The child has a runny nose what to do. Treatment of the common cold in children quickly and effectively


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What is a runny nose?

Runny nose (in the medical literature rhinitis ) is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The cause of the common cold is inflammation of the nasal mucosa ( from the Greek word rhinos - nose + itis - the designation of inflammation).

Runny nose is rarely an independent pathology. It is usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. At first glance, this is a very harmless disease, which is not entirely true. A runny nose has many consequences for the body, including chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, and otitis media ( inflammation of the middle ear). In turn, these complications are dangerous because they occur most often in children of the first year of life. The reason for this is the features anatomical structure nasal passages and auditory tube.

Anatomy and function of the nasal cavity

The nasal cavity performs important functions for the body. It purifies and warms the inhaled air, and also has a protective function. That is why children who often suffer from a runny nose, as a rule, make up the group of “frequently ill children”. The immunity of the child's body begins to decline with frequent rhinitis, and viruses and bacteria that penetrate the nasal cavity then descend into the lower respiratory tract. This, in turn, causes the rapid addition of a bacterial infection with a long-term persistent ( chronic) runny nose.

Anatomy of the nasal cavity

The nasal cavity is a kind of "entrance gate" of the respiratory tract, through which the inhaled and exhaled air passes. Despite the fact that the right and left nasal passages look like isolated structures, they communicate with each other. That is why a runny nose always proceeds with the involvement of both nasal cavities. In turn, the nasal cavity communicates with the cavity of the oropharynx, larynx and bronchi. This causes a rapid transition of infection from the nasal mucosa to the lower respiratory tract.

The nasal mucosa consists of a special ciliated ( or ciliated) epithelium. It is called so because it consists of numerous cilia densely located on the mucosa. Moreover, there are microvilli on the apical surface of the cilia themselves. They, in turn, branch and elongate, increasing the area of ​​the mucosa several times. So, on average, ciliated cells have 200 - 300 cilia, the length of which is 7 microns. Moving, microvilli promote the movement of mucus from the nasal cavity into the oropharynx, and out of the bronchi. Thus, they perform the function of drainage respiratory system. It should be noted that the volume of nasal mucus per day can vary from 200 milliliters to one liter. Together with mucus, dust particles, allergens and pathogenic microorganisms come out of the respiratory tract. The functionality of the mucous membrane is most optimal at a temperature of 28 - 33 degrees and a pH of 5.5 - 6.5. The slightest deviation from these parameters leads to a change in its composition. So, loss of moisture, temperature drop to 7 - 10 degrees, increase in pH over 6.5 and other fluctuations cause the cilia to stop fluctuating. At the same time, the composition of the mucosa changes, and the level of its protection decreases.

The mucous membrane of the nose is abundantly supplied with nerve endings that are associated with various organs and systems. That is why the child's body reacts negatively to even the most minor violations. physiological functions nose. Even with the slightest runny nose, children become capricious, irritable, and begin to sleep poorly. The main factor contributing to the development of a runny nose is hypothermia. A decrease in temperature leads to a violation of the protective mechanisms of the body and the activation of opportunistic microflora in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and oral cavity. The development of the common cold is also facilitated by a decrease in the body's resistance due to chronic diseases.

Functions of the nasal cavity

As mentioned above, the nasal cavity is the entrance gate of the body. It performs a number of important functions. So, the main functions of the nose are respiratory, olfactory, protective and resonator ( speech). Even a short runny nose in a child leads to a violation of these functions. A long-term persistent runny nose can lead to serious changes in the body. If a runny nose in a child lasts for several months, then it can lead to a change in the process of formation of the facial skeleton and chest. The main complication of the common cold is a violation of oxygen metabolism, which affects the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Thus, with a runny nose, the physical and mental development of the child suffers.

The main functions of the nasal cavity are:

  • filtration of inhaled air;
  • protective function;
  • function of warming the inhaled air.
Filtration of inhaled air
The air passing through the nasal cavity is subject to filtration. The filtering function is carried out by the ciliated epithelium of the mucosa. Numerous mucosal villi, moving in different directions, purify the air from dust particles and other foreign objects. That is why it is important to always breathe through the nose. If the nose is stuffed up and the child begins to breathe through the mouth, the air is not cleaned and enters the body contaminated.

Protective function
The work of the cilia of the epithelium is also aimed at eliminating ( breeding) from the respiratory tract of foreign objects. It can be poplar fluff, wool particles and other objects. Getting into the nasal passages, they irritate the receptors embedded in the mucous membrane. Irritation of the receptors leads to muscle contraction, as a result of which an unconditioned protective reflex is realized - sneezing. Thanks to sneezing, all pathological elements are removed from the upper respiratory tract.

Inhalation air warming function
The nasal cavity also warms the inhaled air, which is especially important during the cold seasons. This feature of the nose prevents the lower airways from becoming cold. Once in the nasal cavity, the air passes into the nasopharynx, and from it into the larynx and bronchi. Passing all this way, the air warms up and at the moment when it reaches the lungs, it does not lead to hypothermia of the mucosa.

Causes of a runny nose in children

There are a wide variety of reasons for the development of a runny nose in children. It can be various infections, allergies, injuries, and so on. Initially, all causes of the common cold are usually divided into two large groups - infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious causes of the common cold in children

As for children of the first and second year of life, their infectious cause of the common cold is the most common.

The causes of a runny nose of an infectious nature include:
  • sharp respiratory diseases (ORZ);
  • viral infections - adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses;
  • Infectious mononucleosis ;
  • bacteria;
As a rule, a runny nose in children is caused by viruses that provoke an acute respiratory viral infection ( SARS). The transmission of the virus is known to be airborne. Saliva particles containing viruses enter the external environment when the patient sneezes or coughs. After that, the viruses enter the nasal mucosa already healthy person. Being in the nasal cavity, they very quickly penetrate into the epithelial cells ( mucosal cells) and begin to multiply actively there. In the nasal mucosa, viruses are present for 1 to 3 days. During this time, they violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It becomes thinner and more permeable to pathogens. The ciliated epithelium ceases to perform its functions. Thus, conditions are created for the addition of a bacterial infection. This is one of the reasons why a viral infection is very quickly complicated by a bacterial one.

Further, viruses or bacteria can migrate from the upper respiratory tract ( i.e. nasal cavity) into the lower respiratory tract. With a runny nose, the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear can also be affected. This explains the fact that the common cold is most often accompanied by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses ( sinusitis, frontal sinusitis) and middle ear ( otitis media).

As a rule, a runny nose in children is recorded during a period of sharp temperature fluctuations. This is due, first of all, to a change in the virulent properties ( contagious ability) microbes, as well as with the hypothermia factor. A pronounced inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is observed when the feet are cooled. This is due to the presence of reflex connections between the feet and the nose.

Non-infectious causes of the common cold in children

Non-infectious causes of a runny nose can be foreign bodies that have fallen into the nasal cavity, mucosal injuries, exposure to harmful factors environment. A special variant of non-infectious rhinitis in children is allergic rhinitis or rhinitis.

Non-infectious causes of a runny nose in children include:

  • environmental factors - dust, smoke, strongly smelling substances;
  • allergenic factors - fluff, wool;
  • trauma;
  • foreign bodies.

Allergic rhinitis in children

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, which is based on a pathological allergic reaction. According to the latest statistics, the prevalence of allergic rhinitis in children reaches 40 percent. The onset of the disease occurs at the age of 9-10 years. However, in some cases, it can be diagnosed in the first 6 years of life. In children with constitutional anomalies ( diathesis) runny nose symptoms are observed already during the first year of life.
The clinical picture of an allergic rhinitis is the same as that of an infectious one, but at the same time, symptoms such as sneezing and itching join.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children are:

  • nasal congestion;
  • rhinorrhea ( discharge of liquid contents from the nasal cavity);
  • sneezing
  • itching in the nasal cavity.
Allergic rhinitis in rare cases is limited to the nasal mucosa. Often the inflammatory process extends to the paranasal sinuses. Therefore, doctors often use the term "rhinosinusitis" because it more fully reflects the pathogenetic process. Despite the fact that allergic rhinitis seems to be a completely harmless disease, it significantly affects the quality of life of a child. In children who suffer from a runny nose for a long time, school performance decreases, sleep is disturbed.

Given the time period of contact with the allergen, doctors distinguish between seasonal, year-round and occupational allergic rhinitis. The first two are typical for both children and adults, the last one is only for adults. The main cause of allergic rhinitis is plant pollen, which is a powerful allergen. Significant allergens include pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. Based on this, there are three main peaks of exacerbation of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

The periods of the year, which account for the peak incidence of allergic rhinitis, include:

  • April May- due to pollination of trees such as birch, alder, hazel;
  • June July- associated with the pollination of such cereal grasses as timothy and fescue;
  • Aug. Sept- due to pollination of such weeds as wormwood, quinoa and plantain.
Other causes of allergic rhinitis can be food and mold allergens. In this case, the exacerbation of the disease is interconnected with the consumption of certain foods. House dust mites, animal epidermis, and wool can act as non-food allergens.

Stages of development of the common cold

On average, a runny nose lasts 7 to 10 days. If we are talking about an allergic rhinitis, then its duration is due to the period of exposure to the allergen. There are three stages in the development of infectious rhinitis.

The stages of development of the common cold are:

  • reflex stage;
  • catarrhal stage;
  • the stage of recovery or accession of infection.
Reflex stage of development of the common cold
This is the first stage in the development of a runny nose and it lasts only a few hours. Due to reflex vasoconstriction, the mucous membrane becomes pale. The epithelium stops producing mucus, which provokes symptoms such as dryness, burning in the nasal cavity, and repeated sneezing. Headache, lethargy and sore throat are also present. It should be noted that with a runny nose, both nasal passages are affected at once, so the above symptoms are felt in both nasal passages.

Catarrhal stage of development of the common cold
The second stage of the development of the common cold lasts from 2 to 3 days. During this stage, vasodilation occurs, which provokes swelling of the turbinates. Children complain of a feeling of nasal congestion, difficulty nasal breathing. If the cause of a runny nose is a viral infection, then abundant clear watery discharge from the nose is noted ( rhinorrhea). There are also symptoms such as decreased sense of smell, lacrimation, stuffy ears and a nasal tone of voice. Also, this stage is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to subfebrile numbers ( 37.2 - 37.5 degrees). The mucous membrane of the nose at this stage becomes bright red and swells greatly, making it difficult to breathe. This, in turn, leads to the disappearance of the sense of smell and the deterioration of the perception of taste ( This is explained by the fact that olfactory receptors are laid in the nasal mucosa.). Sometimes lacrimation, congestion and tinnitus also join.

