Sleep protection. Psychological defense: distortion of reality or preservation of one's "I"? Create a safe haven for yourself

Today we will talk about such a phenomenon of the human psyche as psychological protection.

What is psychological protection?

This is a system of mechanisms that protect us from negative experiences, mental pain, anxiety and many other negative factors that threaten the integrity of the individual. If it weren’t for psychological defenses, we would be constantly under great stress, crying or screaming for any reason, throwing ourselves at others, committing impulsive acts, etc. In a word, they would see life in black.

For the first time, the Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and founder of psychoanalysis Z. Freud began to study psychological defenses. He interpreted the work of the defense system as a way to resolve the confrontation between unconscious drives and social norms (requirements, prohibitions, etc.).

Psychological defense mechanisms are universal: they are inherent in us by nature and are patterns of behavior or response to a traumatic situation.

Psychological protection does not change reality, events, people's characters, in addition, it distorts the perception of reality. As a result, many problems remain unresolved. What to do? Psychologists advise: for fear to go away, look into his eyes. Let's sort it out in order.

Three lines of psychological defenses

There are three lines of psychological defenses:

  • conscious stereotypes (help us to exist in society);
  • archetypal defenses (protect society, group, collective through personality);
  • unconscious defenses (protect our psyche from wear and tear).

At the same time, these lines form an integral system that maintains our spiritual balance and helps to cope with stress. Let's consider each of the lines in more detail.

Conscious stereotypes

These stereotypes are formed in our minds from early childhood, when we learn social norms and rules. At first, these are the norms of your family: wash your hands before eating; eat with utensils, not hands; draw in the album, not on the table. After some time, the child learns the norms of other communities: how to behave on the street, at a party, in kindergarten, at school, etc. All this allows us to avoid ostracism, and as a result, the society in which we exist accepts us. Thanks to the beginnings laid down in childhood, we save time for thinking and taking actions, and also increase the likelihood of a favorable resolution to the situation.

For example, we initially learn to observe subordination, speak respectfully with elders, show signs of attention towards them, take into account their opinion, etc. We also recognize the boundaries of what is permitted (for example, we learn that you can’t behave like at home in a store, etc.).

Archetypal Defenses

This is a series of behavioral models that help to overcome difficulties and not get confused in extreme situations that arise in the life of a group, community, colleagues, friends, loved ones, etc. It is believed that these protections have been formed for thousands of years, and since the person has remained an element of the community, the protections continue to function. They do not always appear in our behavior, but only in cases where society is in danger. A person may not even know about the resources of his psyche and the capabilities of his body, and in a stressful situation, in order to save his relatives, he can commit heroic deeds that he would not have dared to do. ordinary life. Disaster medicine knows cases when children, having found themselves in an extreme situation, without hesitation helped those who were weaker (for example, boys helped pull girls out, gave them their clothes; girls calmed adults who could not pull themselves together). They performed such actions automatically, on a subconscious level: "If your neighbor is bad, he needs to be helped."

You can observe subconscious behavior patterns in yourself. For example, your friend quarreled with his parents, and you automatically begin to help him - listen, console, give advice. Many are willing to make sacrifices for the well-being of others. And it's all about the subconscious, which dictates to us a program to protect a small or large society.

Unconscious defenses

Everyone hears what they want to hear.

The essence of unconscious protection is that our psyche, without distortion, perceives only that information that cannot injure it. If some fact, event, actions or words of a person threaten our peace of mind, cause anxiety or tension, the unconscious defense immediately turns on. As a result, we do not perceive incoming information at all or perceive it in a distorted form. For example, some wives defend their husbands: "He's not an alcoholic, he just has a stressful job." Or a sick person says: “Today I feel better, I won’t go to the doctor. Yes, I’m not sick, why are you all pestering? This is how the mechanism of denial works: “You are all wrong, everything is fine with me / we!” As a result, a person artificially restores his mental balance, protects himself from fears, and reduces internal stress. Unfortunately, this trick of consciousness helps only temporarily. An alcoholic remains an alcoholic, and the sick person does not recover. After some time, peace of mind needs to be restored.

