What is the best eye surgery? Types of eye surgery

Laser eye surgery - modern, safe and effective method fixes for various bugs:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • postoperative or traumatic changes in the cornea;
  • astigmatism.

Laser eye surgery as a technique for correcting the shape of the cornea allows you to get a lasting result, noticeable already two hours after the procedure. The procedure does not require hospitalization and a special rehabilitation period. The patient leaves the hospital within an hour after laser eye surgery. There are no risks during this vision correction surgery.

Contraindications for laser eye surgery

Despite the sparing method of exposure, laser operations have contraindications, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • dystrophic or degenerative changes retina;
  • cataract or glaucoma;
  • retinal detachment (retinal coagulation is carried out first, then vision is corrected);
  • inflammatory diseases visual system;
  • fundus changes;
  • systemic or endocrine disorders.

How well a person sees depends on the shape of the cornea. The cornea is a transparent membrane eyeball, which covers the iris, pupil, and front of the eye. In nearsighted people, the cornea is too round, while in people with farsightedness, it is flat. When someone is diagnosed with astigmatism, it means they have a cornea irregular shape. Exist various procedures refractive surgery, which can correct these defects.

Until recently, glasses and contact lenses were the only methods of correcting poor vision. There are many reasons for its deterioration: someone likes to read a lot, others spend long time in front of the TV, use various gadgets, and some poor eyesight passed on by inheritance. Professional athletes, law enforcement officers and those involved in high performance activities consider life without lenses and glasses a gift they should have given themselves years ago.

All more people choose laser vision correction for the treatment of moderate or severe forms refractive disorders. The number of high results of the operation is 96%. After laser surgery, people get rid of the need to wear glasses or use contact lenses. In recent years, the treatment of eye diseases with laser radiation has advanced significantly.

Laser vision correction is a term given to surgical procedures designed to correct certain vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. During these procedures, it is used. It is used to change the shape of the cornea, which helps to improve the clarity of vision. After the procedure, most patients will be able to drive a car, read a book, watch TV or do their favorite activity without glasses or contact lenses.

Physicians conduct annual a large number of vision correction procedures using the most advanced methods and technologies available today. You can find out how laser vision correction works in our article. This is discussed below.

Preparation for the procedure

Before laser vision correction, patients undergo a thorough screening with a comprehensive eye examination. This preparation is necessary to exclude contraindications for refractive surgery. Based on the examination, the doctor determines which laser vision correction is suitable for a particular patient. It is also necessary to conduct some blood tests, urine, fluorography. During a consultation with an ophthalmologist, you can get Additional information, answers to questions, and also learn how laser vision correction works. It should be remembered that before the operation it is necessary to stop using contact lenses for 2-4 weeks.


To date, there are the following methods of laser surgery:

1. PRK (PRK).

2. "Lasik" (LASIK).

3. "Femto Lasik" (Femto LASIK).

4. "Super LASIK" (Super LASIK).

5. "Epi Lasik" (Epi LASIK).

6. "Lasek" (LASEK).

PRK method

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) - Excimer laser procedure for vision correction in patients with thin corneas. It is an alternative to the operation carried out using the Lasik technology.

The indications for the procedure are:

There are also contraindications to the operation of laser vision correction using the PRK method, they include:

  • age under 18;
  • the presence of eye diseases, for example, Keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts, inflammatory diseases;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • progressive diabetes mellitus and others somatic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

How does laser vision correction using PRK technology work? In this case, only a laser is used for the operation. There is no need to use a scalpel, needles and any other piercing and cutting objects.

Lasik method

Lasik Laser Vision correction (laser keratomileusis) is the newest form of laser eye surgery. The procedure is one of the most revolutionary vision care in decades. With this method of laser correction, the refractive power is increased. Due to this, it becomes easier for the eyes to focus on objects that are near or far away.

Lasik is one of the most popular and affordable surgeries. The result of the procedure is an improvement in visual acuity in patients suffering from myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.

There are the following contraindications for laser correction using the LASIK method:

1. Age. The operation is performed on patients over 18 years of age.

2. Deterioration of visual acuity during last year.

3. Diseases of the eyes, such as glaucoma or cataracts.

4. Operations for retinal detachment.

5. Thinning of the cornea.

6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How is LASIK vision correction performed? The ophthalmologist surgeon separates the corneal flap with a scalpel. Next, a certain amount of corneal tissue is removed, then the flap is returned to its place.

