How to disable interactive services in windows 7. Which services are needed in Windows and which can be disabled

You can configure the operation of services in a special Windows manager. To open it, use the key combination Windows + R, in the line that appears, type services.msc and press Enter. You will see the same or similar (if you have one of the older OS versions) window:

The manager displays the services in a table. Here you can view the list of available services, read their brief description and find out the current status. Of particular importance is the Startup Type column. It is he who shows whether a particular service is enabled and in what mode it is started by the system.

By double-clicking on one of the services, you will open a window in which you can disable it. It is enough to open the "Startup type" item, select "Disabled" and click "OK". But among other launch options, there is a “Manual” value. For security purposes, select it for all services that you want to disable. This will allow the system to start services when they are really needed and not waste on them the rest of the time.

Do not disable services completely, but only switch them to manual mode.

The services listed below are not critical to the operation of the system, and many users can do without them. Therefore, you can set these services to manual mode. Before making changes, be sure to read short descriptions so as not to stop the services that are important to you.

Some of the services from our list may already be completely disabled on your PC or initially work in manual mode. In that case, just skip them.

Mistakes in the process of configuring services can lead to incorrect system operation. When you make changes, you take responsibility.

For the changes to take effect, after setting, do not forget to restart the PC.

Windows services that can be switched to manual mode

The Russian-language names of some services from this list may differ from those that you will see on your computer. But this only applies to wording. If you can't find desired service by the exact name, look for options that are similar in meaning.

Windows 10

  • Functionality for connected users and telemetry (Connected User Experiences and Telemetry).
  • Diagnostic Tracking Service.
  • dmwappushsvc.
  • Downloaded Maps Manager - if you are not using the Maps application.
  • Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service.
  • Windows Defender Service.

Windows 8/8.1

  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • IP Helper - if you are not using an IPv6 connection.
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Security Center.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - if you don't have a scanner.
  • Windows Search - if you do not use the Windows search function.

Windows 7

  • Computer Browser - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • IP Helper - if you are not using an IPv6 connection.
  • Offline files (Offline Files).
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Protected Storage.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Security Center.
  • Server (Server) - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Search - if you do not use the Windows search function.

Windows Vista

  • Computer Browser - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Desktop Window Manager Session Manager - if you are not using the Aero theme.
  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Offline files (Offline Files).
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Ready Boost.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Security Center.
  • Server (Server) - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • Tablet PC Input Service.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Themes - if you are using a classic Windows theme.
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Media Center Service Launcher.
  • Windows Search - if you do not use the Windows search function.

Windows XP

  • Alerter.
  • Computer Browser - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Indexing Service - if you don't use Windows Search.
  • Internet Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (Internet Connection Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing).
  • Message service (Messenger).
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Server (Server) - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • System Restore Service.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply.
  • Upload Manager.
  • Wireless Zero Configuration.

You can configure the operation of services in a special Windows manager. To open it, use the key combination Windows + R, in the line that appears, type services.msc and press Enter. You will see the same or similar (if you have one of the older OS versions) window:

The manager displays the services in a table. Here you can view the list of available services, read their brief description and find out the current status. Of particular importance is the Startup Type column. It is he who shows whether a particular service is enabled and in what mode it is started by the system.

By double-clicking on one of the services, you will open a window in which you can disable it. It is enough to open the "Startup type" item, select "Disabled" and click "OK". But among other launch options, there is a “Manual” value. For security purposes, select it for all services that you want to disable. This will allow the system to start services when they are really needed and not waste on them the rest of the time.

Do not disable services completely, but only switch them to manual mode.

The services listed below are not critical to the operation of the system, and many users can do without them. Therefore, you can set these services to manual mode. Be sure to read the brief descriptions before making any changes so you don't stop the services that are important to you.

Some of the services from our list may already be completely disabled on your PC or initially work in manual mode. In that case, just skip them.

Mistakes in the process of configuring services can lead to incorrect system operation. When you make changes, you take responsibility.

For the changes to take effect, after setting, do not forget to restart the PC.

Windows services that can be switched to manual mode

The Russian-language names of some services from this list may differ from those that you will see on your computer. But this only applies to wording. If you cannot find the service you need by the exact name, look for options that are similar in meaning.

Windows 10

  • Functionality for connected users and telemetry (Connected User Experiences and Telemetry).
  • Diagnostic Tracking Service.
  • dmwappushsvc.
  • Downloaded Maps Manager - if you are not using the Maps application.
  • Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service.
  • Windows Defender Service.

Windows 8/8.1

  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • IP Helper - if you are not using an IPv6 connection.
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Security Center.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - if you don't have a scanner.
  • Windows Search - if you do not use the Windows search function.

