Nevus of the sebaceous glands in newborn girls. How to quickly get rid of the nevus of the sebaceous glands

Nevus Yadasson - an anomaly in the development of a skin area. The disease was first described in 1985. Congenital in 70% of cases. At timely diagnosis can be successfully removed without further consequences.

What is a nevus of the sebaceous glands

Nevus sebaceous glands a benign tumor that develops as a result of pathological changes the formation of sebaceous glands and other components of the skin. Pathological manifestations are noticeable immediately after birth or appear in the first years of a child's life. Newborns are diagnosed in the hospital.

External manifestations

The disease is localized mainly on the head of the newborn and along the edges of the hairline. It can form on the eyelids, temples, behind the auricles.

The plaque is oval, round, rarely linear. Initially it has a pinkish or light orange color. The surface is velvety with an elastic texture.

Over time, the surface becomes uneven, may be covered with cracks and papillomas. Bacteria and infections can enter through the damage, complicating the treatment situation.

By itself, the nevus does not deliver discomfort. The exception is aesthetic problems caused by unhealthy plaque pigmentation and bald spots on the scalp.

In rare cases, Jadasson's nevus consists of multiple widespread plaques located both in the head and on other areas of the skin, some of which have a linear configuration.

Stages of the disease

The development of the disease is determined by three stages.


There is a pathological proliferation of the sebaceous glands under the influence of certain factors. Apocrine glands and hair follicles are involved in the pathological process. At the initial stage, the disease is not dangerous.


Manifestations of pigment-papillary dystrophy of the skin begin. The progression of the disease is accompanied by an increase in the sebaceous and apocrine glands, atrophy of the hair follicles. Begin to occur changes associated with the appearance of papilloid formations.


A tumor process is launched, which is dangerous for the patient.

Age-related differentiation of sweat and sebaceous glands determine the three-stage course of the disease. In young children, the nevus is devoid of hair and becomes less noticeable immediately after birth, acquiring a smooth or delicate papillary surface.

During puberty, the plaque enlarges and becomes covered with closely adjacent oval or verrucous papules that vary in color from yellow to brown.

In adulthood, benign and malignant tumors of the skin appendages can develop.

The reasons

In most cases, Yadasson's nevus appears in newborns, therefore it belongs to the category of congenital. The exact causes of the disease are still not clear. Perhaps the influence of maternal diseases suffered during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, as well as hereditary factors.

Skin abnormalities in older children can be caused by:

  • diseases gastrointestinal path;
  • chronic dermatosis;
  • impact chemical substances;
  • thermal influence.

These factors only trigger the pathological process to which there is a predisposition.

Can it turn into cancer

Nevus of the sebaceous glands - dangerous disease. Its structure may be subject to malignant degeneration of cells. In this case, immediate surgical intervention is required.

The risk of a nevus turning into cancer increases significantly with age.


Diagnosis is carried out by visual examination and sampling for histological examination. Newborns are examined immediately in the hospital. When collecting an anamnesis, the presence of such manifestations in the next of kin of the child is examined.

Laboratory research allows you to determine the nature of education and identify the presence of signs malignancy. It is necessary to differentiate the disease from:

  • skin aplasia;
  • solitary mastocytomas;
  • juvenile xanthogranulomas;
  • papillary syringocystadenomatous nevus.

Accurate differentiation will avoid misdiagnosis and inaccurate treatment route.


Treatment is carried out only after complete clinical research. Attempts self-removal formations can adversely affect the further course of the disease. The probability of degeneration of the formation into a malignant one is an indication for the prompt removal of the plaque. It is desirable to do this before puberty.

by the most effective method removal is surgical. Other types of removal (laser, cryosurgery, electrocautery) can lead to re-growth of nevi.

Excision of the formation is carried out on a thin strip with healthy skin. If the operation cannot be performed at one time, the damaged tissue is removed step by step. In this case, gaps between operations should be minimized.

Often the location (head, face) of the plaque complicates surgery. All operations are performed in clinics specializing in the treatment of oncological diseases. After each removal, the excised tissues are sent for histological analysis.

After removing the plaque, a suture is applied to the edge of the wound. If its size is large and located on the face or in another visible place, skin grafting is used. The sutures are closed with a sterile bandage.

For 7 days, dressings are performed daily, the wound is treated with antiseptics. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. After complete healing of the wound, the sutures are removed. If absorbable sutures are used, the sutures do not need to be removed.