Femto Lasik method

How laser correction works according to technology To create a corneal flap, a combination of two lasers is used simultaneously. creates a protective corneal flap, and the excimer laser allows you to correct both significant and minor refractive defects. Thus, there is an improvement in visual acuity.

Super Lasik Method

This method of laser vision correction is also based on the Lasik technology. The difference is the use of more modern equipment.

Epi Lasik method

How is laser vision correction performed using the Epi Lasik method? This method is also a type of LASIK laser surgery. It is designed specifically for patients with corneal problems. Such problems, in particular thinning of the cornea, occur in people who have used contact lenses. During laser correction using the Epi Lasik method, special equipment is used to separate a thin flap - an epikeratome.

Lasek method

How is laser eye surgery performed using the Lasek method? This technology is based on a combination of Lasik and PRK methods. Like photorefractive keratectomy, Lasek is a good alternative for people with thinner corneal tissues or patients who have previously undergone Lasik. After vision correction, there is a longer healing and recovery than with other methods of laser surgery.

Smile method

Smile technology is the newest, most expensive and safest. How is laser vision correction performed? There is no need to create a corneal flap during the procedure. Only a laser is required for operation. Recovery and rehabilitation after vision correction using the "Smile" method is much faster.

Indications for surgery

As a rule, the main indications for eye microsurgery are the following diseases:

  • Myopia. Occurs when the cornea becomes too curved. This feature causes the light rays to focus in front of the retina, which causes blurring of distant objects.
  • Farsightedness occurs when the cornea is too flat in relation to the length of the eye. In this case, the light is focused to a point behind the retina, resulting in blurry near vision.
  • Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is shaped like a soccer ball, meaning it curves more in one direction than the other. Light is focused at different points in the eye, resulting in blurry vision, double vision, or distortion of objects.

Whatever the reason for laser vision correction, it is important to choose the right technology to perform the procedure. Many studies show that the results of the operation also depend on the experience of the surgeon.

How does laser vision correction "Lasik" or PRK work? The principle of all types of laser eye surgery is simple: using microscopic points of thin laser light, the cornea is modified, which allows the incoming light beams to be accurately focused on the retina, giving the patient new life without glasses.

How is laser vision correction surgery performed? The following stages of refractive surgery are distinguished.

  1. A special anesthetic is used for the procedure. eye drops, so there is no pain.
  2. An expander is placed between the eyelids. It is necessary to keep the eye open. A special ring is then placed to lift and flatten the cornea. It also blocks the motor activity of the eyeball. The patient may feel slight pressure from these devices. After installing the ring and before removing it, a person usually does not see anything.
  3. Next, a corneal flap is created using a scalpel, laser or automated equipment, depending on the technology of the operation. The flap rises and leans back.
  4. The excimer laser, programmed with the patient's unique eye measurements, is then positioned centered above the eye. The surgeon checks that the laser is placed correctly.
  5. The patient looks at a special point light, called fixation or target light, while the excimer laser removes corneal tissue.
  6. The surgeon then sets the flap back to its original position and smoothes the edges. The corneal flap adheres to the underlying corneal tissue within two to five minutes. No sutures are required.

After the procedure, the patient needs rest.

Recovery period

Patients usually experience pain and discomfort immediately after surgery. You may also experience blurry vision for several days. hypersensitivity to the light. To eliminate the symptoms, special eye drops are prescribed. They must be used within a few days. Functional vision usually returns within 24 hours.

The results of the treatment can be seen already after a few weeks. However, most patients notice a significant improvement in vision within the first few days.

In some cases, it may take three to six months after surgery to improve vision, fully stabilize and eliminate side effects.

As the postoperative period passes, it is necessary to stop some activities that can disrupt the healing process. For example, swimming.

How is laser vision correction performed? Reviews

Millions of people who have undergone laser surgery notice that their visual acuity, and with it their quality of life, has improved significantly. It takes about 5 minutes to correct the vision of one eye. It takes more time to prepare directly in the operating room itself. For anesthesia, only local anesthesia in drops is used. In just 30 minutes, a person can look at the world in a new way.