Consider the forms of unconscious defenses.

Escape. In the Paleolithic era, in the event of a threat to life, a person defended himself or fled. Today, flight has been modified and taken on unconscious forms. For example, if a person has not been able to build trusting relationships with people since childhood, he increasingly withdraws into himself and, as a result, becomes an introvert. Or if a person is not sure of the favorable outcome of any complex case, he will refuse to go to organizations, call people and generally make any efforts under any pretext.

Basic and painful consequence flight is the inability to communicate constructively, ask for help, make suggestions or make comments if something does not satisfy. For example, the fear of offending, the fear of presenting oneself in an unfavorable light lead to non-specific wording or replacement of requests. As a result, a person does not resolve his issue, wastes time and experiences personal discomfort because "again, nothing came of it."

For example, an employee returns from vacation and sees a mountain of other people's papers on her desk. She is ashamed to ask the culprit to clean up after herself, and she does it herself. As a result, the problem is not solved, and the situation is repeated after each vacation.

Sometimes flight manifests itself in the form of going into a specific activity (not to be confused with a hobby). In a situation of flight, a person is so carried away by his favorite activity that he directs all his spiritual and mental forces only to it. This activity saves him from unrequited love, from self-doubt, helps to forget about problems and personal shortcomings. Of course, such a person can demonstrate outstanding results in his field, but he will not be able to make friends or friends, because his personality has been developing disharmoniously all this time.

Negation characterized by selectivity of attention: "My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything."

Selectivity helps us to ignore what causes us anxiety and increases the strength of the conflict. Often denial is the first reaction to irreversible events - illness, death. Also, denial can be seen in family relationships: it is easier for many to close their eyes to a problem than to solve it. For example, a wife does not notice her husband's aloofness and instead of talking, pretends that everything is fine. As a result, the husband leaves for another. Or parents do not notice that the son is addicted to drugs. Outcome: the son has a severe drug addiction. Why is this happening? People simply do not allow themselves to think that such a thing can happen in their family.

In addition, the form of denial can take the form of self-praise. For example, a child performed poorly at a competition, returns home and tells everyone about his victory, and he himself fully believes in this victory, or a lazy worker who creates the appearance of work: fills up his desk with papers (supposedly there is no time to clean up), walks along the corridor with documents, idle in the waiting room, answering the phone in an irritated voice, as if hinting: "I'm so busy, and here you are." And he sincerely hopes that he will not be bitten.

Rationalization. Sometimes it seems to us that it is easier to eat a toad than to admit we were wrong. And in order not to recognize it, nature has come up with a wonderful mechanism - rationalization. This mechanism helps to find explanations for one's own unseemly act. Thanks to rationalization, you can isolate yourself from the "evil world" and feel like a king against the backdrop of people who do not understand anything.

For example, a person who does not want to look for work makes excuses that there are no worthy offers; a child who eats all the sweets in the house believes that he is still small and everything is possible for him; a boss who bullies his subordinates proves to himself that he is performing a great mission by not allowing employees to relax.

By the way, the hero of the story "Sakhalin" A.P. Chekhov, having killed his victim, justified his behavior by the fact that he munched loudly at the table, violating the general etiquette.

suppression expressed in the fact that we can forget some feelings, facts, events and people who brought us pain, suffering or just some unpleasant emotions in their time. For example, the name of the person who once offended us, or the opening hours of the office where you need to go to solve an unpleasant issue. Thus, the psyche defends itself, tries to save us from communicating with unpleasant people, to protect us from going to unpleasant places, etc.

crowding out also associated with a special mechanism of memory. Repression is similar to suppression, except that the event is not completely forgotten. The most traumatic part is erased from memory.

