What services are needed for the Internet to work. What services can be disabled, or how to speed up the computer? What services cannot be interfered with

Any task running in Windows, be it a program, process, or service, takes resources away from the operating system, slowing it down.

Windows 7 can be sped up with software optimizations, especially when used on low-end PCs.

Running processes occupy the physical memory of the computer and can affect the operation of other tasks, even if they are not running on the PC. Unnecessary processes can be disabled in the Windows Task Manager.

Step 1. Press the keys "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Esc" at the same time.

Step 2 In the window that opens, go to the "Processes" tab and check the "Display processes of all users" checkbox. The "Image Name" column shows the names of the processes, and the "User" column shows on whose behalf (system or user) it was launched.

List of processes needed by the operating system:

Note! You can try to disable any other processes in the system empirically.

Step 3 To end (disable) a process, click on its name and click the End Process button. In the next window, click "End Process" again.

If an attempt is made to close a process that is important to the system, it will soon start up again, or access to close it by the system will be denied.

Disable unnecessary services

Closing processes does not always allow you to get rid of them completely. Unnecessary Windows services that start processes can be disabled using the System Services snap-in.

Step 1. Push Together Win keys and R (Win is to the left of Alt).

Step 2 Type "services.msc" in the window and click "OK".

Step 3 The Services snap-in opens. Click on the desired service and click "Stop".

The service will be stopped.

Advice! It is undesirable to disable the service if you are not sure that this will not affect the operation of the system now or in the future.

Disable Services and Startup Items

In order to prevent services from starting when Windows boots, you must remove them, along with unnecessary program elements, in the system configurator.

Step 1. Press Win+R, type "msconfig" and click OK.

Step 2 Click on the "Services" icon.

Step 3 Check the box below "Do not display Microsoft services" and click "Disable all". Click "Apply".

Step 4 Switch to the "Startup" tab. Click "Disable all" and click "OK".

Step 5 Check the "Do not show warning again ..." checkbox and select the appropriate way to exit the setting.

Check the box "Do not show the warning again ..." and select one of the exit options

Advice! It is undesirable to disable elements if you are not sure that this will not affect the operation of the programs the user needs.

You can find out what the startup item belongs to by typing its name in an Internet search.

Clean up operating system

Windows 7 has a set of cleaning tools to get rid of obsolete and unwanted files that take up disk space and slow down your PC.

Step 1. Open "Computer" on the desktop by double-clicking on the appropriate icon.

Step 2 Right-click on the icon of the system drive (usually C:) and select the left "Properties" (Properties).

Step 3 Select the General tab and click Disk Cleanup. Wait while Windows indexes the drive.

Step 4 A list of files will be displayed with their size, which can be erased without harm to the user and the system. Select the necessary items by putting a checkmark in front of them, and click "OK" to delete.

Step 5 Repeat this process for other PC hard drive letters.

Advice! It is advisable to use this remedy regularly to keep the system in proper condition.

Uninstall programs using Windows

Your computer can store many programs, files, folders, and web browser add-ons that take up hard drive space and slow down the OS. They can be removed using standard Windows tools.

Step 1. Press Win+R, type "appwiz.cpl" and click "OK".

Step 2 In the "Uninstall or change a program" window, select the desired item with the mouse and click "Uninstall/Change".

Step 3 Follow the prompts of the uninstaller.

Removal by special programs

In addition to the standard Windows tools, there are special programs that allow you to remove the listed items more efficiently.

These programs include:

  • CCleaner, a combination of many Windows cleaning tools, incl. cleaning the registry, and a simple interface;
  • Advanced System Care, which has built-in components for finding problems in the OS, removing viruses and spyware;
  • iObit Uninstaller, which scans and removes data, folders and files left after programs, as well as web browser panels.

Uninstalling with iObit Uninstaller

Step 1. Go to the site: https://ru.iobit.com/advanceduninstaller.php and click "Download".

Note! Once downloaded, the file can be found by opening "Settings" and going to "Downloads" in a web browser.

Step 2 Run setup file.

Step 3 Click "Install" (Install).

Step 4 After installing and running the program, go to "All Programs", select the one you need by clicking on it and click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the window.

Step 5 Click "Delete".

Step 6 After deleting, click "Powerful Scan".

Step 7 A list of the remaining program elements will appear. Click "Delete".