Whether to do laser vision correction, everyone must decide for himself. Some do not see the inconvenience of using glasses or contact lenses.


Laser eye surgery significantly improves the quality of life. Visual acuity makes people dependent on the constant use of glasses or contact lenses. Like any operation, laser correction has positive and negative aspects. Serious complications during or after a vision enhancement procedure are extremely rare. Many of the risks associated with laser surgery can be reduced or eliminated through careful patient selection and preoperative testing using the latest diagnostic technologies.

Sometimes a second operation may be required to achieve the desired vision correction. Such cases occur with high degrees of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. Usually such vision initially requires more intensive correction. Approximately 10.5% of patients require additional treatment.

Potential risks and complications may include the following:

  • infection;
  • inflammation;
  • blurred vision;
  • blurry or blurry vision;
  • reduced vision at night;
  • scratches, dryness, and other symptoms of a condition called "dry eye";
  • glare, flashes;
  • photosensitivity;
  • discomfort or pain;
  • small bruises on the whites of the eyes.

The advantages of laser vision correction, of course, are to increase visual acuity and improve the quality of life. The result of the procedure will depend on the nature and extent of the violations, as well as on the quality of the work that the surgeon will perform. The vast majority of patients are extremely satisfied with the result of the operation. After laser surgery, they can practice various types activities without dependence on corrective lenses or glasses.

The result of laser vision correction is considered a permanent effect. However, the clarity of the image may change with age, as old age sets in. This may result in the need for eyeglasses, contact lenses, or additional vision correction procedures in the future.

Thanks to the development in modern ophthalmology, the use of a scalpel is less and less common during the operation. This is due to the fact that new techniques appear in ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, with the help of which the operation is performed using laser.

Compared to other types of operations, this is the safest and most effective method of operable therapy in microsurgery.

Basically, it is prescribed to patients in the age range from 18 to 55 years who have a violation:

  • Myopia.
  • Hypermetropia.

The main task, with laser eye correction, is to achieve accurate focusing of the display on the retina of the eyeball. So that the patient regains the sharpness of visual perception and the clarity of the display of surrounding objects.

Benefits of laser surgery

Laser surgery has been used in medical practice for about 30 years. During this time, observations have shown its superiority compared to other surgical interventions.

The main positive qualities include:

Indications for laser surgery


In addition, operable treatment can be performed:

  • If it matters from 1 to 15 diopters.
  • Hypermetropia from 1 to 6 diopters.
  • Astigmatism 0.5 to 5 diopters.

Contraindications for laser surgery

As with any type of therapy, laser eye correction can not be performed in all cases. There are many reasons why the operation is not performed.

The most common reasons for rejection surgical intervention with a laser:

Such pathologies make it possible to develop irreversible changes after the operation.

If the patient, for any reason, uses steroid medicines, or medications aimed at suppressing immunity, then the process of regeneration and recovery in postoperative period may be delayed.

Relative contraindications

Relative restrictions are temporary, and as they are eliminated, surgical intervention can be performed.

Absolute contraindications

But there are situations in which laser surgery is completely excluded:

Preparing for the operation

Before the operation, you must:

Immediately before the laser operation, the patient must:

Equipment for laser correction

Modern ophthalmological clinics are equipped with the latest species laser systems that allow high-precision operations.

Excimer laser WaveLight EX500

This device is the latest achievement of scientists in the field of laser ophthalmology. It has an increased speed of the laser.

This contributes to a minimal thermal effect on the cornea of ​​the eye.

It does not cause symptoms of dehydration, which has a positive effect in the postoperative period (rapid tissue healing occurs).

When using this setting, the laser depth can be automatically adjusted. This allows at all stages of the operation, if necessary, to obtain data on the thickness of the cornea.

The infrared tracking system allows you to control the position of the eyeball in relation to the center of the pupil or the edge of the cornea. This significantly improves the accuracy of all manipulations.

You can achieve a positive effect:

  • With myopia up to 14 diopters.
  • Astigmatism and farsightedness up to 6 diopters.

Laser VISX Star S4 IR

Unlike other laser systems, this device allows you to correct vision in advanced forms of myopia and hypermetropia.

After vision correction, the unit creates a smooth corneal surface.

The use of this device minimizes the development of side effects and rapid recovery in the postoperative period.

