The child has irritation on the chin what to do. Irritation from saliva on the chin in a child treatment

When the family has Small child, almost all parents have to deal with the problem of a rash around the mouth. Unpleasant manifestations sometimes disappear on their own, literally on the second or third day, but sometimes red dots and inflammation on the face persist for weeks. Is it worth worrying about the health of the baby and how to deal with the problem? First you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon, because there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of rashes on the chin.

The main causes of a rash around the mouth

In children, a rash on the chin and near the mouth is by no means a rare event. Parents of babies under 1 year of age face this problem much more often. Sometimes the cause of the appearance of rashes on the face is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The baby is actively developing, he pulls everything into his mouth, thereby getting acquainted with the outside world.

Sometimes a rash on the chin in a child may indicate a violation in the body. Red dots on the face may appear as a result of infection. Often such a symptom as a rash on the skin appears as a result of an allergic reaction.

Rash on the chin of the baby due to excessive salivation

The baby's skin is so early age still very tender, she is just beginning to adapt to environment. Due to abundant salivation in the nasolabial region, the baby often has irritation (we recommend reading:). Babies suck on pacifiers for a long time, the area around the mouth is constantly moistened with saliva, the skin reacts to an irritant with rashes in the form of red spots with blurry contours.

The cause of a rash on the chin in a baby may be irritation from the nipple with strong salivation

This phenomenon is not pathological, as it is caused by natural causes. In an adult healthy person prolonged exposure to saliva on the skin will also lead to irritation. Babies sometimes develop a rash when teething.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes a rash on the chin is a symptom of hives. Pimples on the face of a child may appear due to exposure to cold or prolonged exposure to a hot room (we recommend reading:). Often, irritation around the mouth appears after walking under the scorching rays of the sun. Urticaria can appear on the baby's body due to friction with clothes or seat belts of a child seat in the car.

If the baby is taking medications, then rashes on the face may be a response of the body to drug therapy. Allergies are most often caused by antibiotics and hormonal preparations, less often - vitamins and plant extracts.

Some parents may confuse skin chafing with symptoms contact dermatitis. Such irritation on the chin cause external factors: Allergies can be provoked by washing powders, cosmetics or clothes made of synthetics, wool.

Often, infants develop a rash on the skin after the introduction of complementary foods. Pimples can be localized not only on the chin, but throughout the body: on the back, abdomen, legs and arms. Sometimes some new products lead to enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids. If a food allergy goes into chronic form, then scabs appear on the inflamed areas of the skin.

Allergens can penetrate into breast milk. The baby may develop an allergic reaction to one or another product that the nursing mother used. The disease can be detected only after laboratory tests.

Rashes in infectious diseases

A rash is one of the symptoms of some infectious diseases. Depending on the causative agent appearance and the intensity of the rashes can vary greatly. Pimples on the body can appear with such diseases:

  • chicken pox;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • enterovirus infection.

After examining the child, an experienced pediatrician will quickly determine the disease by characteristic symptoms. Treatment will not be aimed at eliminating pimples, but at fighting the infection.

Other reasons

In the neonatal period, in 20-30% of newborns, small pimples (acne of newborns) appear on the skin (for more details, see the article:). Many parents are very concerned about these physiological manifestations, but such a rash is not at all dangerous. As soon as the baby's hormonal background improves, all skin defects will disappear.

The rash can often be seen only with tactile contact. Colorless pimples appear on the skin, but the pores are not clogged.

The metabolism in newborns is more intense than in adults, so babies often overheat. Because of this, prickly heat appears on their skin. Such rashes do not need to be treated, it is enough for parents to bathe the child and treat the affected areas with powder.

One more is enough common cause a rash around the child's mouth is a helminthic infestation. After the doctor prescribes therapy and the worms leave the body, the skin will begin to gradually clear.

In what cases does acne on the face of a baby require treatment?

In many cases, irritation on the face of a child appears as a result of physiological reasons then there is no need to fight the rash. However, there are diseases that require urgent treatment. You should see a doctor if:

  • areas of the skin affected by the rash grow;
  • drug treatment does not help, the number of rashes is not reduced;
  • inflamed skin began to peel off, pustules appeared.

