Snot in a child of 5 years at night. Causes and methods for eliminating nighttime nasal congestion in children

More than once, many parents are faced with a situation where their apparently healthy baby is active during the day, and at night he sleeps restlessly, breathes through his mouth and begins to suffocate. Why is this happening? In the prone position, the crumbs can lay their nose in order to help their child cope with this problem, it is important to know the reasons for it.

Why can a child's nose be blocked at night?

The health of the nasal cavity and normal breathing are influenced by various factors:

  • Injury or nasal congestion foreign body(the baby can shove it or inhale it).
  • Viral infections and hypothermia.
  • Formation of polyps - they grow and close the nasal passages.
  • Too dry air in the children's room (especially during the heating season) adversely affects the nasal mucosa.
  • Pollution of the environment.
  • Accumulation of dust in the apartment.

The main causes of nasal congestion in a child can be:

  1. Viral and cold diseases - hypothermia causes nasal congestion and. It is most often observed in autumn and spring - during the period of sharp fluctuations in air temperature.
  2. Hypersensitivity () - under the influence of allergens, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and swells, it is difficult for the crumbs nasal breathing(may constantly leak from the spout). Irritants can be: a new laundry detergent, a new soft toy or blanket, pet hair.
  3. Inflammation of the adenoids - with frequent colds they try to stand in the way of viruses, increase in size and close most of the nasal passages. As a result, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe.
  4. teething period the immune system the crumbs are weakened, swelling of the oral and nasal cavities appears.

When nasal congestion appears in a baby, it is not necessary to leave everything as it is - a medical examination of the child should be carried out.

Why is nasal congestion dangerous for a child?

Whatever the causes of difficult nasal breathing at night, the consequences can be much more serious than bad dream crumbs.

It leads to:

  1. Impaired brain function , developmental delay and failures in nervous system(children become irritable or lethargic).
  2. Pathologies of the respiratory system development of asthma.
  3. Hearing loss - edema spreads to the middle ear cavity and an inflammatory process (otitis media) develops.
  4. Malocclusion and speech defects (because of the constantly open mouth).
  5. The development of conjunctivitis - there is swelling of the lacrimal-nasal canal, the baby's eyes "turn sour", vision may deteriorate. The baby becomes nasal, restless, lethargic, often sneezes, his appetite decreases.
  6. Spread of infection - the inflammatory process can go into the mucopurulent stage. The amount of serous discharge increases, the child's temperature rises, swelling and redness of the skin under the nose appear.

Indicates a weakened immune defense of the body.

During that period, while the nose is not breathing, the baby is under stress and therefore parents should not wait until the ailment goes away on its own.

How to get rid of nasal congestion in a child at night?

First of all, it is important for parents to know that there is no need to try to force the child to blow his nose - in the absence of mucous secretions, the blood vessels of the nasopharynx can become inflamed and even more severe swelling will appear.

Render ambulance With difficulty in nasal breathing, you can use the following methods:

  1. Plentiful drink - this contributes to the thinning of thick mucus and its free discharge.
  2. Warm compress - moisten a cotton cloth in hot water and apply to the bridge of the nose (the procedure can be repeated until breathing improves).
  3. You can rub a warming ointment on your baby's chest or gel containing menthol.
  4. Washing weak saline solution or ready-made - Aqualor, Solin, Aquamaris, Physiomer.
  5. Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs - Diazolin, Erius, Zirtek.
  6. Vasoconstrictor (relieving swelling of the mucosa) sprays or drops - Nazivin, Otrivin, Galazolin, Dlyanos, Rinorus.

But you need to remember - these drugs can be addictive and use them long time Not recommended!

It will take time and targeted actions to completely eliminate the problem:

1 . Daily ventilation and air humidification in the children's room, walks in the fresh air before going to bed.

2 . Application essential oils needles, eucalyptus and mint - when mixed with air, they will make breathing easier. It is enough to put a few drops on warm heating devices or in a special lamp.