For example, a friend constantly complains to you that her mother-in-law is cruel to her. When you ask her for examples, she can't really say anything. He remembers that there was a conflict, but on what occasion and what served as the starting point, he does not remember.

Remembering more good than bad is a natural function of the psyche. But especially sensitive people, on the contrary, remember only the bad. This leads to a depressing state, depression, painful memories of traumatic situations: “But he told me this, but he did this. How could he?

substitution expressed in the form of satisfaction of an unacceptable desire in a different way, allowed by society. It can also occur as a transfer from one reaction to another. On the one hand, this transfer allows you to solve the problem, and on the other hand, to avoid the censure of society.

For example, one person is angry with another for something and wants to take revenge on him. Since revenge is condemned by society, a person takes revenge on his enemy with offensive jokes. If he is offended, he immediately apologizes, saying that he did not want to offend anyone, this is just a joke.

Therefore, if you are constantly made fun of, do not blame yourself for being too touchy. Perhaps these people hold a grudge against you, but don't know how to express it.

In office life, latent hostility can manifest itself in the form of hypercontrol over subordinates. For example, the boss does not like an employee who is very similar to his daughter's negligent boyfriend. He understands that if he tries to tell someone from the environment about the reason for his hostility, he will be laughed at. Therefore, the boss finds an artificial reason to throw out his aggression on the subordinate - he begins to control him excessively, finds fault, accuses him of not doing anything, etc.

Projection. Recall the folklore: “There is no point in blaming the mirror if the face is crooked”, “Whoever calls names is called that himself”, “You look at your neighbor with all your eyes, and at yourself - lowering your eyelids” (Vietnamese proverb).

The correctness of these expressions is undeniable: before you evaluate someone, look at yourself. It hurts to criticize yourself - it's easier to recoup on someone else. In psychology, this behavior is called projection. During projection, a person, seeing his shortcomings, does not want to admit them, but notices them in others. Thus, a person projects his vices and weaknesses onto other people. Agree, how difficult it is to admit to ourselves that we envy someone, and how easy it is to see this envy in another person!

Feelings, thoughts and even behavior can be projected. So, it seems to a deceiver that everyone around is cheaters and want to deceive him, to a greedy person, others are seen as stingy, and someone in need of money will hate people with low incomes.

By the way, the projection has not only negative, but also positive manifestations. For example, if it seems to you that everything around is wonderful and wonderful, this means that you are in harmony with yourself; if you see only friends in the face of colleagues, this means that you are a kind and sociable person. No wonder they say: "Smile at the world - and the world will smile at you."

Identification It is expressed in identifying oneself with any person, in appropriating his personal qualities to oneself, in elevating oneself to his image. Identification can also be expressed in the desire to be like not only one person, but also a group of people. Identification protection is also called social mimicry. Most often, social mimicry is manifested in adolescents. For example, a student strives to be like everyone else, tries to merge with his company. If everyone in the company wears expensive jeans, he will beg for them from his parents; if it is customary to smoke in the company, he will definitely become addicted to this addiction. The desire to be like others creates the illusion of security in a teenager.

Social mimicry also manifests itself in the desire to be like people we fear or depend on. Very often, people who are offended begin to copy the behavior of their offenders. Some people need this identification in order to become just as “strong-willed” and “strong”, while others need it in order to recoup the weaker ones. In psychology, this mechanism is called "identification with aggression."

Alienation expressed in the division of our "I" into several parts and their consistent use. This process occurs at times when a person experiences severe physical or mental pain. Let's take the simplest example. A person who has lived in his native land almost all his life suddenly leaves for a foreign land. Undoubtedly, it will be very difficult for him to leave his native land, especially if people dear to him remain there. In a new place, it will seem to him that a piece of his soul has remained in his native land.