Rash treatment

If a child has a rash, then its cause is first determined. Treatment will be directed at combating the underlying disease. Itching and burning from acne on the face can be removed with topical preparations. In other cases, medical therapy is carried out.

With diaper rash, the skin of the baby can be lubricated with Bepanten cream, and added to the bath for bathing herbal decoctions(chamomile, succession, calendula, etc.). Pimples can be wiped with an antiseptic solution.

Food allergies require a special diet. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the mother should exclude allergen foods from her diet. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines(Claritin, Zirtek, Zodak).

With scarlet fever, it is advisable to drink a course of antibiotics. If a child has chickenpox, pimples are smeared with brilliant green, an antipyretic is prescribed (Ibuprofen, Pandol Baby). To quickly get rid of defects on the skin, children are prescribed vitamin complexes.

In severe conditions, hospitalization is required. Complications can be avoided if you apply for medical care and follow medical orders.

Prevention of breakouts

Preventing acne on the chin is always easier than resorting to long and expensive treatment. To minimize the risks of rashes on the face, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  • a child from an early age must be taught the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the baby's nutrition should be balanced, complementary foods should be introduced gradually and with caution;
  • you need to fight constipation so that the metabolic processes in the child's body are not disturbed;
  • it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against worms;
  • vaccinate according to the vaccination schedule.

With the appearance of red spots, peeling and small rash on the chin of a child, parents wonder about the causes of these phenomena. In addition to the fact that they can cause discomfort and cause a restless state of the baby, they can indicate various diseases, dysfunctions or pathologies in the body. This is due to the desire of parents to identify the causes as soon as possible and start the fight for healthy skin.

  1. At first, the rash resembles "fever spots" dispersed in the perioral zone.
  2. Over time, the spots may form groups.
  3. The appearance of peeling, cracks, wounds, pimples, rashes.
  4. The skin in these areas looks slightly swollen.
  5. Reddened areas slightly rise above the general level of the skin.
  6. Sometimes the rashes have bubble formations filled with clear liquid contents.
  7. The child is irritable and often cries.
  8. Severe itching causes rashes to be scratched, in some cases to the point of damage to the vesicles.
  9. There are complex symptoms, accompanied by allergic rhinitis, ocular conjunctivitis, and in difficult cases - attacks of bronchial asthma.

Causes of a rash

In order to choose the correct algorithm of actions, you need to decide which factors initiated the appearance of spots, peeling, papules or rashes on the face.

  • Physiological manifestations in infants during the neonatal period - the first weeks and months of life, the so-called "newborn acne". This phenomenon manifests itself in 20 - 30% of infants and is absolutely not dangerous for them, does not require treatment and disappears on its own after the final adjustment of the level of hormones in the blood. Feature- no clogged pores. Sometimes they do not have a specific coloration and are felt only tactilely when running the palm over the skin.
  • food allergy. In appearance, it resembles a nettle burn. It can manifest itself not only in the chin and face, but spread to the back, arms, legs and tummy. With this allergic pathology, dermatitis occupies the face, buttocks, legs, forearms, and tummy. In some cases, with atopic dermatitis, the tonsils and adenoids increase, and swelling occurs. At chronic course provokes the appearance of scabs, which periodically become weeping. When breastfeeding, allergens can come with breast milk. On artificial nutrition, the onset of symptoms can be provoked by the presence of proteins in the mixture, which cause skin reactions if used early or incorrectly. The disease is diagnosed exclusively by a doctor.

  • Reaction to medications. Especially often occurs in response to taking antibiotics or hormone-containing drugs. Also, such reactions are provoked by multivitamin complexes, colored tablet shells and colored preparations, many products with plant extracts, and iron-containing drugs.

  • contact dermatitis. Looks like chafing of the skin caused by synthetic detergents, washing powders, rinses. A rash can occur as a result of contact with certain types of fabrics, most commonly synthetics or virgin wool.

  • Prickly heat. Despite the fact that it is most often localized on the neck, chest and inside the folds, it sometimes appears in the chin area. Occurs due to the release of sweat after overheating. Prickly heat does not require specific therapy, it is enough to wash the places of manifestation with water and treat with powder.

