If the bluetooth does not find the device. How to fix bluetooth network adapter

Sometimes electronics fail. Sometimes it's a hardware fault, sometimes it's a software problem. But most often it is a combination of various factors.

If you connected the headphones to the charger and the indicator lights up, then everything is working normally and you just need to wait until the battery is fully charged.

If you connected the headphones to the charger and the indicator did not light up within a few minutes, the headphones may have failed and you need to contact the nearest authorized electronics repair service center.

Make sure the outlet you are plugging the charger into is working. If you connect the headphones with a USB cable to a computer, make sure that the computer's USB port can work in charging mode, not all USB ports can transfer required level current to start charging the headphones. Typically, laptop USB ports that are capable of charging external devices are marked with characteristic icons in the form of a lightning bolt, battery image, or something similar. If nothing happens when you connect to one USB port, try connecting to another or another computer.

The phone or computer does not see your wireless headphones because they are turned off

Wireless headphones have a so-called "standby" mode. It turns on when there is no active data transfer session to the headphones from the sound source. Those. you are not listening to music and the phone is not sending any sounds to the headphones. At this point, the headphones are still connected to the phone or computer, but they are in "sleep mode", the power consumption is significantly reduced, but the battery is still consumed. And if you leave the headphones in this mode for several days, the battery will be completely discharged and they will stop working. Just charge your headphones and turn them on.

Pairing procedure

If you are connecting Bluetooth headphones to a phone or computer for the first time, you need to go through the pairing procedure so that the phone and headphones send authentication codes to each other and start pairing. Without device pairing, your headphones will not work with your phone and your phone will not see the headphones in the list of available devices. You need to put your headphones into pairing mode with the new device. Find out how to do it from the instructions below.

From the link above you can see detailed instruction initial pairing of devices. After carrying out this procedure, it will be enough for you to simply turn on the power of the headphones, after which they will automatically connect to the phone within a few seconds.

Wireless headphones won't connect to phone due to Bluetooth turned off on phone

This is very commonplace reason, but you will be surprised how many people do not realize that it is necessary to turn on the Bluetooth module in the phone. Check if this is usually done in the Quick Access Toolbar or in the Settings menu. Just find the "Bluetooth" item there and check if it works.

In some phone models, by default, the option to hide the Bluetooth phone from others is enabled. Bluetooth devices, i.e. even if all devices are working and working as they should, they will not see the phone and will not be able to receive a signal from it. Try disabling this option. In the screenshot above, I showed how it looks on my Xiaomi phone - it's called "Visibility". As you can see, in my case it is disabled, so all surrounding devices can see my phone and connect to it using Bluetooth. If I activate it, only previously paired devices will be able to connect to the phone, and new wireless headphones will not see the phone and will not be able to connect to it.

Wireless headphones do not work with the phone due to different hardware versions of the Bluetooth module

In general, this should not be, Bluetooth is a backwards compatible technology, i.e. Bluetooth 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0 and must be compatible with each other. But this is in theory, but in practice it may happen that due to software errors or a combination of hardware and software failures, the headphones and the phone may not see each other. This happens very rarely, but it does happen. Therefore, pay attention to what version of Bluetooth your phone and headphones have, if it is different, there may be a possibility of incompatibility between these two devices.

In this case, try connecting the headphones to another phone, preferably with a different version of Bluetooth. If the headphones with another phone work fine, then most likely you are faced with a rare incompatibility issue between two specific gadgets. The only way to overcome the problem in this case is to replace the headphones or phone with a different model.

Once again, I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is a very rare problem and it should be considered only if you have tried all other ways to connect wireless headphones and they did not work.

The distance from the sound source to wireless headphones plays a key role in reliable signal reception

Make sure the sound source is within 10 meters of the wireless headphones. Please note that 10 meters is a reasonable range for Bluetooth devices without obstacles such as walls, cars and trees. If you want to set up a sound source in one room and listen to music in another, get ready for the fact that serious interference may occur, up to total loss signal. Bluetooth has a fairly low radio signal strength, so it is designed to work over a very limited distance. But on the other hand, electricity is consumed in a very moderate amount.