It is possible to achieve the elimination of myopia if the indicators of visual impairment do not exceed 16 diopters. With farsightedness and astigmatism, the indicator should be no more than 6 diopters.

Femtosecond laser FS200 WaveLight

This device is a champion in the formation of a corneal flap. This manipulation can be performed within 6 seconds.

Another apparatus for carrying out such actions should spend 20 seconds.

What is unique is that, using this laser model, the ophthalmologist has the opportunity to form a corneal flap, while fully controlling its thickness, diameter, centering and morphology.

Does not cause damage to nearby tissues and blood vessels. This device allows laser correction for patients with anatomically thin corneas.


With the help of these devices, laser eye correction is performed using the method.

In this case, the effect on the inner layers of the cornea occurs.

It is very important that most of these devices can work without external power sources (autonomous).

Moria Evolution 3

Allows you to perform the preparatory stage of the formation of the corneal flap.

The design of the device makes it possible to individually approach this stage of the operation, taking into account.

This in most cases gives a positive result. And the sensations of the patient, discomfort or pain practically do not appear.

Epikeratome Epi-K

The purpose of this device is to separate the epithelial layer of the cornea, which creates the possibility for subsequent laser correction.

The uniqueness of this device lies in the fact that the epithelial flap being removed has a minimum thickness, and the subsequent operation is performed in a sparing mode.

Photorefractive keratectomy and laser intrastromal keratomyelosis

There are three main techniques used to correct vision with a laser.

They consider:

  • FRK(photorefractive keratectomy). This technique appeared one of the first. It is used, to this day, to eliminate the symptoms of myopia on early stages. Initially, the epithelial layer of the cornea is removed, the deeper layers are subjected to evaporation. Recovery after surgery occurs within 5 days, less often it can take a week.
  • LASEK(subepithelial keratomileusis). The operation is mainly performed on patients with an individual feature of a thin cornea. With the help of the Bowman's membrane, stroma, and the epithelial layer, a valve is created, which is fixed with a contact lens. The operation is usually well tolerated by patients, rehabilitation period happens in a short time.
  • LASIK(laser keratomileusis). Compared to other methods of corneal laser correction, this is the safest and most gentle type of surgery. Operable intervention is divided into two stages:
    • First, the superficial corneal layer is cut off with a laser beam.
    • The second stage involves the elimination of pathological processes in the deep layers of the cornea, followed by the restoration of the cut-off layer.

This technique allows you to get rid of the neglected forms of any eye pathologies. The main advantage of this type of operation is practically complete absence complications and side effects.

Recently, this technique has been expanded, and supplemented by three areas:

  • Super LASIK. Occurs using a high-precision apparatus, considering individual characteristics buildings visual organs patient. It has higher efficiency rates than previous methods.
  • Femto Super LASIK. The method is similar to the previous version, the main difference is the implementation of the cut of the cornea using a femto-laser.
  • Presby LASIK. Surgical intervention using this technique is performed in persons after 40 years.

According to most experts, the most promising and safe method is LASIK.

Postoperative period

To avoid negative reactions from the body, and the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to comply with the rules and norms that are attributed to the ophthalmologist:

Consequences of laser surgery

As with any type of surgery, laser vision correction can develop unwanted side effects.

The consequences include:

Restoration of vision with myopia

Most often used:

Restoration of vision with farsightedness

To cope with this pathological process, you can resort to traditional methods of therapy.

They are:

In addition, people suffering from farsightedness are recommended to use:

Restoration of vision with astigmatism

The correct choice of technique in the treatment of astigmatism can only be carried out by an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own.

To carry out complex therapy the doctor may prescribe:

The cost of laser vision correction

Mostly this species operation is chargeable. The approximate price may fluctuate (depending on the region of Russia) from 27,000 to 105,000 rubles. The complexity and type of laser correction is also taken into account.

In some cases, an application from working citizens may be considered, after filing, it becomes possible to return a tax deduction (13%).

In all other situations, insurance companies consider this type of operational intervention as cosmetic procedure. This is an argument for the patient to pay on their own.

Sometimes companies can give discounts to regular customers or low-income social groups.


Laser surgery is a promising method for the treatment of eye pathologies.

In most cases, the patient immediately after the operation forgets what glasses or contact lenses are.