Step 8 A message about cleaning the system of residual files will appear. Close the program by clicking on the cross at the top of the window.

How to identify programs to uninstall

Should I Remove It?

Step 2 Press the "Download Now" button.

Step 3 Run the setup file and click Next.

Step 4 Put a dot in front of "I agree ..." (I agree ...) and click "Next" (Next).

Step 7 Click "Install" (Install).

Step 8 Click "Finish" to complete the installation and run the program.

A list of programs installed on the PC will appear. Each program has an indicator from green (useful) to red (useless, harmful), which shows the percentage of users who decide to remove it.

Step 9 Click "Uninstall" next to the program you want to uninstall.

Step 10 Click "Yes" (Yes) to confirm the removal of the program.

Step 11 After removing unnecessary programs, click the cross to close the utility.

Check for errors on hard drives

Errors on disks also reduce the performance of the OS due to the difficulty of reading corrupted data from them.

Step 1. Open with a mouse click "Computer" (Computer).

Step 2 Right-click on the system drive and left-click Properties.

Step 3 Go to the “Tools” tab and click “Check now…”.

Step 4 Leave the checkbox “Automatically fix the errors…” and click “Start”.

A message may appear stating that Windows is unable to check the disk because it is in use by the system. Click "Check Schedule ..." (Scedule ...) and restart the PC, allowing it to complete the task.

Click "Check Schedule..."

Defragment hard drives

During operation, the disks become "fragmented", because. Some of the files are scattered over the disk in fragments when they are overwritten.

As a result, searching for and launching files takes more and more time and the disk needs to be defragmented.

Step 1. In the Hard Drive Properties window (see Steps 1-2 of the previous section), select the Tools tab and click Defragment now....

Step 2 Press (Defragment disk) to start the process. It can take quite long time, while defragmenting, you can continue to use your PC.

Step 3 Defragment all hard drive letters on the computer.

Reference! For solid-state hard drives, defragmentation is not required, as it does not affect the speed of their work and reduces the resource.

Disable search indexing

Disabling indexing can increase the speed of the OS if the search in the system is not used very often and the PC has less than 2GB of RAM installed.

Step 1. In the "Properties" window of the hard drive (see above), go to the "General" tab. Uncheck the box “Allow files indexed…” and click “OK”.

Step 2 In the window that appears, click "OK" again.

Step 3 Repeat these steps for all hard drive letters on the PC.

Check meal plan settings

Windows 7 automatically adjusts the laptop's performance based on whether it's running on mains or battery power.

If you only use the notebook while plugged in, you can select high performance OS mode. You also need to check this setting on a desktop PC.

Step 1. Press Win+R, type "powercfg.cpl" and click "OK".

Step 2 In the power options, click opposite "High performance" to set the mode.

Disable Aero Mode

Additional OS performance can be obtained by tweaking visual effects. If Windows 7 is running very slowly, you can switch from Aero mode to a simpler one. appearance.

Step 1. Right-click on an empty part of the PC screen and select "Personalize" with the left mouse button.

Step 2 Select "Windows 7 - Simplified" (Windows 7 Basic) or "Classic" from the list of available themes.

Select the available theme "Windows 7 - Simplified Style" from the list

Disable visual effects

Disabling visual effects also noticeably increases the speed of the OS.

Step 1. Right-click on the Computer icon and select Properties.

Step 2 Click on the left "Advanced system settings" (Advanced system settings).

Step 3 Click Advanced, and under Performance, click Settings.

Step 4 Click the "Visual Effects" tab, put a dot in front of "Adjust for best performance" and click "OK".

Reference! If the user does not like the appearance of the OS, in the "Visual Effects" you can choose another option that is suitable in a particular case.

Use ReadyBoost

ReadyBoost technology is one of the least known Windows features, which allows you to use USB drives (up to 8 pcs.) To place temporary OS files on them, freeing up PC memory.

Step 1. Connect the USB drive to the PC and select "Speed ​​up my system" when "AutoPlay" opens.

Step 2 Click on the "ReadyBoost" tab, put a dot in front of "Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost technology" and click "OK".

This will erase the contents of the USB drive and configure it to store Windows cache files.

ReadyBoost allows you to speed up the boot and shutdown of Windows 7, as well as open more applications on weak PCs. The disadvantages of the function include a busy USB port.