Stage of recovery or accession of infection
The third stage of the development of the common cold can go in 2 ways - recovery or the addition of bacterial inflammation. In the first case, the general condition improves, the function of the epithelium is restored. Nasal breathing begins to become freer, mucus secretion normalizes, and the sense of smell is restored. In the case of a secondary bacterial infection, the general condition of the child also initially improves. However, nasal discharge becomes greenish and thicker. Further development of the disease depends on how much the infection has descended. If pathogenic microorganisms have reached the bronchi, then the likelihood of developing bronchitis is high.

The duration of the common cold in children
On average, a runny nose of an infectious nature lasts from 7 to 10 days. With good immunity and quickly started treatment, recovery can occur as early as 2-3 days. With weakened body defenses and inadequate treatment, a runny nose drags on for up to 3-4 weeks. In this case, it can also go to chronic form or lead to complications.

Symptoms of a runny nose in a child

As already mentioned, a runny nose is rarely an independent disease. As a rule, it is a symptom of various infectious diseases. In young children, a runny nose can be a symptom of intestinal infections. It should be noted that a runny nose is one of the first symptoms of the disease ( kind of a harbinger).

The classic symptoms of a runny nose are nasal congestion, discharge, and sneezing. Depending on the nature of the underlying disease, one or another symptom can be expressed as much as possible. For example, with a viral infection, a runny nose is characterized by profuse discharge from the nose, and with allergies, persistent itching and sneezing. The development of a runny nose, as a rule, is sharp and sudden - it begins quickly with a general deterioration in the child's condition. In children, body temperature rises, a headache appears, nasal breathing worsens, and the sense of smell decreases.

Since young children cannot express their complaints, they mostly cry. How less baby the more restless he becomes. In infants, it is not the manifestations of the common cold that come first, but signs of general intoxication.

Further, a liquid discharge from the nasal cavity appears very quickly. The production of mucous contents occurs due to the enhancement of the function of the goblet glands, which are embedded in the epithelium. Pathological nasal secretion has an irritating effect on the skin. This is especially noticeable in the area of ​​​​the vestibule of the nose and upper lip, which manifests itself in the form of redness and painful cracks.

Symptoms of a runny nose in children are:

  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • sneezing
  • lacrimation.
The feeling of nasal congestion is the result of swelling of the mucous membrane, which, in turn, develops due to increased vascular permeability. The fluid from the vessels is transuded ( coming out) into the mucous membrane, leading to its swelling. Swelling of the nasal mucosa also leads to impaired drainage paranasal sinuses nose and middle ear, which creates fertile ground for the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora. As soon as the nature of the mucus from the nasal cavity changes, namely, it becomes cloudy and greenish, this means the addition of a bacterial infection.

Lacrimation - very characteristic symptom for a runny nose. It is caused by irritation of the reflexogenic zones of the nasal mucosa. Lachrymation is almost always accompanied by sneezing, the nature of which is similar. Sneezing is the result of irritation of sensory fibers that are located in the mucous membrane.

Total duration this disease varies from 8 to 14 days. If the general and local immunity of the child is not violated, then the runny nose stops after a couple of days. In weakened, often ill, runny nose most often has a protracted character - up to 3 - 4 weeks. In general, the child's condition depends on the underlying disease and the form of rhinitis.

Forms of rhinitis ( runny nose) are:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis.
Acute rhinitis
Acute rhinitis in children usually occurs in the form of nasopharyngitis, that is, with involvement in the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Also, inflammation can spread to the nasopharynx ( with the development of adenoiditis), middle ear or larynx. Due to the rapidly growing edema in infants, the act of sucking is disturbed, which leads to weight loss, sleep disturbance, and increased excitability. Especially severe acute rhinitis occurs in premature, debilitated children with chronic foci of infection.

Chronic rhinitis
This type of runny nose is characterized by a violation of nasal breathing with alternate congestion in one or the other half of the nose. In chronic rhinitis, the nature of the discharge from the nose can be serous, mucous or purulent. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis is characterized by a long course. Nasal congestion is characterized by a more permanent character, and most importantly, this symptom does not go away after the use of vasoconstrictor drops. In addition to difficult nasal breathing, sick children are worried about headaches and poor sleep. The nasal mucosa is usually pale pink, reddish or bluish in color.

Atrophic rhinitis
In chronic atrophic rhinitis, the main symptom is a feeling of dryness in the nose. Also, patients complain of the formation of crusts, a feeling of pressure in the nasal cavity and headaches. The contents of the nose are always of a thick consistency and yellow-greenish tint. As a rule, the volume of pathological mucus in atrophic rhinitis is small. However, if pus is present in large quantities, then this can lead to the spread of a chronic process to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx.

Vasomotor rhinitis

This form of rhinitis is characterized by such manifestations as sneezing, nasal congestion, copious liquid discharge. The development of vasomotor rhinitis is based on neurovegetative disorders, which cause a sharp spasm of the nasal vessels.

Cough and runny nose in a child

Cough and runny nose are common symptoms of a viral infection. This is explained by the fact that the nasal mucosa is a gateway for viruses. It is in the nasal mucosa that viruses form their primary focus of inflammation. Most often, the mucosa is attacked by a rhinovirus infection. Already from the first hours of the disease, nasal congestion and sneezing are noted. Rhinovirus infection, unlike other viral infections, is manifested by profuse rhinorrhea. Simultaneously with the rise in temperature to 38 degrees, abundant discharge from the nose is noted. Discharge from the nose is initially mucous in nature. At the same time, the mucus is very rare and literally “flows”. However, after a couple of days it becomes thicker and takes on a greenish tint. This means that the bacterial flora has joined the rhinovirus infection.

The appearance in the clinical picture of such a symptom as a cough depends on how far the infection has penetrated. If the body's defenses are weakened, and the child young age, then the risk of developing bronchitis or pneumonia is very high. Premature and weakened children in 9 cases out of 10 develop pneumonia and bronchiolitis. The nature of the cough depends on the level of infection. If the inflammatory process is localized at the level of the nasopharynx, larynx or trachea, then the cough is mostly dry. The reason for this is a dry and inflamed mucous membrane, which irritates the nerve endings and provokes a cough. If the infection goes down and affects the bronchopulmonary department, then the cough becomes productive, that is, wet. The amount of secretion depends on how well the bronchi drain and how much fluid the child consumes. As a rule, the cough is initially accompanied by scanty and viscous sputum. Subsequently, when taking bronchodilators, sputum liquefies, and its volume increases. The color and specific smell of sputum also depends on the source of infection. With pyogenic flora, sputum has a fetid odor and is greenish in color.

Temperature and runny nose in a child

The presence or absence of fever with a runny nose in a child depends on the underlying disease. As you know, a runny nose in children is more often a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection than an independent pathology.

Temperature options depending on the etiology of the common cold

Type of infection

Main symptoms

Temperature characteristic

Runny nose with rhinovirus infection

Profuse coryza, accompanied by sneezing, congestion. The mucous discharge from the nose is always profuse.

The temperature varies within the normal range, sometimes reaching 37.5 degrees.

Runny nose with adenovirus infection

Coryza with moderate mucous discharge and nasal congestion.

The temperature varies from 38 to 39 degrees.

Runny nose with rotavirus infection

Runny nose and other respiratory symptoms are combined with manifestations of gastroenteritis - vomiting, diarrhea.

The temperature rose sharply to 39 degrees.

Runny nose with respiratory syncytial infection

Runny nose, quickly complicated by the development of bronchiolitis and pneumonia.

Moderate subfebrile temperature (37 - 37.2 degrees), rarely the temperature rises to 38 degrees.

Runny nose without fever in a child

A runny nose without fever is noted with an allergic etiology of the disease, as well as in cases of immunodeficiency in children. In general, it should be noted that the presence of fever is more dependent on the reactivity of the child's body. For weakened children with chronic foci of infection, a moderate sluggish temperature is characteristic.

Runny nose in infants

Newborns and infants have certain anatomical features in the structure of the nasal cavity, which determine the clinical picture of the common cold. So, in young children, the nasal passages are much narrower than in adults. Therefore, even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to a complete disruption of nasal breathing through the nose. This, in turn, causes certain difficulties in feeding. Since the baby cannot breathe through his nose, he is forced to breathe through his mouth, which makes feeding difficult. Children become restless, sleep badly, start crying. Due to malnutrition, the baby can lose weight. A great danger is the attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath, which may appear during sleep in such children. Moreover, mouth breathing causes the spread of infection to the underlying parts of the respiratory tract.

Very rarely, a runny nose can occur in isolation. As a rule, in infants, it occurs in the form of nasopharyngitis. At the same time, both the nasal cavity and the pharyngeal cavity are involved in the pathological process. This feature of the clinical picture is due to the inability of the child to independently clear the nasal cavity of mucus ( i.e. spit out). This leads to the fact that the pathological contents flow down the back of the pharynx, causing its irritation and inflammation. Thus, the pharynx is also involved in the inflammatory process, as a result, not rhinitis develops, but nasopharyngitis. Moreover, the inflammatory process in infants more often than in adults extends to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The consequence of this is the frequent development of tracheitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Another feature of the common cold is the rapid development of such complications as otitis media ( inflammation of the middle ear). The reason for this is also the anatomical features of the structure of the ear cavity. So, the auditory tube in children is much wider and shorter than in adults, which leads to the rapid penetration of infection from the nose into the ear. At the same time, the constant horizontal position of children and the lack of coughing skills lead to the flow of mucus from the nasal passages into the short auditory tube, and from it into the middle ear. Thus, a runny nose is quickly complicated by an inflammatory process in the middle ear, which is very difficult in young children. The development of such a complication as otitis media is accompanied by dramatic changes in the behavior of the child. Due to the appearance severe pain, the intensity of which is growing rapidly, the child is deprived of rest. He starts crying, screaming, shaking his head. Such a rapid change in the behavior of the child should alert parents even before the appearance of pus from the ear cavity. The last symptom indicates the presence of a ruptured eardrum.

Complications of the common cold in children

First of all, a runny nose is fraught with a transition to a chronic form. This complication occurs as a result of frequent and prolonged rhinitis ( runny nose), nasal injuries, prolonged action of irritating factors on the nasal mucosa, with concomitant anomalies in the development of the nasal cavity ( deviated nasal septum). Chronic runny nose is manifested by a violation of nasal breathing and periodic exacerbations.

The consequences of a runny nose in children are:

  • rapid fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • memory loss;
  • development chronic rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • stop in the physical development of the child;
  • deformation of the facial skeleton and chest bones;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • disruption of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • development of allergic reactions.

Treatment of the common cold in children

When treating a runny nose, it is always necessary to remember that it is only a symptom of a disease. Therefore, in addition to the use of sprays and drops, which are often used to eliminate the common cold, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the underlying disease. Usually, coryza does not require intensive treatment. It is important to follow the basic principles of the treatment of the common cold.