  • Hives. Appears on various reasons: due to exposure to cold air or excessive heat, from exposure to sunlight or excitement. Another reason is the tight friction on the elastic band on clothes or the belts of child car seats in the car. If the manifestations do not go away for a long time, you should contact your pediatrician, who will prescribe the use of antihistamines.

  • Infectious rash. Occurs in response to the development of an infectious disease in the body. Depending on the type of infection, their intensity and appearance differ. Caused by three-day fever, scarlet fever, chickenpox, measles, rubella or enterovirus infection"mouth - foot - palm." The purpose of the treatment prescribed by the doctor is not to get rid of the rashes, but to fight the pathogen.

The mechanism of occurrence of allergic manifestations on the baby's chin

The essence of the appearance of an allergy is an overly active expression of the protective mechanism of the immune system against an irritant (allergen).

Most often, the allergen comes from the outside in the form of medicines, food, as an element of inhaled air, household chemicals on clothes, etc. But sometimes the body attacks the internal elements of the body. This happens in a number of autoimmune and rheumatic diseases. For this reason, consultation with a pediatrician when such symptoms are detected is mandatory.

The younger the child, the more sensitive his dermal integument, and the immune system insufficiently formed. That is why the number of cases of allergic reactions on the face is inversely proportional to age. An aggravating factor is the recovery period after an illness or taking heavy drugs during treatment.

Another factor is heredity. The overwhelming majority of children with allergies are born to parents suffering from allergies.

Important: sometimes the aggravation of symptoms occurs rapidly and is accompanied by fever and Quincke's edema. To prevent this, you need to seek qualified help in a medical institution as soon as possible.

Where to go to find out the reasons

First, you should show the baby to the local pediatrician, who will prescribe treatment or give a referral for a consultation with an allergist-immunologist. The allergist will draw up an anamnesis, on the basis of which a list of necessary tests will be determined.

To confirm the diagnosis and the factors causing allergic manifestations, there are such basic methods:

  1. . A micro-scratch is made on the forearm, into which the allergen is introduced. The specialist observes changes in the skin and the reaction of the body, which he fixes in the protocol of laboratory tests. Contraindications for this type of diagnosis are: infectious diseases and recovery period, a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases (including allergies), taking certain drugs, age under 5 years. An indisputable plus of the method is its low cost.
  2. Immunological blood test. In young children, this method is used more often.

How to alleviate the condition

With severe itching and anxiety of the baby, you can try to temporarily reduce the intensity of symptoms with the help of such measures:

  • Hygiene procedures (washing) should be carried out without the use of synthetic baby care products general action use means to reduce allergic manifestations.
  • Conduct a series of air baths indoors at a comfortable temperature or outdoors.
  • Apply emollient creams or.
  • You can treat the chin with decoctions of chamomile or string.
  • Give antihistamines (only on the recommendation of a pediatrician).

What to do is prohibited

  • Do not use alcohol solutions for cauterization of rashes on the chin.
  • Use excessively oily creams and ointments that clog the skin pores, as they can aggravate the rash.
  • Apply powder on the affected area.
  • Self-prescribe antihistamines and other medications.

At a certain stage in the development of a newborn child, parents may notice profuse salivation in the baby (hypersalivation), due to which irritation of the skin around the mouth is formed. This local inflammatory process often affects the area chest, neck, cheeks. In most cases given state passes without further intervention. However, young parents are concerned about the causes of irritation, as well as methods for eliminating this phenomenon.

Causes of salivation

Most medical specialists in the field of pediatrics associate this phenomenon with age. Very often, excessive salivation occurs in children at an early age, when teething is not characteristic. This phenomenon is most often observed in children who often suck their fingers and fists.

The mechanism of excessive salivation is a protective mechanism that allows cleaning the oral cavity of a newborn from pathogenic microorganisms that have entered from outside. In many children, salivation occurs regardless of the state of wakefulness or sleep, and also at any time of the day.