The optimization methods given in the article allow you to increase the efficiency of using Windows 7 on various PCs.

Video - What processes can be disabled in Windows 7 for better performance

For most users, all computer software is a complete mystery. But you need to know that you can easily speed up your PC by disabling unnecessary applications. So, what services can be disabled in Windows 7 without the risk of damaging the system and why this is needed - this will be discussed later.

Initially, let's determine why it is necessary to disable services in Windows 7. Firstly, any application affects the use of RAM: the fewer of them are enabled, the faster the system works. More than half just pull the RAM, but do not affect anything. Secondly, in this way you can ensure the safety from the invasion of viruses. Many spyware is designed to infiltrate non-essential applications.

The whole range of programs running at the time the computer is turned on can be seen by calling the task manager through a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Next, you need to go to the menu Services. This is how they look:

So, first of all, we disable unnecessary Windows 7 services using the following instructions:

First action. We press the button "Start". This is the Windows icon. The main menu opens. Find the word in the right column "a computer" and right click on it. A context menu will appear in which you need to select "control". Here is a visual aid:

As a result of the actions performed, the main computer management program opens. It is with its help that you can disable unnecessary services in Windows 7. Left-click on the section "Services and Applications". Here we are interested in the subsection "Services":

A large list opens, in which there are all existing and currently running applications. Now consider how to stop the work of a process. It is very easy to do this. Consider an example of a remote registry. This application is completely useless for home PCs, since it can be used to manage the registry of another computer connected via a local network. This is not necessary for the average user.

So, double-click on the service of interest with the left mouse button. A new window opens, where in the tab " General» it is necessary to change the item "launch type" on the "disabled" and "State" on the "stop". Here's what it looks like visually:

Click OK and that's it, at autorun, the remote registry will no longer work. I would like to note that you cannot disable all services in a row. Check out the list of unnecessary processes first.

Services that can be disabled in Windows 7:

  1. Initially deleted registry.
  2. offline files. For most users, it's useless.
  3. Tablet PC input service. Designed to enter handwritten text.
  4. Windows Error Reporting Service - Almost everyone gets tired of the pop-up window that says to send error data to Windows Support. You can safely get rid of this process.
  5. IPsec key module. It generates a unique address to authenticate information about the owner. Completely useless thing.
  6. A client that monitors NTFS file associations. The most amazing. That this service requires a large amount of RAM. Disable and you will be surprised at the speed of the PC.
  7. Windows Search - 99% of users don't know how to use it.
  8. Parental control. Although such a function exists, it cannot protect a computer from children. Feel free to click "stop".

So, remember which services can be disabled in Windows 7 without harming your PC. Otherwise, you can significantly damage the system and affect its main processes. By doing these operations, you can optimize the work of the home assistant and speed up its loading.

There are much more system services in Windows than the needs of the user. They hang in the background, doing useless work, loading the system and the computer itself. But all unnecessary services can be stopped and completely disabled in order to slightly offload the system. The increase will be small, but on very weak computers it will definitely be noticeable.

These operations will affect those services that perform unclaimed work. To begin with, the article will present a way to disable them, and then a list of recommended ones to stop in the system. To perform the instructions below, the user must have an administrator account, or such access rights that will allow you to make fairly serious changes to the system.

Stop and disable unnecessary services

What services to disable

In no case do not disable all services in a row! This can lead to an irreversible crash of the operating system, partial shutdown of its important functions and loss of personal data. Be sure to read the description of each service in its properties window!

  • Windows Search- a file search service on the computer. Disable if you use third-party programs for this.
  • Windows Backup- creating backup copies of important files and the operating system itself. Not the most reliable way to create backups, really good ways look in the proposed materials at the bottom of this article.
  • Computer browser- if your computer is not connected to your home network or connected to other computers, then this service is useless.
  • Secondary login— if there is only one account in the operating system. Attention, access to other accounts will not be possible until the service is enabled again!
  • Print Manager- if you do not use the printer on this computer.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP support module- the service also ensures the operation of the device on the network, most often it is not needed by the average user.
  • Homegroup provider- again the network (this time only the homegroup). Also turn it off if you don't use it.
  • Server- this time the local network. Don't use it, admit it.
  • Tablet PC Input Service- a completely useless thing for devices that have never worked with touch peripherals (screens, graphics tablets and other input devices).
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service- it is unlikely that you use data synchronization between portable devices and Windows Media Player libraries.
  • Windows Media Center Scheduler Service- a forgotten program by the majority, for which the whole service works.
  • Bluetooth support service- if you do not have this data transfer device, then this service can be removed.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service- can be disabled if you do not use the built-in encryption tool for partitions and portable devices.
  • Remote Desktop Services- an unnecessary background process for those who do not work with their device remotely.
  • smart card- Another forgotten service, unnecessary for most ordinary users.
  • Topics- if you are a follower of the classic style and do not use third-party themes.
  • Remote registry- Another service for remote work, disabling which greatly increases the security of the system.
  • Fax Well, there are no questions, right?
  • Windows Update- can be disabled if for some reason you do not update the operating system.

