Lunar day is the secret code of fate. Lunar birthday On 7 lunar days are born

The seventh lunar day can be called a time of inspiration, creativity and insight. The moon seems to help to understand the meaning of everything that happens to us - through clues, signs and hints. The mysterious companion of the earth is gaining strength, people receive energy from the moon, and discover new talents in themselves.

  • Metal is considered the element of the 7th lunar day.. Metal can be different (soft or hard) - depending on the situation. So are we - as we behave today, so this day will pass.
  • There are several symbols for 7 lunar days. The most common characters: Wand(magic staff, an attribute of all wizards), Rose of Wind(time, the will of the gods and the breath of heaven), and aeolus(lord of the wind).
  • Lucky colors for the seventh lunar day: purple(mystery, wisdom, something unknown and inexplicable), purple(clairvoyance and communication with spirits), lilac(witches), and white color (life force and birth, purity and chastity).
  • The lucky number of this day is seven. The number seven has its own special power and energy. She is under the influence of Saturn, and constantly throws us tests. But of course, we should not be afraid of the number seven - after all, in any temptation, we can make a choice and join the side of good.
  • Stones are considered to be the talismans of the seventh lunar day: Coral(increases the gift of foresight, and endows its owner with wisdom), Hyacinth(protects us from demons), and Sapphire(the gem of constancy and spiritual purity, the stone feels any lie, and protects us from people with unkind thoughts). Today it is important to choose "your" stone with the help of intuition - an inner voice will tell you which talisman will help you succeed and make the seventh lunar day happy and interesting.
  • A good direction for the seventh lunar day will be the Northwest. We take a compass, look at the stars and hit the road. If the road lies to the South, we are not in a hurry to be baptized and jump on one leg - we will deceive the route and protect ourselves from troubles. Let's throw a piece of ordinary chalk into the purse, after wrapping it in a piece of paper (if evil spirits attack, you can also draw a magic circle).
  • Who will become a good guardian angel for the seventh lunar day? Arfad will save us today, he will heal the soul, wake up the conscience, and calm our heart if it is suddenly in sadness. But this angel may not visit negatively-minded people, so on the seventh lunar day you should drive away bad thoughts and try to become a little kinder.

Characteristics of the 7 lunar day

Although these days are considered good for implementing ideas and implementing plans, it is important to listen to your feelings and express thoughts out loud as rarely as possible. Every word spoken today will have incredible power.

On the 7th lunar day, it is advisable to avoid slander, gossip and criticism - negative statements can become a boomerang, or even a weapon in the hands of evil forces. It is not so difficult to stay positive during the day - meditation techniques, yoga, and prayer will help us. Here it is very important to feel every sound uttered - the universe will certainly listen to our requests and help fulfill good wishes. There are many successful colors for the seventh lunar day, but purple will be the most effective and strong. In addition, there is a unique technique called the Purple Bracelet. These are not fairy tales, and not fiction, but almost science (although much of this method is based on our faith and self-hypnosis, but this does not reduce its effectiveness).

First you need to set yourself up for a positive perception of the world around you, forget about complaints, whining and bad mood. Then we buy or make a purple bracelet and try to wear it on the arm for 21 days. But, if at some point we break down, or let ourselves in, at least one negative thought, everything starts all over again - we put the bracelet on the other hand, and again we count 21 days. Why should the bracelet be worn on the hand on the seventh lunar day? These days are easier to start new life, full of goodness, happiness, and love, and the moon will help us. On average, a person needs six months to master this technique and hold out with a bracelet on one arm for 21 days (several seventh lunar days will pass, but we have absolutely nowhere to rush).

But let's get back to today - even if we hung ourselves with purple bracelets and stocked up with pink glasses, it does not mean that we knew the great wisdom of the world in the blink of an eye and achieved spiritual balance. We learn to be honest - in principle, it is impossible to live life without lies, but it is possible to hold out for one day. Let's try not to be cunning, not to be hypocritical, but at the same time we will try not to cut the truth of the uterus right and left (remember the power of the word on the seventh lunar day).