The principles of treatment of the common cold are as follows:
  • The room in which the child is located must be well ventilated.
  • Humidity in the room should not be less than 50 - 60 percent.
  • If a runny nose is accompanied by a temperature, then the child needs to provide an adequate water regime - often, but little by little, give boiled water at room temperature.
  • During a cold, it is not recommended to force-feed a child.
  • It is necessary to regularly remove the accumulated mucus from the nasal passages.
  • To relieve symptoms ( but not to eliminate the very causes of a runny nose) can be applied vasoconstrictor drugs, which, in turn, are selected based on age.
  • It is important to know that the maximum time of using any vasoconstrictor should not exceed 5 to 7 days.
If a runny nose is complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, then the doctor also prescribes antibacterial agents. It is recommended to bury the nose with slightly warmed drops. To do this, the vial of medicine is lowered into a container of warm water for several minutes. For instillation, it is necessary to throw back the head, then enter 2-3 drops into each nasal passage. After the first nasal passage has been instilled, it is necessary to tilt the head down, but at the same time press the nostril against the nasal septum. Then do the same with the other nasal passage. This manipulation will prevent the drops from being swallowed, as is often the case.

Drops and sprays from the common cold in children

To date, there is a large selection of various drops and sprays from the common cold, including for children under one year old. When using drops, it is important to remember that drops have only a symptomatic effect. This means that they eliminate the feeling of congestion and rhinorrhea, but do not eliminate the very cause of the common cold.

Drops and sprays used in the treatment of the common cold in children



How to apply?


It has a vasoconstrictive effect, thereby eliminating edema.

2-3 drops in each nasal passage three times a day for 5 days.

Vibrocil(drops, spray)

It has anti-edematous and anti-allergic effect.

Otrivin baby(drops, spray)

Has a vasoconstrictor effect. Also, thanks to the menthol included in the composition, the drops have a cooling effect and give a feeling of freshness.

aqua maris(spray, drops)

Effectively cleanses the nasal cavity from accumulated mucus by thinning it. In addition, it moisturizes the nasal mucosa, facilitating nasal breathing.

Aqualor baby(spray)

Washes the nasal passages from accumulated mucus, as well as bacteria and viruses that have settled on the mucous membrane.

Nazol baby(drops)

It has a pronounced decongestant effect, eliminating the feeling of nasal congestion.

In the treatment of chronic rhinitis in children, the main provision is to increase the body's defenses, that is, immunocorrection. For this purpose, various immunomodulators are prescribed, for example, imunofan or immunal. Also recommended are breathing exercises, massage of bioactive points, spa treatment.

Inhalation with a cold in children

Inhalation is a therapeutic procedure during which the child inhales the medicine. Inhalation therapy ensures the delivery of the drug directly to the organs of the respiratory system, which are primarily affected by the common cold. Therefore, inhalations are effective method treatment, and with timely and proper conduct, allow the child to recover without the use of systemic antibiotics.

Inhalation procedures are carried out using nebulizers or steam inhalers. Various household appliances such as pots or kettles can also be used. Regardless of the method of inhalation in the treatment of rhinitis, inhalation is carried out through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. The choice of the drug, the duration of the session, contraindications and other points of the procedure depend on which device is used in inhalation therapy.

A nebulizer is a device in which the medicine breaks into small drops and turns into a mist, inhaled by the child's nose through a special tube. The temperature of the drug does not increase, since its transformation occurs under the influence of ultrasound, a membrane or a compressor. It is possible to carry out inhalation with the help of such equipment at all stages of the common cold and at any age of the child.

The rules for using a nebulizer for children's rhinitis are as follows:

  • inhalation procedures with a nebulizer are carried out 2-4 times a day;
  • it is necessary to continue the session for 5 - 8 minutes;
  • before inhalation, the child should rinse the nasal and oral cavity;
  • after the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 1-2 hours;
  • the medicine is poured into a special chamber using a pipette or syringe ( most often come with the device);
  • solutions used for inhalation should be at room temperature;
  • before and after the session, parts that come into contact with the medicine or the nasal cavity of the child should be disinfected.
Solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer
Due to the design features of such a device, not all types of funds traditionally used for a cold can be used in it. So, herbal decoctions, essential oils and any suspensions, even with the smallest particles, cannot be used in a nebulizer. Nebulizers that use ultrasound to turn the medicine into a mist do not use antibiotics. Inhalation with antibiotics can only be carried out with compressor or membrane nebulizers.

Drugs that are used for nebulizer therapy for children's rhinitis are:

  • antiseptics ( miramistin, furatsilin);
  • restorative ( tonsilgon, rotokan);
  • anti-inflammatory ( budesonide);
  • antibiotics ( dioxidine, gentamicin).
Also, to soften and moisturize the tissues, children with a runny nose are inhaled with mineral water ( Narzan, Essentuki), saline solution.

Steam inhalers
A steam inhaler is a device in which medication is heated and converted into vapor through a tube. Since such inhalations involve exposure to high temperatures on the mucous membrane, these procedures have a sufficient number of contraindications.
Steam inhalations are excluded at temperatures above 37 degrees, because hot steam will worsen the child's condition. Steam inhalations are not carried out for heart disease, bronchial asthma and a tendency to spasms in the bronchi. The age of the child from which the steam inhaler is allowed is 6 years.

The rules for steam inhalation are as follows:

  • one hour before and after the procedure, all physical activity should be excluded;
  • after the end of the session, you can not go out into the open air for 2-3 hours;
  • you can eat and drink after 1 - 2 hours;
  • session duration varies from 10 to 15 minutes;
  • the number of procedures per day - from 3 to 6;
  • steam temperature ( installed on the device) - from 50 to 60 degrees.
Means for steam inhalation
Not used in steam inhalers pharmacological preparations, since when heated, they significantly lose their healing properties. The best option for such procedures are various herbal infusions.

Plants from which solutions for steam inhalation are prepared are:

  • plantain;
Household appliances for inhalation
Inhalations using household utensils are the simplest method, as they do not require special devices and devices. In order to carry out such a procedure, in any convenient container ( deep bowl, saucepan) is poured hot herbal decoction. The child needs to tilt his head over the dishes and inhale the hot steam. The inability to regulate the temperature increases the likelihood that the steam will burn the mucosa. Also, with such procedures, there is a high risk that the container with hot liquid will turn over. Therefore, inhalation using household appliances is not recommended for children under the age of 14 - 16 years.

Treatment of the common cold in children with folk remedies

Alternative methods of treating a runny nose in children can reduce the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition of the child. Preparations from herbs and natural products help to eliminate nasal congestion, get rid of other symptoms and strengthen the children's body. The use of folk remedies significantly improves the patient's condition, but at the same time does not cancel the visit to the doctor.

The methods of treatment that traditional medicine offers for children's rhinitis are:

  • nasal lavage;
  • nasal instillation;
  • plentiful drink;
  • heat compresses.

Washing the nose with a runny nose in children

Nasal lavages are carried out in order to clear the sinuses of mucus and normalize the respiratory process. This procedure, with regular and correct execution allows you to reduce burning and dryness in the nasal cavity, as it moisturizes the mucous membrane. Biologically active substances, present in the composition of some washing agents, stimulate the healing processes of tissues damaged by inflammation. Antibacterial solutions disinfect the mucous membrane, preventing the spread of infection.

How to rinse your nose?
There are 2 ways to wash the nose. The first method is relevant in the initial stages of the common cold, when there are no symptoms of the disease from other organs. To wash, the child needs to draw the solution into the right palm, and pinch one nostril with the fingers of the left hand. Then you should tilt your head down and use your free nostrils to draw in the liquid. After this, the solution must be spit out and the manipulation of the other nostril repeated.

The second way ( deep) rinsing the nose is appropriate for the progression of the common cold. Also, this method can be used to treat the common cold in young children, because its main actions are carried out by adults. The procedure is carried out in several stages.

The stages of deep washing of the nose with a runny nose are as follows:

  • To rinse the nose, the child should lower his head down, and one of the parents should inject the solution into the nasal cavity using a special device. To inject the solution, you can use a medical syringe, a small syringe, or a flush kit ( sold in pharmacies).
  • The solution is injected without strong pressure into the right nostril. At the same time, the child's mouth should be open, and the tongue should stick out forward. An adult should definitely control this moment, otherwise the child may choke on the liquid.
  • Manipulation should be continued until the liquid poured into the nose reaches oral cavity. After that, the child should spit out the solution and blow his nose.
  • Then you should repeat the manipulation for the left nostril.
Nasal Wash Recommendations
The main rule of washing, which provides therapeutic effect, is the regularity of the procedure. It is necessary to start rinsing the nose immediately after the first symptoms of a runny nose appear. After the onset of signs of improvement, flushing should not be stopped. They need to be carried out until the child is fully recovered. To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, they should be done in accordance with some recommendations.
  • Rinse the nose as mucus accumulates. Be sure to carry out the procedure before bedtime, so that the child falls asleep better.
  • The child should be fed before washing, as this will eliminate food particles that have settled on the mucous membrane of the throat, which can aggravate the inflammatory process. After the session, you should refrain from eating for 1-2 hours.
  • The best effect is the alternation of different solutions, since each agent has a special effect. If it's time to rinse your nose, but there is no ready-made solution, you can rinse the mucous membrane with clean water.
  • Washing water ( both for use in pure form and for the preparation of solutions) it is better to use distilled. In the absence of such, it can be replaced with filtered or boiled water.
  • The temperature of the solution should be approximately 37 degrees. Hotter liquids can cause a burn, and colder ones can reduce local immunity.
  • Do not prepare formulations for washing for future use. Each time it is necessary to use a fresh, freshly prepared solution.
  • The total duration of one procedure should be at least 5 minutes, during which 50 - 100 milliliters of solution should be used.
  • When washing, you should not strain your muscles too much, make sudden head movements, or sniff the solution too vigorously with your nose. The pressure of the liquid must be moderate, otherwise it can penetrate into the middle ear or paranasal sinuses.
Wash solutions
Phytopreparations are used for washing ( herbal decoctions), as well as solutions based on salt, soda, honey and other natural products.

For the preparation of decoctions for washing, the most commonly used:

  • Calendula. A solution of calendula has a bactericidal effect, and also reduces inflammation in the tissues of the nose.
  • Sage. Disinfects the mucosa and makes the mucous contents looser, as a result of which it is excreted faster.
  • Coltsfoot. Stimulates local immunity, which contributes to faster tissue repair.
  • St. John's wort. Suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms and increases barrier function nasal mucosa.
  • Chamomile. Stops the inflammatory process, and also reduces pain, as it has an analgesic effect.
  • Oak bark. Due to the enveloping and astringent action, it produces an anesthetic ( anesthetic) Effect.
To prepare a single portion of the broth, a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials ( dry or fresh) pour a glass of hot water. After 20 minutes of infusion, the product must be filtered and used for washing.