The operation is carried out under the general or local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia is chosen by the doctor depending on the age of the patient and the characteristics of the tumor: size and location.


The course of the disease may be unsystematic, but due to possible complications requires constant monitoring by a dermatologist and oncologist.

Discomfort can be caused by formations that are in constant contact with a headdress or clothing. If the nevus is damaged, there may be a risk of infection or degeneration of the tumor.

Diffuse forms of the disease are rare. They wear more severe forms and are characterized not only by skin lesions, but also by the involvement of the central nervous, genitourinary and of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system. In similar forms of the disease, there is a characteristic triad of symptoms: the presence of a linear nevus on the skin, mental retardation varying degrees severity and epilepsy.


In the usual course, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Transformation of a nevus into basal cell skin cancer or another malignant disease is possible in 10% of cases.

With a malignant nature of the neoplasm, the prognosis is unfavorable. The risk of intensive growth of cancer cells makes it difficult to surgical intervention. Appointed medications that reduce the activity of pathological cells and maintain the patient's condition.


Factors for the prevention of Yadassohn's nevus are unknown. Experts recommend removing formations before the age of puberty. Timely removal gives 100% positive result without relapses.

Nevus Jadasson - serious illness despite being asymptomatic. Mandatory clinical examination and surgical removal is required. Self-medication is excluded and dangerous.

Nevus of the sebaceous glands of Yadassohn is a very unpleasant and repulsive disease. Ideas about him were formed in the 80s of the last century. The reason for its appearance is excessive growth and deviations from the normal development of the sebaceous glands. It manifests itself as a formation on the surface of the body, which consists of skin cells, transformed sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as an undeveloped hair follicle.

The probability of diagnosing it for people of different races, nationalities and genders is the same. In infants, it occurs on average in the amount of 3 out of 1,000 people.

Symptoms of the disease

The tubercles above the surface of the skin are round or oval (rarely elongated) yellow, orange, pink, sandy, or a combination thereof. Most often appear on the head or face in the hair growth zone, extremely rarely in other places (behind the ear, on the neck, on the temples). In most cases, the disease appears in newborns or young children and is caused by genes.

Some symptoms of the disease develop only by adolescence.

Initially, it appears as an elastic growth with a soft surface. Over time, it grows with frequent papillomas, cracks. They can bleed and become infected. In place of the nevus, there is no hairline, the appearance is disturbed.

Stages of development of Nevus Yadasson

Depending on the stage of the course, the disease manifests itself in different ways:

  1. At the first stage, foci-spots with papillae are formed, there is no hairline on the formation. This manifestation is typical for newborns.
  2. In the second stage, rounded formations appear, similar to warts. Usually there are several of them, in contact with each other. Develop during puberty.
  3. In the third stage, the disease becomes chronic and develops by adolescence. At this stage, the nevus can develop into adenoma of the sebaceous glands, other diseases. It is dangerous because if left untreated, a malignant tumor can occur on the skin. The nevus increases as the body grows, in 5-30 cases out of 100 it turns into a benign or malignant tumor. Such a disease develops slowly and gives metastases in very rare cases.

At first glance, a harmless linear skin defect can provoke not only oncology, but also deviations in the work of the central nervous system, blood vessels, organs of vision, as well as epilepsy and mental retardation. The nevus of the sebaceous gland is able to degenerate into different types skin cancer:

  • hidradenoma - a tumor of the sweat glands. Rarely found, usually appears on the face, less often - on the lips, arms, legs, stomach (in the navel);
  • apocrine cystadenoma - a tumor that forms on various parts of the limbs, is more often diagnosed in males;
  • apocrine gland carcinoma - a rare tumor of the sweat glands, observed in the armpit, groin and other places;
  • keratoacanthoma - rapidly developing benign tumor;
  • squamous cell carcinoma- aggressive formation, which is formed from epithelial cells and mucous tissues.

Causes of the nevus of the sebaceous glands of Yadassohn

The sources of the appearance of the considered form of the disease have not yet been identified. It is known that it can be inherited. Contribute to the development of formations of disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, proliferation of glandular tissue, imbalance of hormones, acne pink color, growth damage, action chemical substances and warmth. Studies show that a nevus develops into a malignant tumor in 20% of patients.


