 5 ml of solution for every 10 kg of weight, which is 1 measured container. Usually this dose is given up to 3 times a day. In the event that the urge to the bottom does not occur within 12 hours or the feces have become formalized, the drug is canceled.

In exceptional cases, imodium drops can also be prescribed to children under 2 years of age. In this case, the dosage is individually calculated by the attending physician.

Side effects

Imodium has quite a few possible side effects, these include the following conditions:

  • rashes on skin allergic nature, atypical drowsiness, persistent dizziness and electrolyte imbalance in the body.
  • Feeling dry in oral cavity, intestinal colic, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, constipation and bloating.
  • Sometimes there may be a prolonged urinary retention, even less often intestinal obstruction.

When resorption of mint tablets, burning and itching of the tongue can be observed.. Side effects do not occur in all patients who take Imodium, but only in a small percentage. But with the appearance of any health disorders, the drug is urgently canceled and the doctor is consulted for a treatment adjustment.

Overdose and its treatment

An overdose of the drug is possible in only a few cases:

  1. If a person is self-medicating and does not know how much medicine to drink.
  2. If the child found the left pills and mistook them for sweets.
  3. If a person is trying to get rid of diarrhea faster and deliberately overestimates the prescribed dose.

In the event that too much medication has been taken, intoxication of the whole organism occurs, which is manifested by such symptoms:

  • coordination of movements is disturbed, a person falls into a stupor;
  • there is abnormal drowsiness and weakness in the muscles;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • respiratory depression occurs.

In case of severe drug poisoning, intestinal obstruction is possible.

Treatment of an overdose is reduced to gastric lavage, the use of adsorbents and the introduction of an antidote.. The antidote to imodium is naloxone, which is administered at the first signs of an overdose. It should be borne in mind that the therapeutic effect of naloxone is shorter than that of imodium, so it is recommended to re-introduce it after some time.

Patients after an overdose need constant monitoring, as late complications may develop.

If a child is poisoned with an antidiarrheal drug, they urgently call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital on their own. Children have weak immunity and are not fully formed internal organs, so the consequences of an overdose of medication can be unpredictable.

Application features

In order for Imodium treatment to be as effective as possible, certain recommendations should be followed:

  1. If after two days of taking an antidiarrheal drug there is no improvement, you need to consult a doctor for a clarification of the diagnosis. It is necessary to pass a series of tests to determine if an infection is the cause of diarrhea.
  2. For young children under the age of 5 years, it is not advisable to prescribe the medicine in capsules. In this case, it is better to prescribe a solution or lozenges.
  3. If side effects occur in the form of constipation or severe bloating, drug treatment should be discontinued.
  4. In those patients who suffer from chronic liver diseases, it is necessary to constantly monitor the functions of the central nervous system.
  5. In the treatment of diarrhea, it is very important to organize a plentiful drinking regimen in order to replenish the lost fluid. In addition, it is shown to take a solution of rehydron or rice water to replenish electrolytes in the body.
  6. When treating with imodium, care should be taken when working with precise mechanisms or driving a car. During this period, concentration and general reaction may be slightly reduced..

All medicines in the home medicine cabinet are regularly reviewed and medicines are expired expiration dates are thrown out.

Features of the use of drugs for diarrhea in children

Although all adults know that it is possible to start giving any medication to children only with the permission of a doctor, many parents self-medicate. It is absolutely impossible to do this, as there may be a significant deterioration in health. When treating children with Imodium, the following rules must be observed:

  • When calculating the dosage, the child must definitely pay the attention of the pediatrician to the exact weight and age of the small patient.
  • If the drug is prescribed in drops, then carefully measure the desired dose, and then dilute it in a teaspoon of water and only then give it to the child.
  • For younger children, if they refuse to drink the medicine, you can dilute the drops in a spoonful of juice or tea.
  • Lozenges can be given to children who have already reached the age of 5.

It must be remembered that All medicinal products should be kept out of the reach of small children.. Imodium tablets have a pleasant taste and smell, so they should not be left in a conspicuous place, in order to avoid poisoning. Toddlers may well mistake them for lollipops.

