After a caesarean section, the discharge goes on for the second month. Allocations after cesarean section: how to distinguish the norm from pathology

As with natural childbirth, after caesarean section(COP) the female body must cleanse itself. Most young women in labor think that a successful recovery period is only about healing the stitches, this is not so. During a cesarean section, the surgeon removes only the fetus and placenta, the endometrium must come out on its own, naturally. Therefore, after the operation, it is worth waiting for abundant discharge - this natural process for the body of women. Let's see how long they last and how it should be normal.

How many days does the discharge last

Lochia is a discharge that comes from the vagina after childbirth. Immediately after the operation, the lochia is quite abundantly allocated. blood clots rich color, and may be most abundant if the woman is breastfeeding her baby. The fact is that during the sucking of milk by a child, a lot of oxytocin is released in the body, which contributes to an intensive contraction of the uterus. This can cause pain in the lower abdomen and lead to increased bleeding. Abundant discharge continues for half an hour after feeding the baby, after which they return to their usual volume.

After operative delivery, the duration of discharge can be from 4 to 6 weeks. This period is enough for the body to fully return to normal. The only exception in this case may be complications during surgery:

  • damage to adjacent organs;
  • retention of parts of the placenta.

All this leads to the development uterine bleeding. In these situations, the discharge can last much longer.

When there are no complications, the first seven days of the postpartum period are abundant spotting with clots. Gradually, the rejection passes, and the discharge becomes smearing, thick consistency. This condition can last for several weeks, especially if the baby is not breastfed. As a rule, a mother who feeds her baby with her milk recovers faster after a caesarean section. After a certain period of time, the lochia becomes sanious, less abundant and gradually brightens. After 6-8 weeks, healthy woman are observed.

Characteristics of normal lochia:

  • plentiful in the first days;
  • a gradual decrease in the volume of discharge in the postpartum period;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • without impurities of pus;
  • without discomfort(itching, burning, severe pain);
  • go against the background of normal body temperature.

More details can be found in the table below:

It's important to know: after a caesarean section, all women must be transferred to intensive care, where they are observed during the day. Not only pressure or temperature is checked, but also the nature and abundance of bleeding from the vagina. This observation makes it possible to identify possible complications after surgery (including hypotension of the uterus, infection, etc.).

Unlike normal labor, after surgical extraction of the fetus, the uterus needs additional artificial stimulation for a full contraction. Usually, special medications are prescribed for this.

Deviations from the norm

Allocations in women sometimes go less or more than the standard period. The reasons for the pronounced intensity of lochia after childbirth or cesarean section are completely dependent on the contractile activity of the uterus. If the woman in labor is healthy and deviations from the norm are observed, then you should be alert and find out the cause of the failure.

  • Abrupt ending or small amount of discharge

If the lochia went intensively, but stopped abruptly, then you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist. This situation may mean that the uterus is filled with blood clots, which prevents it from fully contracting. Untimely access to a gynecologist and refusal of therapy can lead to endometritis.

  • Longer than usual or large volume of discharge

Abundant discharge, the duration of which exceeds 6-8 weeks after childbirth, deserves the close attention of specialists. In this case, it is best to call ambulance. Abundant discharge, exceeding the norm, may indicate the development of hypotonic bleeding. The cause of abundant and prolonged discharge can also be the retention of parts of the placenta.

It's important to know: Frequent sanitary pad changes (more than once an hour) means bleeding. Required urgent help doctor.