Today the green light is on for those who work with paper and word - artists, writers, journalists and copywriters have nothing to worry about at all. The muse will not leave you until late at night, and on the seventh lunar day, the brushes will flutter, the pencil will write the words on paper, and the letters on the keyboard will begin to pop out from under the fingers. It is advisable to use the energy of today only for good - when creating, do not destroy. If we wanted to go to nature, then it is not necessary to pick all the flowers on the lawn, or fill the basket with mushrooms - let them grow, we don’t starve, and we don’t wither if there is no fresh bouquet in the vase.

It is useful to do unhurried household chores - sort through documents, review photographs, wipe dust from books. Houseplants on the seventh lunar day, they also need care - water the flowers, loosen the earth, and green friends will be grateful for such care.

It is better to avoid noisy parties on the seventh lunar day - and what to do at fun events if today we decided to be silent together and speak only on the merits. On the seventh lunar day, our intuition begins to work harder than usual - the most impressionable people can even see images or hear voices. There is no need to be afraid of this, and calling zero three is also not necessary. Of course, if your neighbors run up the stairs and catch green men and space squirrels, then another thing is to dial the number, doctors will be happy to talk with unusual residents.

Haircut on 7 lunar day

Hairdressers on the seventh lunar day can take double payment for services - there is just a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bclients, and everyone requires something original and unusual. A haircut today will not only accelerate hair growth, but also sharpen intuition - lunar energy will come with a vengeance. But let's try to sit silently in the armchair, and let's not try to bring the master to a frank conversation. All phrases must be exclusively to the point. But if you come across a talkative barber, ask to turn on the music and tell us about the benefits of the classics for the ears on the seventh lunar day.

Today, short haircuts are welcome, but even if you grow your hair and come to the salon just to trim the ends, it's okay - if you cut off one millimeter of hair on one side, all the negative energy that has accumulated will go with it.

What about hair coloring on the seventh lunar day? Today, mermaids with green hair, princesses with yellow hair, and young vampires with black and red straight strands emerge from the salons. In general, anything - any coloring will enhance our sexuality and give us charm. You should remember about the health of the hair, and do not force the master to mix five types of paints in one bowl - the client, of course, is always right, but sometimes he can be wrong.

On the seventh lunar day, those who decide to become red will be lucky. In theory, following the advice of this day, we could dye our hair purple. But this shade will look a bit gloomy, and is suitable, perhaps, only for old women who paint over their gray hair.

Now let's move on to the braids. Any hairstyle is suitable for young girls and young coquettes up to thirty - it can be an ordinary ponytail, or two pigtails, like a graduate. But on the seventh lunar day, it is best to dwell on the classic weaving - a spikelet, that's what we need today. And simple, and fast, and convenient - after all, on the seventh lunar day, we do not need to attract attention to ourselves, and the original hairstyle can cause a lot of compliments and questions. Although, this is a matter of taste.

On the seventh lunar day, beauties of Balzac age should listen to their inner voice - intuition will tell you which styling will best harmonize with the inner world and, importantly, rejuvenate the hostess and make her more attractive.

Today, ladies should remember about flirty bangs - straight, oblique, or torn bangs will suit ladies of any age category. By the way, guys with bangs also look good, and some men on the seventh lunar day can even look like a forelock (maybe they will invite you to the role of Taras Bulba).

On the seventh lunar day, hairstyles made on curly hair are good. Even if nature has not endowed us with curls, you should not be upset - today we have curling irons, waffle irons, and other hairdressing stuff at our disposal. You can also wind the curlers, if only the husband does not notice (the spouses really don’t like it when the wives walk around in a dressing gown and with some kind of nonsense on their heads).

Let's not forget about magic on the seventh lunar day. Let's use magic power water, ideally we should draw some water from a stream, or stand under a downpour with a basin. Modern people do not need such tricks, so let's take ordinary tap water. Let's boil the water and say: “Today the moon gave strength to the water, and did not forget about me. The power of water is great, let it feed my hair. You can sprinkle this water on your hair (the main thing is to do this procedure after waking up, or before going to bed). It seems that there is nothing unusual in these manipulations, but the hair will begin to grow faster, stop falling out, and be soft and silky.

Also read: Haircut lunar calendar

Beauty on the 7th lunar day

Beauty, as you know, can save the world, but it can also destroy it. It all depends on us - let's love our face and body, and we will rejoice in our eternal youth and beauty.