Interaction with other drugs

The effectiveness of imodium may be reduced if a person is taking cholestyramine at the same time.
. If the antidiarrheal agent is taken together with trimoxazole or ritonavir, then the bioavailability of imodium increases. This is due to the inhibition of its metabolism during the initial passage through the liver cells.

If diarrhea manifested itself at the most inopportune moment, do not be upset. Imodium can quickly stop this unpleasant phenomenon and return the joy of life to a person. But we must remember that this drug is effective only if the diarrhea is not provoked by infections. Otherwise, it can only be assigned to complex treatment along with other drugs. It is advisable to start taking imodium only after examining a doctor and passing all the necessary tests.

Diarrhea can take you by surprise at the most inopportune moment - in the middle of a working day, a romantic date or vacation. To quickly cope with non-infectious diarrhea, you can take a drug with the active ingredient loperamide. Such drugs on the shelves of pharmacies are found under different trade names, the most popular among them is Imodium.

How does Imodium work?

In the classification of medicines, the drug belongs to the antidiarrheal group. Loperamide reduces the motor activity of the muscular wall of the intestine and increases the tone of the anal sphincter (the muscle ring that locks the rectum), which slows down the passage of contents through the intestinal tube. The action occurs within half an hour after administration and lasts up to 6 hours.

Dosage of the drug

Imodium is available in capsules and tablets of 2 mg. Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to start with diarrhea at 4 mg, followed by another 2 mg after each episode of diarrhea. The maximum allowable dose for adults is 16 mg per day, and for children - 6 mg per 20 kg of body weight up to 16 mg. In children, it is allowed for use from 4 years in the following dose:

  • from 4 to 8 years: 1 mg up to 4 times a day for 3 days;
  • from 9 to 12 years: 2 mg up to 4 times a day for 5 days.

Mode of application

Imodium capsules are taken orally half an hour before meals. Lozenges are placed on the tip of the tongue. Within a few seconds, the tablet dissolves and can be swallowed without drinking water. The drug is stopped when a formed stool appears or if there is no urge to defecate for more than 12 hours.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Imodium during pregnancy is contraindicated in the first trimester, when only the developing tissues and organs of the fetus are most susceptible to all influences, including drugs. If it is necessary to take it in the II and III trimesters, the appointment is decided on an individual basis with the attending physician in order to adequately assess the benefits for the mother and the possible risk for the baby. A small amount of the active substance is found in breast milk, so the drug is not recommended for breastfeeding.

Indications for use

Imodium is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea, ie. the drug does not affect the cause of the pathology that has arisen, but only counteracts the unpleasant symptom of the disease:

  • allergic diarrhea;
  • stool disorder on emotional grounds;
  • loose stools as a side effect of other medications;
  • radiation diarrhea;
  • when changing the diet and composition of the diet;
  • in violation of absorption processes in the small intestine;
  • with infectious diarrhea - only as an aid;
  • in patients with an ileostomy, to regulate stool frequency.


There is a list of conditions under which Imodium should not be used:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • acute ulcerative colitis;
  • pseudomembranous colitis as a result of taking certain antibiotics (lincomycin, clindamycin, less often - penicillins and cephalosporins);
  • age under 4 years, and in capsules - under 6 years;
  • pregnancy for less than 13 weeks.

Loperamide or Imodium - which is better?

In a medicinal product trade name Imodium active ingredient is loperamide. Imodium is an original drug, that is, it is produced by the same pharmaceutical company that developed and researched it. In addition, generics are on the market - medicines with the same composition and instructions for use, but they are produced by other manufacturers:

  • Loperamide (Russia, Ukraine, Latvia);
  • Vero-Loperamide (Russia);
  • Diara (Russia);
  • Lopedium (Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland);
  • Superilop (India).

They are significantly cheaper than their prototype, since the company does not need to recoup the costs of the invention and clinical trials. chemical formula. However, any practitioner recommends the original drug with confidence, since it more efficient than analogues and less likely to cause side effects. This is due to the form of release and the quality of the excipients that are inevitably included in the composition of the tablet or capsule.

What is Imodium Plus?