Alarm symptoms:

  • very weak or very intense and prolonged discharge (out of time);
  • sudden cessation of discharge;
  • a sharp increase in secretions;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor (rotten fish, etc.);
  • impurities of pus in the discharge;
  • the appearance of watery transparent discharge;
  • detection of blood impurities in urine and feces;
  • the occurrence of itching, burning and other discomfort (a sign of thrush, bacterial vaginosis or other infections);
  • increase in body temperature.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Bad smell along with discharge

A certain number of women after childbirth after a short time may observe an unpleasant odor from lochia. If the discharge comes with an unpleasant odor, this indicates the development of endometritis - inflammation of the uterus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Purulent discharge that has an unpleasant odor, as well as yellow or Green colour, can talk not only about inflammation of the uterus as a result of infection. After giving birth, after 1-3 weeks, a woman's body can reject foreign objects that remain in the female reproductive organ due to the negligence of doctors. Leftover tampons, bandages, or metal objects can cause inflammation and cause bleeding.

yellow discharge

Yellow discharge after childbirth appears on different reasons:

  • pale yellow discharge with a sanious element - the norm two or three weeks after childbirth;
  • bright red discharge may indicate a delay in parts of the fetal egg;
  • abundant yellow-green lochia indicates inflammation of the uterus.

If the discharge is green, then you need to contact a gynecologist. This phenomenon indicates an inflammatory process in the cavity. female organ.

If the discharge becomes profuse bloody again, you should also see a doctor. This condition occurs when parts of the placenta are retained. Do not delay the inspection for a long time, any violation should be observed by an experienced specialist.

If lochia does not end for a long time and persists for 8 weeks after childbirth, it is worth doing an ultrasound. This symptom also indicates the development of complications.

Hygiene after caesarean section

For a quick and proper recovery of the body, you need to follow some tips:

  • do not allow loads and sudden movements;
  • constant hand hygiene is necessary;
  • the seam should be processed after each visit to the shower, wiped only with disposable towels;
  • wear loose underwear;
  • use only special means for intimate hygiene (no soap);
  • change sanitary napkins more often;
  • You can not use tampons until the lochia stops.

Long-lasting discharge can gradually turn into menstrual bleeding. Menstruation after caesarean section begins after 2 months (in the event that a woman does not feed a child breast milk). The doctor will be able to distinguish menstruation from prolonged lochia after examining the patient.

Let's summarize how much lochia goes in the norm. Intense lochia immediately after childbirth or a caesarean section that is red-brown in color with clots is the norm. Gradually fading and moderate lochia for 7-21 days is also the norm. If there are deviations in timing, intensity, color or smell, you should contact a gynecologist.

Some women notice brown discharge that begins to appear after childbirth. Undoubtedly, this scares new moms. This is especially true of those secretions that come out with blood clots. Allocations of this nature in medicine are called lochia. The clots are made up of endometrial particles that have died off, as well as plasma and placental cells. When should one be afraid of these secretions, and in what period are they considered normal, and in which not?

Discharge after childbirth after 2 months: causes and solutions

We note right away that with the discharge that appeared after the birth process, the uterus begins to make contractions in an enhanced form. How long this process will be depends on the individuality of each organism. After a woman has given birth, her body undergoes self-cleansing and at the same time it gets rid of the remnants of tissues and mucus. Those who have already passed this period know that it is with the contraction of the uterus that involution occurs and the stomach begins to decrease.

The uterus should be cleansed for a period of not more than 2 months. Be sure to pay attention during the entire postpartum period to the nature and duration of the discharge. Remember that they can change their color. Initially, the discharge looks more like menstruation, but it can change its color to yellowish-white, while it should not have a characteristic smell.

If the body recovers normally, then the discharge from the uterine area stops after 4 weeks. It is considered normal if by this time only smearing spots sometimes appear. Rarely, but it happens that the process is delayed for 6 weeks.

If the process of uterine contraction is delayed, then you should take it to the clinic to see a doctor who, through ultrasound, will be able to identify the cause.

The consequences can be different, there are 6 reasons for a prolonged discharge:

  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus;
  • Formation of a fibrous node;
  • Uterine infantilism;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • There was a bend of the organ;
  • The placenta did not come out completely.

