Can a mole be removed? What can be removed from the Windows folder painlessly for the system and is it worth it? Nevus removal methods

Moles (nevi) are benign skin formations resulting from an excessive accumulation of color pigment, which gives color to the iris, hair, eyebrows and skin. Birthmarks can also occur with a lack of melanin - in this case, they will not have the traditional black or brown color, but a flesh or pink color. The size of moles can vary from 1-2 mm to 1.5-2 cm. There are cases when nevi reached very large sizes (more than 15-20 cm 3). People with such formations should be under the constant supervision of an oncologist, since the mole is likely to degenerate into melanoma, a cancerous tumor of the skin.

Small moles usually do not interfere with a person in any way and can even give a special charm to the face, but if the nevus is large or convex, many people think about removing them. Before deciding to take this step, you need to find out whether it is possible to remove moles on the body, and what complications may arise after removal.

Small flat moles in most cases do not pose a danger to humans, but preventive monitoring every 2-3 years is necessary even with this type of rash. The situation is much more complicated with voluminous, convex nevi, since almost 95% of malignancies (the transformation of benign formations into cancerous tumors) occur precisely with large moles. The three most commonly diagnosed types of skin cancer are listed in the table below.

Type of cancerCharacteristic
MelanomaThe tumor begins to develop from melanocytes - cells that synthesize the pigment melanin. belongs to the most dangerous species cancers with a high rate of metastasis
MelanosarcomaAt the initial stage of development, the tumor looks like an ordinary mole and does not manifest itself in any way. The tumor quickly metastasizes to bone and internal organs, is characterized by the rapid development of the pathological process and a high percentage of mortality, even with early diagnosis (more than 75%)
MelanocarcinomaThe most dangerous type of skin cancer. Most of the cases end in death

Important! Great importance in the prevention of cancerous lesions has the diagnosis of moles. Giant, borderline and blue formations are considered the most dangerous - the risk of malignancy in such patients will be about 42%. Particular attention should be paid to the nevi of Clark and Ota. Experts recommend removing them immediately after detection, since it is this type of moles that most often degenerates into malignant tumors.

Another danger of convex moles is the likelihood of injury and infection. This is especially true for those formations that are located on areas of the body that often come into contact with other surfaces (when washing in the shower, dressing, etc.). If the mole is accidentally torn off or damaged, the development of superinfection and blood poisoning, as well as purulent-necrotic inflammatory processes.

Can be deleted or not?

Specialists cannot give an unambiguous answer to this question, since small moles that do not show signs of malignancy or inflammation do not affect a person’s life and well-being.

Oncologists call the following conditions absolute indications for the removal of nevi:

  • cessation of hair growth on the surface of the mole;
  • bleeding and discharge of fluid from the nevus;
  • the appearance around the mole of several small spots and dots;
  • itching and burning at the location of the formation;
  • the formation of scabs and dry crusts on the surface of the mole.

Removal will also be shown if the formation does not manifest itself in any way, but is large, unnaturally black or convex. If the number of moles on the body exceeds 10-15 pieces, the oncologist or dermatologist-surgeon will consider the need for removal. A relative indication for removal is the presence of convex moles in open areas of the body, which are often subjected to mechanical stress or ultraviolet radiation.

It is recommended to remove moles that grow on the scalp, as they can be easily damaged by a comb or chemicals (such as hair dye). Nevi in ​​the perineum, groin area also need to be removed, as there is a high probability of damage by shaving accessories or an elastic band from underwear. The same applies to rashes in the armpits: even the use of soft creams for hair removal will not protect the nevus from damage, and if a person uses a razor, the risk of injury increases several times.

Important! If an accidental damage to the mole occurs during mechanical impact, in no case should you take measures on your own. Any treatment before a medical examination is prohibited - this can provoke a rapid growth of a cancerous tumor if the nevus was of a malignant nature. And in such a situation, it is necessary to carefully cover the mole with a sterile napkin and consult a specialist. If the dermatologist or surgeon at the clinic no longer accepts, you can go to any hospital where there is an on-duty dermatologist or an oncologist.

Possible complications after removal

Removal of moles can be carried out in any way, but it is necessary to apply for the procedure only to an oncological dispensary. The fact is that any mistake in the process of intervention, as well as incomplete removal of the nevus, can lead to rapid growth malignant cells and the development of melanoma. To avoid this, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary examination and get advice from a specialist on existing contraindications.

Note! Patients after the removal of a mole usually do not need inpatient treatment, but if the doctor insists on the need for medical supervision, you should not refuse, especially during the operation, something went wrong.