Products from which you can prepare a solution for washing are:

  • Salt ( cookery or sea). Use 2 teaspoons of salt per 250 milliliters of water. Salt solution removes fluid from the tissues, resulting in reduced swelling.
  • Soda ( food). A teaspoon in a glass of water. Soda solution contributes to the formation of an alkaline environment, which is unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Honey ( natural). The solution is prepared from a teaspoon of honey and a glass of water. Softens the mucous membrane and acts as an antimicrobial agent. When using honey, you should be careful, as this product often provokes allergies.
  • lemon juice ( fresh juice). Due to the large amount of vitamin C, it increases the resistance of tissues to the action of microbes. A solution is prepared from 2 parts of juice and 3 parts of water.

Instillation of the nose with a cold in children

Instillation of the nose with a runny nose is intended for moisturizing and antibacterial treatment of the mucosa. At the same time, parents should take into account that the tissues of the child's body are characterized by increased vulnerability. Therefore, children under the age of 6 - 7 years should not be instilled into the nose with onion or garlic juice, alcohol tinctures and other means of aggressive action. The best option for this age are products containing oils, as they soften the mucous membrane. The volume of oil should be equal to the volume of the remaining components of the drug. Also, for small children, various oils in their pure form can be used for instillation.
Older children can bury the nose with garlic or onion juice, but in a diluted, not pure form. When preparing such products, 1 part of onion or garlic juice is combined with 1 part of oil and aged in a steam bath for 15 to 20 minutes. Before use, the product should be cooled. Vitamins and valuable elements of such products increase overall immunity, which contributes to a faster recovery. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent dehydration, which is important when high temperature. Also at elevated temperature teas with antipyretic action will help.

Drinking regimen rules
In order for drinking to bring maximum benefits, certain rules should be followed when preparing and drinking tea.

The rules for the drinking regimen for a runny nose in a child are as follows:

  • the daily rate of fluid for a child is determined at the rate of 100 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight;
  • in order not to create a burden on the kidneys, the entire volume of fluid should be evenly distributed throughout the day;
  • the drink should not have a pronounced sour or sweet taste;
  • the temperature of the drink should be 40 - 45 degrees.
Recipes for drinks for a cold in children
Recipe drinks traditional medicine may have different effects on the body. So, there are teas with antipyretic, expectorant and bactericidal action. In addition to the basic properties, drinks produce a general tonic effect, helping the child recover faster. The rules for preparing a drink depend on the initial components.

Rules for preparing a single portion ( 250 milliliters) of the drink are as follows:

  • To prepare a remedy from medicinal herbs, a teaspoon of raw materials should be poured with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 80 degrees. You need to use tea after 15 - 20 minutes, after it has been infused and cooled.
  • If the drink is prepared from fresh fruits or berries, they must be mashed to a pulp and poured with water not hotter than 50 degrees. A tablespoon of fruit or berry mass is taken in a glass of water.
  • If juice is indicated in the recipe as the main component, it should be mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
Recipes for making drinks to treat a runny nose in children

Main action


Additional effect


Reduces the inflammatory process, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins.

Increases perspiration, which helps to eliminate toxins.

Orange juice

Thanks to vitamin C, it strengthens the barrier function of the child's body.

It inhibits the activity of many pathogenic microorganisms.


Liquorice root

Strengthens the body due to the large amount of ascorbic acid.

Iceland moss

Fights inflammation and strengthens the body, reduces intoxication.

It has a diuretic effect, as a result of which toxins are eliminated faster.

Produces a slight calming effect, has an antiseptic effect.



Normalizes appetite and has an analgesic effect.

Stops inflammation, has an anesthetic effect.

Heat compresses for colds in children

Compresses for a runny nose help improve blood circulation in the tissues, as a result of which the process of restoring inflammation-affected structures is activated. The procedure also helps to reduce pain.

Compress rules
A compress should be made in accordance with a number of rules, non-compliance with which can significantly worsen the condition of the child.

The rules for performing compresses for a cold are as follows:

  • The procedure cannot be carried out if the body temperature exceeds 36.6 degrees. Also, you should not make a compress if a runny nose is a symptom of purulent tonsillitis.
  • The application should be applied to the area of ​​the nose and maxillary sinuses. Also, with a cold, with the help of thermal compresses, the feet are warmed up.
  • Compresses are not recommended for children under the age of 2 years.
Compress Recipes
There are many recipes for compresses to combat stuffy nose, which use alcohol, kerosene and other aggressive substances. Such procedures are not recommended for children, as they can cause skin burns.

The types and methods of preparing compresses for a cold in children are as follows:

  • Potato. Several potatoes need to be boiled, then mashed from them, to which you should add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 - 3 drops of iodine.
  • Curd. Fresh granular cottage cheese should be put under a press so that all the liquid is glassed. After that, the cottage cheese must be heated, placed in gauze, formed into a cake and used for a compress.
  • Rye. A homogeneous mass should be prepared from rye flour and honey and heated in a water bath. From the resulting dough, you need to form cakes and use to warm the feet and nose.
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.


If we compare the runny nose in adults and children, then in the latter it occurs more often and proceeds in a more severe form. For this reason, it is important to eliminate the swelling of the mucosa as soon as possible and help restore normal nasal breathing to the baby. Runny nose is only a symptom of various diseases, but has several general principles treatment regardless of etiology. It is dangerous because inflammation can spread to the bronchi, auditory tube and lungs.

What is a runny nose in children

The concept of "runny nose" is vernacular name rhinitis, which is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by an irritant. This symptom accompanies colds, although it often acts as a sign of allergies. The functions of the mucous membrane are to trap dust particles and humidify the inhaled air. With an infectious or viral disease, active production of muconasal secretion begins - mucus that neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms. Abundant mucus secretion is the main symptom of rhinitis.

In babies, this can occur with infections, allergies, reactions to dust and cold, or atrophy (disorders in the function of nerve endings) of the nasal mucosa. Depending on the cause, rhinitis is divided into several types:




Influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, pathogenic bacteria.

After the stage with nasal congestion, the stage begins with abundant mucous secretions. Then the mucus gradually thickens, acquires a greenish or yellowish tint.

Before the appearance of mucus, swelling and nasal congestion occurs. Against this background, lacrimation and itching are observed.

Vasomotor (neurovegetative)

Irritation of the mucous membrane occurs for no apparent reason, with nervous tension or temperature changes.

Constant secretion of mucus.

Equally Occurs in all seasons and depends either on external provoking factors.

Allergic (hay fever)

The action of allergens: pollen, food, animal hair.

Watery serous mucus.

Itching and burning begin upon contact with the allergen. They are accompanied by sneezing and mucus secretion.

Atrophic (drug)

Prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Watery mucus in varying amounts. With atrophy of the mucosa, the formation of crusts in the nose is possible - yellow, greenish, with an admixture of blood.

After the cure for rhinitis, nasal discharge continues. The mucous membrane dries up.

How to cure a runny nose in a child

You can cope with rhinitis at home. Hospitalization is required only in case of severe course of the underlying disease or the presence of complications. Indications for inpatient treatment are:

  • temperature is more than 39.5 degrees;
  • purulent process in the nasal cavity;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory failure;
  • convulsions.

Remedies for the common cold for children under one year old: Xymelin, Nazol Baby, Nazivin baby. These are vasoconstrictor drugs that are allowed to be used for no more than 3 days. Older babies (2-3 years old) can be taught to blow their nose. The main condition is to close each nostril separately, and then exhale sharply through the nose. Other treatments for rhinitis in young children:


From the age of 10 weeks, the baby has a physiological runny nose. For its treatment it is necessary:

  • maintain a room temperature of 22 degrees and 70% humidity;
  • do decoction baths medicinal herbs for 5 days for 20 minutes;
  • put a pillow under the baby's shoulders so that the head and torso are at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the surface of the bed (to facilitate the discharge of mucus).

For infectious rhinitis:

  • humidify the room
  • 3-5 days to instill short-acting vasoconstrictors, for example, Nazol Baby;
  • from 10 months of age, inhalations are allowed using a nebulizer;
  • for the treatment of a runny nose in children against the background of viral infections and newborns, it is allowed to instill Grippferon - 1 drop in each nasal passage up to 5 times a day.

1 to 2 years

  • from vasoconstrictor drops, it is allowed to use 0.01% Nazivin for 3-4 days;
  • for washing, use Humer, Aqua-Maris, Sanorin Aqua (dig in 2-3 drops, then remove the mucus);
  • with the viral nature of the disease, use drops with interferon;
  • in case of bacterial rhinitis, instill Protargol, Albucid or Isofra.

2 to 3 years

At the age of 2 years, for the treatment of rhinitis, it is necessary:

  • instill vasoconstrictor drops Otrivin, Tizin, Xymelin, Nazivin, Vibrocil;
  • give warm tea to drink;
  • carry out inhalations using a nebulizer using Lazolvan, saline solutions, Miramistin, Sinupret;
  • instill Naphthyzin or Nazivin to relieve swelling;
  • lubricate the wings of the nose and the area above upper lip Doctor Mom or Golden Star balm.


Properly selected drugs quickly help to cure a runny nose in a child. Therapy involves an integrated approach, so several drugs are used at once. Each category of drugs used is prescribed to relieve certain symptoms:

  • vasoconstrictor: Vibrocil, Brizolin, Otrivin, Nazivin. Needed to facilitate nasal breathing with congestion.
  • antiseptics: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. Washing them helps to wash away and destroy bacteria and viruses on the mucous membrane.
  • anti-inflammatory: Avamys, Aqua-Maris. it local preparations, which remove the waste products of bacteria and soften the crusts in the nose.
  • antihistamines: Loratadine. Indicated for allergic rhinitis. They constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling of the mucosa.
  • antiviral and antibacterial: Dolphin, Isofra, Polydex, Bactroban, Fusafungin. Used for bacterial or viral nature of rhinitis. Oppress directly the causative agent of the disease.
  • antipyretics (antipyretics) and non-narcotic analgesics: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. In newborns up to 3 months, these drugs are used at temperatures above 38 degrees, older than this age - when the mark exceeds 39 degrees. With complication febrile seizures(convulsive attacks on the background of hyperthermia) antipyretic is given already at 37.5-38 degrees.
  • immunomodulators: Grippferon, Derinat drops, IRS-19. These drugs strengthen the general and local immunity. They are necessary to speed up recovery.