3 . saline inhalation , still mineral water, decoctions of mint, chamomile, eucalyptus.

4 . Application of herbal drops - perfectly relieves swelling and facilitates breathing. Dry St. John's wort and calendula (1: 1) put in a container with thick walls, pour freshly boiled water and leave for a quarter of an hour, strain and instill 2-3 drops into each nostril.

5 . warming up – application various kinds heat is very efficient, there are several methods:

  • Sew small bags, fill them with fine salt , heat up in the oven and put on the forehead and nose of the baby, hold for a quarter of an hour.
  • Warm boiled eggs or potatoes in uniforms, wrap in cotton cloth and apply in the same way as bags of salt.
  • Warm up the nasal passages very well with the help of an infrared lamp, after the procedure it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the nose with baby cream.

You can completely warm up the baby by steaming his legs: for 20 minutes, immerse them in a basin of hot water (you can add salt or a pinch of dry mustard) and cover with a blanket. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the legs dry and put on warm socks.

However, it is important to remember that all thermal procedures cannot be carried out with high temperature bodies!

Facilitates nasal breathing, reduces swelling and stimulates blood flow with a simple procedure of light massage and breathing exercises.

Mommy's hands, touching her beloved child, have a healing effect:

  1. Light rhythmic movements palms stroke the forehead - this prevents stagnation of the maxillary sinuses.
  2. Draw smoothly under the nose "mustache".
  3. With both palms we massage the cheeks, in the direction - from the temples to the chin, this improves blood circulation.
  4. Circular movements of both hands as if we wash the baby, capturing the superciliary arches, temples and the lower part of the face - this is the prevention of the inflammatory process in the Eustachian tube.
  5. With both index fingers massage (as if drawing a “fat point”) the places slightly above the bridge of the nose, then in the middle of the bridge of the nose and at the bases of the nasal wings.

It is very important to teach the baby how to properly clean the nose.

To begin with, close the nostrils alternately with your finger, and then complicate the exercise - remove and attach your finger as you exhale. As he gets older, the baby will be able to do everything on his own.

How to treat nasal congestion? Komarovsky about treatment on video

First of all, mom and dad need to remember - for any ailment, the child needs increased attention. Try to speak affectionate and caring words to him more often, hug and cuddle the baby.

The warmth of your hands will make him feel protected and quickly get rid of any disease!

Normal nasal breathing during sleep is a necessary condition for vigor and a clear mind of a person. If a child has a stuffy nose at night, he will wake up lethargic and tired - all this is from lack of sleep and insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.

In addition, nasal breathing provides warming and purification of the air, and thus, is the key to health. respiratory system. We all know that if a child does not breathe well through his nose, he is forced to switch to mouth breathing, and this leads to drying out. oral cavity and pharynx, getting on the tonsils and pharynx of various microorganisms, which ultimately significantly increases the likelihood of developing infectious diseases of the throat - tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis.

Why does nasal congestion occur at night? We will talk about this in this article.

Causes of congestion

There are 3 reasons why the nose cannot breathe:

Among the factors that can provoke both edema and increased mucus formation, first of all, one should single out infectious diseases(viral and bacterial rhinitis), as well as allergic reactions (allergic rhinitis).

Does your child breathe through his nose during the day and open his mouth at night? Let's see why nasal breathing is complicated at night.

Why is my nose stuffy at night?

The inflamed nasopharynx constantly produces mucus, which flows both through the nasal passages, flowing out, and down the pharynx, falling into the throat. During the day, the child involuntarily swallows mucus that gets into the throat. However, in the evening, getting ready for bed, the child goes to bed, and therefore, the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx is complicated. Firstly, in a horizontal position, all the mucus flows down the throat, and secondly, swallowing it stops in a dream. If at the same time the mucus is viscous and thick, and soft tissues nasopharynx - swollen, nasal breathing is almost impossible.

A common cause of nasal congestion at night is postnasal drip syndrome. This is a condition in which mucus flows down the back of the nasopharynx into the throat.