In rare cases it is possible severe forms allergic reaction on drugs used for anesthesia, therefore, on the first day after the intervention, it is better to be under the supervision of doctors.

When should moles not be removed?

There are no absolute contraindications for the removal of nevi (with the exception of pregnancy). If there is the slightest suspicion of a possible malignant nature of the formation, the patient will be referred to an oncology hospital, where the doctor will evaluate the appearance of the mole and prescribe diagnostic measures. Pregnant women do not have moles removed due to the high risk of complications. In the case of vital indications (for example, with progressive melanoma), the doctor may recommend terminating the pregnancy. If there are no urgent indications, the procedure is prescribed after childbirth and the end of lactation (if time permits).

Temporary and relative contraindications to the removal of nevi are:

  • instability blood pressure(attacks of hypotension and hypertension);
  • infection with the herpes virus (in the acute stage);
  • hepatitis;
  • other infections of various origins.

Important! If the removal of a mole is an urgent therapeutic measure, the operation can be prescribed even if there are contraindications, but in this case it is necessary to carefully weigh all the risks and the predicted benefits for the patient. Consultations of an oncologist-dermatologist, an oncologist-surgeon and an anesthesiologist are required. In some cases, you may need the conclusion of an infectious disease specialist, cardiologist or endocrinologist.

Video - Why moles are dangerous

Can children have moles removed?

Removal of nevi in ​​children is carried out only according to strict indications. Experts advise not to rush into the procedure before puberty, as the removal of a mole can affect the hormonal background of the child and affect his sexual and reproductive development. It is possible to remove moles for children only if there are signs of a pathological process (itching, bleeding, redness of the skin around the mole), or the formation causes physiological discomfort. Moles on the organs of vision and in the nasal passages, as well as next to them, are subject to mandatory removal, since in this case the child will not receive enough oxygen, and chronic hypoxia will develop.

Is it possible to remove moles with "Celandine"?

"Celandine" is the most famous drug for removing skin formations at home. It contains glycerin, a complex of carbon dioxide extracts of sage, pine, bergamot, tea tree, celandine and cinnamon, as well as sodium hydroxide. The tool belongs to the methods of chemical removal skin growths and effectively copes with warts, corns and papillomas.

Some believe that you can use "Celandine" to remove moles. The drug is only suitable for formations that are caused by pathological growth of the epithelial layer and dermal cells. Moles have a different nature of occurrence, so the remedy will be ineffective and can cause serious complications.

Important! It is impossible to remove moles with the help of "Celandine". In severe cases, it is possible to receive a chemical burn, damage to the surface layer of melanins and malignancy of the nevus.

Can moles be removed during menstruation?

Removal of nevi during menstruation is usually not carried out, since there is a high risk of complications, which include:

  • prolonged bleeding at the site of removal;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor wound healing.

Women with regular menstrual cycle an operation to remove a mole is planned from the 8th to the 13th day of the cycle or from the 18th to the 24th day. If menstruation began during the period for which the operation is scheduled, you need to inform the doctor about this and reschedule the date of the intervention.

Removal Methods

There are several ways to remove nevi. They differ in efficiency side effects and other characteristics, so the optimal method of removal should be chosen by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition and the characteristics of his health.

  1. laser removal. With this method, the pathological melamine layer is cut off with a laser knife. After removal, there are no scars and scars on the skin, and one procedure is usually enough to achieve the desired result. The disadvantages include the high cost of painful sensations during the operation, which are easily eliminated with the help of anesthesia.
  2. Electrocoagulation. It is a cauterization of education by a high-frequency electrical discharge. After the procedure, a small burn may remain at the site of the mole, but it will completely disappear in 2-6 weeks after the operation (depending on the regenerative properties of the epidermis).
  3. radio wave removal. Instead of a laser, the doctor uses a radio wave high-frequency knife. The procedure is completely painless. The main advantage is the absence of scars and marks in the place where the mole was.
  4. Cryodestruction. This method is used very caustically, since several procedures may be required to completely remove the mole and surrounding tissues. The essence of cryodestruction is to freeze the nevus with liquid nitrogen. The method cannot be called highly effective, since the probability of incomplete tissue removal remains quite high.

Video - Laser mole removal

Most doctors consider the most effective way removal of moles surgical treatment. Despite the higher trauma compared to laser or radio wave excision, this method is used in many oncological clinics and dispensaries. This is due to the fact that during the operation, the doctor can immediately assess the condition of the tissues and see if all the pathological cells have been removed.