Imodium Plus is a multi-component drug, which contains two active ingredients - loperamide and simethicone. Simethicone is an antifoaming agent used to relieve the increased gas and bloating that often occurs with loperamide. Imodium Plus has similar indications and contraindications for use, but is only allowed for patients over 12 years of age.

Features of taking the medicine

If diarrhea occurs, it is advisable to consult a specialist so as not to aggravate the condition. If within 2 days of self-treatment the symptoms did not stop, be sure to consult a doctor to establish the cause of the disease and get the necessary recommendations for treatment.

With diarrhea of ​​any origin, the body loses water and salts, so they need to be replenished by taking a sufficient amount of fluid - preferably saline solutions(such as Oralit, Regidron). This is especially important in case of poisoning, when drinking plenty of water is designed not only to cover the costs of the body, but also to dissolve and remove toxins from the bloodstream. You can independently prepare a solution similar to physiological (0.9% sodium chloride), for which a teaspoon of coarse table salt (it does not contain an anti-caking agent) is dissolved in 1 liter of boiled or bottled water with a temperature of 37 - 40 ° C.

Remember that with an intestinal infection in a child, his condition can worsen dramatically. Children dehydrate more quickly, tolerate intoxication more difficultly, shock can develop - a life-threatening fall blood pressure. They are more likely to vomit, making it difficult for them to drink enough fluids. In this case, the baby needs intravenous administration saline solutions and drugs. If you experience diarrhea and vomiting in a child, be sure to consult a pediatrician. If the doctor considers hospitalization necessary, do not refuse - delay can cost the baby his life.

Be careful when performing activities that require heightened attention and reactions, including when driving. Loperamide can cause drowsiness, incoordination, stupor, depression of consciousness. If these symptoms appear, stop taking the drug and seek medical help.

Any disease is more effectively treated with an integrated approach - it is not enough just to take a remedy for diarrhea. When it comes to intestinal infections (salmonellosis or dysentery), the first place is antibacterial drug, with allergic - search and exclusion from the menu of an intolerant product. The doctor will draw up a detailed treatment regimen and explain how to take this or that remedy.

Imodium is a popular remedy for diarrhea, many people know about its action, but not everyone has read about contraindications.

The active substance of the drug is loperamide, which was obtained in Belgium in 1973. In the same year, in the United States of America, it was patented, and received the name Imodium. In 2013, Imodium was produced in the form of resorption pills, and in this form it is so far the only drug containing loperamide. In the same year it medical device added to the drug list.

Imodium fights diarrhea

The active substance, in a short time, fights against the signs of diarrhea. In a normal state, the intestines absorb almost one hundred percent of water, but this property disappears during diarrhea. Therefore, with it, loose stools appear, containing a lot of water, and the work of the intestine is accelerated.

Affects the main symptoms of diarrhea, which include:

  1. Restores the absorption of water by the intestines.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the intestinal muscles.
  3. Reduces the ingress of fluid into the intestinal lumen.

Appearance and structure

The drug is produced in the form of pills, they are sold in blisters of ten pieces in a box and capsules in a blister of six pieces, a description of the application is attached.

Main active substance is loperamide hydrochloride. Additional - mannitol, gelatin, flavors, sodium bicarbonate.

Loperamide, which is in the structure of the drug, begins to function an hour after taking. The greatest result is obtained after four or five hours. Imodium can be taken by adults and children from 6 years of age. It is used to treat persistent diarrhea and "traveler's diarrhea".

Pharmacological properties of Imodium

Diarrhea stops 15-20 minutes after taking the drug

Imodium is a drug with a pronounced antidiarrheal effect. After taking the medication, the therapeutic result is formed in the interval between fifteen, twenty minutes and lasts about six hours.

From the influence of loperamide, the activity of the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract decreases, the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandin increases, because of this, the duration of the movement of excrement through the intestine increases. In addition, under the influence of a functioning element, the activity of the muscles of the anal sphincter increases.

A significant proportion of loperamide is absorbed in the intestine, however, due to intensive metabolism, systemic bioavailability is approximately 0.3 percent. Data from studies suggest that loperamide is considered a substrate of p-glycoprotein. Compounds with blood plasma proteins make up about 95 percent.