We start as usual with the beauty of our eyes. On the seventh lunar day, any procedures aimed at improving appearance are welcome, but it is important to remember the rule of any self-respecting lady - no frills. So, if we decide to arrange an ice massage for our eyes, we will limit ourselves to communicating with ice cubes. But to the ladies who have already soaked eyelid cotton pads herbal decoction, you should forget about the cold - the eyes do not need such shakes today.

We will not pluck eyebrows on the seventh lunar day - naturalness, first of all. Of course, girls with "Brezhnev's eyebrows" are allowed to go to the salon (it's a pity that they buy hair only from the head, you could make good money on eyebrows).

Any lipstick can lie on the lips today - from pale pink to dark brown. It is desirable to highlight the contour of our lips - this can even be done with a black pencil, as long as it matches the situation (at a vampire party, you definitely will not stand out from the crowd).

The decollete area needs care on any lunar day, and especially on the seventh lunar day. Ladies can afford any outfit, the main thing is a well-groomed neck, and a suitable jewelry (today it is better to choose a pendant with your zodiac sign, or with a stone recommended by astrologers). But it is undesirable to wear a dress with an open back on the seventh lunar day - the back is vulnerable today, and let only the closest and beloved person look at it.

On the seventh lunar day, we can safely go to the manicure master. We just agree with the specialist right away - let him turn on our favorite music, and we will close our eyes and trust the professional. Today, we can use any three-dimensional elements for the design of our nails - pebbles, rhinestones, sparkles, or acrylic molding. Even nails need a holiday, and let them please us and those around us (if the dress code, of course, allows).

In matters of pedicure today, too, there are no restrictions. We can even paint landscapes or still lifes on our nails, as long as there is someone to show these arts to. In general, the moon will be satisfied if we lie on the sofa and put our new toenails on display for all household members. We remember that on the seventh lunar day one should not get annoyed, and we will not scold the cat if he wants to try varnish on the little toe of his left foot.

It is not forbidden to pierce ears on the seventh lunar day, but if it is possible to avoid going to the master, it is better to use it. The same applies to piercings in other parts of the body - nose rings, or pebbles in the tongue have long gone out of fashion (of course, if this is a way of self-expression, then the moon has nothing against it).

As for tattoos, here the opinions of the stars are divided. Some celestial bodies allow ladies to make tattoos and paint at least the whole body. But the moon on its seventh day advises to limit yourself to a temporary tattoo. Biological dyes, sequins and rhinestones - we can turn on the fantasy at full capacity. Flowers on the neck, dragons on the back, celtic patterns on the forehead - anything, if only there was enough money and patience.

Masks for the face and body on the seventh lunar day, it is advisable to do at home. Healing clay, and bread crumb in milk, and grated potatoes are suitable for us. The main thing is the right mood and a little magic ritual. We mix the ingredients and whisper: “As I make a mask with love, this remedy will treat me with tenderness, old age will turn away, and youth will remain with me forever.” That's all - the miracle mask knows its job. And we finish the seventh lunar day in a warm bath with the addition of fragrant foam and colored salt (purple, of course).

Wedding on the 7th lunar day

Silent toastmaster, quiet guests, calm newlyweds - this is not a myth, but a wedding arranged on the seventh lunar day. But instead of doves, sparrows flutter interspersed with peacocks, and in place of the doll, a strange plush hare perched - an ideal day for the marriage of creative and original people. It is undesirable to talk a lot, but nobody canceled the fun - the bride and groom generally understand each other without words, and toasts can be replaced by presenting gifts.

In fact, the stars went too far with today's silence - everything is positive at the wedding, only good and sincere wishes, cheerful toasts and poems from the heart will sound. And if any envious person comes across among the guests, he will droop as soon as he looks at the young people, whose faces glow with love and happiness.

In general, the seventh lunar day is good for such ceremonies - the family created on this day will be strong, and such an alliance will be long and reliable. Lovers can forget about boredom in family life forever - the moon itself has blessed the young for eternal entertainment and adventure. The seventh lunar day is also good for conception, however, it is advisable for young people to spend the first night in their apartment, but this is already the concern of parents. It is today that young people can dream of a happy life together, choose names for future children, and plan a honeymoon trip.

The seventh lunar day is good not only for marriage, today young people can safely apply and not be afraid that their feelings will not be tested by time - love will become even stronger, the moon will take care. On the seventh lunar day, moving is also welcome - the bride and groom can go to a new apartment in the morning and sit there until the wedding Cadillac arrives for them.