Symptoms of postnasal drip:

  • nasal congestion at night;
  • cough in the morning, sometimes at night;
  • feeling of sore throat after waking up;
  • feeling of accumulation of mucus in the throat;
  • headache, weakness and drowsiness may occur as a result of difficult nasal breathing.

Postnasal drip syndrome may occur with acute or chronic rhinitis, inflammation of the adenoids, vasomotor rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum and other pathologies in which the nasopharyngeal mucosa produces sputum.

Postnasal leakage is also observed in allergic reactions. What can cause allergic rhinitis at night? Most often it is dust or pet hair. In addition, household chemicals - microparticles of powder or rinse aid on bed linen, as well as materials from which toys are made, could provoke an allergic reaction. Often the allergen is the pollen of indoor plants.

Another reason why the nose does not breathe at night is the excessive dryness of the air in the child's bedroom.

Dry, as well as dusty air in the bedroom causes the formation of protective mucus in the nasopharynx, which, drying up, complicates nasal breathing.


  • symptomatic - restoration of nasal breathing;
  • etiological - aimed at the disease that caused congestion;
  • auxiliary - facilitating the well-being of the child and accelerating his recovery.

We remove swelling

Most effective medicine for those who have a stuffy nose - vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays. They act directly on the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to contract. As a result of this, the volume of the vessels (and, as a result, the mucous membrane) decreases, and the nasal passages “open”.

Despite the pronounced effectiveness in facilitating nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor drops should be used in exceptional cases, strictly following the dosage.

When using vasoconstrictor drops, parents should remember that:

  • the maximum course of treatment with vasoconstrictors does not exceed 5-7 days (see the manufacturer's instructions);
  • instillation frequency - no more than 1 time in 4 hours;
  • possible side effects- dry mouth and nose, burning sensation in the nasopharynx, swelling of the mucous membrane, headache, dizziness, indigestion, sleep, etc.;
  • exceeding the recommended dosage and duration of treatment significantly increases the risk of side effects;
  • with moderate use, adverse reactions are extremely rare.

Children under 12 must use special child uniforms vasoconstrictor drops containing fewer active substance, for example, Naphthyzinum for children, Nazol Baby and others.

Making breathing easier

Not only vasoconstrictor drops can facilitate nasal breathing. Moreover, pediatricians recommend the use of vasoconstrictors extremely rarely, and the rest of the time, as needed, use other nasal products, such as:

In addition to nasal drops, various auxiliary procedures can facilitate nasal breathing:

  • massage of the bridge of the nose, temples and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • inhalation of evaporating aroma oils of pine, fir, eucalyptus;
  • plentiful drink;
  • warm steam inhalation;
  • trituration chest warming ointments (their vapors make breathing easier).

Warming the nasopharyngeal region (warm compress on the bridge of the nose, applying a bag of hot salt, hot drink) usually increases swelling, as the blood vessels dilate when the temperature rises.

Improving the conditions in the bedroom

Free breathing through the nose at night is largely determined by the quality of the air in the bedroom. The air in the nursery should be clean, humid and cool (temperature about 20C, humidity in the range of 60-70%). It is under such conditions that the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx retains normal activity - mucus is formed in sufficient quantities, does not accumulate in the nasal passages and does not clog them.

Sleeping in a bedroom with clean fresh air is much more beneficial than in a hot, unventilated room, not only for the nose, but for the whole body.

How to achieve ideal conditions in the nursery? First, do wet cleaning often - this helps to get rid of dust and humidifies the air. Secondly, ventilate the room every day. It is good to do this before bed.

During the heating period, the air is the most dry - to restore normal humidity, hang wet towels on the radiators. For convenience, you can purchase a humidifier.

Removing the cause of congestion

Parents should understand that restoring breathing improves the child's well-being, but does not remove the root cause of congestion - the disease that caused the appearance of edema or snot.