In the latter case, a complete gynecological diagnosis and cleaning of the uterus in the mode of stationary observation is required. The presence of a characteristic odor in the discharge can also be dangerous. It's a signal that it's begun inflammatory process. Since postpartum discharge is considered an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, if abnormalities are found, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Brown discharge after childbirth after 3 months

As mentioned above, postpartum discharge is typical for a period of up to 6 weeks, but this is a rare case. If the discharge does not stop 12 weeks after the baby was born, then it may be menstruation or the formation of an inflammatory process. The nature of the discharge is very important, they can be dark or light beige, but if you see black discharge, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If you notice the discharge is white and mucus predominates in them, then this may be postpartum thrush. If there are few of them and they are mostly transparent, then you should not be afraid, these secretions are considered quite natural. A lingering discharge that has neither color nor smell in most cases means the period of ovulation.

If a woman does not breast-feeding, then after 3 months she can normalize menstrual cycle, and the selection will mean the arrival of critical days. Standard menstruation will be accompanied by all known symptoms, these are pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, as well as hypersensitivity chest.

If bleeding is accompanied elevated temperature, severe malaise, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

After 3 months, only those that do not bring discomfort, are colorless and odorless are considered the norm of discharge. In other situations, you need to go to the hospital and do an ultrasound to find out everything about the state of your body.

What does brown discharge after childbirth testify after 1 month

After 4 weeks of your baby being born, spotting will change to brown. This will indicate that fresh blood is not released, but only the remnant of the old comes out.

Sometimes dark brown discharge may be accompanied by white or yellow mucus. This also indicates that the uterine cavity is returning to normal.

Allocations should not give you discomfort, and their amount should be insignificant. The difference after 4 weeks will be noticeable.

Before the lochia has finished exiting, the uterus will have reached its normal size, and the inside will be covered with a mucous membrane. It is considered normal if in a month you will still have spotting, the most important thing is that there are not many of them and they are not accompanied by symptoms of the disease.

Can there be brown discharge after cesarean section: normal or pathological

No reason to panic a quick ending or vice versa long discharge, approximately 10 weeks. Yes, the deadline has already gone beyond, but it should be noted that each organism is special. If you do not observe an unpleasant odor or a large number of lochia, then there is no reason to think about deviations. Although it is better to consult with your gynecologist.

Be careful, there is a special reason for joy if the discharge ended almost immediately after childbirth. Such a quick result often indicates the appearance of an inflammatory process that requires cleaning.

It is imperative to consult a doctor if the terms are out of the norm. This is a period or less than 5 weeks or more than 11-12. Both the first and the second indicator are dangerous.

In the first case, perhaps the endometrium for some reason could not come out and there is a chance of suppuration. In the second option, an inflammatory process or endometritis can begin.

Why brown discharge occurs after childbirth (video)

Now, after reading our article, you know how much the discharge goes and when a woman need not worry. Carefully follow the deadlines to know if the process dragged on, went too fast, or continues to go within the normal range. In any case, at the slightest premonition that something was wrong, it is better to consult a doctor, no matter how much you would like it, in order to undergo the necessary treatment if necessary.

  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • Discharge after childbirth and caesarean section are similar in many ways. Many women mistakenly call them heavy postpartum periods. This definition is incorrect in principle, because the discharge after the operation has a completely different mechanism of occurrence. The question of why they occur after a caesarean section worries women not so often. But the question of when they will end is very burning. In this article, we will tell you how long the discharge after a surgical birth lasts and how to understand that complications have arisen.

    What are the allocations?

    Doesn't have of great importance in what way a woman gave birth - both after physiological childbirth and after surgical ones, the so-called lochia (postpartum discharge) comes out of the genitals. They are a sign of the reverse development of the uterus, and this process is quite complex and lengthy.

    During pregnancy, the uterus grows and increases in size, this growth is quite intense. As a result, a small female reproductive organ, whose weight does not exceed 50-70 grams, increases by more than 500 times by the time the baby is born. Since the uterus is a muscular organ, its smooth muscles are stretched, due to which such an impressive increase occurs.