Headphones broke

Wireless headphones are more expensive than their wired counterparts, so many people try to save money and buy inexpensive wireless models. Remember that there is no free cheese, and if you bought very cheap Bluetooth headphones, you can become a victim of the manufacturer's total savings on every element of the headphones, from hardware to software. The chance of breakage is greatly increased.

If your headphones don't work with your phone, make sure they're in working order at all. Try turning them on. If it doesn't turn on, put it on charge. If they do not charge and do not turn on, the verdict is obvious, they are broken. If they charge but do not turn on, try entering them into pairing mode by long holding the power button, depending on the model, you may need to hold the button for up to 10 seconds. If after that the headphones do not turn on and the phone does not see them, most likely they are broken and they need to be repaired or replaced.

Another reason for the failure of wireless headphones is the poor quality of the built-in battery. You bought headphones, listened to them for a couple of weeks, and now they began to hold a charge for only a few tens of minutes instead of the promised several hours. If this happens, this is a factory defect and you need to try to return the headphones to the manufacturer. Or, if there is such a desire, repair under warranty.

Another type of hardware failure is constant interference during audio playback, even if the sound source is a few centimeters from the headphones. If even at a very close distance from the source, the sound is reproduced in interference or interrupted, this is a breakdown of the Bluetooth transmitting module. Take the headphones to the manufacturer or have them repaired, depending on the situation.

Water is the main enemy of wireless headphones. If the packaging or instructions do not explicitly state that they are protected from moisture or splashes, try not to expose the headphones to water, and even a walk in light rain can be fatal to the electronic filling. It is for this reason that I strongly discourage the use of conventional headphones during hard physical training. During training, you actively sweat, and sweat acts on electronic components much more aggressively than ordinary water. If at least one drop gets inside the headphones, there can be serious problems up to the complete breakdown of the device. You can go in for sports only in headphones with protection against sweat and moisture.

If the tips in this article did not help you, describe your problem in the comments. I'll try to help with advice.

In this case, the brand of the headset or phone is not important. The Bluetooth communication standard is universal and if there are problems with the visibility of devices, there can be only three reasons for the problems.

Bluetooth not enabled on phone/tablet

This is the first thing to check in such a situation. Go to the phone settings and make sure that Bluetooth is activated and the visibility time of the device is set correctly.

Visibility time is set in advanced settings. In some phone models, they are called "Device visibility time", and somewhere "Detection timeout". It is best to check the "Do not use timeout" option. If after changing the settings, the connection of the bluetooth headset did not happen, check two more options.

Headset is not turned on or is out of power

In some headsets, the power button must be held down for at least five seconds to enter the working mode. When the device is working, the indicator light will start flashing. After that, you don't need to do anything. All modern bluetooth headphones connect to the phone automatically.

If you press the button long enough and there is no answer, the headset is either low on power or is defective. Please note that even a new Bluetooth headset may have an empty battery. Batteries lose their charge if they lie idle for a long time. When charging does not help and the new headset does not turn on, you need to change it from the seller.

The headset has already been paired with another device

Sometimes a bluetooth headset, which has already been tested many times with another gadget, does not connect to a new phone. The fact is that the headset is connected to the first device automatically, and then the pairing function is turned off. To activate it again, you need to hold the power button until the indicator lights up. A window will appear on your phone to enter the pairing code. The factory code adopted by manufacturing companies is 0000, four zeros.

These are the main reasons why the phone does not see the Bluetooth headset. Due to the fact that such accessories do not have complex settings, there are no other reasons for malfunctions.

Reading time: 8 min

This article will tell you about the reasons why an Android phone or tablet does not connect to Windows 7/10 via bluetooth, as well as tell you what to do in such a situation.

If Android does not connect to a laptop or computer via bluetooth, then the causes of this problem may be hidden both in the module on the PC and in the operation of the gadget itself. Often, the error can be fixed on its own, but in the most difficult situations of hardware damage, it is necessary to visit a service center.

Why can't Android connect to my computer via bluetooth?

First you need to determine which device is the problem. It is possible that on Android the Bluetooth module is simply turned off. To turn it on, just go to the settings and move the corresponding switch to the “ON” position.