Some patients refuse surgical treatment because of the scars that remain after the stitches are removed. Such traces are now successfully treated with special ointments and gels (for example, Contractubex), so do not refuse if the doctor insists on this method of removal.

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on why moles (nevi) appear on the skin, but it is known that heredity is one of the factors that can affect their number in humans. And if your relatives did not have problems with moles, there seems to be no reason to worry. In principle, these skin formations do not affect our lives in any way, and we do not even pay special attention to them. However, it happens that moles become inflamed, increase in size, itch, and many new formations appear on the body. It is known that the most harmless mole can turn into melanoma, and this is a dangerous skin cancer. What do you need to know about moles in order to feel calm and not worry about your health, is it possible to remove moles for cosmetic or preventive purposes, and how to avoid the risk of skin cancer?

What is melanoma and does it always appear at the site of a mole

A little more than a hundred types of cancer are known to science, but among them melanoma (skin cancer) is one of the most dangerous and aggressive malignant tumors. The insidiousness of this type of skin cancer is unparalleled. Provoke the degeneration of a mole into melanoma in adulthood can even sunburn received in childhood. Once having arisen many years ago, the disease can lie low and imperceptibly develop in the upper layers of the skin for a long period, up to 50 years. But then individual cells of the latent tumor begin to grow deep into the body, and a mole or pigment spot becomes the focus of the tumor.

Growing, cancer cells increase the size of the mole. But this is not the biggest danger. It is known that in the area of ​​​​moles, malignant cells are not tightly connected to each other, they can break away from the main tumor at any time. Getting into circulatory system, melanoma cells provoke the development of numerous metastases - in the lymph nodes, lungs, eyes, brain, heart ... The statistics of cancer cases around the world showed that every 5-10 years, the cases of moles turning into melanomas increase exponentially. To date, the proportion of melanoma among all cancers is 3-4% of tumors.

Can a mole be removed?

If moles do not spoil your appearance, do not cause you anxiety, it is better not to touch them. However, there are times when a mole interferes, is constantly injured, rubs against clothes, or is too open and vulnerable. Folk ways Under no circumstances can you get rid of moles on your own.

There are several methods for removing moles, and only a specialist after careful research appearance neoplasms may recommend you one method or another:

  • electrocoagulation - allows you to quickly remove a mole, and this method helps to stop the reproduction of malignant cells, if any;
  • laser removal of moles;
  • surgical removal of local anesthesia, after which several cosmetic sutures will have to be applied;
  • effective removal by cryotherapy.

In no case should you remove moles yourself, this can lead to very serious consequences and even death.

In the last decade, cases of degeneration of moles into malignant tumors - melanomas have become more frequent. This disease is most often diagnosed in young women under 25 years of age, after breast cancer, it ranks second in terms of diseases in women aged 30-35 years.

How to diagnose the condition of a mole before removal

Moles can and often even need to be removed in cases where they are a significant cosmetic defect, or are systematically injured due to their location. In such cases, you should contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist, and only a specialist will decide whether it can be removed.

Moles are removed only in the hospital, after all necessary examinations and analyses.

  • Initial examination by a dermatologist - the doctor examines the patient, finds out the circumstances of its origin and growth.
  • Digital dermatoscopy is modern method visual diagnosis of a mole under high magnification using a dermatoscope.
  • Ultrasound of the skin innovative technology, with the help of which, without incisions, you can determine the depth of the location of the mole in the skin and choose the method of removing the mole that suits you - laser or surgical removal.
  • Consultation with an oncologist will be necessary only if, at the previous stages of the examination, the specialist suspects the malignant nature of the mole under study.
  • Consultation plastic surgeon- is necessary when surgical removal of a mole is recommended along with plastic surgery of the resulting defect.

Even an experienced dermatologist can sometimes not immediately determine the initial stage of the degeneration of a mole into malignant tumor. Depending on the possibilities medical institution in which you have applied, the doctor may suggest that you study the appearance of your mole using the following methods:

  • biopsy (excision) followed by histological examination;
  • the method of computerized epiluminescent dermatoscopy allows, without damaging the tissue, to examine the changes occurring in the deep layers of the mole, to assess the degree of risk associated with its removal.

Signs of degeneration of moles (nevi)

Melanoma in our country is treated quite successfully, the percentage of fully recovered people is very high. True, for effective treatment The stage at which treatment was started plays a huge role.

The pre-melanoma period is quite long, you just need to be careful about yourself so as not to miss the first symptoms of a mole change. If within a month you notice changes in the shape or color of a mole, be sure to consult with an oncodermatologist. In this case, we are talking about the need to "intercept" the disease at a stage when it can still be overcome.