This is a basic list, disabling the services in which will significantly increase the security of the computer and unload it a little. And here is the promised material, which must be studied for more competent use of the computer.

The best free antiviruses:
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Never disable services that you are not sure about. First of all, this concerns the protective mechanisms of anti-virus programs and firewalls (although well-configured protection tools will not allow you to disable yourself so easily). Be sure to write down what services you've changed so that you can turn everything back on if you find problems.

On powerful computers, the increase in performance may not even be noticeable, but older working machines will definitely feel a little freed up RAM and an unloaded processor.

The procedure for disabling unnecessary services is useful for netbooks and computers with limited computing resources or equipped with slow hard drives. For details on which services in Windows 7 can be safely disabled, and which ones are better left untouched, how to enable the necessary components, read our article.

How to open the management of services (components) in Windows 7?

The user can use two methods.

Via Start

Click "Start", then "Run". In the window that appears, enter the line services.msc.

Enter services.msc in the line

This method is the most convenient, since information about the service is given, which makes it clear its value for the system.

Then go to "Services"

Here are all the services installed on the computer

The same window can be opened from the toolbar by clicking on the Administrative Tools tool and selecting Services.

To open the services, you need to click on the corresponding line in the list

To disable the service, you need to double-click on it and in the window that opens, change the "Startup type" option to "Disabled". Then click "Stop" and "OK".


After pressing "Win" + R, enter msconfig.exe into the line and click "OK".

Type in msconfig.exe

In the window that appears, open the "Services" tab.

After clicking on the "Services" tab, a list of all available background applications will open

To stop the application, you need to uncheck the box opposite and click "Apply". The same line will show the date of shutdown.

To disable the service, you need to uncheck the box and confirm the choice.

After clicking "OK", another window will appear where you need to choose when to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

The computer must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Video: step-by-step instructions for disabling services for optimization

What services can be disabled without harm to the system?

Most background applications provide system stability. Therefore, it is imperative to check their name and function.

With few exceptions, all computers can run without the following services:

  1. remote registry. Allows other users to change the registry of the system, so you need to disable it at least for security purposes.
  2. Fax. If there is no connection to this device, then the service can be disabled.
  3. Windows Error Reporting Service. Responsible for the error log and notifications of crashes or program freezes.
  4. Changed link tracking client. Associated with NTFS files that are transferred within a computer or network.
  5. Search Windows (Windows Search). Needed only by those who often access the search for files.
  6. Parental Control (parental control). Has no use.
  7. Helper service IP. Useless on a home PC.
  8. Print Manager. Only needed for the printer to work.
  9. Secondary login. Allows you to run processes from a different account. It is advisable to disable for security reasons.
  10. Tablet PC input service. If there is no pen or handwriting, then the service is not needed.
  11. Windows Defender. If your computer has another protection system, you can disable it.
  12. Windows Firewall. The same as in the paragraph above.
  13. Smart card deletion policy. If such elements are not used, the service is not needed.
  14. SSDP discovery. Used to detect devices using the SSDP protocol, such as smart home appliances. If there is no such equipment, then the service can be disabled.
  15. Adaptive brightness control. If the laptop does not have a light sensor, then the service can be disabled.
  16. Computer browser. If there is no local network, then you can disable it.
  17. Access to HID devices. These include input tools such as a USB mouse, webcam, and scanner. If such equipment is not used, then the service can be disabled.
  18. Core TPM services. If TMP and/or BitLocker chips are not used, then this can be disabled.
  19. Server. If the computer is not included in the local network, then you can disable it.
  20. Bluetooth support service. If the computer does not have such a device or it is not used, then the service can be disabled.
  21. NetBIOS support module. If there is no connection to the local network, then you can disable it.
  22. Windows Image Download Service (WIA). Needed for a scanner or digital camera.