When the first signs of a nevus appear, you should consult a dermatologist. First of all, he conducts a visual examination of the patient's tissues and finds out the factors that could accompany the disease (for example, the presence of a similar problem in parents). With visual diagnostics, a preliminary diagnosis can be obtained.

If necessary, collects cells for analysis in the laboratory. Histological analysis allows you to determine the nature of the disease, the depth of its spread. In some cases, a smear is taken to determine whether the cells can change their nature. In this case, the focus itself is damaged, but information is obtained that allows us to measure the risk of transition to the oncological stage.

Modern clinics often turn to video dermatoscopy. When using this diagnostic method, the neoplasm is repeatedly increased and the analysis of changes in the structure of cells is carried out. Differential Diagnosis the disease in question is carried out with the following pathologies:

  1. solitary mastocytoma - characterized by a different histological structure;
  2. aplasia of the dermis - has a smooth surface of the formation, similar to moles;
  3. juvenile xanthogranuloma - it is characterized by active growth and clear boundaries of the neoplasm;
  4. papillary syringocystadenomatous nevus - has the appearance of a nodule of a rich pink hue.


The most effective solution in the fight against the nevus of the sebaceous glands is its removal. You should not wait for its development and distribution, it is best to carry out the manipulation before puberty, but not earlier than reaching two years. In addition to medical indications, such a solution will avoid aesthetic problems - scars and the like.

Such an operation is performed by surgical intervention, using liquid nitrogen or an electric knife, laser removal, exposure to low temperature, and more. Getting rid of the disease occurs in oncology centers with the participation of dermatologists. After removal, the patient is sent for re-treatment. histological examination. If the presence of atypical cells is diagnosed, then an examination is carried out for the spread of metastases in different organs.

The most effective operation is to surgically remove the neoplasm, in which case there is a minimal risk of a revival of the disease in the same place.

Manipulations are carried out under local or general anesthesia if the affected epidermal layer of cells remains, they are re-produced. Any actions of doctors in the head area is a serious and complicated matter. medical worker takes into account not only the area and zone of the lesion, but also the age of the patient. There are cases when, according to the results of the operation in question, plastic surgery is necessary to restore the aesthetic component.

The resulting wound is treated with antiseptics, dressings are performed. It is important to maintain the cleanliness and sterility of dressings to prevent pathogenic bacteria and other substances from entering the epidermis. After healing, the sutures are removed.

Due to the fact that the specific causes of the appearance of a nevus have not been found to date and the period of the first signs of the disease falls on the first years of a person’s life, it is almost impossible to prevent it. Therefore, parents should be attentive to changes in the skin of their baby. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is important to observe skin hygiene, diagnose and treat the disease in time.

Nevus sebaceous glands, or nevus Jadassohn, is a benign nodular tumor on the head (hamartoma) caused by congenital dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. The skin growth is referred to as the seborrheic type (translated as "seborrhea" - the flow of fat). It looks like a relief crowding of waxy plaques from yellow to light brown in color. By international classification diseases (ICD) benign neoplasms of the skin of the scalp and neck assigned code D 23.4.

Reasons for the appearance

A sebaceous nevus appears immediately after the birth of a child or in the first years of life. What causes affect the change in the structure of the dermis is not known for certain. There are only assumptions that the process of intracellular mutation is triggered due to unnatural growth, blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands, impaired development of skin cells, hair follicles (follicles).

Risk factors

Based on the analytical material on sebaceous formations, medical science has identified several factors that negatively affect a pregnant woman and fetus:

  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • frequent and chronic diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • inheritance of the altered gene;
  • acne;
  • violation of psycho-emotional balance;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • exposure to UV rays, chemicals.

The course of the disease, stages of development

Seborrheic nevi on the scalp occur with equal frequency in both sexes. They exist for a long time asymptomatically, but do not go away on their own. In accordance with age-related changes sebaceous glands, the development of a benign formation is divided into 3 stages:

  • in infants it is with smooth papillae without hairline;
  • in adolescents, it resembles rounded, closely spaced warts of a yellow, light brown hue;
  • in adolescence, the tendency to oncological changes increases, more often in the form of basilioma (skin cancer), less often in the form of cancer of the apocrine (sweat) glands, skin squamous cell carcinoma.

Complications of neoplasm

Like any benign tumor, sebaceous nevus unpredictable. It can spread to adjacent areas of the skin, causing mutations in the form of:

  • benign adenoma on the face, on the skull in the hair zone;
  • rhinophyma - an ugly growth of nasal tissues;
  • blepharitis - 2-sided inflammation of the eyelids with blurred vision.