All of these drugs are available in different forms, including drops, sprays, solutions for irrigation of the nasal mucosa, ointments, tablets. They are used with different ages. Popular in the treatment of rhinitis in children are:

  1. Nazivin. Based on oxymetazoline, which has a vasoconstrictive effect. Used for otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), rhinitis, including vasomotor and allergic, eustachitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory (Eustachian) tube). For children 1-6 years old, Nazivin 0.025% drops are instilled 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day, At the age of up to 12 months - 1 drop of the drug 0.01% 2-3 times. The course is 3-4 days. Contraindications: atrophic rhinitis, glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure). From side effects insomnia, headache, sneezing, dryness and burning of the nose are noted. The advantage is the ability to use from the moment of birth.
  2. Avamis. The active ingredient in the composition is fluticasone furoate. It is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid (adrenal hormone) that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used for allergic rhinitis. Children 2-11 years old are shown 1 injection in each nostril 1 time per day. Among side effects headache, nosebleeds, hives (skin rash in the form of blisters) may appear. Contraindications: taking Ritonavir (an antiviral agent), serious illnesses liver. advantage - the action begins 1-2 hours after application.
  3. Dolphin. One sachet of the product contains sea salt, sodium bicarbonate, dry extracts of licorice and rose hips. The drug has antiviral and antimicrobial effects. It is used for adenoiditis (inflammation and growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)), runny nose, sinusitis, SARS, allergies, rhinitis, tonsillitis. It is necessary to carry out washing 1-2 times daily for 2 weeks. Side effects: nosebleeds, eustachitis. Contraindications include age up to 4 years, complete nasal congestion, a tendency to bleeding, deformities of the nasal septum. Advantage - Dolphin is also available in a herbal-free form that is suitable for patients with herbal allergies.

Treatment at home

If the cause of rhinitis is an allergen, then it is necessary to eliminate it.. It is important to constantly monitor that the kids do not accumulate mucus in the nose. Their nasal passages are narrow, so even with a mild runny nose, they are completely deprived of normal breathing. To free the nostrils from mucus, an aspirator is used - this is a device with which you can safely "suck" the mucus from the nostrils. This method is especially relevant for infants. For washing you need:

  1. Drip a couple of drops of saline, Aqualor, Aqua Marisa into the nostrils.
  2. Use an aspirator to suck out the mucus from the nose.

Comprehensive treatment of the common cold in children involves the use of a number of procedures. They can also be carried out at home. Of the simplest - this is a plentiful drink, humidification and cooling of the air in the room. Among the special procedures to eliminate the common cold help:

  • nasal lavage;
  • warming up;
  • acupressure;
  • inhalation;
  • mustard plasters;
  • compresses.

Nasal lavage

This method helps to clear the nasal passages and make the airway mucosa moist, further increasing its protective functions. Some features of the procedure:

  1. Toddlers should not be flushed with syringes or syringes, as their nasal passages are much narrower compared to adults. These devices create excessive pressure at the site of application, which, if performed incorrectly, can only do harm.
  2. If the child succeeds, then he can draw liquid into the nostrils on his own from a cup or directly from his hands.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to blow your nose, and in case of congestion, drip vasoconstrictor drops. When breathing is restored, you can start washing. This manipulation is carried out over the sink as follows:

  • the head of the baby should be tilted to the side;
  • in this position, the solution is poured into the upper nostril and, if the actions are performed correctly, it will pour out of the lower one;
  • then the head is tilted to the other side and the previous steps are repeated;
  • at the end of the procedure, you need to blow your nose.

For children under 2 years of age, washing is carried out in the supine position. For the procedure, you can use Aqualor, Dolphin, Aqua Maris. They have special mini-devices - tips that are inserted into the nostril, which will be on top in the "sideways" position. After a couple of seconds of washing, you need to help the baby blow his nose. The solution for washing can be prepared at home:

  • take 0.25 tsp for a glass of warm boiled water. salt;
  • stir until it is completely dissolved;
  • if the salt has not completely dissolved, strain through several layers of gauze.

warming up

This procedure is strictly contraindicated at high temperature and suspicion of otitis media or purulent processes in the sinuses. Heating is not used at the very beginning inflammatory diseases because it can only aggravate the pathological process. Thermal procedures are carried out in the following ways:

  • boil an egg, wrap it with a scarf and apply it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose and forehead above the bridge of the nose;
  • heat a small amount of salt in a frying pan, put it on a natural cloth, fold it into a “pouch” and apply it to the wings of the nose;
  • boil millet porridge, cool to a warm state, roll balls out of it, and then apply it through the fabric to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose.


It's another one good remedy from the common cold for children. The procedure facilitates the breathing process and speeds up recovery. Contraindications are high temperature (more than 37.5 degrees), redness and irritation of the skin at the site of exposure. Massage rules:

  • start immediately after the onset of a runny nose;
  • carry out the procedure regularly for 10 days;
  • observe the session duration of 10 minutes;
  • repeat up to 3 times a day.

The hands of the one who will carry out the massage should be warm so that the procedure does not cause discomfort, and the movements should be pressing and rotating clockwise, continuous and slow. During the session, the baby may experience a feeling of ache. This indicates correct pressure on desired point. You need to act on:

  • paired points located at the beginning of the eyebrow on both sides of the bridge of the nose;
  • at the outer corners of the eyes;
  • points between the upper lip and the lower borders of the wings of the nose.


Effective treatment of the common cold in children includes a procedure such as inhalation. It consists in inhaling air containing a medicinal substance. The simplest type of inhalation is over steam from a pot of hot water. To provide therapeutic effect herbs can be added to the liquid, essential oils eg eucalyptus, fir, pine. Plants such as chamomile, sage, calendula are well suited for the procedure. Sometimes freshly boiled potatoes are used.

Such a simple method as "breathing over the pan" can cause burns in the baby, so it is better to use a nebulizer. This is a special device for inhalation, which turns the medicine into small particles - a fine aerosol. Contraindications for inhalation:

  • age up to 7 years;
  • heat;
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), otitis and other purulent processes in the nasal cavity.

mustard plasters

This procedure for a runny nose is considered "distracting", so more often it is not necessary.. The function of mustard plasters is to increase blood circulation and irritate the skin in reflexogenic zones associated with foci of inflammation. Such a procedure is shown already in the recovery period after treatment for:

  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs);
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis.


Another procedure in which heat has a therapeutic effect on the sinuses is a compress. It is strictly contraindicated in the bacterial etiology of the common cold, since the number of bacteria with this method of treatment will only increase. Compresses are effective on early stage viral infections. It is better to do them in the evening before going to bed, so that later you can wrap the child warmer and put them to bed, thereby ensuring peace. Several effective compress recipes.

  1. Cut the boiled potatoes in half, wrap with a cloth and put on the chest of the sick person. When the vegetable has cooled, you can remove the wrapper. The compress is left on the chest for 20 minutes.
  2. Take fresh propolis, grate and mix with 1 tablespoon of thick honey. The mass must have a uniform consistency so that a cake can be made from it. It is applied to the nasal sinus and fixed with adhesive tape.

How to cure a runny nose in a child up to a year

In newborns, a runny nose is associated with the adaptation of the mucous membrane to environmental conditions and spontaneous breathing, this happens, because. In the womb, oxygen was supplied through the umbilical cord. Such a physiological process rarely causes discomfort, so it behaves calmly. When a runny nose is combined with behavioral disorders, poor sleep and fever, it is imperative to start treatment:

  • ensure optimal humidity in the room by placing water containers and hanging wet rags on the radiator;
  • regularly clear the nasal passages of mucus, using cotton turundas up to the age of 9 months, and then an aspirator;
  • instill a weak saline solution of 5 g of salt in half a glass of water;
  • with severe congestion, use Nazivin drops;
  • if the child is already 5 months old, thin the mucus with saline, then suck the mucus with an aspirator.

Madys under the age of m are allowed to bury Xilen, Vibrocil, Otrivin. Babies older than 7 months are allowed to be treated with Interferon drops. Allowed from the first days of life is the drug Grippferon. More about the most effective among the listed drugs:

  1. Otrivin Baby. The spray includes a saline solution, and the dropper bottle contains sodium chloride. Both forms of the drug are necessary for cleansing the nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis, colds. Babies under the age of 12 months need to instill Otrivin Baby 2-4 times a day, after clearing the nostrils of mucus with an aspirator. After instillation, remove excess solution. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the composition of the drug and allergy to its components. The advantage is that there are no side effects.
  2. Grippferon. Contains human interferon, which has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Grippferon is indicated for influenza and SARS. Dosage - up to one year of age, apply 1 instillation into each nostril up to 5 times daily. Course - 5 days. Of the side effects, only allergies are possible. Contraindications include severe allergic diseases and sensitivity to interferon. Advantage - it is allowed to use for prophylaxis in the indicated dosage after 1-2 days.

How to cure a chronic runny nose

When a runny nose does not go away for 2 or more weeks, this means that it has passed into a protracted or even chronic form. Discharge from the nose becomes greenish or yellowish. Against their background, cough, headache, loss of appetite and smell are observed. The temperature remains at 37 degrees. In this case, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe adequate therapy. With an allergic nature, the treatment of a runny nose in a child has the following scheme:

  • if flowers are an allergen, then you need to remove them from the house and not walk in places with a lot of flowering trees;
  • limit contact with pets;
  • after going outside, rinse the nasal cavity with saline, saline or vitamin solution (vitamin A or E), Aquamaris;
  • replace bedding with hypoallergenic ones;
  • do not irrigate the room with aromatic products or fresheners;
  • wash clothes with hypoallergenic compounds.

From the diet it is necessary to exclude products that provoke allergies. These include honey, juices, chips, nuts, soda, sweets, canned food, citrus fruits. Regardless of the type of runny nose, inhalations through a nebulizer or over steam are useful. They are carried out up to 6 times a day, using the following solutions:

  • 4 ml of saline (1 ml can be replaced by Ambrovix, but then inhalation is carried out 1 time per day) - for use through a nebulizer;
  • decoction of 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of calendula, mint and field St. John's wort per 1 liter of water for inhalation over steam for 5 minutes;
  • from Asterisk balm in an amount the size of a match head and a liter of boiling water. You need to breathe over it for 5-10 minutes.