Dangerous symptoms of changing moles:

  • reduction, discoloration or a sharp increase in the pigmentation of the mole; uneven coloring;
  • along the periphery of the mole, a ring is formed of coal-black nodules of unequal sizes, which form "black beads";
  • "lacquer" surface of the mole, lack of skin pattern on the mole, peeling;
  • the occurrence of an inflammatory corolla around a red mole;
  • change in the shape of the mole along the perimeter, the formation of a "jagged" edge, blurring of the contour of the nevus;
  • an increase in the size of the mole, its borders are blurred;
  • itching, tingling, burning and any other unusual sensations in the mole area;
  • the appearance of cracks, tension, seals, bleeding in the area of ​​​​the mole.

Moles larger than 5-6 mm, as well as sharply separated from the surface of the skin or highly pigmented formations, require special, constant attention. People with such moles need to be examined regularly, at least twice a year.

Possible Causes of Melanoma

Experts are inclined to believe that the degeneration of moles into melanoma has moved from the category of rare diseases to widespread ones due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the adverse effects of UV radiation from the sun, and the thinning of the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

To provoke the rebirth of a mole, an irritant, a push is needed. The greatest danger to a person is too long exposure to the bright sun. Those most at risk for sun-induced skin mutations are fair-haired and red-haired people with pale skin and blue, gray, or green eyes.

In second place among the reasons that can provoke the development of a malignant tumor at the site of a mole are temperature, chemical or mechanical injuries of nevi, attempts to remove the mole on their own and inadequate cosmetic interventions. Please note that if you accidentally damaged, scratched a mole, do not panic, nothing terrible actually happened. Only regular damage to the mole can lead to the risk of melanoma.

No matter how trite it sounds, you need to take care of yourself from an early age. Love for a tan in youth can turn into cancer skin in adulthood. After swimming in a pond, be sure to dry yourself with a towel, because drops of water or crystals of sea salt on the skin can act like lenses on a sunny day, several times increasing the harmful effects of direct sunlight. Never sunbathe after 10 o'clock and before 15 o'clock, this is the most dangerous period for health, the midday sun kills the immune system, it must be avoided. From harmful ultraviolet rays, neither an awning nor a beach suit can protect you.

What are moles for?

It was once believed that moles are harbingers of fate, signs of karma, etc. However, over time, views on many things around change. The same applies to moles - it is now known for certain that moles are not growths or "signs" - they are human skin cells. Pigments are found in any person, just in some places there are more of them. In places of this accumulation, moles appear, but not from birth, but at 1-2 years (the very first) and in adolescence(the main ones from moles). A priori, moles do not interfere with a person, they are safe and do not cause problems, but sometimes nevi can develop into malignant tumors - this is a person's weak points.

In order for a mole to appear, it is often necessary to stay in the sun, although a couple of days of long exposure to ultraviolet rays is enough. So in the first years of life, moles appear in children. Their appearance is difficult to trace: first, on the body, where more pigment is accumulated (and this is already laid down by nature, genes), a small bright spot appears, then, from the sun's rays, the spot will acquire a certain color and size, shape. In the same way, new moles appear on the body.

So, for a mole to appear, the following factors are necessary:

  • Sun,
  • Solarium,
  • Pigment.

The color of a mole is determined by the melanin pigment. Its job is to absorb ultraviolet rays (at the same time, a solarium should not be considered safe and replace sunbathing with it). Thanks to melanin:

  • The color of the skin and hair is determined;
  • Deep skin tissues are protected from the sun and sunburn;
  • Normal life activity is ensured due to the assimilation of ultraviolet radiation by melanin.

Interestingly, in albinos, melanin is contained in the body in an extremely low amount or absent altogether.

Do not forget that a mole is still a skin defect that can develop into a malignant tumor, which is why many people have fears for their health due to the large number of moles.

Should moles be removed?

A very difficult question faces people - is it worth removing moles? Many come for a consultation with the question of whether it is possible to remove moles, because. having read forums on the Internet, they believe that after the removal of moles, traces and scars remain. But in fact, you can remove moles without fear, but under certain conditions.

  1. For example, in no case should you try to remove a mole from the body or face on your own. This can leave a mark on the skin, cause bleeding and infection, causing the development of a skin tumor;
  2. Also, you can't use folk recipes, which are in no way adjusted to your skin type and body characteristics. At best, this will not bring results, and at worst, it will undermine the health of the skin;
  3. To remove a mole, you need to contact a specialist, but not in a beauty salon, but in a good clinic;
  4. A specialist must have proper education, experience and knowledge.