    After childbirth, it should shrink to its previous size. But it doesn't happen all at once. Both after childbirth and after cesarean in the first hours, the uterus remains large, but already has an elongated shape and strongly resembles a deflated ball. Contractions of the uterus contribute to the release of its internal contents, that is, lochia.

    The placenta, which performed nutritional and protective functions for the child, is separated from the wall of the uterus, to which it managed to grow tightly in nine months with a network of blood vessels. During childbirth, the “baby place” is born by itself, and during operative childbirth, the surgeon removes it after the child is taken out and the umbilical cord is cut off.

    In both cases, the vascular network, which has already become a link between the female body and the baby, is broken. Bleeding after childbirth is associated with this. With caesarean section, the situation is further complicated by the presence of a surgical incision on the wall of the uterus. An incision is a wound that bleeds extra.

    This is due to the amount and color of discharge after caesarean section. They differ from the usual postpartum. Lochia after cesarean is more abundant, they may contain more blood clots. From time to time, in the first few days, lochia will intensify, this is due to periods of active uterine contractions. The woman will be given contraction drugs, because without them, the scarred uterus will involute more slowly.

    The discharge in the maternity hospital is closely monitored by medical staff, since the nature of lochia can tell a lot about the doctor. At home, after discharge, the woman will have to observe the discharge on her own. This is very important so that you can pay attention to possible complications in time, if any.

    Normal duration

    In the first 8-10 hours after the operation, a woman must observe strict bed rest, after that it is imperative to get up, sit down, start walking so that lochia does not stagnate. Abundant bleeding usually last no more than five days. At the end of the first day, the edges of the wound on the uterus begin to stick together, fibrin threads help stop bleeding at the placenta attachment. Therefore, the very next day, blood clots appear in the discharge. He should not scare the new mother. They mean that hemostasis is normal, and the processes of blood clotting and rejection of blood clots continue to proceed correctly.

    When the uterus begins to contract, the discharge with clots increases. So that a woman does not feel acute pain, in the first three days she is given not only reducing drugs, but also painkillers. By the fifth day of excretion, the consistency and composition change. Now, pure bloody lochia is being replaced by discharge with an increased content of serous serum. On the pad, it may look like a mucous ichor.

    After a week, the discharge becomes even more mucous - the cervix begins to produce a large amount of cervical mucus, as the process of restoring the endometrium (the inner layer of the female reproductive organ) begins. Around the same time, women can detect brown blotches in the discharge, resembling small worms in their appearance. These are the tips of the surgical suture material, which did not enter the tissues of the uterus directly, and therefore, as the internal scar heals, they are rejected and brought out by the female body.

    4 weeks after the operation, the number of lochia is significantly reduced, some may experience a brownish spotting. Moderate in volume and uniform in consistency, yellowish discharge without a sharp and unpleasant odor is also considered normal. By the 8th week after the operation, the discharge becomes transparent, gradually they return to their normal state.

    It is believed that the normal period for the continuation of the discharge after cesarean section is 2 months, but shifts in terms of 2 weeks in one direction or another are acceptable.


    A cesarean section in itself is always associated with the risks of possible early or late complications, besides, it is a gross interference in the order of things established by nature, and therefore the burden on the female body in the recovery period is simply enormous. During their stay in the hospital, they usually become noticeable early complications, which are manifested by profuse lochia, bleeding due to impaired hemostasis of a woman, due to injury to the vascular bundle during dissection, as well as an increase in temperature and a change in color and smell of discharge when the wound or uterine cavity is infected.