It is not enough just to drip a nose with vasoconstrictor drops and forget about the problem - the child needs to be examined by a pediatrician. The child will be examined and a treatment will be prescribed that is suitable specifically for your case - antiviral, antibacterial or antiallergic. It is impossible to exclude the presence of adenoids, curvature of the septum - it is impossible to cope with such problems at home.

The appearance of a runny nose in a child is accompanied by changes in behavior - loss of appetite, fatigue, tearfulness and sleep disturbance. The reason for this behavior lies in the violation of the drainage function of the nose and the lack of oxygen supplied to the body.

How to help a child with a runny nose at night, ease breathing and normalize the physiological state of the baby?

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane can provoke various reasons and conditions. In most cases runny nose catalysts are waste products of pathological microflora, which are activated during hypothermia or .

Less often, a runny nose is provoked by allergens (pollen, dust, animal hair, etc.). To determine the etiology of rhinitis, it is necessary to seek help from a pediatrician who will tell you how to make breathing easier for a child with a runny nose.

During a night's sleep, it is necessary to lay the child on a pillow, with his head up at 30-40 degrees

A runny nose in infants does not always indicate the beginning of the development of respiratory - viral disease. Up to 3 one month old in babies, the nasal mucosa is not completely formed, which gives rise to .

This phenomenon is not a pathology and does not require medical attention (provided there are no cold symptoms). After the end of the process of formation of the mucosa runny nose goes away on its own.

Regardless of the age of the child, a whole range of symptoms accompanies, including:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • abundant production of muconasal mucus of various nature (from transparent and watery to viscous, yellow -);
  • shortness of breath and swelling of the mucosa;
  • cough at night (due to the flow of mucus down the nasopharynx).

Important! Untimely treatment of the common cold in children infancy can lead to dire consequences. Due to their age, babies do not know how to breathe through their mouths, which threatens oxygen starvation and respiratory arrest.

How to alleviate the condition of the child with a cold

Clearing the nasal passages

To eliminate congestion of mucanasal secretion and cleansing the nasal passages, it is necessary to flush the nose with saline.

For infants cotton or gauze flagella soaked in a solution should be used to prevent mucus from entering the middle ear and development. Remove mucus with a nasal aspirator.

Saline can be replaced with pharmacological products based on sea water - "", "".

Aqualor drops can be used to cleanse the nasal passages in children from birth.

Providing plenty of fluids

Drinking plenty of water allows liquefy nasal mucus and prevent dry crusts. Especially useful are herbal infusions, fortified rosehip broth, warm tea or plain water. Recipes for the preparation of herbal infusions should first be discussed with your doctor.

Creation of favorable conditions

In order for the nasal mucus not to dry out and for parents to have no barriers to its removal, it is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room and the level of humidity.

You can use a special climate device - or hang wet towels in the room. Also, do not neglect daily wet cleaning.

Thermal compresses

To ensure a good night's sleep in a child, pediatricians recommend using. Before going to bed, a cloth soaked in warm water is placed on the bridge of the nose. Heat exposure time - 3 - 4 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Alternatively, warming with or salt can be used.

Important! Warming up can be carried out under the condition of natural body temperature.


You can quickly relieve nasal congestion with the help of impact on certain points. Massage is an absolutely safe and painless procedure, Therefore, it can also be performed on infants.. The attending physician will help you get acquainted with the technique of execution and points of influence.

Inhalation procedures

To alleviate the condition of the baby will help inhalation with essential oils medicinal herbs. Quite effective in the treatment of rhinitis esters, arborvitae, tea tree.

Due to the natural composition and the absence of synthetic compounds, inhalation procedures with essential oils have no contraindications.

To facilitate breathing during sleep, it is more rational to use cold inhalation. To do this, the tank of the aroma lamp is poured 2 tbsp warm water and dripping 1-2 drops of essential oil.

Important! Inhalations can be carried out in the absence allergic reactions The child has. During the procedure, it is important to monitor the condition of the child. If there is lacrimation, red rashes on the face and limbs, inhalation should be stopped.