Parents notice wet spots on the child's pillow, clothes, toys and other household items. Constant moisture provokes irritation of the skin around the mouth of the baby. Some parents prefer not to pay attention to this, while others wonder about ways to help their child. In this case, constantly wiping the child's mouth is not a solution to the problem, as exposure to the tissue provokes an aggravation of irritation.

Other reasons for the formation of hypersalivation in a newborn child include:

  • A viscous and thick salivary fluid is produced by the child's body to improve the process of breast sucking;
  • The composition of the salivary fluid of a newborn child includes a large number of antibacterial and antiviral components. In addition, saliva contains active enzymes that carry out the primary breakdown of food components during meals;
  • One of the properties of salivary fluid is pain relief. This property is necessary for young children during the eruption of milk teeth.

From a practical point of view, the fight against excessive salivation does not end with its complete elimination. As the baby grows older, this process is eliminated without outside help. The only option to help the baby is to prevent and eliminate the effects of irritant action in the salivary fluid.

Pathological causes of hypersalivation

In some cases, the causes of profuse salivation in newborns are pathological conditions. Such diseases are subject to immediate treatment by a pediatric dentist or pediatrician. The main causes of pathological hypersalivation include:

  • Ulcerative stomatitis provoked by viral or bacterial pathogens;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • Availability ;
  • middle ear disease;
  • Pathology of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems;
  • Hypersensitivity reactions associated with certain medications;
  • Diseases of the autonomic and central nervous system;
  • Poisoning by toxic substances such as mercury, pesticides and iodine;
  • Gingivitis.

Prevention of irritation

Young parents should familiarize themselves with the key rules of behavior for hypersalivation in a child, as these actions are aimed at preventing the irritating effect of salivary fluid on the baby's skin. These rules include:

  • It is preferable to wipe the child's saliva with disposable sterile wipes or a clean handkerchief. At the same time, blot the skin, and do not rub it;
  • If the baby is able to sit without the help of strangers, then parents can use a fabric bib or ordinary cotton cloth. Both products absorb moisture well, not allowing it to linger on the surface of the skin;
  • When the child is in his crib, a clean cotton diaper, folded several times, is placed under his head. The fabric will quickly absorb excess saliva. Parents need to constantly monitor the degree of wetting of the diaper, promptly changing it to a dry and clean cloth;
  • Skin areas that are constantly exposed to saliva and liquid can be lubricated with a nourishing cream for children. it cosmetic product will allow not only to protect the skin of the baby, but also to eliminate the manifestation of the inflammatory reaction.
  • When deducting the skin, attention is paid not only to the area around the mouth, but also to the child's chest, cheeks. For more effective cleansing, the baby is washed with warm boiled water once or twice a day.


The primary task of young parents is to visit medical specialist for the purpose of a comprehensive examination of the child. The baby is prescribed an allergy test, a fecal examination for helminthic invasions, general analysis blood and urine. If the cause of irritation around the mouth was an allergic reaction, then the baby is shown taking antihistamines (anti-allergic) medicines.

These drugs include the drug Edem or Suprastin. In addition, parents need to pay attention to the composition of the child's diet. It is strictly forbidden to introduce complementary foods before 6 months. It is very important to follow the preventive vaccination schedule, as well as regularly check the baby's body for helminthic invasions.

If abundant salivation does not go beyond the physiological norm, then parents must be patient and follow the prescribed recommendations regarding the care of the skin of a newborn baby.

Hello dear readers. Allergy on the chin in a child occurs due to many reasons.

But most often, when skin inflammation appears on the chin, the unformed immune system of the child does not work correctly.

The production of a huge amount of histamine begins in the body, an allergic reaction is triggered, which is often localized in the form skin rashes on the chin.

If the rash is on the chin, near the mouth, doctors diagnose perioral dermatitis. The younger the child, the more often such manifestations can be observed.

As with any other sign of allergy in children, parents need to take their child to a specialist to prescribe the right therapy to ensure a successful outcome.

What can cause disease

A variety of irritants can cause allergies on the chin in a child:

  • (in this case, the child may develop a food allergy, a symptom of which is a rash on the chin).
  • Wool (or rather, protein in the saliva of the animal, which is certainly present on its coat).
  • household dust.
  • Plant pollen.
  • Baby creams, face lotions.
  • Some medicines.
  • Insect bites.