You will not be able to immediately sign up for a day convenient for you to remove the mole, first the doctor will examine you, if necessary, send you to the oncologist for analysis of the mole, and only after that he will consult with the result - is it possible to remove your mole. This applies to absolutely any case: whether it is a large or small mole.

If you are in doubt whether it is possible to remove large moles, know that the size of the mole does not affect the result of the answer. First you need to contact the surgeon who will remove the mole, he will tell you whether this can be done in your case.

In the event that you are in doubt whether to remove a mole or not, i.e. it doesn’t bother you and doesn’t interfere, it doesn’t affect your appearance in any way, then only a doctor can tell you the answer, who, after examining you, will decide whether the mole is safe or it develops into melanoma, which is a bad sign. A mole can become dangerous for a lot of reasons, but the most common are:

  • Ultra-violet rays,
  • Mole injury.

How to remove a mole.

When there is a desire to remove a mole, it is necessary to decide on the method of its removal. However, this should not be decided by you, but by your doctor who examines the mole. Only in the case when the mole is not dangerous and is on the body, you can independently decide on the choice of "tool". One way or another, removing moles does not hurt, and if the procedure provides for this, then you will be given anesthesia:

  • Either the mole is lubricated with an anesthetic,
  • Or an injection is made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mole.

Many come with the question of whether it is possible to remove large moles, hanging or small nevi. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the reason for the desire to remove the formation on the body. One case is when the mole needs to be removed and this is very important, the other is when you just want to correct your appearance and the mole does not fit into your plans. If you have the second option, then removing the mole or not is up to you, but if your mole causes inconvenience, discomfort, pain, or you often injure it (rub it, tear it off, etc.), then removing the mole is a must.

There are several ways to remove moles:

  1. Surgical excision. This method is the most feared, but it is effective and quite old, in a good sense of the word. However, it leaves traces - seams, but over time they can be removed,
  2. Laser removal of a mole. The method is modern and amazing, because. does not leave marks, does not cause pain and does not take a lot of money. The laser “cuts off” the mole in layers to the very root and leaves no traces,
  3. Electrocoagulation. In this procedure, a high-frequency electric current is applied to the mole. Inexperienced patients often confuse electrocoagulation with laser removal of a mole, after which they say that the laser “evaporates” the mole. This method may leave a small burn or scar that fades over time.
  4. Cryodestruction. With this procedure, liquid nitrogen acts on the mole, which freezes the mole. The result is good, however, prolonged, therefore less popular,
  5. Radioexcision of a mole or radioknife. In this case, the mole is removed due to exposure to high-frequency radio waves. As a rule, after such a procedure, neither burns nor pain is observed after the removal of the mole.

What to do if the mole comes off?

Very often, moles are torn off the body during active action: dressing up, games, work, etc. However, there are those who believe that you can get rid of a mole in this way. If you want to know if it is possible to tear off a mole and get rid of it, know what is impossible and unacceptable in any case.

It is UNACCEPTABLE to scratch or tear off moles intentionally! If you did this by accident, you should immediately go to the doctor for advice and examination of the mole.

If you want to get rid of a mole, it is better to remove it so as not to harm your body.

When a mole comes off, bleeding begins, which can be profuse and incessant, so you urgently need to stop it. To stop the bleeding, you must:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in 3% hydrogen peroxide
  2. Apply a moistened swab to the affected area of ​​the mole. By this action, you will cauterize the injured skin and disinfect it,
  3. Fold the gauze several times and press it well to the place of the mole.

After 10-15 minutes, the bleeding should stop, but all this time it is necessary to keep the gauze at the wound. After that, consult a doctor for an examination of an injured mole. Do not be afraid that you will be sent to remove the roots of a mole - this is not scary, on the contrary, it will be useful in your case.

Your situation may be problematic if you injure a mole in the summer. The question still remains whether it is possible to remove moles in the summer, because. avoiding sunbathing is very difficult; for some, work is associated with regular exposure to the sun. If your situation is hopeless and you need to remove the mole as soon as possible, then you will have to do it in the summer, but limit your appearance on the street as much as possible during the hot time of the day, swimming in pools and rivers, seas, etc. Also, after removing the mole, wear clothes in the summer, which covers the site of the removal of the mole, if the mole was removed on the face, then wear a wide-brimmed hat that creates a shadow on the face area.