The main massage points for a cold

Medical therapy

To facilitate nasal breathing, the pediatrician may prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring nasal breathing, reducing swelling and reducing mucus production.

Decongestants in the treatment of rhinitis in children act as emergency drugs. These funds are taken in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, no more than a few days, because. provoke addiction.

It is more rational to use nasal preparations to restore the drainage function of the child's nose before bedtime.

If the runny nose is of allergic origin, antihistamines are included in the therapeutic course.


At the first sign of nasal congestion, seek medical attention medical care. Strict implementation of the recommendations of the pediatrician will significantly alleviate the condition of the baby and speed up the recovery process.

Many parents with concern note that their baby has some problems with nasal breathing at night. In the absence of obvious symptoms during the day, with the onset of night, children often stuff their nose. Why do such symptoms appear, should I urgently seek help from a doctor, or can I try to alleviate the child's condition on my own? Before looking for answers to all questions, you should understand the cause of a stuffy nose.

The main reasons why stuffy nose in children

We immediately determine that it is worth distinguishing nighttime congestion from acute inflammatory processes in the sinuses, in which the nose is also blocked. Such diseases will be accompanied by a general malaise of the child, fever and the presence of copious discharge. If during the day the child pleases you with mobility and activity, the absence of complaints of headache or joint pain, and falls asleep at night with his nose ajar, then you should pay attention to the reasons that can explain such symptoms.

  1. For a baby under the age of 1 year, such problems can be associated with teething. Their appearance may be accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, which makes breathing difficult, especially when lying down.
  2. Stuffy nose can also be due to allergic reactions to various irritants: fluff, dust, pet hair, houseplants etc.
  3. The cause of breathing problems during sleep may be structural features of polyps.
  4. Overdrying of the mucous membrane, indicating insufficient humidity in the room, will also lead to difficulty in nasal breathing.
  5. Do not forget about colds, the initial stage of which can be manifested by swelling of the nasal mucosa and a similar condition of the child.

Ways to treat nighttime nasal congestion

Any problems with nasal breathing should be a signal to see a doctor. Parents can also try to alleviate the condition of the baby on their own in case of determining visible reasons nighttime congestion.

Expecting the appearance of teeth and noting difficulty in breathing during sleep, it may be necessary to use baby drops to relieve swelling of the mucosa. You can also fill the air in the room where the baby sleeps with the aromas of essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, mint, putting a few drops on miscellaneous items or with the help of an aroma lamp.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, first of all, it is necessary to determine the allergen, which can be a pillow, a flowerpot, a blanket, home pet etc. Eliminating such irritants from the room where the baby's bed is located will guarantee the normalization of his breathing during sleep.

If the cause is polyps, then you need to undergo a mandatory medical examination, as a result of which parents will receive qualified recommendations (course of therapy, surgery, etc.).

Taking care of the health of the baby, parents should create the necessary conditions in the house. First of all, it concerns air humidity. So that the baby does not suffer from overdrying of the mucous membrane during sleep, it is necessary to ventilate the room, be sure to systematically carry out wet cleaning in it, and also use additional funds moistening in case of excessive dryness due to the operation of heaters.

If the nose is blocked at night, and no discharge is observed during the day, this is not proof of their absence. At the beginning of the inflammatory process, characteristic of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, mucus can be released from the nose in a small amount and drain down the back of the larynx. This fully explains the problems with nasal breathing in the supine position. To heal the baby, it will be necessary to consult a Laura and use children's anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drops. The presence of a small pillow for a slight lifting of the head will also help to facilitate the sleep of the baby.

Should not be used as drops breast milk, serving as a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

Excellent and safe means may become a weak solution of table salt.

Responsible care for your child

Problems with breathing through the nose, if not adequately treated, can lead to hearing problems and other negative consequences. Therefore, in the absence of the effect of the procedures for 5-7 days, the nose blocked during sleep in a child, even in the case of excellent health during the day, requires medical examination and qualified professional treatment.