Fear of the new. Have you ever noticed that your loved ones, relatives and friends seem to be asking for your advice, but in fact they do not need it? Such people are generally afraid to learn something new, because they need to rebuild, reconsider their views on life, doubt previously acquired knowledge, theories and opinions. Therefore, such people subconsciously defend themselves from advice - they talk a lot themselves and do not let you speak out, complain and do not listen to you (syndrome of looking for a vest), act up, protest (they say that you come up with inappropriate advice), accuse you of incompetence, promise to follow the advice then, but do not keep promises.

Artificial psychostimulants. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs not only reduce health to nothing, but also create the illusion of "management" of one's psycho-emotional state. They, of course, do not solve the problem that has arisen.

Other unconscious defenses

They are commonly referred to as:

  • psychosomatic diseases (the occurrence of somatic diseases due to mental trauma);
  • passive aggression (tendency to be late everywhere and everywhere, unwillingness to do certain work);
  • reacting, or aggression on the innocent (sharp jumping up, screaming, hitting the table, aggressive attacks on people for fictitious reasons);
  • dissociation (after traumatic situations, the tendency to pretend that nothing happened, unwillingness to solve problems, self-elimination);
  • internalization (refusal to get what you want: “Yes, it hurts me. I’ll manage”);
  • regression (return to children's behavior patterns - whims, tantrums, throwing things, etc.).

The benefits and harms of unconscious defenses

First, let's look at the benefits.

Psychological defenses:

  • help to preserve the integrity of the personality and protect it from disintegration, especially when desires are inconsistent. It is known that in a person there are many different "I" (one "I" wants one, another - another, the third - the third). Psychological defenses are needed to bring all these "Selves" together and allow them to "negotiate";
  • help to resist diseases, to believe in one's own strength, reassure that everything will be fine, everything will be restored;
  • prevent disorganization of mental activity and behavior. For example, in a moment of sudden stress, disbelief in everything that happens saves consciousness from destruction;
  • protect from negative qualities that a person does not possess, but mistakenly recognizes for himself. For example, it seems to a person that he is unnecessarily demanding of others, although in reality he is not. For the purpose of protection, he may begin to convince himself that overly demanding people are more successful in business, have excellent insight and are demanding of themselves. Thus, defenses save a person from mythical shortcomings and reduce self-blame;
  • restore self-esteem, help to accept a painful situation without lowering self-esteem: “Well, let it be. I'm still better than them", "These people are not worthy of me", etc.;
  • help maintain social approval. For example, a person did something wrong and, knowing about it, turns the situation around: “I am not to blame, but other people / fate / circumstances”, “I am not like that - life is like that”;
  • maintain relationships between people. For example, an employee does not like that his colleague gossips all the time and tries to drag him into a conversation. He prefers not to bring the situation to a conflict and instead of expressing everything, he pretends to be uncommunicative.

If we talk about the dangers of psychological defenses, then they:

  • do not change the order of things, but only relieve anxiety and inconvenience for a while;
  • distort reality, do not give a normal assessment of it. This is especially true in the evaluation of loved ones. For example, they say that "love is blind." If a loved one suddenly commits a terrible act, we refuse to believe it, we blame ourselves for not immediately understanding what kind of person he is, or we rush to defend the offender;
  • displace facts and events from consciousness. This temporarily calms, but the fear remains driven into the subconscious and from there affects the person for a long time;
  • confuse a person. For example, instead of admitting to himself in a hostile attitude towards his child, to understand the causes of this problem and work it out, the parent hides behind hyper-custody, obsession with his child, which further complicates the relationship.

Mature unconscious defenses

There are natural unconscious defenses that are not harmful and help to cope with stress. They are called mature unconscious defenses. These include:

cry- a natural and natural protective reaction of a person to stress. Everyone knows that after crying, the soul becomes relatively lighter. It's all about the physiological processes taking place at this moment in the body.