For many years, the removal of formations on the skin has become overgrown with myths that are closely intertwined and firmly entrenched in the minds of people. Let's try to understand and separate the facts from the myths.

“Which moles can be removed and which cannot?”

And in general, is it possible to remove moles on the body? Formations on the skin can be removed, all without exception, regardless of their location. The question is the expediency, examination and method of removal.

“Will you take an analysis from a mole the day before?”

The only analysis that allows you to reliably determine the nature of education is histological examination. The formation is removed entirely and sent for pathomorphological examination. In advance, before removing the moles, no “tweezers” are performed.

It is preliminary possible to perform a cytological examination, subject to the presence of discharge, ulceration or traumatization of the formation. This study allows you to establish a preliminary diagnosis and is performed when it is difficult to make a preliminary diagnosis. Often, in order to make a diagnosis, an external examination or dermatoscopy is sufficient. For example, in relation to fibroepithelial polyps (papillomas), keratomas, fibromas, viral warts, a fairly large group of nevi (intradermal, warty, pigmentless, etc.).

"To remove moles or not?"

There are formations on the skin that need to be removed, because there is a high risk of cancer.

Mostly such formations are excised with a mandatory histological examination of the surgical material. Benign, non-cancerous skin lesions are subject to removal for cosmetic reasons, in case of discomfort(traumatization, itching), if permanent damage to the formation or other discomfort occurs.

In any case, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, oncologist about whether it is necessary to remove moles. He should also recommend the best method of removal.

“What is the best way to remove moles?”

It all comes down to diagnosis. As mentioned above, you can delete everything, the question is in the method.

Methods for removing moles

  • Surgical

All formations with minimal suspicion of malignancy are subject to excision within healthy tissues, with a mandatory histological examination of the surgical material. Also surgical method preferred for some large formations (more than 1.5 cm) in terms of the healing process and cosmetic effect.

  • Minimally invasive: laser destruction, radio wave method

  • Laser destruction

Most preferred for bulges, pedunculated lesions, seborrheic keratomas and warts, including large ones.

The advantage of the method is in instant coagulation, without damage to adjacent tissues, without bleeding and instantaneous formation of a crust on the wound. Laser destruction, unlike radioknife and electrocoagulation, does not conduct through the human body and is acceptable in patients with pacemakers and pacemakers.

In the process of laser destruction, ionizing radiation does not occur and the effect is limited to the point of application, it is allowed in children and pregnant women. The method is practically non-contact, it has a very high temperature therefore eliminates the possibility of contracting infections such as HIV or hepatitis. The disadvantage of the method is that the removed material is in most cases not suitable for histological examination Therefore, laser destruction is suitable for the removal of exclusively benign formations that do not raise doubts about the diagnosis.

  • Radio wave method

It is a dissection of soft tissues in a non-traumatic way using narrowly focused high-frequency radio waves, allows you to perform thin incisions with adhesion of small vessels, sterilization of the surface - a high-frequency radio wave destroys microorganisms.

The method is suitable for removing small formations that require histological examination, since during removal the surgical material is minimally damaged or as an alternative to a scalpel when excising the formation. Has contraindications - pacemakers, epilepsy, glaucoma, diabetes, pregnancy, inflammatory processes in the acute stage.

Not suitable for the removal of "dry" formations - viral warts, formations with abundant keratosis.

Which is better - laser or radio knife?

Both methods described above are necessary for minimally invasive procedures and successfully complement each other. The choice of method is determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis.

Typically, both methods involve the use local anesthesia. Therefore, to one more question: “Does it hurt to remove a mole on the body?” I can confidently answer - no, it does not hurt.

And finally, the story of our patient about whether it is dangerous to remove moles

Tatyana is a beautiful, well-groomed woman in her forties. Once, in preparation for the summer season, she decided to remove a mole on her back, since she worked in a beauty salon and had a whole arsenal of various techniques at hand. The beautician advised her to remove the mole with D'Arsonval currents, which she did.

Of course, Tatyana knew that a “mole doctor” is called a dermatologist, but Tatyana didn’t have time to go to a dermatologist, and even more so to such a “terrible” doctor as an oncologist.

Unfortunately, the mole turned out to be difficult, but borderline. Literally, a few months later, Tatyana was diagnosed with “ skin melanoma" and performed several operations - to remove the melanoma itself and to remove the lymph nodes where it managed to metastasize. Fortunately, she was lucky - she underwent a course of immunotherapy with an autologous dendritic cell vaccine and the process was stopped - there were no distant metastases. But that's another story.