Exclusively folk remedies can not cope with a prolonged runny nose. Medications are the mainstay of therapy. For children over 2.5 years old, it is recommended to use Polydex nasal spray to relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa and vasoconstriction. Among the drops for the treatment of a protracted runny nose are used:

  1. Fenistil. Contains dimentiden - a blocker of H1-histamine receptors. It has antipruritic and antiallergic actions. Indicated in allergic rhinitis. Advantage - in the form of drops, the drug is allowed from 1 month. Infants are given orally 3-10 drops up to 3 times a day, children 1-3 years old - 10-15 drops, at the age of 3-12 years - 15-20 drops. It is allowed to add the product to a bottle of water. Contraindications: bronchial asthma, less than 4 weeks old. Side effects include dizziness, dry throat, drowsiness, and agitation.
  2. Vibrocil. In addition to dimentidine, it contains phenylephrine. It has a vasoconstrictor and anti-allergic effect. It is used to treat rhinitis: allergic, vasomotor, chronic, acute. You need to instill 1 drop daily up to 3-4 times, for children 2-6 years old - 1-2 drops, over 6 years old - 3-4 drops. The advantage is a minimum of side effects: burning and dryness of the nasal mucosa. Contraindications include atrophic rhinitis, treatment with antidepressants - MAO inhibitors.

How to cure severe runny nose

In acute rhinitis, it is important to start treatment immediately. This symptom is especially dangerous for children under 3 years of age. Acute rhinitis can be recognized by frequent crying without apparent reason. In addition, the baby touches his nose with his hands, refuses to eat, sleeps only on one side. Treatment of such rhinitis requires a specific approach. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • regularly clean the nasal passages with cotton buds or turund;
  • children under 2 years of age instill Tizin or Otrivin;
  • rinse the nasal passages with Aqualor, Aqua Maris or Dolphin;
  • use a saline solution to cleanse the nose;
  • children under one year of age suck out mucus only with an aspirator, carry out the procedure before each meal.

Depending on the nature of the disease, antimicrobial or antiviral agents may be used. The following drugs are often prescribed:

  1. Amoxicillin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. In otolaryngology, it is used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis. The dosage should be prescribed by a doctor. Children under 5 years of age are traditionally prescribed Amoxicillin suspension. Dose: up to 2 years - 20 mg per 1 kg of weight, from 2 to 5 years - 125 mg, from 5 to 10 years - 250 mg, from 10 years - 250-500 mg. Side effects and contraindications are numerous, so they should be clarified in detailed instructions to amoxicillin. The advantage is the ability to use for newborns.
  2. Arbidol. This tool belongs to the antiviral. The drug is based on umifenover, which promotes the production of interferon. Indications for use: SARS, influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome. Daily dose, taking into account age: 3-6 years old - 50 mg, 6-12 years old - 100 mg, from 12 years old - 200 mg. Arbidol is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Advantage - adverse reactions rarely develop.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine prescriptions for babies are considered safer because they have fewer side effects. They are allowed to be used only for mild rhinitis or at the stage of recovery. To folk methods include warming up with egg and salt, potato compresses, inhalations over steam. Infants can be treated with drops from plants. Aloe, beets, Kalanchoe help to moisturize and restore the nasal mucosa. Garlic-based drops are stronger.

You should not get involved in such means. Many parents, continuing to lubricate the baby's mucous laundry soap or by dropping aloe juice into the nostrils, they do not notice how the disease passes to the next stage. The effectiveness of many recipes has not been proven, and self-medication is dangerous for the health of the child. You need to be alert for the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the nose turned green or gray-green, acquired an unpleasant odor, which indicates a severe bacterial infection;
  • pain appeared in the frontal region, in the region of the paranasal sinuses, under the eyes, which are a sign of sinusitis;
  • obstruction of the nasal passages and clear liquid discharge appeared after a head injury, which may indicate disorders in the brain;
  • blood impurities, clots or ichor appeared in the discharged mucus, which determine the traumatic nature of rhinitis or foreign body in the respiratory organs.

Living tree

This is the name of Kalanchoe - a plant that has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound healing properties. For the treatment of rhinitis, its juice is lubricated with the nasal mucosa. This procedure is repeated up to 4 times daily. Another option is to bury the juice with a pipette. The product should be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. To use Kalanchoe juice for the treatment of infants, act as follows:

  • a week before application, you need to stop watering the plant;
  • after this period, the leaf of the plant is torn off, put in the refrigerator for 7 days;
  • then the raw materials are crushed and the juice is squeezed out (it is also stored in the refrigerator);
  • the squeezed juice is diluted with warm boiled water and instilled into each nostril up to 3 times daily.


Another popular remedy for a cold is a weak infusion of chamomile. It exhibits anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. The remedy is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • brew a cup of boiling water 1 tsp. chamomile flowers;
  • cool the product to a warm state (36-37 degrees);
  • inject into each nostril with a pipette 3-5 drops of infusion up to 3 times throughout the day.
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Runny nose - the most "popular" disease among children and adults. It would seem that it is not a very severe pathology, but how unpleasant it is! For kids, a runny nose is also dangerous, many parents simply have no idea how much. The younger the child, the more severe the banal runny nose and the more problem it becomes for parents.

Runny nose in chest. Photo - photobank Lori

Difficulties in a simple cold

With regard to the common cold, the statement is true: "If a runny nose is treated, it will pass in 7 days, and if not treated, it will pass in a week", but only if we are talking about children after three years with strong immunity and without chronic pathologies. For babies of the first three years of life or those who suffer from the growth of adenoids, it has foci chronic infection in the region of the tonsils, bronchi or internal organs, a runny nose can become a real problem and an impetus for aggravation. Therefore, the parents treatment of a runny nose in the chest should be approached very carefully.

On the one hand, with a common cold, when the child’s well-being does not suffer much, and there is no fever with severe malaise, there is no need to use half the assortment of a neighboring pharmacy. It is unlikely that the baby will appreciate your efforts in hourly washing and suction of snot, instillation and warming up: these procedures are unpleasant, uncomfortable, they should be used only in case of real need.

On the other hand, one cannot completely ignore runny nose baby, because constant snot and sniffing is the risk of throwing infected mucus, developing complications and lowering the infection down the bronchial tree. A stuffy nose in a baby is a problem of breast sucking and weight gain, normal breathing during sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a runny nose, but this should be done reasonably and carefully, using only justified and safe methods.

Physiological runny nose in infants

All parents know about the pathological runny nose - this is nasal congestion, mucus leakage and inflammation of the mucous membranes due to viral or microbial pathologies. But at an early age special types runny nose, associated with the age characteristics of children, and requiring because of this specific treatment.

There is such a thing as physiological runny nose, which occurs in children under the age of 2-3 months. During this period, snot in the nose will not necessarily be a sign of a cold or infection, often the reason is to adjust the functioning of the mucous membranes. After giving birth, the baby's nose, abruptly turning from the aquatic environment into the air, is forced to adjust the work. Closer to 10 weeks, the mucosa is included in the work of purifying the air passing through the nose. At this time, the body tests the capabilities of the mucous membranes. At first it produces little mucus, which is felt as a dry nose. Visually, it is not visible, children can only rub their nose or sneeze. Then comes the time for another option - an excess of mucus formation - because of this, nozzles appear that look like water without disturbing general condition that do not interfere with sleep and sucking. But inexperienced mothers begin to treat such a runny nose, which leads to the formation of an already pathological condition.

If the nose is not disturbed, everything will recover quickly, the body knows that it is producing excess mucus and corrects its formation. But if mothers begin to actively suck out mucus from the nose, drip drugs, rinse it with saline, the body believes that moisture disappears, there is not enough of it - and begins to produce it even more. Thus, the more mucus is sucked off and drops are dripped, the stronger the body produces mucus. As a result, you can lead to an already pronounced pathological runny nose, which will prevent the baby from breathing, sucking and sleeping.

We draw conclusions: if the child is less than 3 months old, he has no malaise, fever, signs of a cold, but has a runny nose, while he sucks well and sleeps - this is a physiological runny nose.

What to do: moisten the air with wet towels or a humidifier, ventilate, walk a lot with the baby, breathe fresh air.

Some recommend instilling a few drops of breast milk into the nose, but the opinions of ENT doctors and pediatricians are divided on this issue. Some say it is useful, moisturizes, protects and pierces the nose, others argue that milk is a breeding ground for microbes, increases the risk of complications and otitis media. It is difficult to say who is right here, but it is known that with active and greedy sucking, willy-nilly, breast milk can enter the nose (if the baby chokes), but does not cause infection.

Grunting and wheezing in the nose and throat

Around the age of three months, there may be other phenomena similar to a runny nose and sniffling, they are localized deep in the nose and throat, sometimes significantly frightening the mother. But this is not a dangerous phenomenon, it is associated with regurgitation of a small amount of milk, which lingers in the pharynx and posterior nasal passages, and there it turns into curd. The passage of air gives resonance and special sounds. They are relieved by breastfeeding or sucking on a bottle of water.

Runny nose during teething

During the eruption of the upper teeth, "dental snot" may occur, against the background of normal temperature and excellent health. They are associated with irritation of the branches of the nerve passing in the jaw area, innervating the wings of the nose and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe teeth. Due to the eruption and irritation of the tissues by the teeth, the nerve leading to the nose is also irritated, and water can flow from the same side of the nose.

Attention! If such runny noses drag on, interfere with the baby in sucking, breathing during sleep or wakefulness, if the baby cannot suckle normally and worries, his temperature rises - this is not the norm, you need a doctor!

How not to treat a runny nose

Before talking about the treatment of the common cold in children, especially at an early age, it is worth mentioning separately what cannot be done during treatment. Prohibited in the treatment:

  • Bury plant juices (aloe, Kalanchoe), onions, garlic, carrot or beet juices into the nose. All these substances contain active fruit acids and chemical compounds that burn the delicate mucosa. As a result, this threatens with atrophic rhinitis and impaired sense of smell.
  • Instill various essential oils into the nose. They can also be dangerous in terms of allergies and burns, and they also create a thin film on the surface that sticks together the cilia of the mucous membranes, which disrupts its function, gives viruses and microbes access to the lower respiratory tract.
  • Apply for a runny nose such procedures as mustard plasters, jars, as well as pouring mustard into socks.

Simple ways to relieve a runny nose

Standard flowing runny nose in chest does not require aggressive and active treatment (remember the above phrase about seven days and a week). You need to start therapy with simple and non-drug methods: raise the head of the bed where the baby sleeps, put a pillow under your shoulders so that the head and upper body are at an angle of 45 degrees, and so that the baby is comfortable. Due to this position, the mucus will flow more easily from the nose, and sometimes this is enough to eliminate the runny nose.

It is often necessary to ventilate the room, moisten the air by carrying out wet cleaning, using humidifiers or water containers. If the child has a fever, it is necessary to drink frequently and plentifully, offering him boiled water (warm or room temperature). You can not force-feed a child: poor appetite is a normal reaction to a cold.

It is necessary to regularly empty the nose of mucus. Older children can be taught to blow their noses by blowing the mucus out of the nose effortlessly, with the mouth half open, closing one nostril, then the other.