Which services cannot be interfered with?

The following background applications should not be touched:

  1. Windows Audio. Turning it off will cut off the sound.
  2. Windows Driver Foundation. Affects drivers.
  3. Media class planner. When turned off, the sound will disappear.
  4. Plug and play. If you disable the service, the system will not be able to recognize new devices.
  5. Superfetch. Identifies the programs that the user uses most often and adds them to RAM (but does not run). The computer will work with the service disabled, but performance will be reduced. Can be disabled if the computer has less than 1 GB of RAM. Otherwise, the effect will be negative.
  6. Task Scheduler. It can not be disabled because it has many tasks. Without it, you can't even switch the keyboard layout.
  7. Remote procedure call (RPC). Affects many other services.
  8. Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.
  9. Topics. When disabled, the Aero interface will stop working.
  10. Windows installer. Allows you to install applications.

How to add Windows features?

Most users are satisfied with Windows 7 with a standard set of components. But sometimes you need to enable additional applications or utilities. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features.
    Click "Programs and Features"
  2. Click "Turn Windows features on or off". To go to the management of components, you need to click on "Turn Windows features on or off"
  3. A window with available components will appear. The checkbox indicates that the application is enabled.
    Here is a list of all available components. The checkbox indicates that the component is enabled.
  4. To add a component, you need to check the appropriate box and click "OK". If the checkbox is cleared, the component will be disabled. But it will not be deleted from the disk, and to enable it, you need to check the box again.

Video: step by step instructions for adding components

"Turn Windows features on or off" does not work or the list is empty: what to do and what is the reason?

There may be several reasons.

If one of the installed programs has changed the value in the registry

Through the "Start" or using the key combination "Win" + R, open the "Run" window and enter regedit.

Type in regedit

Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Control - Windows and find the CSDReleaseType parameter. If there is a value other than 0, then you need to change it, then click "OK" and restart the computer.

You need to find the CSDReleaseType parameter, change the value to "0" and click "OK"

Login with a non-administrator account

You need to either get administrator rights, or log in with account administrator.

If the files in the C:\Windows\Servicing\Packages folder are missing or corrupted.

Requires an update to resolve. You will need to download the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7:

  • For 32-bit processor: https://www.microsoft.com/en-RU/download/details.aspx?id=3132.
  • For 64-bit processor: https://www.microsoft.com/en-RU/download/details.aspx?id=20858.

To find out the bit depth, you need to click "Start", open the "Control Panel", then "System". The bit depth is indicated in the “System type” item.

Through the "Control Panel" open "System" and find the item "System Type", where the processor bit is indicated

Close all programs and run the file. It has the .msu extension. The whole process will take 10-15 minutes.

After installation, close the window and restart your computer. Then open the list of components again. If the window is still empty, then you need to correct the errors manually.

Open C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log and look at the lines under "Checking Package Manifests and Cataloges". If there is an error, then at the beginning of the line is (f), and then the error code and path. But if there is another line under this line, and (fix) is in front, then this error has been fixed.

This text document lists errors that could or could not be corrected

Lines marked in pink indicate errors that could not be corrected. The errors in this example may be different than what the user finds.

It is necessary to write down information from the lines where uncorrected errors are indicated, for example, on a sheet of paper. The part that starts with "Package_" is important.

Now you need to manually delete the corresponding registry keys. Call the "Run" window and enter "regedit" in the line. In the window that opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ ComponentBasedServicing\Packeges\ and find the key with the error. This example removes the error on the fourth line.

After removing the corrupted key, the component list issue should be resolved.

Smart - a program to disable unnecessary services

Free software that does not need to be installed.

Here is a list of all available services, and in the lower right corner of the control button

Allows you to set one of four settings configurations:

  1. Safe Tweaks. The most secure, suitable for most users. It will not affect the operation of the system, but performance will increase.
  2. Moderate Tweaks. Disables almost half of the services, limits the multimedia capabilities of the system. Productivity is even higher.
  3. Advance Tweaks. Recommended for advanced users only. Disables all services except those necessary for the system to function.
  4. custom. Also for professionals. There is a manual service configuration mode.