The active element of the drug is easily excreted from the intestines, completely absorbed by the liver and excreted in the bile. On average, the elimination interval is from nine to fifteen hours. Studies in children have not been conducted. It is believed that the properties of loperamide and its interaction with other drugs will be the same as in adults.

The scheme of taking pills

Initially - two for an adult and one for a child. Subsequently, one after each bowel movement. With prolonged diarrhea, first two tablets per day for an adult, one for children.

This dose is then personalized so that the stool is once or twice a day, this can be achieved with a maintenance dose of up to six tablets per day.

In a child with diarrhea, the dose is calculated based on body weight. Up to eight tablets per day. If a normal stool appears, or it is absent for 12 hours or more, the drug is canceled.

If after 12 hours the diarrhea has not passed, then it is urgent to contact a medical institution.

Benefits of Imodium

The medicine for the treatment of diarrhea has the same therapeutic medical effect as regular diarrhea pills, but at the same time it has a number of properties:

  1. Dissolve under the influence of saliva.
  2. Does not require drinking.
  3. Does not cause problems with swallowing.
  4. Convenient to use.

Contraindications to the use of Imodium

  1. Intestinal infections.
  2. Intestinal obstruction or suspicion of it.
  3. Ulcerative inflammation.
  4. due to taking antibiotics.
  5. Age up to six years.
  6. Intolerance to ingredients.
  7. Breastfeeding time.
  8. Early pregnancy.

With caution, this medicine should be used in patients with malfunctioning of the liver.

Side effect

This remedy is more or less normally tolerated by patients, but in isolated cases side effects are possible.

  1. From the digestive system - increased gas formation, pain in the abdominal region, intestinal cramps, vomiting, dry mouth.
  2. From the side of the central nervous system - fatigue, weakness, drowsiness.
  3. Allergy.

In isolated cases, it is difficult to determine the relationship between taking loperamide and the existence of the above symptoms. In addition, since medical research is carried out under different conditions, the frequency of fluctuations in unnecessary interactions in clinical research of one drug cannot be compared with the incidence of adverse reactions of another substance and may not reflect the frequency of adverse reactions in medical practice.

Use in pregnancy

On the early dates pregnancy, the drug is not recommended, since at this moment all the organs of the fetus are laid, and the drug effect can disrupt the process. Then the use of the drug is possible only if the expected benefit is greater than the risk to the baby.

The active substance is able to penetrate into milk, therefore, during the period breastfeeding the drug is not used.


When taking increased doses of the substance, an overdose may occur, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. The depressed state of the central nervous system is characterized by clouding of consciousness, movement disorders, lethargy, apathy, weakness.
  2. Respiratory dysfunction.
  3. Development of intestinal obstruction.

In children, signs of an overdose are most often observed. Treatment includes emergency gastric lavage, the patient is given activated charcoal or other enterosorbents. If necessary, treatment is carried out, with difficulty in breathing, artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out. Naloxone is a kind of antidote, but it can help if no more than three hours have passed after taking Imodium. The patient must be under medical supervision.

No data were found on the relationship of Imodium with other medicines.

special instructions

When discomfort in the abdomen, you need to stop using the medicine. During diarrhea, dehydration of the body occurs, it is necessary to direct the treatment to fluid replacement.

If blood is present in the stool, the drug should be discontinued.

In patients with immunodeficiency, treatment should be carried out under strict control, if signs of swelling are observed, the drug is canceled. To maintain the body of the patient during the treatment period, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, take special food.

Are Imodium pills safe?

The main problem with Imodium is that it contains opiates (opium drugs). In America, it is in demand among drug addicts who use heroin. If you take more pills than necessary, then the condition will be the same as after taking drugs. In America, deaths have even been recorded after using the drug.

Abuse of over-the-counter antidiarrheals can lead to heart rhythm disturbances and eventually death.

Struggling with the signs of diarrhea, a person prevents the body from being cleansed of germs and bacteria. Frequent use of the drug leads to the fact that the disease lasts longer.


Imodium analogue

Analogues include:

  • Vero-loperamide;
  • Diara;
  • Diarol;
  • Lopedium;
  • Lopedium ISO;
  • Enterobene.