Windows 7

  • Computer Browser - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • IP Helper - if you are not using an IPv6 connection.
  • Offline files (Offline Files).
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Protected Storage.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Security Center.
  • Server (Server) - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Search - if you do not use the Windows search function.

Windows Vista

  • Computer Browser - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Desktop Window Manager Session Manager - if you are not using the Aero theme.
  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Offline files (Offline Files).
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Ready Boost.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Security Center.
  • Server (Server) - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • Tablet PC Input Service.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Themes - if you are using a classic Windows theme.
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Media Center Service Launcher.
  • Windows Search - if you do not use the Windows search function.

Windows XP

  • Alerter.
  • Computer Browser - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Indexing Service - if you don't use Windows Search.
  • Internet Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (Internet Connection Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing).
  • Message service (Messenger).
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary logon.
  • Server (Server) - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • System Restore Service.
  • NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply.
  • Upload Manager.
  • Wireless Zero Configuration.

The procedure for disabling unnecessary services is useful for netbooks and computers with limited computing resources or equipped with slow hard drives. For details on which services in Windows 7 can be safely disabled, and which ones are better left untouched, how to enable the necessary components, read our article.

How to open the management of services (components) in Windows 7?

The user can use two methods.

Via Start

Click "Start", then "Run". In the window that appears, enter the line services.msc.

Enter services.msc in the line

This method is the most convenient, since information about the service is given, which makes it clear its value for the system.

Then go to "Services"

Here are all the services installed on the computer

The same window can be opened from the toolbar by clicking on the Administrative Tools tool and selecting Services.

To open the services, you need to click on the corresponding line in the list

To disable the service, you need to double-click on it and in the window that opens, change the "Startup type" option to "Disabled". Then click "Stop" and "OK".


After pressing "Win" + R, enter msconfig.exe into the line and click "OK".

Type in msconfig.exe

In the window that appears, open the "Services" tab.

After clicking on the "Services" tab, a list of all available background applications will open

To stop the application, you need to uncheck the box opposite and click "Apply". The same line will show the date of shutdown.

To disable the service, you need to uncheck the box and confirm the choice.

After clicking "OK", another window will appear where you need to choose when to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

The computer must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Video: step-by-step instructions for disabling services for optimization

What services can be disabled without harm to the system?

Most background applications provide system stability. Therefore, it is imperative to check their name and function.

With few exceptions, all computers can run without the following services:

  1. remote registry. Allows other users to change the registry of the system, so you need to disable it at least for security purposes.
  2. Fax. If there is no connection to this device, then the service can be disabled.
  3. Windows Error Reporting Service. Responsible for the error log and notifications of crashes or program freezes.
  4. Changed link tracking client. Associated with NTFS files that are transferred within a computer or network.
  5. Search Windows (Windows Search). Needed only by those who often access the search for files.
  6. Parental Control (parental control). Has no use.
  7. Helper service IP. Useless on a home PC.
  8. Print Manager. Only needed for the printer to work.
  9. Secondary login. Allows you to run processes from a different account. It is advisable to disable for security reasons.
  10. Tablet PC input service. If there is no pen or handwriting, then the service is not needed.
  11. Windows Defender. If your computer has another protection system, you can disable it.
  12. Windows Firewall. The same as in the paragraph above.
  13. Smart card deletion policy. If such elements are not used, the service is not needed.
  14. SSDP discovery. Used to detect devices using the SSDP protocol, such as smart home appliances. If there is no such equipment, then the service can be disabled.
  15. Adaptive brightness control. If the laptop does not have a light sensor, then the service can be disabled.
  16. Computer browser. If there is no local network, then you can disable it.
  17. Access to HID devices. These include input tools such as a USB mouse, webcam, and scanner. If such equipment is not used, then the service can be disabled.
  18. Core TPM services. If TMP and/or BitLocker chips are not used, then this can be disabled.
  19. Server. If the computer is not included in the local network, then you can disable it.
  20. Bluetooth support service. If the computer does not have such a device or it is not used, then the service can be disabled.
  21. NetBIOS support module. If there is no connection to the local network, then you can disable it.
  22. Windows Image Download Service (WIA). Needed for a scanner or digital camera.

Which services cannot be interfered with?