Bluetooth must also be enabled on the computer. On the Windows 7 operating system, the module is enabled in the "Devices and Printers" section, and on Windows 10 there is a separate tab in the "Settings". The user also needs to be allowed to detect the computer to other devices, otherwise the radio signal will simply not be detected.

It is important to check if the necessary drivers are installed on the computer for Bluetooth to work. The module will not work without them, and the wireless connection cannot be established.


If the phone module is showing booting forever or won't turn on, there may be a hardware or system problem. You should try to restart the gadget, reset the network settings or do a hard reset. During a hard reset (hard reset of Android), all user information will be deleted from the phone, so do not forget to back up your data first.

When problems with connecting via Bluetooth and transferring files began to be fixed after installing custom firmware, then you need to abandon it. Use only official firmware from the tablet / smartphone manufacturer or use stable builds where all functions work correctly.

When there are no problems on the software side, you need to contact the service center. There is a possibility that the bluetooth module has failed due to water ingress, mechanical stress, or the influence of other negative factors.

Proper connection of Android via Bluetooth to a computer

Often, problems during connection are not formed due to hardware or system failures, but due to incorrect user action. You can avoid mistakes, you need to follow the instructions when establishing a connection with a PC via Bluetooth:

  • Open "Settings" in Windows 10 and go to the "Devices" section.
  • Go to the "Bluetooth" tab.
  • Move the slider to the "ON" position.
  • In the "Related Options" section, click "Advanced Options".
  • On the "Parameters" tab, we mark all the items so that the computer can be determined on another device.


In Windows 7, bluetooth settings can be opened by right-clicking on the icon in the system tray. In the settings, you must also allow the computer to be discovered by other devices.


The following steps are to enable discovery on Android:

  • We go into the settings, open the "Bluetooth" section.
  • Turn on the module by moving the slider to the "ON" mode.
  • Below you can see the name of the phone. Click on it to change the mode to this: "Display for nearby devices."


After launching the module and allowing it to be displayed on other devices, the name of the gadget will be displayed in the Windows settings. You need to click on it, and then click "Link" to establish pairing. On the screen of the computer and phone will be shown secret code. The user needs to confirm that it matches, and then pairing will be established.


After establishing a connection, you can transfer data in both directions via bluetooth. This method is not the fastest, it is much more efficient to use a USB or Wi-Fi cable to connect, but Bluetooth is quite suitable for certain tasks.

Unstable connection

It happens that the bluetooth does not keep the connection on Android, that is, frequent disconnections occur during operation. It is important to note that the problem may occur due to problems in one of the two devices. In this case, we will look at how to solve the problem in an Android tablet or smartphone.

This problem cannot be solved by standard methods, since the system does not have the appropriate Bluetooth module settings. Therefore, you can use third-party utilities.

To do this, you can use the Bluetooth Fix Repair application. Its principle of operation is to correct any deviations in the system settings of the wireless module. The utility itself contains parameters that are responsible for the correct operation of Bluetooth.

In this article, I will try to explain in detail what to do in a situation where you have a desktop computer and you need to connect some device to it via Bluetooth. For example: wireless headphones, mouse, keyboard, speaker system, joystick, phone, tablet, etc. There are a lot of such devices, and now there is no way without Bluetooth on a computer. In addition, such a connection allows us to get rid of a large number wires.

As you probably already know, in conventional desktop computers (in system blocks) There is usually no built-in Bluetooth. Except for two cases: an internal PCI receiver (external USB) is installed, or you have a cool motherboard with a built-in wireless module. But there are very few of them, so it is unlikely. You can see the specifications of your motherboard. Well, if your PC had Bluetooth, then you would most likely already know about it. There would be an appropriate tray icon, or an adapter in Device Manager (possibly in the form of an unknown device - when the driver is not installed).

To connect Bluetooth devices to your computer, you need to buy and install a Bluetooth adapter in your computer. Usually, these are adapters that plug into a USB port. I have one, model Grand-X BT40G. It looks like this:

There are also PCI adapters, they are installed inside the case of the system unit. But they are not very popular. I will not dwell on choosing an adapter, as I wrote about this in a separate article. There are a lot of them on the market. There are both cheap and expensive models. From China, in general, you can order for three kopecks. But if you plan to often use a wireless connection, connect some serious devices via Bluetooth, such as headphones, joysticks, then it’s better not to save on an adapter.