They have a composition similar to Imodium and are available in different dosage forms, in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups. Some of them in a syrupy state are allowed to be taken by children from 2 years old, for example, Enterobene.

Analogues are also sold without a prescription. But they also have side effects. At the same time, the cost of analogues is much lower than the original.

Having a healthy gut is normal life. Health and longevity!

You can learn more about what to do with diarrhea from the video.

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Loose stools are formed under the influence of multiple adverse factors. Poor nutrition, stressful situations, allergic reactions, drugs, polluted ecology, diseases of the digestive tract and other organs, bacteria. All of these factors contribute to disruption of the digestive system and the appearance of diarrhea, to alleviate the symptoms of which there are various medications with fast effect. One of them is Imodium. The use of this drug allows you to reduce the number of bowel movements in a very short time and avoid many unpleasant consequences, such as dehydration, which is especially dangerous for children.

Description of the drug

Imodium is a medicine designed to combat the symptoms of diarrhea. A common form of release - lyophilized lozenges, chewable tablets(Imodium plus), capsules. Lyophilization is the drying of substances by rapid freezing and placement in a vacuum chamber. This method is used to increase the duration of storage of substances, in this case it is loperamide hydrochloride, which is the main active ingredient of Imodium. In addition to the main component, the composition of the drug includes additional substances:

  • lactose;
  • corn starch;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • iron oxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • indigo carmine;
  • aspartame;
  • gelatin;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • mint or vanilla flavoring;
  • simethicone.

Depending on the form of release, the composition of the excipients may differ slightly, but the dosage of loperamide hydrochloride remains unchanged - two milligrams in each tablet and capsule. In some cases, the medicine can be used in the form of drops or a solution, this form is especially relevant for children.

Pharmacological properties

Imodium, as indicated in the instructions for use, helps to reduce the contractile function of the intestine. Due to the binding of the active substance loperamide hydrochloride, which is part of the drug, with receptors located on the walls of the intestine, the synthesis of the hormones acetylcholine and prostaglandin is suppressed. This has a calming effect on the intestines and reduces peristalsis, helps to increase the time of passage of feces through the digestive tract and reduce the symptoms of diarrhea. The use of the drug provokes an increase in the tone of the rectum and anal sphincter, due to which loose stools are kept inside longer. In addition, loperamide hydrochloride has the property:

  • reduce the secretion of mucus and its release into the intestinal lumen;
  • stimulate the absorption capacity of the intestine, which increases the absorption of fluid into the blood and prevents dehydration, which often occurs with diarrhea;
  • reduce pain and spasms.

Simethicone, which is part of the composition, relieves the symptoms that accompany diarrhea - flatulence, spasms. The medicine begins to act a maximum of an hour after ingestion. The duration of drug exposure is approximately six hours. It is excreted from the body in about a day with feces and urine.

What helps?

According to the indications for use, Imodium is used for:

  • allergic diarrhea;
  • psychogenic diarrhea;
  • diarrhea caused by drugs;
  • loose stools resulting from radiation, surgery;
  • digestive disorders caused by changing climatic conditions, environmental conditions;
  • food, alcohol and chemical poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea;
  • diarrhea of ​​infectious, bacterial origin (as an aid);
  • some diseases, a symptom of which is loose stools.

The drug is used for both acute and chronic diarrhea. Whatever the reason, the drug should not be taken if there is blood in the stool, which indicates internal bleeding that occurs with certain diseases in which the drug may be contraindicated.

Instructions for use, dosage

Due to the existing contraindications and age restrictions, you should consult a specialist before using the drug.

How to use

In acute diarrhea, tablets for resorption, chewable tablets and capsules are prescribed in two pieces, which corresponds to four milligrams of loperamide - this is the initial dosage. Then take one tablet (capsule) after each bowel movement. The daily dosage of Imodium should not exceed eight tablets (capsules). In chronic diseases, the dosage is selected individually, usually no more than six tablets (capsules) per day, it all depends on the patient's condition. Treatment is continued until the number of bowel movements is reduced to two times a day.