The wedding on the seventh lunar day will be generally perfect. The solemn event is best held in the second half of the seventh day - a sufficient amount of positive energy will accumulate in the air, and there will be fewer people in the church by this time.

It remains to discuss the details with the priest, but the church person will definitely go forward and take into account the wishes of the couple in love. The wedding, accompanied by a quiet chime of bells, and the special atmosphere of the church, will certainly make the union of the young strong and very friendly. On the seventh lunar day, all good angels will protect this couple, and heaven will bless the bride and groom.

Birthday on the 7th lunar day

The "Seventh Moon People" are amazing and extraordinary personalities. Among the "sevens" there may be seers and hypnotists, monks and saints. When the “sevens” are born in the world, as if something is happening - the parents feel an inexplicable excitement, and the medical staff feels an unprecedented rise. There is nothing strange in this - the "seventh lunar people" share their energy with others, and seem to give away part of their gift.

"Sevens" are very sensitive natures, they understand the people around them perfectly, and even know how to read minds. "Sevens" are trying to hide their abilities, but you can't hide genius - the eyes of the "seventh babies" are smart and attentive.

Parents start to panic when the "seventh children" are three or four years old. It turns out that the “sevens” already know how to read, and would have mastered the school curriculum if there were suitable textbooks at hand. But the teachers are not overjoyed - the “sevens” are mostly excellent students, but no one dares to call them nerds. The "seventh guys" easily make friends, and in any company they gain authority in a couple of minutes - it is almost impossible to overthrow the little "seventh princes and princesses" from the throne.

The “seventh lunar people” have difficulties in their personal lives, because they are very demanding on the choice of a future marriage admirer. But the “sevens” have no shortage of fans - these creatures are very charming, and the opposite sex does not leave them unattended.

The “sevens” could also use their charm in solving career issues, but these guys are too fair and principled - any position, according to the “seventh people”, should be received honestly. Among the "sevens" you rarely meet losers, but money for these creatures is not an end in itself, the "seventh hard workers" can not sleep or eat, but only work and achieve the desired result.

"Sevens" love to travel, and consider themselves happy if their work involves endless trips and business trips. The "seventh guys" can break loose at any moment, drop everything, and go, for example, to the North Pole. Even if the “sevens” celebrate their ninetieth birthday, they will not sit down in a chair and begin to write memoirs - the “seventh old men and old women” will cheerfully discard their crutches, tear medical card, and turn to a company that arranges extreme entertainment.

If the "sevens" feel the desire for solitude, they will not go to the remote taiga to cut down a hut there, and live a century in peace and quiet. Most likely, in this case, the “sevens” will build a church, or a monastery, in order to save lost souls. Often among the "sevens" there are philanthropists, but the "seventh people" do not like to advertise their good deeds, and try to remain in the shadows.

The health of the "seventh people" does not fail, and they remain vigorous until old age (among the "sevens" there are most centenarians). The stars recommend that the "sevens" take care of the nervous system and heart - it's great to be kind, but excessive impressionability does not always have a beneficial effect on well-being.

"Sevens" are unusually disciplined people - close relatives and loved ones like this quality, although sometimes households suffer from the pedantry of "sevens" (books arranged in a closet by color and size, this is all right, but when the "sevens" seat the family according to height in Dinner time is overkill. But the "seventh moon people" are the most reliable friends and partners, they will never leave, and will not let you down. Most likely, the saying: “we are always responsible for those whom we have tamed”, it was the “sevens” who came up with.

Dreams on 7 lunar day

On the seventh lunar day, spirits can come to us, in principle, it doesn’t even matter who visits us: a kind angel with wings, or an unpleasant devil with horns. All messengers from the other world will only tell the truth, of course, somewhat distorted. And it is we who will have to unravel the encoded information - after all, it is undesirable to tell dreams seen on the seventh lunar day.

It will be great if today we dream of rain, or we swim under a waterfall - this dream is an incredible success, and happiness will overtake us at the most unexpected moment. But let's be careful if the water in the night picture is muddy and dirty - this is a warning that a dishonest person may appear in our environment.

But if in a dream a fish comes to us, and even speaks in human language, you don’t have to worry - the moon itself decided to talk with us, and life is about to become bright and interesting.