It appears due to nasal congestion. This is especially common in children. When the child sleeps, he makes specific sounds of sniffling, the quality of sleep is disturbed. The otolaryngologist, having examined the nasal cavities and asked about the nature of the common cold, will make a diagnosis. In most cases, this is allergic rhinitis. Its manifestations are more common in babies, since their immunity cannot resist allergens.

The nose is our air filter, so its main function is to clear the inhaled flow. The appearance of snot is the reaction of our body to a certain irritant that comes with inhalation. In this case, it can be allergens, viruses, bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms. If a runny nose and nasal congestion is observed only at night, and does not bother you during the day, then we are talking about a certain irritant in the bedroom. And, as a rule, this rhinitis is allergic in nature.

Causes of nocturnal rhinitis in children

If parents notice restless night sleep the baby and at the same time his breathing is difficult, then these are clear signs that the child has allergic rhinitis. Often it manifests itself only at night, and in the morning the child does not experience any discomfort. This is due to the fact that the irritant of the nasal mucosa is located precisely in the room where the baby sleeps. That is why their action is manifested only at night. Allergists call the following allergens that cause irritation of the nasal mucosa during sleep:

  • fragrances, fragrances and others active ingredients washing powder or fabric softener;
  • down bedding;
  • ticks;
  • dust;
  • pet hair;
  • cells of the epidermis of the person himself;
  • air fresheners, aromatic essential oils.

Allergists say that most often a child develops an allergy to house dust or mites. This is the most unpleasant form of the disease. It requires a change of environment in the room. Dust allergy and dust mite allergy symptoms appear at night and in the morning after waking up.

  1. Irritation of mucous membranes. Manifested in the form of itching, redness, inflammation, swelling.
  2. Headache.
  3. Difficult breathing with characteristic whistling. It occurs as a result of the modification of the bronchi.
  4. Lachrymation of the eyes.
  5. Skin rashes are possible.

If the allergen is not removed from the room, then other manifestations are added to nasal congestion - dry cough, profuse souring of the eye in babies, sneezing. If it is found that someone in the family suffers from dust allergies, then it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a water filter for cleaning. All small particles are retained in the water.

recognize allergic rhinitis in a child, you can observe the discharge from the nose. With a viral or bacterial rhinitis, they will gradually change their consistency and shade, and with allergies, these indicators are unchanged. In addition, during the day, during wakefulness, a runny nose is not so pronounced, and during sleep, the mucous membrane swells strongly and the amount of mucus secreted increases.

But not only allergies cause swelling of the nasal mucosa. Nighttime runny nose in infants often occurs due to dry air in the room where the baby sleeps. To prevent this from happening, follow normal performance air humidity. Carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room. Purchase instruments for measuring air humidity. This will allow you to control this indicator.

Device for measuring air humidity

What is dangerous night cold

Any runny nose in a dream carries the danger of developing chronic diseases or complications. Allergic nocturnal rhinitis may be only part of the general inflammatory process in a child. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the common cold as soon as possible. Often nocturnal rhinitis is associated with such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoids.

Over time, chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx lead to abnormal development mandible and other physiological changes.

But the most dangerous outcome of a nocturnal cold is suffocation. An untreated allergic attack leads to swelling of all mucous membranes and breathing becomes impossible.

In addition, do not forget that the incessant runny nose in an allergic child causes damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. And this is an open door for a variety of infections and pathogens.

An untreated runny nose in an allergic baby very soon develops into an infectious one, since its immunity is still weak and unable to resist bacteria viruses.

Methods of treatment

The first thing doctors recommend is to identify the allergen and remove it from the bedroom or nursery. it The best way get rid of a runny nose in a child. Examine the room carefully. Remove houseplants, carpeting, books, and dry-clean down bedding. Also, remove all soft toys from the children's room. Carry out wet cleaning without the use of products and ventilate the room. If the baby's night sleep has improved, then you managed to achieve, and you freed the room from the allergen.