The drug in liquid form is prescribed in the amount of 60 drops at the initial intake, then after each bowel movement, 30 drops. Daily dosage - no more than 180 drops during the day.

Lozenges are placed under the tongue, after dissolution they are not washed down. The capsules need to be taken with water. Chewable tablets are chewed and washed down with water. During treatment with this drug, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased to two to three liters per day. Average duration treatment is three days, further use of the drug can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The drug should be discontinued if:

  • within two days there is no improvement;
  • bloody fecal discharge appeared;
  • improvement is observed, the number of bowel movements does not exceed two times a day;
  • no stool for twelve hours.

In case of infectious diarrhea, the drug is prescribed only in combination therapy with antibiotics. In the early days of infectious diseases or intoxication, loose stools are not recommended to be eliminated with antidiarrheal agents, since bacteria and toxins leave the body with feces.

Use in pregnant and lactating women

The drug is strictly forbidden to use in the first three months of pregnancy and during lactation, since its effect is unsafe for the development of the child. In the second and third trimester, the use of the drug is permissible, but only in cases of urgent need. The dosage is set by the attending physician individually for each case.

Use for diarrhea in children

Children under the age of two years Imodium is contraindicated. For babies, its use is fraught with the development of paralysis of the intestinal muscles and swelling of the abdominal cavity, which is fatal. Therefore, in childhood, the drug should be used only under the supervision of a specialist. From the age of six, the use of lozenges is allowed, but drops and solution are the most convenient option. Capsules are not recommended for children under six years of age, chewable tablets are recommended from twelve years of age. But opinions differ on this point, as in some countries a different age threshold has been set for the use of Imodium in the treatment of childhood diseases. In some states, for example, in Australia, a ban on the use of funds in any form up to twelve years has been introduced.

Children's dosage:

  1. Tablets and capsules are prescribed one at a time. The daily norm is no more than four tablets (capsules).
  2. Drops - at the first dose they give 30, then 15 drops after each bowel movement. Maximum daily rate- 120 drops.
  3. The solution is prescribed 5 milliliters (one measuring cap) per 10 kilograms of the child's weight, no more than three times a day.

Children over twelve years of age are assigned adult dosage. The duration of treatment is three days. With absence positive result within two days, the drug should be canceled.


It is excluded to use the medicine for children under two years of age, lactating women, in the first months of pregnancy, as well as for:

  • intestinal obstruction, constipation;
  • bloating;
  • gastritis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal adhesions;
  • diverticulosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • ulcerative and pseudomembranous colitis;
  • phenylketonuria - a disease associated with impaired metabolism of phenylalanine (amino acid);
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • liver pathology.

Special care should be taken when treating loose stools caused by antibiotics, infectious diseases.

Side effects

If the dosage and instructions for the use of the drug are followed, unpleasant consequences are usually not observed. Overdose may cause:

  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • violations of coordination;
  • thirst;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • colic and spasms in the abdomen;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • urinary retention;
  • skin rashes and other allergic reactions.

What is the price?

In different regions, the cost of the drug may differ. The price also depends on the form of the drug and the quantity in the package.

Approximate cost of 10 tablets:

  • in Moscow - 246-370 rubles;
  • in the Leningrad region - 265-311 rubles;
  • in the Vladimir region - 238-312 rubles;
  • in Volgograd - 278 rubles;
  • in the Vologda region - 207-288 rubles;
  • in the Voronezh region - 266-294 rubles;
  • in the Ivanovo region - 216-314 rubles;
  • in Kaliningrad - 298-304 rubles.

The approximate cost for 6 capsules is:

  • in Moscow - 165-217 rubles;
  • in the Leningrad region - 156-183 rubles;
  • in Murmansk - 220-231 rubles.


Analogues of the drug Imodium, similar in composition, are much cheaper. These include:

  • Loperamide;
  • Diara;
  • Lopedium;
  • Diarol;
  • Superilop;
  • Laremid;
  • Enterobene;
  • Loperacap;
  • Stoperan.

The cheapest analogue is the drug Loperamide, its cost for 10 tablets is about 20 rubles, which is almost ten times cheaper than Imodium.

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