Remember! Melanoma is considered the queen of tumors. It often affects the young, quickly metastasizes to distant organs. Therefore, it is very important which doctor removes moles. After all, the incorrect removal of a small mole is fraught with big problems.

All people have moles. Some of them perceive "flies" as decoration. Others worry that the appearance of these neoplasms is a threat to health. It is especially unpleasant when she is in an uncomfortable place, she is involuntarily often touched by clothes, it looks unaesthetic. Can education be removed? If it bothers you at least something, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. resort to folk methods getting rid of moles, warts, birthmarks, without knowing the degree of their danger, is not recommended.

  1. Pigmentary - formed from cells (melanocytes) with a high content of melanin pigment. They can be convex or flat, light brown or almost black.
  2. Vascular, which are collections of small blood and lymphatic vessels. They are pink or red.

There are so-called warty nevi, which are a group of tiny growths. Unlike common warts, they are not of viral origin.

Moles are not completely harmless neoplasms. The peculiarity is that they are able to degenerate into skin cancer under the influence of adverse factors. However, only a dermatologist can tell if these moles can be removed.

Experts distinguish several types of skin neoplasms, given the degree of their danger to human health:

  • nevi (benign);
  • melanomas - malignant growths of pigment cells;
  • Basaliomas are skin cancers formed from epithelial cells.

Nevi can be either congenital or acquired.

Note: As a rule, moles have a diameter of 1-5 mm. But there are also unusual congenital neoplasms. These include, for example, "giant pigmented nevus" (benign birthmark with a bumpy surface that can cover a large area of ​​the skin).

Some moles appear in people already in adulthood (dysplastic nevi).

Where can moles be located?

They can be found on the back, chest, buttocks, limbs, and other areas of the body, including the genitals. Often nevi different kind(flat, convex, hanging, having a different diameter and shade) are found in the groin, under the armpits and even in the eyes or on the head under the hair.

Moles on the body most often present in humans from birth. In a baby, they can not be seen immediately, but over time they acquire normal sizes, become noticeable. Initially, their number is usually about 10. During life, it can increase (some people have up to 50-100 nevi on the body).

Moles on the neck dangerous because they are easily injured, as this part of the body is constantly rubbed with a collar or scarf. AT summer period the sun's rays fall on such a mole, which can provoke the development of cancer. Often, hemangiomas (hanging nevi formed from intertwined capillaries) or moles on a long stem formed from epithelial cells skin. They are especially easily damaged (during shaving, changing clothes), sometimes they are even accidentally torn off.

Note: If an accidental damage to the growth occurs, it must be immediately lubricated with brilliant green or treated with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide so that inflammation does not occur.

Moles on the face. They can appear on the cheek, above the upper or below the lower lip. Often they are "family" - appear in the same place with several relatives. By old age, they increase, become more convex.

Should be addressed Special attention to a gradual significant increase in the number of nevi, as well as to a change in their appearance and soreness. This may be a sign of developing cancer.

Reasons for the formation of moles

An important role is played by the hereditary predisposition of a person to the formation of moles of a different nature. They are believed to be caused by individual characteristics structures of genes that influence the formation of epidermal cells.

Skin type matters. Light-skinned people who freckle easily after exposure to the sun have low melanin levels in their skin. This dye protects it from sun exposure. In such people, sunburn does not "accumulate". In the sun, they turn red, the skin dries and is easily damaged. People with fair skin need to cover moles in sunny weather, try to stay in the shade more. It is harmful for them to visit the solarium, where the skin is exposed to artificial ultraviolet rays.

Hormonal changes occurring in the body also affect the formation of moles and the occurrence of pathological processes in them. This can explain the fact that nevi in ​​women appear more often than in men. Their number and size increase during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, when the hormonal background changes dramatically. Sometimes moles in in large numbers appear in adolescents during puberty. Nevi may appear after treatment with hormonal drugs.

radiation exposure skin, as well as exposure to ultraviolet radiation, contributes to the formation of flat dark spots on the skin (lentigo), as well as small red moles.

The cause of nevi can be skin injuries and even frequent massage.

Video: When a mole is dangerous

What is the difference between nevi of varying degrees of danger

Conventionally, moles can be divided into "calm", "suspicious" and "potentially dangerous".

Calm nevi do not change their appearance for many years, do not degenerate into cancer. Their features are a flat surface, a rounded shape, clear boundaries, uniform coloring of the entire surface (the color may be brown or red). The diameter of the build-up is not more than 5 mm. If hairs grow on a mole, this is a sure sign that it is benign.