Jadasson's nevi tend to grow into nerve endings, bone structures, genitourinary, vascular system. If the central nervous department is affected, epilepsy develops, inhibition of mental development.

With age, under the influence of negative internal and external factors seborrheic neoplasm can be malignantly degenerated in about 15 cases out of 100.

A sebaceous nevus can turn into a basilioma or a particularly dangerous adenocarcinoma of the glands. The latter quickly spreads through the skin, destroying the natural structure of cells. Adenocarcinoma is able to revive after surgical removal.

Harbingers of dangerous changes can be:

  • fusion of closely spaced Yadasson nevi into a tuberous aggregation up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • intensive growth of a congenital skin defect in 1-2 months;
  • bleeding;
  • the appearance of crusts, sores, additional relief;
  • a change in an even color to a multi-colored, very dark, with the formation of contrasting rims;
  • manifestation of itching, burning, pain and other kind of sensitivity.

These signs do not always indicate the instability of seborrheic moles. An asymmetric, dark, bumpy formation can calmly behave for many years. At the same time, a histological examination ordered by the doctor only because the patient began to inexplicably "feel" skin growth can detect cancer cells.


Considering the complexity of identifying dangerous transformations, each dubious outgrowth must be studied in a clinical setting.

Traditional treatment of the disease

The only way to get rid of seborrheic nevus and cancer risks is surgical removal. Dermatologists, oncologists recommend surgical treatment already early childhood or at least until puberty.

It is possible to reliably, painlessly remove the build-up only in the conditions of an oncological dispensary with a traditional surgical scalpel. Doctors do not trust delicate operations on the head with electric and laser knives, liquid nitrogen. After them, a high percentage of relapses.

The confident hand, the experienced eye of the surgeon allow you to more accurately clean out the pathological focus to the boundaries of healthy tissues. Although in complex cases, 2-4 staged operations within a short time are not excluded.

Depending on the area and location of the lesion, the age category of the patient, operations are performed under local or general anesthesia. At the end, a small wound is sutured. A large wound surface, the face area require skin plasty.

During the postoperative week, regular drug treatments and dressings are done. The removed biomaterial is sent for histological examination to detect cancer cells. If the answer is positive, an additional examination for metastases is performed.

Alternative treatment

At home, it is impossible to radically get rid of a seborrheic neoplasm. Medicine does not give a 100% guarantee of success even for a qualified surgical intervention, since the mechanism of cellular mutations has not yet been studied in depth.

The people live recipes that have come down from those times when effective health care was not yet available. Unfortunately, there are no statistics reflecting the benefits and harms of home remedies for congenital nevus.

Hemlock application

Recipe for adults only! An effective remedy hemlock is considered to strengthen immunity, prevent malignant transformations. But this poisonous plant should be used with extreme caution, homeopathic doses. Fresh crushed hemlock inflorescences are loosely placed in a glass jar with a capacity of 0.5 l. Fill to the top with vodka. In winter, 30 g of dry grass is taken for 0.5 liters of vodka. In both cases, having tightly sealed the container, the drug is sent to a dark place to infuse for 14 days. If you need urgent application, you can limit yourself to 3 days.

Hemlock tincture is taken on an empty stomach with water. Breakfast is scheduled in an hour. Begin treatment with 1 drop in half a glass of water. Further, the daily dose increases strictly by 1 drop. From the 14th day to the 25th drop, dilute with 150 ml clean water. If 25 drops caused nausea and other signs of poisoning, you need to reduce the dosage or stop taking it until you feel normal. If the process goes smoothly, then from the 26th to the 40th day the medicine is dissolved in 200 ml of water.

On the 41st day, the number of drops is reduced to 39 and then they move according to the scheme in the opposite direction - up to 1 drop. The second course begins without a break, followed by another one. It is believed that an 8-month course of herbal medicine is able to treat oncoprocesses.

Apply folk remedies possible only after consulting a doctor.

Prevention and prognosis

Due to the lack of knowledge of cellular mutations, it is not possible to formulate preventive advice. There are only reinsurance measures - a timely visit to the doctor and the removal of Yadasson's nevus surgically. In this case, the forecast will be the most favorable.