To enable the changes, you need to click "Apply" and confirm your actions

Disabling unused services will be a good tool for optimizing (speeding up) a computer with little RAM. And in the case of a laptop, this will also lead to an increase in battery life.

There are a lot of services. I found the services.msc snap-in to be the most convenient, because it at least displays a detailed description of the service (unlike msconfig), which allows you to understand whether you need this service or not.

    All services can be divided into three groups:
  • services that cannot be disabled;
  • services that can be disabled on almost any computer, because in most cases they are not needed;
  • services that can be disabled on your home computer / laptop.
    Here is an example of services that cannot be disabled:
  • Windows Audio - manages the audio tools for all Windows programs. If you disable this service, then all audio devices and sound effects will not work.
  • Windows Driver Foundation - manages user-mode driver processes.
  • Media Class Scheduler - allows you to prioritize tasks based on system task priorities. The service is intended for multimedia applications. Disabling this service will leave you without sound.
  • Plug and Play - used to recognize changes in installed hardware and to simplify device installation. Previously, when installing an expansion board, you had to set its hardware resources (interrupt number, I/O ports). With the advent of Plug and Play (PnP), all devices that support it (and now all devices support PnP) are automatically configured. All the user has to do is install the device driver if it is not present in the system.
  • Superfetch - used to improve system performance, do not disable this service! The Superfetch service observes which programs the user launches most frequently and preloads them into memory. When a user launches an application, its launch is almost instantaneous, because the application, in fact, is already loaded (but not yet launched!) into RAM. The Superfetch service can be disabled almost painlessly - the system will work, but slower. Although, if you have only 1 GB of RAM, you can try disabling Superfetch - it is possible that your system will run faster with the service disabled. But if there is enough "RAM" (from 2 GB), then you do not need to disable Superfetch - the system will work more slowly.
  • Task Scheduler - Previously, the task scheduler was not a particularly important service, but in Windows 7 there are a lot of important system tasks in the scheduler schedule, so disabling the scheduler is highly undesirable. Even the deferred disk check is performed by means of the task scheduler. By the way, you won't be able to switch keyboard layouts if Task Scheduler is turned off either.
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - This service cannot be disabled, even if you really want to. So many other services depend on this service, so the system prevents the user from stopping critical services such as Remote Procedure Call.
  • Desktop Window Manager Session Manager - If you disable this service, the Aero interface will not work. If you do not use Aero (for example, because you have a weak computer), this service can be disabled.
  • Themes - without this service, the Aero interface will also not work, so do not disable it.
  • Windows Installer - do not disable this service or you will not be able to install applications.
    On almost any computer (be it a corporate computer, home or laptop), you can disable the following services:
  • Remote Registry - Allows remote users to modify your system's registry. If the service is disabled, then only local users can edit the registry. For security reasons, it is recommended to disable this service.
  • Offline Files - maintains the offline files cache, responds to user login and logout events, implements API properties related to offline files. Most users don't need offline files support, so feel free to turn it off.
  • Tablet PC Input Service - Used for pen and handwriting functionality on tablet personal computers (PCs). Feel free to disable this service.
  • Windows Error Reporting Service - Allows error reporting when a program hangs or crashes. Also responsible for error logging for diagnostic and recovery services. Disable - the system will not bother you with attempts to send a program crash report.