Babies can free their nose from mucus with a nozzle pump or a rubber can.

To facilitate this process, you can use solutions for washing - aquamaris, physiomer, salin, saline or herbal decoctions, as well as a special pharmacy solution romuzalan (chamomile extract). A little solution is instilled into each nasal passage to soften the crusts and thin the mucus. You can eliminate discharge from the nose with flagella made of cotton wool, rags or gauze. It is acceptable to soften the crusts with peach or almond oil, immediately removing it from the spout with cotton flagella.

Medical treatments for the common cold

To eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, including in young children, you can use children's drops - Otrivin, Brizolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin and others. Each age has its own types of drugs and their forms: for children under three years old - drops, after three years - sprays. The maximum period of use of these drugs does not exceed 5 days, so as not to form addiction and withdrawal syndrome. There are a number of rules for the use of such drops so that they do not harm the child:

  • At an early age, the concentration of vasoconstrictors does not exceed 0.01-0.025%, it is preferable to use drugs based on oxymetazoline (nazol, nesopin, nazivin). Strictly observe the dosage and frequency of use.
  • These drugs are able to be absorbed from the mucous membranes into the blood, having a systemic effect, therefore it is forbidden to use them often and for a long time, this threatens with poisoning. Adult forms of drugs are especially dangerous in this respect, they are prohibited for babies!
  • If there are signs of microbial inflammation, only after consulting a doctor, especially if these are children of the first year of life, antimicrobial drugs are used. From the age of three, Isofra spray, Maktroban ointment, Aerosol Bioparox, or others as prescribed by a pediatrician or ENT doctor are acceptable.
  • Derinat drops or spray are often used to stimulate local immune defense, it can be used for a cold from the very beginning or during the cold season for prevention. Also, in the presence of a runny nose, homeopathic remedies such as Okarisalia, Euphorbium Compositum can be used strictly according to the instructions.
  • In the presence of an allergic rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs with an antihistamine component can be used - these are Vibrocil drops or spray. With prolonged colds, prolonged or not passing allergic rhinitis, the presence of adenoids, hormonal sprays are used (not earlier than 3 years) - Nasonex, Avamys, Tafen - in courses of 2 weeks under the supervision of an ENT doctor.
  • All sprays are used strictly from the age of three, before this age they can provoke a spasm of the larynx or complications in the form of otitis media. Drops can be used from birth. Before instillation, the bottle with drops or spray should be warmed in the palms or in a water bath, in warm water, so that there is no discomfort and reflex spasm from a cold drug.
  • When instilled, the head is thrown back, dripping 2-3 drops of the drug, immediately lowering the head down so that the agent spreads through the mucosa and is not swallowed. Then you need to cover the exit from the nose, pressing the nostril against the septum.

Runny nose is a frequent visitor in families where children grow up. Everyone knows that nasal congestion is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom. Moreover, he can talk about the most various diseases. However, in most families, moms and dads continue to treat the child with a runny nose. This therapy is sometimes long-term. Famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky tells what a child's runny nose "beeps" to adults, and what parents should do to make the child breathe easily and simply.

About the problem

Even the most caring mother, who takes care of and protects the child from everything in the world, will not be able to make sure that the child never catches a runny nose in her life. This is because more often rhinitis (the medical name for the common cold) occurs with acute viral respiratory infections. At the physiological level, the following happens: one of the many viruses that always surround a child gets on the nasal mucosa. In response, immunity gives the command to secrete as much mucus as possible, which should isolate the virus from other organs and systems, preventing it from moving further along the nasopharynx, larynx into the bronchi and lungs.

In addition to the viral form, which occupies about 90% of all cases of childhood rhinitis, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky, rhinitis can be bacterial. With it, pathogenic bacteria enter the nasal cavity. The body reacts similarly - increased production of mucus. By itself, bacterial rhinitis is extremely rare, and its course is always very severe. Bacteria (most often staphylococci) cause severe inflammation, suppuration, and toxic waste products - general intoxication.

Sometimes a bacterial runny nose can become after the child has had a viral infection. This is due to the fact that the accumulated mucus in the nasal passages becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Usually these bacteria are harmless, they live in the nose and mouth on a permanent basis and do not bother the child in any way. However, in conditions of an abundance of mucus, its stagnation, drying out, microbes become pathogenic and begin to multiply rapidly. This usually happens with complicated rhinitis.

Third, pretty common cause runny nose in children - allergies. Allergic rhinitis occurs as a reaction of local immunity to an antigen protein. If such a substance enters the body, the nasal mucosa reacts with swelling, as a result of which it becomes difficult for the child to breathe through the nose.

In some cases, nasal congestion and nasal breathing disorders are associated with ENT diseases, such as adenoids. If the runny nose is acute (it occurred no earlier than 5 days ago), then there should be no reason for special unrest. In the case of prolonged snot in the presence of other symptoms, it is better to consult an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of viral rhinitis

Viral rhinitis is the most common among children and does not require treatment as such. The mucus produced by the membranes of the nose contains special substances that are very important for fighting the virus that has entered the body. However, beneficial features mucus will run out immediately after the snot becomes thick. While they are flowing - everything is fine, parents can calm down.

But if suddenly the nasal mucus thickens, becomes green, yellow, yellow-green, purulent, purulent with blood impurities, it ceases to be a “fighter” with the virus and becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. This is how a bacterial runny nose begins, which will require antibiotic treatment.

Thus, with a viral rhinitis, the main task of parents is to prevent the mucus in the nose from drying out. The snot should remain liquid. Therefore, Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends not looking for pharmacy magic drops in the nose, because there are no drugs for viruses, but simply rinse the child's nasal cavity with saline solutions, and do it as often as possible (at least every half hour). To prepare the solution, you need to take a teaspoon of salt per liter capacity of boiled chilled water. The resulting solution can be dripped, rinsed with a disposable syringe without a needle, sprayed with a special bottle.

For instillation, you can use other means that help thin the nasal mucus - "Pinosol", "Ekteritsid". Effectively liquefies the snot by washing with the most common saline solution, which can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy.

The drying up of nasal mucus, which is so necessary during the period of the body's struggle with viruses, is facilitated by stuffiness and dry air in the room, the lack of a sufficient amount of fluid in the body. Therefore, the room where the child with a runny nose is located should be ventilated and wet cleaned. The air must be humidified up to 50-70% without fail . This parents will help special devices - humidifiers. If there is no such miracle of technology in the family, you can put basins of water in the corners of the room so that it can evaporate freely, hang wet towels on the batteries and make sure that they do not dry out. A child who often suffers from rhinitis should definitely give an aquarium with fish.

Dad needs to put special valve valves on the heating radiators in the room, with which you can regulate the air temperature during the heating season. The air temperature in the children's room should be 18-20 degrees (year-round).

During the treatment of a viral infection, the child must definitely drink. But not syrups and medicines from a pharmacy, and the tea compote from dried fruits or fresh berries, fruit drinks, ordinary drinking water. The drinking regimen should be plentiful, the mother should serve all the drink to the child warm, but not hot, preferably at room temperature. Such a drink is absorbed faster in the body, and the likelihood of drying out of the mucous membranes is significantly reduced.

If the child does not have a high temperature, he, despite the runny nose, must definitely walk in the fresh air, breathe more. This is where the treatment of viral rhinitis ends.

Treatment of bacterial cold

If the snot has changed color, consistency, become thick, green, purulent, you should definitely call a doctor. A bacterial infection is a serious matter, and ventilation alone is not enough. In most cases, the child will need antibiotic nose drops. But before the appointment, the doctor must examine the prevalence inflammatory process and only then will it be decided in what form to give the child antibiotics - in tablets (with an extensive infection with additional symptoms) or in drops.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

The best treatment rhinitis caused by antigen proteins - getting rid of the source of these proteins. To do this, says Komarovsky, the allergist and pediatrician should try and find, with the help of analyzes and special tests, the very allergen that has such an effect on the child. While doctors are looking for the cause, parents need to create the safest conditions for the baby at home.

Be sure to remove all carpets and soft toys from the children's room, which are accumulators of dust and allergens. Wet cleaning should be done more often in the room, but without the use of chemicals, especially household chemicals, which contain a substance such as chlorine, should be avoided.

The child’s things should be washed exclusively with baby powder, on the packaging of which there is an inscription “Hypoallergenic”, all things and bed linen after washing should be rinsed in addition. clean water. Parents should create adequate conditions in the room - air temperature (18-20 degrees), air humidity (50-70%).

If all these measures fail, and the runny nose does not go away, then it may be necessary to apply medicines. Usually in this situation, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed. They do not cure allergic rhinitis, but they provide temporary relief. Almost immediately after instillation, the vessels of the nasal mucosa narrow, the swelling subsides, nasal breathing is restored.

These drops are in any home first aid kit, and usually everyone knows their names. Applied child treatment, these are "Nazol", "Nazivin", "Tizin", etc. However, these drops should not be dripped for longer than 3-5 days (maximum 7 days if the doctor insists on this), otherwise they will cause a persistent drug dependence in the child, in which without drops he will always experience difficulties with nasal breathing, and from constant use of the nasal mucosa may atrophy. In addition, Komarovsky calls for the use of exclusively children's forms of drops, which differ from adults in a reduced dosage. In addition, it should be remembered that many of these drugs are categorically contraindicated in children under two years of age. The list of side effects of vasoconstrictor drugs is also quite large.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, calcium gluconate is often prescribed at an age dosage, antihistamines if the doctor deems it necessary. For children whose allergic rhinitis is of a chronic, protracted nature, exacerbations occur every season, antiallergic drugs can be prescribed for local application("Kromoglin", "Allergodil", etc.). The drug "Rinofluimucil" proved to be quite effective.”, which is a combined remedy, which includes hormones, anti-allergic components, and antibacterial agents.

If the child sniffs

Usually, parents immediately tend to think that the baby has a runny nose and plan how and with what to treat it. However, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, sniffing is not always a sign of illness.

If the child is upset, crying, and then sniffs for a long time, this is a normal physiological process in which "excess" tears flow down the lacrimal canaliculus into the nose. Nothing to treat and drip is not necessary, it is enough to offer the child a handkerchief.

Runny nose in infants

Often parents ask how to treat a runny nose in newborns and infants. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that such crumbs do not always require treatment as such. If it seems to the mother that the baby is snoring or sniffing in a dream, this is not always rhinitis. In babies, the nasal passages are very narrow, which makes nasal breathing somewhat difficult. This condition does not require any other help than creating the right microclimate in the room, which was mentioned above. You can walk with your child more often.