The images in a dream can be very different, and it is important to pay attention to the shape and size of night visions. For example, oval or round objects dream of good luck in the business sphere, but square and diamond-shaped images tell us that it's time to take a closer look at our partners and arrange a little cleaning in our surroundings. In dreams of the seventh lunar day, size matters - the larger, the better, as they say (Freud would be happy to unravel the secrets of our subconscious, but on the seventh lunar day his advice will not be needed).

By the way, if in today's dream we understand the chirping of birds, the meowing of cats, or the barking of dogs, this suggests that in our lives we very rarely use intuition and ignore its prompts - it's time to correct the situation and develop in ourselves flair and clairvoyance. The main thing here is not to pay too much attention to the meaning of the statements - if in a dream a cat reprimands us that we feed it poorly, and generally careless owners, you should not scold the animal after waking up and throw slippers at it.

On the seventh lunar night, plants can also talk to us. Here it is important to feel the mood of trees or grasses - if an evil oak or a harmful cactus appeared to us, then in reality we are too demanding of our surroundings. But if we have fun talking with an affectionate chamomile, or laughing at birch jokes, then everything is in order - soon we will receive good news from our friends or relatives.

But in order for all night visions to benefit us, it’s good to work with the subconscious, and at the same time appease the moon with the help of a simple ritual. We will find seven straws (we can pull them out of the broom, the main thing is not to be zealous and not turn the whisk into a peeled stick). Stroke each straw, and fold them on a light cotton fabric parallel to each other. Let's close the straw with another piece of the same fabric and proceed: “As the straws lie in a row, so I will be glad (glad) for this dream. Witch moon, save me from evil spirits, and let seven good guardian angels come to me.

We put all this magic under the pillow (ideally, of course, it is better to put it under the mattress, but if there is no such happiness, we will manage with what we have), and we wish ourselves a calm moonlit night. By the way, before going to bed, you can ask the moon some important question, or make a wish. And in the morning, look at the answer: the straws will definitely connect in some pattern (from the picture we will understand what awaits us). Well, if the straw remained lying in parallel, then unprecedented happiness is about to come to us (as usually happens with the prevailing solitaire).

business sphere of the seventh lunar day

We found out that on the seventh lunar day, any spoken word has its own magic. So why not use the magical power of statements for your own purposes? Today it is useful for entrepreneurs, businessmen and all business people to conclude deals, negotiate, and sign important documents. But attention - partners are people too, and can be quick-tempered and capricious, so it is important not to react to brawlers and nervous guys, and do your job calmly and thoughtfully.

On the seventh lunar day, those who work for their uncle also live well - the boss on this day will be extremely accommodating and complaisant, besides, the boss today will listen to any requests and will definitely go forward. Many of us are waiting for bonuses and promotions - the seventh lunar day was created for this. But if someone receives unexpected money, you should not run to the casino, but hope to win all the riches of the universe. It's better to use some magic tricks and play a little wizard.

So, we cash out the money from the card, and hurry home. We stand in the center of the room and begin to shower ourselves with banknotes, saying: “Money rain, how good you are. Go without ceasing, I call wealth to the house. After that, we carefully fold the rustling pieces of paper into a beautiful wallet, and go to work. homework. The main thing here is not to analyze too much - this method works exclusively on faith, and on the seventh lunar day its effectiveness is especially great.

The seventh lunar day is good for building relationships with colleagues. But what if we do not have an oratorical gift, and are afraid to say some nonsense (especially since it is not recommended to say too much today). We are looking for a funny video on the Internet, turn on fun music and enjoy chatting with colleagues. You can also tell a joke with a beard, the main thing is that there are no obscene expressions (the universe will not tolerate this).

A day is also suitable for a device for another job. But here you should pay attention to the clues of fate - for example, you missed the bus, or even got into a three-hour traffic jam, and the new boss cut off your phone, worried about your absence. What to do? What exactly does Fortune suggest? Forget about a promising position and throw yourself at the feet of a former boss, or, despite all the obstacles, get to your destination? Intuition will help here - on the seventh lunar day it is at its best for many of us.

The seventh lunar day is good for studying, passing exams, and for working with literature. Excellent students today will surpass themselves, and will surprise teachers with their genius. And negligent students will discover new talents in themselves - losers will be drawn to higher mathematics, and lazy people will close the computer and run to look for the library.