Suspicious nevi differ in that they appear in a person already in adulthood. Over time, the following changes may occur:

  • the growth increases, uneven edges are formed, the diameter exceeds 10 mm;
  • the surface of the spot is smooth, shiny, differs from the surrounding skin in structure;
  • the neoplasm itches, the skin on it cracks, weeping crusts form;
  • granularity appears in the structure, the color of the nodules is not uniform;
  • a nevus has a dark or red rim.

Dangerous nevi are dark spots large size with a non-uniform surface. They are removed surgically as soon as possible, as melanoma can develop from them.

Detect signs of danger by regularly examining moles on their own. At the same time, oncodermatologists advise to be guided by the AKORD method, that is, pay attention to such signs of oncology as the asymmetry of the neoplasm, uneven edges, uneven color, changed size and dynamics of development.

It is necessary to consult a doctor urgently if the mole becomes inflamed and hurts, bleeds, ulcerates. An alarm should be caused by a change in the proportions of the spot and the structure of the surface (the appearance of red dots on it), the occurrence of pulsation in the nevus, as well as itching and burning.

On the early stages melanoma is curable, late - no.

Video: When moles need to be removed. How is the removal

Indications for the removal of nevi

It is imperative to remove nevi if they are "suspicious" or "dangerous". In each case, the issue is resolved individually, but it is necessary to remember what harm self-medication causes.

It is recommended to get rid of moles on the scalp, neck, above the chest, in the folds of the skin, under the armpits, on the feet or palms, in the pubic area and perineum - that is, in those places where the likelihood of damage is very high. The danger of damage is especially high in "hanging" neoplasms, since twisting of the stem and the occurrence of necrosis are possible. Any large moles located on the face are also usually removed, as they look unaesthetic.

Is it always possible to remove moles? If there are no obvious signs of a threat to health, then doctors do not advise removing them “just in case”, since this can, on the contrary, provoke malignant degeneration of cells and spread them throughout the body.

Pregnant and lactating women are advised to remove moles on any part of the body only in case of emergency. The operation is stressful for the body. In addition, after childbirth or the cessation of lactation, the neoplasm often decreases, alarming signs disappear. If this does not happen, the neoplasm is eliminated later.

It is recommended to remove moles in children only in case of obvious danger. At the same time, doctors try to prescribe non-surgical treatment (plasters, ointments). For the surgical removal of nevi, the same methods are used as when removing them in adults.

Nevus removal methods

If there is no urgent need, the surgical removal of moles is carried out in the cool season. Local or general anesthesia is used.


The nevus is excised along with the nearest healthy tissue. It is necessary to remove the neoplasm in this way if it is deeply immersed in the skin or there are signs of degeneration into melanoma.

Contraindications are the presence of a person with low blood clotting, as well as an infectious skin lesion in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mole. Since the operations are performed under anesthesia, the condition is taken into account of cardio-vascular system, as well as the possibility of an allergic reaction to the drugs used.

laser therapy

Neoplasm is burned out laser beam. The advantage of the method is that there is no bleeding, since the blood vessels are immediately sealed.


The mole is frozen with liquid nitrogen. The disadvantage is the inability to control the depth of exposure. After removal of a large nevus, a scar often remains on the skin.


Moles are burned out using the thinnest platinum electrode through which a high-frequency electric current is passed. The wound heals quickly. Almost no trace remains.

radio wave removal

To remove small superficial nevi, a radioknife is used - an electrode that emits radio waves. The mole is removed by heating and evaporating the tissues. The scar does not remain, as a non-contact effect is performed.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine, popular methods that allow you to remove moles and warts are applying celandine leaves to them, treating them with a suspension of crushed chalk and sunflower oil. It is recommended to use an ointment prepared from 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. butter and 50 g of honey. The mixture is applied to the mole for 4 hours every day until the mole disappears (for about 1 month).

In no case should you resort to similar methods of eliminating moles that have a leg, changing in appearance. Only a doctor can determine the degree of danger of such a neoplasm, its tendency to malignant degeneration.

Measures to prevent the development of skin cancer are constant self-monitoring of the condition of nevi. They must not be injured, exposed to harmful radiation, chemical substances, hormonal ointments and medical preparations not prescribed by a doctor.

Possible complications after removal

As with any other operation, after the removal of a nevus, a scar or a light spot may remain on the skin. If the wound is not properly cared for, it becomes inflamed.

A mole often reappears at the site of removal. In this case, it is necessary to check it for the presence of cancer cells (do a biopsy). If the mole was removed due to malignant degeneration, metastases may remain.