If you already have an adapter, we will configure it now. If not, read the article at the link above, choose, buy and return to this page.

I will divide this article into two parts: first I will show how to connect a Bluetooth adapter to a computer on Windows 10, configure it, if necessary, find and install the driver, and connect some device. And in the second part, we will do all this on a PC with installed Windows 7.

I do not currently have the opportunity to demonstrate all this on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, but from an older and new version this operating system (I have to enter seven and ten) there are not many differences.

Anyway, First, connect the Bluetooth adapter to the computer.

After that, we proceed to install drivers and configure.

Bluetooth on a Windows 10 PC: connection, drivers, settings

Windows 10 in this regard is generally a cool system. Why? Yes, because in almost all cases, no matter what adapter you have, after connecting, all drivers will be installed automatically, and a blue Bluetooth icon will appear in the tray. And you can immediately connect the necessary devices.

In the device manager, I immediately got the "Bluetooth" section and the adapter itself. If the adapter is not recognized and appears as an unknown device (other device), you will have to install the drivers manually. How to do this using the example of Windows 7, you can see at the end of this article.

And to connect headphones, gamepad, mouse, keyboard, or other Bluetooth device to your computer, go to "Settings" in the "Devices" section. Or by clicking on the tray icon and select "Add Bluetooth device".

Click on "Add Bluetooth or other device".

Then select "Bluetooth". The computer will start searching for available devices to connect. Our device must be in search mode. In my case, these are headphones. There is a separate button there. When they are in connection mode, the indicator flashes on them. When the computer detects our device, just select it and connect.

And if you want to connect a smartphone or tablet to your computer, then on the mobile device itself you will need to confirm the connection (pairing).

Thus, you can connect absolutely any Bluetooth device.

Setting up a Bluetooth adapter in Windows 7 and connecting devices to a computer

In Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8, the driver will most likely need to be installed automatically after the adapter is connected. But not always. In my case, Windows 7 itself installed the driver on my Grand-X BT40G USB Bluetooth adapter. The Bluetooth icon appeared immediately.

Here is a screenshot from Device Manager.

If the system could not recognize the device and install it, the icon did not appear, then you need to install the driver. How to do this, I will show below. And now let's connect some device via Bluetooth to a computer with installed Windows 7.

Click on the icon and select "Add Device".

A window will open that will display all the devices found by the computer. Which are currently located near the computer and are available for connection. We select our device and the connection process will begin. I reconnected the Bluetooth headset (headphones with microphone). On which you can also talk on Skype.

When the message "This device has been added to your computer" appears, you can use it. In the same way, wireless mice (via Bluetooth), keyboards, phones and other devices are connected.

In the case of headphones, you may also need to set them as the default playback device. This can be done in the playback device settings. (by right-clicking on the sound icon in the tray).

Driver for Bluetooth adapter: search and installation

It doesn’t even matter what system is installed on your computer, it can be either Windows XP or Windows 10. But if it couldn’t automatically configure the connected Bluetooth adapter, then we will have to manually search for and install the required driver. There are at least three ways:

When the system cannot install a driver on a device, it is located in the device manager under "Other devices" with a yellow icon. How exactly your Bluetooth adapter will be displayed (named) is hard to say. If you didn’t have unknown devices there before, then it won’t be difficult to determine it (it will be one).

I have something like CSR 8510 A10 (looks like this is the chip the adapter is built on). Right-click on this device and select "Properties". Next, go to the "Details" tab, in the drop-down menu put "Equipment ID" and copy the first line.

Opening the site DevID.info, paste the copied line into the search bar and delete everything superfluous so that only the value of VID and PID remains. You can see what value I originally had (screenshot above), and what I searched for (screenshot below).

First, let's download the first driver that appeared in the search results. You need to click on the floppy disk icon. Pay attention to the operating system for which this driver is suitable.

We pass the "I'm not a robot" check, click on the link and save the archive with the driver.

If there is no installation file there, but just a set of folders and some files, then right-click on the unknown device in Device Manager, select "Update driver" - "Search for drivers on the computer" and specify the path to the folder with the drivers. If the driver is not found and installed, then try downloading another one.