If there is a nighttime runny nose in the baby, then it is also necessary to bring the humidity indicators in the room back to normal. You can control them with the help of special devices.

Aerosols based on sea water and vasoconstrictor drops also help to get rid of the night cold. The latter are not recommended to be used uncontrollably, as they are addictive to the mucosa.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis also involves the use of antihistamines.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy is a treatment for allergic rhinitis in adults. It implies a specific training of the body, by introducing allergens with their constant increase. This method helps to get rid of the night cold for a long period.

Cough from snot in a child: how to treat? Child coughing in sleep

A sharp exhalation through the mouth, or cough, is a vital reflex: its task is to free the respiratory tract from foreign substances, including a runny nose.

If the cough from snot in a child is repeated regularly, be sure to contact a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist.

Especially in infants, rhinitis can lead to unpleasant consequences, like otitis media, or cause more serious harm to health. Treatment depends on the nature of the attacks and associated symptoms.

Causes of a nighttime cough in a child

It is important for parents to remember that coughing attacks are not an independent disease, but a symptom. It appears both during the day and at night.

But more often it repeats only during sleep. This is due to the horizontal position of the body.

In this case, sputum, accumulating in the bronchi, liquefies and makes it difficult to breathe freely.

To the frequent question whether a child can cough because of snot, pediatricians also give a positive answer. This is one of the reasons for such seizures.

Also, snot flows down the throat and provokes a cough with bacterial pathogens that cause inflammation of the sinus mucosa, it develops against the background of sinusitis. Such mucus acquires a greenish tint, becomes thick.

Infants and children under one year old are more likely to suffer from this, especially when a pillow is not provided, and sleep takes place on a flat, smooth surface.

If it is excessively dry or wet, it contains particles of aerosol sprays, sometimes a nocturnal cough develops.

Does the cough reflex develop only in the children's room or in other rooms? Does mom use harsh laundry detergents? Answering these questions will help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

How to determine that the cough is from snot?

Proper Treatment possible in case of an accurate diagnosis. But a pediatrician can recognize the cause - after listening in the chest area, and an otolaryngologist - after examining the throat, nose and ear canals.

Before determining that the cough has developed precisely against the background of snot, parents can conduct independent observation.

  • In infants, the nasal secretion provokes moist cough more often than in children 3.5 - 4 years.
  • Fever, lethargy, weakness, indigestion, lack of appetite indicate that a cold or a viral infection is developing.

In this case, treatment requires an integrated approach, which only a doctor will provide: how to understand that there is no disease, and the cause of the pathology is in the nasal mucus? Contact a specialist.

The suspicion that a child is coughing because of snot will help confirm or dispel adult observation.

When coughing from a runny nose, there are no wheezing and other noises in the breath, which is determined by listening to the region of the bronchi and lungs. The mucus caused by rhinitis is visible when it is coughed up. This secret is almost indestructible.

Sometimes another type of respiratory spasm develops: a dry cough from snot in a child, it is associated with irritation of the larynx, through which nasal secretions can drain.

Such attacks are not productive, and it is not necessary to treat them, but to eliminate the root cause - rhinitis, or to fight the causative agent of the disease.

Dry mouth, dry throat and itchy nose are signs of the initial stage of the disease. If, apart from a runny nose, nothing bothers you, and it lasts more than 7 days or chronic attacks, you should also contact your pediatrician. Physiological cough against the background of a runny nose can be alleviated with home methods.

How to help a child urgently?

Before giving a child a medication or folk remedy, parents must be aware of the responsibility of these events. Left untreated, especially in a newborn, it can lead to suffocation.

But even in older children, nasal mucus may drain into the bronchi and develop bronchitis, into the ear canals - and otitis media is possible.

In the treatment of infants from the first months of life to 2 years, it is necessary first of all to change the conditions environment in which they spend the night. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room, use a humidifier. If it is not there, it is permissible to hang wet linen in the room.