The following background applications should not be touched:

  1. Windows Audio. Turning it off will cut off the sound.
  2. Windows Driver Foundation. Affects drivers.
  3. Media class planner. When turned off, the sound will disappear.
  4. Plug and play. If you disable the service, the system will not be able to recognize new devices.
  5. Superfetch. Identifies the programs that the user uses most often and adds them to RAM (but does not run). The computer will work with the service disabled, but performance will be reduced. Can be disabled if the computer has less than 1 GB of RAM. Otherwise, the effect will be negative.
  6. Task Scheduler. It can not be disabled because it has many tasks. Without it, you can't even switch the keyboard layout.
  7. Remote procedure call (RPC). Affects many other services.
  8. Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.
  9. Themes. When disabled, the Aero interface will stop working.
  10. Windows installer. Allows you to install applications.

How to add Windows features?

Most users are satisfied with Windows 7 with a standard set of components. But sometimes you need to enable additional applications or utilities. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features.
    Click "Programs and Features"
  2. Click "Turn Windows features on or off". To go to the management of components, you need to click on "Turn Windows features on or off"
  3. A window with available components will appear. The checkbox indicates that the application is enabled.
    Here is a list of all available components. The checkbox indicates that the component is enabled.
  4. To add a component, you need to check the appropriate box and click "OK". If the checkbox is cleared, the component will be disabled. But it will not be deleted from the disk, and to enable it, you need to check the box again.

Video: step by step instructions for adding components

"Turn Windows features on or off" does not work or the list is empty: what to do and what is the reason?

There may be several reasons.

If one of the installed programs has changed the value in the registry

Through the "Start" or using the key combination "Win" + R, open the "Run" window and enter regedit.

Type in regedit

Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Control - Windows and find the CSDReleaseType parameter. If there is a value other than 0, then you need to change it, then click "OK" and restart the computer.

You need to find the CSDReleaseType parameter, change the value to "0" and click "OK"

Login with a non-administrator account

You need to either get administrator rights, or log in with account administrator.

If the files in the C:\Windows\Servicing\Packages folder are missing or corrupted.

Requires an update to resolve. You will need to download the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7:

  • For 32-bit processor:
  • For 64-bit processor:

To find out the bit depth, you need to click "Start", open the "Control Panel", then "System". The bit depth is indicated in the “System type” item.

Through the "Control Panel" open "System" and find the item "System Type", where the processor bit is indicated

Close all programs and run the file. It has the .msu extension. The whole process will take 10-15 minutes.

After installation, close the window and restart your computer. Then open the list of components again. If the window is still empty, then you need to correct the errors manually.

Open C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log and look at the lines under "Checking Package Manifests and Cataloges". If there is an error, then at the beginning of the line is (f), and then the error code and path. But if there is another line under this line, and (fix) is in front, then this error has been fixed.

This text document lists errors that could or could not be corrected

Lines marked in pink indicate errors that could not be corrected. The errors in this example may be different than what the user finds.

It is necessary to write down information from the lines where uncorrected errors are indicated, for example, on a sheet of paper. The part that starts with "Package_" is important.

Now you need to manually delete the corresponding registry keys. Call the "Run" window and enter "regedit" in the line. In the window that opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ ComponentBasedServicing\Packeges\ and find the key with the error. This example removes the error on the fourth line.

After removing the corrupted key, the component list issue should be resolved.

Smart - a program to disable unnecessary services

Free software that does not need to be installed.

Here is a list of all available services, and in the lower right corner of the control button

Allows you to set one of four settings configurations:

  1. Safe Tweaks. The most secure, suitable for most users. It will not affect the operation of the system, but performance will increase.
  2. Moderate Tweaks. Disables almost half of the services, limits the multimedia capabilities of the system. Productivity is even higher.
  3. Advance Tweaks. Recommended for advanced users only. Disables all services except those necessary for the system to function.
  4. custom. Also for professionals. There is a manual service configuration mode.

To enable the changes, you need to click "Apply" and confirm your actions

Disabling unused services will be a good tool for optimizing (speeding up) a computer with little RAM. And in the case of a laptop, this will also lead to an increase in battery life.

Manually, as well as automatically.

When setting up the operating system, very often you have to perform the same actions to disable the same services. This annoyed me and I could not find a way to automate it. But now I've created a file that automatically disables services I don't need. If you have such a need, then read below how this can be done!)

In Windows 7, 8, 10, to work with services, you need:

  1. open start
  2. Right click on the computer and select manage
  3. Go Services and Controls
  4. Services. A list of services will appear.

How to manually stop the service?

  1. To stop the service, right-click and select the property
  2. Click stop

How to manually start the service?

  1. To start the service, right-click and select the property
  2. Click to run

How to manually disable a service?

  1. To disable the service, right-click and select the property
  2. Click stop (you can do without it, but then you have to restart the computer so that it is disabled)
  3. We select the startup type disabled (often people are interested in how to stop the windows update service, this is exactly the way you need it)

When I wrote an article about what services can be disabled, I was asked to write a script that automatically disabled the necessary services automatically. And I recently found a solution. To do this, you must stop the service from the command line. But again, on the one hand, it looks difficult, but at the end of the article I will teach you how to do it simply.