    If the uterus does not contract well enough or does not contract, the bleeding is continuous and uniform, it does not increase or stop. Sometimes the discharge suddenly stops after a few days. Such situations call for immediate medical care, and it will certainly be provided to the puerperal. After being discharged home, the responsibility for controlling discharge falls entirely on the shoulders of the woman. What situations should you pay special attention to? For any that do not fit into the norm. Here are just a few reasons to see a doctor immediately:

    • spotting stopped, but after a few days it started again, they are quite plentiful;
    • reappeared 10-12 days after the operation blood clots;
    • rose heat body or subfebrile temperature lasts for several days

    • there are very few discharges in the first days or they completely stopped 1-2 weeks after surgery;
    • a substance of green, gray, brown, black color with an unpleasant odor is separated from the vagina;
    • lochia has been going on for more than 10 weeks and does not end;
    • in the discharge, the woman notices flaky blotches, the discharge has become very thick, itching has appeared in the perineum;
    • observed severe pain in a stomach;
    • bleeding or other discharges come not only from the genitals, but also from the area of ​​​​the outer seam on the abdomen.

    Pink mucous or watery discharge a couple of weeks after surgery and later may indicate difficult healing of the internal scar. This happens with an autoimmune rejection by the woman's body of the suture material used by surgeons, as well as with an early onset of sexual activity after surgery. Saturated yellow and green discharge at any time after surgery is a sign of an obvious infection, most likely purulent. They usually increase body temperature.

    Watery discharge, almost colorless and quite abundant, can be an outgoing transudate in violation of the blood supply to the uterus, and thick white discharge with flakes can also indicate an imbalance in the vaginal microflora and a thrush that manifests after surgery. In all these cases, a visit to a doctor is mandatory. Self-medication is unacceptable.

    Here are some important tips for women who have given birth.

    • In the hospital for the first three days, use only sterile hospital bed liners. No purchased pads, because they do not guarantee that pathogenic microflora will not enter the vagina.
    • When washing in the hospital and after discharge, water should not enter the vagina, as this increases the likelihood of infection. You also can't douche.
    • Pads for separation of lochia after caesarean section need to be changed more often than with normal menstruation. Liners in the maternity hospital - every three hours, sanitary pads at home - every 2-3 hours.

    • It is strictly forbidden to use tampons instead of pads.
    • You can live sexually only after the end of the discharge in the absence of other complications, that is, not earlier than 2 months after the operation.
    • It is forbidden to lift weights over 3-4 kilograms, squat, jump, fall. If such actions were nevertheless committed, and then the discharge increased or their nature changed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Nowadays, caesarean section is a common "procedure". First, the number of women who voluntarily decide to give birth in this way is growing. Secondly, the number of pregnancies without complications is decreasing, so caesarean section is increasingly carried out "according to indications." It doesn’t matter how your baby sees the light, the main thing is that he is born healthy, and the operation or natural childbirth goes without complications.

    Nowadays, it is a common "procedure". First, the number of women who voluntarily decide to give birth in this way is growing. Secondly, the number of pregnancies without complications is decreasing, so caesarean section is increasingly carried out "according to indications." It doesn’t matter how your baby sees the light, the main thing is that he is born healthy, and the operation or natural childbirth goes without complications.

    A caesarean section is an operation in which the uterus is surgically cut and the baby is removed from it by cutting and tying the umbilical cord and removing amniotic sac and placenta. Then the incision is sutured, and the wound is applied sterile dressing. A woman gradually comes out of anesthesia and another difficult stage begins in her life - the stage of recovery. A new mother has many questions. When can I get up after anesthesia? How to care for a seam? What to eat? And many others.

    Both doctors and mothers themselves pay special attention to discharge after caesarean section. After each birth (both natural and by caesarean section), the so-called lochia (these are postpartum discharges) stand out from the woman's vagina. Many women refer to discharge after childbirth as heavy periods. In fact, there are many similarities: both the lower abdomen aches, and red discharge with clots. It’s just that such “monthly” periods last much longer, and the nature of the discharge tends to change.