Today it is not necessary to go to the Emerald City and ask Goodwin for new brains, you can find some smart book, open it on any page and read a paragraph - there will be an answer to your question, if only the book was not on quantum mechanics. For fidelity, put a bookmark in the book with the inscription: “The man wrote the book, he didn’t know about me. Let my mind tune in to the wave of knowledge, and learn to separate important thoughts from nonsense. Although, students and students are people with imagination, and they can write whatever comes to mind, if only it was from the bottom of their hearts.

For those who consider themselves rich, it is useful to do charity work on the seventh lunar day. Help novice actors, singers or writers (don't forget about poets too, they might write poems about you, and in hundreds of years these lines will be quoted and admired).

It is up to you to take loans on the seventh lunar day, or not to take them, but the stars recommend refraining from going to the bank (unless, of course, the situation allows, and the collectors are not standing at the door with water pistols, paper clubs and a bag for banknotes).

You can lend your blood acquaintances or friends today - the money will return, and they will also bring interest (but not ordinary interest - it can be unexpected winnings, part-time jobs, and interesting financial offers).

On the evening of the seventh lunar day, it is advisable to walk around the apartment and dust off valuables, you can clean household appliances. Let's not forget to whisper: "Just as I clean the kettle (vacuum cleaner, washing machine), so the path to my house is cleared to the money." Oh, and we will live after this procedure!

Health on the 7th lunar day

Since the entire seventh lunar day revolves around the magical power of words, attention should be paid to the vocal cords and respiratory organs. Let's start by doing breathing exercises, rinsing the neck medicinal herbs Your body will thank you today.

Now let's critically examine our figure. If there were no shortcomings, we calmly go to the refrigerator and absorb all the goodies. We remember relatives who also like to chat with the family breadwinner - if the household notices that we ate cakes and drank kefir, a scandal cannot be avoided, but today you can’t sort things out and quarrel.

But if we can see the tummy, the hands are not in perfect condition, and the hips are far from perfect, we do not grab our heads and do not run to call our friends to complain about the bitter fate. Let's be positive, and for starters, let's love what we have. Next, we will draw up a weight loss map, at the same time we will write down in a notebook all the pros and cons of the future diet (yes, there are also cons, because not everyone likes soup sets, someone loves buns).

So the seventh day will just end, and we didn’t even have time to have a bite to eat. The stars allow you to treat yourself to dumplings and fried potatoes - we will lose weight tomorrow, or in a month, but today we are tired and deserve a treat.

With a diet for the seventh lunar day, everything is more or less clear. It remains to deal with in a healthy way life and think about their lungs - do they like to absorb the chemical compounds that their smoker provides them with? The moon on the seventh day does not in the least insist on the immediate renunciation of bad habit but you can try! The mood is important here, and the magic words will not hurt. We are looking for a beautiful notebook and write a story about the benefits of life without tobacco. You can also come up with a conspiracy for yourself, for example, some heavy smokers were helped by a seemingly ordinary phrase. “I'm not quitting smoking, I'm just choosing health. I don't part with cigarettes, I just want to live without them. I just got tired of spending money and energy on this habit - so be it. Everything, the desire to smoke was gone completely and irrevocably. Well, if not lost, then we still have a whole month ahead until the next seventh lunar day, and we will just learn the magic words by heart.

On the seventh lunar day, you can do exercises if you really want to. But we act without much fanaticism, and do not expect immediate results. For the background, you can turn on funny children's songs, but if someone is annoyed by white-haired horses, or the Bremen town musicians, then, of course, there is no need to exhaust the brain. In this case, proven classical music will help - under Chopin, it’s easier to do push-ups, and it’s more pleasant to run.

We will not go to dentists on the seventh lunar day - these kind guys will not get poorer if they give themselves a day off, let our teeth wait for a more suitable day. After all, such a shake-up will not do any good. nervous system, communication with dentists affects the emotional sphere too much. But do not rejoice too much, and indulge yourself with chocolates and other caries friends - let's nibble on a carrot (both tasty and healthy).

It is possible to undergo a medical examination today - this is not scary, but if we meet a huge queue, there is no need to be nervous. We will listen to the stories of grandmothers, they will share their life experience and tell interesting stories, but it’s better to stop talking about sores.