Scientists believe that tears reduce pain, heal small wounds on the skin, and protect the skin from aging. In addition, crying normalizes blood pressure and has an anti-stress effect;

dream. After a lot of stress, many people need a long sleep to restore their mental and physical strength. This is how the compensation mechanism works. So if your loved one is a sleeper, do not wake him up for no apparent reason, perhaps his body is now busy processing stress;

dreams. In the last issue, we talked about how dreams help us cope with the stress accumulated during the day, that situations are simulated in a dream in which you can prove yourself strong, courageous and decisive, which means work through all your stresses and overcome fears. Only this mechanism is connected not in the real, but in the imaginary world. Consequently, a person suffers less and does not have a negative impact on others, unlike, for example, projection or rationalization;

sweets, as you know, raise the level of glucose in the blood, and this contributes to the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin. Therefore, moderate consumption of sweets leads to the processing of stress. The main thing is not to get carried away and follow the rules healthy eating;

sublimation– transformation of unwanted, traumatic and negative experiences into different kinds constructive and demanded activities (sports, creativity, favorite work). The more success a person achieves in his favorite activity, the more stable his psyche becomes;

altruism. No wonder they say: "If you feel bad, help someone who is even worse." In fact, all misfortunes are known in comparison. When we see that another person is having a much worse time, our own problems seem petty. In addition, any help to the needy helps us feel needed, and this is the best way to save us from stress;

good and harmless humor . As you know, a joke told in time relieves the situation and improves relations between the interlocutors. Learn to laugh at yourself and your problems. Try to associate your problem with a joke, turn it into a funny story, look at funny photos, download a good movie. And most importantly - smile more often, because laughter prolongs life.

How to protect yourself while sleeping There are many different opinions about how much sleep a person needs to feel alert and full of energy. But you will probably agree that after waking up, each of us wants to be in a good mood and have enough energy to meet a new day. And what to do in the case when the mood is at zero, and you wake up in an inexplicable anxiety and even more tired than before going to bed? Moreover, this is facilitated by the collective energy of thousands, even millions of people ... But before giving any recommendations, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the "theoretical" part. Where do you "walk" during sleep When you go to bed, only your body sleeps, and your consciousness is awake and at the same time moves through different parallel realities - your consciousness goes where it wants to go. And not always this direction coincides with where you yourself would like. It often happens that you feel anxiety, worry, doubt or fear... No matter how you try to tune in to the positive during the day, subconsciously this thought haunts you. You fall asleep, your mind turns off, and the spiritual part goes for a walk. Where do you think, where in such a state, under the guidance of anxious thoughts and doubts, your consciousness can go? Of course, to where there are corresponding vibrations - to the epicenter of an event that excites you. As a result, instead of resting, filled with strength and serenity, waking up rested, you wake up not only tired, as if you had been plowing all night, you wake up in a disgusting mood. Moreover, after active meditative, spiritual and energy practices, “What do spiritual practices threaten you with?” your sensitivity is many times higher than that of other people.