If the nose does not breathe, breathes poorly, or mucous secretions appear, it should be remembered that it is the narrowness of the nasal passages in infants that makes it difficult for the outflow of mucus, and therefore the risk of developing a bacterial infection is significantly higher than in older children. The baby still does not know how to blow his nose. Parents will need to buy an aspirator and help the little one free the nasal passages from accumulated snot. Salt solutions can be dripped, watered and moistened - too.

There are no children in the world who do not suffer from a cold from time to time. And no matter how frivolous at first glance this problem may seem - just think, snot! - There are a few important rules in how to cure a runny nose in a child, which loving parents should know. Of course, if the health of their babies is really dear to them ...

How to treat a runny nose in a child? There are options!

A runny nose overcomes from time to time even "ideally" healthy and strong children. Therefore, to be able to treat a runny nose in a child correctly is the “holy” duty of all parents without exception.

Moreover, the word "treat" means not only the use of medicines. Sometimes a simple change in the climate in the nursery can "in no time" eliminate unpleasant discharge from the child's nose.

The method of treating a runny nose directly depends on what exactly happens in the baby's nose.

If the discharge is liquid, it is easy and simple to deal with them. If the nose is clogged, the mucus in the nasal cavity is thick or dried up, the treatment plan is completely different here: you need to find a way to soften the mucus, turn it into a liquid and remove it. In other words:

Don't let the snot dry up! This is the main rule of the fight against the common cold.

If we roughly summarize the methods of treating a common cold in children, then we can seriously talk about the following options:

  • Ways to treat a cold without drugs;
  • Medicinal methods for the treatment of the common cold;
  • Controversial and curious methods of treatment of the common cold in children.

How to treat a runny nose in children without medication

In most cases, a runny nose in children is one of allergies () or ... a radically wrong climate in which the child lives. With (or other acute respiratory viral infections), a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body aimed at combating attacking viruses.

A runny nose in the case is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and larynx. Naturally, in these situations, it is most reasonable to use certain drugs, we will talk about them a little lower.

However, even without any illness, and even because the room where the baby lives is too warm and dry air. And in this case, the treatment of a runny nose comes down only to ventilating the room and moistening the air in it. In summer, it is enough to simply open the window, especially in the morning and evening, when it is cool outside, and thus ventilate the nursery. And what to do in the winter, when there are severe frosts outside the window, and in the apartments - the central heating is “spoiling”?

How to humidify a room in winter

Alas, in winter it is impossible to humidify the air in the room by banal ventilation. The point is that at low temperatures water practically does not dissolve in the air (the humidity announced by the weather forecast is called “relative humidity” for a reason).

Therefore, opening the window in winter, we do not increase the humidity in the room, but rather lower it. And there are only two things that can really effectively and at the same time positively influence the indoor microclimate in winter - a battery-powered regulator (with which you can lower the heating intensity) and any household air humidifier.

Ideal conditions for a child are air temperature of about 21-22 ° C, air humidity of about 65-70%.

How to cure a runny nose in a child: medicinal methods

If we talk about a runny nose in children under 6 years old (including newborns), then in reality parents are quite limited in their use medicines. Most often, pediatricians recommend only two main categories of drugs to moms and dads - saline (aka saline) and vasoconstrictor drops.

Let's start with the second. Vasoconstrictor drugs are wonderful for their speed - they really instantly relieve the child of a runny nose. But their significant disadvantage is that they have a number of side effects, and are also addictive. However, this is by no means a reason to disown them.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are indispensable in some acute situations, and should certainly be present in every home first aid kit as an emergency aid.

But parents should know exactly in which cases the use of these drops is justified and necessary, and in which it is better to refrain from using them.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor drops for a cold in children:

There are 4 most common cases in which the use of vasoconstrictor drops (regardless of the age of the baby) can not only eliminate a runny nose, but literally save a life.

  • 1 Sharp pain in the ear (). As you know, the main cause of otitis media is the ingress of thick mucus from the nasal cavity into the Eustachian tube (that is, into ear canal). This happens with a sharp cry, or when the baby tries to blow his nose, and the mother at the same time pinches his nose too tightly with a handkerchief. If at acute pain in the ear (which indicates the onset of otitis), drip vasoconstrictor drops into the baby's nose - they will fall into the auditory canal in the same way that the snot got there, there are high chances that otitis media will not develop at all.
  • 2 Lack of nasal breathing. For example, with ARI. The fact is that constant breathing through the mouth provokes the drying of mucus in the airways and leads to potential complications. Often, just one night is enough, during which the child breathes only through his mouth, to "start" the development of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • 3 Difficulty breathing - both through the nose and through the mouth. That is, situations where the baby, in principle, finds it difficult to breathe. Such severe and sudden breathing problems can occur, for example, with asthma, croup, or as a symptom of an acute allergic reaction. In this case, it is not only severe runny nose, but about severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx - when air simply cannot enter the body. In order to quickly stop the swelling and eliminate respiratory failure, it is necessary to drip a few drops of a vasoconstrictor drug into the baby's nose and mouth.
  • 4 Difficulty in nasal breathing against the background of high temperature (38.5 ° C and above). The body is so arranged that at a high temperature we begin to breathe with a double frequency. If at the same time the baby has difficulty breathing through the nose, then intensively inhaling and exhaling only through the mouth, he again gets the risk of overdrying the airways and complications.

In addition, vasoconstrictor drugs are used in the treatment different kind sinusitis, but in this case they are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Treatment of a runny nose in a child: adequate to the situation

To help a child get rid of a runny nose, you can use different methods - it all depends, by and large, on two conditions: the age of the child and the "quality" of his snot. Consider all possible situations:

  • 1 If the baby is tiny (a newborn or a baby up to a year old who still does not know how to blow his nose on his own), and the snot is liquid, the easiest way is to use a special aspirator, or any other device for sucking liquids, of which there are dozens of types in any pharmacy nowadays. No special medications in this case (without a doctor's prescription) should be used. By and large, here we are talking more about a caring procedure than a medical one.
  • 2 If the baby is tiny (that is, one who still does not know how to blow his nose), and the snot is thick, then you must either use vasoconstrictor drops(indication - lack of nasal breathing), or periodically instill a physiological solution into the child's nose, which will gradually turn thick snot into liquid. Your task is to collect this liquid with an aspirator without delay.

Saline solution (aka saline solution) can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself: 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of water. This solution must be instilled 1-2 drops in each nostril approximately every half hour. You are unlikely to miss the moment when the thick mucus turns into a liquid - it will literally flow from the nose.

Note: in relation to babies up to a year, sprays and aerosols cannot be used! Only drops. This is due to the fact that when "puffing" the spray into the nose of a newborn or baby, there is a risk of creating dangerous pressure in his ear canal and damage his hearing.

  • 3 If the child is already able to blow his nose and he has the same runny nose that flows "in three streams"- blow your nose more often. But by the rules! When you bring a napkin or handkerchief to the baby's nose and command "Blow!", in no case do not pinch his nose with this handkerchief too tightly. Otherwise, you yourself create a situation in which the snot “fly away” at high speed into the sinuses or into the ear canal. By the way, 85% of all children's sinusitis and otitis media begin in this way. How to blow your nose correctly? Close each nostril in turn.
  • 4 If the child is quite capable of blowing his nose (from a year and older), but cannot do this because the nose is “clogged”- use the same saline solution. But at this age, this drug can already be used in the form of a spray / aerosol. The saline solution will not only make thick mucus thinner, but also move it from the front of the nose to the back. Where does this liquid safely "float away" into the esophagus.

And do not worry that the baby literally swallows snot - there is nothing dangerous in this for his health. It is much worse if the mucus accumulates in the nasal cavity and provokes the child to breathe through the mouth.

Vasoconstrictor drops and saline solution: in what sequence should I apply?

Vasoconstrictive drops and sprays work almost instantly. But for the result to happen, it is necessary for the medicine to come into contact with the nasal mucosa. If this mucosa is covered with a layer of thick mucus (for example, if the nose is very “clogged” and it is even impossible to blow your nose), then the medicine simply does not have time to take effect, but simply drains into the esophagus. Therefore, first it makes sense to rinse the nose with saline solution (just drip or “puff” it every 15-20 minutes into the child’s nose) and when the nasal congestion recedes even a little, use vasoconstrictors. And then when they restore respiratory function nose, use saline again during the day at intervals of about 30 minutes.

Doubtful or curious remedies for a cold: a child's nose is not a place for experiments!

Effective remedies for the common cold, which can be used to treat children under 6 years old, are today: saline and vasoconstrictor drugs. We have already talked about them. Meanwhile, in everyday life, parents often try to influence a child's runny nose with very unusual means. For example:

Breast milk. One of the most common and ridiculous misconceptions says that a runny nose in a baby can be cured by dropping his mother's breast milk into his nose. It is a myth! Drip breast milk in the nose - you can not. This not only does not help with a runny nose (there are no substances in breast milk that can kill viruses or bacteria), but also provokes its strengthening. Because there is no environment for the reproduction of bacteria better than milk - any, including women's.

Vegetable juices. As ridiculous as it may seem, in reality, some mothers really try to cure a runny nose in their child by instilling beetroot, carrot, and sometimes even onion juice into his nose. Any attempts to find any reasonable explanation for this way of dealing with the common cold lead only to folklore, but not to science. A runny nose during such a manipulation is unlikely to pass, but an allergic reaction to it can occur, and is very likely.

Oxolinic ointment and drops of interferon. These medicines are very often used in the treatment of viral rhinitis. Including, they are popular with parents. However, both agents still belong to the category of drugs with unproven effectiveness. Therefore, to claim that these funds are guaranteed to help defeat a runny nose in a child, not a single pediatrician will undertake.

A popular pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky: “Oxolinic ointment and interferon drops can be used for viral rhinitis, but they are not proven effective. Therefore, these are by no means the drugs that I am ready to recommend to everyone.

Local antibiotics. The use of antibiotics for a cold is really adequate only in very rare cases. And even more so, you can not choose this method of treatment on your own. To begin with, antibiotics are used only in the treatment of bacterial infections. You will definitely not be able to find out the nature of the common cold (viral or bacterial) without the help of doctors. This alone should make you refrain from using antibiotics for the common cold, especially in a small child. Another argument: currently modern medicine allows the use of topical antibiotics only in two cases: for the treatment of purulent otitis media and purulent conjunctivitis.

Dr. Komarovsky: “The use of topical antibiotics in the nose has nothing to do with modern civilized medicine. Moreover, this method of "treatment" of the common cold often causes acute allergic reactions in children.

How to cure a runny nose in a child: a summary

Let's summarize. To eliminate a runny nose in a child, there are very simple, affordable and effective ways: humidification of the room (which eliminates the drying of the respiratory tract), irrigation of the nasal cavity with saline solution, and in some "difficult" cases - instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.

And in other "bicycles" symptomatic treatment of children's rhinitis does not need!