Let's not forget the benefits of walking. We collect a company of silent friends, and go to the forest, or to the river. At the same time, we will talk with plants - on the seventh lunar day, their energy is especially useful for humans. Let's find an ancient oak, or a young birch, hug a tree and tell about our cherished dream. The main thing is that ticks are not active - they are not interested in our desires, these insects have completely different plans.


We learned that the seventh lunar day is most suitable for creative and unusual people. What about those who do not observe special talents in themselves? It is today that there will be a chance to find a lot of abilities in yourself, or even discover some kind of gift. Someone will feel an irresistible desire to draw, someone will want to write a poem, and some even learn to read minds, or decide to devote their lives to serving God.

On the seventh lunar day, the power of prayer is great. The main thing is not to ask for something material - we can solve these issues on our own, but today we need to focus on spiritual needs.

Today we avoided gossip, wished no harm to anyone, and refrained from empty chatter - now you can praise yourself (from the heart, and sincerely). In the evening, be sure to thank the Universe and the Moon for giving us such a magical and wonderful day.

The lord of the wind Eol (also known as the symbol of the seventh lunar day) will help us cope with problems and resolve issues related to personal relationships. We will not look for wise shamans and cause a squally wind - we will just go out into the street, even a light breeze will inspire us with good good thoughts and fill us with beautiful and positive emotions. The soul sings, the heart rejoices, and we smile - a great end to the seventh lunar day, and the purple bracelet that we put on today has begun to work.

People born on the seventh lunar day have good health, good memory, and a fairly developed sense of humor. Usually they are very mobile and light, able to instantly grasp information and quickly navigate in mental flows. But also these people are distinguished by their frivolity, frivolity, often do not have a personal opinion and are incapable of true and deep feelings. They do not mind gossip, they weave various intrigues and push people against each other. It also happens that their tendency to slander and gossip greatly complicates their lives, and they should take this into account.

in the 7th
lunar day

Those born on this day are endowed with great talents, but they will not be revealed by themselves. From birth, a child should be surrounded by the attention and care of parents. Support from relatives will help the child realize his talents. In addition, people born on the seventh lunar day have good health. Depending on the upbringing and influence of others, he can become a brilliant public figure, a speaker, followed by thousands of people. In the worst case, a person will turn out to be just a gossip, idler, superficial and mundane person.

The potential given by nature, born on the 7th lunar day

  • oratorical talent
  • opera voice data
  • excellent memory
  • process information instantly

Those born on the 7th lunar day will have good health. These are people "weathervanes", superficial and indefatigable collectors of gossip. They either grow up to be good speakers, public figures ... or gossips and very superficial people.

Believe in yourself and do not listen to the advice of unfamiliar people, avoid empty talk.

People born on the 7th lunar day have a good memory, good health and a developed sense of humor. Often they do not have their own opinion, they are not capable of deep understanding, serious feelings.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 7th lunar day

  • has magical powers, but often does not know how to discern and implement them
  • can be a frivolous, superficial, frivolous person who does not have an opinion
  • incapable of deep understanding and sincere feelings, like to gossip, know how to weave intrigues and push people together
  • at a low spiritual level, they are gossips, merchants, consultants, translators, and at a magical level they are ideal intermediaries when communicating with spirits, mediums, spellcasters

People of the 7th lunar day have a strong character and will, if they wish, they are able to reach any peak. If you were born on this day, avoid conflicts and showdown. A receptive mind will help you learn easily and absorb information quickly. People of this day have a penchant for analysis and the deductive method. Professions that require an intense thought process work well: a scientist, a writer, a speaker, an investigator. Often the talents of people of this day are manifested in trade, consultations.

All people are different, and the characteristics of a person's character can be determined by the influence of a variety of factors. So, astrologers are sure that the future of the individual, his abilities and talents are determined by the date of birth, as well as the position of the Moon. And today on the pages of "Popular about Health" we will consider what the 7 lunar day brings to a person, what is his characteristic as a birthday.

The seventh lunar day is considered active by astrologers. It is the date of laying the foundations, the time of prayer. It is on this day that the foundation is laid for obtaining results and an assessment is made of the future fruits of one's labor and the amount of work necessary to achieve the plans.