It's time to take care of the protection tools. How to protect yourself while you sleep 1. Surround yourself in a dense cocoon of white light before going to bed. This is the easiest method that should work automatically for you. Before you fall asleep, surround yourself with dense white light, or imagine that you are in a luminous white cocoon through which low-vibration thoughts and emotions do not pass. How to achieve automatic activation If you suddenly have disturbing thoughts, imagine that you press the "Start" button, and you are immediately surrounded by a white cocoon of light. In order for automaticity to appear in actions, you need to imagine this several times in a relaxed state. So clearly that you will even feel that the space around you becomes dense, begins to shine, and through this white light nothing passes from the outside to you. You will feel protected and safe, then later it will happen automatically at your very thought. 2. Create a safe haven for yourself Before you go to bed, express the intention of where you will go in your dream. Some of the great masters advised to build a secret shelter for sleep, something like a house or a place of your dreams, build something that you don’t really have, but that you would like to have. The subconscious itself will tell you the form, the main thing is that you feel safe there and can relax there. Several times consciously build the landscape surrounding your dream with all the details: a mountain stream, just mountains, on the lake, on the sea, a pine forest, which is closer to whom. The atmosphere of space can be any. This is a virtual space that you create yourself. Imagine your quiet retreat, and when you go to bed, say to yourself: "I'm going to sleep in my favorite secret place." And then you can be sure that everything will be all right with you during sleep, and you will not pick up extraneous energies and emotions. 3. Call on a Guardian Angel to protect your sleep You can always call on the protection of a Guardian Angel. That is why they are called Guardian Angels. For those who have advanced far on the path of spiritual development, it is already ridiculous to turn to angels - we ourselves are creators. But sometimes it's necessary. You know that you are worried about something, no matter how you consciously try to cope with it, in any case, some of these energies will be suppressed by you. So in a dream, when the control of the mind subsides, you can open directly to all these energies. In the morning you wake up broken, with a feeling of anxiety. Call for protection There is a beloved great Master - call on him. Guardian Angels - call them. I always recommend invoking Archangel Michael. It is no coincidence that he is the curator of the defenders of all people, and in the most difficult cases, I have always called on him. 4. Protect the space you live in In the evening, as you begin to fall asleep, you enter a natural meditative state. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, imagine that you are a great artist who paints: take a brush and paint the walls, the ceiling with purple stripes, you can decorate the floor. If you want, add creativity there: specks white color, golden threads - everything you have enough imagination for. The main thing is that at this moment you create protection, protection through which no other influence on the energy and spiritual level will pass to you. Draw purple threads on all walls, on all window openings, which is important, on all doors so that when you enter the house, all the negativity remains behind the doors ... How does purple light work? It cleanses all emotions, all negativity, everything that you picked up somewhere outside, so that it does not enter the house. This will benefit both you and all your relatives who live in this place. For those who live in an apartment / house not alone, ask the permission of the Higher Self of all involved: husband - husband, grandmother - that means grandmothers, child - that means a child. So that they don’t have a breakdown later, especially among the older generation. 5. Take a "purple" shower in the morning If you suddenly wake up in an anxious state, do not forget to cleanse yourself. If you have a habit of doing energy gymnastics, bathe yourself in a purple shower before driving the energy flows up and down. If you take a shower in the morning, imagine that you are bathed in waves of violet light. Those. encode the daily ritual of taking a shower in the morning with an action, with your intention that at this moment all unbalanced emotions flow from you, if any intrusive thoughts, then they drain. 6. Cleansing the apartment with candles If someone gravitates toward religion, do not forget to periodically light a candle, by the way, not necessarily a church one, and simply go around with a lit candle around the perimeter of the entire apartment, looking into all, all corners. If you also tie up the intention that you are burning out stagnant energies under this matter, it will work. Basically any tool can be used here as long as you know what you are using it for. But the most important thing to which I direct your attention is that both your mood and the state in which you wake up - it all depends on you. You succumb to this state, or you will take control once again and make efforts, quite small, as you can see, in order to change it. And after some time it will start to happen automatically. All these are effective rituals that help protect yourself. This does not mean that we should consider the world hostile, that we are defending ourselves from it, that it is trying to attack us. But if you suddenly feel unexplained anxiety, you have all the tools at your disposal to protect yourself! So take care of yourself. Fragment of the accompanying webinar, March 2014 Alena Starovoitova

Signs of an astral attack in a dream The term "astral attack" has relatively recently migrated from magical practice to everyday speech.

People who are under astral attack during sleep are fairly easy to recognize. If a person complains that he constantly has nightmares, he feels bad when he wakes up, he is haunted by unreasonable attacks of fear, the feeling that someone is watching him, there is a reason to suspect an astral attack. These signs are also characteristic of mental disorders. That is why the victims of astral attacks are in no hurry to turn to specialists, being justifiably afraid that doctors will send them only to a neuropsychiatric dispensary. There is no punishment for an astral attack in the legislation; it will not work to bring the aggressor to justice with the help of earthly laws. However, it is possible and necessary to resist people and entities that inflict astral blows.