  • IPsec Key Modules for Internet Key Exchange and Authenticated IP - if your computer is not part of the Pentagon computer park and you are not suffering mild form paranoia, disable this service - it is not needed by 99% of users.
  • Changed Link Tracking Client - tracks the links of NTFS files that move within a computer or over a network. Disabling this service will make your laptop... run faster. So turn it off.
  • Windows Search (Windows Search) - indexes content to speed up file searches. If you rarely search for files on your computer, you can disable this service. Extended battery life is guaranteed.
  • Parental Control (parental control) - this service was in Windows Vista, and in Windows 7 it is just a stub to provide backward compatibility. Therefore, you can safely disable it - this service does nothing at all.
    You can disable the following services on your home computer and laptop (in addition to the services described above):
  • IPSec Policy Agent - The IPSec service is almost never used on the home computer, so you can safely turn it off. Notebook users need to turn off this service anyway: remember, the less the service runs, the longer the laptop can work offline.
  • KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator - coordinates transactions between the transaction engine and MS DTC. The description of the service clearly states that if you do not need it, it is not recommended to run it. Disable.
  • IP Helper Service - Provides tunneling capability using tunneling technologies for IPv6.
  • Print Manager - If you don't have a printer (and don't use a network printer), then disable this service. If you have a printer, try setting the startup type to Manual to manually start the service when you need it. If printing is not possible, set the startup type to Automatic. Whether your printer will print or not when the startup type is Manual, the Print Manager service depends only on the printer driver. Disabling this service may cause the icons in the Printers folder to disappear.
  • Secondary logon - allows you to run processes on behalf of another user. For security reasons, it is recommended to disable this service.
  • Fax - allows you to send and receive faxes using the resources of this computer and network resources. In most cases, this service is not needed, so feel free to disable it.
  • Windows Defender - protects the system from spyware and potentially dangerous programs. If you plan to install an alternative protection system, then Windows Defender should be disabled. But if you set additional funds protection is not planned, Windows Defender should not be disabled.
  • Windows Firewall - here the recommendations are the same as in the previous case. If you want to install a third-party firewall, disable this service. But if you don’t install anything, let the standard firewall work, which is pretty good in Windows 7.
  • Smart card removal policy - if you do not use smart cards to organize computer access policy, you can safely disable this service. In general, the service blocks the desktop of the computer when the smart card is removed.
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service - If you are not using iSCSI (Internet SCSI) devices, then set the startup type for this service to Manual.
  • SSDP Discovery - discovers network devices and services that use the SSDP protocol, such as UPnP devices. You can almost always disable this service.
  • Adaptive brightness control - the service allows you to adjust the brightness of the monitor depending on the lighting environment. The service receives data about the level of illumination from the light sensor. But not all users have a laptop equipped with such a sensor.
  • Computer Browser - maintains a list of computers on the network and provides it to programs upon their request. You can disable this service on your home computer.
  • Access to HID Devices - If you do not have a USB keyboard, USB mouse, and wireless mouse/keyboard, then this service can be disabled.
  • Core TPM Services - If you are not using TMP and/or BitLocker chips then you can disable this service.
  • Server - If the computer is not used as a server and does not need file and printer sharing, this service can be disabled.
  • Bluetooth Assistance Service - If you don't have Bluetooth or don't use it, disable this service.