In addition to restored vision, the operation creates a positive psycho-emotional mood for the patient.

Laser correction is the most modern method restoration of vision, however, it has a number of contraindications. Restrictions for this operation are divided into two main groups. They are absolute and relative. The former prohibit the procedure, and the latter are a temporary obstacle to it.

Today, the development of scientific and technical progress goes by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the list of both those and other contraindications is constantly changing.

Strict restrictions, which were previously considered absolute, thanks to innovations, are gradually moving into the category of temporary ones.
Currently, the list of contraindications for laser correction looks something like this.

Very often, a temporary contraindication is the condition of the retina. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a strengthening procedure - cauterization of the retina with a laser. After that, the patient is allowed to laser correction.

Relative contraindications to laser vision correction
  • This operation is not recommended for children. This time limit is easily explained. The thing is that the organs of vision in children are still being formed and growing - their structure is changing (usually this happens before the age of 18). In this case, laser correction is not so much dangerous as meaningless - no doctor can guarantee stable results for a small patient. But, for sure, modern non-surgical therapeutic measures aimed at improving vision and adapted to age-related changes will be offered.
  • Doctors warn against surgical intervention for pregnant women, as well as young mothers during lactation - breastfeeding. Even if the child is an "artificial", it is still not recommended to carry out this procedure in the early postpartum period. From the very beginning of pregnancy and until the moment of cessation of breastfeeding, the female hormonal background works in an enhanced mode. This fact can significantly slow down the healing of the eye. Moreover, after laser correction, the patient must be prescribed antibiotic eye drops, which can get through the placenta or breast milk into the body of the child and harm him.
  • If the patient's vision began to deteriorate rapidly over the past year, then this circumstance can also become a relative contraindication to laser correction. You will be offered to play it safe and treat your eyes with various therapeutic methods, observe their condition and wait until your vision stabilizes.
  • Inflammatory processes in the organs of vision can also become a temporary obstacle. Surgical intervention at this time can have a lot negative consequences, in particular, significantly increase inflammation and slow down postoperative tissue repair.
  • Temporary contraindications for laser correction are dystrophic changes retinas of the eye. In order to get rid of problems of this kind, patients are recommended to undergo laser photocoagulation, a procedure that prevents retinal detachment. It is aimed at strengthening it in a non-contact way. Laser photocoagulation can be restrictive, that is, preventive, or curative, depending on the severity of the problem.
  • If the patient has diseases due to which immunity is reduced, then most likely he will be offered to undergo vision correction surgery until complete recovery. Interruptions in work immune system make the healing process of the eye long, and can also cause various complications.

All the above contraindications are temporary, and therefore do not impose a categorical ban on laser correction.

However, there is a list of reasons why laser vision correction should not be done.

Absolute contraindications for laser vision correction
  • People suffering diabetes in the advanced stage, alas, they will not be able to improve their vision with the help of laser correction. They also refuse such an operation to those who suffer from various systemic diseases - rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, AIDS. With such ailments, the operated eye will heal for a long time, and in the future there may be various complications and even a decrease in visual acuity.
  • For the same reasons, doctors do not undertake to operate on patients with skin problems - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, as well as those whose skin is prone to the formation of keloid scars.
  • Deviations of a mental and neurological nature are among the absolute contraindications for laser correction. The behavior of patients with such ailments is unpredictable, and therefore can complicate the course of the operation and delay the rehabilitation period.
  • The list of absolute contraindications for surgery includes serious illness eye, such as: atrophy optic nerve, cataract, glaucoma. However, individual patients suffering from these ailments are sometimes allowed to have laser correction at certain stages of the disease.
  • The list of absolute contraindications includes keratoconus, a disease in which the cornea of ​​the eye protrudes in the form of a cone and becomes thinner. With a thickness of this part of the eye less than 450 microns and with penetrating scars of the cornea in the optical zone, laser correction cannot be done, otherwise it will become even thinner and will simply tear over time, provoking blindness.

Of course, any operation has contraindications, but most have no reason to refuse to improve the quality of their vision.

All you need is to study the list of contraindications well, conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, and most importantly, visit an experienced ophthalmologist!

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And returned part of the money in the deduction account

I have severe myopia and have been wearing glasses since elementary school.