I really hope that the article was useful to you, and you still added Bluetooth to your computer and were able to connect the necessary devices. And I did not waste half a day 🙂

Wireless headphones make it much easier to use a smartphone during a conversation when a person's hands are busy. Any malfunction of this device is a problem, so if the phone does not see the bluetooth headset, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of diagnosing and troubleshooting.

There are several reasons why wireless headphones stop working:

  • The headset is simply not turned on or is already paired with another gadget.
  • The battery in the device is dead.
  • The sync feature is disabled in the settings.
  • There are technical problems with the gadget.

The smartphone does not see the headset if the devices are incompatible, so before buying it, you need to find out which models can be used for a particular brand.

Visual information about diagnostic methods is reflected in the video:

How to fix the problem?

To figure out why the phone does not find the bluetooth headset, you need to eliminate some shortcomings:

  1. Make sure that the batteries in both gadgets are charged.
  2. Make sure that the accessory is not being used by another device.
  3. Check if the synchronization of the smartphone with the headset is activated.
  4. Rule out technical issues.

Before connecting a wireless headset, you need to make sure that Bluetooth is enabled in the device, and then reboot the accessory. The first time you turn on the earphones, they enter the automatic connection mode for about 3 minutes, and for further pairing, you need to do the following:

  1. Bring the headset to the device and search for available devices by going to "Settings", then - "Connections" and "Bluetooth".
  2. When the gadget sees the Bluetooth headphones, click on their name and pair.
  3. Usually the password is 0000, 1111 or 1234.

Many users cannot connect a bluetooth headset to their phone due to a malfunction of the latter. How to determine which gadget has the problem:

  1. Connect the communication device to another gadget. If the pairing is completed, then the malfunction should be sought in the device.
  2. Connect another headset to the device via bluetooth. Lack of contact indicates a problem in it.

Wireless accessories are now in great demand, because they make life much easier for people: they allow you to drive a car, work and do other things without using your hands. Most often, pairing problems can be solved on their own, but if the situation remains the same after repair, you should take the headset and smartphone to the service.

Device Compatibility

Among all the reasons, it is worth highlighting the use of different versions of bluetooth, as a result of which pairing is impossible. For example, a wireless device is equipped with bluetooth v.5, and your cell phone supports the protocol set for version 3.

If ordinary wired headphones are purchased for talking and listening to music, problems may lie precisely in them:

  • Broken wire. Visually, this is imperceptible, but at a certain position of the cord, the sound will appear, which will indicate a problem with it.
  • Contacts clogged. For diagnostics, it is enough to direct a beam of light there and see if there is a raid there. If there is, it can be cleaned with alcohol and a piece of cotton put on the needle, but care must be taken.

When it seems that the problem is in the headphones with wires, try connecting them to another gadget. If the sound is played, you need to look for flaws in your smartphone.

Technical problems with the phone

If you were able to determine that the headset is fully functional, you need to make sure of the following:

  • Contacts of the phone connector are OK. To do this, turn off the device by holding the power button for about 10-15 seconds, then remove the memory card and SIM card. Next, you should remove the panels, unscrew all the bolts and inspect the contacts in the corresponding socket.
  • The contacts are not oxidized, there was no short circuit. The check is performed as described above.

Sometimes a problem in the phone occurs due to clogging of the RAM, and here it is best to do a factory reset:

  1. We go into the settings of the phone, we find "Backup and reset" or simply "Reset".
  2. Select "Reset all settings to default".

It should be remembered that after a Hard reset, all data will be deleted, including photos and videos, so they must be copied to a PC or SD card in advance.

If no other reasons not related to the smartphone were found, you need to inspect the headset itself and read the instructions that came with it. Perhaps the matter is in the banal incompatibility of devices, or the contacts in the headphones have gone, which is extremely rare.

All headphone models are in most cases universal and suitable for a wide range of gadgets, however, it will never be superfluous to make sure that they are compatible with a particular brand of device before buying.


If the phone does not see the Bluetooth headset, this makes it impossible to use it. To resolve the situation and continue to use a wireless communication tool, you need to know what causes problems and how to fix them yourself.