Doctors believe that in children the causes of such allergic manifestations are most often associated with food allergies.

This may be an intolerance to certain foods, or it may be a reaction to various chemical substances, which they contain or by which they are processed (during cultivation, storage).

The main symptoms of the disease

In addition to a rash on the chin (pimples, red spots that can merge into one large spot), an allergy on the chin in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of tissues.
  • spreading in the neck, nose, cheeks. Urticaria is accompanied by severe itching and burning.
  • Peeling of the skin, dryness in the mouth area.
  • Swelling of the edges of the lips.
  • The child's chin swells and itches a lot.

Allergic symptoms cause great anxiety in babies, they often cry and sleep poorly. Manifestations of allergies on the chin cannot be overlooked by parents.

Sometimes complex symptoms can be observed: the child develops allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, in rare cases there are seizures.

To avoid these symptoms, you should immediately bring the child to the doctor if a rash appears on the chin.

Diagnostic methods and therapy for chin allergies

The doctor, having examined the child, will ask the parents about his contacts with animals, about the diet, about the presence of allergies in the family.

This information will suggest what exactly is a potential allergen. In addition, the specialist will prescribe diagnostic laboratory research. They are aimed at accurately identifying the irritant that caused a violent allergic reaction.

In addition, to quickly relieve allergic symptoms on the chin, the specialist will prescribe medication:

  • Taking antihistamine drugs that stop excess histamine in the blood and quickly cope with signs of allergies on the chin. The doctor, as a rule, prescribes third-generation drugs to children that do not cause drowsiness and impaired concentration, do not injure the central nervous system of the child, and act with great effect (which can be used starting from one month old, Loratadine, Claritin). Hormonal oral medications are prescribed to the child at the most severe forms chin allergies. You should clearly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding dosages and the duration of the course of treatment, since any violation of the specialist's prescriptions is fraught in this case with serious complications, up to hormonal imbalance.
  • The use of local medicines that are applied to the skin of the chin. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments. Usually prescribed non-hormonal local preparations(gels, creams, ointments), which moisturize the skin well, relieve irritation, peeling, and remove red spots. Such means as, gel, D-panthenol have proven themselves superbly.
  • Use of funds traditional medicine(infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula for lotions, compresses).
  • It is also possible to prescribe to strengthen the immunity of the child.

All medicinal appointments are carried out only by a specialist. This also applies to folk remedies.

During the course of treatment, parents should ensure that direct solar radiation does not fall on the skin of the child's chin, which can increase the symptoms of the disease. If the child gets sick in the summer, the doctor will recommend sunscreen.

The skin on the chin of a child is quite often irritated with allergies. But these manifestations timely treatment can be removed in a fairly short time.

The main thing is that parents do not delay contacting a specialist, then the rash from the chin will not spread to other areas of the face, and the child will recover quickly.

In the future, it is important that the child no longer meets with the irritant that caused the allergy on the chin, because with a relapse, the intensity of allergic reactions may increase. As the child grows older, such manifestations may disappear completely if all the doctor's recommendations are followed.

Important to remember

  1. Allergy on the chin in a child is not uncommon, especially in younger children.
  2. Many irritants can cause an allergic reaction, but most often the culprits of the disease are food.
  3. In the event of a rash on the chin, parents should immediately show the child to the doctor to accurately identify the allergen and prescribe complex therapy.

See you in the next article!

At a certain stage in the development of a newborn child, parents may notice profuse salivation in the baby (hypersalivation), due to which irritation of the skin around the mouth is formed. This local inflammatory process often affects the chest area, neck, cheeks. In most cases, this condition resolves without further intervention. However, young parents are concerned about the causes of irritation, as well as methods for eliminating this phenomenon.

Causes of salivation

Most medical specialists in the field of pediatrics associate this phenomenon with age-related eruption of milk teeth. Very often, excessive salivation occurs in children at an early age, when teething is not characteristic. This phenomenon is most often observed in children who often suck their fingers and fists.