How to automatically stop, start, disable a service?

To get started, download my template. This is a service that I usually disable as soon as I install .

Now look at the commands we need (commands are taken without quotes):

  1. "net stop service_name" - this command stops the service
  2. "net start service_name" - this command starts a stopped service
  3. "sc config service_name start=value" - This command changes the startup type of the service.

The "value" field can be of 3 types:

  • auto (automatically);
  • demand (on demand, manually);
  • delayed-auto (delayed start);

The "service_name" field can be found as follows:

  1. Right-click on the required service and select the property
  2. The service name is the name we need

Now we click on the downloaded file (Disable unnecessary services.bat) above with the right mouse button and click change.

My first line stops the service, and the second one disables it, and this is repeated 4 times with different services. There is a pause at the end to see what has been done.

  1. Those. looking for service name
  2. Writing a stop or start command
  3. Writing a startup command
  4. Saving the file
  5. We just double-click on it with the mouse button and that's it. The script will automatically execute your commands.

Thus, if you often disable or stop something, you simply need this method to save you time!

In order to slightly optimize the speed of Windows, you can disable unnecessary services, but the question arises: what services can be disabled? This is the question I will try to answer in this article.

Note that the shutdown Windows services will not necessarily lead to some significant improvement in system performance: often the changes are simply invisible. Another important point: perhaps in the future one of the disabled services may be needed, and therefore do not forget which ones you disabled.

How to disable Windows services

To display a list of services, press Win keys+ R on the keyboard and enter the command services.msc, press Enter. You can also go to the Windows Control Panel, open the Administrative Tools folder and select Services. Don't use msconfig.

To change the parameters of a particular service, double-click on it (you can right-click and select "Properties" and set the necessary startup options. For Windows system services, the list of which will be given below, I recommend setting the Startup type to "Manual", and not " Disabled". In this case, the service will not start automatically, but if required for the operation of any program, it will be started.

Note: All actions you perform are at your own risk.

List of services that can be disabled in Windows 7 to speed up your computer

It is safe to disable the following Windows 7 services (enable manual startup) in order to optimize system performance:

  • Remote registry (it's even better to disable it, it can have a positive impact on security)
  • Smart card - can be disabled
  • Print Manager (if you don't have a printer and don't print to files)
  • Server (if the computer is not connected to the local network)
  • Computer Browser (if your computer is offline)
  • HomeGroup Provider - If the computer is not on a work or home network, this service can be disabled.
  • Secondary login
  • NetBIOS support module over TCP/IP (if the computer is not on a working network)
  • Security Center
  • Tablet PC Input Service
  • Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
  • Themes (if you're using a classic Windows theme)
  • Secure storage
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service - If you don't know what it is, then you don't need it.
  • Bluetooth Assistance Service - If your computer does not have Bluetooth, you can turn it off
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service
  • Windows Search (if you don't use the Windows 7 search feature)
  • Remote Desktop Services - You can also disable this service if you are not using
  • Windows Archiving - if you don't use it and don't know why you need it, you can disable it.
  • Windows Update - can only be disabled if you have already disabled Windows Updates.

In addition to this, the programs you install on your computer can also add their own services and run them. Some of these services are needed - antivirus, utility software. Some others are not so good, in particular the update services, which are usually called ProgramName + Update Service. For the browser Adobe Flash or antivirus update is important, but, for example, for DaemonTools and other application programs - not so much. These services can also be disabled, this applies equally to Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Services that can be safely disabled in Windows 8 and 8.1

In addition to the services listed above, you can safely disable the following system services in Windows 8 and 8.1 to optimize system performance:

  • BranchCache - just disable
  • Changed link tracking client - similar
  • Family Safety - If you are not using Windows 8 Family Safety, then this service can be disabled
  • All Hyper-V services - assuming you are not using Hyper-V virtual machines
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
  • Windows Biometric Service

As I said, disabling services will not necessarily lead to a noticeable speedup of the computer. Also, keep in mind that disabling some services may cause problems in the operation of any third-party program that uses this service.

More information about disabling Windows services

In addition to everything that has been listed, I draw attention to the following points:

  • Windows Services settings are global, meaning they apply to all users.
  • After changing (disabling and enabling) the service settings, restart your computer.
  • Using msconfig to change Windows service settings is not recommended.
  • If you are unsure whether to disable a service, set the startup type to Manual.

Well, that seems to be all I can say on the topic of which services to disable and not regret it.