We carefully analyze our condition, conditions of rest

For people who are far from magic and spiritual practices, it is a difficult task to identify signs of an astral attack. To cope with it, it is necessary to analyze whether there are the following facts indicating regular astral attacks:
obsessive, repetitive plots of heavy, gloomy dreams; headaches in the morning;
cardiopalmus, increased sweating at night;
dream plots that leave behind a breakdown or bursts of rage;
after waking up, aggressive thoughts that are not characteristic of him are spinning in the head of a person, there is a need for inadequate actions.
States of fear and aggression are closely related. If in a dream a person experiences panic attacks, horror, there is a high probability: these are the first signs of an attack.
It should be remembered: for many people, the sleeping place is poorly protected from astral aggressors. Ideally, the number of reflective surfaces in the rest room should be reduced to zero, the windows should be covered with thick curtains, and the mirror should be completely absent. The astral attack succeeds best if the air in the room is dry. One of the methods of dealing with nightmares, magicians consider the presence of devices that moisten the air. Astral aggressors cannot stand oak, metal objects, mountain ash, juniper. Care should be taken that things made from these materials are in the bedroom. As for esoteric literature, it is best not to keep it where you sleep. Most books on esotericism have special energy vibrations that attract the attention of astral entities that do not belong to the world of people.

What can dream during an astral attack?

Most often - nightmarish otherworldly creatures for whom human energy is a delicacy. The more powerful the negative in a person, the more his protection against them is violated. In no case should you be scared when something terrible is dreaming! The best option: to begin in a state of sleep to pronounce magical or religious formulas. If you do not panic, you will be able to determine the source of the attack. When a person performs actions, the victim often dreams of cold weapons, with the help of which wounds are inflicted. Try to intercept the weapon, then return the blow to the aggressor. It is possible that one of your acquaintances will become seriously ill in the coming days after such a dream. But this way you will be able to identify the astral aggressor in your environment. If you often dream of a car that is chasing you and trying to crush you, this can also be a sign of an astral attack. A natural question arises, how then to behave?
The first step is to realize that you are under astral attacks. The time before dawn is considered the most dangerous, when the energy and information channels are operating at full capacity. Important point: astral aggressors rarely show their true colors and usually hide behind disguises. In a dream, they can appear in the form of people dear to the victim - the living and the dead. Astral aggressors like to evoke pity, provoke a feeling of guilt in the sleeper, which allows you to drink energy. If during sleep you realize that you are being attacked, do not run, do not hide in astral space - this will strengthen the enemy. Imagine: you have a weapon in your hands, attack the astral aggressor with it, do not give him a chance to intimidate you. Remember: You are stronger, because the aggressor is only able to take advantage of your weaknesses, fears, panic.

There are many different opinions about how much sleep a person needs to feel alert and full of energy.

But you will probably agree that after waking up, each of us wants to be in a good mood and have enough energy to meet a new day.
And what to do in the case when the mood is at zero, and you wake up in an inexplicable anxiety and even more tired than before going to bed?

Moreover, this is facilitated by the collective energy of thousands, even millions of people...

Where do you "walk" during sleep

When you go to bed, only your body sleeps, while your consciousness is awake and at the same time moves through different parallel realities - your consciousness goes where it wants to go. And not always this direction coincides with where you yourself would like.

It often happens that you feel anxiety, worry, doubt or fear... No matter how you try to tune in to the positive during the day, subconsciously this thought haunts you.

You fall asleep, your mind turns off, and the spiritual part goes for a walk.
Where do you think, where in such a state, under the guidance of anxious thoughts and doubts, your consciousness can go?