It is also useful to clear the nasal passages before going to bed. It is enough to clean them from crusts after bathing. If they formed at night and caused a cough reflex, they are removed by dripping the nasal passage with 1-2 drops of mother's milk.

Children after 2 years of age are allowed to wash with saline. Prepare it yourself - for 200 ml of warm boiled water take from ¼ to 1 whole teaspoon of salt.

They wash and irrigate the nose. For younger patients, sprays or drops are used, the latter are more convenient because they do not throw the contents into the Eustachian tubes.

Doctors warn parents against the independent use of interferon or antiviral agents, especially in the case of infants. Improper medication reduces immune function and leads to complications.

What to treat?

Pediatricians warn: cough treatment begins with finding out its root cause. If the provoking factor is a nasal secret, you can not take medications.

This applies to both expectorant and antitussive drugs. In this case, they are ineffective, and sometimes they are harmful.

For children under 1 year old, nasal mucus is removed with a rubber bulb. Flush with saline or saline solution.

It is recommended to bury the nose with children's drops Otrivin, which contains xylometazoline, or Aquamaris. This product is based on the sea water of the Adriatic Sea and resembles a saline solution. For patients under 2 years of age, it is better to use drops.

The substance xylometazoline is included in the list of vital drugs, but has contraindications, so the instructions for Otrivin must be studied before use. It is indicated for sinusitis, rhinitis, acute respiratory infections.

Allowed and folk remedies. These include mixtures of aloe juice and honey, beet or onion juice. But sometimes they cause dryness, burning, an allergic reaction.

Important! When asked by parents whether it is necessary to treat an independent runny nose, pediatricians answer no. It is better to create conditions for its termination.

If a child coughs in a dream: Dr. Komarovsky

If a child has a strong cough from snot, and not for another reason, pediatrician recommends taking the following measures.

Initially, a humidifier is installed in the room or wet cleaning is carried out before going to bed. A low pillow is placed under the patient's head so that the mucus does not accumulate in the sinuses and does not fall into the ear canals.

This applies to patients older than 3 years, when the body is already able to cope with the digestion of milk protein.

This remedy has an enveloping property, prevents the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and larynx from drying out, fights cough attacks and warms.

The next morning, Dr. Komarovsky advises to show the patient to a pediatrician who will make a diagnosis. The further scheme of treatment or elimination of the cause of night attacks will depend on it.

Cough from snot in infants: what to do?

Infancy is a difficult period for diagnosing sinusitis and cough syndrome. Parents are especially careful to monitor what medicines can be given to such children and whether it is necessary.

If the body temperature is normal, there is no redness of the throat and weakness, the baby is active, and the mucous secretions are clear in color and have a liquid consistency, there is often no cause for concern. The body goes through one of the stages of adaptation to environmental conditions.

Residual coughing fits are not treated when children have had acute respiratory infections or a cold. If there are secretions and crusts in the nose, this may indicate improper attachment of the baby to the breast or overeating: milk from the stomach enters the nasal passage when regurgitation occurs.

If the baby coughs due to snot for more than a week, which is accompanied by dryness, fever, they urgently turn to a children's consultation. Possible cause sometimes becomes the onset of a viral disease.

It is also necessary to cure a runny nose, if the discharge has a yellow or greenish tint, there are streaks of blood in them. Lack of therapy at this stage sometimes leads to sinusitis and chronic sinusitis.

Eliminating mucus with a rubber bulb, using saline, ventilating a child's room and humidifying the air - best practices prevention of a runny nose and cough syndrome due to snot.

But if this phenomenon is accompanied by symptoms common disease, make an appointment with a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist, only he knows how to help children find health.

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Good article, you are right! Only the doctor prescribes the correct treatment. We, too, did not delay, we immediately went to the doctor when our daughter brought the virus from the kindergarten. The nose was washed, the throat was gargled, the cough syrup was Prospan. Treated on all fronts and already healthy.

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