The mechanism of excessive salivation is a protective mechanism that allows cleaning the oral cavity of a newborn from pathogenic microorganisms that have entered from outside. In many children, salivation occurs regardless of the state of wakefulness or sleep, and also at any time of the day.

Parents notice wet spots on the child's pillow, clothes, toys and other household items. Constant moisture provokes irritation of the skin around the mouth of the baby. Some parents prefer not to pay attention to this, while others wonder about ways to help their child. In this case, constantly wiping the child's mouth is not a solution to the problem, as exposure to the tissue provokes an aggravation of irritation.

Other reasons for the formation of hypersalivation in a newborn child include:

  • A viscous and thick salivary fluid is produced by the child's body to improve the process of breast sucking;
  • The composition of the salivary fluid of a newborn child includes a large number of antibacterial and antiviral components. In addition, saliva contains active enzymes that carry out the primary breakdown of food components during meals;
  • One of the properties of salivary fluid is pain relief. This property is necessary for young children during the eruption of milk teeth.

From a practical point of view, the fight against excessive salivation does not end with its complete elimination. As the baby grows older, this process is eliminated without outside help. The only option to help the baby is to prevent and eliminate the effects of irritant action in the salivary fluid.

Pathological causes of hypersalivation

In some cases, pathological conditions become the causes of profuse salivation in newborns. Such diseases are subject to immediate treatment by a pediatric dentist or pediatrician. The main causes of pathological hypersalivation include:

  • Ulcerative stomatitis provoked by viral or bacterial pathogens;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • The presence of helminthic invasions in the body;
  • middle ear disease;
  • Pathology of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems;
  • Hypersensitivity reactions associated with certain medications;
  • Diseases of the autonomic and central nervous system;
  • Poisoning by toxic substances such as mercury, pesticides and iodine;
  • Gingivitis.

Prevention of irritation

Young parents should familiarize themselves with the key rules of behavior for hypersalivation in a child, as these actions are aimed at preventing the irritating effect of salivary fluid on the baby's skin. These rules include:

  • It is preferable to wipe the child's saliva with disposable sterile wipes or a clean handkerchief. At the same time, blot the skin, and do not rub it;
  • If the baby is able to sit without the help of strangers, then parents can use a fabric bib or ordinary cotton cloth. Both products absorb moisture well, not allowing it to linger on the surface of the skin;
  • When the child is in his crib, a clean cotton diaper, folded several times, is placed under his head. The fabric will quickly absorb excess saliva. Parents need to constantly monitor the degree of wetting of the diaper, promptly changing it to a dry and clean cloth;
  • Skin areas that are constantly exposed to saliva and liquid can be lubricated with a nourishing cream for children. This cosmetic product will not only protect the skin of the baby, but also eliminate the manifestation of the inflammatory reaction.
  • When deducting the skin, attention is paid not only to the area around the mouth, but also to the child's chest, cheeks. For more effective cleansing, the baby is washed with warm boiled water once or twice a day.


The primary task of young parents is a visit to a medical specialist for the purpose of a comprehensive examination of the child. The baby is prescribed an allergy test, a fecal examination for helminthic invasions, a general blood and urine test. If the cause of irritation around the mouth was an allergic reaction, then the baby is shown taking antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs.

These drugs include the drug Edem or Suprastin. In addition, parents need to pay attention to the composition of the child's diet. It is strictly forbidden to introduce complementary foods before 6 months. It is very important to follow the preventive vaccination schedule, as well as regularly check the baby's body for helminthic invasions.

If abundant salivation does not go beyond the physiological norm, then parents must be patient and follow the prescribed recommendations regarding the care of the skin of a newborn baby.

Girls tell me please!!! such a problem when our son was 3 months old, we began to drool and they became stronger and stronger, we are waiting for teeth, but they are not there! and we are already 6 months old and there is even more saliva already choking on them and spitting them up. Then there was a slight irritation on the cheeks. Not only do they flow, but he also rubs them on his face with his hands and especially with toys in the evening, we are just red !!! it hurts to look ........... the cheeks are already burgundy. Right now, our cheeks are covered with some kind of film and already rough. During the day, everything is white but rough, and in the evening, rubbing with toys, we are all red! Isn't it drooling like that?? It's been going on for 3 months already.............. They prescribed Desetin cream, it doesn't help and smeared Beponten with Beponten, the skin is already rough and severely irritated! maybe someone had it? does it go away?? We don't have teeth yet! In the photo, we were still a little peeling



The child is 7 months old, drooling can even be said very actively, and here, simultaneously with the first tooth, a strong irritation appeared under the lower lip. Has anyone had this happen and what did they do?