Of course, to where there are corresponding vibrations - to the epicenter of an event that excites you. As a result, instead of resting, filled with strength and serenity, waking up rested, you wake up not only tired, as if you had been plowing all night, you wake up in a disgusting mood.

Moreover, after active meditative, spiritual and energy practices, your sensitivity is many times higher than that of other people. It's time to take care of the protection tools.

How to protect yourself while sleeping

1. Surround yourself in a dense cocoon of white light before bed.

This is the easiest way, which should work automatically for you.

Before you fall asleep, surround yourself with dense white light, or imagine that you are in a luminous white cocoon through which low-vibration thoughts and emotions do not pass.

How to get it to turn on automatically

If you suddenly have disturbing thoughts, imagine that you press the "Start" button and you are immediately surrounded by a white cocoon of light.

In order for automaticity to appear in actions, you need to imagine this several times in a relaxed state. So clearly that you will even feel that the space around you becomes dense, begins to shine, and through this white light nothing passes from the outside to you.

You will feel protected and safe, then later it will happen automatically at your very thought.

2.Create a safe haven for yourself

Before you go to bed, express the intention of where you will go in your dream. Some of the great masters advised to build a secret shelter for sleep, something like a house or a place of your dreams, build something that you don’t really have, but that you would like to have.

The subconscious itself will tell you the form, the main thing is that you feel safe there and can relax there.

Several times consciously build the landscape surrounding your dream with all the details: a mountain stream, just mountains, on the lake, on the sea, a pine forest, which is closer to whom. The atmosphere of space can be any. This is a virtual space that you create yourself.

Imagine your quiet retreat, and when you go to bed, say to yourself:

"I'm going to sleep in my favorite secret place".

And then you can be sure that everything will be all right with you during sleep, and you will not pick up extraneous energies and emotions.

3. Call on a Guardian Angel to Protect Your Sleep

You can always invoke the protection of the Guardian Angel. That is why they are called Guardian Angels.

For those who have advanced far on the path of spiritual development, it is already ridiculous to turn to angels - we ourselves are creators. But sometimes it's necessary.

You know that you are worried about something, no matter how you consciously try to cope with it, in any case, some of these energies will be suppressed by you.

So in a dream, when the control of the mind subsides, you can open directly to all these energies. In the morning you wake up broken, with a feeling of anxiety.

Call for protection. There is a favorite great Master - call them. Guardian Angels - call him.

4. Protect the space you live in

In the evening, when you start to fall asleep, you enter a natural meditative state.

Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, imagine that you are a great artist who paints: take a brush and paint the walls, the ceiling with purple stripes, you can decorate the floor.

If you want, add creativity there: white specks, golden threads - everything that you have enough imagination for.

The main thing is that at this moment you create protection, protection through which no other influence on the energy and spiritual level will pass to you.

Draw purple threads on all walls, on all window openings, which is important, on all doors so that when you enter the house all the negativity remains behind the doors ...

How does purple light work? It cleanses all emotions, all negativity, everything that you picked up somewhere outside, so that it does not enter the house. This will benefit both you and all your relatives who live in this place.

For those who live in an apartment / house not alone, ask the permission of the Higher Self of all involved: husband - husband, grandmother - grandmothers, child - child.

So that they don’t have a breakdown later, especially among the older generation.

5. Take a purple shower in the morning

If you suddenly wake up in an anxious state, do not forget to cleanse yourself.

If you have a habit of doing energy gymnastics, bathe yourself in a purple shower before driving the energy flows up and down. If you take a shower in the morning, imagine that you are bathed in waves of violet light. Those. encode the daily ritual of taking a shower in the morning with an action, with your intention that at this moment all unbalanced emotions drain from you, if there are obsessive thoughts, then they drain.

6. House cleaning with candles
If someone gravitates toward religion, do not forget to periodically light a candle, by the way, not necessarily a church one, and simply go around with a lit candle around the perimeter of the entire apartment, looking into all, all corners.