Natalya Zhutova

did laser vision correction

I tried a lot: I went to tricky procedures, did exercises for the eyes, dripped drops, changed glasses for lenses. Nothing helped, and the lenses only got in the way. By the age of twenty, I could barely see the top lines at the optometrist.

When I finally got tired of all this, I decided on laser vision correction. On the recommendations of friends, she turned to a well-known state clinic - and for four years now I can see perfectly without glasses.

What will you learn

How is myopia treated and how is it not treated?

Modern medicine is not yet able to restore vision without surgery. Nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are various states optical parameters of the eye, in which the ratio of anatomical structures is violated: the eye is too long, short, or it has curved optics. Because of this, a person sees worse.

Natalia Maichuk

ophthalmic surgeon

During a vision correction operation, the surgeon changes the shape of the cornea with a laser according to a pre-calculated program - and brings the optics of the patient's eye to the ideal. Anatomical changes in the eye persist for life, but a person begins to see as if they were not there, and sometimes even better than healthy people.

The operation does not help everyone equally well, because the result depends on the initial state of the eye. And there are contraindications when the operation will not work. But another way to save a person from glasses or lenses has not yet been invented.

Myopia cannot be cured by training and drops. On the Internet and in the media there are stories about the "cure" of myopia, but usually it's about something else. Young people have a so-called spasm of accommodation - this is when the muscles inside the eye tense too much and "forget how" to relax. Muscle spasm causes "false myopia": it is shown by devices and the person really sees worse, but for some time the ratio of anatomical structures in the eye remains normal. If the doctor diagnosed "habitual excessive stress of accommodation" - this is just the case. Most often this happens with those who spend too long on the phone or at the computer.

Muscles can be relaxed with workouts or drops - and vision improves. But this only affects that part of the diopters that arose due to muscle spasm. If changes have already begun in the eye and myopia has developed, they will not help. Therefore, it is wrong to call it a treatment for myopia.

Preparing for the operation

As the doctor explained to me, laser vision correction is not for everyone. For example, myopia should not progress too quickly: no more than 0.5 diopters in six months, and preferably in a year. In addition, the length of the eye should remain the same, whatever that means.

The progress of myopia is assessed according to the medical history, the rest is checked before the operation at the initial examination.

In my clinic, it was possible to undergo an examination under compulsory medical insurance, or you could pay for it. But according to the MHI, everything was booked for two weeks in advance, so I decided to pay. In addition, it turned out that compulsory medical insurance policy does not cover everything: for example, pictures of the anterior and posterior surface of the cornea are still made for money. Per paid examination I laid out 5300 R. According to OMS, it would cost 1300 R.

The survey took up most of the day. Doctors checked the sharpness and field of my vision, intraocular pressure, the shape of the cornea, probably something else. I was asked to look at a point, read the letters, be patient while they put drops in my eyes. The doctor also asked if I wear contact lenses. It turned out that before the operation, the eyes need to rest from them. And if you wear lenses for many years, then the cornea becomes thinner and laser correction can no longer be done.

I did not find any contraindications for laser correction. We discussed the options for operations with the doctor and chose Femtolasiq - this is something in between in terms of complexity and price. The operation was scheduled for the next day.

I left the clinic half-blind: everything was in a fog from the drops, and in order to see the bus number, I had to come close to it. I regretted not asking anyone to pick me up.

Before the operation, I also took three days off from work and agreed that I would be without a computer for a week afterwards. Meetings, discussions yes, emails no. As it turned out later, this was a mistake: I only got under my colleagues' feet. Now I would take this week at my own expense.

Contact lenses and laser correction

Before laser vision correction, we always ask if the patient wears contact lenses, and if so, for how long. The operation is performed on the cornea, and the lenses do not have a very good effect on it: they reduce the access of oxygen, “rub”, disrupt metabolic processes and cellular composition. The sensitivity of the cornea decreases, a tear is produced worse. All this makes it difficult to transfer the operation well and recover quickly.

Natalia Maichuk

ophthalmic surgeon

In addition, recently removed lenses can distort examination data. If the doctor does not know about them, there is a risk that the correction will be less accurate.

Operation Day

The operation itself lasted about ten minutes, but I spent almost the whole day in the hospital: from 10 am to 4 pm. They checked my eyesight again, told me what would happen and how, dressed me in a dressing gown and escorted me to the operating room. There they dropped into my eyes local anesthesia, and they stopped feeling anything, although they could blink.