People who were born on the seventh lunar day most often live in abundance. They manage to achieve success, thanks to which their family is proud of them. But at the same time, activity in business is not easy for them. They also face difficulties in starting processes and in setting a direction that allows them to subsequently acquire material wealth. It is also not easy for them to learn how to effectively distribute profits and assess the need for expenses.

A person on the seventh lunar day is able to live a wonderful, healthy and eventful life, but it is not always long. Many such people are "weathervanes" and live exclusively in impressions. They seem to "spin", do not have their own direction and become rather superficial personalities. Such people can grow up to be completely frivolous. But with skillful work on themselves and proper education, they manage to find their direction in life, take the path of light and achieve success. A person on the seventh lunar day is able to easily communicate with the elements, as well as the spirits of Nature.

The fate of such people directly depends on the influence of their parents, as well as their upbringing. After all, only parents can teach a child the right communication, the right attitude to life and to their skills.

A person who was born on the seventh lunar day has an excellent memory gifted by nature, good health and a good sense of humor. Such people are often mobile and light, rather quickly analyze incoming information. However, in the absence of work on oneself, such a gift does not benefit them, being crowded out by frivolity, frivolity, and the absence of one's own opinion.

But with self-development and self-knowledge, a person on the seventh lunar day is able to develop various talents in himself, become a wonderful mediator, trader, consultant, translator, writer, journalist and even artist. Astrologers recommend such people to realize themselves in communication.

Born on the 7th lunar day

Those born on this day trust other people, but within certain limits. With all the openness of the soul, it is not so easy to circle them around your finger. They have a very strong character and will, if desired, they are able to reach any peak. But only if they believe in themselves and do not listen to the advice of unfamiliar people. They should also avoid empty talk.

If you were born on this day, avoid conflicts and showdown. The 7th day person has a lively and receptive mind. This feature helps him learn easily and quickly absorb information. He has a penchant for analysis and that famous deductive method. He is able to quickly and easily draw the right conclusions, find ways out of difficult situations. Such a person can become a prominent public figure. He is good at professions that require an intense thought process: an investigator, a researcher, a writer ... Also, this person is able to become an outstanding speaker. He must wisely use his strength, not allow himself to waste energy and talents. He should always remember the biblical parable of buried talents: only those abilities that we use bring us great fruits. Doing the opposite, hiding your talents, is a sin against yourself. On the 7th lunar day, centenarians and the most healthy people. They are not endowed with outstanding physical strength, but can develop it thanks to their health. This is their main wealth, which must be especially protected.

Do not exercise outdoors, especially during the cold season.

This text is an introductory piece.

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ruling planet R aka: Moon.

Talismans R aka: clover, heart.

Cancer personality: Peaceful, reserved, shy, patient, warm-hearted, sympathetic, devoted, homely.

Cancer has a good memory, respects traditions, is very materialistic. Men - Cancers, even courageous, have many feminine traits in character. With a strong defeat, Cancer can be restless, capricious, unstable in feelings, too critical. If Cancer is furious, which is rare, he resorts to violence.

He should not abuse alcohol. Cancer is secretive and calm by nature, however, if a specific task appears before him, he is able to complete it to the fullest. He is an excellent psychologist, and therefore is not afraid to take on promising and risky business.

When a business is just starting, it seems completely insane and not profitable, but thanks to some of the properties of Cancer, they will be able to ensure that what they started will turn out to be very useful to people and become popular. When Cancer is in a family environment, then its first qualities can be called affection and attention to household members.

Since they are psychologists, they can help in solving many problems that occur in the family, as well as provide all kinds of support. The Cancer zodiac sign strives for cleanliness, coziness and comfort. People can engage in frequent rearrangement of furniture, add accessories, but even in spite of all this, the main path for them is the kitchen. There may often be a tape recorder, a TV and beautiful dishes, because when they are at home, they spend most of their time here. To

When there is a discussion within family problems, then Cancer should not not be notified about this. Cancers are neat and hardworking. Being connoisseurs of tasty and healthy food, they often find their calling in the food industry, become excellent chefs and restaurateurs.

In addition, Cancers are suitable for working with children. Crayfish are not distinguished by a heroic physique and subtly react to everything that happens in the ordinary world. Weak places can be called the stomach and chest, therefore, they can often suffer from swelling, gastric disorders and indigestion.