    "Normal" discharge after caesarean section

    So, they are already a normal process. Through the genital tract, the remnants of the placenta and dead microparticles of the endometrium are excreted along with the blood. In the first 2-3 days after the operation, the discharge is bright red and quite abundant. It is difficult to determine the “normal volume” of secretions, because much depends on how the operation went and what complications accompanied the woman during pregnancy and during childbirth. Gradually, the nature of the discharge changes. At first they darken, acquiring a brown tint, and become serous-sanious, then they become liquid and brighten. Somewhere in 6-8 weeks, the discharge should completely stop.

    Discharge with clots and lumps is absolutely normal, especially after a caesarean section. Usually, after surgery, a woman does not move much, so the blood collects in clots and then comes out. Do not be alarmed if the discharge intensifies during breastfeeding, and pain appears in the lower abdomen - this is also normal, moreover, it is necessary for a speedy recovery. The uterus itself “pushes out” the secretions, contracting, and it contracts due to the hormone oxytocin, and oxytocin, in turn, is intensively released into the blood precisely during the application of the baby to the breast. This is how everything is interconnected and clearly thought out by Mother Nature.

    When should you sound the alarm?

    Unfortunately, the postpartum period does not always go smoothly, especially after a caesarean section. Happen very often serious complications, and it is postpartum discharge that often helps to suspect them, which is why it is so important to know about the norms and “deviations”. So, you should immediately go to the doctor if:

    • The discharges stopped too soon. As already mentioned, after a caesarean section, they last from 5 to 8 weeks. If, for some reason, lochia lingers in the uterine cavity, then they become an excellent environment for pathogenic bacteria, which can provoke either hematomas or inflammation in the uterine cavity.
    • Allocations last more than 8 weeks, at the same time they do not fade and do not change color. With poor contraction of the uterus, bleeding can increase, and they are very dangerous for a woman's life, so if after a week the bleeding has not changed at all, seek help immediately.
    • The discharge has an unpleasant odor. In the first 2-3 days, the rotten smell of lochia is normal, but if it continues to increase, then this already indicates a pathology.

    To avoid all sorts of postpartum complications, after a cesarean section, a woman is given antibacterial drugs, and if necessary, oxytocin is administered, which contributes to a better contraction of the uterus and, of course, painkillers.

    How to take care of yourself?

    And the woman herself must take care of her health after a caesarean section. To avoid problems with discharge, you need to follow these guidelines:

    • To make the uterus contract better - lie down on your stomach from time to time, wear it, empty it regularly bladder and intestines, perform a light massage of the abdomen, apply ice to the lower abdomen (from 3 to 5 times a day for 5-10 minutes).
    • Carefully observe the hygiene of the genitals: after each trip to the toilet, wash the external genitalia with clean warm water; take a shower daily; the first 2 weeks after childbirth, it is better to use not pads, but diapers to create an airing effect; change sanitary pads every 4 hours; never use sanitary tampons.

    And most importantly: no "amateur". At the first suspicion of "wrong", contact a specialist.

    We wish you an easy recovery and good health!

    Specially forTanya Kivezhdiy

    Often, for the birth of a child, one has to resort to surgical intervention. A cesarean section is a gynecological operation that was invented a long time ago and is performed to reduce the risk of unsuccessful vaginal delivery.

    On average for Russian Federation, the proportion of these so-called abdominal births is 11–12%. In some obstetric hospitals, this figure reaches 30-40%.


    Whatever the reason for such an operation, you need to understand: this is a serious surgical intervention. Therefore, women who have given birth to their child with the help of such obstetrics should have information about what is the postoperative period, about the features of its course and accompanying phenomena.

    One of the most common situations is vaginal discharge. You need to know how long they can last in time, what is their nature in normal and pathological conditions. This information will help prevent serious complications in postoperative period or respond in time when healing does not proceed as expected. A woman in labor should know which symptoms should cause alarm, when discharge after cesarean does not cause concern, and which are pathological and require attention.

    When giving birth in a natural way, the recovery of a woman takes about 40 days. Considering that a caesarean section is considered a complicated birth - due to surgery - the duration recovery period extended to 60 days.