When the anesthesia worked, I was taken to the operating room, laid on a table and asked not to move. I was afraid that if I moved, the laser would hurt my eyes, but I was reassured: in this case, it would simply turn off. One eye was glued shut, and a spacer was placed on the other. After that, the apparatus was brought up, and it became dark: during the operation, only a pinpoint light was visible. I also felt a slight pressure on my eye - it was unpleasant, but not painful. Then everything was repeated with the second eye.

After the operation, I immediately began to see well, but at first everything was in a fog. Something was dropped into my eyes again, they asked me to sit down, and then my eyesight was checked. After that they were allowed to go home.

Visual acuity before and after surgery

Before surgery

Right eye

left eye

After operation

Right eye

left eye

After operation

On the advice of the doctor, I took sunglasses with me: without them, at first the light seems too bright. The eyes are comfortable in the dark, behind curtains and without a monitor. On the street, I could see well in the distance, but close up everything was still in the fog, so I couldn’t immediately enjoy the result.

The first day after the operation, I was offered to wait in the dark and at rest in the ward for 4750 R. But I turned out to be more prudent than the day before: I was taken from the clinic and taken home. At home, I realized that I rejoiced early: I was not prepared for leisure in the dark and without a computer, so it was very boring.

The doctor advised me to stay away from the phone and computer at first. For a week and a half, the eyes are adjusted to work close, so it’s better not to look at the screens at all. Two weeks you can not paint, go to the pool and generally play sports. It is better not to touch your eyes either - even if it seems that grains of sand have got into them. The first time it should be.

I came to the clinic for two more scheduled examinations: one day and one month after the operation. The first time I was prescribed two types of drops, the second time they checked what came of it. These visits were included in the cost of the operation.

During the year I was asked to come back several times. The first year after the operation, an examination with a consultation cost 1300 R. From the second year, the price rose to 2300 R. It is believed that by this time the eyes have recovered and mandatory examinations are not needed. Therefore, later I had my vision checked at the district clinic, free of charge.

Before the operation, my friends doubted that the vision would last for a long time. So, friends: it depends only on me. After the operation, the surgeon gathered all the patients together and explained: the laser corrected visual impairment, but this does not mean that now we will always see well. At a minimum, you need to get rid of the myopic habit of sticking your nose into the phone, accustom yourself to take breaks from work and master exercises for the eyes. Without this, myopia will increase, and the correction will no longer be enough to compensate for it. Vision will deteriorate again.

Myopia after surgery

Nearsighted people have weakened muscles that are responsible for near vision. This is especially true for those who used glasses with insufficiently strong lenses before the operation or did without them at all. Therefore, the muscles after the operation should be spared and the load should be increased gradually. I ask patients to do nothing for a week at close range, and then switch to a sparing regimen - the only correct one from the point of view of hygiene.

Natalia Maichuk

ophthalmic surgeon

The total load near should be no more than 6 hours a day. After 40 minutes of work, it is worth taking at least a five-minute break with switching your vision to distant objects. If at work you have to constantly look at something close, in the evening your eyes should rest from this.

How much did I spend

Vision correction operations are aesthetic surgery: they are performed at the request of a person, and not for medical reasons. Therefore, they are not covered by compulsory medical insurance, and in 2015 my operation cost 89,800 R, I spent another 10 thousand on examinations and medicines.

Briefly: how to do laser vision correction

  1. Check with your doctor. Laser vision correction is an aesthetic operation: you decide whether to do it or not. But it's still an operation, so always listen to what the doctor says.
  2. Agree that you will not be anywhere for three days. The first day will be spent on examinations, the second - on the operation, the third you will sit in the dark. Then another week will not work to use the computer.
  3. Sign up for an initial inspection. In a state clinic, this can be done according to compulsory medical insurance, but you still have to pay for some studies.
  4. On the day of surgery, do what the doctor says.
  5. After surgery, do what the doctor says.
  6. For the operation to help for a long time, do what the doctor says.
  7. Laser vision correction is not done under compulsory medical insurance or a quota, but part of the money can be returned using tax deduction. When you pay, ask to prepare documents for him.