I smear with bepanthen) otherwise it will almost pass, then it will appear again



Emolium helped



I don’t advise smearing baby cream around the mouth, there is nothing useful in the composition, but it can get into the mouth with toy hands



Did you have irritation on your cheeks too? because it's clearly not an allergy, but it annoys me (



we had and have, but a little, down on the cheeks, on the sides of the mouth



Bepanten helps me in everything))))))))))))) .... even somehow I smeared my face with a surplus squeezed out ... .. she herself was like a baby))))))))))))))



but they simply didn’t try to wash the child more often: gy:



very funny)! I really go after her all day with a bib, after washing with cream I smear everything and the result is zero (((



but they simply didn’t try to wash the child more often

not helping 😉

I really follow her all day with a bib

if I wipe it - on the contrary, even more irritation

as a result, I don’t wipe it: gy: small red pimples around the lips. Once a day I smear with bepanthen. It doesn't get worse, it doesn't get better either.

best the enemy of the good




I will write how we escaped, without advice. The doctor prescribed us to smear the red castellani when the skincap dried up a little or just the skincap.

Due to the fact that I have a mindset, I ask you to post a guard!



I smear with bepanthen (dexpanthenol) at night, and during the day I just blot

Nizhny Tagil


did not smear with anything and did not wipe. blotted with a soft diaper or damp cloth. or just don't touch it.

I - in the soul of you?! Oh, I won’t spit! .. © 🙂


just a visitor

We now also, around the mouth on the chin, cheeks, a little bit of the nose has been touched. If it’s strong, sometimes I smear it with fenistil, when it’s very red from friction. In general, bepanthen. When a very large pimple is on the verge of inflammation, then advantan, but a drop that I didn’t get on healthy skin helps very well




tincture of calendula, our nurse said, calendula removes inflammation, and alcohol dries, smear cotton swab right on the pimples. You can also fukartsin, this is a red brilliant green ... bipanten did not help from the very beginning)))



They also messed around with these redness, it feels like the daughter is crawling on her face. First, she smeared it with bepanthen, to no avail, then she smeared a mustela vitamin barrier cream (which is against diaper rash). Oh miracle, he dried everything. Now TTT everything is fine.




bepanten helps me in everything



At one time, it helped me: colorless castellani + salicylic-zinc ointment.



Today we went to the dermatologist with such a question, but we just have redness on the chin from saliva, we were told to smear with advantan for 5 days and zinc paste, precisely pasta! Before that, she herself smeared with bepanthen and mustela - the result is 0 !!! I constantly drool with a paper raft.

Everyone is right in their own way, but in my opinion no!



Try CICAPLAST La Roche Posey. This is truly a miracle cream, without hormones, it helps with many types of skin damage. It has been tested on allergic rashes, and on dryness and chicks, on the skin of both adults and babies. My daughter has exactly the same problem - they eliminated it with a cream in 1 day.

Pine nut



Didn't wipe, didn't irritate. Grandmothers came, started chasing a child with a scarf, so scabs immediately appeared. In my opinion, wet is better, but without scabs.



Bepanten is our everything. Nasal in the morning and at night



I smear with bepanthen: first, I wipe it off saliva with a wet sponge, then WET it dry, then rub it with bepanthen so that the skin shines (and not just with a thick layer). I smear around the mouth and cheeks.
In general, salivation decreases with us personally, when the tooth begins to move less actively.

... and no matter how you frown your eyebrows and wrinkle your forehead - such a distortion of the face does not convince me (c)

Bun Olushka



Didn't do anything, it just went away



future mom


I also use float. and with irritation and diaper rash, and when the nipples cracked with GV, she also smeared it.