As you have already noticed, there are a lot of services. I will not give a description of each service, since you can already read it in the services.msc program. Instead, consider a table that will be your "guide" to Windows 7 services. It has only two columns - the name of the service and the recommended startup type. But before enabling or disabling any service, carefully read its description - you may not be satisfied with the type of launch provided (for example, I recommend disabling the Fax service, but you can use it to send faxes).

Service Recommended startup type
BranchCache Manually
DHCP client (DHCP Client) Automatically
DNS client (DNS Client) Automatically
KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator Disabled
Microsoft .Net Framework NGENv.<Версия> Manually
Parental Control (parental control) Disabled
plug and play Automatically
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Manually
Superfetch Automatically
Windows Audio Automatically
Windows Card Space Disabled
Windows Driver Foundation - User-Mode Driver Framework Automatically
Windows Search Disabled
WMI Adapter Performance Manually
WWAN autoconfiguration Manually
Offline Files Disabled
Network Access Protection Agent Disabled
IPSEC Policy Agent Disabled
Adaptive brightness control Disabled
Windows Backup (Windows Backup) Manually
Windows Firewall (Windows Firewall) Automatically
Computer Browser Disabled
Web client (WebClient) Disabled
Virtual Disk Manually
IP Helper Service (IPHelper) Disabled
Secondary logon (SecondaryLogon) Disabled
Grouping network participants (PeerNetworkingGrouping) Manually
Disk Defragmenter Manually
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Manually
Print Spooler Automatically
Access to HID devices (Human Interface Devices Access) Manually
Windows Event Log Automatically
Performance Logs & Alerts Manually
Software Protection
Windows Defender Automatic (delayed start)
Protected Storage Manually
CNG Key Isolation Manually
Windows Management Instrumentation Automatically
Application Compatibility Information (Application Experience) Manually
Group Policy Client Automatically
Distributed Links Tracking Client Disabled
Distributed Transaction Coordinator Disabled
Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache Manually
SNMP Trap Disabled
Remote Procedure Call Locator (RPC) Disabled
Routing and Remote Access Disabled
IPsec Keying Modules for Internet Key Exchange and Authenticated IP (IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules) Disabled
DCOM Server Process Launcher Automatically
NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBios Helper) Disabled
Configuring a Remote Desktop Server Manually
Immediate Windows Connections - Config Registrar (Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar) Manually
SSDP Discovery Disabled
Detection interactive services(Interactive Services Detection) Manually
Internet Connection Sharing Disabled
Remote Access Connection Manager Manually
Desktop Window Manager Session Manager Automatically
Peer Networking Identity Manager Disabled
Security Accounts Manager (SAM) Automatically
Shell Hardware Detection Automatically
Trusted Platform Module Base Services (TPM Base Services) Manually
Remote Desktop UserMode Port Redirection Manually
PnP-X IP bus enumerator (PnP-X Bus Enumerator) Manually
Food Manually
Task Scheduler Automatically
Multimedia Class Scheduler Automatically
Support for the Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support control panel item Manually
Smart Card Removal Policy Disabled
HomeGroup Provider Manually
Wired AutoConfig Manually
Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Manually
Homegroup listener Manually
PNRP (Peer Name Resolution Protocol) Manually
Function Discovery Resource Publication Disabled
Workstation Automatically
Certificate Propagation Disabled
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EPA) Manually
Windows Event Collection Disabled
Application Information Manually
Server Automatically
Thread Ordering Server Manually
Net logon (Netlogon) Disabled
Network Connections Manually
COM+ Event System (COM+ Event System) Automatically
COM+ System Application (COM+ System Application) Manually
SSTP Service Manually
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Disabled
WLAN AutoConfig Service (WLAN AutoConfig) Manually
Base Filtering Engine Service Automatically
Tablet PC Input Service Disabled
Windows Time Service (Windows Time) Disabled
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Download Service Automatically
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service (Microsofti SCSI Initiator Service) Manually
Network Store Interface Service Manually
Windows Font Cache Service Manually
Windows Media Center Extender Service (Windows Media Center Extender Service) Disabled
Block Level Backup Engine Service Manually
Net.TCP Port Sharing Service Disabled
Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Manually
Portable Device Enumerator Service Disabled
Windows Media Center Scheduler Service Manually
Bluetooth Support Service Manually
Diagnostic Policy Service Manually
Program Compatibility Assistant Service Disabled
User Profile Service Automatically
PNRP Machine Name Publication Service Manually
Windows Error Reporting Service Disabled
Windows Media Center Receiver Service Disabled
Network Location Awareness Service Automatically
Network List Service Manually
SPP notification service Manually
System Event Notification Service Automatically
Windows Remote Management Service (WS-Management)) Disabled
BitLocker Encryption Service Manually
Application Layer Gateway Service Manually
Cryptographic Service Automatically
Remote Desktop Services Manually
Smart Card Manually
RPC Endpoint Mapper Automatically
Finite Builder Windows points Audio Automatically
Telephony Manually
Themes Automatically
Volume Shadow Copy Manually
Link layer topology (Link-Layer Topology Discovery Manager) Manually
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Automatically
Remote Registry Disabled
Application Identity Manually
Diagnostic System Host Manually
Diagnostic Service Host Manually
Universal PNP Device Host (UPnP Device Host) Disabled
Application Management Manually
Health Key and Certificate Management Disabled
ActiveX Installer Manually
Windows Installer Manually
Windows Modules Installer Manually
Fax Disabled
Background Intelligence Transfer Service (BITS) Disabled
Function Discovery Provider Host Disabled
color Windows system(Windows Color System - WCS) Manually
Security Center Disabled
Windows Update (Windows Update) Manually
Encrypting File System (EFS) Data Encryption System Automatically

Now let's figure out how to properly disable services. Make a list of services you don't need. After that, proceed to disable services. But don't disable all services at once. Disable 2-3 services and restart your computer. If the computer boots and works normally after disabling services, then disable the next 2-3 services, etc. Sometimes it happens that the user disables all unnecessary, in his opinion, services, but then it turns out that some service was still needed, and without it the system does not work as it should. But how do you know which service to enable? For example, would you guess that keyboard layouts won't switch if Task Scheduler is disabled? Fortunately, in Windows 7, the user cannot disable system-critical services, which include the Task Scheduler. There is a way to disable such services, but not through the services.msc snap-in.