    If a woman has taken a course of antibiotics, then breastfeeding may come later, which means that the level of natural oxytocin in her body will be reduced and will recover more slowly. In addition, surgical access leaves an inevitable scar on the uterus. This also leads to a weakening of its contractile function, the ability to cleanse itself, push out blood clots and remnants of the membranes from the cavity. This increases the risk of inflammatory processes.


    In the postpartum period, women who have given birth naturally or through a caesarean section have physiological discharge - lochia. On the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), purification processes are underway, blood clots and waste endometrium come out. Normally, discharge after cesarean in terms lasts like this:

    • The first week after childbirth: suckers are abundant red, contain clots, similar to menstruation, have a specific rotten smell.
    • From the second week, their number gradually decreases, the color darkens to red-brown.
    • By the end of 4-5 weeks, there are already meager, smearing, brown discharges.
    • At 6–8 weeks after childbirth, a complete cleansing of the uterine cavity should occur: the vaginal discharge is normal, mucous, transparent, yellowish in meager amounts.

    Lochia immediately after childbirth is more intense with the normal ability of the uterus to contract. Therefore, women are recommended to breastfeed their baby on demand, as much as the child wants - this normalizes the hormonal background of the body. It is advised to empty the bladder and intestines in time, move within reasonable limits, and rest while lying on the stomach.

    To prevent bleeding after a caesarean section, female body will help with medication. They use oxytocin, which causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. In this case, the normalization of contractility helps to quickly get rid of the contents of the cavity and cleanse itself.


    Above, we examined how long the discharge normally lasts after a cesarean section. But there may be situations that should alert a woman:

    1. Allocations after caesarean quickly ended. This is an alarming symptom: blood accumulates in the uterus and cannot come out for various reasons (uterine bend, spasm or closure of the cervix, insufficient contractility).
    2. Abundant lochia that began immediately after childbirth and lasted more than 14 days. May indicate abnormal bleeding after caesarean section. An equally serious situation, especially if clots are noted, is the failure of the sutures on the uterus.
    3. If the discharge after cesarean first ended, but then went again, it means that the contractile function of the uterus is impaired. Stagnation may occur, which can lead to infection and, in the future, to inflammation.
    4. Dangerous change appearance detachable. If it has a sharp putrid odor, yellow - there is a high risk of developing purulent processes. Gets worse general state women: pain in the abdomen and below, the temperature rises. These are symptoms of endometritis, inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus.
    5. Discharges characteristic of thrush and its symptoms may appear: itching and cheesy discharge. The most common cause- antibiotic therapy in the postoperative period.

    Any of these phenomena clearly requires medical advice. If the above-described discharge after cesarean is noted, then delaying treatment and self-treatment can lead to consequences with a difficult prognosis. First of all, the ability to have children in the future will suffer.

    special instructions

    When a doctor discharges a woman home from the hospital, he should tell what kind of discharge to expect after a caesarean, how long they are normal without causing alarm, and how they should change over time. How many days to expect plentiful, how many weeks smearing and so on until full recovery. You need to be well aware that purulent discharge in the norm should not be at all and, if such have begun, it is necessary to immediately seek help from doctors.

    Be sure to explain, especially to primiparas, how to properly maintain personal hygiene, that pads need to be changed every 2-3 hours, regardless of how wet they are. Tampons should not be used to prevent infection. It will not be superfluous to remind you of the need to flush after each visit to the toilet.

    It is necessary to monitor not only the discharge from the vagina, but also the condition of postoperative sutures. Although in the vast majority of cases at the time of discharge they are normal, you need to pay attention to them. With improper care, the sutures after cesarean can become infected and inflamed. Alarm symptoms:

    • redness;
    • pain;
    • edema;
    • discharge of pus or clear fluid.

    If they appear, be sure to inform your doctor about it. After all, the more a woman pays attention to her health, the more you can count on reducing the risk of complications after a caesarean section.