Nevus of the sebaceous glands of Yadasson, or, as it is also called, seborrheic, is a tumor-like neoplasm, primarily due in its nature to the appearance of a malformation of the sebaceous glands, as well as other elements of the dermis. Most often, seborrheic nevus has a congenital form, less often acquired, manifesting itself in childhood and infancy. What causes provoke the appearance, and what treatment is indicated, we will consider in this article.

Important to remember! Most often, the sebaceous nevus affects the scalp or face, less often other parts of the body.

Pathology Clinic

Nevus Yadasson most often affects the scalp - this is a nodular neoplasm that occurs due to pathological tissue growth at the stage of embryo development. Neoplasms are solitary, limited in shape and have an oval shape, a linear area of ​​baldness, manifesting as a waxy plaque.

By their own clinical manifestations pathology has the following symptoms:

Seborrheic nevus goes through several stages in its development:

  1. At the first stage on skin neoplasms appear in the child - the symptoms manifest themselves as the appearance of papillae on the dermis.
  2. The second stage most often manifests itself during puberty in the form of spherical papules adjacent closely to one another.
  3. The third stage - most often it manifests itself in adolescence in the form of small or large growths protruding above the skin.

It is the third stage that is the most dangerous and, if left untreated, can transform from a benign to a malignant neoplasm.

At the moment, doctors cannot unequivocally say what provokes the appearance of a nevus of the sebaceous glands, but there are a number of factors that can lead to the development of this disease.

So, the concomitant factors provoking the appearance of a nevus, doctors call the following:

Complications of the disease

For the most part, the appearance of a nevus will proceed without characteristic symptoms, and therefore the control of a dermatologist is so important in order to avoid negative consequences and complications. Doctors note the fact that in 15% of cases benign neoplasm will develop into cancer, less often - a benign form of adenoma may develop.

At malignant neoplasm- the prognosis is unfavorable and it is impossible to carry out surgical removal due to the high risks of the spread of cancer cells. In this case, exclusively supportive treatment.

With a benign neoplasm, the pathology has favorable prognosis, and the treatment involves surgical intervention. The main thing in this case is timely, early diagnosis and taking the necessary measures, including radical, surgical removal of the neoplasm.

Important! The nevus of the sebaceous glands can also affect nearby tissues, nerve endings, vision and bone tissue, even the central nervous system and the genitourinary system, and in childhood it can result in mental retardation, the development of epilepsy.

Diagnosis and treatment

First of all, the doctor examines and interviews the patient, collecting an anamnesis - when the neoplasm appeared and whether the relatives had such pathologies. Based on the initial survey and examination, a preliminary diagnosis is made, after which the patient is sent for laboratory tests.

Laboratory tests will confirm or refute such a diagnosis as dermal cancer or papillary nevus. In particular, the latter is marked by an intense pink color, and the neoplasms themselves have a slightly different structure. Most often, histology is prescribed - it determines the depth and features of an existing neoplasm.

A smear is also taken with a puncture - this will determine the risk of tumor degeneration into malignant oncology. According to the results of the tests received, doctors prescribe a course of treatment - this can be like a constant observation by a dermatologist, but most often we are talking about more cardinal methods, such as surgery.

Due to the fact that the risks of degeneration of nevus tissue into malignant oncology are very high, doctors recommend surgical intervention in the very early age before the child reaches puberty. The thing is that more gentle methods of removing a nevus, for example, the use of cryodestruction, can give a positive result, but in the future the pathology will manifest itself again.

In this case, doctors talk about the need for complete removal by excision of the neoplasm within its growth zone and a thin strip of existing healthy tissue.

If it is impossible to remove the neoplasm at a time, doctors perform several surgical interventions, gradually removing pathologically overgrown tissues with a minimum period of time. As a result, if the nevus is located on the head or face and is very large in size, then surgery is considered difficult.

Surgical removal of a nevus is carried out in a hospital setting of medical institutions, the profile of which is the treatment of oncological diseases, using local or general anesthesia- depending on the size. After removal of the neoplasm, the resulting material is sent for histology to confirm or refute suspicions of cancer.

Most often, doctors use an ordinary scalpel or an electric knife to remove the nevus of the sebaceous glands. When detected by results laboratory tests sent histology of atypical cells in the body - repeated diagnostics, monitoring of the patient's health and, if necessary, specialized treatment are carried out.

Due to the fact that the root causes of the development of the nevus of the sebaceous glands have not yet been established by doctors as such, there are accordingly no preventive measures that can be advised to prevent the development of this pathology.