Oh, those candy kids, they always try to puzzle us with something. Here is the question irritation from saliva in a child on the face, locally around the mouth and up to the chest- they ask us a problem quite unexpectedly. The reasons can be very trivial (for example, during teething) or completely incomprehensible. Let's understand, in general.

Causes of irritation

Irritation around the mouth from saliva in a child may be the result of various mechanical influences.

  • For example, teeth are cut in crumbs and abundant salivation (hypersalivation) is observed. He cannot cope with saliva, because he does not have time to swallow it, so it flows over the skin on the face, going around mouth, flowing down the neck and reaching the nearest collar of clothing, where it is safely and absorbed. On the one hand, the picture does not look very pleasant. On the other hand, no one can get rid of this until the time comes and the baby's reflexes begin to work constantly. And also do not forget that during teething, saliva has analgesic effects, helping to cope with unpleasant and painful sensations.

  • In the case when the baby is clearly not observed teething, but irritation from saliva does not pass. Follow him. Perhaps he often tries toys “by the teeth”, sucks a cam or a finger, thereby introducing excess bacteria and the body is cleansed of them with the help of profuse salivation.
  • In addition, while the baby is still small, abundant saliva is secreted to improve the sucking process of the breast, and later the presence of enzymes has a direct effect on the primary breakdown of food.
  • It cannot be ruled out that profuse salivation may be due to disease. Among which, apart from viral infection, damage to the central nervous system, as well as various diseases of a dental nature (candidiasis, stomatitis, and others) can also be observed.
  • Allergic reaction in baby can also be accompanied by such a fast saliva production and accelerated work glands. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the last two points with your doctor. If necessary, carry out preventive and treatment measures according to the established schedule.

As a result of such constant salivation, mothers try to wipe all the time, blot dry the skin around the baby's mouth. If such a process is permanent and there is no way to additionally protect the skin of the child, then you can mechanically damage the skin due to the fact that it has become dry and cracked. In this case, the re-entry of saliva will be more annoy more and redness may increase.

This process, no matter how natural, cannot be left without attention. But it is also very important to understand what needs to be done and what is not recommended.

How to treat irritation from saliva in a child

Before thinking about treatment, let's build the correct and least dangerous scheme of daily activities, because such stages, when the child has severe irritation from saliva there will be several:

  • When saliva flows out (and it can interfere, especially when the baby’s clothes get wet all the time in winter), the mother should blot the baby’s skin with dry disposable wipes. Do not rub, just gently blot.
  • If the baby is sleeping, then it is better to put an additional soft diaper in the place of the head, which must be constantly (as necessary) changed.
  • Bibs have not been canceled. You can even use them while walking. They will help keep baby's clothes dry and clean, and you only need to have a couple of these options for a change.
  • Several times a day, you wash your face, neck, chest (if saliva comes here too) with plain warm water. You can use herbal infusion. But first, be sure to check the baby for allergies.
  • After cleansing the skin, apply a simple baby nourishing and moisturizing cream.

Thus, you will prevent skin irritation from saliva, which may increase over the course of a day or a week, but do not give severe redness and cracking of the skin.

But at strong irritation you need to take a number of actions aimed at restoring skin on the face, and before that, establish the cause of such profuse salivation. To do this, try to use, strictly for its intended purpose, the following creams and ointments:

  • After passing the tests and identifying the cause, the doctor (pediatrician or dentist) will prescribe treatment. In this case, it will be aimed at eliminating the cause of the served irritation on the face from saliva in a child. And only in the second place, the elimination of the irritation itself.
  • Creams and ointments with panthenol. The only moment in stores now except dosage forms you can come across cosmetic creams. Before buying them, be sure to look at what exactly and for what age they recommend. Because in cosmetic creams, in addition to panthenol, there are many third-party trace elements that can cause allergies.
  • Antihistamines can relieve irritation and itching. With allergies, they can be prescribed to you in combination with the main treatment.

For other drugs, ask your doctor to avoid allergic reactions and negative effects on the skin.


The kid, who is still developing everything, cannot take care of himself, so this function falls entirely on the parents. Pay attention to even small redness to avoid problems in the future. All saliva irritation in children and will pass, the main thing is to take a set of necessary measures in time.