With the timely detection of neoplasms and the treatment carried out, doctors give the most favorable prognosis. As statistics show, 10% can develop basalioma, less often cancer. Accordingly, the sooner the nevus is removed, the lower the risk of developing pathological abnormalities.

Jadassohn's nevus is a benign skin neoplasm caused by the growth and malformation of skin components, namely: sebaceous and apocrine glands, hair follicles, epithelial cells and connective tissue elements.

In almost 70% of cases it is present from birth, in 30% it develops in infancy and early childhood.. The nevus of Yadasson develops on the scalp, face, back of the neck, and occasionally on other parts of the body. Dependence on sex or race is not observed, a hereditary predisposition has not been established, although cases of family diseases of the nevus of the sebaceous glands have been described.

Photo 1. In most cases, Yadasson's nevus is congenital. Source: Flickr (Derek Fox).

Symptoms of the nevus of the sebaceous glands

In the absence of complications, the nevus is painless, does not cause itching or other sensations. It is a plaque of a soft-elastic consistency, round or oval, slightly raised above the level of the skin, smooth or covered with papules, pink, sandy, brown or yellow color. Sizes vary from 0.5 to 9 cm.

Reasons for development

During embryonic development, many pluripotent (poorly differentiated) cells are laid in the skin of the fetus, from which all elements of the skin are formed during development. For unknown reasons in the process of differentiation and maturation of pluripotent cells occurs failure, which leads to excessive formation of sebaceous glands, hair follicles, etc. In connection with their active division, there is a local increase in the number of skin glands, other elements that merge into a single formation - a malformation.

Sebaceous nevus in children and newborns

As already mentioned, Yadasson's nevus is congenital or develops in the first 1.5 - 2 years of a child's life. Before puberty, it has a slightly different structure, namely, it is devoid of hair follicles, smooth or with small tender papillae. It can develop both relatively slowly and quite quickly, reaching in diameter up to 9 cm. In the case of a “normal” course of a nevus, having reached a certain size, it stops increasing and only its structure changes during life due to hormonal changes in the body.

Photo 2. Yadasson's nevus is located on the scalp, rarely on other parts of the body. Source: Flickr (Janniken20).

Main stages of development

Features of the development of the nevus of Yadasson are associated, first of all, with its structural components, which are based on sebaceous glands undergo significant changes throughout life.

At birth and before the onset of puberty, they are poorly developed, present in small numbers and practically do not secrete. In the future, the sebaceous glands increase significantly and begin to actively secrete sebum.

  1. In childhood, it has a smooth surface or is covered with delicate papillae, devoid of hair follicles.
  2. During puberty, the nevus becomes covered with yellow or brown papules that are closely adjacent to each other. The changes are associated with the differentiation of the sebaceous glands, which takes place during the puberty.
  3. In adult sexually mature people, the nevus of Yadassohn can acquire the most various forms due to the frequent development in its thickness of both benign and. Perhaps the appearance of hairs, scales, foci of keratinization.

Can a nevus become malignant?

This skin tumor develops from poorly differentiated embryonic cells, which in one quantity or another will remain in it throughout life. The tendency of pluripotent cells to accelerate division and potential differentiation into any elements of the skin determines high risk of developing malignant pathologies.

Jadosson's nevus can degenerate into benign cysts and hydradenomas, keratoacanthomas, as well as into such forms of skin cancer as squamous cell carcinoma, cancer of the apocrine glands. Often there are cases of development of several various kinds tumors within a similar nevus.

It is interesting! Scientist V. Lever put forward the theory that the development of benign and malignant tumors is not a sign of malignancy, but just one of the stages in the development of a nevus. This theory is confirmed by the fact that basaliomas that have developed against the background of Yadasson's nevus do not metastasize and remain small.

Possible complications of Yadasson's nevus

Despite the entertaining theory of V. Lever, the development of malignant and often fatal species against the background of such a nevus takes place. If basaliomas do not differ in pronounced aggressiveness, then squamous cell carcinoma or cancer of the apocrine glands can lead to the death of the patient.

Extremely rare diffuse(common) forms given diseases. They are characterized not only by skin lesions, but also by affecting the central nervous system, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and genitourinary systems. With such forms of the disease, there is a characteristic triad of symptoms: the presence of a linear nevus of Yadasson on the skin, mental retardation of varying severity, and epilepsy (there may be both small and large seizures).